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Honey, I Shrunk the Database

For Test and Development Environments

Postgres Open, September 2011

Vanessa HurstPaperless Post

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User Data

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Why Shrink?


You don’t truly know how your app will behave in production unless you use real data.

Production data is the ultimate in accuracy.

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Why Shrink?



New data should be available regularly.

Full database refreshes should be timely.

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Why Shrink?



Resource Limitations

Staging and developer machines cannot handle production load.

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Why Shrink?



Resource Limitations

Data Protection

Limit spread of sensitive user or client data.

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Why Shrink?



Resource Limitations

Data Protection

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Case Study: Paperless Post

Requirements Freshness – Daily, On command for non-

developers Shrinkage – Slices, Mutations

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Case Study: Paperless Post

Requirements Freshness – Daily, On command for non-

developers Shrinkage – Slices, Mutations

Resources Source – extra disk space, RAM, and CPUs Destination – limited, often entirely un-

optimized Development -- constrained DBA resources

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Shrink Strategies


Restored backups or live replicas of entire production database

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Shrink Strategies



Select portions of exact data

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Shrink Strategies




Sanitized, anonymized, or otherwise changed data

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Shrink Strategies





Seed databases, fixtures, test data

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Shrink Strategies





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Vertical Slice Difficult to obtain a valid, useful subset of data. Example: Include some entire tables, exclude


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Vertical Slice Difficult to obtain a valid, useful subset of data. Example: Include some entire tables, exclude


Horizontal Slice Difficult to write and maintain. Example: SQL or application code to determine

subset of data

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PG Tools – Vertical Slice

Flexibility at Source (Production)

pg_dump Include data only [-a --data-only] Include table schema only [-s --schema-only] Select tables [-t table1 table2 --table table1

table2] Select schemas [-n schema --schema=schema] Exclude schemas [-N schema --exclude-


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PG Tools – Vertical Slice

Flexibility at Destination (Staging, Development)

pg_restore Include data only [-a --data-only] Select indexes [-i index --index=index] Tune processing [-j number-of-jobs --jobs=number-

of-jobs] Select schemas [-n schema --schema=schema] Select triggers[-T trigger --trigger=trigger] Exclude privileges [-x --no-privileges --no-acl]

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External Data Protection HIPAA Regulations PCI Compliance API Terms of Use

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External Data Protection HIPAA Regulations PCI Compliance API Terms of Use

Internal Data Protection Protecting your users’ personal data Protecting your users from accidents, e.g. staging

emails Your Terms of Service

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User Data

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Case Study: Paperless Post

Composite Slice including

Vertical Slice – All application object schemas

Vertical Slice – Entire tables of static content

Horizontal Slice – Subset of users and their data

Mutation – Changed user email addresses

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Case Study: Paperless Post

Composite Slice including

Vertical Slice – All application object schemas

pg_dump --clean --schema-only --schema public db-01 > slice.sql

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Case Study: Paperless Post

Composite Slice including

Vertical Slice – All application object schemas

pg_dump --clean --schema-only --schema public db-01 > slice.sql

Vertical Slice – Entire tables of static content

pg_dump --data-only --schema public -t cards db-01 >> slice.sql

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Case Study: Paperless Post

Composite Slice including

Vertical Slice – All application object schemas

pg_dump --clean --schema-only --schema public db-01 > slice.sql

Vertical Slice – Entire tables of static content

pg_dump --data-only --schema public -t cards db-01 >> slice.sql

Horizontal Slice – Subset of users and their dataMutation – Changed user email addresses

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Case Study: Paperless Post


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Case Study: Paperless Post

Horizontal Slice Custom SQL

SELECT * INTO staging.usersFROM usersWHERE EXISTS (subset of users);

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Case Study: Paperless Post

Horizontal Slice Custom SQL

SELECT * INTO staging.usersFROM usersWHERE EXISTS (subset of users);

Dynamic relative to full data set or newly created slice

SELECT * INTO staging.stuffFROM stuffWHERE EXISTS (stuff per staging.users);

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Case Study: Paperless Post

Horizontal Slice Custom SQL Dynamic relative to full data set or newly created


Mutations Email Addresses

Use regular expressions to clean non-admin addressese.g. [email protected] => [email protected]

Cached Data Clear cached short link from link-shortening API

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Case Study: Paperless Post

Composite Slice including

Vertical Slice – All application object schemas

pg_dump --clean --schema-only --schema public db-01 > slice.sql

Vertical Slice – Entire tables of static content

pg_dump --data-only --schema public -t cards db-01 >> slice.sql

Horizontal Slice – Subset of users and their dataMutation – Changed user email addresses

pg_dump --data-only --schema staging db-01 >> slice.sql

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Case Study: Paperless Post

Rebuild Prepare new database as standby Gracefully close connections Rotate by renaming databases

Security Dedicated database build user Membership in application user role Application user role & privileges remain

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Case Study: Paperless Post

Rebuild $ bzcat slice.sql.bz2 | psql db-new Staging schema has not been created, so all

data loads to default schema

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Case Study: Paperless Post

We hacked our rebuild by importing across schemas!

Now our sequences are wrong, causing duplicate data errors every time we try to insert into tables.

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Secret Weapon

--Updates all serial sequences for ID columns only

BEGINFOR table_record IN SELECT pc.relname FROM pg_class pc

WHERE pc.relkind = 'r' AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_attribute pa WHERE pa.attname = 'id' AND pa.attrelid = pc.oid) LOOPtable_name = table_record.relname::text;EXECUTE 'SELECT setval(pg_get_serial_sequence(' || quote_literal(table_name) || ', ' || quote_literal('id')::text || '), MAX(id)) FROM ' || table_name || ' WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ' || table_name || ')';


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Case Study: Paperless Post

Rebuild $ bzcat slice.sql.bz2 | psql db-new Staging schema has not been created, so all

data loads to default schema echo “select 1 from update_id_sequences();”

>> slice.sql Vacuum Reindex

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Case Study: Paperless Post

Security Database build user

CREATE DB privileges Member of Application user role

Application user remains database owner Application user privileges remain limited Build only works in predetermined


Page 39: Honey I Shrunk the Database

Case Study: Paperless Post

Requirements Freshness – Daily, On command for non-

developers Shrinkage – Slices, Mutations

Resources Source – extra disk space, RAM, and CPUs Destination – limited, often entirely un-

optimized Development -- constrained DBA resources

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Postgres Open, September 2011

Vanessa HurstPaperless Post


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More Tools

Copies -- LVMSnapshots See talk by Jon Erdman at PG Conf EU Great for all reads Data stays virtualized & doesn’t take up space

until changed Ideal for DDL changes without actual data


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More Tools

Copies, Slices -- pg_staging by dmitri Simple -- pauses pgbouncer & restores backup Efficient -- leverage bulk loading Flexible -- supports varying psql files Custom -- limited

Slices -- replicate by rtomayko of Github Simple - Preserves object relations via ActiveRecord Inefficient -- Creates text-based .dump Inflexible -- Corrupts id sequences on data insert Custom -- highly