Download - How do I get rid of these PESKY fleas?


The prevention and treatment of �eas

is one of the most common issues among

dog owners. It is important to �nd a

treatment plan that is both satisfactory

to you and provides relief to your

canine companion

How do I get rid of

these PESKY fleas?prevention


A treatment plan should be effective, affordable, and practical for use in your lifestyle. There are a variety of helpful products that can be used as part of your pet’s individual treatment plan. Flea treatment products can be a wonderful aid in ridding your dog of these pesky parasites; however, products MUST be used properly in order to deliver the desired result.There are a few factors that I would like to discuss to assist you in choosing and/or using flea-treatment products. Dog owners commonly resort to shampoos, sprays, pills, or topicals for the prevention and treatment of fleas. These products vary in effectiveness and cost, all promising a similar result. Unfortunately, owners are not always provided with adequate information and instruction on the proper use of the product; therefore, they do not get the results they hoped for.For example, topical treatments (the most preferred type among dog owners) can be very effective in flea prevention and treatment; however, the product loses effect if the dog is bathed in a soap-based or alcoholbased shampoo before the next dosage.



It is best to use a soap-free shampoo for a dog that is receiving a topical form of treatment. Ask your veterinarian about an alternative shampoo to compliment the topical treatment that you are using. Topical treatment dosage should also be monitored when used on a dog that is still growing.Spray-on flea treatments can be very beneficial and are quite popular because of their immediate effectiveness. However, spray treatments wash away when a dog is bathed or gets wet. For this reason, the spray must be reapplied often. Another concern is that spray treatments are often alcohol-based; alcohol dries out the skin, which can cause itching and/or flaking skin. Using a water-based or all-natural flea spray is recommended, especially for dogs with skin allergies. Flea shampoos are great for dogs that need a quick flea treatment. Keep in mind that flea shampoos can cause some of the same skin irritations that spray-on treatments produce. Flea shampoos are usually alcohol-based or soapbased, which removes essential oils from the surface of the dog’s skin.



Flea shampoos made from natural ingredients are less abrasive to the skin; these also work well with topical treatments. Always consult with your veterinarian about oral flea medications. He/she will be able to recommend products that are best used in conjunction with an oral form of flea treatment. Using two different flea treatment methods can be toxic to your dog, so check with your vet before combining treatment types. A home-remedy for treating fleas – that I am often asked about – is Dawn Dishwashing Detergent. While Dawn is effective at killing fleas, it also contains chemicals that can break-down grease. These chemicals are very harsh on skin. Bathing with dish soap can cause irritation, inflammation, and discomfort for canines. I have found this to be especially true among dog-owners who use this remedy on a regular basis.

