Download - Honley with Brockholes Parish 2009/Oct_09...Saturday 17 1.30 pm Wedding of Matthew Pring and Nicola Askew Sunday 18 19th Sunday



Honley with Brockholes Parish Magazine

Price 30p

St. Mary the Virgin Honley

St. George Brockholes

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Dear Friends

For many churches around the land October

marks the time of year when we think of ploughing

the fields and scattering the good seed on the

land and more importantly giving thanks to God

for the riches of the harvest.

There is a true story and it is all about scattering

seeds on the land. It’s about a famous 19th

century Scottish missionary called Robert

Moffet, who spent most of his service in South


The story goes that Moffet returned to Scotland with the

specific challenge of recruiting more men for the missionary

service in Africa. When he arrived at the church one cold,

wintry night, he was dismayed that only a small group had come

out to hear him.

What bothered him even more was that the only people in

attendance were ladies. Although he was grateful for their

interest, he had hoped to challenge men. He had chosen as his

text Proverbs 8:4, "Unto you, O men I call."

In his discouragement he almost failed to notice one

small boy in the organ loft pumping the bellows of

the organ. Moffet felt frustrated as he gave the

message, for he thought that very few women could

be expected to undergo the rigorous life in undeveloped jungles.

But God works in mysterious ways. Although no

one volunteered that evening, the young fellow

assisting the organist was deeply moved by the

challenge. As a result, he promised God he would

follow in the footsteps of this pioneer


And he remained true to his vow. When he grew up, he went

and ministered to the unreached tribes of Africa. His name

was David Livingstone!

Moffet never ceased to wonder that his appeal, which he had

intended for men had stirred a young boy, who eventually

became a mighty power for God.

As with the story of David Livingstone we should not be too

surprised when we see the good seeds that are sown, later

bearing good fruit. With God nothing is impossible!

The Church both nationally and locally has

the responsibility of sowing the seeds of

God’s good news. For one thing is certain,

unless the seeds are sown and nurtured

nothing will grow.

Yours in Christ’s service




October Sponsors

In loving memory of Margaret Gregory

We are delighted to sponsor this months magazine in memory of our Mum and Grandma. We can hardly believe that it’s been two years already since she left us, but rejoice in the knowledge that she is with her Lord. She loved St Mary’s Church that was her spiritual home, probably even more than her much loved bungalow in Stonefleece Court. When going through her affairs after her death we were not entirely surprised to find that she had organised the Mothers Union tea and coffee rota for a full six months ahead! So many of you have been kind enough to tell us of the small, unseen things she used to do for you, maybe a kind word or a listening ear and that has been more of a comfort to us than you will ever know. We are so grateful to Alison and her family for posting a copy of the Parish Magazine to us each month which helps us to keep in touch with some of the names that we knew through Mum.

David and Lyn Gregory, Ben and Jessica

The Date of Honley Feast Last month I mentioned the traditional date for Honley Feast. I am very grateful to Kenneth Ellis who has shown me a letter by James A. Wilcock in the Examiner several years ago. The relevant paragraph reads:

“Although the original date, September 8, was kept for the Feast of Nativity of the Virgin Mary in the Christian Calendar, Honley people thought they had been robbed of 11 days making September 19 the date of Honley Feast, to be celebrated on that or the first Sunday afterwards. Honley people were therefore correct in keeping Honley Feast as were the fairground people.” This was what a previous Vicar, Mr Clacy, understood too, I believe. I gather that Mrs Jagger may have a different explanation.

Henry Stapleton




St George’s August 23 Andrew Michael Anthony Teale St George’s August 30 Zoe Jeanne Ray St George’s August 30 Mesha Ray-Johnson Wedding

St George’s August 22 Allen Peter Knox and Elizabeth Smith St Mary’s August 30 Alexander John Wilson and Nicola Jane Horn St Mary’s September 12 Jamie Marsh and Dana Marie Ingamells

In October we remember in our Year’s Mind

From the Parish Registers

Margaret Gregory d. 5 October 2007

William Johnson Wilson d. 13 October 2003

Rupert Handsley Hildred d. 22 October 1984

Mabel Tolhurst d. 23 October 2007

Millennium Book Prizes The 10th awards of Millennium Book Prizes were made by the PCC during the Summer Term 2009. As in previous years, staff from the four schools in the parish chose pupils who had made considerable progress in all aspects of school life during the year and not for academic achievement alone. The recipients were:

Honley Infant and Nursery School Bethany Cooper and Marcus Sykes

Honley Junior School – Charlie McLeod

Brockholes Junior and Infant School – Mia Egdell and Luke Taylor

Honley High School – Kieran Sill and Charlotte Turner

Cliff Green, PCC Secretary



OCTOBER Thursday 1 10.00 am - 12 noon Coffee in Parish Room 1.15 pm Baby and Toddler Group Sunday 4 17th Sunday after Trinity 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Family Service for Harvest 6.30 pm Parish Eucharist Monday 5 6.30 pm Slimming World in Parish Room Tuesday 6 7.30 pm Honley Male Voice Choir Ladies Circle Wednesday 7 9.30 am Holy Communion followed by Pastoral Care Prayer Group 7.30 pm Mothers’ Union Meeting (see page 10) Thursday 8 10.00 am - 12 noon Coffee in Parish Room 1.15 pm Baby and Toddler Group 7.30 pm Honley Civic Society Friday 9 7.30 pm Hand Chimes Rehearsal Sunday 11 18th Sunday after Trinity 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Parish Eucharist 6.30 pm Evening Prayer Monday 12 6.30 pm Slimming World in Parish Room Wednesday 14 9.30 am Holy Communion Thursday 15 10.00 am - 12 noon Coffee in Parish Room 1.15 pm Baby and Toddler Group Saturday 17 1.30 pm Wedding of Matthew Pring and Nicola Askew Sunday 18 19th Sunday after Trinity 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Family Communion (+ Children’s Club) 6.30 pm Evening Prayer Monday 19 6.30 pm Slimming World in Parish Room Tuesday 20 7.30 pm P C C Meeting Wednesday 21 9.30 am Holy Communion followed by Mothers’ Union Prayer Group Thursday 22 10.00 am - 12 noon Coffee in Parish Room 1.15 pm Baby and Toddler Group 2.00 pm Infant School Harvest Friday 23 7.30 pm Hand Chimes Rehearsal Saturday 24 7.30 pm French Dinner - hosted by John and Pauline Adams/Mens’ Society

Helpers’ Rota


Service Type

Sidespeople Reader Intercessors Serving Coffee

Oct 4

Family Harvest

Andrea and Clive Green

Shirley Turner

Graham and Jane Wardman

Alison and Andrew Dean

Oct 11

Parish Eucharist

Sandra and John Dean

Cynthia Hepper

Diana and Huw Griffiths

Suzanne Dufton Betty Staniforth

Oct 18

Family Communion

Pauline and John Adams

Margaret Wainwright

David Barnes

Andrea and Clive Green

Oct 25

Parish Eucharist

Mary Stapleton Janet Sykes

Shirley Turner

Clive Waind

Graham and Jane Wardman

Nov 1

Family Communion

Diana Griffiths Peter Wildman

Pat Dransfield

Pauline Ellis Bob Etherington

Sandra and John Dean

Sunday 25 Last Sunday after Trinity No 8.00 am service 9.30 am Parish Eucharist 4.00 pm Village Harvest at Trinity Church 6.30 pm Evening Prayer Monday 26 6.30 pm Slimming World in Parish Room Wednesday 28 9.30 am Holy Communion Thursday 29 10.00 am - 12 noon Coffee in Parish Room 11.30 am - 1.00 pm Harvest Lunch (see page 7) 1.15 pm Baby and Toddler Group NOVEMBER Sunday 1 All Saints Day 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Family Communion No evening Service Wednesday 4 9.30 am Holy Communion followed by Pastoral Care Prayer Group

Brass Cleaning is due for Harvest. Thank you to all those who help to clean the brass.

The Churchwardens


Honley Churches Together


Thursday 29th October 2009 11.30 am – 1.00 pm

Home made Soup & Rolls

Cheese & Biscuits Tea or Coffee


Men’s Society The AGM was held on Wednesday 26th August, preceded by a Said Holy Communion led by Rev David Barnes. (Many thanks to David). Bill Kemp (Chairman) and John Ambler (Secretary/Treasurer) were re-elected unanimously by the members. A programme of speakers is to be organised and our usual social events will take place.

John Ambler

Honley Churches Together On Sunday 25th October, there will be a United Service for the Village Harvest. This will be held in Trinity Church at 4.00 pm and will be led by Pastor Ian Sharp from Elim Church. We look forward to welcoming as many as possible to the Service.

Pauline Ellis

Street Market Tombola Stall – Men’s Society If you have any items suitable for the tombola stall please could you let me have them. Thanks.

John Ambler


Report on the DCC Meeting held on August 18th In the absence of the Vicar (on holiday) John Ambler took the chair and opened the meeting with 14 members present with a prayer. A large number of matters arising from the previous meetings were on the agenda. Little progress had been made on the repairs to the organ, the design and siting of a new notice board outside church or a service contract for the Parish Room boiler. One item of progress was the provision of a handrail on the steps leading to the main door of church. This had been fitted by Kevin Radford and paid for by a donation in memory of the late Marjorie Booth. A meeting of the Finance & Property Committee was arranged to prioritise the repairs/improvements recommended by the architect in the recent Quinquennial report. On the subject of the future of the Parish Rooms it was decided to contact the Diocesan Legal Department in order to clarify the legal conditions relating to ownership and change of use contained in the deeds. In the absence of the Treasurer, Cliff Green reported no major changes in the financial situation and that a move to reduce our bank charges by transferring our account to the Co-op Bank was in hand. All DCC members had received a document on Planned Giving prepared by Clive Green. In his comments Clive pointed out that, whereas in 2005 our giving was more than covering the cost of the Common Fund (Parish Share), by 2008 giving fell well short of this as a result of the considerable annual increase in the amount asked for by Wakefield as our contribution. A lengthy discussion resulted during which Clive Waind once again stressed our duty to look to internal expenses and the need to maintain our church buildings as a first priority. Graham Wardman developed this by suggesting that the needs of the parish should be considered first, then our commitment to mission, before the Common Fund. He felt that we need to bring more people into church – “we must grow to survive”.

Under Correspondence, a letter had been received from Honley Players offering use of Southgate Theatre for a fund-raising event for church. This offer will be gratefully accepted. The church gutters had received one of the thrice-yearly cleanings by Gutter Clean of Lindley who pointed out a couple of small repairs needed to the guttering and fall pipes. Kevin Radford agreed to effect the necessary repairs. Under Any Other Business Clive Waind suggested that the Parish Room kitchen needed redecorating. The possibility of a volunteer workforce or a Community Service group will be looked into.

Cliff Green, DCC Secretary


Christmas Street Market - Prize Draw This year no more cloakroom tickets 50p each, 3 for a £1. No folding copious small counterfoils, no having to determine whether the winning ticket is buff coloured or pale yellow. There is to be ONE official Christmas Draw with printed tickets collated in books of 5. Each ticket will cost £1. All prizes have been generously donated by members of our community; businesses, shopkeepers and individuals. Prizes include a Digital TV, a week’s caravan accommodation in the Dordogne, an original watercolour of Honley village by Jeff Beaumont, a £40 voucher for Mustards & Punch, ½ case of wine, a Christmas Hamper and many others (20 in all). A full list of prizes and sponsors will be published in the November edition of the Parish Magazine. Tickets will be available in church on Sundays from 18th October, counterfoils to be returned no later than Sunday 29th November. Any unsold tickets will be offered for sale at the market on Saturday 5th December. The draw will take place in church at 3.45pm that day. This is a new venture for us and is a great opportunity to raise much needed funds for our continuing Christian Mission within our parish.

Please give it your support. Carol Hirst


It was with a sigh of satisfaction that I put my beautiful, big chocolate cake into the freezer. To be honest it was kindly made (by Simon) for the Coffee Morning which followed our annual Wave of Prayer Service. At this event we raised about £180 pounds for Mothers’ Union funds. Thank you so much to all who brought and all who bought and gave lovely raffle prizes and generous donations. The noise level got pretty high which is a good indication of social success. Pat Green sold lots of MU cards too, Our speaker on October 7th will be Joan Woodall from Brockholes. She is on the IMB (Independent Monitoring Board) at the High Security Unit at Wakefield Prison. I’m sure her talk will be interesting and probably very enlightening. It will be an open meeting and all are welcome. The Diocesan Council will meet at Dewsbury Town Hall on Monday, 19th October 10.15 am – 3.00 pm. I have room in my car for three people if anyone would like to go. We take some lunch and drinks are provided on arrival and at lunchtime. We are off to live in a field in Dorset for two weeks and the weather is vile. I may finish off reading War and Peace. I got half way through about five years ago. Here’s to happy camping!

Brenda Wildman

The Children’s Society I thank all boxholders and donors who contributed to the total of £650 for the benefit of the Children’s Society this year. This has been gratefully received by the Society for their work with our many disadvantaged young people. Many thanks for your continued support.

John Ambler


OCTOBER Sunday 4 17th Sunday after Trinity 11.00 am Family Communion with Holy Baptism 6.00 pm Compline 8.00 pm (Approx) Harvest Auction at the Rock Inn Thursday 8 6.30 pm A D Meeting Harvest Gift & Promise Weekend Saturday 10 10.00 am - 5.00 pm Church Open Sunday 11 Harvest Thanksgiving 11.00 am Parish Communion 12.00 - 2.30 pm Church Open 3.00 pm Harvest Songs of Praise at Methodist Church Friday 16 7.30 pm Meat & Potato Pie Supper at Mytholmbridge Farm, donations from £5 head

Sunday 18 19th Sunday after Trinity 11.00 am Parish Communion 6.00 pm Compline Tuesday 20 7.30 pm P C C Meeting at Honley Sunday 25 Last Sunday after Trinity 11.00 am Parish Communion 6.00 pm Compline Saturday 31 1.00 pm Wedding of Jane Kenworthy and Thomas Jagger NOVEMBER Sunday 1 All Saints 11.00 am Family Communion 4.00 pm Parish Transformational Plans presented in Wakefield Cathedral Monday 2 All Souls 7.00 pm Service at St George’s


October 4 - October 11 Harvest October 18 Mrs E Smith October 25 - November 1 Mrs M Kenworthy

Flower Rota




The first meeting of this year got off to a great start with a session of tie-dyeing. 20 young people attended and enthusiastically banded and then dipped their t-shirts. There was quite a ‘washing line effect’ round church as the weather stayed fair and the wet t-shirts were hung out to dry. We just hope everyone carried out Sue’s instruction to dry, iron and then hand wash! Games followed with parachute fun and skittle precision. The next meeting will be led by Caroline Lee on Thursday 8th October and will focus on cartoon drawing. Do let anyone in the 8 to 12 age group know about this – 6.30pm in the church.

The AD leaders

St. George’s Anniversary - 2013 A first meeting was held on Wednesday 16th September when a brain-storming session produced lots of ideas of ways to celebrate our 150th anniversary. An outline diary for the next three years will provide the basis of further planning on Saturday 21st November in church at 10.30am. Please put this date in your diary and try to come along to lend your support and put forward your ideas. Any comments to me on 663678.

Kate Drake

Sorry about this! An exasperated minister parked his car in a no parking zone, with this message on the windscreen. “I have circled this car park twenty times, I have an appointment to keep, forgive us our trespasses.” When he returned he found this note, “I have circled this car park for ten years, if I don’t give you a ticket I’m not doing the job I am paid to do - Lead us not into Temptation!”.

Submitted by Betty Staniforth



Brockholes Village Trust



Saturday 28 November at 7.00pm


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Tickets £5

Friday 18 December at 7.30pm


Followed by a Family Dance

Tickets £3 Children under 12 Free

For seat reservations telephone 01484 664061/663270

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Telephone Eileen on 01484 665090


Diary of a Church Mouse Here among long-discarded cassocks, Damp stools, and half-split open hassocks, Here where the vicar never looks I nibble through old service books. Lean and alone I spend my days Behind this Church of England baize. I share my dark forgotten room With two oil-lamps and half a broom. The cleaner never bothers me, So here I eat my frugal tea. My bread is sawdust mixed with straw; My jam is polish for the floor. Christmas and Easter may be feasts For congregations and for priests, And so may Whitsun. All the same, They do not fill my meagre frame. For me the only feast at all Is Autumn's Harvest Festival, When I can satisfy my want With ears of corn around the font, I climb the eagle’s brazen head To burrow through a loaf of bread. I scramble up the pulpit stair And gnaw the marrows hanging there. It is enjoyable to taste These items ere they go to waste, But how annoying when one finds That other mice with pagan minds Come into church my food to share Who have no proper business there. Two field mice who have no desire To be baptized, invade the choir. A large and most unfriendly rat Comes in to see what we are at. He says he thinks there is no God And yet he comes ... it’s rather odd. This year he stole a sheaf of wheat (It screened our special preacher’s seat),


And prosperous mice from fields away Come in to hear the organ play, And under cover of its notes Eat through the altar’s sheaf of oats. A Low Church mouse, who thinks that I Am too papistical, and High, Yet somehow doesn’t think it wrong To munch through Harvest Evensong, While I, who starve the whole year through, Must share my food with rodents who Except at this time of the year Not once inside the church appear. Within the human world I know Such goings-on could not be so, For human beings only do What their religion tells them to. They read the Bible every day And always, night and morning, pray, And just like me, the good church mouse, Worship each week in God’s own house, But all the same it’s strange to me How very full the church can be With people I don’t see at all Except at Harvest festival.

John Betjeman 1906-84 with thanks to Denise Jackson

Better Future for the Blind We have recently set up a “Befriending Service” for the visually impaired and are appealing for volunteers to come and join us in providing this much needed service. This project aims to reach people with a visual impairment who may be lonely or isolated, recognising that lack of social contact can have a serious affect on quality of life. Our Volunteers will visit people in their own homes, for an hour or so every week to chat, reminisce or simply enjoy a cup of tea together. For details please contact me on: Mobile: 07940502461 Email: [email protected]. Thank you.

Pamela Bolton, Volunteer Co-ordinator

John Dean on 01484 664347

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Material for Publication

All contributions to future editions of the Magazine


e-mail: [email protected]

Telephone: 01484 323832

Address: 26 Croft Court, Honley, Holmfirth HD9 6HB

Deadline for the November issue: Wednesday 14th October

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VICAR Rev. David K Barnes 661178 The Vicarage, St Mary's Road, Honley HONORARY ASSISTANT Dean Henry Stapleton MBE 666629 PRIEST 20 Marsh Gardens, Honley READER Jean Barnes The Vicarage, St Mary's Road, Honley 661178 PCC SECRETARY Cliff Green, 24 Marsh Gardens, Honley 664277 PCC TREASURER Ian Walter, 32 River Park, Honley 666202

SUNDAY SERVICE 8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) 9.30 am Family Service (1st Sunday) Family Communion and Children's Sunday Club (3rd Sunday) Sung Eucharist (2nd 4th 5th Sundays) 6.30 pm Sung Eucharist (1st Sunday) Evening Prayer (other Sundays) WEEKDAY SERVICES 9.30 am Wednesdays, Holy Communion See weekly list on Church Gate Notice Board CHURCHWARDENS Clive Waind, 1 Derwent Road, Honley 661320 John Ambler, 19 Brownroyd Road, Honley 664368 DCC SECRETARY Cliff Green, 24 Marsh Gardens, Honley 664277 DCC TREASURER Pauline Adams, 6 Spring Dale, Honley 663510 CHOIR SECRETARY Shirley Turner, 3 The Terrace, Honley 661481 VERGER Kenneth Ellis, 6 Springfield Avenue, Honley 662646 MU BRANCH LEADER Brenda Wildman, 17 Brownroyd Road, Honley 664357 WEB SITE POSTCODE HD9 6AH

SUNDAY SERVICES 11.00 am Parish Communion (2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Sundays) Family Service with Communion (1st Sunday) 6.00 pm Compline (1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th Sundays) Sung Evensong (2nd Sunday) CHURCHWARDENS Margaret Kenworthy, 8 Crodingley, Thongsbridge 687169 Rosalind Watt, 7 Smithy Place, Brockholes 663783 DCC SECRETARY Vacant DCC TREASURER Roger Kenworthy, 8 Crodingley, Thongsbridge 687169 ORGANIST & Verena Wood, 85 Brockholes Lane, Brockholes 664406 CHOIRMISTRESS