Download - HND photography - F/Stopology Online catalogue

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Hollie Gibbs

Kim Hall

Martin Webb

Matthew Clegg

Reginald Hollands

Steven Kilmartin

Theresa Turner

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Welcome to F/Stopology

F/Stopology is a group of seven photography students studying at

Sussex Coast College, Hastings.

We are motivated, dedicated and

hard-working photographers

collaborating to create a legacy that continues

beyond our education and studies.

This catalogue is an opportunity for


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Hollie Gibbs is a photographer and artist who works with experimental

approaches to photography.

Gibbs specialises in shooting portraits. She is keen to converse with her

subjects as she believes there is a need for a connection between subject

and photographer. By taking this approach, she feels she can

photograph individuals in their most natural and candid form.

Her recent body of work consists of photographs based on the theme of

depression and anxiety. She combined her passion for shooting portraits

with a concept to explore various approaches.

This work is informed by the work Rankin, Jim Goldberg and Willie Doherty.

The subjects she has photographed have suffered with depression and

anxiety at one point in their lives. This invisible disability is revealed through

the development and building of trust between Gibbs and the subject.

Due to this, her subjects display a sense of vulnerability, resulting in a more

natural and unguarded state.

Her body of work portrays her subjects expressing what it means to suffer

from depression and anxiety and the struggles they have to overcome.

Gibbs hopes to open her own studio space to offer a friendly,

professional and high quality service to members of the public. Working

with such a sensitive topic, for both her and her subjects, she is reminded

of this quote – “There’s a time when people say your work is revolutionary,

but you have to keep being revolutionary. I can’t keep shooting pop stars

all my life. You have to keep changing, keep pushing yourself, looking for

the new, the unusual” - Rankin

Hollie Gibbs

[email protected]

Tel 07946 209617

Flickr - holliegibbspho-


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Top: Noose

Bottom: Happy Pill

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0\�ZRUN�KDV�EHHQ�KHDYLO\�LQÁXHQFHG�RQ�D�UDWKHU�XQFRQVFLRXV�OHYHO�E\�the caring of a child with a chronic, incurable and life-limiting illness. As

a result my reactions to the world around us have changed. The lung

disease Cystic Fibrosis that affects my child forces me to see life

differently, embracing possibility, opportunity and ability in a

life-changing way.

I began to be aware of the patterns and biological similarities between

the lung and trees. Trees are an amazing metaphor for the lung.

Branches of trees reach into the sky scrabbling for carbon dioxide to

create oxygen, and the ends of these branches form patterns that

resemble the cilia that exist in our lungs. These cilia keep bacteria from

settling and causing infection; in Cystic Fibrosis these cilia do not work

and so cycles of infection then slowly destroy the lungs with the bacteria

becoming resistant to antibiotics.

I am drawn to the distinctive growth structure between these two living

HQWLWLHV�DQG�ÀQG�P\VHOI�ORRNLQJ�IRU�SK\VLFDO�DQG�PHWDSKRULFDO�VLPLODULWLHV�The Rorschach series of work by Fleur Alston intrigue me with the images

she has created based on the patterns within trees. Likewise I am

exploring the dendritic design found in trees, particularly looking up

towards the sky.

This body of work includes my own handwritten personalised text

combined with my images. My text supports and emphasises my

thoughts and feelings and to further clarify to the viewer my concept;

giving them a way of decoding the message I am conveying.

I chose to show these images in black and white to omit any

distraction of colour and to enhance texture and pattern. I also chose

to print them myself in the darkroom (apart from one digital image), as


image emerging from the paper is an action of which I will not tire and I

will strive to perfect my own printing processes for the future.

The beautiful natural tree that lives among us and provides us with the

means to exist, juxtaposed by a beautiful Fibonacci patterned yet

diseased lung; so easily destroyed by a fault within its own genetic


Kim Hall

[email protected]

07733 858789

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Left: To breathe #1

Right: To breathe #2

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Martin Webb is a mature student and professional photographer with nine

years experience in the wedding and event photography business. At

present he is working towards an HND to enhance his photography

knowledge and his craft and improve his commercial images to a more art

driven style following in the footsteps of his heroes David Bailey, Terence

Donovan and Brian Duffy. He also incorporates Philippe Haussmann

jumpology which is used extensively throughout his wedding and events

photography. As with Haussmann he uses the jumpology photography to

help the clients relax making them amenable to ideas and suggestions.

��0DUWLQ�ZLOO�XVH�D�WUDGLWLRQDO�VW\OH�WR�IXOÀO�WKH�FOLHQWV�EULHI�EXW�OLNH�WR�XVH�KLV�humour to explore ideas in and fun ways. He uses a wide colour pallet,

playing with bright colours as well as black-and-white.

Working in a commercial realm and being able to think on his feet is

always a good attribute as in wedding photography there are no second


Being able to react quickly has been a thing that he has done since he

was photographing motor sports where the action comes fast and is

unforgiving. If you miss the shot, its gone forever.

Some of Martin’s most exciting work has come under pressure where he

has not had time to think but react to the unfolding world in front of him.

David Bailey said “I don’t see much point in photographing trees and rocks

because they’re there and everyone can photograph them if you’re

prepared to hang around and wait for the light”. This philosophy is shared

E\�0DUWLQ�ZKR�ÀQGV�SHRSOH�PRUH�LQWHUHVWLQJ�WKDQ�URFNV�DQG�WUHHV��7KDW·V�not to say that he doesn’t shoot landscapes whenever there is a beautiful

shot present.

Knowledge is what gives Martin the drive to improve. “The best advice I

ever received was that knowledge is power and to keep reading”. He said

“I have a blinkered mentality. I think, sleep, and dream photography; not

bad for a photographer”.

Martin webb

[email protected]

07739 585100

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Left: Girl with bubbles

Right: �6HOÀH

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Matthew Clegg is a photographer and a videographer. Living by the coast

LV�ZKHUH�KH�ÀQGV�KLV�ORYH�RI�IDVKLRQ� Currently part of a collective group of photographers called F/Stopology

DQG�LQ�SUHSDUDWLRQ�IRU�D�ÀQDO�H[KLELWLRQ��KH�KRSHV�WR�SURJUHVV�RQ�WR�ZRUNLQJ�for a high end fashion magazine or catalogue, capturing the latest looks.

Clegg specialises in fashion photography. He is keen to get in to the

fashion industry and to start work in a studio working with a photographer

to gain knowledge in fashion and how the industry works. He is also keen

to collaborate with fashion designers to work as a team to produce great


Throughout the specialist practice he has researched photographers such

as David Bailey and Nick Knight, who captured the 60s Zeitgeist. This gave

him most of the inspiration for his work such as Bailey’s 60s head shots of

Michael Caine, the Kray twins, Ronnie and Reggie and Knights work with

Alexander McQueen in 1997.

The Sixties was a big time for both of them as Nick created a book called

6NLQKHDG�DQG�WKLV�ZDV�WKH�ÀUVW�ERRN�WKDW�OHDG�&OHJJ�WR�EHFRPH�LQWHUHVW-ed in working with fashion. Clegg is also keen to follow in the footsteps of

Bailey as he photographed the ‘Swinging Sixties’ in which he produced his

most famous images and became renowned for his work.

This gave him the idea to call his body of work ‘Fashionista’ meaning (“an

avid leader and follower of fashion”)

He started talking to the fashion students at Hastings College and collabo-

rated with them to produce some colourful images for use in his exhibition

work in addition to their personal portfolios.

Then he chose to produce some men’s wear images as this is his passion in

the fashion industry.

He decided to shoot men’s wear as well as a women’s wear, showing his

skills in both departments whilst experimenting with colour and black and


Matthew Clegg



07850 197609


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Left: Vibrance

Right: Clockwork

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The direction I have taken with photography is due to a fascination and

passion with images from the past. I enjoy investigating where the

resting place of such material exists, this enjoyment is coupled with a

GHVLUH�WR�SKRWRJUDSK�ZKHUH�SRVVLEOH�D�SUHVHQW�GD\�FRPSDULVRQ��$W�ÀUVW�,�used a digital camera to evidence the “now and then” project. During


project I realised that the use of a medium format camera would be

PRUH�VLJQLÀFDQW�LQ�FRQWH[WXDOLVLQJ�WKH��7KH�QHZ�LPDJHV�ZRXOG�EH�transparencies, to which glass slides would be made

My enthusiasm started whilst rummaging in a local curiosity shop here in

Hastings. I held a glass slide to the light, which was the moment my

journey started. I was told I needed a Magic Lantern to view the slide. I

now own 3; just over a year ago I had never heard of such a machine.

7KH�PHFKDQLFV�RI�WKH�PHGLD�,�ÀQG�HQWKUDOOLQJ��WKH�PDQXIDFWXUH�RI�WKH�magic lantern, the manufacture of the glass slides, in particular the hand

coloured. This new media created an economy, an industry, entertain-

PHQW�DQG�D�IDVFLQDWLRQ�WR�WKRVH�ZKR�YLHZHG�WKH�ÀUVW�PRYLQJ�LPDJHV�OLW�E\�FDQGOHV�LQ�WKH�ÀIWHHQWK�FHQWXU\� The importance of light is twofold, both enemy and friend .The venue

needs to be blacked out but the unit needs to shine as bright as possible

in order to project with clarity. Light being projected through glass with

an image on it, passed through a lens then onto a white surface.


Reg Hollands



07936 105772

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Top: Past

Bottom: Present

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Actions and interactions between people have always

driven my photography. Taking a Peek, Henri Cartier

Bresson’s book on the Decisive Moment is my inspiration. With Life

Reportage and the Humanist Photographic Movement

being truly inspiring, my aim is to be able to capture these images of hu-

manity’s sometimes overzealous touch on our fragile world being.

My formative years in the East End of London shaped my character,

leaving bitter sweet memories seared into my psyche. Remembering the

East End markets with their sights, sounds and atmosphere prompted me

to revisit these

FKDUDFWHU�ÀOOHG�SODFHV�RI�P\�\RXWK��VRPH�WZR�GHFDGHV�later. Inspired by the East End’s rejuvenation and I was pleased to see it

still retained its colour and atmosphere. I decided to choose this as my

topic for my specialist project.

Approaching this subject, I am reminded of the quote by Tony Ray-



Steve Kilmartin


07905 553208

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Left: Beigel shop - Brick Lane

Right: Marketplace

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,�DP�D�ÀQH�DUW�SKRWRJUDSKHU��FXUUHQWO\�VWXG\LQJ�+1'�Photography year 2. I started my journey by working in the Social sector

supporting young people and adults with

challenging behaviour who had experienced

emotional trauma, mental health, drug and alcohol

addictions that would often include abuse. My concern for others had a

profound effect and led to me changing

careers towards a future that allows me to

communicate my passion for humanity, culture and

dignity with the aim to highlight female emotional and

physical abuse that often can lead to imprisonment, murder, self-harm

and death.

My intention is to further my studies and continue

developing my own style of working in photography,

a journey that inspires me to explore in depth the

FUHDWLYLW\�RI�SKRWRJUDSK\�DQG�ÀQH�DUW��,�EHOLHYH�WKDW�GXH�WR��P\�H[SHUL-ence of working with vulnerable people I can make the unseen visible


ture the aspects that so

often excludes them through their withdrawal and

subsequent detachment, both in mind and body to give them a voice: a

voice of truth and recovery.

I feel others pain, I am able to connect on a vibrational

level with their emotions, and this allows me to build a trust with my sub-

ject enabling me to capture their underlying nature. What I am exploring

in these images is trauma. My intention is to convey invisible truths in my

photography, within the

subjective framework and including coded messages.

Theresa Turner

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Left: Untitled

Right: Untitled

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Catalogue designed and created by Matthew Clegg

[email protected]

tel 07850 197609