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dr- Farooq Mofti

Sultan Alharthi


Homework 3

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:كنيسة فلورنسا

Page 3: homework 3

St. Luke and his winged ox.

The Pozzi Chapel, straight on. Designed by Filippo Brunelleschi.

And the villain everyone likes to hate for daring to speak the truth about the choice

leaders face: success or honesty.

Tombs line the nave, in this case for Galileo.


Stepping outside to the cloister and the Pozzi Chapel.

:كنيسة فلورنسا

Page 4: homework 3

:كنيسة سان ماركو

San Marco's church is very ornate

inside, and well worth popping

your head into. It's a triple naved

church with quite an ornate ceiling and a silver high


Page 5: homework 3

:كنيسة سان ماركو

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