Download - HKBU--YB Leung (EDUC)1 The future undergraduates: some ideas for Cultural and History programmes in university study Yinbing LEUNG (Ph.D.) (Dept. of Education.


HKBU--YB Leung (EDUC) 1

The future undergraduates: some ideas for Cultural and History programmes in university studyYinbing LEUNG (Ph.D.)(Dept. of Education Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University)

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• The BIG question:• How are we going to prepare programmes

related to culture and history for our undergraduates from 2012 onwards?

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Our students after 2012

• What kinds of students are we going to meet?• The characteristics of the iGeneration (digital generatio

n, more indulged and anti-social or strong social conscience and work ethic ??)

• Their academic journey:• Knowledge (cognitive development)

• Of themselves (self discovery, personal development)• Of the others (socializing, communicative, aware of social change

s and community development)• Of the World (self and the World, politics and wars, environment,

globalization)• Skills

• Psychomotor skills, learning skills

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Learning experiences in mainstream Hong Kong schools

• Cultural subjects:• Nil in either primary or secondary

education curriculum• Cultural learning is integrated in different

subjects. • Chinese History, History

• Not as independent subjects in primary education, but both are two independent subjects or can be one subject in secondary education

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Cultural Studies

• Primary education• Integrated into Chinese language learning• Seed projects (2008-2009) in primary:

• 中華文化和品德情意:小學中國語文課程教學策略探索• (Refer to School-based Ch Language curriculum of S

t. Anthony’s School Slide 9)

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Cultural Studies (cont.)

• Secondary education• Junior secondary education:

• Integrated into Chinese language learning, or as project learning

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Cultural Studies (cont.)

• Senior secondary education:• AS Level—Chinese Language and Cultural Studies (it

will fade out in 2012)• Six master pieces to begin with. Followed by discussions, c

ase analysis, reflection.• (Authors of the pieces had / have strong background of Con

fucianism. They had some deep provoking thought on traditional Chinese culture and how it reacts to the challenges from Western influence.)

• New Senior Secondary Curriculum: No longer a specific subject, but as a unit in Ch Language learning. Teachers are free to develop any topic / theme related to one cultural phenomenon. (Refer to examplars of CDI)

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Chinese History and History

• Belong to key learning area of Personal, Social and Humanities Education (PSHE).• Primary education: know as General

Studies, which includes PSHE, Science education, Technology

• Junior secondary• Under PSHE, areas of study include: Ch. History,

Civic education, Economic and Public Affairs, Geography, History, Religious Education, Social Studies.

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Chinese History and History (cont.)

• Independent subjects or not independent?• Depending on individual schools to develop their

own school-based curriculum of PSHE learning, e.g.:

• Life Education, Integrated Humanities, History and Culture

• Some schools have two separate subjects of Ch. History and History, advocating the traditional syllabi, esp. Ch History with longitudinal study.

• Some schools combine Ch. History and History. Characteristics: focus on events, particular system / structure, historical figures. Advocate project-based.

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Chinese History and History (cont.)

• In new senior secondary education curriculum• New subject: Liberal Studies (with six

suggested learning areas: Personal growth, Hong Kong Today, Modern China, Globalization, Public Health, Energy Technology and Environment), not really focusing on cultural and history studies.

• Ch History and History are two electives.

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Ch History

• 89% schools indicated offering Ch. History in senior secondary forms.

• Subject Guide (P.5):• Construction of knowledge in History• Development of skills in learning History,

such as: analytical skills, enquiry skills, critical mind, methods in handling data

• Positive attitudes and value

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Our undergraduates after 2012

• Learning outcomes after New Senior Secondary:• Read extensively (print, electronic data, images,

…)• Broad-based knowledge• Have developed different learning skills, such as:

analytical skills, problem-solving ability,…• Able to conduct small group projects• I.T. literacy is better than many professors• Aware of different aspects of Chinese culture and

historical events

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Our undergraduates after 2012 (cont.)

• BUT• Knowledge-content: sporadic

• (food, festivals, family, twelve Earthly Branches, four-character idioms, love, Chinese righteousness, Yin and Yang etc.)

• Broad-based knowledge, but how about depth?• For example:

• 1. Their reflective ability or critical analysis of Ch Culture on China today?

• 2. On filial piety: Why is it deep-rooted in the mind of Chinese people? Yet, why are there cases that people abandon their parents in hospitals and homes?

• 3. How to compare Hong Kong cultures with the Chinese CULTURE?• 4. In Ch. History: Shift to cross-sectional studies, but students may

lack a holistic view of how history in China evolves or repeats itself. Can students think objectively and critically of certain historical events without knowing the development or background thoroughly?

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How should we prepare future cultural / history programmes for the students?

• 1. To understand the inadequacy in our school curriculum in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes or values

• 2. To keep surveying the expectation of our iGeneration. (Making impact, different modes of communication, flexible)

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Some ideas

• An integrated programme of cultural studies, jointly developed by different departments, rather than a sporadic manner. This may include comparison of Eastern and Western cultures, such as: early philosophical thoughts, Chinese cultural impacts on neighbouring areas, (or vice-versa), local cultures, aesthetic culture, sports culture etc.

• Do we need a course on understanding the longitudinal study of Ch History / History ( 通史教育 ) before students proceed to the study of a particular period / system / event/ historical figure?

• How to enhance the learning of Chinese culture and history to a higher level rather than focusing on unrelated events or phenomena?