Download - Homework: 7.21, 7.23 Tutorial Problems: 7.25, 7.37, 7 7a.pdf · 2020. 11. 23. · Homework: 7.21, 7.23 Tutorial Problems: 7.25, 7.37, 7.40 Signals & SystemsSampling P1. Chapter 7:

  • Homework: 7.21, 7.23Tutorial Problems: 7.25, 7.37, 7.40

    Signals & Systems Sampling P1

  • Chapter 7: Sampling

    Department of Electrical & Electronic EngineeringSouthern Univerisity of Science & Technology

    2020 - FallLast Update on: Tuesday 24th November, 2020

    Signals & Systems Sampling P2

  • Introduction

    Signals & Systems Sampling P3

  • Video RecordingSignal to be sampled: real scene (continuous-time signals)

    Sampling: record by camera with a rate of 24, 25 or 30 frames per second

    Sampled signal: video tapes, mp4 files, avi files and etc. (discrete-timesignals)

    Reconstruction: watch via eyes and interpret in the brain

    In our consciousness, the real scene can be reconstructed without informationloss

    Signals & Systems Sampling P4

  • Outline

    Sampling is a general procedure to generate DT signals from CT signals,where information of the original signals can be kept

    Core sampling theory:I Impulse train, zero-order hold, first-order hold and etcI Analysis in frequency domainI Nyquist rate

    Undersampling: Aliasing

    Application: process continuous-time signals discretely

    More sampling techniques: decimation, downsampling and upsampling

    Signals & Systems Sampling P5

  • Impulse-Train SamplingMathematically, sampling can be represented by multiplication

    Sampling function: p(t) =∑∞

    n=−∞ δ(t − nT )Sampling period: T


    xp(t) = x(t)× p(t) = x(t)×∞∑

    n=−∞δ(t − nT ) =


    x(nT )δ(t − nT )

    Signals & Systems Sampling P6

  • Sampling discards most of points in the original signals.Is there any information loss in sampling?

    Signals & Systems Sampling P7

  • Observation (1/2)

    Signals & Systems Sampling P8

  • Observation (2/2)

    Sampling: the frequency should be high enough

    Reconstruction: the interpolation should be smooth enough

    Signals & Systems Sampling P9

  • Frequency Analysis (1/2)Theoretical tool: continuous-time Fourier transform


    x(t)× p(t) � 12π

    X (jω) ∗ P(jω)

    Fourier series of p(t):

    ak =1


    ∫ T/2−T/2


    δ(t − nT )e−jkωs tdt where ωs =2π




    ∫ T/2−T/2

    δ(t)e−jkωs tdt =1


    Fourier Transform of p(t):

    P(jω) = 2πak


    δ(ω − kωs) =2π



    δ(ω − kωs)

    Signals & Systems Sampling P10

  • Frequency Analysis (2/2)Fourier transform of sampled signal xp(t):

    Xp(jω) =1

    ∫ ∞−∞

    X (jθ)P(j(ω − θ))dθ




    X (j(ω − kωs))

    Sampling: the Fourier transform of input signal is repeated with period ωs

    Signals & Systems Sampling P11

  • Reconstruction Problem

    Given the sampled signal, can we perfectly reconstruct the signal beforesampling?

    Signals & Systems Sampling P12

  • Reconstruction (1/2)

    Scenario of ωs > 2ωM

    Signals & Systems Sampling P13

  • Reconstruction (2/2)Scenario of ωs ≤ 2ωM

    Signals & Systems Sampling P14

  • Sampling Theorem

    Let x(t) be a band-limited signal with

    X (jω) = 0 for |ω| > ωM .

    Then, x(t) is uniquely determined by its samples x(nT ) or xp(t) if

    ωs =2π

    T> 2ωM ,

    where 2ωM is referred to as the Nyquist rate.

    Questions:I How about ωs = 2ωM?I Sampling on band-pass signals

    Signals & Systems Sampling P15

  • Signal Reconstruction: Interpolation

    If ωs > 2ωM , original signal can be perfectly reconstructed by ideal low-passfilter.

    Time domain interpretation of lowpass filtering

    xr (t) = xp(t) ∗ h(t) =+∞∑

    n=−∞x(nT )h(t − nT )


    n=−∞x(nT )

    sin ωs2 (t − nT )ωs2 (t − nT )


    n=−∞x(nT )sinc(

    t − nTT


    Ideal lowpass filtering: interpolation with sinc function

    Signals & Systems Sampling P16

  • Zero-Order HoldIt’s difficult to generate ideal impulse chain in practical implementation.

    xp(t) =∞∑

    n=−∞x(nT )δ(t − nT )

    Alternative approach: zero-order hold

    How to interpret the system of ”zero-order hold” mathematically?

    Signals & Systems Sampling P17

  • Interpretation of Zero-Order Hold

    Zero-order hold: sampling + interpolation with rectangular impulse response

    An approximation of the signal to be sampled.

    Signals & Systems Sampling P18

  • Frequency Analysis (1/2)Step 1: Impulse-train sampling

    Step 2: Frequency response of h0(t)

    Signals & Systems Sampling P19

  • Frequency Analysis (2/2)

    Signals & Systems Sampling P20

  • Reconstruction

    H(jω) should be a idea low-pass filter from −ωs/2 to ωs/2

    Signals & Systems Sampling P21

  • First-Order Hold

    First-order hold: sampling + interpolation with triangular wave

    How to reconstruct?

    Signals & Systems Sampling P22

  • Summary: Sampling Approaches

    Signals & Systems Sampling P23

  • Problem 1

    Problem (7.5)

    Let x(t) be a signal with Nyquist rate ω0. Also, let

    y(t) = x(t)p(t − 1),


    p(t) =∞∑

    n=−∞δ(t − nT ), and T < 2π


    Specify the constraints on the magnitude and phase of the frequency response ofa filter that gives x(t) as its output when y(t) is the input.

    Signals & Systems Sampling P24

  • Problem 2

    Problem (7.7)

    A signal x(t) undergoes a zero-order hold operation with an effective samplingperiod T to produce a signal x0(t). Let x1(t) denote the result of a first-orderhold operation on x(t). Specify the frequency response of a filter that producesx1(t) as its output when x0(t) is the input.

    Signals & Systems Sampling P25

  • Problem 3

    Problem (7.36)

    Let x(t) be a band-limited signal such that X (jω) = 0 for |ω| ≥ π/T .(a) If x(t) is sampled using a sampling period T , determine an interpolatingfunction g(t) such that




    x(nT )g(t − nT ).

    (b) Is the function g(t) unique?

    Signals & Systems Sampling P26