Download - HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

Page 1: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

HOA Board Meeting Minutes – August 1, 2018

1) Call meeting to order – 7:01p.m.

2) Establishment of quorum: Stephanie Fuchs, Sarah Baker, Toby Robson, Christa Bell and Raegen Browne

in attendance.

a. Also, in attendance Chuck & Maureen Oskierko, John Leonard, Larry Goldie, Tom & Jennifer

Monahan, Kyle & Britany Barton, Vincent & Halie Cavanagh, John Kingrey, Tate & Melissa

Tripple, Tiffany Murphy, Adam & Tricia Crist, Heather Nielson and Norah Cox. Also, in

attendance from Shelterwood Homes, Michael King and Jolyn Bearden.

3) Unfinished business

a. Follow-up on possibility of de-annexation of Crimson Point N. (aka Ruby Creek), corner of

Shayla/Henna, signage, etc.

i. A reference regarding de-annexation was read from information sent by Brindee Collins

from Vial Fotheringham.

ii. A report was submitted by Scott Scally to be reviewed by the Board and home owners

regarding information received from the Ada County Assessor regarding home values

and the appraisal supervisor from Kuna.

iii. Tiffany Murphy submitted three landscape proposals for the corner of Shayla and Henna

on behalf of the Crimson Point North homeowners. It was suggested that the 1st

amendment of the CC&R’s be added to the website. She also submitted a letter as to

why the previous rock was put on the corner.

iv. A committee was established along with board members for the corner of

Shayla/Henna. The homeowners who signed up for the committee are: Chuck Oskierko,

Melissa Tripple, Tiffany Murphy, Amber Huber, Kyle Bardon, Letty Davila, Vincent &

Halie Cavanagh.

b. CBH Quitclaim Deed – Phase 8 – Due to the extensive damage of the fencing, board would like

to delay signing the Deed until the issue is resolved.

c. Landscaping projects - Ardell & Rubine project scheduled to begin next week.

d. Electronic Newsletters – Toby scheduled to meet with Michael and Jolyn on 8/8/18 at the

clubhouse to go over details.

4) Violations review

a. Overview = 49 Violation updates/creates (primary violations types for July were Landscaping

and trailer parking)

b. Sarah made the motion to refer the following violations to attorney if they remain unremedied

after reinspection by Shelterwood, the motion was seconded and unanimously carried.

i. 1737 N. Pewter – weeds and lack of edging

ii. 2459 W. Crenshaw – weeds

iii. 1614 N. Firebrick – Trash can visible/unscreened

iv. 1615 N. Firebrick – Dead tree – The tree has been removed.

Page 2: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

v. 1602 N. Firebrick – Trash can visible

vi. 1599 N. Firebrick – Trash can visible

vii. 1905 W. Feltson – Weeds

c. Sarah made motion to not send the following violations to the attorney for referral at this time,

the motion was seconded and unanimously carried.

i. 1891 N. Maroon Ave. – Trailer visible/unscreened

ii. 2186 W. Caliret - Trailer visible/unscreened

5) Financials

a. Financial Report & Side by Side Comparison of Budget and Actual Income/Expenses reviewed

i. Annual budget and fiscal report to be published in October.

ii. CBH Homes continuing to build. Michael recommended the Board meet with CBH

before the land is platted.

b. Check signing

c. Discuss late fees at next meeting.

6) New Business

a. Pool season review & update for last 30 days-Unauthorized access has been an issue this year.

The Board requested that Michael create a cost comparison of last year and this year for

cleaning and the monitoring of the pool.

b. Solar Panel Discussion – Board agreed on potentially approving solar panels as long as they

were flush to the roof pitch.

7) Homeowner Business

a. Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was

suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible for the dogs.

8) Adjournment – 9:51 p.m.

9) Next Meeting date set for September 5, 2018 at 7:00 pm Executive Session with open session

beginning at 8:00 pm.

Page 3: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

HOA Board Meeting – July 11, 2018

10) Called meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

11) Establishment of quorum with Board members in attendance: Stephanie Fuchs, Sarah Baker, Toby

Robson, Scott Scally, and Christa Bell. Reagen Browne also in attendance, but arrived later in the


a. Also, in attendance from Shelterwood Homes, Michael King and Jolyn Bearden, from Vial

Fotheringham LLP, Brindee Collins. Homeowners present, John Leonard, Chuck & Maureen

Oskierko, John Kingrey, Tiffany Murphy, Janet Henze, Andrew Schank, Everett Corona, Kristy &

Manny Lopes, Tom & Jennifer Monahan, Tate & Melissa Tripple, Ryan & Angie Smoot, David &

Heather Nielson, Kevin McGee, Harmony Baham, Amber Huber, Halie Cavanagh, Sara Morfin,

Ron Henze, Eric Frank and Kera Giedd.

12) Homeowner Business:

a. Discussions regarding removal of the rock on the corner of Shayla and Henna and landscaping

in the area.

i. Homeowners voiced concerns regarding their desire to be differentiated from the

greater Crimson Point Subdivision and feel their home values are adversely affected by

not having a rock/sign distinguishing their section as different.

ii. Difference between home values in Crimson Point due to different homebuilder’s

quality discussed.

iii. Possible potential for de-annexation of Crimson Point North (aka Ruby Creek) discussed.

iv. Possibility to remove board members discussed.

v. Scott motioned to have the meeting agenda posted to the website a couple of days

before the meeting going forward, motion was seconded and unanimously carried.

vi. Scott motioned to have researched the effect of a sign vs. no sign on the corner of

Shayla/Henna and property values for the Crimson Point North area. The motion was

seconded and unanimously carried.

13) Unfinished business:

a. Review of Shayla & Henna and other common areas: Board would like boulders cleaned up and

to chisel off remaining artwork from boulders, replace some grasses and add some plants to

further beautify the area.

b. Move forward with Ardell & Rubine landscaping? Board would like to get approval from ACHD

and see if they are going to have Crimson Point maintain the street side of the property. Motion

was made, seconded and approved to complete project if ACHD agrees to landscaping their

portion then landscape the whole area, (additional area would not cost extra after reviewing

bids) if ACHD says no then landscape the common area only.

c. Electronic Newsletters- to be discussed next month.

14) Violations

a. Overview = 26 Total for June (mostly landscaping issues, trailers, trash cans)

Page 4: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

b. Sarah made the motion to refer the following violations to attorney if they remain unremedied

after reinspection by Shelterwood, the motion was seconded and unanimously carried.

i. 1862 N. Blush Ave – Backyard Landscaping incomplete and/or missing fence screening

from view.

ii. 2687 W. Crenshaw St. - Backyard Landscaping incomplete and/or missing fence

screening from view.

iii. 2172 W. Gainsboro – Weeds & Backyard Landscaping incomplete and/or missing fence

screening from view.

iv. 2140 W. Gainsboro Dr. - Backyard Landscaping incomplete and/or missing fence

screening from view.

v. 1884 N. Blush Ave - Backyard Landscaping incomplete and/or missing fence screening

from view.

vi. 1838 N. Rosedust Dr. – Weeds

vii. 1805 N. Veridian Ave. – Weeds

viii. 2328 W. Crenshaw St. – Weeds, Dead Grass, Dying Tree

ix. 2248 W. Steely Ct – Weeds

x. 1779 N. Veridian Ave. - Weeds

15) Financials:

a. Financial Report & Mid-Year Review- Michael will have a side by side comparison of budget and

actual expenses for next month.

b. Reserve CD Options-Board decided to table.

c. Check signing - completed

16) New Business:

a. Mid-Year pool season overview- There has been some unauthorized access and complaints

regarding food. Supply room has had unauthorized people getting in, Board agreed to replace


b. CBH Quitclaim Deed – Phase 8 giving more common area lots, Board will not sign until fence is


17) Adjournment: 11:02 PM

18) Next Meeting date set for August 1, 2018 at 7:00 pm.

Page 5: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

HOA Board Meeting – June 6, 2018

19) Call meeting to order: 7:20 p.m.

20) Quorum established with: Sarah Baker, Scott Scully, Toby Robson and Christa Bell. Also, in attendance: Michael

King and Jolyn Bearden with Shelterwood Homes, and homeowners Larry and Jeannie Taylor and Eric Frank.

21) Pool rules conciliation reviewed and discussed.

22) Unfinished business

a. Pool opening & concrete pool deck reviewed – Issue with slippery deck. Repair was made to the pool

deck. All work done was covered under warranty work.

b. Stucco Repair Options at clubhouse, hairline cracks recommendation to repaint stucco every 5 years.

Board requested quotes on paint, put in budget for next year.

c. Review of Shayla & Henna and other common areas- The renovation and improvement to the corner of

Shayla and Henna discussed anew. The common area property recently deeded to Crimson Point HOA

by the developer. History of the area reviewed, and concerns noted that “Ruby Creek” is not a separate

subdivision nor a legal subdivision name as labeled on the rock. Divisive and confusing nature of this

discussed. Issues discussed of irrigation, sprinklers, and aesthetics of the area. Bids for renovating the

area reviewed in summary. Motion made for this area to be landscaped in harmony with other corners

along Shayla, the rock to be removed and/or possibly repurposed as boulders, 2nd made, all in favor,

motion passes.

d. Follow-up on dead trees and Shayla / Ardell corner. Board requests that Blue Ribbon follow up and take

care of this

e. Fencing Bids & Options Rubine and Thistle. Bids reviewed in summary. Motion made to have Frontier

Fence complete the work, 2nd made, all in favor, motion passes.

f. Electronic Newsletters – Toby stated it would cost approximately $15 a month, over 1,000 subscribers.

Will discuss further at next meeting.

g. CD Options -Hold until next meeting

23) Violations review

a. Overview = 36 Total for May (mostly landscaping issues & trailers)

b. Review of violation policies

c. 1791 N. Bisque – Paint in disrepair - Shelterwood homes to check if done, if not refer.

d. 1829 N. Firebrick - Paint in disrepair – extension ok.

e. 2247 W. Steely Ct. - Paint in disrepair - - extension check in October.

f. 1763 N. Rosedust Dr. – Backyard Landscaping incomplete and/or missing fence screening from view.

Motion made to send to attorney, motion 2nd, motion passes.

g. 2681 W. Gainsboro Dr. – Paint in disrepair- should be done, Shelterwood home to check into it, refer to

attorney if incomplete

24) Financials

a. Financial Report

b. Reserve CD Options—Next meeting

c. Check signing

25) Adjournment: 10:07 pm.

26) Next Meeting date set for July 11, 2018 at 7:00 pm.

Page 6: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

HOA Board Meeting – May 2, 2018

27) Call meeting to order: 7:13 pm

28) Quorum established with Stephanie Fuchs, Toby Robson, Reagan Browne, Scott Scally and Christa Bell

in attendance. Also, in attendance: Michael King and Jolyn Bearden with Shelterwood Homes.

29) Unfinished business

a. Fencing Bids- Reviewed fencing bids to replace sections along the walking path between Thistle

& Rubine.

b. Pool Opening and Ice Cream Social- Pool slated to open Saturday before Memorial Day

weekend - May 26th. The Board discussed not having monitors this year and will look at it at

the end of the season and do a comparison from the 2018 with the 2017 season. Toby made a

made the motion, "to not have pool monitors so the HOA could properly asses their value vs

having them in 2017. The Board can then plan for how to approach future budgets based on

those findings." The motion passed without dissent. The Board agreed on having the Ice Cream

Social on opening day, May 26th from 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Management will be available at

the clubhouse to help homeowners with pool cards.

30) Violations review

a. Overview = 86 Total for April (mostly weeds & maintenance painting)

b. 1611 Vinifera – Trash Can Visible- Board voted to send to attorney if still in violation upon

reinspection by Shelterwood Homes.

c. 2200 N. Maroon – Trailer/Camper not screened from view- Board voted to send to attorney if

still in violation upon reinspection by Shelterwood Homes.

d. 1713 N. Pewter Ave. – Trash Can Visible – Board voted to send to attorney if still in violation

upon reinspection by Shelterwood Homes.

e. 1983 N. Maroon – Trash Can Visible— Board voted to send to attorney if still in violation upon

reinspection by Shelterwood Homes.

31) Financials

a. Financial Report reviewed

b. Check signing

32) New Business

a. Common Areas

i. Flower Beds - Board voted and agreed to have annual flowers planted in preexisting

flower beds.

ii. Missing permabark-drainage on the corner of Crimson Point North. Bring in more

permabark to cover weed barrier that is exposed.

Page 7: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

iii. Ardell & Rubine, there is irrigation water accessible to this area. It is a visible area and

needs to be cleaned up. Landscaper to kill the weeds for now. The Board would like to

see bids for adding sprinklers, planting grass and a few trees in that area.

iv. Pool deck refinishing –There are some areas that need to be refinished and it has been

arranged to have it repaired. The deck is still under warranty, there will be no extra cost

to the HOA.

v. Clubhouse Spring Cleaning- investigate stucco repair and or painting Carpet cleaning,

windows, cleaning off stucco and gutters.

vi. Discussed creating a quarterly e-newsletter that includes a neighborhood bulletin board

and Kuna news updates. Possibility of using mail chimp for minimal fee. Toby will do

some ground work and come back next week with ideas.

33) Homeowner Business

a. 2061 N. Sepia Ave. – Architectural Review-Need more information, diagram.

b. 2794 W Crenshaw St – Architectural Review- approved

c. 1914 N Thistle Dr. – Need more information on where they want to put the shed. The Board

denied the colors submitted for paint colors. Ask homeowner to bring in other samples of paint

colors for consideration or keep existing colors.

34) Adjournment: 10:01 p.m.

35) Next Meeting date set for June 6, 2018 at 7:00 pm.

Page 8: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

HOA Board Meeting Minutes- April 4, 2018

36) Call meeting to order: 7:15 p.m.

37) Establishment of quorum: Stephanie Fuchs, Toby Robson, Scott Scally, Reagan Brown, Christa Bell and

Sarah Baker. Also, in attendance Michael King and Jolyn Bearden of Shelterwood Homes. Homeowners

in attendance Kori and Bryan Smith and Jackie Shutters.

38) Unfinished business

a. Homeowner request for removal of builder’s flag on Ardell. Follow-up: Michael will remove and

dispose of them.

b. Ruby Creek Quit Claim Deed - Recorded

c. Shayla/Henna corners reviewed-check for water distribution, need to re-do sprinklers. Wood

sign to be removed. Put more plants in. Board requested Shelterwood Homes contact the

contractor and ask them to remove the signs and rock as soon as the lots are built up. Follow up

next meeting.

d. Gazebo Bids – after discussion regarding the cost to the homeowners the Board agreed to table

it and see if there wasn’t something else that could be done for upgrades that would be more

cost effective.

e. Crimson to Red Feather – Problem with notary, need to redo for acceptance - Need to have

deed paperwork signed again. Michael will meet with Stephanie and Sara Saturday April 7th at

10:00 a.m. at ICCU to sign and notarize the paperwork.

f. Review of fencing areas identified – walkway area from Thistle to Rubine, Rubine to Maroon

need to be repaired. The worst area is on Shayla across from the school to Gainsboro. Michael

recommended that a more cost-effective solution would be to repair some of the fencing. The

board requested bids for repairing and bids for replacing fencing in these areas.

g. Spring Newsletter-Shelterwood Homes will have a template created by next week and send to

board for approval. Newsletter to include street parking education.

h. Review of violation letter language- Make changes by bringing the bolded areas down to the

last paragraph to soften the tone of the letters. Send examples to Board for review.

i. Pool Rules

i. HUD Review – IFHC & Crimson Conciliation- HOA to enter into conciliation with IFHC,

HUD will be the Mediator. Brindee with Vial Fotheringham will get back to us for the

time of mediations. Board members would like to attend and Brindee will be

representing Crimson.

39) Violations review

a. 90-day backyard completions-Shelterwood Homes has already started assessing the backyard


b. House Painting Inspections

Page 9: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

i. Time slot signup sheet for Board Members: Toby Tuesday the 10th at 10 a.m./ Christa

the 11th at 10 a.m. and Reagan at 11 a.m. / Scott the 12th at 10:a.m.

c. Vehicle parking issues & complaints – Spring news letter announcing no parking on street,

educate community, illegal to park 20’ from any crosswalk marked or unmarked. Talked to City

of Kuna code enforcer about what needs to happen. The Sheriff can come out for quicker

enforcement if cars are parked illegally.

d. Review of crosswalk & parking codes-petition with city council for city rules and school rules.

Look at possibly involving the school on this. Board wants to include this information on the

newsletter ask ACHD to maximize no parking signs, the more signage the better. Check to see if

we can establish speed bumps and school safety rules.

e. Shelterwood to update some policies on violations. Will bring to next meeting for board review.

40) ACHD Update Financials

a. Financial Report removed invoices from Blue Ribbon 2018-0519 & 0322-not sure if work was


b. Reserve CD Options-wait for next meeting

c. Check signing

41) New Business

a. Payment Plans discussion-next year to add the additional interest assessment. The Board

agrees, that if a homeowner’s dues are not paid they will not have access to the pool or

clubhouse. Waiver of late fees-upon receiving request from homeowner the Board will

determine whether to waive the late fee.

b. Architectural Requests – option to use SmartWebs Architectural Software as opposed to email

chains. Once the format for emails was changed it seems to be working better. Board wants to

continue AR as they are being done at this time.

42) Homeowner Business

a. Late Fee Waiver Request – 2216 W. Beige St. (mail not delivered) Board approved

b. 1907 N. Thistle Dr. – Architectural Review Request - homeowners came in to discuss landscape

plans with board. The homeowners should contact the ACHD regarding plans for crossing over

the park-strip with concrete. The Board approved the requests except the shade structure due

to needing more information on the structure.

c. 2795 W. Crenshaw St. - Architectural Review-Fence request – Approved by Board.

d. Parking violations discussed.

e. Easement off Gainsboro and Mauve needs to be cleaned up. It was proposed that we have a

neighborhood cleanup for that area.

f. Common area for Rubine & Ardell, need to find property line. Homeowners nearby offer to

help upkeep.

43) Adjournment: 11:05 p.m.

44) Next Meeting date set for May 2nd, 2018 at 7:00 pm.

Page 10: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

HOA Board Meeting

March 7, 2018

45) Call meeting to order-7:06 pm

46) Establishment of quorum with Stephanie Fuchs, Sarah Baker, Scott Scally, Toby Robson, Christa Bell

and Raegen Browne in attendance.

a. Also in attendance: Michael King and Jolyn Bearden with Shelterwood Homes.

47) New Business

a. Board member elections to specific offices

i. Stephanie nominated for President

ii. Sarah nominated for Vice President

iii. Toby nominated for Treasurer

iv. Reagan nominated as Secretary

v. Christa nominated as General Director

vi. Scott nominated as General Director

vii. All board members voted in favor of all nominations

b. Due to even number of board members all board members voted in favor of adopting operating

procedure that only in the case of a deadlocked/split vote of 3-3, then the then president will

be allowed to cast an extra vote to break any tie.

c. Ruby Creek Quit Claim Deed- 12 parcels technically Crimson Point North-common area still not

owned by HOA. Board discussed to hold off on projects there until CPHOA gets Deeds. The

board would like Westpark to pay if they are willing. Shelterwood will reply back, to let

Westpark know they can record.

d. Homeowner request for removal of builder’s flag on Ardell– Shelterwood to reach out to

Riverwood Homes to see if they are their flags and find out if they are willing to take them


e. Landscaping improvements/needs

i. Playground on Firebrick- put mulch down on annual basis. Board votes unanimous to

put in more mulch.

1. Possibly anchor down picnic table in mulch in future.

ii. Other common area improvements (Gazebos, Playground equipment, etc.) Other

common areas coming in phase 8, platting not complete. Best flat and useable space by

Burleywood. Shelterwood will gather new bids on Gazebos for the Burleywood area.

f. Fencing needs –Last year $5,785 for 2 different sections apx 550’ both sides walk way from

Thistle to creek and Rhodamine to Pewter. Shelterwood to help identify areas of fencing in

worst condition. Cost saving measures discussed-save good panels.

g. Spring Newsletter- Not until April. Will discuss next meeting. Possibly do Spring/Summer


Page 11: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

h. Board approves purchase of more Proxy (Pool) Cards $200 – current supply is getting low.

i. Overdue dues / Penalties - Reviewed by laws and collection resolution board can opt to charge

interest at rate of 10% as well as levy late fee of $25. Would need to announce this if current

plan changed.

48) Violations review

a. 12 month overview.

b. Current plans for 90-day backyard completions – Shelterwood to start sending notices out end

of March beginning of April. Not required to have a fence but have to have grass.

c. House Painting- beneficial to have second set of eyes. Homeowners can request an extension if

financially unable. Extension no longer than a year.

d. Shelterwood will send examples of violation letter to board for review.

e. Rubine- Permanent basketball hoop needs to be moved to be in unison with other hoops

approved in neighborhood (mid-driveway or in backyard, not enabling individuals to play

basketball in road). Board votes to have a certified letter sent informing of decision on this and

then refer to legal if still non-compliant.

49) Financials

a. Financial and banking reports reviewed.

b. Banking instructions-sign signature cards for bank- all board members signed new signature


c. Reserve Options – Northwestern Mutual briefly discussed in last months meeting for potential

stock and bond options- low risk but still some risk. The board is not comfortable with any risk

with Reserve Funds. Stephanie will investigate CD/no risk account options. To be discussed

further next meeting.

50) Unfinished Business

a. Meeting minutes for annual meeting reviewed –Motion to accept minutes and accepted by all.

b. Pool Rule Signs-to replace signs $170 plus tax. Price does not include graphic design. Rules are

just the bulleted portion. Shelterwood will email Toby word document of the pool rules. Toby

will look at design.

51) Homeowner Business

a. Board reviews and approves payment plan for K. McGee- Plan approved, but late fee not


b. Board propose to deny waiving all late fees, will review case by case.

52) Adjournment Vote - adjourn at 10:29 pm.

53) Next Meeting date set for April 4th, 2018 at 7:00 pm.

Page 12: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

HOA Board Meeting Minutes

February 6, 2018

54) Call meeting to order 7:01 PM

55) Establishment of quorum with: Phil Branstad, Sarah Baker and Stephanie Fuchs in attendance.

a. Also in attendance Michael King and Jolyn Bearden with Shelterwood, Eric Dugan with

Northwestern Mutual, and homeowner Colin Rae.

56) Financial Review & Report

a. Reserve Fund Account options-

i. Northwestern Mutual Options- Discussion with Eric about Reserve Account options with

Northwestern Mutual that gain better interest that current account. Eric to gather more

information and bring back options for HOA Reserve Account.

ii. CD Options

57) Violations Review

a. General Review

i. 22 Violations last 30 days

b. 1763 N. Rosedust Dr. – Vehicle parked on street/abandoned/inoperable vehicle- Board vote to

send to attorney if still in violation upon reinspection by Shelterwood.

c. Send out landscape/unfinished backyard violations 1st week of April.

58) Homeowner Business

a. Street parking enforcement requests- Difficulties around street parking enforcement discussed

such as who’s car does it belong to, how long has it been parked there, is it parked during a

violation inspection, etc. Board requests enforcement on abandoned and/or inoperable

vehicles, vehicles blocking cross-walks, in front of mailboxes, or encroaching upon sidewalks.

HOA will continue to press ACHD to move signs further back from crosswalk on Cerulean and

replace faded signs.

59) Old Business

a. Requests to waive to late fee – Board agrees to waive late fee for 2145 W Quilceda St., and for

2178 W Quilceda St. both for extenuating circumstances.

b. Permant basketball hoop enforcement. Homeowners should Submit Arc request prior to install,

needs to be mid driveway, or in backyard in unison with other permanent hoops in

neighborhood. Hoops will not be approved that are installed to enable folks to play ball in the


c. Blue Ribbon 2018 contract signed.

60) New Business

a. Annual meeting planning -Shelterwood to create PowerPoint presentation and send to board

for review to include 2018 budget, 2017 review, and 2018 plans, landscape improvements,

Ruby creek waiting for quit claim deed from Westpark, fencing repairs, identifying sections in

Page 13: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

need of repairs and replacing those, replacement of irrigation control panels. Stephanie will

conduct meeting.

b. HOA monthly meetings tentatively changing to Wednesdays.

c. New prospective board members need to be in good standing with the HOA (no outstanding

dues or continual CC&R violations).

d. Board reviews quotes to replace and update irrigation controllers. Board votes to have main

controller at lift station replaced as it is at the end of its useful life. Do not want to wait until it

fails potentially mid-summer. Other controllers have 2-5 years useful life remaining, Board

chooses to wait on replacing those.

e. Board would like to see quotes on moving some 2017 hard copy items to electronic record?

f. Pool signs to be updated and replaced.

g. Owners have been requesting payment plans, Board will allow monthly payments until April 1st,

late fee still applies. If folks need more time, send board email.

61) Adjournment 9:03 PM.

62) Next Meeting date set for February 27, 2018 at 7:00 PM (Annual Meeting).

Page 14: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

HOA Board Meeting Minutes

January 9, 2018

63) Call meeting to order – 7:05 p.m.

64) Establishment of quorum with Phil Branstad, Stephanie Fuchs, Sarah Baker and Angela Stark in


a. Also in attendance Stephan Leslie, Jeff & Lois Fitzloff, Dean & Barbara Shephard, and from

Shelterwood Homes Michael King and Jolyn Bearden.

65) Meeting minutes for Jan 2 meeting review. Motion to approve minutes, motion passes unanimously.

66) Violations Review

a. General Review

i. December = 28 Total Violations.

b. 1976 N. Glacier Blue – ATV Unscreened – Board unanimously voted to refer to Vial

Fotheringham, if still in violation upon follow up by Shelterwood Homes.

c. 2001 N. Van Dyke – Trash Unscreened - Board unanimously voted to refer to Vial Fotheringham,

if still in violation upon follow up by Shelterwood Homes.

d. 1953 N. Rosedust Dr. – Trailer Unscreened – Board agreed that because of the time span and

because there were different recreational vehicles, if there were another violation to just send

out another letter, not be turned into Vial Fotheringham.

e. 2493 W. Gainsboro Dr. - Trailer Unscreened – Board voted and 3 of 4 agreed this should be

turned over to Vial Fotheringham if still in violation upon follow up by Shelterwood Homes.

f. 2188 N. Rubine Ln. – ARC project unapproved (permanent Basket Ball Hoop installed at corner

of sidewalk/driveway overhanging sidewalk) – ARC project not approved, after discussion with

homeowner it was decided to table decision for now until they could research the issue further.

Concerns have been voiced regarding permanent fixture constructed so close to the sidewalk,

safety concerns and unsightly visual aesthetics.

67) Homeowner Business

a. Homeowner came in to discuss violations due to unapproved ARC project (permanent Basket

Ball Hoop). Homeowner expressed frustration as to receiving violations regarding the

unapproved permanent basketball hoop. The board explained a few concerns.

b. Homeowners came in to discuss the violations they received for recreational vehicles parked in

front of their home. They expressed their displeasure with receiving these violations. The

Board did inform them that they had already reviewed the violations and agreed that because

of the span of time in between violations and because recreational vehicles were no longer

present that they were not going to send it on to Vial Fotheringham.

c. Homeowners came in and first expressed concern for the faded signs and the excessive

speeding through the neighborhood. The Board let them know that ACHD had been contacted

a few months back regarding the faded signs and the moving back of crosswalk signs on

Page 15: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

Cerulean. The Board also recommended the homeowners contact the ACHD, the were given

the contact information.

d. 1680 N. Firebrick Dr.- ARC request to remove their large tree from the front lawn and replace

with Lilac tree. The Board unanimously agreed for the removal of the tree and replacement in

the spring.

68) New Business

a. Fencing repair update – Shelterwood will repair broken fence in HOA common on Crenshaw.

b. Annual Meeting scheduled at Crimson Point Elementary on February 27th at 7pm. The Board

agreed with this date and time.

c. Trash Can update and Question – Michael informed the board that a matching rain cover for

the trash can in the park is not available for individual purchase. The Board agreed to put that

trash can on the patio at the pool and purchase another can with an appropriate cover for the


69) Adjournment – 9:28 p.m.

70) Next Meeting date set for February 6, 2018 (7:00 pm Executive Session & 8:00 pm open meeting).

Page 16: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

HOA Board Meeting

January 2, 2018

71) Called meeting to order at 7:55 PM

72) Establishment of quorum with Phil Branstad, Stephanie Fuchs, and Sarah Baker present from the Board.

Also in attendance Michael King and Jolyn Bearden from Shelterwood Homes.

73) Meeting minutes for December meeting approved by board electronically on December 14, 2017.

74) Violations Review

a. General Review

i. December = 28 Total Violations.

b. 2067 N. Van Dyke Ave. – Parking on Grass, Lawn in Disrepair – Board unanimously voted to

refer violation to attorney if still in violation upon reinspection by Shelterwood.

c. 1614 N. Firebrick Dr. – Trash Can Visible – Board unanimously voted to refer violation to

attorney if still in violation upon reinspection by Shelterwood.

d. 2346 W. Gainsboro Dr. – Trash Can Visible – Board unanimously voted to refer violation to

attorney if still in violation upon reinspection by Shelterwood.

e. 2234 W. Quilceda St. – Construction Debris in Driveway – Board unanimously voted to refer

violation to attorney if still in violation upon reinspection by Shelterwood.

f. 2435 W. Crenshaw St. – Unscreened trailer – Board unanimously voted to refer violation to

attorney if still in violation upon reinspection by Shelterwood.

75) New Business

a. Some HOA fencing along the North side of Crenshaw has been damaged. Board asked to see

this get fixed as soon as possible.

b. Board asked that updated pool rules be posted to the pool rules link on the HOA’s website.

c. Shelterwood to call Kuna School District to see when Crimson Point Elementary is available in

February for annual meeting.

76) Adjournment at 8:42 PM

77) Next Meeting date set for January 9, 2018 (7:00 pm Executive Session & 8:00 pm open meeting).

Page 17: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

HOA Board Meeting Minutes

December 5, 2017

78) Call meeting to order 7:11 p.m.

79) Establishment of quorum with Phil Branstand, Stephanie Fuchs and Justin Smith.

a. Also in attendance Hans Ellis (CEO) and David Chismar (maintenance manage) from Blue

Ribbon, and from Shelterwood Homes Michael King and Jolyn Bearden.

80) Meeting minutes for November meeting approved by board electronically on November 13, 2017.

81) Meeting and discussion with Hans (CEO Blue Ribbon) and David (maintenance manager).

a. Year in review

i. Pros/Cons & Expectations – First, discussed receiving credit back on some flowers that

died, the original bid for $1,500 Blue Ribbon will apply 25% credit for flowers on next bill

for replacement of the flowers. Second, initially there was a problem with brown spots

in grass due to the sprinklers not being turned on early enough. Blue Ribbon agreed and

addressed the issue and will make sure the sprinklers are turned on as soon as the water

comes in. That being said, not all of the brown and dead grass was their fault, the city of

Kuna had issues with the high volume of water usage and their pumps and water supply

were unable to keep up with the demand in Crimson Point for much of the summer.

With the new contract, Blue Ribbon will be out every week from June through August to

make sure there are no issues with the sprinklers. They have also proposed to have the

same person come out for any service calls we made need to have addressed. It was

discussed that there be two tree pruning’s, one already set up in the spring, and a

partial pruning the week before school starts. Also discussed was snow removal, ACHD

said that they would be making one pass through the subdivisions this year, if that does

not happen we can keep Blue Ribbon on call to come out as needed.

b. Bid review – Bids reviewed from Cutting Edge Landscaping, Lawnco and Blue Ribbon. Motion to

retain Blue Ribbon pending receiving the updated contract, motion was seconded and passed


82) Financials

a. Treasurer’s Report as is, motion was seconded, motion passed unanimously.

b. Check signing

83) Violations Review

a. General Review

i. November = 56 Total Violations.

b. 2770 W. Maribin – Trailer parking in public view - Board unanimously voted to refer to Vial

Fotheringham if still in violation upon follow up by Shelterwood Homes.

c. 2200 N. Maroon Ave. - Trailer parking in public view – Don’t send follow-up, has already been

referred to Vial Fotheringham.

Page 18: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

d. 2628 W. Gainsboro Dr. - Trailer parking in public view – Board unanimously voted to refer to

Vial Fotheringham if still in violation upon follow up by Shelterwood Homes.

e. 2140 N. Van Dyke Ave. - Trailer parking in public view - Board unanimously voted to refer to Vial

Fotheringham if still in violation upon follow up by Shelterwood Homes.

f. 1702 N. Firebrick Dr. – Boat parking in public view- Board unanimously voted to refer to Vial

Fotheringham if still in violation upon follow up by Shelterwood Homes.

g. 2076 W. Gainsboro Dr. - Trailer parking in public view - Not a referral, keep at stage 2.

h. 1841 N. Firebrick Dr. – Unstored Trash - Not a referral, keep at stage 2.

84) Unfinished Business

a. Common area Rosedust/Turquoise – Discussed other options not only here but in other

common areas, such as Gazebo with firepit- tabled until all board members are available to

discuss this and other options.

b. Review of Clubhouse Policy, Air B&B Question- motion to accept updated Clubhouse Policy,

motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Air B&B-tabled issue, the owners of the home

have now moved back in.

85) New Business

a. Quit Claim Deed – Crimson Point HOA was listed in error on common area in Red Feather

subdivision. Need to have Phil, president of the HOA sign and notarize giving legal rights back

to Red Feather.

b. Ruby Creek common areas seem to be on track to be deeded over to Crimson Point HOA.

c. Statements and newsletters to be mailed out on 12/6/17.

86) Adjournment 10:08 p.m.

87) Two meetings set for January. Next meeting date set for January 2, 2018 (7:45 pm violations review).

Another meeting date set for January 9, 2018 (7:00 pm Executive Session & 8:00 pm open meeting).

Page 19: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

HOA Board Meeting Minutes

November 7, 2017

88) Call meeting to order 7:09 p.m.

89) Establishment of quorum with Phil Branstad, Sarah Baker, Justin Smith and Angela Stark.

a. Also in attendance from Shelterwood Homes Michael King and Jolyn Bearden.

b. Homeowners Mike & Katie Melnik, and Katie Browne also came into the meeting.

90) Meeting minutes for October meeting approved by board electronically on October 13th, 2017.

91) Financials

a. Treasurer’s Report unanimously accepted.

b. 2018 HOA Dues Statements.

i. The Board unanimously decided to keep dues at $350 per year according to 2018

budget set at the last meeting. Board unanimously asked for HOA Dues Statements to

be mailed by the first week of December, 2018 Dues due by January 1st and a late fee

assessed on February 1st if unpaid in full.

c. Check signing

92) Violations Review

a. General Review

i. October = 27 Total Violations. Major categories were for Trailer Parking, Landscaping

issues, & Rubbish/Debris/Trash Cans.

ii. Review of “Unsightly Articles” Definition & CC&R

iii. Review of trash can / garbage left out enforcement – The Board unanimously agreed

that the trash cans / garbage should not be anywhere in public view on non-garbage


b. 2223 N. Maroon Ave. – Rubbish/Debris/Trash Can/Construction Materials/Trailer -

Homeowners came in to discuss the violations. Board unanimously voted to refer to Vial

Fotheringham if still in violation upon follow up by Shelterwood Homes.

c. 2086 N. Van Dyke Ave. – Trash Can - Board unanimously voted to refer to Vial Fotheringham if

still in violation upon follow up by Shelterwood Homes.

d. 2067 N. Van Dyke Ave. – Trailer - Board unanimously voted to refer to Vial Fotheringham if still

in violation upon follow up by Shelterwood Homes.

e. 2121 N. Rosedust Dr. – Trash Can – Due to the length of time between violations and change in

ownership, Board unanimously agreed to change to stage one and send out a friendly reminder

if still in violation upon follow up by Shelterwood Homes.

93) Unfinished Business

a. Splash pad / pool feedback and direction going forward

i. The results of the feedback survey were as follows:

1. 127 total responses

Page 20: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

2. 14- in favor of a splash pad only (11%)

3. 10- in favor of just a pool only (8%)

4. 59- in favor of both a pool & splash pad (46%)

5. 44- in favor of neither (35%)

6. There were some very interesting ideas submitted and the board would like

more time to consider the input given from homeowners.

b. Splash Pad/pool project design – rough drafts have been submitted by three contractors

however, there isn’t a final cost due to the contractors requesting architectural renderings

before proceeding with the project and informing us of the total cost for this project.

i. The Board unanimously decided to table this for now until they could get more

information on the cost for each of the architectural renderings and consider some

other alternate ideas instead of a splash pad and pool that were submitted.

c. ACHD Feedback – ACHD is potentially willing to move the “No Parking” signs back away from

the crosswalks on Cerulean to ensure crosswalk safety. They are also potentially going to

replace multiple sun-bleached speed limit and no parking signs on Gainsboro and Shayla, and

add street signs on Melon and Turquoise.

94) Homeowner Business

a. Homeowner came in to discuss concerns with a short-term rental through Air B&B at 2131 N

Firebrick. Several homeowners have complained about noise at late hours, parking issues and

all the different individuals coming in and out of the home. The HOA has requested their

attorney to investigate the laws in regards to short term rentals in residential neighborhoods.

We are waiting to hear back from the attorney on this.

95) New Business

a. Winter Newsletter – To go out the first week in December with statements.

96) Adjournment 9:22 p.m.

97) Next Meeting date set for December 5, 2017 (7:00 pm Executive Session & 8:00 pm open meeting).

Page 21: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

HOA Board Meeting Minutes

October 10, 2017

98) Call meeting to order 7:02 p.m.

99) Establishment of quorum with board members Phil Branstad, Stephanie Fuchs, Sarah Baker and Justin


a. Also in attendance from Shelterwood Homes, Michael King and Jolyn Bearden.

100) Meeting minutes for September meeting approved by board electronically on September 12th,


101) Financials

a. Treasurer’s Report-motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report as is, motion was seconded, motion

passes unanimously.

b. 2018 Budget - The Board unanimously accepted the budget and agreed to have budget

available for homeowners in minutes.

c. Spending by Category - 9/30/2016 through 10/1/2017

i. Asphalt Repair, Seal Coating, Crack Repair - $8,540.00

ii. Bills & Utilities - $13,354.64

iii. Cleaning - $4,663.03

iv. Clubhouse Improvement - $31,951.44

v. Clubhouse Repair - $1,200.00

vi. Digitization of Docs -$3,829.60

vii. Fees & Charges: Legal - $6,873.00

viii. Fees & Charges: Property Management - $25,443.98

ix. Fees & Charges: Service Fee - $8,202.48

x. Other Fees & Charges - $220.01

xi. HOA Common Area Fencing - $4,231.61

xii. Ice Cream Social - $51.72

xiii. Insurance - $1,670.00

xiv. Total Landscaping projects and maintenance - $117,305.00

xv. Misc. - $366.42

xvi. Pool Maintenance - $7,636.90

xvii. Pool Monitors - $8,288.00

xviii. Shredding Services -$88.40

xix. Supplies For Clubhouse - $1,466.17

xx. Tax: State - $10.00

xxi. Tax: Tax Preparation - $250.00

xxii. Website - $31.99

xxiii. OVERALL TOTAL - $245,674.39

Page 22: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

d. Reserve & Operating Accounts as of 8/31/17

i. $24,688.41

ii. $47,408.38

iii. $94,309.37

e. 2018 HOA Dues/Transfer Fees – Income Projected

i. $350x500 Existing Homes/Dues = $175,000.00

ii. $175x50 New build homes prorated approximate = $8,750.00

iii. $250x75 Approximate total 2018 transfer fees = $18,750.00

iv. Overall Total = $202,500.00

f. 2018 Budget

i. Bills & Utilities: Utilities - $13,754.00

ii. Cleaning - $2,170.00

iii. Clubhouse Repair - $1,200.00

iv. Deposit to Savings - $15,228.00

v. Fees & Charges: Legal - $7,079.00

vi. Fees & Charges: Property Management - $30,000.00

vii. Fees & Charges: Service Fees - $7,160.00

viii. HOA Common Area - $7,500.00

ix. Ice Cream Social - $50.00

x. Common Area Improvements - $23,500.00

xi. Insurance - $1,720.00

xii. Landscaping - $83,482.00

xiii. Pool Maintenance - $7,865.00

xiv. Pool Monitors - $0.00

xv. Supplies For Clubhouse - $1,510.00

xvi. Tax: Tax Preparation - $250.00

xvii. Website - $32.00

xviii. TOTAL EXPENSES - $202,500.00

g. Check signing by board

102) Unfinished Business

a. Multiple bids reviewed for Shayla/Henna corners & Shayla/Cerulean corner – The Board agreed

to hold off on the improvements for Shayla and Henna until we can see if we can acquire the

deed from Westpark Company – plat maps state that it should be owned and maintained by

HOA. A motion to accept the bid from Blue Ribbon for Shayla/Cerulean, motion was seconded,

motion passes unanimously.

b. Splash Pad/ pool bid preliminary feedback – The Board agreed to put on hold until we received

more feedback from the homeowners. Owners have until October 20th to submit their

feedback or suggestions.

i. Bids status – waiting for a few more bids to be completed.

c. Tree replacement now or in spring? The Board unanimously decided to wait until spring on

deciduous trees.

d. Snow Removal – board requested a few more bids to be submitted before the weather sets in.

Page 23: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

103) Homeowner Business

a. Question on street parking on Cerulean – The HOA board chooses not to have street parking

enforced unless owner of vehicle is known and the vehicle is an abandoned vehicle. Vehicle

parking can be referred to city for enforcement.

b. Homeowner request for extra leaf removal by Blue Ribbon. Board unanimously decided to not

spend extra funds and extra leaf removal at this time.

c. 2135 W. Henna St. Arc Request for resin shed was denied unanimously.

104) New Business

a. Air B&B & short-term rentals discussion/concern – The Board agreed Vial Fotheringham should

review this and inform us what we can do as an HOA, if anything in regards to this.

b. Review of clubhouse reservation policies. – Implement policy of requiring request received at

least 3 business days prior to reserving the clubhouse.

c. Question from school regarding meeting with City over City’s Garden Area. An invitation has

been extended to the board to meet with the Mayor regarding the City’s garden area. We will

await further contact for meeting time/date.

d. Trash pick-up on Deer Flat – The city was contacted regarding the piece of furniture that was

left on the sidewalk and dispatch informed property management that their officers were

unable to pick up the item with their vehicles. The board requested Shelterwood to take the

abandon furniture to the landfill.

105) Violations Review

a. General Review

i. September = 40 Total Violations. Major categories were for landscaping &

Rubbish/Debris/Trash Cans.

b. 2705 W. Gainsboro – paint. Emailed will paint summer of 2018 – No further action at this time.

c. 2493 W. Gainsboro – paint. ARC Request emailed, no date for completion though – Board

approved color choices and completion for end of June 2018.

d. 2681 W. Gainsboro – paint, didn’t pick up certified mail – Board unanimously voted to refer to

Vial Fotheringham if still in violation upon follow up by Shelterwood Homes.

e. 1720 N. Firebrick – Prune Shrubs, certified mail picked up - Board unanimously voted to refer to

Vial Fotheringham if still in violation upon follow up by Shelterwood Homes.

f. 2748 W. Gainsboro – paint, emailed got bids, painter can’t come until spring, is requesting

extension until spring – Extension approved by Board, completion by June 30, 2018.

g. 2125 W. Quilceda – paint, didn’t pick up certified mail - Board unanimously voted to refer to

Vial Fotheringham if still in violation upon follow up by Shelterwood Homes.

h. 2162 W. Caliret – paint, called previously stating it would get done in fall - Board unanimously

voted to refer to Vial Fotheringham if still in violation upon follow up by Shelterwood Homes.

i. 1770 N. Veridian – prune shrubs, tenant letter sent, certified states still in transit? Board

wanted to check with the Post Office to establish this was lost mail then requested another

certified letter be mailed to the homeowner.

j. 2464 W. Cerulean – prune shrubs, shrubs are now pruned.

Page 24: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

k. 2200 N. Maroon – gravel driveway, states has hired Mr. Mudd, will do by November 10th. Board

approved but wanted Shelterwood Homes to follow-up on November 11th to ensure the work

was in progress or completed. If not, then it will be referred to Vial Fotheringham.

l. 1976 N. Glacier Blue – Paint, has now painted

m. 2121 N. Rosedust Dr. – Trash Can, certified mail picked up - Board unanimously voted to refer

to Vial Fotheringham if still in violation upon follow up by Shelterwood Homes.

n. 2086 N. Van Dyke – Trash Can, didn’t pick up certified mail - Board unanimously voted to refer

to Vial Fotheringham if still in violation upon follow up by Shelterwood Homes.

o. 2067 N. Van Dyke Ave. – Trailer, certified mail picked up. - Board unanimously voted to refer to

Vial Fotheringham if still in violation upon follow up by Shelterwood Homes.

p. 2223 N. Maroon Ave. – Trailer & Rubbish, didn’t pick up certified mail, - Board unanimously

voted to refer to Vial Fotheringham.

q. 1983 N. Maroon Ave. – Weeds, emailed that has set up professional service to address issue.

r. 1615 N. Firebrick Dr. – Trash Can, certified mail received - Board unanimously voted to refer to

Vial Fotheringham if still in violation upon follow up by Shelterwood Homes.

s. 2327 W. Crenshaw – Weeds, Certified mail received - Board unanimously voted to refer to Vial

Fotheringham if still in violation upon follow up by Shelterwood Homes.

t. 2358 W. Gainsboro – Weeds, wrote letter that it would be fixed and felt violation was in error –

Board wanted Shelterwood Homes to verify work had been completed, if not refer to Vial


u. 2172 W. Gainsboro – Weeds, Certified mail received – The Board deferred voting, they waned

Shelterwood Homes to investigate and follow-up with an e-mail to the Board.

v. 1968 W. Turquioise – Weeds, Certified mail received – The Board deferred voting, they wanted

Shelterwood Homes to investigate and follow-up with an e-mail to the Board

w. 2724 W. Maribin Dr. – Trash Can, Certified mail received - Board unanimously voted to refer to

Vial Fotheringham if still in violation upon follow up by Shelterwood Homes.

x. 1737 N. Pewter Ave. – Edging & weeding, Certified mail received. - Board unanimously voted to

refer to Vial Fotheringham if still in violation upon follow up by Shelterwood Homes.

y. 1850 N. Rosedust – Dead Grass, Certified mail received – Homeowner taking care of the issue.

Shelterwood Homes to follow-up.

z. 1602 N. Firebrick – Weeds, Certified mail received - Board unanimously voted to refer to Vial

Fotheringham if still in violation upon follow up by Shelterwood Homes.

aa. 2055 N. Maroon Ave. – Trash Can, moving?, Certified mail received - Board unanimously voted

to refer to Vial Fotheringham if still in violation upon follow up by Shelterwood Homes.

bb. 2748 W. Maribin – mowing, edging, weeding, Certified mail received – Moved in in June, send

another friendly reminder letter and follow-up with email to the Board.

cc. 2246 N. Thistle Dr. – mowing, weeding, dead grass, Certified mail received. - Board

unanimously voted to refer to Vial Fotheringham if still in violation upon follow up by

Shelterwood Homes.

106) Adjournment: 9:24 p.m.

107) Next Meeting date set for November 7, 2017 at 7:00 pm. Executive/closed meeting to be from

7:00 pm – 8:00 pm. Open meeting after 8:00 pm.

Page 25: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

HOA Board Meeting Minutes

September 5, 2017

108) Call meeting to order at 7:12 p.m.

109) Establishment of quorum with board members Stephanie Fuchs, Sarah Baker, Angela Stark

personally in attendance and Justin Smith via teleconference.

a. Also in attendance Tyler Birch, Shawn Reed, Jacob Street, and from Shelterwood Homes

Michael King and Jolyn Bearden.

110) Meeting minutes for July meeting approved by board electronically on July 27th, 2017. (August

meeting was cancelled).

111) Financials

a. Financial Report

b. Check signing

c. Initial yearly budget was looked at. The budget for the forthcoming year should be finalized by

next month.

112) Violations Review

a. General Review

i. August = 80 Total Violations. Major categories were for Landscaping, Maintenance/Paint

& Rubbish/Debris/Trash Cans.

b. 2194 W. Gainsboro – Yard maintenance/weeds – Board unanimously voted to refer to Vial

Fotheringham if still in violation upon follow up by Shelterwood.

c. 2121 N. Rosedust – weeds - Board unanimously voted to refer to Vial Fotheringham if still in

violation upon follow up by Shelterwood.

d. 2092 N. Rosedust – Approved 2 week extension on backyard grass.

e. 1912 W. Felston – Board unanimously voted to refer to Vial Fotheringham if still in violation

upon follow up by Shelterwood.

f. 1838 N. Rosedust – weeds - Board unanimously voted to refer to Vial Fotheringham if still in

violation upon follow up by Shelterwood.

g. 2129 N. Rubine – weeds (had already followed up)

h. 2223 N. Maroon – trailer- Due to the time span between each violation the Board had a split

vote. They later unanimously agreed to monitor for violations and revisit later.

i. 2270 W. Gainsboro – weeds - Board unanimously voted to refer to Vial Fotheringham if still in

violation upon follow up by Shelterwood.

Page 26: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

j. 1779 N. Veridian – weeds & broken fence - Board unanimously voted to refer to Vial

Fotheringham , (with one letter for both violations), if still in violation upon follow up by


k. 2399 W. Crenshaw – weeds– Tenant came to the meeting and informed the Board he has been

applying weed killer to remedy the situation. Shelterwood will continue to monitor.

l. 1720 N. Firebrick – weeds - Board unanimously voted to refer to Vial Fotheringham if still in

violation upon follow up by Shelterwood.

m. 1976 N. Mauve – weeds - Board unanimously voted to refer to Vial Fotheringham if still in

violation upon follow up by Shelterwood.

113) Unfinished Business

a. Fencing – There are no updates, Frontier Fencing has not started yet, the materials have not

arrived yet.

b. Pool Rules- No updates. Board would like to have an open homeowner meeting with Brindee

from Vial Fotheringham at some point.

c. Landscaping bids – Waiting on more bids.

d. Splash Pad/ pool bids – reviewed initial bid waiting on bids from other contractors. Survey

letter for homeowners to be set up within the next month.

e. Shelterwood Contract - Board renewed contract.

f. New garbage can by community playground in and bolted down. Benches to be bolted down


114) New Business

a. Common area between Henna and Gainsboro. There is an option for a walking path, the Board

discussed pros & cons and decided to table discussion for now.

b. Question on Basketball Hoops – Permanent basketball hoops in front yards need architectural

pre-approval before constructing.

c. Question on street parking – Vehicles left or abandoned on the street for long periods of time

can be referred to the city police department. If a vehicle is parked on the sidewalk the HOA

can address the situation with the homeowner through violation/letter process and/or may

refer the violation to the city police department.

d. Tree replacement by lift station? The Board unanimously agreed to remove stumps and replace

two junipers on Thistle by lift station.

115) Adjournment at 10:25 pm.

116) Next Meeting date set for October 10, 2017 at 7:00 pm.

Page 27: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

HOA Board Meeting Minutes

July 11, 2017

1. Call meeting to order 7:12 pm

2. Establishment of quorum with board members Phil Branstad, Sarah Baker, Justin Smith and Angela

Stark. Also in attendance Michael King, Bridget King, Jolyn Bearden with Shelterwood Homes.

3. Meeting minutes for June meeting approved by board electronically on June 13th, 2017.

4. Phone call from the HOA’s attorney Chris with Vial Fotheringham regarding the status of the fair

housing act and the pool rules Intermountain Fair Housing Council (IFHC) is challenging. Chris advised

that the rules are good, but to avoid possible litigation from IFHC the HOA may need to make some

concessions (like changing some of the wording regarding age requirements). The issue is all about age

based. The rewording could involve “competent” swimmer. Board was concerned about how this

would be determined. IFHC wants the focus to be on competency/ability, not age. Board thanked Chris

for his call and told them they’d like to hear back from him when he hears back more from IFHC.

5. Pool Monitors – mid season review

a. Debbie (current pool monitor) came in to talk about how monitoring is going. Discussion over

the pool rules and specifically the age limit part. Debbie shared some instances of kids coming

unsupervised and very young age. Also said there are individuals jumping the fence in the back

corner where there is a blind spot in the security cameras. She also mentioned she has

received a lot of positive feedback from homeowners when she is working about how they like

having her there. Homeowner had suggested the pool monitors wear official shirts so people

know who they are. Also, they need a cone or sign for when they need to enter bathrooms at

times when they need to replace TP or paper towels during open pool hours. Board approved

both getting them shirts and signs. It was suggested to rename “pool monitors” to “property

monitors” for next year to help the conception that they are not there just for the pool and

they are not life guards.

6. Danny with Blue Ribbon came in to speak to the board about current status of common areas and

some issues they’ve been having. Blue ribbon has changed their hours for irrigation watering to

during the day in hopes to get more pressure from the pumps. But not all of them can run only during

the day because some simply have to run at night with the number of systems/zones we have.

Eighteen hours is the longest cycle in the community that Blue Ribbon runs, others are shorter. It was

determined that peak use of irrigation in Crimson is between 1 am and 6 am. The city reaffirms the fact

that the city is on a loop system and Crimson is affected by the rest of Kuna. No one really knows how

much of a dent can be put in the pressure issue if we get on a schedule as a neighborhood. Blue Ribbon

Page 28: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

also reported that early on in the season there were some electrical issues with the watering system

that caused lines not to work and browning occurred in various areas. HOA areas/sprinklers primarily

run on two wires which means when one goes down, it takes others with it. Blue Ribbon fixed the issue

as well as other wiring problems. Shelterwood requested an updated map of the entire sprinkler

system of the neighborhood and blue ribbon agreed to send that over to them. Blue Ribbon reported

that all sprinkler lines are checked once a month on a rotating system. Current contract reads that they

are split and each section will be checked 1 time a month. So, if something goes out shortly after they

were checked, it could potentially be almost a month before it is remedied. If we wanted to change

current contract to checking the lines more often Blue Ribbon could do that at an approximate cost of

$288/visit. That is also our current contract rate (10 visits/year at $288/each). On site repairs are at an

additional rate of $55/hour. These can really vary on visits and what is needed. Also, Blue Ribbon

offers a flat rate price option for fixes based on average amount of time it takes to repair things. They

will send prices and estimates for these options. Blue Ribbon did cut and trim tress with low branches

that were previously blocking sprinkler sprays. Shelterwood asked if they could ensure that the water

gets turned on sooner next year than it did this year. Blue ribbon can’t promise that, but they will do

their best to ensure it is turned on soon after irrigation comes on for Kuna. Low pressure areas of

concern have been running between 3-6am. Blue Ribbon is open to feedback from the HOA. The city

owned area on thistle by the pump station has been dying because CBH cut the lines for irrigation

while they did construction down there. Lines are now reconnected and the area should go back to

looking better. Danny thanked the board for their feedback and left. Board discussed and then

decided to leave things as they are and see if all the changes on settings and trimmings they did help

fix the common areas and issues.

7. Homeowner Tyler Birch came in for a follow up meeting since last meetings visit. The fee he assessed

from the past violations and certified letter from the attorneys is staying on his account. He argued the

fee and said that it was not consistent with his interpretations of last meetings discussion. Phil

acknowledged he could have worded things better last meeting. Since then, he and the board still feel

Tyler is responsible for the attorney fees occurred against Tyler. Phil apologized to Tyler for the

confusion and board members were in agreeance to hold Tyler responsible for the fees. Tyler was not

happy about the decision and voiced as much. He then had questions about violations and how often

they are done. They are done twice a month. He had issues about the trailer violations being sent out

and said others in the neighborhood he talked to were concerned as well. City code (only allowed out

72 hours on street) vs. Crimson’s CC&Rs (no trailers allowed to be parked unscreened) were reviewed.

The board assured Tyler they were aware of homeowners concerns regarding trailers and the

violations and would be discussing the issue further during the meeting to see what resolution they

could come up with. They understood the concerns voiced and agreed that no one wants to be


8. Financials

a. Financial Report-Board reviewed all accounts and current totals. Reviewed costs for pool

monitors, cleaning, etc.

b. Check signing

9. Homeowner Anthony Montagnino came in to speak to the Board. He just moved in to 1894 Rosedust

and wanted to assure the board that he has plans to fix up both the inside and outside of his property.

Page 29: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

They closed on the home on June 30th and have been working on interiors first, but has begun on

fencing. He stopped the process because he wasn’t sure what he needed to do for approval or

permits. Board informed him about ARC requests and that he could access those forms online and

submit them for approval. They asked him to include a rough timeline for when all things would be

completed. He agreed to submit the form and a timeline. He was happy to touch base with the board

so they know he is willing to comply with CC&Rs and wants their approval as he proceeds. Board told

him they could not approve of everything he wanted without a submitted ARC request and timeline

and they could not promise he wouldn’t ever get violations. They were very pleased that he made the

time to come and talk to them directly and let them know his intentions. They welcomed him to the

neighborhood and voiced appreciation for his willingness to improve and maintain his property.

a. Following his visit, the issue was brought up about when homes are sold that have existing

violations, what is the timeline for new owners before they can receive their first violation

letter. Board unanimously agreed and voted to approve that 30 days is sufficient time for this.

10. Violations Review

a. General Review

i. June 7th to July 11th = 95 total violations. Major categories were for maintenance – paint

letters & for vehicle parking – trailers, boats, campers. No violations have been sent out

due to dry patches on lawns yet. Watering has been an issue for everyone in the

community. Weed violations are being actively enforced.

b. Reinspection on trailers 48 to 72 hours after initially flagging the violation?

i. Trying to problem solve issue of numerous complaints from homeowners receiving

violations for trailers. Stating that their trailer, boat, camper etc. was parked there less

than a few hours when it was caught.

ii. Shelterwood suggests that they could go back around 48 to 72 hours later for a follow-

up inspection for trailers caught during the regular bimonthly inspections. Shelterwood

would charge $300.00 each month to add the service of doing follow-up inspections on

the bimonthly inspections. Suggest doing this March-November. Likely would cut trailer,

boat & camper violations in half and would save on costs of certified letters. Could help

alleviate some grief for homeowners and the board.

c. After discussion, the Board unanimously decided not to have follow-up inspections done but to

let camper trailers not to go past a first violation letter stage during the summer months of

June, July and August. However, come September 1st, the enforcement on campers will

continue as normal.

d. 1831 N. Rosedust Dr. – Gravel Driveway, house is being sold, new owners have made contact

and been made aware of issue, Title Co. also made aware of issue. Board agrees to give them

30 days after closing to remedy the problem, otherwise enforcement to begin again on the


e. 2086 N. Van Dyke – Trash Cans unscreened- Board votes not to refer to attorney at this time,

but want the violation checked again next month.

f. 2045 N. Van Dyke - Trash Cans unscreened- Board votes not to refer to attorney at this time,

but want the violation checked again next month.

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11. Unfinished Business

a. Fencing

b. Board reviews again the bid from Frontier Fence and the costs/bids to do fencing. 500’=$8,000.

Looking over different sections of the community where fencing needs to be replaced. Looking

specifically at the walking paths between Thistle up to the school. Also looked over the sections

that back to Deer Flat. The board liked the idea of replacing fences in sections and spreading

out the cost over a number of years. Phil motions to replace the old and broken half of the

sections between Pewter and Rhodamine, as well as the walking path between Thistle and

Indian Creek. That is approximately 500’ of fencing. Board approves unanimously to do it.

c. While looking over subdivision areas for fencing, the issue was brought up regarding the house

that backs to the creek on Thistle that has a low 3’ fence and the backyard is dead and full of

weeds and there is a plastic shed visible from a public area. HOA Board unanimously votes to

give the owners the the option to put in a 6’ fence so the yard is out of sight OR fix their yard.

They want a violation letter sent about the shed as well since it is visible and violates the


d. Pool Rules—Board revisits this issue and takes into consideration the phone call from the

lawyer earlier. Discussion over “supervision” versus being accompanied by an adult. What

about a “responsible” person? All agree liability is an issue. Angela is adamant and wants it

noted that she does not agree with anything other than adult accompaniment at the pool.

Discussion continues over making concessions to appease the IFHC. The board wants to avoid a

lawsuit, but they do not agree that “competent” swimmer idea is good. How do they/anyone

measure that? Phil suggests that as further information from the lawyer comes to light, a

special HOA board meeting may need to be held. Also, discussed homeowners helping to

enforce the rules and laws of the community. Homeowners sometimes remind others about

the rules and aid in enforcing them.

e. Landscaping update - Follow-up on answers about cement irrigation boxes- information

presented on the fact that the HOA is allowed to beautify the areas around these as long as

access to them is not restricted. Board would like to think on it and discuss it again.

f. Fender bender incident in parking lot. Board went over the incident involving some homeowners in

the community and Shelterwood informed them all surveillance videos of the incident were turned

over to the police as requested.

12. New Business

a. Landscaping proposals-Board looks over estimates from Blue Ribbon and Sunshine Landscaping

the cement boxes in common areas, specifically, the two near the clubhouse. Reviewed types of

plants being proposed. Also want bids for the other two off ten mile and costs to face them and

possibly add signage to them. Phil motions to approve the Bid from Blue Ribbon for $7,397.00

for the two areas on Crenshaw/Shayla and have them begin on them soon. Motion carried

without dissent.

b. Board also reviews Gazebo ideas and bids received for common areas. Discussion over the best

place to place one and where it would be best used. Board tables the discussion until next


Page 31: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

c. The wanted to know about the cost to “face” the cement boxes on Crenshaw and Blush with

dry stack stone.

d. Idea is proposed to get and install a garbage can at the small park area is raised and the board

would like to see bids from about cost to maintain and empty that regularly. Idea is that it

could help curb the garbage and litter that is regularly left there. The board would like a

garbage can on a post with a lid attached by a cord (like the ones you see at other parks.)

e. Clubhouse Deep Cleaning? Board unanimously approves to have it done at the regular hourly


f. Clubhouse carpet shampooing? Board unanimously approves to have it done.

g. Clubhouse odds & ends

i. Gate-Some bolts and the hinges on the pool gate need to be replaced to stop the loud

banging that happens each time they close. Board approves to have it done.

ii. Organization of closets- Board approves to have it organized and cleaned during the

deep cleaning process by cleaning ladies.

iii. Pool cover storage- Board approves to have it done and buy a storage box to keep it in.

iv. Holes on doors- Board approves to have them fixed.

v. Monitor for cameras- Board approves to get one to leave at the clubhouse.

vi. Clubhouse Décor-being worked on by board members. Want Welcome sign hung back

up inside clubhouse.

vii. Broken light fixture in pool- Board approves to have it repaired by pool company.

h. Pool on Rosedust and Turquoise

i. Comparable land with pool area in Tuscany—The board looks over a comparable pool

area in another subdivision with the corner of Rosedust and Turquoise. Board looks at

sizing comparisons and agrees a pool or splash pad would be possible at that location

without a parking lot. The idea to put a splash pad instead with benches and possibly

some playground equipment was also brought up as an idea. Board was interested in

using the corner space for something other than just grass. Board would like to see bids

for both a pool or a splash pad area. Also, all agree it would need to be fenced off and

gated with access by cards only. After bids and cost estimates are received, the board

would like to poll the neighborhood as far as which they would prefer—pool or splash

pad or if they would prefer one at all.

i. Shelterwood Contract-Phil wants to know if Shelterwood is interested in renewing contract and

whether they would prefer a month to month or yearlong contract. Shelterwood is willing to

renew and prefers a yearlong contract.

j. Blue Ribbon Contract-Board discusses the value of services provided by Blue Ribbon. They

would like to look around and possibly get some bids from other companies to make sure they

are choosing a landscaping company that is a good value for the community.

k. Time between Vial Fotheringham (VF) letters and follow-up after VF letters for escalation.

Discussion over time between letters and Phil motions for 30 days as sufficient time to give

homeowners between these letters so they can attend a meeting with the board or make

arrangements to correct the issue, and motion carried without dissent.

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l. Irrigation shut offs when water gets stuck on? Ongoing issue of calls from homeowners to

Shelterwood when sprinklers get stuck on near them in common areas and are flooding. Blue

Ribbon charges $75-$100 dollars to come out and take care of them. Shelterwood has been

voluntarily taking care of these sprinkler issues and turning them off at no charge and then

communicating with Blue Ribbon about the shut off. They propose charging $25 each time they

go out to do this going forward on an emergency on call basis. Board unanimously approves.

13. Homeowner Business

a. Question about approval for pavers for driveway purposes. Homeowner received a letter about his

unfinished driveway and wrote back to the board. He would like to put pavers in for his driveway

he has already dug out. Homeowner claims he cannot get bids from cement companies because

they will not come out to give bids. Board does not approve pavers for driveway area. They would

like him contacted by Shelterwood to inform him of this decision.

14. Next Meeting date set for August 1, 2017 at 7:00 pm.

15. Adjournment at 10:44 pm.

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HOA Board Meeting Minutes

June 6, 2017

117) Meeting called to order at 7:09 pm.

118) Establishment of quorum with Phil Branstad, Stephanie Fuchs, Sarah Baker and Angela Starks

present. Also in attendance Michael King and Bridget King with Shelterwood Homes, LLC.

119) Meeting minutes for May meeting approved by board electronically on May 18th, 2017.

120) Financials

a. Financial Report Reviewed

b. Check signing by Board.

121) Violations Review

a. General Review

i. The question was asked on how to deal with campers during the summer? Difference

between campers vs. utility trailers discussed. Summertime means use of them is going

to be greater. Differences between city code and cc&rs discussed. Questions about

which code trumps another. Stephanie will call to find out more information.

ii. Phil, Stephanie and Sarah vote to uphold the Enforcement resolution in regards to

trailers and campers with two letters, hold board meeting and then send to attorneys if

still in violation. Angela disagrees and would like to let all recreational vehicle violations

go during the summer.

b. 1891 N. Maroon – Trailer unscreened (homeowner sent in a letter, letter reviewed, violation is


c. 1806 N. Blush Ave. – Trailer unscreened—work trailer now behind gate, but no side fence.

Continue to monitor for future violation. Board unanimously voted to NOT send to attorney at

this time.

d. 1614 N. Firebrick – Weeds— follow up needed. Board unanimously voted to refer to Vial

Fotheringham if still in violation upon follow up by Shelterwood.

e. 2077 N. Firebrick – Weeds— follow up needed. Board unanimously voted to refer to Vial

Fotheringham if still in violation upon follow up by Shelterwood.

f. 2140 N. Van Dyke – Trash can unscreened, follow up needed. Board unanimously voted to refer

to Vial Fotheringham if still in violation upon follow up by Shelterwood.

g. 2153 N. Van Dyke – Backyard landscaping, currently working on it by putting up a fence.

Continue to monitor for future violation. Board unanimously voted to NOT to send to attorney

at this time.

h. 2030 N. Mauve – Weeds--corrected

i. 2792 W. Maribin – Weeds— follow up needed. Board unanimously voted to refer to Vial

Fotheringham if still in violation upon follow up by Shelterwood.

Page 34: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

j. 1967 N. Thistle – Dead grass & Weeding- Continue to monitor for future violation. Board

unanimously voted to NOT send to attorney at this time.

k. 1716 N. Blush Ave. – Mowing & Weeding—Board votes to reset to 1st letter to homeowner and

to tenant. Letters for weeds and for tree (Phil abstains from casting his vote).

l. 1772 N. Blush Ave. – Paint at front door—issue resolved

m. 2085 N. Rosedust Dr. - Trailer unscreened—trailer is now gone. Continue to monitor for future

violation. Board unanimously voted to NOT send to attorney at this time.

122) Unfinished Business

a. Fencing discussion and information

i. Went over the options for fencing for 250 feet of fence while leaving the posts. 3 companies

put in bids, all are very comparative. Discussion over whether to leave the fence at 3 ft or the

fence upgraded to 6 ft and replace all poles. Board looks at samples of the fencing and

discusses the options. Sections at a time and continue replacing each year as needed to

complete it, or just do what is absolutely necessary? Board takes samples outside to see what

matches the current fencing—sand or tan colored pieces? Board chose a 4 inch replacement

piece and like the idea of replacing large stretches of fencing at a time. Possibility to replace

the 3 ft sections with 6 ft high fences. Board wants to know if different companies would

match pricing of others and warranty information. Board tables discussion until next meeting.

b. The Board wants bids for drainage issues outside clubhouse.

c. Pool Monitor(s)—Board agrees to purchase an umbrella so the pool monitor has shade while

working. Board wants options emailed. Discussion over umbrellas as an option for use for

community members. Concern over damage to umbrellas or stands if left out. Option of a

more permanent awning/covering for the pool discussed. Tabled this discussion until next

meeting. They want options and pricing options for permanent structure to provide more shade

at the pool.

123) Homeowner Business

a. Tyler Birch comes to the meeting at 7:40 pm about his trailer and trash cans and allegedly not

getting a certified letter from the attorney. He stated that he has moved his trash cans to

behind the fence. He stated he had received letters from the HOA, but not the attorney. The

trailer has been moved as well. He wanted the $100 waived, board agreed to check with legal

on certification. They agreed to activate his pool card until notice received from legal. Tyler

agreed to pay the $100 if legal can prove that someone in his home signed for it.

b. Pool Rules

i. Andrew Schank came in at 7:49 pm to discuss the rule of “All children under 14 must be

accompanied by an adult over 18.”

ii. Andrew stated he was concerned that the rule violates fair housing laws of age


iii. Discussion over what the possible outcomes would be, but as it stands, legal says things

are ok and until we hear from them, it stands. Andrew was happy to hear the issue is

being addressed and legal looking into it. There is a safety and a supervision issue—

Andrew believes these are two very separate issues. Board wants to prevent injury to

members of the community and their children. Board said legal sent an Idaho rule citing

Page 35: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

that says kids under 13 need to be supervised by an adult in a public pool without a

lifeguard on duty.

iv. The board has referred the question and issue over to Vial Fotheringham and has asked

them to respond on the legalities of the question on the rule.

c. Hilary Lowe stops by at 8:36 pm to comment about pool improvements, she stated that she as

a homeowner is very happy with the improvements. She requests that pool times and age limits

stay as they are. She agrees with the rules as they stand and believes 13 and 14 are a big

difference especially because there is a division between middle and high school. She has seen

people sneak into the pool without pool keys. She is in favor of the pool monitors.

d. Question about window air conditioners—Homeowner wants to know if window air

conditioners are allowed. Michael will follow up on house with complained unit and take a

picture to email the board to see what they think.

e. Crusat email about the drainages and mosquitoes. Possibility to fix it? Have engineer draft up

how to fix it? Emailed forwarded to the board. The ditches have some standing water and

mosquitos, but it helps with drainage and to avoid flooding. Likely fixable, but likely a costly

engineering project. The board unanimously decided to not pursue action on this at this time.

124) New Business

a. Community Bash with Vendors - Association approach is to a community bash with vendors.

The Board does not want to have a Community Bash with Vendors.

b. Signage - Sign by the pool that is completely bleached. Used to say “No Diving”. Is no longer

readable. The board unanimously voted to have bleached sign replaced.

c. Clubhouse Cleaning.

i. Former cleaning lady interested in doing it for $25 a visit and pay for supplies. Previous

company charged $65 per visit for once per week visits.

ii. Board is interested in having Shelterwood to hire them directly. Once a week cleaning

with a hired cleaner is adequate with pool monitors doing daily cleaning of bathroom

areas during the summer.

iii. Board voted unanimously to have Shelterwood hire cleaners for a charge of $35 per

hour (to cover workers comp. expense, taxes, etc) for clubhouse weekly cleaning.

Shelterwood to pay $25 per hour to cleaners.

d. Flowers - Add flowers where the concrete boxes are near the clubhouse? There is currently just

dirt on both sides.

i. Board would like flowers or bushes that would help cover them. Board would like to see

suggestions for plants that would offer more coverage of the boxes. Maybe Purple sage

in the area.

ii. Board would like quotes for a modest upgrade to those areas.

e. Possibility to surround outsides of cement boxes with fencing that matches the rest of the

neighborhood discussed.

i. Would we need permission from the city?

ii. What about decorative rock/stone?

iii. Board would like quotes and options for these areas and see is it’s even an option with

the city.

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f. Clubhouse Reservation Policy Revisited—Homeowners used to be able to rent clubhouse out

for business purposes. Current policy says each homeowner allowed to rent out 1 time/month.

i. Interested in changing the policy?

1. There are issues with other homeowners being blocked from placing

reservations if certain people repeatedly reserve it. Board likes the current

policy and wants it to stay as it is.

g. Sprinkler Issue—Dry areas on Shayla. Shelterwood to follow up with Blue ribbon on sprinklers

and dry areas.

h. Fees owed for pool access?

i. Yes, there are a few homeowners still owing fees and dues who have pool access

restricted currently.

i. Set-up/Transfer Fees - Discussion over how the transfer fees and set up fees are currently

handled and rates.

i. Sarah motioned to have all checks (including Set-up Fee) paid to Crimson Point HOA and

then Shelterwood to charge a $75 set-up fee directly to Crimson Point HOA instead of

separately to the buyer/seller at closing for each house sold to create a more seamless

set-up process. Seconded by Phil and carried without dissent.

j. Yard Sale—This Saturday. Board wants a posting on craigslist to help advertise the yard sale for

the subdivision. Give directions and maybe even post a picture. Add a posting on the crimson

point page and next door site online too.

125) Adjournment at 10:01 pm.

126) Next Meeting date set for July 11, 2017 at 7:00 pm.

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HOA Board Meeting Minutes

May 2, 2017

127) Call meeting to order – 7:04 pm

128) Establishment of quorum, board members in attendance: Phil Branstad, Sarah Baker, Stephanie

Fuchs, Angela Stark and Justin Smith. Also in attendance, Michael King with Shelterwood Homes.

129) Meeting minutes for April meeting approved by board electronically on April 18th, 2017.

130) Resignation of Nate Evanko.

a. Nate had previously, via email, requested to resign from the board as soon as a replacement

could be found due to time constraints.

131) Introduction of any potential candidates for the board

a. Justin Smith came in to volunteer for the board.

b. Introductions of Justin and board members were made.

c. Phil made a motion to vote Justin onto the board to replace Nate as Treasurer, Seconded by

Sarah and carried without dissent.

132) Financials

a. Financial Report

i. Discussed some of the larger upcoming expenses.

ii. Concrete and pool deck resurfacing, 3 different bids had been previously reviewed from

A-1 Concrete, Everlast Concrete and Tucker concrete via email and the board had voted

to have Everlast Concrete complete the work for $18,932.

iii. Upcoming fencing replacement potential costs discussed.

iv. Asphalt sealcoating expenses discussed.

b. Check signing by board.

133) Violations Review

a. General Review – 67 total violations sent.

i. The question was asked if we should send tenants letters as well.

1. The board unanimously decided to have letters sent to tenants renting a house

as well as the owners.

ii. Vial Fotheringham to bill HOA then HOA to bill homeowners.

b. 2248 W. Steely Ct – Trash Can Visible - The board unanimously voted to have this violation reset

back to sending a 1st violation to tenant and owner.

c. 1551 N. Firebrick Dr. – Construction Materials - The board unanimously voted to have not send

this to referral to Vial Fotheringham, but to send a 3rd notice if this resurfaces.

d. 1770 N. Veridian – weeds - The board unanimously voted to have this violation reset back to

sending a 1st violation to tenant and owner.

e. 2581 W. Cerulean Dr. – BBall Hoop – no longer on the sidewalk

f. 2120 N. Firebrick Dr. – Trash Can Visible – No longer there

Page 38: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

g. 2118 W. Gainsboro – advertising & rubbish. The board unanimously voted to refer this violation

to Vial Fotheringham if the issue resurfaces.

h. 1680 N. Firebrick Dr. – Weeds – Owners came in to the meeting. Took care of this issue.

i. 1894 N. Rosedust Dr. – Backyard landscaping unfinished = The board unanimously voted to

have this violation reset back to sending a 1st violation. The house is being sold.

j. 1602 N. Firebrick Dr. – unleashed/loose pet - The board unanimously voted to have this

violation referred to animal control if it resurfaces.

k. 1670 N. Firebrick Dr. – Fading paint unsightly – Painting has now been done.

l. 1554 N. Firebrick Dr. – Weeds – The board unanimously voted to send this violation to Vial

Fotheringham if is is still unresolved.

m. 1781 N. Firebrick Dr. – Trash Can Visible - The board unanimously voted to have this violation

reset back to sending a 1st violation to tenant and owner.

134) Unfinished Business

a. Concrete/pool deck review

b. The board had reviewed 3 bids via email for fixing some concrete in the pool area, by the

clubhouse front door and a walk near the pool gate, as well has bids for resurfacing the pool

deck area. The Board had approved the bid from Everlast concrete for a total of $18,932 to

include all repairs as well as a 5 year warrantied polyurethane flake system for the entire pool


i. Everlast = $8.63 average per sq/ft for concrete tear out and replacement.

ii. A-1 = $14.38 average per sq/ft

iii. Tucker = $15.42 average per sq/ft

iv. Jeff Garner with Everlast Concrete came in to speak with the board about the plan for

the concrete around clubhouse and the pool area.

c. Fencing discussion

i. The board reviewed three bids from Frontier Fence, Butte Fence and Meridian Fence.

ii. The were questions about the bids such as color, post removal vs. not, and exact cost


iii. No decisions made at this point other than to have Shelterwood gather more samples of

the different “sand” colored fencing and to get clarification on bids.

d. Asphalt refinishing and line painting, dates and cost reviewed.

i. Total cost with additional area will be $8,540.

e. Pool Monitor(s)

i. Talk with volunteers in neighborhood to see interest first before hiring outside of


ii. Reviewed information from Charter Pointe HOA in Boise about their pool monitor that

they have had in place for years. Pros and Cons discussed.

iii. Sarah motioned to have Shelterwood due the hiring and payroll as opposed to a staffing

agency, to have charged $14 per hour to cover payroll costs and insurance in relation to

pool monitors and pay employees $10 per hour (comparable to 40% charge by temp.

agencies). Pool monitors (not lifeguards) to also do some light cleaning to save on

Page 39: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

cleaner’s costs. Staff 7 days per week 8 hours per day. Phil seconded this motion, and

the motion was carried without dissent.

f. Issues with the cleaning company Steed Cleaning discussed.

i. Unanimous board decision to stop services from Steed Cleaning and to first offer the

employees of Steed to go through Temp. Agency to stay on cleaning the clubhouse, if

they so choose that option. Otherwise pursue other options through Temp Agency.

g. Window coverings for doors

i. Different options for window film for backdoors explored.

ii. Unanimous board decision to have the backdoors to main room frosted with the plain

frosted option with the Gila window film.

h. Board member to talk with boyscouts about picnic table project for common areas.

i. Big kid playground option discussed. The board would still like to see options for this and

perhaps budget this for next year.

135) New Business

a. Summer newsletter reviewed

i. Neighborhood BBQ idea tabled for now. Move forward with Ice Cream Social only for


136) Adjournment – 10:32 pm

137) Next Meeting date set for June 6th, 2017 at 7:00 pm.

Page 40: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

HOA Board Meeting

April 4, 2017

138) Call meeting to order 7:09 pm

139) Establishment of quorum with Board members in attendance - Phil Branstad, Stephanie Fuchs,

Sarah Baker and Angela Stark. Also in attendance – Michael King with Shelterwood Homes.

140) Meeting minutes for March meeting approved by board electronically on March 8th, 2017.

141) Financials

a. Financial Report- checks for bills and invoices signed by board.

b. Review of clubhouse costs in the last 6 months.

i. Total costs in the last 6 months were for renovations and maintenance were about


c. Review of last 30 days income and expenditures.

142) Violations Review

a. General Review – Total violations for the month = 80

b. Motion made by Stephanie to turn the following violations over to legal counsel if the violations

have not been unresolved at the next inspection. Seconded by Angela and carried without


i. 1823 N. Pewter – Fading paint/bare wood

ii. 2090 N. Maroon Ave. – Fading paint/bare wood

iii. 2055 N. Maroon Ave. - Fading paint/bare wood

iv. 1763 N. Rosedust – Backyard landscaping incomplete

v. 2270 W. Gainsboro - Backyard landscaping incomplete

vi. 2246 N. Thistle Dt. – Unstored trash cans

vii. 1934 W. Feltson – Backyard landscaping incomplete

viii. 1814 N. Pewter – Fading paint/bare wood

c. By unanimous directive of the board, violations are to be done bimonthly only, by Shelterwood

Homes, LLC. Homeowner complaints will need to be validated during bimonthly inspections.

143) Unfinished Business

a. Clubhouse Improvements

i. The board unanimously asked for Shelterwood to purchase and install

1. 2” faux wood, white - 6 windows in clubhouse replacing old blinds

2. Doors - frost the glass (Possibly from Akinson Glass) replacing blinds on doors

ii. Wait on furniture (Item tabled until fall)

iii. Phil motioned to have Sarah & Stephanie select and purchase $200 worth of décor for

the clubhouse. Seconded by Angela and carried without dissent.

b. Community fencing needs

Page 41: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

i. There are multiple stretches of fencing which borders HOA common areas that are in

need of replacement.

ii. The Board would like to replace fencing in phases.

1. Sarah motioned to have Shelterwood ask the board’s attorneys about legalities

of replacing fencing, do neighbor’s need to share costs, etc. Seconded by

Stephanie and carried without dissent.

c. Asphalt refinishing and line painting

i. Reviewed bids for asphalt refinishing for parking lots and walking paths.

ii. AA Sealcoat - $4,970 1. Extra path = $2,772 additional

iii. Asphalt Driveways & Patching - $5,107

1. Extra path = $2,520 additional

iv. Done Right - $5,025

v. Phil motioned to have AA Sealcoat complete the work included the extra path between

Blush Ave and Deer Flat Rd. Seconded by Angela and carried without dissent.

d. Pool Deck power washing and concrete sealing bid reviews

i. Done Right - $1,450.00

ii. A-1 Quality Concrete – measured/waiting for bid

iii. Art Solis – waiting for measure

iv. Bids to be decided on before next meeting via email.

e. Pool Monitor

i. $10,000 budgeted for this.

ii. Tentative schedule would be 7 days per week 2pm until 10pm.

iii. Shelterwood to research this further.

1. Will temp agency do this?

2. What is the liability to HOA by using temp agency?

f. Bid review for an evergreen on Rosedust & Turquoise

i. Victory Greens - $420 for 8’ includes planting

ii. Greenhurst Nursery - $459 for 8’ includes planting

iii. Blue Ribbon – Board will follow up on these bids with email

g. Gazebo, picnic table, BBQ

i. Shelterwood to gather bids for gazebo in picture


Page 42: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

iii. On flat ground either on the corner of Firebrick & Sepia or Rosedust & Turquoise

iv. No to the BBQ

v. Play structure geared toward older kids, gather bids and pricing.

144) New Business

a. ARC Requests

i. Discussed the need to be following the CC&Rs

ii. Discussed the need to be consistent

iii. Don’t always have to agree, should voice honest opinion, majority vote will govern.

b. Area between 10 mile and Blush discussed as to maintenance.

c. Additional Park possibilities discussed for Rosedust & Turquoise.

d. Metal markers sticking out of sidewalks discussed.

i. Volunteers to pound them back in & property owners to pound them back in front of

their homes.

ii. With the freezing every year these get pushed back up.

e. Newsletter – before pool season in early May.

i. Announce ice cream social and pool keys and need to sign pool rules.

ii. Angela to work on newsletter.

f. Fall leaf removal discussion – tabled until next meeting.

g. Neighborhood gathering

i. Ice Cream Social May 20th

ii. Sign pool rules to activate key cards.

145) Homeowner Business

a. Nick Busbee briefly joined meeting at 8:00 pm. 1993 W. Feltson. Nick voiced concerns about

water pooling in his yard coming from berm belonging to HOA. Suggested having a different

watering schedule or have the HOA install a French drain.

i. Sarah motioned to see if sprinklers can be adjusted to remedy the issue. Seconded by

Stephanie and carried without dissent.

b. Lee Perry – concerns about neighbor’s cat defecating in his flower beds.

i. The Board unanimously would like to refer Lee to animal control on this issue.

c. Vicky Daugherty-Rowell 1734 N. Rosedust Dr. requested an extension to start on backyard

landscaping by April 12th, 2017 (Update mailing address to 1577 N. Linder Rd, PMB 146, Kuna,

ID 83634). Sarah motioned to approve extension, Stephanie second and carried without


d. John Kingrey on 2302 W. Beige Court came in requesting to have an extension camper (a couple

of weeks) has been there since late Saturday.

i. Allow until 4/10/17 provided no complaints, Motioned by Stephanie, Phil second,

carried without dissent.

e. Shaun Thomas came in to drop off a payment.

i. Shaun voiced that he thought there should be more leniency on trailer parking.

ii. Shaun also voiced that he would like to see trees replaced near Cerulean and Thistle.

f. 1701 Rosedust- wants to put up sign asking people to not allow their dogs to poop in her yard.

i. Unanimous to not allow sign.

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g. 1631 N. Vinifera – ARC Request to remove Sycamore tree and plant with smaller tree.

Unanimous to approve.

h. 1985 N. Mauve Ave ARC Request – Unanimously approved for sliding glass door and dog door in

back. Screen door in front.

146) Adjournment 11:27pm – Phil motioned to adjourn, Sarah second, carried without dissent.

147) Next Meeting date set for May 2nd, 2017 at 7:00 pm, homeowner portion at 8:00 pm.

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HOA Board Meeting Agenda

March 7, 2017

148) Call meeting to order 7:04 PM

149) Establishment of quorum with Phil Branstad, Nate Evanko, Stephanie Fuchs and later joined by

Sarah Baker via teleconference at 8:14 PM; also in attendance Hillary Lowe, D’Neill Hobbs and Michael

King/Shelterwood Homes.

150) Meeting minutes for annual meeting approved electronically on March 6th, 2017.

151) Unfinished Business

a. Concerns in regards to ineligibility of Shelley Goodsell as Board member due to non-payment of

dues at the time of voting, outstanding assessments remaining and an unresolved CC&R

violation were briefly discussed.

b. Phil motioned to officially remove Shelley from the Board, this was seconded by Nate and all

voted in favor of removing Shelley.

c. New board member nominations – Discussed nominations, the only willing volunteer

nominated was Angela Stark who briefly came to the meeting to introduce herself. Nate

motioned to elect Angela to join the Board, Phil second and all approved.

d. Board member elections to specific offices.

i. Discussed all the responsibilities of each office.

ii. Members discussed their backgrounds and experience.

iii. Stephanie motioned, Phil seconded, and all agreed to have: Phil Branstad as Board

President, Stephanie Fuchs as Vice President, Nate Evanko as Treasurer, Sarah Baker as

Secretary and Angela Stark as General Director.

e. Landscaping beautification proposals

i. Discussed history of the landscaping proposals.

ii. Reviewed bids from Blue Ribbon, Sunshine and Cutting Edge.

iii. Nate motioned, Phil second all agreed to table the Ten Mile project for the time being

and to move forward with having Blue Ribbon complete landscaping beautification

proposals on Shayla and Deer Flat west and east sides as well as the landscaping

proposal on the corner of Shayla and Cerulean.

f. Landscaping needs

i. Evergreen on corner of Rosedust & Turquoise – The board would like Shelterwood to

gather bids.

ii. Weed abatement in easement between Henna & Gainsboro. Sterilize the ground - the

board would like to add this to the Blue Ribbon contract.

iii. Playground on Firebrick – Blue Ribbon to fix bark asap

iv. The board would like Shelterwood to gather bids for a gazebo, BBQ fixture & picnic table

to be placed in common area to be determined.

Page 45: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

v. Land purchase question emailed by homeowner over by the walking bridge across

Indian Creek. Concerns were voiced about access, parking, trains, water – the land

purchase idea was thrown out.

g. Clubhouse

i. Furniture –Nate motioned, Phil second all agreed to have Shelterwood buy 20 new

heavy duty reclining type plastic chairs for the pool deck.

ii. Shelterwood to email links to blinds/shades for clubhouse windows for board to review

and vote on for replacement.

iii. Sarah to email ideas for replacing sofa, loveseat and chair in clubhouse main room.

h. Discussion about allowing homeowners access to the wifi. Concerns voiced about potential

problems that could come along with granting everyone access the board unanimously decided

to not grant access.

152) New Business

a. Violations review – The board unanimously voted to send the following persistent violations to

Vial Fotheringham, LLP for enforcement if the CC&R violations are still not remedied.

i. 2140 W. Caliret - unscreened trailer

ii. 1823 N. Pewter - unscreened trash can

iii. 1814 N. Pewter - unscreened trash can

iv. 1728 N. Pewter - unscreened trash can

v. 1713 N. Pewter - unscreened trash can

vi. 1737 N. Pewter - unscreened trash can

vii. 1805 N. Pewter - unscreened trash can

viii. 2327 W. Crenshaw – unscreened trailer

ix. 2473 W. Crenshaw - unscreened trash can

x. 2473 W. Crenshaw - unscreened trailer

xi. 1982 N. Rosedust - unscreened trash can

xii. 1887 N. Rosedust - unscreened trash can

xiii. 2153 N. Van Dyke Ave. - unscreened trash can

xiv. 2140 N. Van Dyke - unscreened trailer

xv. 1602 N. Firebrick Dr. - unscreened trash can

xvi. 2581 W. Cerulean - unscreened trailer

xvii. 2030 N. Mauve - unscreened trash can

xviii. 1779 N. Veridian Ave. - unscreened trash can

xix. 2223 N. Maroon - unscreened trailer

xx. 2038 N. Maroon - unscreened trash can

xxi. 2200 N. Maroon - unscreened trailer

xxii. 1983 N. Maroon - unscreened trash can

b. Violations for unfinished backyard landscaping sent – 90 days to complete weather permitting.

c. Violations for homes that still need painting that never requested extension sent.

d. Fencing needs along asphalt walking paths - tabled until next meeting to give time for board

members to evaluate.

e. Asphalt refinishing and line painting- Shelterwood to gather 3 bids

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f. Concrete issues – Shelterwood to gather bids

g. Pool Assessments

i. Unanimous to keep all remaining pool assessments on homes that never paid.

h. Phil and Shelterwood to go around next Tuesday morning to identify all homes needing painting

this year.

153) Homeowner Business

a. 1831 N. Rosedust ARC Request to install gravel side driveway – Unanimously denied by board.

154) Financials

a. Financial Report reviewed

b. Banking instructions- need minutes complete.

155) Adjournment – Nate motion to adjourn, Stephanie second and carried by all. Adjournment at

9:35 PM

156) Next Meeting date set for April 4th, 2017 at 7:00 pm.

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HOA Board Meeting Minutes

February 7, 2017

157) Call meeting to order at 7:04 pm.

158) Establishment of quorum. Board members in attendance: Hillary Lowe, Phil Branstad, Nick

Busbee, D’Neill Hobbs and Ryan Durrant. Also in attendance Michael King with Shelterwood Homes.

159) Previous Meeting minutes approved electronically on February 6th, 2017.

160) Unfinished Business

a. Clubhouse improvements review

i. No carpet cleaning/shampooing to be done at this time, not to be done by the


ii. The board would like to get Brushed Nickle type of handle sets/hardware for the

clubhouse (Shelterwood to get options together for the board and email in the next

couple of days).

iii. The board would to like to schedule a final walkthrough with contractor when all odds

and ends are tied up.

b. Land (corner of Ardell and Shayla) purchase discussion

i. Phil brought up ideas for building on existing common areas instead of buying new, such

as expanding existing pool and creating picnic type areas in the existing common area.

ii. Phil brought up concerns for raising dues and that he felt dues would need to be raised

to purchase extra land and then build a pool on that land. This lead into a discussion

about the budget that was previously set and existing amounts in reserves which at the

end of the January were just over $265,000.

1. There would not be an immediate need to raise dues and depending on how fast

future boards decided to improve the potential land purchase there may or may

not be a need to raise dues depending on how fast the community grows and

the timing of improvements and the scope of the improvements. Hillary

suggested that if the land was initially purchased that would allow the HOA to

slowly improve it over time and it would immediately block any apartment

buildings or other undesirable improvements from going in there.

iii. The board would like to solicit feedback during the annual meeting from the association

members, but to initially gather more facts about the potential purchase such as can it

even be purchased for $250,000, what does financing the land look like, etc.

iv. Hillary made a motion to present another offer for the land of $250,000 contingent

upon agreeable financing, feedback from association members and inspection. D’Neill

seconded the motion and Ryan, Nick agreed. Phil opposed.

Page 48: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

v. James Gannon with Jon Goeshe real estate came to the meeting at 7:30 pm. He

reported that he contacted ACHD about making improvements in the common area

drainages. ACHD informed James that it could very well be possible and that the HOA

would need to have a civil engineer draft up potential proposals. Had also written up an

offer for $250,000 to potentially be signed by board for land purchase. Hillary and

D’Neill to review and sign.

c. Annual meeting discussion. The board would like the following to happen with the annual


i. Give charts on financials.

ii. Briefly review 2016 and plans for 2017.

iii. No sound system necessary, will use projector.

iv. Snow removal to be discussed.

v. Pool monitor feedback and pool enforcement discussion.

vi. Sign in sheet, need a couple to send around.

vii. Land purchase feedback.

viii. New board members, anyone interested in being a board member to signal interest on a

sign in sheet.

ix. Q&A Time

x. 6 days before meeting put out the signs as reminder

161) New Business

a. Clubhouse Usage

i. Phil would like the HOA to be more welcoming with community events, and to be as

welcoming as possible.

ii. Discussed current policies and procedures. No changes to be made at this time.

b. Report on 2017 dues- 356 Homeowners have paid 2017 dues. 89 homeowners still needing to

pay and will be assessed late fees.

162) Homeowner Business

a. Overview of violations in summary.

b. On street vehicle parking discussed, no current enforcement on car/truck street parking, no

motion to change enforcement on this matter.

163) Financials

a. Financial Report

b. 2016 financials revisited

c. 2017 fixed expenses reviewed

d. Check writing/ invoice review by board

164) Adjournment 9:25 pm.

165) Next meeting date set for February 28th at 7:00 pm at Crimson Point Elementary School.

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HOA Board Meeting Minutes

January 3, 2017

1) Call meeting to order 7:10 pm

2) Quorum established with Board members present- Hillary Lowe, Nick Busbee, Phil Branstad, D’Neill

Hobbs and Ryan Durrant. Also in attendance- Michael King with Shelterwood Homes, LLC present.

3) Meeting minutes for December 6, 2016 approved electronically on December 11, 2016.

4) Unfinished Business

a. Clubhouse Bids reviewed

i. Hillary motioned to do go with Done Right Painting & Remodel for $9,750. D’Neill

second and all approved.

ii. Board members would like to meet with the contractor directly prior to renovations.

b. Blue Ribbon (Landscaping proposals)- The board would like to allot more funds for building an

entrance sign and landscaping on the corner of Ten Mile and Crenshaw. Shelterwood to ask

Blue Ribbon to change bid to reflect a better entrance than previously bid out by Blue Ribbon.

c. Violations reviewed

i. Send all repeat violations 2nd letter certified if still not handled per enforcement policy.

Paint letters to be sent out in February.

d. Land Purchase Update- Report from James Gannon with Jon Gosche Real Estate.

i. Corey Barton refused to sell any lots to the HOA. The farmer on the corner of Ardell and

Shayla also refused to sell the land to the HOA for $190,000. Hillary asked James to

contact the owners at the corner of Deer Flat and Shayla to see if they are interested in

selling the land.

e. Annual meeting change to February 28th

5) New Business & Homeowner Business

a. ARC Request for landscaping in front yard approved unanimously by board for 1737 N.

Rosedust Dr.

b. $20 pool key card refund? The board unanimously decided to not issue refunds for pool key


c. Bret Nicolaysen of 1737 N. Rosedust Dr. came in to ask about snow removal. Board discussed

possible options. Discussed concerns if the HOA did decide to hire someone to plow such as

where to put all the snow and costs to do it all. Hillary asked Shelterwood to get bids for snow

removal in the subdivision.

6) Financials

a. Financial Report reviewed by board.

b. Check writing/ invoice review by board

7) Adjournment at 9:07 pm

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8) Next Meeting date set for February 7, 2017 at 7:00 pm.

HOA Board Meeting Minutes

December 6, 2016

9) Call meeting to order at 7:09 pm

10) Establishment of quorum Hillary Lowe, Phil Branstad, D’Neill Hobbs from the board. Also in attendance

Michael King with Shelterwood Homes, LLC.

11) Meeting minutes for November 1, 2016 approved electronically on November 20, 2016.

12) Unfinished Business

a. Enforcement Resolution reviewed- The Enforcement Resolution will engage the HOA and the

attorney’s at Vial Fotheringham into a partnership in regards to CC&R violations. It spells out a

specific process for escalation of violations namely a two letter process and then turnover to

Vial Fotheringham for violations that continue to be unaddressed by homeowners. Hillary

motioned to approve, Phil second and all agreed.

b. Blue Ribbon (Landscaping proposals)- Blue Ribbon has been working on some landscaping

proposals for entry ways. They had not completed the proposals as of the meeting time. The

board would like to meet with them on Tuesday, December 13th at 6 pm to review the


c. Records bid review- Bid from Integra Paperless Business Solutions was chosen to convert all

hard copies over to digital at the cost of $3,265.40. Hillary approved bid from Integra, D’Neill

second and all approved.

d. Violations for the month of November were reviewed by the board.

e. Land Purchase Update- Owner on Ardell interested in selling farm. Board would like to have

James Gannon do a CMA and Shelterwood to look into possible finance purchase options for

the purchase.

f. Hillary reported on the Olivia’s Garden four plexes going in on the corner of Crenshaw and Ten

mile. There are 16 fourplexes planned, only 1 parking lot per unit, no park and no amenities.

There was a legitimate concern about parking and with only 1 spot allowed per unit the

overflow traffic will flow onto Crenshaw. Shelterwood to call city of Kuna and ask when the

next scheduled meeting is for Olivia’s Garden so board members and neighbors may be notified

and may attend the meetings to voice concerns.

13) New Business

a. Clubhouse improvement plans & repairs the board unanimously agreed to:

i. Painting – meet next Tuesday at 6 pm to discuss and vote on color ideas, Shelterwood to

gather bids

ii. Flooring – Shelterwood to gather multiple bids.

iii. Corian Counter Tops– Shelterwood to fix scratches

iv. Shelterwood to gather bids for wainscoting

Page 51: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

v. Add outlet for new TV above fireplace, Shelterwood to gather bids

vi. Shelterwood to contact APEX for remote system fix.

b. Shelterwood to print letters mostly in color and the board unanimously agreed to an increase

charge to $0.80 from $0.65 per letter to cover costs.

14) Homeowner Business

a. 1806 N. Blush ARC Request for landscaping and fencing unanimously approved by board.

b. 2125 Quilceda backyard fencing and landscaping unanimously approved by board.

c. Payment plan unanimously approved for XXXX N. Firebrick- $25 per month minimum every

month, paid off in full by June 30th, 2017. Still will be charged a late fee if not paid in full by


15) Financials

a. Bank statements reviewed by board.

b. Check writing/ invoice review by board.

16) Adjournment at 9:16 pm.

17) Next board meeting date set for January 3, 2017 at 7:00 pm.

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HOA Board Meeting

November 1, 2016

1) Called meeting to order at 7:01 pm

2) Establishment of quorum. In attendance: Hillary Lowe, Phil Branstad, Ryan Durrant, D’Neill Hobbs, Nick

Busbee teleconferenced in, and Michael King with Shelterwood Homes, LLC.

3) Board approved meeting minutes for September 6, 2016.

4) Unfinished Business

a. Website review

i. Board is satisfied with the website overall. Nick questioned if automation to the

clubhouse schedule was possible. Discussed barriers to making the calendar more

automated such as needed a written agreement first and the differences between the

website and the system that controls the door locks.

b. Blue Ribbon (Landscaping proposals)

i. The bid from Blue Ribbon for the endcap improvements on Crenshaw and Shayla was

reviewed. Blue Ribbon’s bid was $8,577 per end cap proposed. The board members

agreed that they would like Shelterwood to get two more bids from commercial

landscapers to compare.

c. Records review

i. Shelterwood reported back on information from the attorneys at Vial Fotheringham in

regards to the legality of changing all the old historical records (that are currently kept in

12 boxes) into electronic files and the destroying the hard copies. Changing records to

electric formats is legal and advisable.

ii. Electronic records can be kept in two different places to protect against accidental

destruction such as a fire or flood, electronic files can be organized and searched easier,

and they take up almost no physical space compared to boxes.

iii. The board would like Shelterwood to gather bids from companies that would be able to

convert the hard copies to electronic files and present those bids to the board.

d. 1099 rules review

i. The board reviewed information on 1099 contractors vs. employees found at

contractor-self-employed-or-employee. The board does not want to hassle with having

any employees of the HOA and prefer to deal with contractors only. Discussed pool

monitors and perhaps hiring pool monitors in the future through a temp. agency so as

avoid having employees of the association. This left off as a tentative idea.

e. Violations review

Page 53: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

i. Top violations sent last month were due to landscaping issues mostly due to weeds,

rubbish & debris, and RV parking. Smartwebs software for violations was briefly

reviewed. Discussed sending violations for political signs in yards- will wait on these

violations until after the election if they are still up then. Smartwebs has been fully

implemented for approximately 1.5 months. 85% of homeowners correct the violations

with the first letter received.

f. Painting letters & outcomes

i. There were originally 107 house painting letters sent out this year to homes that board

members identified as needing repainting due to various issues such as excessive fading,

nails showing through, peeling paint, etc. Of those 107 homes, 45 have been confirmed

repainted, 24 are in approved extension deadlines, and the remainder have not

requested extension, have not painted or still need confirmation of completing the

painting refresh.

g. Homeowner accounts going to Vial Fotheringham

i. Reviewed accounts going to collections. Will follow the Collection Resolution that was

adopted by Crimson Point in 2008. The Collection Resolution is posted on the

community’s website.

h. Review of maintenance schedule for clubhouse

Crimson Point Clubhouse Maintenance Checklist

January To Do Completed By Date

Replace furnace filter

Test smoke/carbon dioxide detectors

April To Do

Get air conditioning system serviced

Replace furnace filter

Inspect door hardware; fix squeaky handles and loose locks

Inspect roofing for missing, loose, or damaged shingles and leaks

Week Just Before Memorial Day

Deep Cleaning of Clubhouse

Pool deck prep and deep cleaning

Pool opened and prepared by pool vendor

Pool area landscaping refreshed & cleaned out

Pressure clean pool deck & sidewalks

Inspect and clean stucco and repair if needed.

Page 54: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

July To Do

Replace furnace filter

Seal cracks and gaps in windows, doors and weather stripping

Inspect sink, shower, and bath caulking for deterioration

October To Do

Test smoke/carbon dioxide detectors

Check that fire extinguisher is fully charged & accessible.

Clean out gutters

Get furnace system serviced & water heater flushed

Deep Cleaning of Clubhouse

Blowout exterior shower lines

Replace furnace filter

Inspect and clean stucco and repair if needed.

i. Furnace Zone repair / bid review

i. Bid reviewed from Ultimate Heating and Air to fix the furnace zone motor that is not

operating. To fix one zone motor/damper, the cost would be $449. There are three

zones with one zone broken. The other two zone dampers & motors are the same age

and type as the broken one. The chance that the other zone motors and dampers

breaking down in the near future appeared likely. The cost to replace all three zone

motors and dampers would be $1,042 if they are done at the same time. The board

unanimously agreed to replace all three zones now to get the discounted price and

avoid un unexpected emergency when the others go out.

j. Shower water lines / bid review

i. To have plumber blow out the water lines to the exterior showers on the clubhouse the

cost would be $210. The plumber with Master Rooter said that the lines would be pretty

easy to blow out and actually recommended that someone who blows out sprinkler

lines could do this this for much less. The board would like Shelterwood to check if Blue

Ribbon could blow these out when they blow out the sprinklers and then if not have a

landscaper who does blow outs winterize these lines.

k. Security Cameras / bid review

i. Bid from the Alarm Guy (vendor who previously installed security cameras) reviewed for

adding two cameras to the front of clubhouse and upgrade the system to accommodate

these. The total cost to this would be $2,521. The board unanimously agreed to have

the cameras added and the upgrade done.

5) New Business

a. Clubhouse improvement plans & repairs

i. The board and manager walked through the clubhouse and identified repairs needed in

the near future.

Page 55: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

ii. Shelterwood to gather bids over the upcoming months. Work to be done during winter


iii. Noted repairs needed

1. Interior paint- especially below the counter near bar stools and on trim

throughout. The board all agreed that the clubhouse needed a painting refresh.

Hillary and D’Neill to gather color options and present to board at next meeting.

2. Flooring in bathrooms and in hallway near bathrooms needs refinishing. The

board would like to gather bids to refinish and add grit to the finish for traction.

3. Carpet is in need of cleaning. Carpet Geek was suggested as a quality

professional to professionally clean carpets. Shelterwood to schedule with

Carpet Geek.

4. Counter top near kitchen sink has a large scratch. Shelterwood to look into how

to fix scratches in Corian Countertops.

5. Light switch in small conference room needs adjusted.

6. Door handles need upgrading to commercial grade.

7. Men’s bathroom could benefit from some type of liner/barrier half way up the

wall near toilet.

8. Interior shower liners and hooks need replacing.

b. Clubhouse usage & rules

i. Homeowner Juli Van Wyk came in at 8:00 pm to discuss with the board clubhouse usage

and rules in the wake of some recent changes to limit clubhouse use by homeowners to

once per month per homeowner. Juli suggested allowing homeowners to make

reservations more than once per month if the dates are not getting used by other

homeowners. She also suggested allowing someone who has already made a

reservation that month to make another reservation, but not do so until a few days

before hand so as to not prevent someone else from making a reservation on that date

who may not use the clubhouse as often.

ii. The board deliberated on the current policy of once per month per homeowner and

unanimously decided to keep the policy.

iii. The board also discussed officially limiting clubhouse usage going forward to private

events only. Hillary motioned to limit clubhouse usage to private use only (no business

or commercial reservations) Nick second and all approved. Shelterwood to implement

changes going forward for clubhouse reservations.

c. Electronic payment options

i. Discussed setting up payment option through website. There would be monthly charges

to set this up. The board ruled this option.

ii. Hillary motioned to use square to take credit cards and setting a convenience fee of $15

to recoup cost of using square to accept credit cards.

d. The board unanimously would like to move forward with an Enforcement Resolution with Vial

Fotheringham for a flat fee of $500. The Enforcement Resolution will engage the HOA and the

attorney’s at Vial Fotheringham into a partnership in regards to CC&R violations. It will spell out

Page 56: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

a specific process for escalation of violations and turnover to Vial Fotheringham for violations

that continue to be unaddressed by homeowners.

e. Insurance

i. Current insurance reviewed. Shelterwood to gather quotes for comparable insurance

from other companies and follow up with the board on pricing.

f. Land purchase for additional pool and/or splashpad

i. The board discussed moving forward on purchasing vacant land to add a pool or


ii. All agreed it would be best to be represented by a real estate agent. The board

unanimously agreed to have agent James Gannon with Jon Gosche Real Estate represent

the HOA in inquiring about available lots and perhaps eventually offering to purchase

land for the purpose of building a second pool and/or splashpad.

6) Financials

a. Financials and budget reviewed

Page 57: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

b. Original anticipated budget for 2017

i. Landscaping- Last 12 months of spending in this category plus $25,000 for anticipated

landscaping improvements throughout the common areas.

ii. Property Management- Anticipating some growth it was projected an average of 450

homes in the subdivision for 2017. Currently charged $3.40 per home per month for

property management. The $3.40 per home is a very competitive and reasonable bid

and the board plans on sticking with our property manager in 2017. Also added $1,000

for mailing charges.

iii. Pool Monitor- Originally $18,360 was budgeted for this. The board thought this was too

much for a pool monitor. Phil especially voiced concerns with the high amount. Hillary

suggested budgeting $10,000 for this instead. All agreed that $10,000 be the tentative

budgeted amount, though this amount may be lower depending on need and what the

schedule of the pool monitor(s) will be during the summer. The pool monitor(s) will help

to enforce the pool rules and make it a better environment for homeowners.

iv. Utilities- Last 12 months of spending in this category plus 1.5% anticipated inflation.

v. Service Fees- Last 12 months of spending in this category plus 1.5% anticipated inflation.

Page 58: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

vi. Clubhouse Improvements- planning on renewing and replacing flooring, painting, adding

a couple more security cameras and some other odds and ends. Anticipate this all will

cost approximately $10,000.

vii. Pool Maintenance- plan on getting a new UV system that will help the pool to be able to

reopen within a few hours after a contamination incident rather than 24 hours. This

system will cost approximately $1000. Added the last 12 months of spending in this

category plus 1.5% anticipated inflation and added the $1000 to that.

viii. Cleaning- Last 12 months of spending in this category plus 1.5% anticipated inflation.

ix. Supplies for clubhouse- Last 12 months of spending in this category plus 1.5%

anticipated inflation.

x. Insurance- Last 12 months of spending in this category plus 1.5% anticipated inflation.

xi. Other/Misc. - Last 12 months of spending in this category plus 1.5% anticipated


c. Check writing & invoice review by board

7) Adjournment 10:35 pm

8) Next Meeting date set for December 6, 2016 at 7:00 pm.

Page 59: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

HOA Board Meeting Minutes

September 6, 2016

1) Called meeting to order at 6:34pm.

2) Establishment of quorum. In attendance: Hillary Lowe, D’Neill Hobbs, Ryan Durrant and manager with

Shelterwood Homes.

3) Approval of meeting minutes for August 9th (approved electronically August 11th)

a. Noteworthy changes to the Board previously

i. Phil Branstad voted to the Board on July 12th, 2016 replacing Jeff Carter as Vice


ii. Ryan Durrant voted to the Board on August 12th, 2016 replacing Michael King as


4) Unfinished Business

a. xxxx N. Maroon Ave (trailer & refuse in driveway) – The trailer is a safety concern. The board

has asked for a violation letter to be sent to the Homeowner and to call Kuna City Code


b. xxxx Firebrick (weeds) – Send a certified letter notifying them that in 15 days someone will be

taking care of their lawn and they will need to pay the bill.

c. Certified Letters- Dead trees send certified letters, send all 3rd notices certified - Motioned by

Hillary, D’Neill second and all agreed.

d. Homes needing collections - The board asked manager to send certified letters to all

homeowners still owing $350 or more in dues that they need to pay in 30 days or be sent to

collections. Manager to call Vial Fotheringham to verify which homeowners are already in


e. Repaint Letters, send new repaint letter to the homes that still need repainting, remainder of

homes still needing repainting, Sept 30th. If the notes state “not done, not bad” send softer

letter. If the note states needs done, they will possibly be referred to an attorney. Send letter

for Board’s review.

f. Violation drive thru review. The Board reviewed 100+ photos taken by manager and board

member Nick Busbee on September 5th of possible violations in the CP neighborhood. The

board members in attendance concurrently all agreed that at this time:

i. Major weed problems (primarily weeds over 6"-8” approximately or multiple weeds

covering the entire yard) all need violations.

Page 60: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

ii. Garbage cans need violations if it appears that it is where they are permanently storing

the cans.

iii. Obvious refuse in yards (such as multiple pallets in the driveway) need violations.

iv. Basketball hoops in common areas needs violation.

v. Trailers/RVs inappropriately parked need violations.

vi. Obviously overgrown bushes need violations

g. The board members in attendance disagreed that the following potential issues found need

violations at this time:

i. Minor weed problems (weeds under 6" or just a few weeds here and there)

ii. A few toys in yards

iii. Garbage can appearing to be temporarily placed without screening

iv. Minor dead spots in grass such as those smaller than approximately 16'"x16" or dead

spots that are just looking stressed, but not completely dead

v. Decorative pallets such as those with the American flag painted on

vi. Different style mailboxes

h. In regards to violations the board members in attendance placed value on the general

aesthetics of the house and yard. For example, if the house/yard had a couple of weeds, dead

spots or toys in the yard, but the property overall otherwise looked great, then generally they

thought that no violation should be sent at this time.

i. Mailbox to be installed at clubhouse this week.

j. Clubhouse odds & ends- The board would like Shelterwood to do some basic maintenance to

clubhouse and to develop a yearly maintenance list for the clubhouse. Manager to contact

Annalee with Steed Cleaning for a list for maintenance as well.

k. Website- A website to be started in the next 30 days. Some general things the board would like

on the website are things such as click on a link for ARC requests, submit complaint, general

info. No portal for homeowner accounts necessary at this time on website.

5) New Business

a. Treasure Valley Pool & Spa- Hillary motion to have current pool vendor install a UV sanitation

system for around $1,000 sometime this fall, Ryan second and all approved. The benefit to a UV

filter will be that the pool, after a contamination incident, will be able to re-open within a

couple of hours instead of a day because the pool vendor will not need to bring the chlorine

levels as high. The system should last for approximately 10 years.

b. Blue Ribbon (Landscaping proposals). Hans (President of Blue Ribbon) came in at 7:13 pm and

presented to the board in regards to enhancement ideas. Hillary asked about hardiness of

plants. Hans confirmed that plants are hardy. Hans suggested islands of plants and corners of

plants. Ryan liked the ideas of covering up of unsightly electrical and irrigation boxes. Board is

interested in adding a third monument at the corner of Crenshaw on Ten Mile. Board is

interested in the idea of pergolas vs. industrial looking covered patios. Discussed managing the

swells, Hillary suggested installing a couple of poles for volley ball, need to ask ACHD. Hans will

send estimates on proposals. Board would like priorities placed on the entrances. Hillary would

like suggestions for pool area improvements.

Page 61: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

i. Attached picture is an example of corner improvements and/or island improvements in

common areas on Crenshaw and in the large swath of grass on Shayla.

c. Paul Anderson, Justin Hubble & Ernie Menchaca (developers) RE: corner of ten mile and

Crenshaw/ Access over HOA’s private property on Crenshaw

i. Justin Hubble presented at 7:41 pm about fourplexes going in called “Olivia’s Garden”

Ten Mile and Crenshaw. About 17 fourplex units. The developers asked for either

primary access #1, or emergency access #2 off of Crenshaw. The ADHD and Kuna of

Kuna both advised them to seek permission from the HOA regarding access across the

HOA’s private property on Crenshaw. They stated they are building fourplexes for

families. Possibly having a mixture of 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. Concerns were

raised about the increase to CP’s swimming pool as friends would invite other friends to

swim in CP’s pool. Concerns were also raised about granting access as potentially

causing increased traffic issues in the CP neighborhood. The Board later deliberated and

voted unanimously to not grant primary access or emergency access across the HOA’s

private property on Crenshaw.

ii. Attached picture of developer’s request to cross and access Crenshaw.

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iii. They also recommended visiting the city of Kuna (Troy or Wendy) to get

recommendation for another pool to present to CBH.

d. Social Media discussion- Social media often seems to be place for people to rant and spread

negativity. Board member may choose to offer facts, Shelterwood to minimally interface only

offering facts on occasion. The board is choosing to not directly start a social media campaign at

this time. Board members may choose to interface on social media in regards to Crimson Point


e. Clubhouse Usage & Rules – Board would like to create some policy and procedures for

clubhouse. Board would like to limit the number of times it can be rented, no businesses

purposes, and require a deposit. Manager to develop a rough draft of policies and procedures

for Board to review.

f. Maintenance Schedule for clubhouse - to be developed.

g. Welcome letter revisions- Hillary to revise and send to board and manager for review.

h. The Board asked manager to look up 1099 rules and report back.

i. Records- Changing historical hard copy records to digital. Board asked manager to inquire with

attorneys at Vial Fotheringham in regards to the legality of this.

j. $42 charge from Vial Fotheringham approved for legal advice sought previously in regards to an

association member getting paid to manage community through LLC and appropriate legal

steps to take.

k. Apex Security coming on 9/15/16 to fix previous management errors on the security system

and to train current manager (charge will be approximately $90/hour and should not take more

than 2 hours. – D’Neill motioned to approve, Hillary second all approved Apex appointment and

potential charges.

l. Board asked manager to replace stickers of previous manager on clubhouse signage with

Crimson Point on top and current management contact information on bottom.

Page 63: HOA Board Meeting Minutes August 1, 2018Homeowner came in to discuss the dogs that keep defecating and peeing on their lawn. It was suggested that they speak to the homeowners responsible

m. Board asked manager to follow-up on previous reports of dead grass in the common areas on


n. Paint request extensions need to be done no later than June 30th2017, board will require

approval of extension, colors to be submitted by Sept 30th.

o. Manager to send reminders about to board members about check signing on 1st and 3rd


6) Homeowner Business

a. ARC Request for 2464 W. Cerulean - paint colors - approved unanimously

b. ARC Request for 2315 N. Old Lace - fencing – approved unanimously

c. ARC Request for 1872 N. Rosedust Dr. – playset and shed – approved unanimously

7) Financials

a. Financial Report reviewed

b. Check writing/ invoices reviewed and completed by board

8) Adjournment 10:10 pm

9) Next Meeting date tentatively scheduled for October 11, 2016 (2nd Tuesday) Hillary motioned to cancel

October HOA meeting due to unavailability of board members, D’Neill second, all approved. Next

Board meeting now set for November 1, 2016.