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Home Business Lifestyle NewsletterBy Mark Ford

In this edition of the Home Business Lifestyle Newsletter you will learn about the lifestyle benefits of running an online business from home.


A publication from Mark Ford & Nice Money Publications © Nice Money Publications Limited – All Rights Reserved

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Table of Contents

Home Business Lifestyle

The Home Office Revolution 2World of Online Home Business 2

Home Business Benefits

You Are the Boss 3You Can Work From Anywhere 4Flexible Working Hours 4Tax Benefits 5Technology is Your Friend 5Dress Down Friday 6Reduction in Overhead Costs 6Personal Growth 7No Experience Needed 8

Start Making Money

The Six Figure Mentors 8The Digital Experts Academy 9Clickbank 10Vendors 10Affiliates 11Amazon Associates 11Property Investment 12How Does It Work? 12

How Do You Make Money?

The Option Price 13Copy This Idea 13

Final Thoughts 14

Home Business Lifestyle Images 15Home Business Lifestyle Images 16

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With a home business lifestyle you can take a holiday when You want to.

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Welcome to the next edition of the Home Business Lifestyle newsletter.

Home Business Lifestyle

Let’s start by asking you a question. Are you counting down the days to your next two-week holiday in the sun? Yes… you are!

Well, if you’re anything like I used to be, it’ll take a week to unwind from work, and another week to gear yourself up to go back. But it doesn’t have to be this way. A home-based business gives you the freedom to be your own boss, and work the hours you want, from wherever you want. You can enjoy your holiday without worrying how your colleagues and boss are managing without you.

Setting up my online businesses from home was the best decision I ever made, largely because of the lifestyle it has afforded me. So this month, I’m going to talk about just a few of the (many) lifestyle benefits of running an online business.

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Are you counting down the days to your next two-week holiday in the sun?

The Home Office Revolution

Picture this...your alarm goes off at 8am; you throw on a dressing gown and go downstairs to join your family for breakfast. After you’ve kissed the kids goodbye, you peruse the newspaper and do the crossword, before strolling leisurely over to your PC. You check your emails, and BOOM! Your inbox is clogged with payment emails – and I don’t mean emails demanding payment, but emails containing notifications of commission payments for you.

This may be hard for you to imagine and believe me, it was for me too, but this could be your morning routine, should you choose it.

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Taking on the World of Online Home Business

I understand the fear though. Taking on the world of an online home business can be daunting. As if running your own home business isn’t challenging enough, being an Internet entrepreneur also requires you to stay on your toes when it comes to technology, social media trends and much more. But at the end of the day, it’s all worth it - not just for the sense of satisfaction that comes with being your own boss, but also because of the quality of life you can create.

Home Business Benefits

Growing your company out of your home allows for a degree of flexibility that is difficult to obtain when renting or buying office and warehouse space. Although it requires a lot of self-discipline, the benefits can be substantial. Let’s look at some in more detail:

• You Are the Boss

When you work for another company, someone else is in charge. Your boss tells you what, when and how to do things. He or she sets your schedule and you must abide by it. You must ask for time off to go to the dentist, have a day off, or pick up your poorly child from school. Your boss is free to deny your request if he or she feels like it.

You also have no hand in directing the company. If you do not like the direction the business is going, you are powerless to stop it.

And to top it all off, your pay is limited to what your boss is willing to give you.

Working from home could not be more different. As a home-based internet entrepreneur, you will be your own boss. You will set the rules, you will decide when, where and how you work, and you will determine when you take leave and for how long. You will not have to ask for leave to visit an ailing parent who lives far away, or go on a weekend getaway with your family.

You will have complete control over your business - the products you make, how you sell them and where. How the business fares will be totally up to you. You can change anything at any time without consulting anyone. As the boss, your pay will only be limited by your business' earnings.

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• You Can Work From AnywhereAs an employee, the likelihood is that you’re tied to the office. You are required to live nearby and show up every day at the specified time. Some employers let people tele-commute on occasion, but that is an unusual situation.

When you have a home-based business, you can work from anywhere. You might have a home office where you do the majority of your work, but you can also work from a coffee shop, bookshop, restaurant or any other place with a half decent Wifi connection. “Home” could also be mobile; when your business is based online, you can work just as easily from a beach in Cyprus as you can from your flat in rainy London. The world is literally your oyster.I can (and have) run webinars, consulting calls and training sessions on holiday, from my sun-bed, with a beer in hand. It sure beats working in an airless cubicle.

• Flexible Working Hours

Everyone has different routines and priorities - some people work at their best from the crack of dawn until lunch, while others are night owls who thrive on working until the small hours of the morning.

With an online, home-based business, you can work in whatever fashion suits you best, so that you can operate as efficiently as possible. This flexibility also frees up your time to do more of the things you wish you could do now, such as spending quality time with your family. In my case, the home-working lifestyle has enabled me to spend more time with my family and look after my parents – particularly my mother, who has dementia.

Mark Ford enjoying his 'home' business from a beach in Cyprus

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• Tax Benefits

When you work from home, you may be entitled to certain tax benefits that will help you keep more of the money you earn. For example, you might be able to deduct a portion of your mortgage interest, utility bills and home maintenance costs from your tax bill. You may also be able to deduct costs associated with your business, such as printer paper, toner cartridges, work-related mileage, IT purchases, and telephone bills. Contact a tax professional to ensure that you receive the maximum tax benefit from your business efforts.

• Technology is Your Friend

Running a business in the online world means technology can do lots of things for me that the owners of a traditional business would usually have to do themselves; for example, my marketing can be managed automatically with scheduled email marketing, automatic blog posts and Facebook posts, whilst my market research and analysis is offered up on a platter with Google Analytics.

I can run my entire business from an iPad, iPhone, smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer. Everything I do, for myself or clients, is on the cloud and I can access files from anywhere. This is really important because traditionally, I would have to be at a specific location, like the office, to access my files and work.

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• Every Day Can Be ‘Dress Down Friday’

Clothes can be very emotive, so being stuck in a suit 5 days a week can make you feel as though your entire life is spent in work mode. Although getting to wear whatever you like while running your home business may seem like a minor perk, it actually goes a long way towards making you feel more in control of your business, time and workload.

I feel much more comfortable working in my jeans, teeshirt and slippers, which makes me more productive. Obviously I smarten up if I’m meeting clients, but the way I look at it is that if someone doesn’t like the fact that I’m wearing a pair of jeans, then they won’t be a good fit to work with anyway!

There’s no denying the fact that there are added challenges and responsibilities that come with running an online business from home, but I hope the above points have shown you that there are definite benefits to taking the leap into entrepreneurship and living life on your own terms, rather than someone else’s.

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Every day can be dress down Friday.

• Reduction in Overhead CostsWorking for an employer is expensive. Among the expenses you have to pay are petrol, or public transport costs, the cost of a suitable work wardrobe, and the occasional lunch out. If you own a car, you will also have to pay for maintenance on the vehicle due to the wear and tear of commuting. If you work long hours, you may get take-away for dinner most nights, or hire someone to help clean your house. All of these expenses add up and reduce your take home pay even more. However, working from a home-based office keeps your overheads low as you are not renting office space, phones or paying for office utilities. The zero commute also saves money on petrol and wear and tear on your car. The reduction in fixed costs allows you to be more flexible in your pricing decisions than your competitors who must cover these costs.

The zero commute also saves money on petrol and wear and tear on your car.

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Of course, there will still be expenses as a home-worker, but they will be smaller and easy to manage. Once you get past the start-up fees, which for an affiliate marketer can be minimal, your main expenses will be your Internet connection and office supplies.

• Personal Growth

Working from home allows you an unprecedented opportunity for personal growth. As a small-business owner, you will have to wear many different hats and attend to many different problems. You will be challenged and will grow to meet the challenges by developing new skills and abilities. You will learn a lot about yourself. You will also get to meet a lot of new people and have many unique and exciting experiences that most employees could only dream of.

This may sound intimidating but you will quickly learn how to handle the change.

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• No Experience Needed

An Internet marketing business is unique in that it doesn’t require you to have any prior knowledge or experience in the field. Unlike many other businesses, there are no educational requirements to get started and you don’t need any special previous training. For this reason, an affiliate marketing business is good for people who are just starting out, for those who have retired, or indeed for anyone in between.

Start Making Money

These are just a few of the lifestyle benefits of running your own home business. There are so many more, which you can experience for yourself if you follow the advice I give you in these newsletters.

In terms of how you can make money online, to give you some food for thought, I’ve compiled a list of the very best (and most lucrative) home-based business opportunities I have come across, below. They have all helped me at various points during my career, so I can personally vouch for their effectiveness.

If you like the sound of any of them, click through to my home business review and find out how you can get started.

• The Six Figure Mentors - My Top Recommendation

I’ve mentioned The Six Figure Mentors in every newsletter so far - and this is because, along with the Digital Expert’s Academy, it really is one of the best digital education and online business systems out there.

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The platform integrates instruction and education to help members create a low overhead virtual office, and is jam packed with business resources, tools and training.

Members receive ongoing technical support and all the marketing tools they could possibly need to launch their business, from landing pages to email follow up’s.

The Six Figure Mentors community is a great place to ask for advice and share ideas. There are a number of educational webinars a week, and opportunities to network with marketing experts via weekly Q&A sessions.

With the Six Figure Mentors, you can also earn while you learn, by taking advantage of the various affiliate marketing opportunities. They have some of the most advanced affiliate partners and technology around, meaning that you can benefit from selling high value products and get paid life changing commissions.

The Six Figure Mentors is an invaluable resource. Highly recommended. If you want to find out more, click here.

• The Digital Experts Academy (DEA)

The other resource I mentioned above was the DEA - a marketing and business training platform that helps members become self-sufficient as digital entrepreneurs.

The DEA is a tertiary training level education in how to market a business online. Their academic and mentoring programs help students recognise and pursue their individual passions, and turn them into thriving home-based businesses.

Students are tutored by a trusted body of coaches, support specialists and mentors, who offer hands-on support in the virtual world.

The four program levels are: DEA SILVER, DEA GOLD, DEA PLATINUM and DEA BLACK. The programs have been sequentially-designed to take individuals through the major phases of starting (and building) a successful home-based business, while leveraging the many tools available on the internet.

DEA’s vision is to become a viable option to higher education by the year 2025.

The Six Figure Mentors is an online training and mentoring program that is designed to help entrepreneurs make money online. Once you become a member, you’ll follow a system of tutorials that’ll guide you through the process of setting up your business in a short space of time.

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• Clickbank

Choosing an affiliate network is one of the first decisions a new affiliate has to make. Ideally you’ll want a network with a good range of products, decent commissions, an easy to use system and good customer support.

Clickbank is the biggest affiliate marketing network on the net. It’s an online marketplace for digital goods like eBooks, software and membership sites.

There are two different sides to Clickbank. One side is for Affiliate marketers and the other vendors.


As a vendor, you can submit your products to the marketplace, and they will be seen by thousands of affiliates and consumers.

All you need to do is set up a sales page, a ‘download’ option, list your price and the product will be available immediately for others to view or promote.

Clickbank is the intermediary between you and your customer. They will confirm payments, process orders and handle the customer service. They take a small fee for processing, but it is much easier to work with them than open a merchant account to take orders online.

In short, Clickbank, along with Amazon, eBay, Groupon and Primo 2, can operate as distributors of your products and services making your marketing challenge a much easier task because other marketers will pick up your products and promote them on your behalf in return for a commission.

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Anyone can join ClickBank as an affiliate - it's free. When you find a product that you wish to promote, either at a vendor's website or by searching through the ClickBank Marketplace, you will be given a unique link which you use to bring customers to the product page.

Clickbank products can be very profitable and highest converting platforms in the online industry with a good reputation. All products have a 60-day money back guarantee that makes people more prone to purchase. The home based income opportunity with Clickbank is to work as a Clickbank Affiliate, earning commission by promoting a wide range of digital products.

You can also market your own internet business products and use Clickbank as a payment processor. Affiliates will pick up your products and promote them in return for a commission payment.

If it helps entice you, ClickBank pays some of the highest commissions out there – up to a possible 75%.

• Amazon Associates

Amazon Associates is arguably the most popular affiliate marketing programme on the web today.

Amazon Associates create links on their websites/blogs, and when customers click through to Amazon from those links and buy the associated products, the Associate earns a referral fee. Fees range from 4-8%, and Amazon allows a 24-hour “Affiliate Window,” which means that if the consumer adds anything to their shopping cart within 24 hours of clicking from your site, you are still eligible for commission. Nice!

I'm going to join ClickBank as an affiliate because it's free and it pays some of the highest commissions out there. It's a win win!

We want to be Amazon Associates to earn extra income to put towards birthday gifts for the kids.

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• Property Investment

Real Estate - it’s a great way to invest your money, as long as you know what you’re doing, or take the advice of someone who knows what they’re doing.

This is where I come in. I’ve been a property investor and developer since 2006, via my property business Pooleford Property, but if you were to include the houses I have lived in over the years, you could say that I have been buying and doing up houses since 1985 - so I’m pretty experienced in the industry. If you can afford to invest in property, it’s one of the best ways to secure a residual income - whether you go down the buy to let route, buy and sell development route, or you do property lease options.

What are property lease options, I hear you ask!

It wasn’t until I took property investment seriously and turned it into a business in 2006 that I learnt about lease options, which can provide you with an excellent return on investment. I'm glad I finally looked into this income opportunity.

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How does it work?

Let's say that someone owns a property, but has to sell because they are getting divorced. But the market in their area is slow. Let's also say there is someone who is renting, and is keen to buy, but can't afford a deposit. You bring the two together with a lease option. The divorcee moves out, and the tenant moves in, and takes over the cost of the mortgage on the property. The new tenant is given the choice (the lease option) to purchase the property, at a pre-set price, during or at the end of a certain period, usually around three to four years.

It’s an interesting concept, as there is no need for a deposit or mortgage application, and you can get into the property, (depending on the circumstances), from as little as a £1. Isn't that a great price to get started?

Just logging in to see how my property investments are doing. I love getting the residual income every month from my investment properties. It feels more peaceful knowing I have that income to rely on and it comes in on autopilot!

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How Do You Make Money?

The basic idea is to make a profit from the property for the pre-agreed length of time by renting it out. The profit is the difference between the outgoing mortgage payment, maintenance plus usual property expenses, and the incoming rent.

The Option Price

The option price is the agreed price that is to be paid for the property at any time within the option period. When the option is exercised (by sending a letter to the property owner), the owner must sell the house and the buyer must buy the house at the agreed option price. If the house is not purchased during the agreed option period, the property reverts back to the owners to dispose of, or use as they wish.

• Copy This Idea

Andrew Reynolds is known as the £50 million man, as he made this from his home-based business ventures.

In his book, he gives you a taster of some of the home based business opportunities available, and talks about his funnel formula; a marketing strategy that he uses to make multiple income streams from his product funnels.

It sounds impossible, but it’s not! Find out more about this valuable money-making tool here and grab your FREE Copy This Idea book for the ideas you can copy starting today.

Your option price is coming due.


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Final Thoughts

If you want to read more about the home-based business models covered in this newsletter, visit my main blog, where I publish information on the home based business industry, recommend income opportunities working from home, and advise on digital marketing strategies.

Click here to visit my main blog pictured above.

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Grab your FREE copy of Andrew Reynold's Book, Copy This Idea here.

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See You Next Month,

Mark Ford - Home Business Coach © Nice Money Publications Limited, Newport House, Newport Road, Stafford, Staffordshire, ST16 1DA, United Kingdom – All rights reserved – Registered in England No. 8927341 – VAT Reg GB 935 2115 44 – Data Protection Number Z141291X