Download - HIV & AIDS Mainstreaming Approaches in the TEVT Sector – Zambian Case Study

  • 8/14/2019 HIV & AIDS Mainstreaming Approaches in the TEVT Sector Zambian Case Study






    Sarah S Kaulule, Dominic Kasosa, Gabriel S Konayuma

    MSTVT, Zambia

    9 October 2006

  • 8/14/2019 HIV & AIDS Mainstreaming Approaches in the TEVT Sector Zambian Case Study




    Mainstreaming of HIV & AIDS in TVET sector in Zambia is being undertaken at

    three levels:

    Ministerial: Policy formulation Regulatory: Policy guidance and implementation Institutional: ImplementationOutline of Paper

    This paper looks at:

    The role of MSTVT in mainstreaming HIV & AIDS in the TEVT sector; The role of TEVETA in mainstreaming HIV & AIDS in the TEVT sector; The role of TEVT institutions in mainstreaming HIV & AIDS in the TEVT sector;MSTVTs role in mainstreaming HIV/AIDS in the TEVT sector

    MSTVT has formulated the Work place HIV/AIDS policy Purpose: To provide guidelines on how to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS in the

    Ministry and its Institutions

    How?:- Through sensitisation and prevention programmes;

    - mitigation of HIV/AIDS impact through psychosocial counselling and- Anti-retroviral Therapy network programmes;MSTVT Policy guiding principles:

    Ministerial Leadership and Commitment; Institutional Approach and Partnership; Public Health Approach.General Objective of the Policy

    To provide the framework that will facilitate consistency in the Ministrys response

    to the challenges of HIV/AIDS in the Ministry and all institutions that fall under it

    Specific Objectives of the MSTVT Policy

    To promote interventions that prevent, prolong and improve the quality of life of staff,their families and students;

    To facilitate institutionalization and integration of HIV/AIDS activities in theMinistrys and institutional programmes;

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    To provide care and support to all staff, their families as well as students living withHIV/AIDS;

    To enhance linkages among research and development institutions, counselling andtesting centres, the Ministry and its training institutions;

    To establish effective monitoring and evaluation systems for HIV/AIDS programmes.Issues Addressed by MSTVT Policy

    HIV/AIDS amongst the members of staff, their families and students by facilitating thecreation of an enabling environment to effectively fight the pandemic in the workplace and learning institutions.

    Policy Strategies

    Scale up sensitization programmes & activities through provision of HIV/AIDSinformation, education and communication among members of staff, their families and


    Encourage abstinence and promote safer sex through condom use and other barriermethods;

    Provide ARVs and good nutrition; Provide support and care for positive living; Promote behavioral change among students as a way of preventing HIV transmission

    and infection.

    Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS activities into the Ministrys programmes; Facilitate formulation of curriculum on HIV/AIDS institutions; Advocate for benefits of HIV/AIDS policy to members of staff, their families and

    students; Build capacity in MSTVT institutions on HIV/AIDS; Strengthen structures for effective coordination of HIV/AIDS activities. Ensure staff, their families and students, regardless of their status, enjoy their rights as

    enshrined in the UN Charter on Human Rights to health;

    Facilitate provision of home based care services; Facilitate formation of HIV/AIDS support groups.TEVETAs role in mainstreaming HIV/AIDS in the TEVT sector

    TEVETA is a regulator of the TEVET Sector It has three divisions viz.: Training Standards, Development and Finance &


    Development division has three units: Entrepreneurship & Informal Sector andLiaison.

    Liaison unit is responsible for Cross-Cutting Issues which include HIV/AIDS.

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    TEVETA has

    conducted a study of the situational analysis of HIV/AIDS in selected traininginstitutions

    developed a template for the development of institutional HIV/AIDS policies conducted training for the development of HIV/AIDS institutional policies developed curricula for mainstreaming HIV/AIDS in TEVT programmesTEVETA is:

    Co-ordinating training for HIV/AIDS Peer educators.The main objective of the situational analysis study carried out in 2004 was to providebaseline data on issues pertaining to HIV/AIDS aspects in training institutions . A total

    of 29 institutions were included in the sample that was drawn from institutions within

    Lusaka Province.The study findings are:

    The most widely reported topic offered is behavioural change on HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS clubs, seminars, debates and drama were the commonly reported extra

    communications being done on HIV/AIDS by students.

    The impact of HIV/AIDS on institutions:

    Normal/average absenteeism rate of lecturers due to illness (15.4%) Over 50% had taken up HIV/AIDS senstisation campaigns while 38.5% reported

    taking no measures to incorporate HIV/AIDS in their institutions.

    Role of TEVETA

    A quarter of institutions reported having a working relationship with TEVETA. A total of 39.4% of lecturers feel TEVETA should do more to encourage AIDSeducation.Recommendations

    TEVETA needs to facilitate nation wide survey on HIV/AIDS on the TEVET Sector. TEVETA will work with training providers in policy guidelines formulation of

    HIV/AIDS for TEVET institutions.

    Activities by Institutions on HIV/AIDS

    Institutional policies on HIV/AIDS have been developed Focal point persons on HIV/AIDS have been appointed Formation of HIV/AIDS clubs Sensitizations workshops Provision of literature on HIV/AIDS Distribution of condoms

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    Planned Activities by Institutions on HIV/AIDS

    Establish HIV/AIDS database Form HIV/AIDS Support groups Train counselors, care givers and peer educators Establish Counseling Centres to provide holistic approach to health matters Establish linkages with health providers Mobilise resources Use sports activitiesLimitations on the Mainstreaming of HIV/AIDS

    Lack of funds for setting up the supportive framework Wrong attitudes Lack of trained human resources in HIV/AIDS related issues