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Elizabeth Blackwell

Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England. She was educated by a private tutor growing up. Her father, Samuel Blackwell, moved to the United States in 1862 and got involved in social reform. Elizabeth, her two older sisters, and their mother opened a private school in Cincinnati to support the family. Elizabeth became interested in the topic of medicine and in the idea of becoming a woman physician. Her family’s religious and social radicalism was probably an influence on this. Elizabeth went to Kentucky, as a teacher, and then to North and South Carolina. She taught school there while reading medicine privately. She said, "The idea of winning a doctor's degree gradually assumed the aspect of a great moral struggle, and the moral fight possessed immense attraction for me." In 1847, she began searching for a medical school that would admit her for a full course of study. She was admitted into Geneva Medical College, and soon people welcomed her. Elizabeth Blackwell graduated first in her class in January, 1849, becoming the first woman to graduate from medical school and the first woman doctor of medicine in the modern era.

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One reason is to be able to talk to people who speak this language. For instance, if you take a trip to another country or place where they speak this language. Speaking this language shows a respect for this culture. Sometimes it helps to just know words such as “Hello” and “Please”. Speaking another language helps you understand things better, and lets you learn more about a certain culture or group of people. Some languages, such as French, have different things to say for different words, whereas, in English, we use the word “you” for just about everything; masculine, feminine, similar, plural, singular, etc. Some languages, such as Spanish and Arabic, emphasis genders. French and Spanish focus on familiarity vs formality. An important reason to learn another language is for a job. You’re likely to get paid more if you’re bilingual. Learning another language might even help you better understand your own.

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There were many different civilizations in Ancient Mexico, but they all were similar and different in many ways. A few ways they were similar are: a writing system, a calendar, a ballgame, the custom of building temples on "pyramids" or platforms, and agriculture (mainly corn, beans and squash). The Olmecs, The Zapotecs, The Teotihuacan, The Maya and the Aztecs are all old civilizations of Ancient Mexico. The Olmecs lived along the Gulf Coast, in the area that is now occupied by the states of Veracruz and Tabasco. The Zapotecs of Oaxaca were responsible for the construction of the first urban center of Mesoamerica. In the center of Mexico, (about 25 miles, or 40 km from Mexico City) lies Teotihuacan, with its imposing Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon. The Maya area covers the states of Campeche, Chiapas, Tabasco, the Yucatan and Quintana Roo, and stretches down into Central America. The Aztecs, also knows as the Mexica, are perhaps the best known of Mexico's ancient cultures. They dominated Mesoamerica at the time of the arrival of the Spaniards in the early 1500s, but they had only existed as a civilization for some 200 years.

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Stroke is a sudden impairment in brain function. One may suffer an inability to speak or speak clearly, walk, or move a limb because blood has stopped flowing to an area of the brain. Usually, this is caused by the blockage of a blood vessel. Strokes leave behind long-lasting neurological impairments. The severity of these impairments depends on how large the damage is to the brain. There are two major categories of stroke: ischemic and hemorrhagic.

Ischemic Stroke- This type of stroke is caused by the physical blockage of blood flow to an area of the brain.

Embolic Stroke - This type of stroke occurs when a blood clot or a cholesterol plaque wanders into the brain until it reaches a narrow point where it becomes trapped.

Thrombotic Stroke - In this type of stroke a blood clot forms along the inside of a blood vessel causing the interruption of blood flow to an area of the brain.

Hemorrhagic Stroke - This type of stroke occurs when a blood vessel inside of the brain ruptures, allowing blood to pool inside or around healthy brain tissue.

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Rock and Roll

The Rock Hall of Fame was designed by architect I.M. Pei. It honors performers, producers, and songwriters from the Rock and Roll era. The phrase Rock and Roll was first heard on radio in Cleveland by DJ, Alan Freed. Since Alan Freed’s phrase, many Rock and Roll stars have been in the Cleveland area. The Rock Hall opened in 1995 after over 15 year of petitions, pleas, and planning. The 150,000 square foot building stands at the foot of downtown Cleveland against the backdrop of Lake Erie. Today, it is the city’s number one tourist attraction as well as a favorite of area residents. It’s a one-of-a-kind experience and a delight to visitors of all ages and musical tastes. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is open every day to visitors, except for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Discounts are available for seniors and students, and children 8 and under are admitted free. The museum has a café that serves light meals and beverages as well as a large music store. In the summer, the large plaza in front of the museum is the site of frequent concerts, showcasing local and regional musicians.

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Also known as Leonard of Pisa, Fibonacci was an Italian number theorist. He was believed to have been born in the 13th century (1170 exactly) and to have died in in 1250. he was born in Italy but got an education in North Africa. Much of the information about Fibonacci has been gathered by his autobiographical notes which he included in his books. He was considered one of the most talented mathematicians of the middle ages. When he studied mathematics he used Hindu-Arabics instead of Roman Numerals. He shows how to use our current numbering system in his book Liber abaci. The Fibonacci Sequence was made after a problem he had in the book. The sequence is 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55... This sequence shows that each number is the sum of the two numbers before it. It is a sequence that is seen and used in many different areas of mathematics and science. The sequence is an example of a recursive sequence. The Fibonacci sequence was actually given the name by a French mathematician Edouard Lucas in the 1870's.

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Low Fat Cooking

The term good fats is not an oxymoron. Some said fats help fight diseases that other said fats were assumed to have caused. Unsaturated fats are divided into monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, and both types are thought to have beneficial effects on cholesterol levels. Monounsaturated fats help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol while also boosting HDL (good) cholesterol. Polyunsaturated fats are also thought to help lower total and bad cholesterol. But monounsaturated fats tend to be favored over polyunsaturated fats because Polyunsaturated fats are less stable and the monounsaturated and can reduce cholesterol. But let's talk about polyunsaturated fats. These are often a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, found mostly in cold-water fish, nuts, oils and seeds, and also in dark leafy greens, flaxseed oils and some vegetable oils. One kind of omega-3 fatty acid is an essential fatty acid, which can’t be manufactured by our bodies, so eating these foods is the only way to get them. Omega-3 fatty acids are thought to lower blood pressure, combat LDL (bad) cholesterol, fight inflammation and protect the brain and nervous system.

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First Aid

Every first aid needs to have the things in it that everyone in the family will find useful. A kit should have a cell phone inside. A first aid kit has no possible way of containing every thing you’d need in an accident or case of emergency so having a phone handy is helpful in case you need to call someone for help. You’ll want a CPR Micro shield. Carrying one is bearable and more sanitary. You’ll need Exam Gloves. Blood borne diseases can be transmitted through very small cracks in the skin. We don't tend to worry too much about the potential for blood borne diseases when working on a spouse or child, but first aid kits aren't always used on family members. You’ll need band-aids. Make sure to have some kid band-aids; children like spiderman ban-aids and scooby doo. They tend to feel better about it if its something they like. You’ll want hand-cleaners. Carry disinfectants to always have them on hand. You’ll need tweezers. You never know when you need to take out a tick or a splinter.

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Egyptian Pharaohs

Cleopatra may not have been an Egyptian, but she was Egypt's queen, ruling on her own rather than in the name of her husband. Her relationships with the leaders of Rome led to scandals. Her death continues to inspire playwrights, movie producers, and romantics. Cleopatra became powerful in Egypt at the age of 17. She ruled from 51-30 B.C. As a Ptolemy, Cleopatra was Macedonian, but even though her ancestry was Macedonian, she was still an Egyptian queen and worshipped as a god. Since Cleopatra was legally obliged to have either a brother or son for her consort, she married brother Ptolemy XIII when he was 12. Egyptian women were known to be capable of handling affairs and holding office, which is why she was able to withstand things and ignore others. Cleopatra got tired of her husband and found Caesar. Her husband was soon assassinated and she remarried another brother, of 11 years old. She had a son with Caesar but they were both assassinated, she was defeated, and she committed suicide.