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How Do You Calculate & Report on Human Capital

Data for 40,000 Employees in Under 15 Minutes?

Prepared by:

Pete Cammisa

Managing Partner | Chairperson

Innovus Partners | OAUGNJ

Using Hyperion to perform large calculations and aggregations for Human Capital Data Analytics

Session ID#: 10464



■ Presenter Bio

■ Company Info


■ The Challenge

■ Human Resources vs Finance / FP&A Needs

■ The Solution

■ Precautions

■ Let’s Recap

■ Open Discussion / Q&A

Presenter Bio

■ Pete Cammisa

▪ Managing Partner - Innovus Partners

▪ Chairperson & GEO Coordinator - OAUGNJ (New Jersey)

▪ Advocate for bringing users together to cooperatively share our

knowledge and experience

▪ Frequent speaker at local and national conferences

▪ Expert in designing and implementing Hyperion solutions

▪ Keep it simple, sustainable and supportable

Company Info

■ About Innovus

▪ Specialize in the design and implementation of Oracle Hyperion

EPM and BI solutions

▪ Oracle Certified Consultants and Industry Thought Leaders

▪ Innovative project development methodology ensures Project


▪ Oracle Gold Partner and Active Leaders in the Oracle Application

Users Groups

▪ Clients are 100% reference-able!

Oct 2012Revitalized

March 201316 Sessions

4 tracks




May 2014Co-hosted by 3 User Groups

42 Sessions11 tracks

Mar 2015Co-hosted by 5 User Groups

48 Sessions12 tracks

The Challenge

Human Capital Reporting & Analysis…

…For FP&A

■ 40,000+ employees

■ 21 number of input points

■ 50+ number of expected outputs

▪ Headcount

▪ FTE related outputs

▪ Stats / Analytics

■ How fast?

▪ As fast as possible!

HR vs. FP&A Needs

■ Count heads

■ Length of service

■ Turnover

■ Org. chart

■ Employment requirements

■ Translation to facilities


■ Count & categorize heads

■ Count & categorize FTEs

■ Employee / Department /

Function Productivity

■ Employee / Department / Title


■ Tenure

■ Span of Control

■ Cost of the workforce

■ Workforce expense plan and


■ Profitability

Human Resources Corporate Finance / FP&A

The Solution

■ Partner with Human Resources and HRIS

■ Collect required data elements from HR / payroll

■ Collect additional data elements from other relevant systems

■ Centralize data governance

■ Utilize Essbase to calculate and aggregate data for Actuals Reporting & Analysis

■ Deliver standard staffing packages to key stakeholders via highly-formatted reports

■ Present key analytic metrics to executives via dashboards

■ Initialize a workforce plan or forecast

■ Give back to HR!

The Solution

Calculation Cube

Reporting Cube

Data G


ance Other apps


The Solution

■ Use the right tool for the right job

▪ Essbase BSO

— Initial recipient of data load

— Calculations performed at level-0

— No aggregations in this application

▪ Essbase ASO

— Identical dimensionality to BSO application

— Receives data from BSO application

— Performs aggregation

— Contains a few calculations

— End-Users only see the ASO application


Database Outline


Time Periods









Dimensionality - Accounts

Accounts – Employee Properties

■ Status: Active / Terminated / Leave-of Absence

■ Employee Type: Regular / Home-Based / Temporary / Offshore

■ FT/PT: Full-Time / Part-Time

■ Start Date: Can be used for Tenure calculations and analysis

■ Annual Salary: For compensation analysis – also future use for

plan / forecast

■ Hourly Rate: Similar use to Annual Salary

■ Termination Date: Used for tenure analysis / turnover analysis

Dimensionality - Employee

Essbase BSO Application

■ Optimal Dense-Sparse Configuration (Modified Hourglass)

■ Initial recipient of data loads (system or manual entry)

■ Calculate upper levels for percent-to-total calculations only

■ Use Typed Measures to load dates

■ Use Attribute dimensions for Employee properties (e.g., Manager

and Title)

■ Optimize Index and Data Caches

Data Loads

■ Clear target intersections to be loaded

■ Load data from a relational data source to which Essbase can

connect directly**

■ Limit transformations in the load rule(s) – perform before in a tool

better suited for transformations

■ One month loaded at a time for Actuals (Consider load frequency)

■ Place Accounts (Dense) in columns


■ Remember – no aggregations in the BSO cube unless targeted for

percent-to-total calculations

■ FIX on specific Month, Year, Scenario and Version

■ FIX on level-0 of Department, Entity and Employee

■ Calculate Accounts

Calculations - Headcount

■ If Status is not Terminated

▪ If Employee Type is Regular

— If FT/PT is FT then Full Time Onshore Headcount = 1

— If FT/PT is PT then Part Time Onshore Headcount = 1

▪ If Employee Type is Home-Based

— If FT/PT is FT then Full Time Home Based Headcount = 1

— If FT/PT is PT then Part Time Home Based Headcount = 1

▪ If Employee Type is Offshore then Traditional Offshore Headcount = 1

Calculations - FTE

■ If Status is not Terminated

▪ If Employee Type is Regular

— If FT/PT is FT then Full Time Onshore FTE = Total FTE Hours / 173.33

— If FT/PT is PT then Part Time Onshore FTE = Total FTE Hours / 80

▪ If Employee Type is Home-Based

— If FT/PT is FT then Full Time Home Based FTE = Total FTE Hours / 173.33

— If FT/PT is PT then Part Time Home Based FTE = Total FTE Hours / 80

▪ If Employee Type is Temporary

— If FT/PT is FT then Full Time Temporary FTE = Total FTE Hours / 173.33

— If FT/PT is PT then Part Time Temporary FTE = Total FTE Hours / 80

▪ If Employee Type is Offshore then Traditional Offshore FTE = 1

Calculations - Stats

■ Months on board / Years on board / Tenure – Based off of Start


■ Productivity calculations key off of types of hours

■ Utilization calculations key off of types of hours

■ Span of control uses Manager to illustrate span of control

■ Average annual salary by title

■ Average annual salary by Entity / Department

■ Average annual salary by tenure

■ And more!

Data Transfer

■ Replicated Partition – Update changed cells only!

■ Export data from calc cube – use DATAEXPORT calc script

Essbase ASO Application

■ User-facing application (though identical to the BSO application)

■ Aggregates and makes the previously calculated information

available for consumption

■ Can perform additional calculations

■ Drives reports and dashboards

Watch Out For…

■ Data security / sensitivity

■ Use of an extremely large ASO application (metadata) will make level-0 exports impossible. But this might be okay as long as the BSO app has the same dimensionality – you can just use the level-0 from that application.

■ Use of an extremely large ASO application can limit reporting capabilities because of limitations on the amount of metadata you can query at one time – applies in Smart View, FR and Report scripts.

■ Too many percent-to-total calculations in BSO application can hinder performance.

■ Keep your outlines in-sync

Let’s Recap

Calculation Cube

Reporting Cube

Data G


ance Other apps


Let’s Recap

■ Partner with Human Resources and HRIS

■ Collect required data elements from HR / payroll

■ Collect additional data elements from other relevant systems

■ Centralize data governance

■ Utilize Essbase to calculate and aggregate data for Actuals Reporting & Analysis

■ Deliver standard staffing packages to key stakeholders via highly-formatted reports

■ Present key analytic metrics to executives via dashboards

■ Initialize a workforce plan or forecast

■ Give back to HR!

May I suggest these sessions…

■ Come to hear from the real-

world company that is using

this solution.

■ Tuesday 3:15 - 4:15

■ Jasmine B

■ Come to this session to learn

more about the OAUGNJ and

how to get involved.

■ Tuesday 4:30 – 5:30

■ South Seas G

Session 10475 Session 10105

Let’s Continue the Conversation…

■ E-Mail

[email protected]

[email protected]

■ LinkedIn

▪ Pete Cammisa

▪ Group – Innovus Partners EPM & BI

▪ Group – OAUGNJ

■ Twitter

▪ @PeteCammisa

▪ @InnovusPartners


Please complete the session evaluationWe appreciate your feedback and insight

Reminder of Session ID - 10464

You may complete the session evaluation either

on paper or online via the mobile app