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Horward Gardeners theory on multiple intelligences & its application on occupational testing.


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Genius Sports Stars…

Many think sports stars are less intelligent.

English footballer David Beckham is a genius,

due his exceptional ability to compute and

execute the exact angles and forces required to

score a goal from a free-kick. Mere mortals cannot do this.

Not so, if you are using Howard Gardner's multiple intelligence theory.

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Beyond classic IQ tests…

Classic IQ tests involve a range of abstract questions designed to show your language, spatial awareness and numerical ability.

But to consider your "intelligence" based on an IQ test alone is to ignore a host of other mental abilities.

A low score on a classic IQ test result simply means you're less skilled at the type of intelligence that particular test measures.

Low IQ does not mean low intelligence, just a different intelligence.

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Howard- Psychologist at the Harvard University Graduate School of Education

Intelligence is an ability to solve real-life problems, to generate new problems, and to create something meaningful


To offer a service that is valued within a person's culture or local community.

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Eight Intelligences

1. Verbal-Linguistic: tell stories, write essays, participate in interviews, converse easily with peers

2. Logical-Mathematical: solve problems, balance check books, make and keep schedules, budgeting money

3. Visual-Spatial: paint, draw, develop web pages, decorate rooms, make cards, create scrapbooks

4. Bodily-Kinesthetic: engage in sports, enjoy moving body to music, enjoy walking tours, uses body language

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5. Musical: attend concerts, playing instruments, hum melodies, singing with others, enjoy rhythm and rhyme

6. Intrapersonal: keep a personal journal, enjoy reading alone, study to answer personal questions about life

7. Interpersonal: join a web discussion, engage in various projects, enjoy debates

8. Naturalistic: collect wildflower specimens, enjoy hunting expeditions, follow an animal's footprints

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Can you define intelligence?

Toni Morrison

Linguistic Intelligence• Skilled with words• “The Word Player”

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Can you define intelligence?

Albert Einstein

Logical/ Mathematical Intelligence• Skilled with numbers reasoning• “The Questioner”

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Can you define intelligence?

Milton Caniff

Spatial Intelligence• Skilled with pictures & images• “The Visualizer”

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Can you define intelligence?

Cy Young


Bodily/ Kinesthetic Intelligence• Physical skill• “The Mover”

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Can you define intelligence?

Doris Day

Musical Intelligence• Skilled with melody & rhythm• “The Music Lover”

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Can you define intelligence?

Jameas A. Garfield

Interpersonal Intelligence• Skills of social understanding• “The Socializer”

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Can you define intelligence?

Helen Keller

Intrapersonal Intelligence• Skills of self-knowledge• “The Individual”

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Can you define intelligence?


Naturalistic Intelligence• Skills of making connection to elements in nature• “The Outdoorsman”

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How can you learn better?

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Linguistic learner

If you have strong linguistic intelligence you might learn better by:

Reading Memorizing Playing word games (Scrabble, Anagrams, Password) Making up rhymes, puns Using the internet

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Logical/Mathematical Learner

If you have strong logical-mathematical intelligence you might learn better by

Recording information systematically Setting up experiments (“What if…?”) Playing strategy games (Chess, Checkers) Analyzing data Asking logical questions Using the internet

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Spatial Learner

If you have strong spatial intelligence you might learn better by:

Studying pictures Watching videos Using visual, tangible aids Doing mazes, puzzles Making predictions Using the internet

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Bodily/Kinesthetic Learner

If you have strong bodily-kinesthetic intelligence you might learn better by:

Doing role plays Constructing physical examples Exercising while reviewing Visiting museums, institutions, parks Asking logical questions Using the internet

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Musical Learner

If you have strong musical intelligence you might learn better by:

Listening to recordings Talking to yourself Making up songs Mentally repeating information Reading aloud Changing tempo

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Interpersonal Learner

If you have strong interpersonal intelligence you might learn better by:

Studying in groups Comparing information with others Interviewing experts Relating personal experiences Being a teamplayer Doing cooperative projects

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Intrapersonal Learner

If you have strong intrapersonal intelligence you might learn better by:

Avoiding distractions Establishing personal goals Playing solitary games Setting own pace Working alone Relating personal experiences

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Naturalistic Learner

If you have strong naturalistic intelligence you might learn better by:

Studying outside Learning in the presence of plants & pets Relating environmental issues to topics Smelling, seeing touching, tasting, Observing natural phenomenon

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Occupational testing

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Some General Occupations Needing Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences:

1. Linguistic Intelligence: librarian, curator, speech pathologist, writer, radio or TV announcer, journalist, lawyer

2. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: auditor, accountant, mathematician, scientist, statistician, computer analyst, technician

3. Spatial Intelligence: engineer, surveyor, architect, urban planner, graphic artist, interior decorator, photographer, pilot

4. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence: physical therapist, dancer, actor, mechanic, carpenter, forest ranger, jeweler

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5. Musical Intelligence: musician, piano tuner, music therapist, choral director, conductor

6. Interpersonal Intelligence: administrator, manager, personnel worker, psychologist, nurse, public relations person, social director, teacher

7. Intrapersonal Intelligence: psychologist, therapist, counselor, theologian, program planner, entrepreneur

8. Naturalist Intelligence: botanist, astronomer, wildlife illustrator, meteorologist, chef, geologist, landscape architect

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Tests (Multiple intelligence). (career preference).

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Morris, Clifford (2007). Some General Occupations, Profiting from a Multiple Intelligences Perspective.

Freund, Robert (2003). Mass customization and personalization in education and training.

Swinton, Lyndsay (2007). Beyond Classic IQ Tests: Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Test. Retrieved from on 19th February, 2009.