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Homotopy Continuation Methods

for Nonlinear Complementarity Problems�

Masakazu Kojimay Nimrod Megiddoz Toshihito Nomax

January ����

Abstract� A complementarity problem with a continuous mapping f fromthe n�dimensional Euclidean space Rn into itself can be written as the system ofequations

F �x�y� � � and �x�y� � ��

Here F is the mapping from R�n into itself de�ned by

F �x�y� � �x�y�� x�y�� � � � � xnyn�y � f�x�� for every �x�y� � ��

Under the assumption that the mapping f is a P��function� we study various aspectsof homotopy continuation methods that trace a trajectory consisting of solutionsof the family of systems of equations

F �x�y� � t�a� b� and �x�y� � �

until the parameter t � � attains �� Here �a� b� denotes a �n�dimensional constantpositive vector� We establish the existence of a trajectory which leads to a solutionof the problem� and then present a numerical method for tracing the trajectory�We also discuss the global and local convergence of the method�

�Parts of this research were done while the �rst author was visiting at the IBM Almaden Re�search Center� Partial support from the O�ce of Naval Research under Contract N���������C����is acknowledged�

yDepartment of Information Sciences Tokyo Institute of Technology Oh�Okayama Meguro Tokyo�� Japan� Supported by Grant�in�Aids for Co�operative Research � �������� of The Ministry ofEducation Science and Culture

zIBM Research Division Almaden Research Center San Jose CA ����� ��� USA and School ofMathematical Sciences Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv Israel�

xDepartment of Systems Science Tokyo Institute of Technology Oh�Okayama Meguro Tokyo ��Japan�

�� Introduction

Let Rn denote the n�dimensional Euclidean space� We use the notation Rn� for the

nonnegative orthant fx � Rn � x � �g and Rn�� for the positive orthant fx � Rn � x �

�g of Rn� The complementarity problem CP �f � with respect to a continuous mappingf � Rn � Rn �see for example Cottle ��� Karamardian �� Kojima ��� Lemke andHowson ���� etc� is de�ned to be the problem of �nding a z � R�n such that z �

�x�y � �� y � f �x and xiyi � � �i � �� �� � � � � n � Under the nonnegativity conditionz � �x�y � � the complementarity condition xiyi � � �i � �� �� � � � � n can be rewrittenas the condition that the inner product x � y � xTy is equal to zero� We say that theCP �f � is linear if the mapping f is a linear mapping of the form f �x � Mx � q for

some n � n matrix M and q � Rn and nonlinear otherwise� A feasible solution is az � �x�y � R�n satisfying the nonnegativity condition z � �x�y � � and the equalityy � f �x � To distinguish a solution of the CP �f � from a feasible solution we often calla solution of the CP �f � a complementary solution� We use the symbols S��f � for the

set of all the feasible solutions and S���f � for the set of all the strictly positive feasiblesolutions�

S��f � � fz � �x�y � R�n� � y � f �x g�

S���f � � fz � �x�y � S��f � � �x�y � �g�

This paper studies homotopy continuation methods for nonlinear complementarityproblems which were originally developed for linear programs �Gonzaga ��� KojimaMizuno and Yoshise ���� Monteiro and Adler ���� Renegar ���� Vaidya ��� etc� and

then extended to linear complementarity problems �Kojima Mizuno and Yoshise ����Megiddo ���� and nonlinear complementarity problems �Kojima Mizuno and Noma ������� � See also Jarre ��� Mehrotra and Sun ���� Monteiro and Adler ���� Ye ���� forextensions to quadratic programs� A common basic idea of the algorithms in this class

is tracing the path of centers �or analytic centers of polytopes which leads to solutions�This idea was proposed by Sonnevend ���� and the �rst polynomial time algorithm inthis class was given by Renegar ����� We also refer to Megiddo ���� who generalized theidea to linear complementarity problems and in particular to linear programs in the

primal�dual setting�

We describe an outline of the homotopy continuation method for the CP �f �� LetX � diag x denote the n � n diagonal matrix with the coordinates of a vector x � Rn�

De�ne the mapping F from R�n� into Rn

� �Rn by

F �z � �Xy�y � f �x for every z � �x�y � � ��

to rewrite the CP �f � into the system of equations�

F �z � � and z � �x�y � �� ��

Let c � �a� b � Rn�� �Rn� Consider the family of systems of equations with a nonneg�

ative real parameter t�F �z � tc and z � �x�y � �� ��

Obviously the system �� with the parameter t � � coincides with the system �� or theCP �f �� Let

C � ftc � t � �g�Under certain assumptions the system �� has a unique solution z�t for each positive tsuch that z�t is continuous in the parameter t� hence the set

F���C � fz � R�n� � F �z � tc for some t � �g � fz�t � t � �g

forms a trajectory a one�dimensional curve� Furthermore z�t leads to a solution of thesystem �� as t tends to �� Suppose that we know a point z�t� � F ���C in advance�

Thus if we start from the known point z�t� and trace the trajectory F���C until theparameter t attains zero we get a solution of the system �� or a complementary solutionof the CP �f ��

There are several questions arising from the continuation method described above�Theoretically we have to establish the existence of a trajectory consisting of solutionsof the system �� � We have to study the limiting behavior of the trajectory as theparameter t approaches zero� In addition we need to show how to prepare an initial

point z�t� � F���C as well as how to trace the trajectory F���C numerically� Globaland local convergence of the method should be discussed too� These questions have beenanswered partially for some special cases�

We �rst consider the case where f is a linear mapping f�x � Mx � q with apositive semi�de�nite matrix M i�e� x � �Mx � � for every x � Rn� As a special caseof �� consider the family of systems of equations with a nonnegative real parameter t�

F �z � t�e�� and z � �x�y � �� ��

Here e � ��� � � � � � � Rn� Suppose that the set S���f � of all the strictly positive feasiblesolutions of the CP �f � is nonempty� Then the set of the solutions z of the system �� withthe positive t�s forms a trajectory fz�t � t � �g which converges to a complementary

solution of the CP �f � as t tends to zero �Megiddo ���� � In this case the trajectory canbe regarded as a generalization of the path of centers of a system of linear inequalities�The algorithm given by Kojima Mizuno and Yoshise ���� computes a complementary

solution of the CP �f � by tracing the path of centers numerically�

The system �� can be rewritten as

y �Mx� q� Xy � te and z � �x�y � ��

Hence the solution z�t of the system �� is restricted to running in the relative interiorS���f � of the �xed feasible region S��f �� This lacks the �exibility in choosing an initial

point� Theoretically we can construct an arti�cial problem which has an initial pointz� � S���f � su�ciently close to the path of centers �See Section of ���� � However themagnitude of such a theoretical initial point is too large for implementation on computers�Lustig ��� Mizuno Yoshise and Kikuchi ���� � The family of systems of equations ��

gives us more freedom in choosing initial points than the family �� �

We consider now more general nonlinear cases� If the system �� has a solution forevery t � � we must have

tb � B���f � � fu � Rn � u � y � f �x for some �x�y � �g

for every t � �� Hence it is necessary to take a vector b � Rn such that tb � B���f � forevery t � �� When we describe a numerical method in Section � we will assume b � � to

meet this necessary condition� In fact by the de�nition of the sets S���f � and B���f �we see that if the CP �f � has a strictly positive feasible solution i�e� S���f � �� � thenthere exists an ��x� �y � � such that � � �y � f ��x � hence

Rn� fu � Rn

� � u � y � f ��x for some y � Rn��g B���f � �

This ensures that tb � B���f � for every t � �� It should be noted that even in this

case we can start from any x� � Rn�� in the x�space by taking appropriate y� � Rn


and c � �a� b � Rn�� such that a � �x��y

��� x


��� � � � � x�ny�n and b � y� � f �x� � ��

This �exibility in choosing initial points is very important especially when we apply thecontinuation method with the use of the family �� to nonlinear problems where �nding

a feasible solution is generally as di�cult as solving them�

Kojima Mizuno and Noma ���� ��� presented two conditions to ensure the existenceof a trajectory consisting of solutions of the family of systems of equations �� �

Condition ���� �Kojima Mizuno and Noma ���� The mapping f is a uniform P �function i�e� there exists a positive number � such that


�xi � yi �fi�x � fi�y � �kx� yk� for every x�y � Rn�

Condition ���� �Kojima Mizuno and Noma ����

�i The mapping f is a monotone function i�e�

�x� y � �f �x � f �y � � for every x�y � Rn�

�ii The set S���f � of all the strictly positive feasible solutions of the CP �f � is nonempty�

Remark ���� When f is a linear mapping from Rn into itself with an n�n matrixM itis monotone if and only ifM is a positive semi�de�nite matrix and a uniform P �functionif and only if M is a P �matrix i�e� all the principal minors of M are positive �Fiedlerand Pt�ak ��� � It is well�known that the Karush�Kuhn�Tucker optimality conditions for

linear and convex quadratic programs can be formulated as a positive semi�de�nite linearcomplementarity problem�

Conditions ��� and ��� above can be uni�ed as follows�

Lemma ���� If Condition ��� or ��� holds then Condition ��� does�

Condition ����

�i f is a P��function i�e� for every x�y � Rn with x �� y there is an index i such

thatxi � yi �� � and �xi � yi �fi�x � fi�y � ��

�ii The set S���f � of all the strictly positive feasible solutions is nonempty�

�iii The setF���D � fz � �x�y � R�n

� � F �z � Dgis bounded for every compact �i�e� bounded and closed as a subset of R�n subsetD of Rn

� �B���f ��

Remark ���� As we have already seen Rn� B���f � follows from �ii of Condition ����

Hence Condition ��� implies that the set

F���D � fz � �x�y � R�n� � F �z � Dg

is bounded for every bounded subset D of R�n� � We will often use this fact later�

After listing in Section � some symbols and notation which will be used throughoutthis paper we give a proof of Lemma ��� in Section �� In Section � we show some basicproperties of the mapping F � R�n

� � Rn� �Rn de�ned by �� � Speci�cally we establish

under Condition ��� the existence of the unique trajectory F���C leading to solutionsof the CP �f �� This result is an extension of the results given by Kojima Mizuno andNoma ���� ���� In Section � we present an algorithm for tracing the trajectory� Thisalgorithm is a modi�cation and extension of the primal�dual algorithm given by Kojima

Mizuno and Yoshise ���� for linear programs� See also the papers ���� ��� ���� Althoughwe can apply the algorithm to linear complementarity problems the main emphasis willbe placed on nonlinear cases� In Section we show the global convergence property ofthe algorithm� In Section � we discuss the local convergence property of the algorithm

under a nondegeneracy condition and present a modi�ed algorithm which has a locallyquadratic convergence property�

�� Symbols and Notation

Rn � the n�dimensional Euclidean space�Rn� � fx � Rn � x � �g � the nonnegative orthant of Rn�

Rn�� � fx � Rn � x � �g � the positive orthant of Rn�

e � ��� � � � � � � Rn�f � a continuous mapping from Rn into itself�X � diag x � the n� n diagonal matrix with the coordinates of a vector x � Rn�F �z � �Xy�y � f �x for every z � �x�y � R�n

� �

CP �f � �the complementarity problem �

Find a z � �x�y � R�n such that F �z � �� z � ��

S��f � � fz � �x�y � R�n� � y � f �x g � the feasible region of the CP �f ��

S���f � � fz � �x�y � R�n�� � y � f �x g�

B���f � � fu � Rn � u � y � f�x for some z � �x�y � �g�c � �a� b � Rn

�� �B���f �� It will be assumed that c � R�n�� and kck � ��

C � ftc � t � �g�U R�n

�� f�g � a closed convex cone whose interior contains the half�line C�

U� � fu � U � c � u � �g�U�t � fu � U � c � u � tg �t � � ��� � ��� � � � � ��� � � constant scalars such that �� � � �� � ��

�� Proof of Lemma ���

First we deal with the case where the mapping f satis�es Condition ���� The statement�i of Condition ��� directly follows from the de�nition of a uniform P �function� It hasbeen shown in ���� that F maps R�n

� onto Rn��Rn homeomorphically� In particular there

exists an ��x� �y � R�n� such that F ��x� �y � �e�� � Recall that e � ��� � � � � � � Rn� Since

�xi�yi � � �i � �� �� � � � � n we have ��x� �y � R�n��� hence ��x� �y � S���f �� Thus we have

shown �ii of Condition ��� i�e� S���f � �� � or equivalently � � B���f �� By a similarargument we can easily show that B���f � � Rn� If D is a compact subset of Rn

� �Rn

then F ���D is also compact since F is a homeomorphism� Thus �iii of Condition ���is satis�ed�

Now we consider the case where the mapping f satis�es Condition ���� The state�ments �i and �ii of Condition ��� follow immediately� To show �iii of Condition ���

assume on the contrary that the set

E � F���D � f�x�y � R�n� � F �x�y � Dg

is unbounded for some compact subset D of Rn� �B���f �� Then we can take a sequence

of points f�xk�yk � E � k � �� �� � � �g such that


k�xk�yk k ��


�yk � f �xk � �u for some �u � B���f ��

Since B���f � is an open subset of Rn we can �nd a �u � B���f � such that

yk � f �xk � �u

for every su�ciently large k� By the de�nition of the set B���f � there is an ��x� �y � R�n��

satisfying �y�f��x � �u� Furthermore �Xkyk�yk�f �xk lies in the bounded set D forevery k where Xk � diag xk� So we can �nd positive numbers � and � such that

xk � yk � � and �x � �yk � f �xk � �u� �y � � �k � �� �� � � � �

Hence for every su�ciently large k we have

� � �xk � �x � �f �xk � f ��x �by �i of Condition ���

� �xk � �x � �yk � �yk � f �xk � �u� �y �by �y � �u � f ��x

� xk � yk � �x � yk � xk � �yk � f �xk � �u� �y � �x � �yk � f �xk � �u� �y

� xk � yk � �x � yk � xk � �y � �x � �yk � f �xk � �u� �y

�since xk � � and yk � f �xk � �u � �

� � � �x � yk � xk � �y � ��

Thus we have obtained�x � yk � xk � �y � � � �

for every su�ciently large k� Since �xk�yk � R�n� �k � �� �� � � � the inequality above

ensures that the bounded set f�x�y � R�n� � �x � y � x � �y � � � �g contains �xk�yk

for every su�ciently large k� But this contradicts the fact that limk�� k�xk�yk k � ��This completes the proof of Lemma ����

�� The Existence of the Trajectory F���C

In the remainder of the paper we assume Condition ���� The main assertion of thissection is Theorem ��� which establishes that the set F���C consisting of the solutions

of the system �� for all positive t forms a trajectory leading to solutions of the CP �f ��This result will give a theoretical basis to the homotopy continuation method described

in Section �� To prove the theorem we need three lemmas� The �rst two lemmas ensurethe existence and uniqueness of a solution of the system of equations

F �z � �a� b and z � �x�y � R�n� ��

for every �a� b � Rn�� �B���f � where

B���f � � fu � Rn � u � y � f �x for some �x�y � R�n��g�

Lemma ���� The mapping F is one�to�one on R�n���

Proof� Assume on the contrary that F �x��y� � F �x��y� for some distinct �x��y� � �x��y� �R�n��� Then

f �x� � f�x� � y� � y� and x�iy�

i � x�i y�

i � � �i � �� �� � � � � n �

Since the mapping f is a P��function we can �nd an index k such that

x�k �� x�k and � � �x�k � x�k �fk�x� � fk�x

� � �x�k � x�k �y�

k � y�k �

We may assume without loss of generality that x�k � x�k� Then the inequality above

implies that y�k � y�k� This contradicts the equality x�ky�k � x�ky

�k � ��

Lemma ���� The system ��� has a solution for every �a� b � Rn� �B���f ��

Proof� Let �a� b � Rn� � B���f �� It follows from b � B���f � that �y � f��x � b

for some ��x� �y � R�n��� Let �a � ��x��y�� �x��y�� � � � � �xn�yn � Rn

��� Now we consider thefamily of systems of equations with the parameter t � ��� ���

F �x�y � ��� � t �a� ta� b and �x�y � R�n� � �

Let �t � � be the supremum of �t�s such that the system � has a solution for everyt � ��� �t �� Then there exists a sequence f�xk�yk� tk g of solutions of the system � suchthat limk�� tk � �t� Since the right�hand side ���� t �a� ta� b of the system � lies in

the compact convex subset D � f���� t �a� ta� b � t � ��� ��g of Rn� �B���f � for all

t � ��� �� �iii of Condition ��� ensures that the sequence f�xk�yk g is bounded� Hencewe may assume that it converges to some ��x� �y � By the continuity of the mappingF the point ��x� �y� �t satis�es the system � � Hence if �t � � then the desired result

follows� Assume on the contrary that �t � �� Then we have �xi�yi � �� � �t �ai � �tai � �for every i � �� �� � � � � n� Hence ��x� �y � R�n

��� It follows from Lemma ��� that themapping F is a local homeomorphism at ��x� �y � �See the domain invariance theoremin Schwartz ����� Hence the system � has a solution for every t su�ciently close to�t� This contradicts the de�nition of �t�

Lemma ����

�i Rn� B���f ��

�ii F maps R�n�� onto Rn

�� �B���f � homeomorphically�

Proof� As we have already seen in Section � the assertion �i follows from �ii of

Condition ���� We will show the assertion �ii � By the de�nition we immediately seeF �R�n

�� Rn�� � B���f � and Rn

�� � B���f � F �R�n�� by Lemma ���� Hence F

mapsR�n�� onto Rn

���B���f �� By Lemma ��� the continuous mapping F is one�to�oneon the open subset R�n

�� of R�n� Thus �ii follows from the domain invariance theorem

�see Schwartz ���� �

We remark here that if a continuous mapping f satis�es Condition ��� then F mapsR�n� onto Rn

� � Rn homeomorphically �Kojima Mizuno and Noma ���� � Now we areready to establish the existence of the trajectory F���C consisting of solutions of thesystem �� for all positive t�

Theorem ���� Let c � �a� b � Rn�� �Rn

�� and C � ftc � t � �g�

�i For every t � �� the system �� has a unique solution z�t � which is continuous in

t hence the set F ���C � fz�t � t � �g forms a trajectory�

�ii For every t� � �� the subtrajectory fz�t � � � t � t�g is bounded hence there is atleast one limiting point of z�t as t� ��

�iii Every limiting point of z�t as t� � is a complementary solution of the CP �f ��

�iv If f is a linear mapping of the form f �x � Mx � q� then z�t converges to asolution of the CP �f � as t� ��

Proof� By �i of Lemma ��� we �rst observe that

tc � C Rn�� �Rn

� Rn�� �B���f �

for every t � �� Hence the assertion �i follows from �ii of Lemma ���� If we takeD � ftc � � � t � t�g we see by Remark �� that the set

F ���D � fz � R�n�� � F �z � Dg � fz�t � � � t � t�g

is bounded� Thus we obtain �ii � By the continuity of the mapping F if z is a limiting

point of z�t as t � � we have F �z � � and z � �� hence z is a complementarysolution of the CP �f �� Thus we have shown �iii � Finally to see the assertion �iv we will utilize some result on real algebraic varieties� We call a subset V of Rm a realalgebraic variety if there exist a �nite number of polynomials gi �i � �� �� � � � � k suchthat

V � fx � Rm � gi�x � � �i � �� �� � � � � k g�

We know that a real algebraic variety has a triangulation �see for example Hironaka��� � That is it is homeomorphic to a locally �nite simplicial complex� Let

V � f�x�y� t � R�n�� � y �Mx� q � tb� xiyi � tai �i � �� �� � � � � n g�Obviously the set V is a real algebraic variety so it has a triangulation� Let �z � ��x� �y be a limiting point of z�t as t� �� Then the point v � ��x� �y� � lies in V � Since the

triangulation of V is locally �nite we can �nd a sequence ftp � �g and a subset ofV which is homeomorphic to a one�dimensional simplex such that


tp � � � limp��

z�tp � �z � z�tp � �p � �� �� � � � �

But we know that V R�n���� coincides with the one�dimensional curve f�z�t � t � t � �g�

Thus the subset f�z�t � t � tp�� � t � tpg of the curve must be contained in the set

for every p since otherwise is not arcwise connected� This ensures that z�t convergesto �z as t� ��

Remark ���� One of the referees suggested another proof of the assertion �iv of thetheorem using the well�known result that every real algebraic variety contains only �nitelymany connected components� Indeed for every � � the algebraic variety V f�x�y� t �R�n�� � k�x�y� t � vk� � �g has �nitely many connected components� It follows thatz�t must be within distance of v for all su�ciently small t � ��

�� A Numerical Method for Tracing the Trajectory F ���C

In the previous section we have shown the existence of the trajectory F���C leadingto solutions of the CP �f � for every c � R�� � R� and C � ftc � t � �g� In general

the trajectory F���C is nonlinear so that exact tracing is di�cult even if we know aninitial point on the trajectory� Of course exact tracing is not necessary since our aimis only to get an approximate solution of the CP �f �� We will control the distance fromthe trajectory in such a way that kF �z � tck tends to zero as the right�hand side of the

system �� tends to zero along the half�line C � ftc � Rn � t � �g� For this purposewe will introduce a �cone�neighborhood� U of the half�line C� To develop a numericalmethod that traces the trajectory F���C we further assume in the remainder of thepaper�

Condition ����

�i The mapping f associated with the CP �f � is continuously di�erentiable�

�ii c � �a� b � R�n�� and kck � �� hence the half�line C � ftc � t � �g lies in R�n


�iii U R�n�� f�g is a closed convex cone whose interior int U contains the half�line


�iv We know a point z� � �x��y� such that F �z� � U in advance�


It is always possible to choose c � �a� b U and �x��y� satisfying �ii �iii and �iv ofCondition ���� For example choose x� � � y� � � and b� � � such that b� � y��f�x� �Let a� � �x��y

��� x


��� � � � � x�ny�n � Let c � �a�� b� �k�a�� b� k and � be a positive number

such that ci � � �i � �� �� � � � � �n � De�ne U � fu � ku� tck � t� for some t � �g� Thenthe set of c � �a� b U and �x��y� satis�es Condition ����

The lemma below shows some properties of the neighborhood U of the half�line Cwhich will be utilized in the succeeding discussions�

Lemma ����

�i The set U� � fu � U � c � u � �g is bounded�

�ii There exists a positive number such that ku� �c �u ck � �c �u for each u � U �

�iii There is a positive number such that if ku � tck � t for some t � � thenu � int U �

Proof� �i One can easily see that the set fu � R�n� � c � u � �g which contains the

set U� is bounded because c � R�n���

�ii Since the set U� � fu � U � c � u � �g is bounded there is a positive number such that the ball B � fu � R�n � ku � ck � g contains the set U�� Let u � U �Obviously c � u � � because c�u � R�n

� � If c � u � � then the point u��c � u belongsto the set U� B� hence the inequality

ku� �c � u ck � �c � u

follows� Now suppose that u � U and c � u � �� Then u � � because c � R�n�� and

u � R�n� � Hence the inequality above holds trivially�

�iii By Condition ��� the point c lies in the interior int U of the cone U � Hencewe can �nd a positive number such that int U contains the ball B� � fu � R�n �

ku� ck � g� Suppose that ku� tck � t for some t � �� Then u�t belongs to theball B�� Since U is a cone we have u � int U �

The set F���U will serve as an admissible region in which we will generate a sequencefzk � R�n

��g to approximate the trajectory F���C such that limk�� c � F �zk � ��Such a sequence fzkg leads to complementary solutions of the CP �f � as we will see inthe theorem below�

Theorem ���� Suppose fzk � F���U g is a sequence such that limk�� c � F �zk � ��

Then the sequence fzkg is bounded and any limiting point of the sequence is a comple�mentary solution of the CP �f ��


Proof� Since F �zk � U �k � �� �� � � � holds from the assumption we see by Lemma��� that

kF �zk � �c � F �zk ck � �c � F �zk �k � �� �� � � � �Hence limk�� F �zk � �� Furthermore the sequence fF �zk g is bounded� By Re�

mark �� so is the sequence fzkg� Therefore we see from the continuity of the mappingF that F ��z � � for any limiting point �z of the sequence fzkg�Assuming that we are at some point �z � F���U R�n

�� i�e� �z � F���U � f�g we show how to generate a new point z � F���U such that c � F �z � c � F ��z � Thisprocess corresponds to one iteration of the algorithm described below� Let �� � ��� � and� � � be �xed such that

�� � � �� � �� ��

Let � � ��� ��� and �t � c � F ��z � �� We apply a Newton iteration with a step length� � ��� �� to the system of equations� F �z � ��tc� at the point �z� That is we solve theNewton equation the system of linear equations in the variable vector �z

DF ��z �z � F ��z � ��tc� ��

Here DF ��z denotes the Jacobian matrix of the mapping F at �z� We call �z the

Newton direction� The step length � will be determined later by an inexact line searchsuch that

c � F ��z � ��z � ���� � � ��� � � � �t�

Thus we de�ne a new point z � R�n by z � �z���z� The lemma below ensures that the�n��n coe�cient matrix on the left hand side of the system �� is nonsingular whenever�x�y � R�n

��� Hence the system �� consistently and uniquely determines the Newtondirection �z �DF ��z ���F ��z � ��tc �

Lemma ����

�i The Jacobian matrix Df �x is a P��matrix at every x � Rn� i�e�� for every nonzerou � Rn� there is an index i such that

ui �� � and ui�Df �x u�i � ��

�ii The Jacobian matrix DF �z is nonsingular at every z � �x�y � R�n���

Proof� �i Let x � Rn and � �� u � Rn� We consider a sequence fx � ���k u � k ��� �� � � �g� For every k � �� �� � � � � there is an index i such that

kui �� � and


ku � fi�x � ��


Since the index set f�� �� � � � � ng is �nite we can �nd an index i such that the relationabove holds for this i and in�nitely many k�s� For such i and k we have

ui �� � and ui�Df�x u�i � o��

k �

k� ��

Here o�h �h� � as h� �� Taking the limit as k �� we obtain

ui �� � and ui�Df�x u�i � ��

�ii Let z � �x�y � R�n��� The Jacobian matrixDF �z is written as

DF �z �

�Y X

�Df �x I


where X � diagx Y � diag y and I stands for the n � n identity matrix� To seethat the matrix DF �z is nonsingular assume on the contrary that

DF �z



�� �


Y u�Xv � � and �Df �x u� v � �

for some nonzero �u�v � R�n� It follows that

u �� � and Df�x u � �X��Y u�


u �� � and ui�Df�x u�i � �yiu�i

xi�i � �� �� � � � � n �

This contradicts �i �

Remark ���� From �ii of Lemma ��� and �ii of Lemma ��� we see that F maps R�n��

onto Rn�� �B���f � di�eomorphically�

Recall that �� � ��� � and � � � are constants satisfying �� and that �z is a uniquesolution of the Newton equation �� at �z � F���U with the parameter � � ��� ����

Assume for the time being that z � �z � ��z � F���U for every su�ciently smallnonnegative �� Ideally we want to choose the step length �� such that

F ��z � F ��z � ���z � U�

c �F ��z � min fc � F ��z � ��z � � � ��� ��g�


However the computation of the exact value of the ideal step length �� is generallyimpossible in a �nite number of steps� In the algorithm presented below we will use aninexact line search� Find the smallest nonnegative integer �� such that

F ��z � ����z � U� ��

c � F ��z � ����z �

���� �

�� � ����� � � �

��t� ���

Here � � ��� � denotes a constant and ��� stands for the ���th power of ��

Now we are ready to describe the algorithm�

ALG��U� �� �� ���

Step �� Let t� � c � F �z� and k � ��Step �� Let �z � zk and �t � tk�

Step �� Compute the direction �z by solving the Newton equation �� �Step �� Let �� be the smallest nonnegative integer satisfying �� and ��� � De�ne

zk�� � �z � ����z and tk�� � c � F �zk�� �

Step �� Replace k by k � �� Go to Step ��

If it happens that tk � � for some k in the algorithm above then c � F �zk � �� hence

F �zk � �� In this case we may stop the algorithm because we have obtained zk as acomplementary solution of the CP �f �� So it is implicitly assumed in the algorithm abovethat tk � � for every k�

�� Global and Monotone Convergence

Let f�zk� tk g be a sequence generated by the ALG��U� �� �� ��� We will show in Theorem�� that limk�� tk � �� hence by Theorem ��� the sequence fzkg is bounded and anylimiting point of the sequence is a complementary solution of the CP �f �� For this purposewe prove the lemma below�

Lemma ���� Suppose that �z � F���U and �t � c � F ��z � �� Let �� � ��� � and � � �

be constants satisfying ���� and let �z be the solution of the Newton equation ��� at �zwith the parameter � � ��� ��� �

�i De ne

�� � maxf� � ��� �� � �z � ��z � R�n� g� ���

e�� � F ��z � ��z � F ��z � �DF ��z �z for every � � ��� ���� ���




ke�� k�� � �� ���

F ��z � ��z � �� � � F ��z � ����tc� e�� �� for every � � ��� ���� ���

c � F ��z � ��z � �� � � �t� ����t� ke�� k�� for every � � ��� ���� ���

�ii De ne

�� � supf�� � ��� ��� � ke�� k�� � �minf� �g���t for every � � ��� ���g� ��


� � �� � �� � � ���


ke�� k�� � �minf� �g���t� ���

F ��z � ��z � int U� ���

c � F ��z � ��z � ��� � � � ��� � � � �t ���

for every � � ��� �� �

Proof� �i It should be noticed that �� � ��� ��� The relation ��� follows directly fromthe continuous di�erentiability of the mapping F � By the de�nition

F ��z � ��z � F ��z � �DF ��z �z � e�� for every � � ��� ����

Since �z is the solution of the Newton equation �� we also have

F ��z � �DF ��z �z � �� � � F ��z � ���tc for every � � ��� ����

Hence the equality ��� follows from these two equalities� Taking the inner product ofeach side of ��� and the vector c we have that

c � F ��z � ��z � �� � � c � F ��z � ����tkck� � c � e�� �� � �� � � �t� ����t� ke�� k��

for every � � ��� ���� Thus we have shown the inequality ��� ��ii The inequality ��� follows from the de�nitions ��� �� of �� �� and the relation

��� � The inequality ��� is obvious by the de�nition �� of �� too� Let � � ��� �� � ByLemma ��� the point ���tc � e�� �� lies in int U � Since the point F ��z � ��z is aconvex combination of the point F ��z in the convex set U and the point ���tc�e�� �� in int U it lies in int U � Thus we have shown ��� � The inequality ��� follows from

��� and ��� �

Lemma �� guarantees that we can consistently �nd the smallest nonnegative integer�� satisfying �� and ��� at Step � of ALG��U� �� �� ��� We are now ready to prove theglobal and monotone convergence property of ALG��U� �� �� ���


Theorem ���� Let �� � ��� � and � � � be constants satisfying ���� Suppose that� � ��� ��� and � � ��� � � Let f�zk� tk g be a sequence generated by the ALG��U� �� �� ���

�i The sequence ftkg is monotone decreasing and converges to zero as k ���

�ii The sequence fzkg is bounded and its limiting points are complementary solutionsof the CP �f ��

Proof� In view of Theorem ��� it su�ces to prove the assertion �i � By applying

Lemma �� at each �z � zk we see that tk � tk�� �k � �� �� � � � � Hence the sequenceftkg is monotone decreasing� Since each tk is nonnegative there exists a nonnegativenumber �t to which the sequence converges� If �t � � we obtain the desired result�Assume on the contrary that �t � �� De�ne the compact subset

V � fu � U � �t � c � u � t�g

of R�n�� �see Lemma ��� � Then we see by �ii of Lemma ��� that the set F���V which

contains the sequence fzkg is a compact subset of R�n�� since V R�n

�� Rn���B���f ��

Taking a subsequence if necessary we may assume that the sequence fzkg convergesto some �z � F���V � Then it is easily seen that �t � c � F ��z � Now applying Lemma

�� to the point �z we can �nd a positive number �� such that for every � � ��� ��

F ��z � �g�z � int U�

c � F ��z � �g�z � ��� � � � ��� � � � �t �

Here g�z denotes the Newton direction determined by the equation �� with �z � �z and�t � �t� On the other hand the Jacobian matrix DF �z is nonsingular and continuousat z � �z �see �ii of Lemma ��� � This implies that the Newton direction generated atthe k�th iteration �zk converges to g�z� Therefore for a nonnegative integer � such

that �� � ��� �� we have

F �zk � ���zk � int U and

c � F �zk � ���zk ���� � �� � ���� � � �


for every su�ciently large k� Let ��k be the nonnegative integer determined at Step � ofthe k�th iteration in ALG��U� �� �� ��� Then for every su�ciently large k we see that��k � �� hence

tk�� ����� �

��k � ���k�� � � �


����� �� � ���� � � �


This contradicts the fact that the sequence ftkg converges to �t�

� Local Convergence

We will assume the condition below in addition to Conditions ��� and ��� throughoutthis section which is divided into two subsections ��� and ���� Subsection ��� is devotedto a locally linear convergence property of ALG��U� �� �� ��� In Subsection ��� we will

modify ALG��U� �� �� �� to get a locally quadratic convergence�

Condition ���

�i At each complementary solution z � �x�y of the CP �f � the set of the columnsI i �i � I��y and �Df �x �j �j � I��x forms a basis of Rn� Here I i denotesthe i�th column of the n � n identity matrix I �Df �x �j the j�th column of then � n Jacobian matrix Df�x of the mapping f I��y � fi � yi � �g and

I��x � fj � xj � �g��ii The Jacobian matrix Df �x of the mapping f is Lipschitz continuous on each

bounded subset E Rn� i�e� there is a positive constant � such that

kDf �x� �Df�x� k � �kx� � x�k for every x�� x� � E�

where kAk denotes the matrix norm max fkAwk � w � Rn� kwk � �g for every

n� n matrix A�

We note that �i of Condition ��� implies the strict complementarity i�e� xi � � if andonly if yi � � �i � �� �� � � � � n � By using the well�known implicit function theorem we

can also derive the local uniqueness of each solution of the CP �f � from �i of Condition���� Furthermore we will see in Lemma ��� below that the CP �f � has a unique solution�

�� Locally Linear Convergence

Now we state the locally linear convergence of ALG��U� �� �� ���

Theorem ��� Let �� � ��� � and � � � be constants satisfying ���� Suppose that� � ��� ��� and � � ��� � � Let f�zk� tk g be a sequence generated by the ALG��U� �� �� ���

Then there is a positive number K such that

tk�� � �� � � �tk for every k � K�

We will prove a series of lemmas which leads us to Theorem ����

Lemma ���


�i The Jacobian matrixDF �z of the mapping F is nonsingular at every z � �x�y �R�n�� F ���� �

�ii The CP �f � has a unique solution�

�iii There are positive constants � and � such that

kDF �z k � �� ���

kDF �z ��k � � ���

for every z � F ���U�t� and

kF �z� � F �z� k � �kz� � z�k� ���

kz� � z�k � �kF �z� � F �z� k ���

for every z��z� � F ���U�t� �

�iv There is a positive constant � such that

kF �z� � F �z� �DF �z� �z� � z� k � �kz� � z�k�

for every z��z� � F ���U�t� �

Here U�t� � fu � U � c � u � t�g�

Proof� �i Recall the de�nition �� of the mapping F � R�n� � Rn

� � Rn� If z �R�n�� F���� then we have either

z � �x�y � R�n��

orF �z � �� z � �x�y � R�n

� �

Note that z is a complementary solution of the CP �f � in the latter case� We have shownin Lemma ��� that the Jacobian matrixDF �z is nonsingular at every z � R�n

��� Nowsuppose that F �z � � and z � R�n

� � By �i of Condition ��� we can easily verify thatif DF �z w � � for some w � R�n then w � �� hence DF �z is nonsingular�

�ii By Theorem ��� we know that the CP �f � has a complementary solution� On theother hand by applying the implicit function theorem �see for example Ortega andRheinboldt ���� to the system �� at each complementary solution �z of the CP �f �

and �t � � we see that the unique trajectory F ���C whose existence is ensured byTheorem ��� converges to �z as t � �� Hence the solution of the CP �f � must beunique��iii Let z� be the unique solution of the CP �f �� Since

U�t� U R�n�� f�g �Rn

�� �B���f � f�g �


we know F���U�t� R�n��fz�g� Noting �ii of Lemma ��� and extending slightly the

argument in �ii above we can show that F is a homeomorphism between F���U�t� and U�t� � On the other hand the set U�t� is compact by Lemma ���� Thereforethe set F���U�t� is compact too� Let W be the convex hull of the compact setF���U�t� � Then W is also compact and W R�n

��fz�g� We have seen by �i above

that the Jacobian matrixDF �z is nonsingular at every z in the set R�n��fz�g� Thus

by the continuity of the Jacobian matrix DF �z there exist positive numbers � and� such that ��� Holds for every z � W and that ��� holds for every z � F ���U�t� �

Since the sets W and U�t� are convex the inequalities ��� and ��� follow from ��� ��� and Theorem ����� of ���� ��iv It follows from �ii of Condition ��� that the Jacobian matrixDF �z is Lipschitzcontinuous on the bounded convex set W i�e� there is a positive number � such that

kDF �z� �DF �z� k � ��kz� � z�k for every z�� z� � W�

The assertion �iv follows from Theorem ������ of �����

Lemma ��� Let �z � F���U�t� � �t � c � F ��z � �� and let �z be the solution of theNewton equation ��� at �z with the parameter � � ��� ���� De ne e�� and �� by ���� and����� respectively� Then

ke�� k � � ��� � �� � �t� � for every � � ��� ���� ���

Proof� Let � � ��� �� � Since �z is the solution of the Newton equation �� we have

k�zk � kDF ��z ���F ��z � ��tc k� kDF ��z ��k �kF ��z � �tck� ��� � �tkck � � �kF ��z � �tck� �� � � �t �by Lemma ��� and kck � �

� � � �t� ��� � �t �by Lemma ��� �

Thus we have seen thatk�zk � �� � � � � �t� ��

On the other hand by the relation ��� ��� in Lemma �� and the continuity we see

for every � � ��� ��� that

F ��z � ��z � U�

c �F ��z � ��z � ���� � � ��� � � � �t � �t � t��

hence�z � ��z � F���U�t� �


Therefore by the de�nition ��� of e�� and �iv of Lemma ��� we have

ke�� k � �k��zk��The desired inequality follows from �� and the inequality above�

For each t � � and � � ��� ��� de�ne

���t� � � min

��minf� �g

� ��� � �� � � t� �


For every � � ��� ��� let

s�� � maxft� � � � ���t� � � � for every t � ��� t��g � �minf� �g� ��� � �� � �

� ���

Here and are the positive constants that were introduced in Lemma ����

Lemma ��� Let �z � F���U�t� � �t � c � F ��z � �� and let �z be the solution of the

Newton equation ��� at �z with the parameter � � ��� ���� Then

F ��z � ��z � U� ���

c � F ��z � ��z � ���� � � ��� � � � �t ���

for every � � ��� ����t� � ��

Proof� De�ne e�� and �� by ��� and �� respectively� If ����t� � � �� then therelations ��� and ��� follow from ��� ��� in Lemma �� and the continuity� Thus

it su�ces to show that ����t� � � ��� We may assume �� � �� Suppose that

ke��� k��� � �minf� �g���t� ���

Then from the de�nition �� of �� and the continuity of e�� it follows that �� � ���

Just as we derived ��� from ��� in the proof of Lemma �� we see from ��� that

F ��z � ���z � int U�

This contradicts the de�nition ��� of �� since �� � �� � �� Thus we have shown that

ke��� k��� � �minf� �g���t�By the inequality ��� in Lemma ��� and the inequality above we have

�minf� �g���t � � ��� � �� � �t � ���

hence ����t� � � ���


Lemma ��� Let �z � F���U�t� � �t � c � F ��z � �� and let �z be the solution of the

Newton equation ��� at �z with the parameter � � ��� ���� If �t � s�� then

F ��z ��z � U�

c � F ��z ��z � �� � � ��t�

Proof� By the de�nition ��� of s�� and Lemma ��� the relations ��� and ��� holdfor every � � ��� ���

We are now ready to prove Theorem ���� We have already shown in Theorem �� thatthe sequence ftkg converges to zero as k � �� Let K be a positive integer such that

tk � s�� for every k � K� Then by Lemma �� the inequality in the theorem holds forevery k � K� This completes the proof of Theorem ����

�� A Modication of ALG��U� �� �� �� and Its Locally Quadratic Convergence

The integer K in Theorem ��� depends on the positive number � but we can take anypositive value of � � ��� ��� although K may diverge as � tends to zero� This suggeststhat the sequence ftkg converges to zero at least super�linearly if we suitably decrease thevalue of the parameter � as the iteration proceeds� In fact we can modify the algorithm

so that the sequence converges to zero quadratically�

Let �z � F ���U�t� and �t � c � F ��z � �� In the remainder of the section we denotethe solution of the Newton equation �� at �z with the parameter � � ��� ��� by �z�� �

We will be concerned with the following two sets of relations�

F ��z � ����z� �� � U� ���

c �F ��z � ����z� �� �

���� �

�� � ����� � � ��

��t� ���


F ��z ��z� ��m � U� ���

c �F ��z ��z� ��m � �� � � ��m�t� ���

Here ��� and ��m represent the ���th power of � � ��� � and the m�th power of �� � ��� �

respectively� Now we are in position to state a modi�cation of ALG��U� �� �� �� whose

local convergence will be investigated later�

ALG��U� ��� �� ���

Step �� Let t� � c � F �z� and k � ��Step �� Let �z � zk and �t � tk�


Step �� Let �z� �� be the direction determined by the Newton equation �� with theparameter � � ��� Let �� be the smallest nonnegative integer satisfying the relations��� and ��� � If �� � � then go to Step ��

Step �� De�ne

zk�� � �z � ����z� �� �

Go to Step ��

Step �� Let �m be the largest positive integer such that the relations ��� and ��� holdfor all m � �� �� � � � � �m� De�ne

zk�� � �z ��z� �� �m �

Step �� Let tk�� � c � F �zk�� � Replace k by k � �� Go to Step ��

Let f�zk� tk g be a sequence generated by ALG��U� ��� �� ��� Then in a way similar to

the proof of Theorem �� we can show that the sequence f�zk� tk g converges to �z�� � �Here z� is the unique solution of the CP �f � �see �ii of Lemma ��� � FurthermoreALG��U� ��� �� �� has a locally quadratic convergence property as we will see in Theorem��� below�

Lemma �� Let �z � F���U�t� and �t � c � F ��z � �� Suppose that �t � s� �� � wheres � ��� ��� � R�� is de ned by ����� Then the relations ��� and ��� hold for �� � ��i�e�� the relations �� and ��� hold for m � �� Let �m be the largest positive integer suchthat the relations �� and ��� hold for m � �� �� � � � � �m� Then

c � F ��z ��z� �� �m � ���� � � ��� � � ��minf� �g


Proof� Let �m be the largest integer such that

�t � s� ��m

for every m � �� �� � � � � �m� Then �m � � since �t � s� �� � From Lemma �� we see thatthe relations ��� and ��� hold for m � �� �� � � � � �m� Hence �m � �m� On the other

hand it follows from the de�nition of �m that

�t � s� �� �m��

��� �m�� minf� �g

���� � � � �� �m��

��or equivalently

�� �m ����� � �� �� �m��


��minf� �g �


Since �m � �m we have

�� �m �� ��� � � � �t��minf� �g �

Therefore we obtain

c � F ��z ��z� �� �m � �� � � �� �m�t

�� ��� � � � �� � �

��minf� �g�t��

Theorem ��� Let f�zk� tk g be a sequence generated by the ALG��U� ��� �� ��� Then theconvergence of the sequence f�zk� tk g to �z�� � is locally quadratic� More precisely�

tk�� � � ��� � � � �� � � ��minf� �g �tk �� ���

kzk�� � z�k � ��� ��� � � � �� � � ��minf� �g kzk � z�k� ��

for every su�ciently large k� Here z� is the unique solution of the CP �f ��

Proof� As we have noted above the sequence f�zk� tk g converges to �z�� � as k ���

Let K � be a positive integer such that tk � s� �� for every k � K �� Then the inequality��� �for every k � K � follows directly from Lemma ���� Furthermore we have

kzk�� � z�k � �kF �zk�� k �by ��� and F �z� � �

� ��kF �zk�� � tk��ck� ktk��ck � �� tk�� � tk�� �by Lemma ��� and kck � �

� �� � � tk��

� � ��� � � � �� � � ��minf� �g �tk � �by ���

� � ��� � � � �� � � ��minf� �g kF �zk k� �since tk � c � F �zk and kck � �

� � ��� � � � �� � � ��minf� �g ��kzk � z�k� �by F �z� � � and ���

for every k � K �� Thus we have shown �� �


�� Concluding Remarks

We have formulated the complementarity problem CP �f � as a system of equations witha nonnegativity condition on a variable vector z � Rm�

F �z � � and z � �� ���

and proposed a homotopy continuation method ALG��U� �� �� �� founded on a one�parameter family of systems of equations�

F �z � tc and z � ��

Here m � �n� Supposing that the CP �f � satis�es Condition ��� and �i of Condition ���

we have seen that the system above enjoys the following properties�

�a We can choose a c � � a closed convex cone U Rm��f�g and a point z� � F ���U

such that �ii �iii and �iv of Condition ��� hold��b Rm

�� F �Rm�� �

�c F maps Rm�� onto F �Rm

�� di�eomorphically�

�d the set F ���D is bounded for every bounded subset D of Rm� �

Generally ALG��U� �� �� �� computes an approximate solution of the system ��� if

all the conditions above are satis�ed� This may remind the readers of applications ofALG��U� �� �� �� to some other problems which are converted into systems of the form��� �

The algorithms ALG��U� �� �� �� and ALG��U� ��� �� �� as well as their global andlocal convergence results in this paper can apply to linear complementarity problems

satisfying Condition ���� We could modify the ALG��U� �� �� �� to derive the path�following algorithm ����� ��� which solves linear complementarity problems with positivesemi�de�nite matrices in O�

pnL iterations� Furthermore we could prove the globally

linear convergence of the modi�ed algorithm when it is applied to linear complementarity

problems with P �matrices� These results on the positive semi�de�nite and P �matrixcases which were presented in the original version of the paper ��� but cut in the revisedversion will be further extended to a wider subclass of linear complementarity problemswith P��matrices in the paper ��� where we explore a uni�ed approach ����� to both the

path�following algorithm ����� ��� and the potential reduction algorithm ����� for linearcomplementarity problems�


The authors are grateful to Prof� Takuo Fukuda who suggested using the powerful result

on real algebraic varieties given in the paper Hironaka ��� for the proof of �iv of Theorem����



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