Download - How did you attract your audience?




Rumena Ahmed

CHARACTERS THAT AUDIENCE CAN RELATE TO:The character in the sequence wears casual clothing and appears to be a high school/college student. This character is who the target audience can relate to as the character is around the age of the audience. Also the interests seem the same, as the character is shown wearing headphones which is iconography when relating to teenagers also the character using her phone.


The film is rated 15 which is suitable for the target audience as the target audience we aimed at is 15-17. 15 Rated movies are allowed to include strong violence. Our movie includes themes of gore and biting as the movie is about vampire attacking humans. In our opening sequence we have included our antagonist biting our protagonist as it is the conventional way of Vampires hurting victims through the use of fangs. We did not include teeth digging into neck just a shot of the villain seeming to bite the victim. We also included the victim showing her neck with blood on it to connote horror conventions and to display to audience that she has been bit and is hurt to support our narrative.


Strong Male lead in order to appeal to the female gaze- Gannman and Marshment 1988

MUSIC The music within the sequence is of soft

rock/indie which appeals to our target audience, we showed the character listening to music (to show diegetic sound) through headphones and on an Ipod which is typical for teenagers to use.