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Honorable Vessels – The People God

Uses2nd Timothy 2:20-22

Page 2: Honorable Vessels – The People God Uses 2 nd Timothy 2:20-22.

7 Descriptions of a Disciple in 2nd Timothy Chapter 2

–A teacher – verse 2–A devoted soldier - verse 4–A disciplined athlete – verse 5–A hardworking farmer – verse 6–A workman – verse 15–A servant - verse 24–A vessel of honor – verse 21

Page 3: Honorable Vessels – The People God Uses 2 nd Timothy 2:20-22.

2nd Timothy 2:20-22

• 2:20 – “Now in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver but also of wood and clay, some for honorable use, and some for dishonorable.

• 2:21 – “Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.”

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2nd Timothy 2:20-22

• 2:22 – “So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.”

Page 5: Honorable Vessels – The People God Uses 2 nd Timothy 2:20-22.

God Uses Vessels, Believers, Who Are Clean and Honorable

• A great house – 2 interpretations– The church – believers and sinful believers– The world of Christendom – with believers and

unbelievers• Vessels – – Gold and silver – honorable– Wood and clay – dishonorable– Focus is on being clean and honorable – not role

and function

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God Uses Vessels, Believers, Who Are Clean and Honorable

• Clean vessels are:– For honorable use– Set apart as holy– Useful to the master of the house– Ready for every good work

• Keep your spiritual life clean

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God Uses Vessels, Believers, Who Flee All Things That Are Evil And Ungodly

• Flee youthful passions – – Youthful – strong, intense– Passions – desires, lusts, wants

• Things we are to FLEE found in NT:– 1st Corinthians 6:18 – flee sexual immorality– 1st Corinthians 10:14 – flee idolatry– 1st Timothy 6:11 – flee these things (the love of

money) • Don’t play with fire

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God Uses Vessels, Believers, Who Pursue All Things That Are Godly

• Pursue – – the opposite of flee; – run intensely after something;

• Clean vessels pursue:– Righteousness– Faith– Love– Peace

• What are you pursuing in your life?

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• What type of vessel are you?– Honorable or dishonorable

• CLEANSE, FLEE, PURSUE– How to be a clean vessel– We choose to obey or not

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• When we choose to be clean vessels we make ourselves


So God can use us