Download - Honey, I Shrunk the World

Page 1: Honey, I Shrunk the World

The essential global digital media handbook

shrunk THEi


Page 2: Honey, I Shrunk the World

As pioneers in the digital marketing field, Ignitee is committed to

seeking out interesting little nuggets that can add value to

strategies, presentations and of course, coffee table

discussions. Often, our in-house research team spends long

hours looking for that one critical fact that will change a

perspective, drop a jaw, and finally get brand managers to take

the digital world seriously.

Yet, we do not believe in keeping our findings secret.

Practitioners of the faith that knowledge grows when it is passed

around the table, we have already published several

eNewsletters, which we circulate to clients and colleagues

every fortnight.

When we looked back on the phenomenal digital leaps taken in

the last eighteen months, we found ourselves exclaiming,

“There's too much we know. Why don't we transfer our findings

into one little, fat book so everyone who requires this

information can thumb through it at will?”

Unanimously we agreed that this was a marvellous, noble idea,

certainly worthy of seeing the light of day.

And so we began by putting down interesting digital statistics we

collected from around the world. These iConic Figures form the

spine of this book.

While searching for technological breakthroughs, we

discovered that some brilliant folks had made mind-blowing

web products, and so we excitedly added these in, too.

In our effort to bring you only the best, we dug deep for rare

websites and blogs and excavated 200 gems that shone the

brightest. You will find all these snuggled safely within the

middle of this book in the Password Protected section.

If you are eager to know how rapid digital developments have

impacted the world, do read the CybeAge Times section.

But if you'd rather head into the past, to the time when the

foundations of the digital industry were being laid, you could

read the NetSetSow section, first.

It has taken us six non-stop months to make this interactive

little, fat book especially for you. Do pass on the precious things

we've collected to your colleagues, friends and family. We did.

And heart-warmingly, are still being thanked for it.

Harminder Kaur

Chief Strategy Officer

Ignitee Digital Solutions Private Limited

Page 3: Honey, I Shrunk the World


Pull Communication 7 | Push Communication 9 | Interactive Communication 11

World 24 | Africa 35 | Asia 53 | The Caribbean 115 | Central America 121

Europe 133 | Middle East 179 | North America 191 | The Oceanic 211

South America 225

The Bookmark Collection 249 | Pearl Harbor 301 | Best Finger Forward 315

Back Button 329 | Heavy Metal 333 | Cyborgs 377

Market Statistics 390 | Glossary 510 | References 543

List Of Tables & Figures 545 | Acknowledgements 551 | About Ignitee 552

NetSetSow 1

iConic Figures 21

Password Protected 247

CybeAge Times 327

Appendices 389

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Honey, I Shrunk the World

Section 2: iConic Figures


South Africa









South Korea







Central America Mexico







United Kingdom

Middle East UAE

North America Canada

United States

Oceania Australia

South America




Section 1: NetSetSow


Email Marketing

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Marketing

Social Media Optimization

Online Reputation Management

Viral Marketing


Mobile Marketing

Internet MarketingWebsites, Microsites






Push Communication

Pull Communication

Interactive Communication

Section 3: Password Protected

The Bookmark Collection

Top 100 Web products

Top 100 Websites

Top 100 Blogs

Pearl Harbor 100 Undiscovered Websites

Best Finger Forward Trends


Section 4: CybeAge Times

Back Button

Heavy Metal



Tables for Section 2



List of Tables and Figures


About Ignitee

Page 5: Honey, I Shrunk the World

AAAA (American Association of Advertising Agencies)






Activity audit


: Founded in 1917, the American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA) is the national trade association representing the advertising agency business in the United States.

: When a user leaves a shopping cart with something in it prior to completing the transaction.

: When a Web server does not successfully transfer a unit of content or ad to a browser. This is usually caused by a user hitting the stop button or clicking on another link prior to the completion of a download.

: Concerns the various steps taken in design and development by website owners to enable disabled Internet users to view, transact and engage with web pages as easily and ably as non-disabled users, especially when using computer-based assistive technologies.

: An Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) language used in Adobe Flash animations / websites. Actionscript makes it possible for the developers to create rich onscreen environments (such as games, tutorials, and e-commerce applications) that can respond to user input through the keyboard or mouse.

: A set of technologies created by Microsoft to enable interactive content on Websites. With activeX, Websites can be animated using multimedia effects, interactive objects, and sophisticated applications that create a user experience comparable to a high-quality CD-ROM.

: Independent verification of measured activity for a specified time period. Some of the key metrics validated are ad impressions, page impressions, clicks, total visits, and unique users. An activity audit results in a report verifying the metrics. Formerly known as a count audit.

: A commercial message targeted to an advertiser‘s

customer or prospect. For Web advertising, an ad is almost always a banner, a graphic image of a designated pixel size and byte size limit. It is usually animated. An ad or a set of ads for a campaign is often referred to as ‘the creative.’ Banners and other special advertising that include an interactive or visual element beyond the usual are known as rich media.• : An ad which moves across the user's screen or floats

above the content. • : An ad which changes size and which may alter the

contents of the webpage. • : A method by which a large ad will be downloaded in smaller

pieces to minimize the disruption of the content being viewed • : An ad which changes the background of the page being

viewed. • : A banner ad that looks like a dialog box with buttons. It

simulates an error message or an alert. • : A new window which opens in front of the current one,

displaying an advertisement, or an entire webpage. • : Similar to a Pop-Up except that the window is loaded or

sent behind the current window so that the user does not see it until s/he closes one or more active windows.

• : Similar to a banner ad, except that instead of a static or animated image, actual moving video clips are displayed.

• : Text or graphics linked from, and appearing in or over, a location on an electronic map such as on Google Maps.

• : An SMS text or multi-media message sent to a cell phone.

: The number of unique users exposed to an ad within a specified time period.

: A graphic image or other media object used as an advertisement. See for voluntary guidelines for banner ads.

: Software on a user‘s browser which prevents advertisements from being displayed.

: An activity audit for a specific ad campaign.

: Audience measurement derived from a third-party ad server's own server logs.

: A click on an advertisement on a website which takes a user to another site.

: When an ad is successfully displayed on the user's computer screen.

Floating ad

Expanding ad

Polite ad

Wallpaper ad

Trick banner



Video ad

Map ad

Mobile ad

Ad audience

Ad banner

Ad blocker

Ad campaign audit

Ad centric measurement

Ad Click

Ad display/Ad delivered


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Ad download


Ad impression

Ad impression ratio

Ad insertion

Ad materials

Ad network

Ad recall

: When an ad is downloaded by a server to a user‘s browser. Ads can be requested, but aborted or abandoned before actually being downloaded to the browser, and hence there would be no opportunity to see the ad by the user.

: A unique identifier for a computer or a site online, usually a URL for a Website or marked with an @ for an e-mail address. Literally, it is how one computer finds the location of another computer using the Internet.

: 1) An ad which is served to a user‘s browser. Ads can be requested by the user‘s browser (referred to as pulled ads) or they can be pushed, such as emailed ads; 2) a measurement of responses from an ad delivery system to an ad request from the user's browser, which is filtered from robotic activity and is recorded at a point as late as possible in the process of delivery of the creative material to the user's browser -- therefore the closest to the actual opportunity to see by the user. Two methods are used to deliver ad content to the user - a) server-initiated and b) client-initiated. Server-initiated ad counting uses the publisher's Web content server for making requests, formatting, and re-directing content. Client-initiated ad counting relies on the user's browser to perform these activities. For the organizations that use a server-initiated ad counting method, counting should occur subsequent to the ad response at either the publisher's ad server or the Web content server. For organizations using a client-initiated ad counting method, counting should occur at the publisher's ad server or third-party ad server, subsequent to the ad request, or later, in the process. See for ad campaign measurement guidelines.

: Click-throughs divided by ad impressions. See click rate.

: When an ad is inserted in a document and recorded by the ad server.

: The creative artwork, copy, active URLs, and active target sites which are due to the seller prior to the initiation of the ad campaign.

: An aggregator or broker of advertising inventory for many sites. Ad networks are the sales representatives for the Websites within the network.

: A measure of advertising effectiveness in which a sample of respondents is exposed to an ad and then at a later point in time is asked if they remember the ad. Ad recall can be on an aided or unaided basis. Aided ad recall is when the respondent is told the name of the brand or category being advertised.

Ad request

Ad Rotation

Ad serving

Ad space

Ad stream

Ad transfers

Ad view




: The request for an advertisement as a direct result of a user's action as recorded by the ad server. Ad requests can come directly from the user‘s browser or from an intermediate Internet resource, such as a Web content server.

: Ads are often rotated into ad spaces from a list. This is usually done automatically by a software on the Website or at a central site administered by an ad broker or server facility for a network of Websites. For example, Latitude90, a leading ad broker, provides an ad delivery service, called admonitor, for the network of independent sites that it sells impressions and sponsorships for.

: The delivery of ads by a server to an end user's computer on which the ads are then displayed by a browser and/or cached. Ad serving is normally performed either by a Web publisher or by a third-party ad server. Ads can be embedded in the page or served separately.

: The location on a page of a site in which an advertisement can be placed. Each space on a site is uniquely identified. Multiple ad spaces can exist on a single page.

: The series of ads displayed by the user during a single visit to a site (also impression stream).

: The successful display of an advertiser's Website after the user clicked on an ad. When a user clicks on an advertisement, a click-through is recorded and re-directs or "transfers" the user's browser to an advertiser's Website. If the user successfully displays the advertiser's Website, an ad transfer is recorded.

: When the ad is actually seen by the user. Note that this is not measurable today. The best approximation today is provided by ad displays.

: The company paying for the advertisement.

: Adware refers to any software application in which advertising banners are displayed while the program is running. These ads are commonly viewed through pop-up windows or through a bar that appears on a computer screen.

: The brand name of Google's pay-per-click advertising service which currently dominates the pay per-click-market. A very cost-efficient form of advertising where charges only apply if visitors actually click the advertised hyperlink on Google (or its advertising network) to actually visit

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TitleDigital Communication ToolsWorld - Netizens in MnAfrica - Population StatisticsAfrica Population Statistics - Median AgeAfrica Population Statistics - Literacy RateAfrica Economy Statistics - InflationAfrica Economy Statistics - GDP (US$) per capita Africa - Internet StatisticsAfrica - Mobile StatisticsEgypt - Netizens in MnSouth Africa - Netizens in MnAsia - Population StatisticsAsia Population Statistics - Median AgeAsia Population Statistics - Literacy RateAsia Economy Statistics - InflationAsia Economy Statistics - GDP (US$) per capita Asia - Internet StatisticsAsia - Mobile StatisticsChina - Netizens in MnIndia - Netizens in MnIndonesia - Netizens in MnJapan - Netizens in MnMalaysia - Netizens in MnPakistan - Netizens in MnPhilippines - Netizens in MnSouth Korea - Netizens in MnTaiwan - Netizens in MnThailand - Netizens in MnVietnam - Netizens in MnCaribbean - Population StatisticsCaribbean Population Statistics - Median AgeCaribbean Population Statistics - Literacy RateCaribbean Economy Statistics - InflationCaribbean Economy Statistics - GDP (US$) per capita Caribbean - Internet StatisticsCaribbean - Mobile StatisticsCentral America - Population StatisticsCentral America Population Statistics - Median AgeCentral America Population Statistics - Literacy RateCentral America Economy Statistics - InflationCentral America Economy Statistics - GDP (US$) per capita Central America - Internet StatisticsCentral America - Mobile StatisticsMexico - Netizens in MnEurope - Population StatisticsEurope Population Statistics - Median AgeEurope Population Statistics - Literacy Rate





TitleEurope Economy Statistics - InflationEurope Economy Statistics - GDP (US$) per capita Europe - Internet StatisticsEurope - Mobile StatisticsFrance - Netizens in MnGermany - Netizens in MnItaly - Netizens in MnRussia - Netizens in MnSpain - Netizens in MnUnited Kingdom - Netizens in MnMiddle East - Population StatisticsMiddle East Population Statistics - Median AgeMiddle East Population Statistics - Literacy RateMiddle East Economy Statistics - InflationMiddle East Economy Statistics - GDP (US$) per capita Middle East - Internet StatisticsMiddle East - Mobile StatisticsUnited Arab Emirates - Netizens in MnNorth America - Population StatisticsNorth America Population Statistics - Median AgeNorth America Population Statistics - Literacy RateNorth America Economy Statistics - InflationNorth America Economy Statistics - GDP (US$) per capita North America - Internet StatisticsNorth America - Mobile StatisticsCanada - Netizens in MnUSA - Netizens in MnOceania - Population StatisticsOceania Population Statistics - Median AgeOceania Population Statistics - Literacy RateOceania Economy Statistics - InflationOceania Economy Statistics - GDP (US$) per capita Oceania - Internet StatisticsOceania - Mobile StatisticsAustralia - Netizens in MnAustralia - Media ConsumptionSouth America - Population StatisticsSouth America Population Statistics - Median AgeSouth America Population Statistics - Literacy RateSouth America Economy Statistics - InflationSouth America Economy Statistics - GDP (US$) per capita South America - Internet StatisticsSouth America - Mobile StatisticsArgentina - Netizens in MnBrazil - Netizens in MnColumbia - Netizens in Mn


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TitleDigital LingoIndian MicrositesThe New Age ConsumerOnline Reputation Management ToolsWorld Internet Usage And Population StatisticsWorld Mobile PenetrationWorld Internet User By Age GroupWorld Internet User By GenderWorld Top 20 GenresWorld Top 10 Highest Growing GenresOnline Buyer PenetrationWorld Social Media Statistics - PenetrationWorld Social Media Statistics - Number Of PeopleWorld Social Media Statistics - Frequency Of UsageGlobal Advertising Expenditure By MediumGlobal Share Of Total Ad Spend By MediumGlobal Mobile Advertising Spends WorldwideGlobal Statistics - SnapshotAfrica - Population StatisticsAfrica - Economy StatisticsAfrica - Internet StatisticsAfrica - Mobile StatisticsAfrica - Top 20 GenresAfrica - Top 10 Highest Growing GenresAfrica - Online Consumer BehaviorAfrica - Top 10 Web DomainsAfrica - Top 10 PropertiesEgypt - Projected Total Advertising Revenue By MediaEgypt - Top 10 Mobile SitesSouth Africa - Internet Users By Age GroupSouth Africa - Internet Users By GenderSouth Africa - Top 20 GenresSouth Africa - Top 10 Highest Growing GenresSouth Africa - Online Consumer BehaviorSouth Africa - Most Engaging Sectors By Average TimeSouth Africa - Most Engaging Websites

South Africa - Top 10 Web DomainsSouth Africa - Top 10 PropertiesAsia - Population StatisticsAsia - Economy StatisticsAsia - Internet StatisticsAsia - Mobile StatisticsChina - Internet Users By AgeChina - Internet Users By GenderChina - Internet Users By PlaceChina - Internet Users By EducationChina - Internet Users By Profession

South Africa - The Fastest Growing Brands 2008




TitleChina - Internet Users By IncomeChina - Number Of Years Since Using InternetChina - Place Of Internet AccessChina - Surfing EquipmentChina - ResourcesChina - Activities Undertaken OnlineChina - Top 20 GenresChina - Top 10 Highest Growing GenresChina - Online Consumer BehaviorChina - Social Media ActivitiesChina - Frequency Of Social Media ActivitiesChina - Top 10 BrandsChina - Type Of Digital Media Being UsedChina - Top 10 Digital Advertisers By ValueChina - Top PublishersChina - Favored Ad FormatsChina - Top 10 Web DomainsChina - Top 10 PropertiesIndia - Internet Users By Age GroupIndia - Internet Users By GenderIndia - Internet Users By Age GroupIndia - Internet Users By GenderIndia - Internet Users By EducationIndia - Internet Users By Socio-economic ClassificationIndia - Internet Users By City Class (market Size)India - Internet Users By OccupationIndia - Number Of Household Members Using InternetIndia - Years Of Experience In Using InternetIndia - Place Of AccessIndia - Duration Of Usage (online And Offline Media)India - Activities Undertaken OnlineIndia - Top 20 GenresIndia - Top 10 Highest Growing GenresIndia - Online Consumer BehaviorIndia - Internet Users' Response To Online Marketing StimuliIndia - Total Online ShoppersIndia - Online Shopping Market RevenueIndia - B2C MarketIndia - Social Media ActivitiesIndia - Frequency Of Social Media ActivitiesIndia - Current Ad Spends By Top 500 MarketersIndia - Ad Spends By VerticalIndia - Rational Behind Media Budget AllocationIndia - Stage Of Using Digital Marketing ExecutionIndia - Marketing / Advertising Objective Of The Top 500 Marketers

India - Objective Of Using The Internet As A Marketing Medium

India - Share Of Spends By Type Of ExecutionIndia - Typical Measurement Of Effectiveness


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TitleIndia - Level Of Satisfaction With Various Types Of Executions Undertaken

India - Estimated Ad Spend (2009-2010)India - Favored Ad FormatsIndia - Top 10 Web DomainsIndia - Top 10 PropertiesIndia - How People Use MobileIndia - Share Of Time Spent On Mobile InternetIndonesia - Categories Of BlogsIndonesia - Language Used For BloggingIndonesia - Activity Status For BloggingIndonesia - Favored Ad FormatsJapan - Internet Users By Age GroupJapan - Internet Users By GenderJapan - Duration Of Usage Of Internet And Offline Mediums From Home

Japan - Top 20 GenresJapan - Top 10 Highest Growth GenresJapan - Online Consumer BehaviorJapan - B2C E-commerce SalesJapan - Social Media ActivitiesJapan - Frequency Of Social Media ActivitiesJapan - Top 10 Web DomainsJapan - Top 10 PropertiesJapan - Top Mobile Web ActivitiesJapan - Mobile Media Ad SpendMalaysia - Internet Users By Age GroupMalaysia - Internet Users By GenderMalaysia - Internet Users By PlaceMalaysia - Household Usage Of Internet (time)Malaysia - Number Of Broadband SubscriptionsMalaysia - Top 20 GenresMalaysia - Top 10 Highest Growing GenresMalaysia - Online Consumer BehaviorMalaysia - Household Usage Of Internet (activity)Malaysia - Malaysian Ecommerce HabitsMalaysia - Trust In Media ChannelsMalaysia - Top 10 Web DomainsMalaysia - Top 10 PropertiesPakistan - Social Media ActivitiesPhilippines- Social Media ActivitiesPhilippines- Top Online DestinationsSouth Korea - Internet Users By Age GroupSouth Korea - Internet Users By GenderSouth Korea - Frequency Of Accessing InternetSouth Korea - Device Used To Access InternetSouth Korea - Place Of AccessSouth Korea - Number Of Years Since Using InternetSouth Korea - Time Spent On The InternetSouth Korea - Activities Undertaken Online











South Korea - Top 10 Highest Growing GenresSouth Korea - Online Consumer BehaviorSouth Korea - Internet Shopping SitesSouth Korea - Purchase Item By Online ShoppingSouth Korea - Social Media ActivitiesSouth Korea - Frequency Of Social Media ActivitiesSouth Korea - Favored Ad FormatsSouth Korea - Top 10 Web DomainsSouth Korea - Top 10 PropertiesSouth Korea - Activities On MobileTaiwan - Internet Users By Age GroupTaiwan - Internet Users By GenderTaiwan - Activities Undertaken OnlineTaiwan - Wireless Internet AccessTaiwan - Location Of Using Wireless InternetTaiwan - Top 20 GenresTaiwan - Top 10 Highest Growing GenresTaiwan - Online Consumer BehaviorTaiwan - Social Media ActivitiesTaiwan - Top 10 BrandsTaiwan - Type Of Digital Media Seen Being UsedTaiwan - Top 10 Web DomainsTaiwan - Top 10 PropertiesThailand - Online Activities UndertakenThailand - Most Popular SitesThailand - Top 10 BrandsThailand - Most Popular Site By CategoryThailand - Trust In Media ChannelsVietnam - Internet Users By Age GroupVietnam - Internet Users By GenderVietnam - Time Spent OnlineVietnam - Place Of AccessVietnam - Activities Undertaken OnlineVietnam - Media ConsumptionCaribbean - Population StatisticsCaribbean - Economy StatisticsCaribbean - Internet StatisticsCaribbean - Mobile StatisticsCentral America - Population StatisticsCentral America - Economy StatisticsCentral America - Internet StatisticsCentral America - Mobile StatisticsMexico - Internet Users By Age GroupMexico - Internet Users By GenderMexico - Top 20 GenresMexico - Top 10 Highest Growing Genres

South Korea - Top 20 Genres

Mexico - Online Consumer Behavior

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TitleMexico - Activities Undertaken OnlineMexico - B2C E-commerce SalesMexico - Social Media ActivitiesMexico - Top 10 Web DomainsMexico - Top 10 PropertiesEurope - Population StatisticsEurope - Economy StatisticsEurope - Internet StatisticsEurope - Mobile StatisticsFrance - Internet Users By Age GroupFrance - Internet Users By GenderFrance - Top 20 GenresFrance - Top 10 Highest Growing GenresFrance - Online Consumer BehaviorFrance - E-commerce SalesFrance - Social Media ActivitiesFrance - Frequency Of Social Media ActivitiesFrance - Influence Of Each Media On DecisionFrance - Advertising Spends (2008)France - Top 10 Web DomainsFrance - Top 10 PropertiesFrance - Online Display Advertising (CTRs)France - Mobile Social Networking UsageFrance - Mobile Internet StatisticsFrance - Activities Undertaken Via Mobile InternetFrance - Sites (category) Visited Via Mobile InternetGermany - Internet Users By Age GroupGermany - Internet Users By GenderGermany - Top 20 GenresGermany - Top 10 Highest Growing GenresGermany - Online Consumer BehaviorGermany - Ecommerce StatisticsGermany - Social Media ActivitiesGermany - Frequency Of Social Media ActivitiesGermany - Influence Of Each Media On DecisionGermany - Online Display Advertising (CTRs)Germany - Top 10 Web DomainsGermany - Top 10 PropertiesGermany - Mobile Gaming June 2008Germany - Activities Undertaken On MobileGermany - Mobile Internet StatisticsGermany - Sites (category) Visited Via Mobile InternetItaly - Internet Users By Age GroupItaly - Internet Users By GenderItaly - Top 20 GenresItaly - Top 10 Highest Growing GenresItaly - Online Consumer Behavior

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TitleItaly - Category Products Most Frequently Purchased OnlineItaly - Social Media ActivitiesItaly - Frequency Of Social Media ActivitiesItaly - Online Advertising Expenditure BreakdownItaly - Top 10 Web DomainsItaly - Top 10 PropertiesItaly - Activities Undertaken On MobileItaly - Mobile Internet StatisticsItaly - Sites (category) Visited Via Mobile InternetRussia - Internet Users By Age GroupRussia - Internet Users By GenderRussia - Online Usage BehaviorRussia - Top 20 GenresRussia - Top 10 Highest Growing GenresRussia - Online Consumer BehaviorRussia - Social Media ActivitiesRussia - Frequency Of Social Media ActivitiesRussia - Top 10 Web DomainsRussia - Top 10 PropertiesSpain - Internet Users By Age GroupSpain - Internet Users By GenderSpain - Top 20 GenresSpain - Top 10 Highest Growing GenresSpain - Online Consumer BehaviorSpain - Social Media ActivitiesSpain - Frequency Of Social Media ActivitiesSpain - Top 10 Web DomainsSpain - Top 10 PropertiesSpain - Activities Undertaken On MobileSpain - Sites (category) Visited Via Mobile InternetUnited Kingdom - Internet Users By Age GroupUnited Kingdom - Internet Users By GenderUnited Kingdom - Internet Users By EducationUnited Kingdom - Internet Users By Place Of AccessUnited Kingdom - Activities Undertaken OnlineUnited Kingdom - SMS And MMS (volume)United Kingdom - Type Of Short Video Clip ViewedUnited Kingdom - Type Of Streaming Video Content ViewedUnited Kingdom - Trusted Source Of Video ClipUnited Kingdom - Top 20 GenresUnited Kingdom - Top 10 Highest Growth GenresUnited Kingdom - Online Consumer BehaviorUnited Kingdom - Online Shopping StatisticsUnited Kingdom - Retail E-commerce MetricsUnited Kingdom - Social Media ActivitiesUnited Kingdom - Frequency Of Social Media Activities

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TitleUnited Kingdom - Influence Of Each Media On DecisionUnited Kingdom - Online Display Advertising (CTRs)United Kingdom - Top 10 Web DomainsUnited Kingdom - Top 10 PropertiesUnited Kingdom - Internet Access Via Select Mobile DevicesUnited Kingdom - Purpose Of Using Mobile InternetUnited Kingdom - Activities Undertaken On MobileUnited Kingdom - Mobile Internet StatisticsUnited Kingdom - Activities Undertaken On MobileUnited Kingdom - Sites (category) Visited Via Mobile InternetMiddle East - Population StatisticsMiddle East - Economy StatisticsMiddle East - Internet StatisticsMiddle East - Mobile StatisticsMiddle East - Top 20 GenresMiddle East - Top 10 Highest Growth GenresMiddle East - Online Consumer BehaviorMiddle East - Top 10 Web DomainsMiddle East - Top 10 PropertiesUAE - Projected Total Advertising Revenue By MediaNorth America - Population StatisticsNorth America - Economy StatisticsNorth America - Internet StatisticsNorth America - Mobile StatisticsCanada - Activities Undertaken OnlineCanada - Online Video ViewingCanada - Social Media ActivitiesCanada - Online Ad RevenueCanada - Top 10 PropertiesUSA - Internet Users By Age GroupUSA - Internet Users By GenderUSA - Activities Undertaken By Type Of ConnectionUSA - Activities Undertaken OnlineUSA - Internet Usage StatisticsUSA - Top 20 GenresUSA - Top 10 Highest Growth GenresUSA - Online Consumer BehaviorUSA - Retail E-commerce MetricsUSA - Social Media ActivitiesUSA - Frequency Of Social Media ActivitiesUSA - Search Engine Marketing SpendingUSA - Top 10 Web DomainsUSA - Top 10 PropertiesUSA - Type Of Mobile Websites VisitedOceania - Population StatisticsOceania - Economy StatisticsOceania - Internet Statistics

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TitleOceania - Mobile StatisticsAustralia - Internet Users By Age GroupAustralia - Internet Users By GenderAustralia - Anticipated Growth In Online ActivitiesAustralia - Top 20 GenresAustralia - Top 10 Highest Growth GenresAustralia - Online Consumer BehaviorAustralia - E-commerce ActivitiesAustralia - Retail E-commerce MetricsAustralia - Social Media ActivitiesAustralia - Favored Ad FormatsAustralia - Top 10 Web DomainsAustralia - Top 10 PropertiesSouth America - Population StatisticsSouth America - Economy StatisticsSouth America - Internet StatisticsSouth America - Mobile StatisticsArgentina - Internet Users By Age GroupArgentina - Internet Users By GenderArgentina - Broadband Subscription By Access TechnologyArgentina - Top 20 GenresArgentina - Top 10 Highest Growing GenresArgentina - Online Consumer BehaviorArgentina - Top 10 Web DomainsArgentina - Top 10 PropertiesBrazil - Internet Users By Age GroupBrazil - Internet Users By GenderBrazil - Broadband Subscription By Access TechnologyBrazil - Top 20 GenresBrazil - Top 10 Highest Growth GenresBrazil - Online Consumer BehaviorBrazil - Social Media ActivitiesBrazil - Frequency Of Social Media ActivitiesBrazil - Top 10 Web DomainsBrazil - Top 10 PropertiesColumbia - Internet Users By Age GroupColumbia - Internet Users By GenderColumbia - Top 20 GenresColumbia - Top 10 Highest Growing GenresColumbia - Online Consumer BehaviorColumbia - Top 10 Web DomainsColumbia - Top 10 PropertiesTop 100 Web Products of 2008Top 100 Websites Of 2008Top 100 Blogs (as updated July’09)

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Title100 Undiscovered WebsitesDigital Media Awards 2008ABBYs 2009Cannes Lions 2009The Webby Awards (Special Achievement Awards)Mobile Awards - Webby’s ChoiceMobile Awards - People's ChoiceWebsite Awards - Webby’s ChoiceWebsite Awards - People's ChoiceInteractive Advertising Awards - Webby’s ChoiceInteractive Advertising Awards - People’s ChoiceOnline Film And Video Awards - Webby’s ChoiceOnline Film And Video Awards - People’s ChoiceClio AwardsGlobal Mobile Awards 2009

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* For Market Statistics Summary Sheet refer to the pouch on the last page

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We continue to enjoy long-standing relationships with Tata AIG,

Sony Television, Tata Corporate, Canon, Yamaha, Toyota,

Blackberry, Lufthansa, Frankfinn, DLF, Religare, Cisco, Kidzee,

Aircel, Club Mahindra Holidays, ICICI Prudential and Amara Raja


To these valued clients, we provide a comprehensive range of

digital services, which includes Online Media Planning and

Buying, Creative, Search Marketing, Social Media Marketing,

Online Reputation Management, Website Development, CRM

Solutions, Site Traffic Analysis, Ad Serving, Mobile Marketing,

and Research and Consulting.

Pioneers in this rapidly-changing, ever-evolving digital space,

we fully understand how imperative it is to stay ahead of the

pack. We achieve this by constantly studying and evaluating the

shifting digiscape of the world. This empowers us to implement

cutting-edge solutions, which meet the best global practices, in

the Indian market.

If you would like Ignitee to customize a complete advertising

solution for you, do call Harminder Kaur, our Chief Strategy

Officer on +91-22-66424242. You can also email her at

[email protected]

We look forward to being of assistance to you.

We DID start the fire

Ignitee Digital Solutions Pvt Ltd was established nine years ago,

in the year 2000. Then known as Connecturf, we were India’s

largest independent interactive advertising agency. Pooling

together the expertise of Mediaturf, our Digital arm, Solutionturf,

our Technology wing and Knowledgeturf, our Research division,

we created path-breaking advertisements for industry leaders:

Microsoft, ICICI Home Loans, ICICI Prudential, Citibank, SBI

Mutual Fund and the Essar Group among others.

Today, Ignitee builds high-impact digital strategies from each of

its six offices in Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru

and Dubai—and is credited as the only digital media agency to

have such large, efficient branches. Spearheaded by stalwarts

V Ramani and Atul Hegde, Ignitee is a dynamic team of 100

talented professionals who excel in making consumers connect

and collaborate with brands in the digital space.

Only recently, we won three of the country’s largest digital

accounts, back to back: Ministry of Tourism’s Incredible India

and Atithi Devo Bhava campaigns; the All India Congress

Committee’s campaign for the Indian parliamentary elections;

and SetMax’s campaign for the Indian Premier League.

Page 14: Honey, I Shrunk the World

The marketing world and particularly the online world will find this book a wealth of knowledge. The interesting checklist of “Dos and Don’ts” for digital marketers and the exhaustive list of glossary detailing stuff from Internet’s limitless space are a must read. I wish the entire team at Ignitee the VERY BEST!

- Mr. Chander Mohan Sethi, Chairman and Managing Director, Reckitt Benckiser (India) Ltd

A ha…So ….truly the digital world’s first “Book of Lists”. Enjoy!

- Mr. Prakash Bagri, Director – Marketing (South Asia), Intel

Ignitee has done the impossible! They’ve condensed the World Wide Web and converted it into this delightful book—thoroughly enjoyable and extremely instructive!

– Mr. Amitabh Kant, Author of Branding IndiaCEO and MD, Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation


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Looking for the best place to buy DVDs? Or are you researching for your thesis paper on semantic web applications? Whatever you’re looking for , if its in the digital space, you are most likely to find it in this essential global digital media handbook, Honey I Shrunk the World.

Apart from offering a new insight into a hitherto unexplored domain, it shows us how small our world has truly become. The book holds a wealth of knowledge in the form of Digital basics, internet and mobile statistics of countries around the world, list of must see websites, trends and predictions in the digital space, news round up, case studies of brands who walked the red carpet at various awards, detailed tables and glossary and much more.

Go through this book at least once, and believe us when we say, you will e-volve!