Download - Holy Trinity, Bickerstaffe October 2016 · 2016-09-22 · may there be no boundaries between my worship and my work, between my life at church and my life at home and in work. May

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The World Peace Prayer Lead me from death to life, from falsehood to truth. Lead me from despair to hope, from fear to trust. Lead me from hate to love, from war to peace. Let peace fill our hearts, our world, our universe. Amen.

Bible verse and prayer for 2016 "I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."

Romans 12:1-2

Holy Trinity, Bickerstaffe October 2016

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Contact Details Website Twitter @HolyTrinityBick


Reverend Captain Andrew Housley, CA 10 Church Lane, Aughton, Ormskirk L396SB. Tel: 01695 423204. Mob: 07788 256 776, E-mail: [email protected].


Reverend Martin Adams, The Vicarage Intake Lane, Bickerstaffe, Ormskirk L39 0HW. Tel: 07939 396934. E-mail: [email protected].

Requests for weddings and baptisms should in the first instance, be made to the Vicar

at the end of the Family Service. Arrangements for funerals and interments may be made with the Vicar by telephone.


Mrs Irene McCarthy. 01695 421800, Mob: 07818 205 597. E-mail: [email protected].

Mrs Barbara Morris

TREASURER Mr Stan Barnes (including. Magazine Finance) 07923 928863

CHURCH WARDEN EMERITUS Mr Merrick Rimmer. Tel: 01695 727848.


READERS EMERITUS Mr Colin Johnson and Mr Allan Powell


Mrs Jo Housley (Mag. Editor) 01695 423204. [email protected]. Mr Edward McCarthy (Webmaster) 07971 299606 [email protected]

ORGANIST Mrs Vera Gregson.

PCC SECRETARY Ms Anne Rosbotham-Williams. Telephone 01695 722034.

SUNDAY CLUB Mrs Ann Ashburner & Mr Jon Ashburner. Telephone 01695 721795.

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Letter from Andrew Housley Dear Friends,

Harvest, Confirmation, Remembrance, Advent, and Christmas all come in quick succession over the next couple of months. We always seem to be preparing for the next thing, which often makes it feel as if the weeks seem to move that much quicker. Maybe this is why holidays seem so special, when we don’t have to wear a watch or live by a calendar.

It is often the case that within the business of our lives, opportunities to appreciate the simple things in life are lost. Signs and wonders within the beauty of creation, which point towards a God who creates and sustains can too easily be ignored. Harvest is an opportunity to press the pause button, look at the beauty that surrounds us and also see the needs of others who could benefit from our time or help. Both St Michael’s and Holy Trinity work throughout the year in supporting charities and good causes. It is both a duty and a joy to give to those less fortunate than ourselves and also to give thanks to the God who provides all things in the first place.


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Did I hear your voice

in the beat of a butterfly’s wing,

the melody in a blackbird’s song?

Did I feel your presence

in the warmth of a summer breeze,

the coolness of a mountain stream?

Did I sense your touch

in the smile on a young child’s face,

the shoulder I can lean upon?

You speak to us

in many ways,

reveal yourself

in many ways,

if our ears can hear,

our heart can feel,

our mind can know,

and our hands are open

to your touch.

© 2016 John Birch,

Almighty God, Give us wisdom to perceive you,

intellect to understand you, diligence to seek you, patience to wait for you, eyes to behold you, a heart to meditate upon you

and life to proclaim you, through the power of the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Benedict, 489-543

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Services in October

St Michael Holy Trinity

2nd October Trinity 19 Green Habakkuk 1.1-4; 2.1-4; 2 Timothy 1.1-14; Luke 17.5-10

8.15am Martin Holy Communion 10.30am Andrew Harvest Thanksgiving 4.00pm Andrew Confirmation Service

10.45am Martin Holy Communion

9th October Trinity 20 Green 2 Kings 5.1-3,7-15c; 2 Timothy 2.8-15; Luke 17.11-19

8.15am Andrew Holy Communion 10.30am Martin Holy Communion

10.45am Andrew Harvest Thanksgiving

16th October Trinity 21 Green Genesis 32.22-31; 2 Timothy 3.14–4.5; Luke 18.1-8

8.15am Martin Holy Communion 10.30am Sunday School Parish Praise 4.00pm Andrew Holy Communion

10.45am Mark Morning Prayer

23rd October Bible Sunday Jeremiah 14.7-10,19-22; 2 Timothy 4.6-8,16-18; Luke 18.9-14

8.15am Andrew Holy Communion 10.30am Andrew/Marian Walker Holy Communion

10.45am Martin Holy Communion

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30th October 4th before Advent Green Isaiah 1.10-18; 2 Thessalonians 1.1-4,11-12; Luke 19.1-10

8.15am Andrew Holy Communion 10.30am Jeff Morning Prayer

10.45am Andrew Songs of Praise

Worship & Learning

Why not visit and discover even more resources from Roots. 2nd October: Waiting on God Luke 17.5-10

Jesus’ disciples are preoccupied with what they lack.

Jesus uses surprising images to amuse and shock them.

He directs his disciples away from themselves and towards God.

A personal prayer: Lord, help me to balance my trust in you and my need for reassurance, that I may remain confident in praise and in criticism, that I may find joy in jobs that are noticed and those that are not, that I may stay prayerful when answers come and when there is silence. Lord, help me to celebrate my smallness and my greatness, through the ups and the downs, through thick and thin. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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9th October: Crossing boundaries Luke 17.11-19

The lepers’ condition affects more than their skin.

The Samaritan’s faith brings together humility and trust, obedience

and thanksgiving.

Jesus’ healing ministry is a sign of God’s all-embracing salvation.

A personal prayer Gracious God, may there be no boundaries between my worship and my work, between my life at church and my life at home and in work. May my life be ‘one land’ – blessed with the assurance of your love, and fertile in faith and obedience. I ask this in the name of your Son, my Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen. 16th October: Struggling with God Luke 18.1-8

Jesus tells the story of a poor widow who becomes a model of

faithful prayer.

God’s generosity works through the wealthy.

God’s patience is not limitless.

A personal prayer Lord, sometimes I find it hard to see the blessing in my struggles, when I am tired and discouraged and lonely. I find it hard to keep praying when I feel stale and tired and defeated. Grant me the energy, the faith and the perseverance of the widow, that I may rejoice again. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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23rd October: Reality check Luke 18.9-14

Jesus tells a parable about a tax collector and a Pharisee, based on

popular stereotypes.

The body language of the characters speaks as eloquently as their


With the tax collector and not the Pharisee as its hero, the parable

has the power to shock.

A personal prayer Lord Jesus, help me to pray, even when I have no words. I come as myself, just as I am at this moment, with all my mixed-up feelings and fears, my anger, my guilt, my hope, my thankfulness. I bring to you my relationships, my joy and my aloneness, my confusion, my heartache, my plans, my responsibilities. Lord, help me to pray, even though I have no words, and may your will be done in my life. Amen. 30th October: Seeking and saving Luke 19.1-10

Jesus is an unlikely guest in the home of a despised man.

Zacchaeus’ greed is transformed into generosity when he is ‘found’

by Jesus.

Zacchaeus’ salvation is good news for the poor and those he has


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A personal prayer Lord, there are things I want to change in my life, but I don’t know how – my priorities, my busy-ness, my need to have, and to be in charge. Where I am anxious, make me adventurous; where I am driven, help me to rest; where responsibilities overwhelm me, help me to be realistic; where my quiet time has slipped away, help me to make space for you; that when the demands of each day come knocking at the door, I may welcome them with a sense of peace, not resentment or fear. Help me to change today, Lord. Amen.

© ROOTS for Churches Ltd 2002-16. Reproduced with permission.

Benefice News

Communion in the Community The Holy Communion Services in Stockley Crescent, St Michael’s Hall and Bickerstaffe School are a wonderful opportunity for outreach. Please invite friends!! “For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.” 1 Corinthians 11:26.

Stockley Crescent: Tuesday 4th October at 1.00pm.

St Michael’s Hall: Wednesday 12th (with soup lunch) and 26th

October at 11am.

Bickerstaffe School: Friday 28th October at 2.40pm.

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The Confirmation Service this year will be at St Michael’s on Sunday 2nd October at 4pm. Following the service there will be refreshments in the church hall, donations of cakes would be appreciated! Please come and support the following candidates from the benefice, plus candidates from Christchurch, Aughton, St James, Westhead and also Newburgh Parish Church.

The candidates from St Michael’s and Holy Trinity are; Annabel Aisbitt, Emily Aisbitt, Bethan Ashburner, Eleanor Ashburner, Jacob Ashburner, Isobel Housley, Emily Jennings, Edward Mercer, Jared Nicholson, David Sheel, Janice Sheel, David Snape, and Emma Southern. Men’s Breakfast

The next breakfast will be Saturday 12th November at Bickerstaffe School. If you would are able to help with the cooking, please speak to Andrew. New members welcome!

If you have good quality men’s clothes, then please bring them to be taken to the Salvation Army in Bootle. Thank you. Charity Collections If you plan to sort through your children’s wardrobes, we would be grateful to receive good quality children’s clothes and other school items such as football boots, and goggles, which will be donated to Litherland Moss School. We continue to collect men’s clothes for Bootle Salvation Army, and the Skelmersdale Food Bank remains as important as ever during the school break when there are no free school meals available to needy families.

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Non-perishable food items are therefore very much appreciated. Please leave any items at the back of church. Thank you so much in advance. Curious? Curious? is a contemporary youth service for young people. It meets on fourth Sunday of each month at Cottage Lane Mission at 6.30pm. It is a wonderful opportunity for the young people from the Ormskirk area to meet in friendship and also to grow in their faith. Fusion Youth Events for the 11plus

Sunday 23rd October Worship event – CURIOUS Sunday 13th November Ten Pin Bowling Southport Friday 9th December Youth Club Night Christmas party event.

Assistant Area Dean As many of you would have heard, the Bishop of Liverpool asked me to become assistant area dean. As assistant area dean, I’ve been asked to take on the following responsibilities within the Ormskirk Deanery: pastorally support retired clergy; pastorally support stipendiary clergy and licensed workers, and also join Area Dean Duncan Petty, in supporting parishes when they go through an interregnum.

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Advent Groups

This year’s Advent course we will, ‘Living in the light’. In November, a sign-up sheet will be at the back of both churches. If you haven’t joined a group

before, please join what are always lively groups which give space for both discussion and reflection. Living in the Light Witnesses to a single event often give contrasting reports. When the event is God’s coming to this world as a child it is not just fascinating, it is highly instructive. It opens our eyes not only to what God is like, but to how life can be lived to the full. This course explores the ‘reports’ of Luke, John, Mary and Paul. In doing so it engages with the distinctive nature of Christian spirituality and how we can give expression to it in our lives, thus living the light of Christ’s coming. Four Sessions: Session (1) Luke’s reporting of the coming of Christ Session (2) John’s reflections on the coming of Christ Session (3) Mary’s response to the coming of Christ Session (4) Paul rejoices in the coming of Christ Commemoration of the departed On Sunday 13th November at 4pm, the annual Commemoration of the departed will be held at St Michael’s Church. The names of those who have had a funeral at St Michael’s and Holy Trinity will be read out during the service. If you would like a loved one’s name to be remembered then please add their name to a list at the back of both churches.


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Holy Trinity Dates & News

Dates for your diary 2nd October Confirmation at St Michael’s. 9th October Harvest Celebration 5th October Friends of Holy Trinity meeting at 7pm. 9th October Harvest lunch at Four Lane Ends Mission 1pm. 22nd & 23rd Oct Rhoda Critchley’s Art Exhibition at the Mission. 8th November Parochial Church Council 7.30pm 12th November Men’s Breakfast at Bickerstaffe School 13th November Commemoration of the Departed at St Michael’s

Church 26th November Christmas Fair with Christmas Tree Festival Church Electoral Roll The Church Electoral Roll is renewed every six years. If you are not sure about being on it please check the current list in the church porch. A form is available here please fill in and return to Mrs Norma Rimmer. Paper copies are at the back of church.

Visiting Parishioners If you know if anyone who would appreciate a home visit please contact the Vicar or Church Wardens, details in the church magazine or online Harvest Lunch: new venue

We will enjoy a Harvest Lunch on Sunday 9th October at 1pm in the North Aisle of church. Hot pot and apple pie will be served by Tartan Tea Rooms (£5 each) and a sign-up list will be available in due course.

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The Harvest Project: Compassion UK

A couple of years ago, both Holy Trinity Church and Bickerstaffe School raised funds to support a child living in Bangladesh through the charity Compassion UK. His name is Dipok.

For this year’s Harvest Project, we are going to raise funds so that we can continue to support Dipok in his education. Compassion is an international Christian child development and child advocacy ministry. Partnering with local churches, they are committed to the spiritual, economic, social and physical development of children living in extreme poverty in 26 countries, enabling them to become responsible, fulfilled Christian adults. More information can be found on their website During the Harvest Service on Sunday 9th October, there will be a presentation of their work following by a thanksgiving offering. Dipok Babu Roy

I like to be called Dipok. I was born on 29th April 2007 and will be 10 years old next year. I live in Bangladesh, where I attend Bhatpara Child Sponsorship Program in Bhatpara. Your sponsorship is allowing me to receive educational support and school uniforms; the love of a local church and the opportunity to hear the Gospel; letters translated into my own language; a

one-to-one relationship with you, my only sponsor; and medical care and nutritional support.

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Exhibition of Paintings and Drawings by Rhoda Critchley We are proud to invite you to an exhibition of Rhoda’s paintings and drawings to be held at Four Lane Ends Mission on Saturday 22nd October 10 am until 4pm, and Sunday 23rd October 12 noon until 4pm. Some of her artwork will be up for sale and all proceeds will go to the Church. Refreshments will be available. Rhoda loved her art and we hope you will be able to join us on this special weekend.

Tom, Susan and Judith Christmas Fair with Christmas Tree Festival This year the Christmas Fair will run alongside a Christmas Tree Festival in the church. If you would like to run a stall or activity please mention to a member of the organizing committee. If you are a member of a church or community group and would like to provide a Christmas Tree Festival please also speak to the committee. The Christmas Tree Festival will be a wonderful opportunity to advertise all the wonderful activity’s on offer within the Bickerstaffe Community. The members of the organizing committee are; Hilary, Irene, Ann, Rene, Sue, Lesley and Andrew Worship review Andrew and Martin are going to lead a group to discuss the worship at Holy Trinity, Bickerstaffe. Bickerstaffe church provides both traditional and modern forms of worship with the occasional special service. We intend to maintain this balance. If you would like to join the group to review what we do, please speak to Andrew or Martin. Children’s Fun Sheets Children’s Fun Sheets and crayons are available at the back of church, plus fun bags. If you see any children in the service, please make sure they have a sheet and a bag.

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Holy Trinity’s Grave Yard

Trinity Teas at Bickerstock Many thanks to all my friends who made cakes and those who helped serve teas etc. We managed to raise £546.25 to help towards the new Church Graveyard. Also special thanks to the Bickerstock Committee, who allowed us to have a free stall in the marque. We had lovely weather all weekend and a good turnout of bands, and people sat out enjoying picnics in the lovely sunshine. Bill Gardiner Graveyard Tidy Up

On Saturday 10th September a group of church members completed a major tidy up of the graveyard. The current graveyard has been in use since 1844 and it is maintained during the year by a combination of a contract gardener and church members. The graveyard will be full by the end of the year. Work has begun on an extension at the back of the current graveyard. If anyone would like to contribute to the maintenance of the graveyard and the new extension project, please get in touch with the Church Wardens. Edward McCarthy Photograph - Jo Housley, Barbara Morris, Stan Barnes, Sheila Prentice, Jeanne Hall, Norma Rimmer, Audrey Banks, Merrick Rimmer, Freda Brownbill, Irene McCarthy. Other helpers included Steve Hall, Mike Clarke, Mary Clarke and Edward McCarthy.

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Finance News

Income & Expenditure Account

For the 8 months ended 31 August 2016

Collection £11,975.10 DBF Quota £18,152.64

Donations & Gift Day £4,391.00 Fees assigned £54.00

Fees £3,496.00 Vicar's expenses £565.12

Fundraising events £2,929.65 Water & Electricity £875.59

In lieu of flowers £1,762.00 Organ Maintenance £199.00

Dividends & Interest £281.02 Insurance & Council Tax £4,651.76

Gift Aid Tax Refund £4,227.03 Maintenance £750.00 Churchyard maintenance £58.00 Printing £223.96

Church Magazine -£229.16 Web fees £60.19

Friends of Bickerstaffe £1,505.00 Sundries £0.10

Churchyard extension £1,301.46 Churchyard Extension £480.00

Total Income £31,697.10 Total Expenditure £26,012.36

Surplus year to date £5,684.74

Gift aid tax refund is the amount owing at the end of July to be claimed from HMIT and includes £376.25 for the Friends of Bickerstaffe.

Fund raising events Coffee morning - March £510.00 Attic Sale FLE £58.40 Ukulele Band £538.00 Park Praise £153.65 Summer Fayre £1,088.30 Photo Exhibition £35.00 Bickerstock Tea Stall £546.30

Total £2,929.65

Stan Barnes, Treasurer

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News from Bickerstaffe Church of England School It’s the start of a new academic year and ‘The Gruffalo’s’, our Reception pupils, have settled in amazingly well. They were especially excited when they stayed for lunch for the first time. Cheese Whirls and Pork Roast Dinners were very well received!

Get Inspired…. ‘Team Bickerstaffe’ are looking forward to another successful year ahead with many exciting ideas planned to inspire us to do more. The new classroom for Class 4 was opened on the first day back, with the cutting of a ribbon by Erin Martin (our oldest pupil); and our running track has been finished and opened by James Tartt, an elite runner from Merseyside. We hope that you saw the photograph in ‘The Champion’, or on our Twitter feed on the school website. Zumba, is our new after school club, it is great fun and a superb workout – both children and adults love it! Roald Dahl Day Children looked fabulous in their costumes and bright yellow clothing (Roald Dahl’s favourite colour). There was a party atmosphere in school as we marked the 100th Anniversary of his birth and a special assembly looked at the fantastic work that the Roald Dahl Charity does in supporting sick children and their families Be Inspirational…. We were very proud of all the achievements of our pupils last year, and the ‘Leavers’ Service and Presentation of Awards Service’ on the last day of term was testimony to this; our children and teachers are definitely ‘Inspirational!’

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Open Day This is on Wednesday 5th October, from 9.30am until 5:00pm. All parents with children of pre-school age are welcome to come and see for themselves what we have to offer, so again please spread the word. There will be leaflets at the back of church, please feel free to take them and distribute them. September 2017 Primary School Admissions Applications for places are now online and open. The closing date is 15th January 2017 but we would advise that you register children as soon as possible. To assist parents there are links on our website under ‘Admissions’ for Reception. Harvest Appeal Compassion UK is the focus of our joint appeal between Bickerstaffe School and Holy Trinity Church. You may remember that two years ago we sponsored a young boy called Dipok, who lives in Bangladesh. He is currently 9 years old; please take a look at his photograph and details on the poster at the back of church. We made a commitment to fund his education until he is 19 years old. This in effect means that we need to send £25 every month, £300 every year, to Compassion UK. Some people in School and Church have already made a pledge to donate £25 on a particular month in the year – perhaps to celebrate a special anniversary or the life of a loved one, but we do need to raise money to cover the balance. Through our first appeal and concerted effort we have been able to honour that monthly commitment, but funds are now running very low. Please therefore join us in supporting this worthy cause. Best wishes Jeanne Hall and Bickerstaffe School

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Parish Registers

A Church Service was held on August 31st for

Raymond Kirby of Clock House Farm.

Community News

The Thursday Club The Thursday Club is a weekly art, craft, spa and disco for adults with additional needs. It meets on Thursdays 1.30pm-3.30pm at Greenhill Community Hub, Skelmersdale. Further information is available via 07971 299606, or e-mail [email protected]. Bickerstaffe Community Connections

Divine Days' Community Connections project allows older people to try activities they used to enjoy and to sample new activities. Our session allows you dip into a wide variety of activities, learn a new skill, crafts, painting,

look at local history books and artefacts from when you were younger, board games, model making and more. With refreshments. Sessions are run by qualified staff. First session at Four Lane Ends Mission at 1.30pm-3.30pm on Monday 10th October. Cost £2 per session. Please call 07971 299606 or email [email protected] if you have any questions.

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Prayer Time: Olivia Phillips Firstly, I would like to say on behalf of myself and all my family, a big ‘thank you’ to you all for your continuing thoughts and prayers for our little girl Olivia. It is now just coming up to twelve months since she was diagnosed with a Hepatoblastoma in her liver- a cancerous tumour- and with secondary’s in her lungs and one of the main blood vessels attached to the liver. It has been a very up and down year, with at times good news followed shortly afterwards with bad news. As you will all know, in the very beginning she was not expected to survive and spent many week in intensive care and high dependency at Alder Hey Hospital. However, bless her, she has proved to be a real little fighter and those of you who saw her at Alma’s summer garden party will agree she looks so well despite the odds. The week beginning 29th August was very tense as Olivia went to Birmingham Children’s Hospital for assessment to see if she would be eligible for a liver transplant. Although she looks to be doing well, unfortunately, the chemotherapy is not working and a liver transplant is her only hope. Thursday of that week was very upsetting as Lou and Jon (her parents) were told all the pros and cons. The worst being that if she wasn’t able to have a liver transplant or if the transplant failed or if in fact there is tumour elsewhere when they do the operation, she will not be here by next summer. The following day was decision day and we were all absolutely delighted when Lou told us that they had decided that she could have the transplant. She is now on the waiting list and can be called at any time. They are hopeful that it will be sometime this month (September). There are still many hurdles to jump especially a rejection of the transplant or indeed that they can’t continue at operation as they find

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tumour elsewhere. We are all praying that she won’t have to wait long and that none of the above happen and all goes well. I will let you know when she is called to go into hospital. So, thank you once again, and we all ask that you will please continue praying for her as we are sure all your prayers have helped enormously. God Bless You All and my personal heartfelt thanks for all your kindness and your prayers.

Barbara Morris Everyone at Holy Trinity sends their love and prayers to Olivia, Lou, Jon, Barbara and all the family. We continue to give thanks for the work of the NHS, and for all generous organ donors and their families. Editor.

Creationtide Prayer Time The Church of England has endorsed the observance of a "Time for Creation", from 1 September (the first day of the church year for the Orthodox Churches) to 4 October (the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi).

During this season congregations are encouraged to give particular focus to environmental issues. Time for Creation links in naturally with the time when we celebrate harvest thanksgivings. ‘The world has been created for everyone's use, but you few rich are trying to keep it for yourselves. For not merely the possession of the earth, but the very sky, the air, and the sea are claimed for the use of the rich few. … The earth belongs to all, not just to the rich.’ St. Ambrose of Milan (340-397)

Prayer Time

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May this eternal truth be always on our hearts,

That the God who breathed this world into being,

Placed stars into the heavens

And designed a butterfly's wing,

Is the God who entrusted his son

to the care of ordinary people,

became vulnerable that we might know

how strong is the wonder of Love.

A mystery so deep it is impossible to grasp.

A mystery so beautiful it is impossible to ignore.

© 2016 John Birch

For the promise of harvest

contained within a seed, we thank you. For the oak tree within an acorn, the bread within a grain, the apple within a pip,

the mystery of nature, gift wrapped for us to sow, we thank you.

© 2016 John Birch

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Word Search Puzzle Increase our Faith: Luke 17:5-10

Resources for Catholic Educators

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Bickerstaffe Mothers’ Union

Our September meeting was a visit to Golden Days Garden Centre at Standish members had the chance to purchase clothing etc. and lunch was available.

Next month will be our Harvest Festival Service at the Mission. We will be celebrating with a hot pot lunch

Irene McCarthy The Women’s Institute

At our next meeting on Monday 24th October we expect to have a very entertaining evening when Mr. Dennis Moore will present his talk entitled 'Laughter's the Best Medicine.'

Please join us at 7.30pm at Four Lane Ends Mission. Visitors and new members are always welcome. For more information contact Margaret Fairclough on 01695 729161.

Smile Time Are you in the pumpkin patch? (author unknown) A lady asked her friend what it was like to be a Christian. The friend replied, 'It's like being a pumpkin. God picks you from the patch, brings you in and washes all the dirt off you. Then he looks inside, scoops out all the messy stuff and removes the seeds of doubt, hate and greed. Then He carves you with a smiling face and puts His light inside you to shine for all the world to see'. Share this with others who may still be in the pumpkin patch. Supplied by Sheila Beeby Seen on a church noticeboard: 7 days without prayer makes one weak.

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Janice & Mike welcome you to The Derby Arms

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01744 886544


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Church rotas Church Cleaning Rota

7th Oct Team 5 F Brownbill, S Prentice, M Prentice

14th Oct Team 6 M Clarke, V Heyes, B Morris

21st Oct Team 1 E Short, B Bell, F Brownbill

28th Oct Team 2 I McCarthy, M Johnson

4th Nov Team 3 A Banks, G Banks, N Rimmer

11th Nov Team 4 Barbara Fairclough, B Winstanley

Church Flowers Rota

2nd October Mrs Norma Rimmer 9th October Harvest Festival -

Helpers/Donations welcome 16th October Flowers remain 23rd October Rev Keith Leiper 31st October Miss Hilda Rawsthorne

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Ormskirk & District Historical Society

3rd October: Martin Jones will talk about ‘John Westhead, Newburgh Village Blacksmith.’

17th October: Peter Speirs will give a

talk entitled ‘A Little Quaker History.’

Please visit the website for our latest

programme of events. Meetings start

at 7.30pm at Four Lane Ends Mission.

All visitors welcome (£3). Further

information from Mrs P Nanson, tel.

01695 574364

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Editorial News

The deadline for the

November magazine is Wednesday 19th October.

As always, please pass articles

to myself or e-mail it to [email protected].

I will do my best to publish articles when space and

copyright allows. Thank you for all your support.

Chimney and Multi Fuel

Stove Sweeping

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