Download - How i Get Things Done

Page 1: How i Get Things Done


By Owen Williams

Page 2: How i Get Things Done

What does what does that vocabulary word mean?

I list my vocabulary with the definition, a synonym and a sentence. This helps me because seeing it’s meaning ,similar words and a sentence helps meunderstand the word,

what it means and howit is used in a sentence.

Page 3: How i Get Things Done

I am causing a brainstorm!

I make charts andthought plops tobrainstorm. This helps me because I can refer to my ideas when I am doing my work. I can transfer ideas from my chart and thought plop to my work.

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Shhh! I’m reading!

I silently read, but read it again out loud if I don’t understand it. This helps me because I can effectively read a paragraph andcomprehend it’smeaning withoutpuzzling forever over


“ I am reading out loud, to everyone because I don’t get what it is saying.”

“ I am reading out loud, to everyone because I don’t get what it is saying.”

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- I take many notesWhen taking notes, I write them with manyabbreviations and bullets. I do this so I can keep track of information, easilyunderstand it and minimize my writing. I give examples so my notes are very well understood and I label them to maximize organization.

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My environment has to be perfect

At first when I start to work, I

need it to be completely quiet

and I must be in solitude to

gain focus. Once I have attained focus, I am comforted by music or background noise. But if it

is too loud, it breaks my concentration and I am unable to reacquire it.

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