Download - HOMEWORK POLICY -€¦  · Web viewwill be drawn up by the school. Excursions. Excursions enrich our school programs and foster student enjoyment – the first

Page 1: HOMEWORK POLICY -€¦  · Web viewwill be drawn up by the school. Excursions. Excursions enrich our school programs and foster student enjoyment – the first

Nungarin Primary SchoolInformation for Parents

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Parent and Student Information Handbook


Our Vision

Nungarin Primary School exists to provide a place that promotes student enjoyment and the necessary knowledge, skills and values that empower all students to realise their potential as independent, responsible, active members of our community. Our vision is achieved in partnership with families and the community.

General Information

Nungarin Primary School is a Level 3 Primary School and provides educational services to the children of Nungarin and surrounding farms. Our school has students from Kindergarten to Year 6.

Nungarin Primary School is currently staffed by 1 Principal, 2 Teachers, 1 Manager Corporate Services, 1 School Officer, 1 Library Officer, 1 Mainstream Education Assistant, 1 Special Needs Education Assistant, 1 AEIO, 1 Cleaner and 1 Gardener.

Students are housed in one classroom for years K-6. In mid 2010 the school sourced a transportable library building through the BER program where the library and staffroom is now operational. The current middle classroom is utilised as the Computer Lab and LOTE area. Our students enjoy well maintained and presented gardens and play areas.Nungarin Primary School has a tradition of high standards of student academic achievement and behaviour.


AbsencesAll student absences must be explained in writing to the child’s class teacher. Absences are regularly followed up by the school.

Administration of MedicationIf a student is required to have prescribed medicine while at school, parents must advise the Principal of all relevant details: the type of medication, the correct dose, the time for administration of the medication etc. Parents must complete a medication record form. These forms are available from the office.

No medication will be given to a student without a written record of parental consent being held by the school.

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AssembliesIn-house assemblies are held every Monday morning. At the conclusion of each term, parents and community members are invited to assembly, which includes the presentation of a class item and awards. Assembly dates are advertised through the school newsletter.

Book Club (Scholastic)Mrs Robyn Lee operates the Book Club activities throughout the year, through Scholastic Australia. Parent and students can purchase low cost books and puzzles through this scheme and parent purchases enable the school to engage in a reward system (points) in purchasing books for our school library. Any payments for Book Club can be made by credit card on the order form, or by cash to the school. Cheques should be made payable to Nungarin Primary School.

Contributions, Charges & FeesStudents are entitled to participate in an educational program that satisfies the requirements of the Australian Curriculum Framework. Principals, in consultation with their School Council, and in aaccordance with the School Education Act 1999, the School Education Regulations 2000 and this policy, determine all payments requested of parents for the education of their children.

These are extra-cost, optional components of the educational program for which parents are asked to contribute. Charges are made for student participation in activities such as:

School Camps; In-Term Swimming Lessons; Excursions; Interschool Excursion Events (sporting events); Incursions – visiting performers and attractions; and Participation in programs where extra cost consumables are involved.

Voluntary Contributions for 2018 have been set at $25.00 per student K – 6. Students personal items lists can be sourced from any supplier or pre-ordered at Nextra Newsagency Merredin. Lists are enclosed in the information booklet for your use.

Contact Details – Nungarin Primary SchoolTelephone: 9046 5122Fax: 9046 5011E-mail: [email protected]

[email protected]

In the event of loss of power, please use the school fax line – 9046 5011. Early CloseEvery Wednesday throughout the term, students are dismissed from school at 2.30pm.

EmergenciesEmergency situations may arise from medical conditions or illness such as asthma, diabetes and serious allergic reaction. It is the parent’s responsibility to provide the school with adequate and up to date information, including emergency contact telephone numbers regarding the child’s medical condition which may require specific actions and/or treatment under emergency conditions. In consultation with parents and the family doctor, an agreed emergency action plan

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will be drawn up by the school.

ExcursionsExcursions enrich our school programs and foster student enjoyment – the first key word of our school vision. We aim to provide opportunities throughout the year for students to participate in excursions – generally one per term. Parents are sometimes asked to contribute to the cost of excursions, and to fill in permission slips to consent to their child leaving the school grounds.Internet And Online services Online services are defined as any services including, but not limited to, email, calendaring, instant messaging, web conferencing, discussion groups, online file sharing and storage, Internet access and web browsing, that may be accessed using the computer networks and services of the Department.Online servicesto students in public schools will only be used for learning related activities and require informed parental consent and appropriate management.Our school’s policy on online services is carefully monitored within set guidelines (a copy is enclosed in this booklet). Students sign a contract to cover their use of the online services.

InterviewsInterviews with teachers are vital in fostering the link between school and home, and in sharing information about the progress of your child. Parents are invited to contact the school office to arrange an interview with your child’s teacher.

Languages Other Than English (LOTE)All students from years 1-6 study a Language Other Than English (LOTE- Indonesian). Nungarin Primary School, in partnership with Schools of Isolated and Distance Education (SIDE) offer Indonesian lessons delivered via the internet on Wednesdays and Thursdays and are interactive web-based lessons.

Leaving School GroundsStudents may only leave the school grounds during the day, where a written request has been received from parents. The Principal will issue a leave pass for students departing during the day, which must be carried by the student for the duration of their absence from the school grounds.

Lunch OrdersLunch orders are available from the local shop, Wegner’s Rural—Monday to Friday. Parents should contact the shop to order a child’s lunch on 9046 5507. Orders are delivered to the school at 12.30pm. No “red” foods are to be ordered, including sweet drinks. We promote a healthy school so please ensure you provide sufficient & appropriate recess, lunch, fruit & a water bottle for your child.

NewslettersSchool newsletters are issued fortnightly. These are sent home with the family representative (eldest child) in each family. It is most important that parents check their child’s school bag for the newsletter each fortnight, as this is the major source of information and communication from the school. If you wish to be included on the email list for a copy of the newsletter, please notify the school office.A planner of planned events is issued once per term, and in each fortnightly newsleter

Non-Prescription MedicationAnalgesics (aspirin and paracetamol) are non-prescribed pain suppressants and can have undesirable side-effects. They cannot be administered at school to students without a parent’s written instructions and parents must supply this medication. The school does not

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supply the paracetamol or any other analgesic medication.

Permission SlipsStudents are issued with permission slips for each activity off the school site. This can create a mountain of paperwork at various times of the school year, but we ask parents to complete the permission slips and return the next day, to alleviate a lot of time being wasted chasing up on individual children’s paperwork.

P&COur school has an active P&C which gives the school valuable support throughout the year. Parents are invited to join the P&C and take part in the fundraising and activities. General meetings of the P&C are held once per term at school. Dates of meetings are advertised in the school newsletter. Current P&C President is Gemma Coumbe, Secretary is Jayne Witham & Uniform Co-ordinator and Treasurer is Kim Holland for 2018.

Payments to SchoolContributions for 2018 can be paid directly to Nungarin Primary School—$25 per child K—6. Other occasional payments are required for excursions etc. throughout the year. Money should be placed in an envelope with the student’s name, the amount enclosed and the purpose. Where possible, the correct amount should be sent as giving change is difficult. We ask that parents pay their voluntary contributions ($25 per child) as soon as possible, from the beginning of the school year. EFT Payments are available with school bank account details being: BSB-306-018, Account number: 5173829. Please include family name for reference—eg. M Smith Vol Conts Payments by cheque should be made out to “Nungarin Primary School.”

Personal Items (Book List)Items for personal use in the educational program include stationery items, workbooks, library bags and any equipment used in the day-to-day program in the classroom. The school has issued a personal items list in this booklet and makes recommendations as to where the items may be purchased. Students are expected to commence the year with their own set of personal items which are clearly marked with the child’s name. Please ensure items are replaced as needed throughout the school year.

School Behaviour ManagementOur behaviour management program aims to make the school a safe, comfortable and enjoyable environment for students and staff.

While we endeavour to reward students for appropriate and positive behaviour at school, it is important for children to learn that consequences exist for inappropriate behaviour.

Breaches of the school code of behaviour may result in: Loss of privileges; Exclusion from class; Time-out; Parent notification and/or interview; Suspension from school.

In some cases, parents will be informed of our intention to suspend their child and have 24 hours to arrange an interview to discuss the matter. Following the interview, the student may be suspended, or an alternative measure implemented as a result of the meeting. In cases where the behaviour of a student poses a threat to the safety and well-being of themselves or others, they may be immediately suspended from school.

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Where student suspensions occur, parents are notified in writing. One copy of the suspension notice accompanies the child home, another is mailed to the parents and a third copy is forwarded to the Wheatbelt Education Office, to be noted against the student’s record.

School LeadersOur school leaders are comprised of elected representatives from the Classroom (2) for 2018. Each leader serves for a term of one year. School Leaders are elected by their peers and staff and often lead the school in assemblies, attendance to visitors and at various school events.

School Bus Our school is serviced by one bus route. The bus contractor for the Nungarin bus route is Peter Geraghty: Telephone 9047 1031 (Work), 9047 1221 (Home). The school bus has a mobile phone and can be contacted on: 0428 471 032 or via VHF Two Way Radio Channel 40.

It is important that if your child is not catching the bus on a particular day that the bus driver is contacted. This is most important both morning and afternoon. Communication between home and school is most important, so that delays do not occur when trying to ascertain which students are on the bus, or being picked up by a parent. This is particularly the case in the afternoon. Young children should be sent with written instructions if they are not on the bus in the afternoon, or alternatively please contact the school via telephone to let us know where your child is going. On the occasion of a sports carnival, it is most important that parents on the bus route liaise with the bus driver as to their requirements both morning and afternoon. This is not a school responsibility and your compliance would be greatly appreciated.

Please contact the school if you have any queries regarding eligibility for school bus services. Application for new bus service is now completed on-line through the Public Transport Authority, as is applying for Conveyance Allowance should parents not be able to utilise the bus service due to distances. The Public Transport Authority website link is and then follow the links through School Bus Services to access on-line forms and to make application for bus services. The Public Transport Authority can be contacted on 9236 2000.Complimentary passengers are carried at the discretion of the school principal. Please contact the school to gain permission for your child to travel on the bus. The school bus is not able to deviate from the designated bus route at any stage.

School CouncilThe Principal will provide members of the school council or board with the following information to enable them to undertake the functions of the school council or board: The council or board has the following functions, as stipulated in the School Education Act 1999, School Education Regulations 2000, associated delegations and, if incorporated, the Associations Incorporation Act 1987: 1. to take part in: a) establishing and reviewing from time to time, the school’s objectives, priorities and general policy directions; b) the planning of financial arrangements necessary to fund those objectives, priorities anddirections; c) evaluating the school’s performance in achieving them; and d) formulating codes of conduct for students at the school; 2. to determine in consultation with students, their parents and staff a dress code for students when they are attending or representing the school; 3. to promote the school in the community; 4. to approve: charges and contributions for the provision of certain materials, services and

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facilities; b) extra cost optional components of educational programmes; c) items to be supplied by a student for use in an educational programme; andd) any agreements or arrangements for advertising or sponsorship in relation to the school;The council or board cannot: 1. intervene in the educational instruction of students; 2. exercise authority over teaching staff or other persons employed at the school; 3. control or manage the school unless the intervention is by way of performing a function prescribed for incorporated councils or boards (see section 3.3- Incorporated councils or boards); or 4. intervene in the management or operation of a school fund.

School RulesThe students of Nungarin Primary School will:

Walk on all verandahs and paved areas; Only play non-violent games (students will not fight or play rough); Keep our school clean; Only enter buildings with permission from a teacher; Follow instructions from any staff member at all times; Wear a hat when playing; and Look after personal safety, and the safety of others.

In addition to our playground behaviour expectations, the classroom also has a set of rules developed in partnership with students.

School UniformThe School Council has established a dress code for all students attending our school. Our uniform consists of:Navy blue and sky blue T Shirt with school logo Sizes 4-14 $20.00.Navy Blue Jackets Size 6-16 $31.00Navy blue Polar Fleece Jacket with school logo - Sizes 4-16 $24.50 Navy blue Microfibre/Sports Shorts sizes 4-14 $12.00Track Pants Taslon sizes 6—14 $22.00Navy Blue Bucket Hat $12.00.All school uniform items are available from the P&C at low cost. Kim Holland is the P&C Uniform co-ordinator and can be contacted on 9046 5237. It is expected that all students wear our school uniform. A more detailed uniform cost list is placed towards the end of this information booklet.When students attend Interschool sporting events or are on excursion, a school set of tee-shirts are used and collected at the end of the excursion for laundering.It is expected that students do not wear makeup or excessive jewellery at school. Enclosed footwear is a safety requirement at all times. Denim is not allowed at school.SportOur students participate in the Dampier Interschool Sports Association (DISA) for an Interschool Swimming Carnival in March, a Cross Country Event in June, and Athletics Carnival in September held annually. Carnival venues are alternated throughout the participating schools, Mukinbudin, Bencubbin, Beacon, Trayning, Koorda and Nungarin. The school has a school-set of polo shirts that are issued to students to wear on sports days and collected for laundering at the end of the day.

Nungarin also holds a Faction Swimming Carnival in March and a Faction Athletic Carnival in

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September. For the DISA Swimming Carnival students are issued with school rashies, which are returned to staff at the end of the day.

Students compete in 2 factions—Farrell (GOLD) and Mangowine (POWDER BLUE). The school has a set of tee-shirts that students wear on Faction Sports days so that students are easily identified by their Faction. The faction shirts are collected at the end of the day to be laundered.

Student BehaviourOur school programme emphasises courtesy, consideration, care and respect at all times. Our school rules were developed in consultation with students and are prominently displayed throughout the school.

The School DayNo students prior to 8.30 a.m please.

School Commences: 8.50am 8.50am – 10.40am Morning Session10.40am – 11.00am Recess11.00am – 12.30pm12.30pm-1.00pm Lunch1.00pm – 3.00pmSchool Dismissal 3.00pmSchool Dismissal 2.30pm. (Wednesdays)

Please be prompt in picking children up from school as staff quite often have commitments after hours. Parents are requested to wait on the verandah or undercover area to collect their child/children at the end of the school day.

Visitors to SchoolWe like to meet all visitors to the school, including parents. On arrival at school, please drop in to the office to sign the visitor’s book. When leaving the school, please report back to the office to sign out.


RATIONALEHomework compliments the school program when it is planned to link to, reinforce or extend content and understandings covered in classroom programs.

AIMS To promote a home study routine. To provide opportunity for the development of independence, confidence and self-

motivation for students. To provide additional opportunity for student outcomes to be enhanced.

Homework should: support the development of the student’s independence as a learner; further the partnership between school and home; avoid dependence on unreasonable levels of parental assistance or resources that are not

readily available to the student;

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be set without impinging on reasonable time for family, recreational, cultural and employment pursuits relevant to the student’s age, development and educational aspirations;

be balanced across learning areas so as to avoid stress and overload; be phased in gradually and consistently as students move through the upper primary

years and sustained through the secondary years; To provide additional opportunity for student outcomes to be enhanced.


PRIMARY STUDENTSHomework for years 1 – 2 will consist of reading books (oral or silent), spelling and phonic activities, number activities or completion of some work commenced at school which are non-assessable. Set homework may be provided from time to time, especially if the student is on a special program. This will be done in consultation with parents.

In years 3 – 6 students will be required to complete set homework. NO overnight homework will be set. This will be prepared by the classroom teacher routinely on a weekly basis. Homework will not be set as punishment for students. Homework load may increase in year 5 & 6.

PARENTAL ASSISTANCE:Parents can assist by:

providing the student with an atmosphere conducive to study; assisting the student to organise him/herself to make maximum use of time available; discussing the homework requirement with the student; assisting the student with points that he/she has not or cannot fully comprehend; checking the work for neatness and presentation; contacting the school if concerned over the level of the student’s performance; and checking and signing the homework diary weekly if in use.


YEARS 1 – 2 No formal homework other than that described above, negotiated between the class teacher and the parents of students in that class. Some special programs may be set from time to time to accommodate children with modified or extended needs. This will be negotiated between teacher/parent/therapist/school psychologist.

YEARS 3 – 6Half to one hour, including some written work (At least three times per week, time allocation on a sliding scale up to the maximum in year 6 of 1 hour per homework night).


POLICY Our School supports and encourages the appropriate use of the Internet as a tool for achieving

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specific learning outcomes.

Guidelines to ensure appropriate use of the Internet have been developed by Our School.

OUTCOMESEvery user will use the facility in a responsible and sensible manner in order to achieve the following outcomes:

Teachers will have the opportunity to explore and use this technology in curriculum applications to improve learning and teaching.

Students will: recognise when and what information is required, locate and obtain it from a range of

sources and evaluate, use and share it with others; select, use and adapt technologies; be self-motivated and confident in their approach to learning and are able to work

individually and collaboratively; and recognise that everyone has the right to feel valued and be safe, and, in this regard,

understand their rights and obligations and behave responsibly.

GUIDELINESWhat types of use are acceptable?

accessing information for research and educational purposes only; communicating electronically with other people in an appropriate school sanctioned environment under teacher supervision. “Chat rooms” are strictly out of bounds; and; continuing professional development and research by staff.

The use of Our School Internet account must be in support of education and research, andwithin the educational goals and objectives ofour school. Students are personally responsible for this provision always when using the electronic information service.

When accessing the Internet, students’ useof other organisation’s networks or computing resources must comply with rules appropriate to that network. Transmission of any material violating any state of federal laws is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to copyrighted, threatening or obscene material.

The Internet should be used by students and teachers for curriculum purposes, independent research and development and the transfer of information relevant to the achievement of our school goals.All use of the Internet should be consistent with existing policies of the Education Department of WA.

The Internet can be used by employees for personal work-related activities, provided there is neither additional cost to the Department nor commercial gain to the staff member and that the usage does not interfere with any other use or with work carried out for the Department.

COPYRIGHTCopyright rules apply to everything that is available on the Internet, whether it has a copyright statement or not. Copying from the Internet should be regarded in the same manner as copying from any other source. Provided the copying is for education purposes, copying from the Internet by schools is considered to be covered by the licence agreement, which the

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Department has entered into with copyright Agency Limited. Otherwise, copying from the Internet should not occur without the consent of the owner of the copyright.

PRIVILEGESThe use of the Internet at Our School is a privilege, not a right and inappropriate use will result in a temporary or permanent cancellation of those privileges. Additional disciplinary action may be added in line with existing practice on inappropriate language or behaviour as defined in the policy on Behaviour Management.

INTERNET ETIQUETTE AND PRIVACYSome guidelines for appropriate use of the Internet:

Be Polite.Never send, or encourage others to send, abusive messages.

Use Appropriate Language. Remember that you are a representative of our school and country on a non-private

system. You may be alone with your computer, but what you say and do can be viewed globally!

Never swear, use vulgarities, or any other inappropriate language. Illegal activities of any kind are strictly forbidden.

PrivacyDo not reveal your home address or personal phone number, or the address and phone numbers of other members of our community.

Electronic MailElectronic mail (e-mail) is not guaranteed to be private.

DisruptionsDo not use the network in any way that would disrupt use of the network by others.

Personal ResponsibilityAs a representative of this school, students will accept personal responsibility for reporting any misuse of the network to the staff in charge.

SecurityIf students identify a security problem, they must notify the teacher in charge at once.

Never demonstrate the problem to other users.

VandalismAny vandalism will result in the loss of computer services and disciplinary action.

Equitable UseThe use of the Internet should be legal and ethical.


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Contractor Peter Geraghty 9047 1031Driver Jarid McLachlan 9046 5360

Bus Mobile 0428 471 032Bus UHF Channel 40Public Transport Authority 9326 2000

Surname First Names Location Number

Location Pick - Up Time

Set - Down Time



WEGNER Reuben 19990 1320 Nukarni East Rd

KING Phoenyx 11119 Danberrin Rd 8.01 3.44 3.14

HOLLAND Daniel/Ashley 11129 Hodges Rd 8.10 3.35 3.05

SCHILLER Sophie 58 Karomin Rd 8.27 3.18 2.48



Quantity Item

2 Highlighter Pens (Yellow)

1 Packet of 12 Twist Crayons

2018 School Items List - K-2

Name: _________________________________ Year: ___________

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8 Lead Pencils HB6 Glue Sticks 35 grams

1Top Loade Attache File A4 – Elastic & button closure.

Durable fabric gusset.Fabric Webbing with matching colour.

1 Textas (NOT CONNECTORS)1 Thin Wooden Ruler 30cm1 Sharpener (Double hole)1 Scissors4 A3 Scrap Books (64 page)2 Packet of 10 or 12 Coloured Pencils- Years 1&2 only1 2 Zip Pencil Case

4 Bullet Tip Whiteboard Markers (2 Blue & 2 Black)1 Library Bag2 A3 Display Book – 20 page1 Water bottle – (to be kept at school)


In addition to the above, Kindergarten andPre-Primary Students require the following items:

2 1 Pack of Triangle Coloured Pencils

6 Triangular HB Lead Pencils

Please put student names on all items.

Quantity Item

2 A4 Clear Document Wallet

Nungarin Primary School has contacted NEXTRA Newsagency Merredin, who

will have these supplies available, should you wish to place an order. You may

source the stationary items from any supplier but please have these ready for

the commencement of the 2018 School Year.

Name: _________________________________ Year: ___________

2018 School Items List - Years 3-6

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1Top Loade Attache File A4 – Elastic & button closure. Durable fabric gusset.Fabric Webbing with matching colour. (Any colour)

2 Erasers4 Glue Stick 35 Gram2 Artline Pen Black1 Coloured Pencils Pk/248 1 Pack of 8 Lead Pencil4 Red Correction Pencils1 Metal 2 Hole Sharpener4 Blue Ballpoint Pens - Years 4-6 Only4 Red Ballpoint Pens - Years 4-6 Only2 Thin Wooden Ruler 30cm

4 A3 Scrap Book 64 Pages1 2 Zip Pencil Case1 A3 Display Book 20 Sheet1 Display Book 20 Pocket A4

1 Scissors 17cm

1 Cotton Library Bag

1 Pack of Textas (NOT CONNECTORS)2 Whiteboard Markers – Bullet Point (1 Blue & 1 Black)

4 Highlighter Pens (Yellow)

Please put student names on all items

Nungarin Primary School has contacted NEXTRA Newsagency Merredin, who will have these

supplies available, should you wish to place an order. You may source the stationary items from

any supplier but please have these ready for the commencement of the 2018 School Year.

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Term Dates 2018 (with 3 School Development Days to be included)

Period Start Finish Length

Term 1 Wednesday 31 January, 2018 Friday 13 April, 2018 11 Weeks

School Holidays Saturday 14 April, 2018 Sunday 29 April, 2018

Term 2 Monday 30 April, 2017 Friday 29 June, 2018 10 Weeks

School Holidays Saturday 30 June, 2018 Sunday 15 July, 2018

Term 3 Monday 16 July, 2018 Friday 21 September, 2018 10 Weeks

School Holidays Saturday 22 September, 2018 Sunday 7 October, 2018

Term 4 Monday 8 October, 2018 Thursday 13 December, 2018 10 Weeks

School Holidays Friday 14 December, 2018 Sunday 27 January, 2019

Mon 1st JanNew Year's Day

Fri 26th JanAustralia Day

Mon 5th MarLabour Day

Fri 30th MarGood Friday

Mon 2nd AprEaster Monday

Tue 3rd AprEaster Tuesday

Wed 25th AprAnzac Day

Mon 4th JuneWestern Australia Day

Mon 1st OctQueen's Birthday

Tue 25th DecChristmas Day

Wed 26th DecBoxing Day

School Development Day—Monday & Tuesday 30th & 31st January (no students)

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P&C Contacts 2018:

President: Gemma CoumbeVice President: Nancy TaylerSecretary: Jayne WithamTreasurer: Kim Holland School Uniform Co-ordinator: Kim Holland - Tel: 9046 5237

Parents: Clare Finch / Jarrid McLachlanParents/Caregiver: Jane Witham / Adam EksanowParents: Alan & Ellie PittsParents: Andrew & Kim HollandParents: Gemma CoumbeParents: Jacqueline King / David DhuParents: Jacob TaylerParents: Joshua Lomas / Alaria Wilson

The Nungarin P&C Association holds their Annual General Meeting in February each year, followed by a general meeting at the conclusion of election of Office Bearers.

General meetings are held once per term at the school (usually 4 meetings per year), and mostly on a Wednesday afternoon (early close day, immediately after school).

Dates for meetings will be published in the school newsletter and on the school calendar.

The parent body is a much valued group who support our school activities in fundraising, catering and on sports days and various other activities. P&C support and input is much appreciated and the school thanks our P&C for their continuing support.

Nungarin Primary School Council – meet on a Friday afternoon at 1.30pm (i.e. 4 meetings per year).School Council Contacts 2018:

Principal: Vicki Pustkuchen—Tel: 9046 5122Teacher: Chris RobertsParent Rep: Gemma CoumbeParent Rep: Ellie PittsParent Rep: Jackqueline KingCommunity Rep: Bev Palmer