Download - Hope Blossoming in Love Music by Kenny G Created For Patty.


Hope Blossoming

in Love

Music by Kenny G

Created For Patty

Everything that was written in the past was

written to Teach us,

so that through Endurance and

the Encouragement of the Scriptures we might have


Romans 15:4

In the Storms of Life our Hope is always in the Lord…

Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you..

Isaiah 43:1-3

Find rest, our souls in God

alone, our Hope comes from

Him. He alone is our Rock

and our Salvation,He is our

fortress, we will not be shaken.

Psalm 62:5-6

Hope secured in God’s Love is the

foundation for inner Joy and


There is no better reality than Hope,

when based on God’s Love and no

expectation as wonderful or inner

strength as powerful than the

assurance of something better

for us in Christ Jesus today and for


It has been said that Hope is the Denial of reality,

but Hope is always based in reality, although its reality is only

seen by those who have Faith.

Eternal Hope brings healing to

the heart, it Comforts the

downcast and Encourages the

weary, it Strengthens the feeble and brings Joy to the Soul…

We cannot find it in the Props of this world, it’s in God alone.

Hope is holding onto the Light in

the Darkness.

Hope is holding onto the Light in

the Darkness.

The Dew of Gods’ Eternal Hope nourishes the

Soul, its droplets giving Strength and purpose to

the Heart.…

Its moisture affirming and renewing our

focus with Faith and Trust that the Lord will always

be faithful, freely giving us all that He has promised.

Guide us in Your Truth and Teach us, for You are

our God and Saviour, and our

Hope is in You all day long.

Psalm 25:5

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Thank you Artists and Photographers for sharing your gift so that the world can enjoy God’s beautiful creation of flowers in a visual and living way.

May the God of Hope fill us with all Joy and Peace as we Trust in Him, so that we may

overflow with Hope by the Power of the Holy

Spirit Romans 15:13