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Homelessness Strategy

Year Two Update2007-2010

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2 Homelessness Strategy 2007-2010 Year Two Update




Analysis - Year Two (2008/09)

National Indicator 156 andBest Value PerformanceIndicators

Strategic Actions

The Future

Comments Slip















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3Homelessness Strategy 2007-2010 Year Two Update

ForewardAs the Executive Councillor (Communities)I am pleased to introduce this second annualupdate of the Homelessness Strategy 2007-10for Stockport.

Through wide consultation, Stockport Councilhas developed a vision for the Borough as aplace that is ‘cleaner, greener, safer andstronger’.

Consistent with this vision, we believe it is very important that homelessness iseffectively prevented wherever possible; and for those people who become homeless, itis important that there are sufficient facilities and support to help them, both temporarilyand in securing settled accommodation in the longer term.

The second year of this strategy has seen further success in reducing homelessness fora consecutive fourth year, and linked to this is the significant increase in householdsbeing able to access housing which they would have previously struggled to do so,such as in the private sector. This update provides information on the achievementsover the past year and looks ahead to the emerging challenges that we are all facing inthe current difficult economic climate, which without continued support andcommitment from partner agencies will have an adverse impact on homelessness andthe use of temporary accommodation within the Borough.

The vast majority of the Action Plan for the second year has been implemented and hasbrought significant improvements for homeless or potentially homeless households. Iwould like to express my thanks to partner agencies for their continued commitmentand co-operation in helping deliver on this. The final year of the strategy will look tocement this work and further develop and improve opportunities for people who arevulnerable and ensure that a real and lasting impact is made on homelessness inStockport now and for future generations.

In previous years the Audit Commission recognised services to people who arehomeless in Stockport as “an area of significant strength”, which has been strengthenedby the Supporting People assessments of Stockport Homes’ temporaryaccommodation schemes all achieving grade A. In delivering this strategy, the Councilrelies greatly on the further development and strengthening of partnerships and jointworking, which I hope will evolve further as needs are met, new challenges emerge andfresh practices arise from our partners.

Councillor Sue DerbyshireExecutive Councillor (Communities) & Deputy Leader


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4 Homelessness Strategy 2007-2010 Year Two Update

IntroductionStockport’s Homelessness Strategy was first written as a directresult of the Homelessness Act 2002, and the then Departmentfor Transport, Local Government and the Regions (DTLR) report ofthe same year, ‘More than a Roof’.

Legislation requires that Homelessness Strategies be written every fiveyears, but here in Stockport we have decided to work to a three year cycleas that gives more opportunities to respond to both national and localchallenges – as we have seen recently with the economic downturn whichis expected to present very distinct challenges, for example around debtand mortgage repossessions.

Over the past year Stockport Council, Stockport Homes and many otherpartners have seen many successes in tackling and addressinghomelessness in the Borough which will be described later. In the currenteconomic climate which we find ourselves in as we head into the third yearof this homelessness strategy, the Borough will face increasingly difficultchallenges as the pressure to reduce homelessness and temporaryaccommodation use increases.

We have spent this year developing our activities around the government’semerging worklessness and enhanced housing option’s agenda, we willbuild on the work done already in this area and continue to drive forwardthis new approach.

At the beginning of the second year of the Homelessness Strategy 2007-10, the Best Value Performance Indicators (BVPI) were disestablished(although kept as local performance measures) and a new NationalIndicator (NI) set introduced. Of this new set, NI156 relates to thegovernment’s target to reduce the number of households in temporaryaccommodation by half by 2010 from a starting point in 2004. In reality thismeans a reduction from 55 to 27 households being accommodated. Thistarget was achieved in September 2008 a year and a half early. We willcontinue to work towards reducing this number further throughout theremainder of this strategy.

On a related legal matter, at the end of the second year of this strategy weare awaiting final clarification from the courts around duties owed byhousing authorities to 16 and 17 year olds who are homeless and also tothose living in refuges, which could ultimately impact on how we deliverservices to these groups and which are included in the NI156 count.


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5Homelessness Strategy 2007-2010 Year Two Update

Analysis - Year Two (2008/09)In Stockport a total of 128 households were accepted as having a dutyowed to them under homelessness legislation in 2008/09. This continuesthe positive drive on homelessness prevention and promoting alternativehousing options, and is echoed throughout the region and nationally(Figure 1).

A key focus of work during year two has been to provide greater access tothe service and developing support for those people who are particularlyvulnerable / socially excluded who would previously not have engaged withtraditional services and have preferred to sleep rough. A protocol hasdeveloped with a local third sector provider, The Wellspring, to help engagecustomers who would otherwise have remained excluded. This aims torefer customers into the services offered by Stockport Homes and ourpartners and so provide them with temporary accommodation, health, drugand alcohol services (as appropriate).

Throughout the year, Stockport Homes has further developed an‘enhanced housing options’ approach, whereby customers willautomatically be linked into services such as health, education,employment, and money advice. Year two of the strategy has seen thereceipt of Supporting People funding to develop links with employment andtraining providers, and engage customers in this process through housingforms and information in reception areas.

Figure 1. - Full duty acceptances in Stockport by year


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6 Homelessness Strategy 2007-2010 Year Two Update

Main cause ofhomelessness

Asked to leave by parents

Domestic violence

Loss of private rentedaccommodation

Refugees required to leaveaccommodation providedby the Home Office

Asked to leave by friendsor other relatives

Homelessness Acceptances

























Table 1. - Key causes of homelessness


38(30% of total)

20(16% of total)

12(9% of total)

9(7% of total)

7(5% of total)

Helping customers with the above issues, we have the following measuresin place:

Asked to leave by parents, friends or other relatives

A dedicated Mediation Officer helping people resolve their family disputeand return home, with a total of 401 households successfully mediatedback home – twice as many as in 2007/08.

A dedicated Social Worker providing additional support and expertise forall 16 / 17 year olds asked to leave by their parents.

Supported Lodgings providing longer-term supported accommodationfor young people, which better equips them for their future.

Below in Table 1 you can see the key causes of homelessness for the lastfive years and some of the intervention measures in place to help addressthe issues raised.




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7Homelessness Strategy 2007-2010 Year Two Update

Domestic Abuse

A well established Domestic Abuse Forum and Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference.

Increased security measures offered, up to a safe room (known as a ‘sanctuary scheme’) across all tenures of accommodation.

Campaigns leading to a better awareness of domestic abuse and newly commissioned, increased outreach support by Stockport Women’s Aid and Stockport Homes.

Loss of private rented accommodation

A successful Deposit Scheme helping 198 households – a threefold increase on 2007/08.

Use of an innovative Prevention Fund, assisting 51 households to accesshousing of their choice.

A Housing Options Outreach Worker dedicated to liaising with private sector landlords, resolving issues threatening the tenancy.

Raised awareness of support and assistance provided to landlords via landlords forums and newsletters.

Housing Benefit verification training for staff leading to claims being dealt with more speedily, preventing subsequent homelessness.

Refugees required to leave accommodation provided by the HomeOffice

Targeted advice and support helping refugees explore all their options and better planning for leaving NASS accommodation.

Improved work with UK Border Agency to monitor refugee cases likely toneed housing assistance.











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8 Homelessness Strategy 2007-2010 Year Two Update

National Indicator 156 and Best Value Performance Indicators (BVPI)

2008-09 saw the discontinuation of BVPIs (which were generally kept on aslocal indicators) and the introduction of a new range of National Indicators(NI). Performance against these ex-BVPIs have remained strong (see Tabletwo below for details). Since these BVPIs have been discontinued,performance has continued to be monitored.

Table 2. - National Indicator 156 and BVPIs

NI156 which counts the number of households living in temporaryaccommodation and formally introduces the government target to half thenumbers of households living in temporary accommodation by 2010 – inreal terms for Stockport this is a reduction from 55 to 27 households.








Brief description

Households in bed andbreakfast

Households in sharedtemporaryaccommodation

Estimate of roughsleepers

Average % change innumber of householdsin temporaryaccommodation

Cases of homelessnessprevention in relation toBorough population

Repeat homeless cases














2.6(6 cases)







1.3(2 cases)







0(0 cases)



but retained

as local ind


BVPI 203 effectively new



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9Homelessness Strategy 2007-2010 Year Two Update

As can be seen in Figure 2. below, during 2008/09 Stockport hasachieved this 27 household target ahead of the scheduled deadline.

Figure 2. - Numbers in temporary accommodation at the end ofeach quarter

Working to achieve the national target by 2010 and go beyond this,Stockport has set a year-on-year target to achieve 23 households byMarch 2010 (a 15% improvement on the national target, with on-goingreductions thereafter). Throughout year three of the strategy this work willcontinue, but it is recognised that it will be more difficult as the economicdownturn continues increasing pressures (for example, in terms of debt andmortgage arrears).

Achieving targets set against the national indicator and the ex-BVPIsunderpins the work to promote social inclusion and support people whoare vulnerable. Whilst important in its own right, this work is relevant to arange of strategic objectives, including indicators around reducingre-offending and sustaining employment and accommodation for certaingroups.

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10 Homelessness Strategy 2007-2010 Year Two Update

Strategic ActionsThis strategy spans three years and the planned year two actions (April2008 – March 2009) are captured in Table 3, over the next few pages,together with those actions outstanding from year one.

In addition to this planned work, other opportunities have arisen within thelast year and these have been developed where they were aligned with thebroad aims of the strategy and emerging agendas.

Actions recorded here are set within the three key themes of:

• homelessness prevention and housing options;

• support; and

• strategic working.

The key outstanding issues from year two, for further action are to:

• improve homeless households access to Registered Social Landlords (RSL) properties via nominations;

• introduce an RSL eviction protocol to further reduce levels of homelessness; and

• implement Mental Health Strategy actions – support alert system for Stockport Homes’ tenants and a Greater Manchester-wide Hospital Discharge protocol.


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Table 3. - Year two actions (Homelessness Strategy)


Expand mediation services –for example, teenage parents,specialist providers, wardspecific initiatives.

Work with social housingproviders to reduce evictions forrent arrears by earlyinterventions linked to support.

Continue to improve thestandard of temporaryaccommodation and the rangeof facilities / support forhomeless families, single menand women.

Increase and improve deliveryof housing options andhomelessness prevention workto meet / achieve improvedoutcomes against BVPI 213homelessness prevention.


Additional temporary MediationOfficer in post, funded bySupporting People. DedicatedSocial Worker for homeless 16and 17 year olds.

RSL evictions forming very lownumber of homelessnessacceptances. Broad agreementfor a protocol with RSL ChiefExecutives. To be developedand expanded in year three.

All three Stockport Homes’Temporary Accommodation(TA) Schemes were the 1st inStockport to achieve the topLevel A award duringSupporting Peopleassessments in 2008. Play andDevelopment Workersintroduced at the familyscheme. Many new kitchensand bathrooms installed in TAschemes in consultation withcustomers. GM Procure topart-fund new garden atwomen’s scheme.

BVPI disestablished –homelessness preventioncontinues to increase.Prevention Fund assisted 51households from becominghomeless in 2008/09.Supporting People fundadditional Deposit Scheme,mediation and domestic abusework. Prevention targetexceeded by 150% with 485households assisted.

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12 Homelessness Strategy 2007-2010 Year Two Update


Implement relevantrecommendations of theforthcoming Housing andMental Health Strategy.

Review data around youthhomelessness and housingneeds.

Introduce comprehensivepractices with regard to theRespect agenda to preventhomelessness – for example,parenting / support schemes.

Work with RSLs to ensure bestpractice against HousingCorporations’ HomelessnessStrategy guidance – forexample, reduce evictions,appropriate levels ofnominations to homelessapplicants.

Continue to resist the use ofbed-and-breakfastaccommodation for homelessfamilies which achieves topquartile performance againstBVPI 183(a).


Mental Health and HousingStrategy delayed but workunderway with an alerter andintervention protocol and aGreater Manchester HospitalDischarge Protocol.

Data review completed. AgeRestriction Strategy to befinalised as key actionaddressing housing needs.

Family Intervention Project (FIP)is operational. Educationalworker attending schools toprovide sessions on Anti-SocialBehaviour (ASB) andhomelessness from April 2009.ASB system amended toensure escalation process includes pre-eviction support.

RSL evictions forming very lownumber of homelessnessacceptances. Broad agreementfor a protocol with RSL ChiefExecutives. To be developedand expanded in year three.Whilst nominations for allhouseholds have increased by150% from 2007/08 to2008/09 up to 984 nominations– rehousing of homeless casesremains at around 12% ofacceptances (15 cases in2008/09).

BVPI disestablished, now alocal indicator. No bed andbreakfast used in 2008/09 andalternative provision andplanning in place to meetneeds.

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All three Stockport Homes TASchemes were the 1st inStockport to achieve the topLevel A award duringSupporting Peopleassessments in 2008. Play andDevelopment Workersintroduced at the familyscheme. Many new kitchensand bathrooms installed in TASchemes in consultation withcustomers.

A limited accredited landlordscheme has been approved bythe Council, work to establishthis is planned for 2009/10.

Due to the loss of the PPOco-ordinator, this action hasbeen re-set for year three.

Pinpoint the RegionalChoice-Based Lettings schemeacross Greater Manchester hasbeen established, withStockport being a keystakeholder.


Continue to improve thestandard of temporaryaccommodation and supportfor homeless families.

Introduce accredited landlordscheme with a potential linkwith the Deposit Scheme.

Develop the engagement ofhousing providers in the PriorityProlific Offenders (PPO) protocolto support crime reductionstrategies.

Explore regional choice basedlettings across GreaterManchester to increase choice /options.

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14 Homelessness Strategy 2007-2010 Year Two Update

In addition to the planned actions, a number of ad hocopportunities have arisen throughout year two, these have beenrealised and are summarised below.

Prevention Fund introduced helping 51 households either remain in their current accommodation or into alternative accommodation.

Housing Support Point established within the Housing Options Team, to co-ordinate all short-term funded Supporting People accommodation-based and floating support services across Stockport, via a common referral form.

Worklessness initiatives such as a touch-screen kiosk sited at the Housing Information Centre with access to job-search sites, and amendments to application forms enabling customers to indicate their request for assistance with seeking employment, education or training.

Improved access to tenancy sustainment initiatives with the introduction of three additional Supporting People funded posts with additional workers focussing on the Deposit Scheme and Mediation Service, and a floating support worker for those suffering or at risk of domestic abuse.

Residents at Temporary Accommodation Schemes designing Christmas cards to develop their skills and confidence and raise funds to support additional activities.

Further development of an outreach protocol to target rough sleepers, helping engage socially excluded individuals back into main stream services.

The year one Homelessness Strategy Update 2007-10 saw the productionof the first ‘Temporary Accommodation Strategy’ for the property managedby Stockport Homes on behalf of the Council. Table 4 shown over the nextfew pages details the progress achieved in the actions against year two ofthis strategy, and those outstanding from year one.




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Temporary AccommodationExpert Panel further embeddedand customers developed“Streets to Home” board gameto promote awareness ofsupport available. Customersengaged in H&S inspections,designing new signage, etc.

Completed ahead of schedulein year one to supportSupporting Peopleassessments.

Work with PCT to introducepeer health trainers. Domesticviolence outreach introduced.ESOL classes introduced. BigLottery funds children’s playand development workers.

Range of service developmentsintroduced aligned with nationaloutcomes, including:“wellbeing” - CAB debt advicesurgeries at families schemesupporting economic“be healthy” - PCT HealthTrainers working at schemes“stay safe” – evictions reducing“enjoy and achieve” – skills forlife and other schemespromoted, Work Solutions andothers supporting residents intotraining, employment, etc.“make a positive contribution” –customer engagementimproving and dedicated group(TAEP) developing further.


Promote customer andstakeholder involvement.

Consult with customers andstakeholders on a revisedsupport plan.

Work to promote excellentinter-agency collaboration toprovide wraparound / holisticservices.

Review national outcomesmonitoring to support servicedevelopments.

Table 4 . - Year two actions (Temporary Accommodation Strategy).

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16 Homelessness Strategy 2007-2010 Year Two Update


Continue to conduct VFMexercises.

Sourcing cheaper suppliers forTemporary Accommodationservices (for example,furniture).

Review support plans andoutcomes to ensure servicedevelopment, including actionsto reduce evictions.

Continue to assess suitabilityof accommodation.

Reflect corporate target onBlack and Minority Ethnic(BME) applicants accessingservices.


Wide range of initiativesresulting in VFM, including:-incentives and propertychecking system resulting inbetter maintainedaccommodation needing lesscleaning and repair,-sourcing of donations fromlocal businesses

Broad range of exercisesconducted with quotes, etc.

Completed in year one, leadingto multi-agency work to gaincommitment and support tofurther reduce evictions.

Done on a continual basis, witha broad range of facilitiesprovided for people withadditional support needs,including for people who aredisabled. A revised report willbe produced in advance of afuture Supporting Peoplevalidation visit (date not yetknown). Health and safety andfeedback and suggestionsystems include involvement ofcustomers to help inform andimprove suitability ofaccommodation.

Percentage of service-usersaccommodated in temporaryaccommodation exceedscorporate target.

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Rough sleeper targets.

Meeting the needs ofvulnerable people – withindirect access accommodationstaff should be appropriatelyskilled to enable people withthe widest range ofvulnerabilities to beaccommodated.

Consolidate and developemergency access for the outof hours service.

Preparing Equality ImpactAssessment (EIA) of theTemporary AccommodationStrategy.

Reduce exclusions –exclusions should be avoidedexcept in the most serious ofcases.


Supported performance againstrough sleeper targets byaccommodating roughsleepers, including non-priorityand challenging cases. Outturnestimate was two roughsleepers for Stockport.

Thorough induction and trainingplans developed covering keyissues, including mental health,drug mis-use, safeguarding,etc. Schemes achieved gradeA at Supporting Peopleassessments withcommendations for staff.

Scheme Managers on-callsystem introduced to aidmanagement of and access toschemes out of hours. Eachscheme now able toaccommodate out of hoursreferrals.

EIA of the TemporaryAccommodation Strategycompleted.

Ongoing focus and introductionof Housing Support Point helpsexclusions to remain very rareand only in the mostchallenging of cases wherethere is unmanageable risk toother service users, thescheme, or staff.

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Work to improve services byachieving grade A ofSupporting People.

Work to promote and continuethe physical development ofthe temporary accommodationschemes.


Throughout Spring 2008, allthree of Stockport Homes’temporary accommodationschemes achieved Grade Aindividually in the SupportingPeople assessments –becoming the first in Stockportto achieve this recognition.

During 2008/09, improvementsto the temporaryaccommodation schemes havecontinued to take place.Developments include theinstallation of a parameter fencearound the families’ schemeand funding secured for a newroof; new kitchens, bathroomsand flooring at the malesscheme in consultation withresidents; and work on asensory garden started at thefemales’ scheme.

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19Homelessness Strategy 2007-2010 Year Two Update

6 The FutureThe last year of the Homelessness Strategy will see a considerable focuson maintaining and making further reductions within the 2010 temporaryaccommodation target. The end of 2008/09 saw 24 relevant householdsliving in temporary accommodation across Stockport, which exceeds thetarget of 27 set by the government for the end of 2009/10. Maintaining thistarget will be increasingly challenging in light of the current economicclimate and the increased pressures associated with debt and mortgagerepossession. However, work is planned to improve the multi-agencysupport to customers where this is most needed – such as with theexcellent work done by the Citizens Advice Bureau and Welfare Rights.

Throughout the lifetime of this strategy new initiatives have been and willcontinue to be introduced to keep pace with the changing homelessnessagenda. This includes increasing the range of preventative measures tohelp people avoid homelessness and increase access to settledaccommodation and lifestyles.

Year one saw an increase in the range and availability of floating supportservices for vulnerable people.

Year two has focused on the introduction of a successful homelessnessprevention fund and increasing the standard of temporary accommodationand the support provided within the schemes.

Year three will see activities including:

• increased joint-working specifically with agencies that can assist in addressing worklessness;

• expanding the ethos and practice of enhanced housing options;

• supporting refugees so that they can avoid becoming homeless and needing temporary accommodation;

• further develop rough sleeping outreach and support work to achieve reductions in rough sleeping and achieve the governments target of no rough sleepers by 2012; and

• further develop link work with feeder prisons and other offender management services to support service-users from becoming homelessand reducing offending lifestyles.

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Comments SlipWe welcome comments from our customers and other stakeholders. If youwould like to make a comment about the Homelessness Strategy or ourservice in general, please complete and return this form to the addressbelow. You can get a copy of the full Homelessness Strategy or TemporaryAccommodation Strategy by contacting Joanne Claridge.

Joanne Claridge, Homelessness Strategy Development Officer,Housing Options Team, Stockport Homes,1 St. Peter’s Square, Stockport SK1 1NZ.Telephone: 0161 474 3716 Fax: 0161 474 1934Email: [email protected]

The full Homelessness Strategy and Temporary AccommodationStrategy is available via the Council’s or Stockport Homes’websites: or








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21Homelessness Strategy 2007-2010 Year Two Update

Accessing our servicesThis leaflet gives you information about the HomelessnessStrategy 2007-2010 Year Two achievements. If you would like acopy in large print, Braille, on audio tape or CD, please contactthe Social Inclusion Team on 0161 474 2860 or email:[email protected]

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