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Page 1: How Role Play Activities Help Kids

How Role Play Activities Help Kids

Role play or dramatic play is a type of activity where kids take on roles within pretend games. It

might be situational or familiar experiences at home or even at school. Kids get an opportunity

to experience how to be like a doctor, nurse, teacher, and even to be like parents at home.

These opportunities can help kids develop their socio-emotional skills, knowledge, language

communication, and problem solving skills.

Where It Happens

The place where role play can be experie ed plays a ru ial role i kid’s de elop e t, to prepare an environment during dramatic plays is to make the activity become more real. It

enforce kids to participate and have a real-life play which is the main goal of such activity. Kids

can experience role play at school, our homes, outdoors, and special after school programs.

Prepare role play areas:

1. Ready a checklist of materials that you will use on role plays – Clothes, costumes, uniforms,

masks, boots, tools, vehicles etc.

2. To role play is to educate – Make sure that you have drawing boards for writing and

illustration, paper, pencil and colors. To have ample supplies of these materials is important to

ready our kids on learning activities.

Page 2: How Role Play Activities Help Kids

3. Set objectives – If you are having a role play activity, make sure that you define the objectives

a d deter i e if it as a hie ed after the a ti ity. Role play’s ai o je ti e is to tea h kid experiences where they can learn and develop as they grow up.

Role Playing Help Kids Develop Social Skills

Role play gives your kid the experience while they are young, resulting to a more ready and

confident kids growth resulting to development of social skills. On activity areas, kids can

compare their experiences and learn from one another, these are precious opportunities that

your kids can get when they engage on drama role plays.

Language and Communication Skills

If kids are engaged on activities, they have to engage on other kids too. They become more

adept on understanding set of instructions and directions in order to follow rules of such role

play activity.

Role Play & Problem Solving Skills

Dramatic role play put kids into situational problems where they need to think critically and

analytically to solve a problem. One good example is when a kid role play teachers, kids get a

chance to put their shoes on a role where they have to educate other kids and put everything

into order from time to time. These experiences can help kids develop their problem solving

skills and be more ready in life.

Emotional Skills Development

Kids learn how to empathize with other people – when kids get exposed to role play activities,

they tend to be more knowledgeable and emotionally attached on their characters. They learn

to respect people around and understand perspectives of life.


About the Site is the largest dedicated provider of quality on-site after school activities, programs,

tutoring, summer camps, sports and child care services in United Arab Emirates.