Download - Hiv 101 dr susan gregorio

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1985 1991 1994

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First cases appear

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is used to refer to the disease; First AIDS cases reported in Africa

HIV is isolated

AIDS becomes the No. 1 killer in Africa

Philippine National AIDS Council 2

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First case reported

Enactment of RA 8504

Adoption of Implementing Rules and Regulations drafted by multisectoral members of the PNAC

Establishment of PNAC

Philippine National AIDS Council 4

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Where did HIV come from?

Most likely theory:

“Crossed over" into the human population from a particular species of Chimpanzee.

Probably through blood contact that occurred during hunting and field dressing of the animal.

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What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?

Can only infect human beings

Attacks the body’s immunesystem by weakening its defenses against diseases/infections

An organism, a characteristic of which is that it reproduces itself, taking over the machinery of the human cell

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CD4 cell helps us to fight against various infections

How HIV infects ?


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HIV attacks CD4 cell, multiply inside and gradually kills them. Once CD4 are destroyed our body’s resistance to fight infections goes down and person suffers from lots of infections

How HIV infects ?


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How HIV infects ?

This end stage of HIV infection is called AIDS. It takes many years for AIDS to develop and till that time infected person usually remains healthy.

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National AIDS/STI Prevention & Control Program

Department of Health

National AIDS/STI Prevention and Control Program

Overview of HIVNatural History of HIV Infection












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l Cou









Months …….. Years after HIV Infection

Acute HIVinfectionsyndrome

Relative level of Plasma HIV-RNA

CD4+ T cells


Window Period

Module 1 Sub Module 3 – PPT02

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Office of the WHO Representative in the Philippines









Transmitted from person to person.

It affects the body's immune system, part of the body which usually works to fight off germs such as bacteria and viruses.

It makes the immune system work improperly.

Someone with AIDS may experience a wide range of different diseases and opportunistic infections.

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What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?

AIDS means that the virus has almost destroyed the immune system- Occurs in about (ave.) 8years from HIV infection

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Philippine National AIDS Council 13

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Philippine National AIDS Council

Source of illustration: DOH, Remedios AIDS Foundation, UNICEF


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Philippine National AIDS Council

Source: DOH, Remedios AIDS Foundation, UNICEF


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Philippine National AIDS Council

Source of illustrations: DOH, Remedios AIDS Foundation, UNICEF


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Philippine National AIDS Council

Sources of illustrations: DOH, Remedios AIDS Foundation, UNICEF; UNODC


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How does a Person With HIV look like?

You can’t tell if a person has HIV by merely looking at him/her

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National AIDS/STI Prevention & Control Program

Department of Health

HIV Counseling and Testing

1. Client or partner have or in the past suffered from symptoms of STI

2. Client or partner have multiple sexual partners

3. Client or partner have history of injecting drug

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What if I test HIV-positive?

•the sooner you take steps to protect your health, the better.

•Early medical treatment, a healthy lifestyle and a positive attitude can help you stay well and may delay the onset of AIDS and prevent some life-threatening conditions.

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National AIDS/STI Prevention & Control

ProgramDepartment of Health

TREATMENT• Anti-retrovirals (ARV)

– for treatment (lifetime) and PROPHYLAXIS)

-available for free in the DOH-designated Treatment Hubs

As of December 2009 more than 800 PLHIV on ARV including children

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Promulgates policies and prescribes measures

Establishes a comprehensive HIV and AIDS monitoring system

Strengthens PNAC

What are its key features?

Article I : Education and Information

Article II : Safe Practices and Procedures

Article III : Testing, Screening , and Counseling

Article IV : Health and Support Services

Article V : Monitoring

Article VI : Confidentiality

Article VII : Discriminatory Acts and policies

Article VIII : The Philippine National AIDS Council

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Philippine National AIDS Council 25

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5th AMTP Strategies FrameworkGOAL

By 2016, the country will have prevented the further spread of HIV infection and reduced the impact of the disease on individuals, families, sectors and communities


To improve the coverage and quality of prevention programs for persons at most risk, vulnerable and living with HIV

To improve the coverage and quality of TCS programs for people living with HIV (including those who remain at risk and vulnerable) and their families

To enhance policies for scaling up implementation, effective management and coordination of HIV programs at all levels

To strengthen capacities of the PNAC and its members to oversee the implementation of the 5th AMTP

To strengthen partnerships and develop capacities for the 5th AMTP implementation of LGUs, private sector, civil society, including communities of at-risk, vulnerable, and living with HIV


• Develop evidence-based, targeted, comprehensive programs

• Capacitate service providers

• Provide equitable access to programs

• Enhance decentralized implementation

Provide enabling environment

Expand, build, strengthen management, partnerships and collaboration

Develop capacity of partners

Philippine National AIDS Council 26

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Philippine National AIDS Council

♠ Behavior-related factors

♠ Programmatic factors

♠ Governance-related factors


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Philippine National AIDS Council

2. Stigma & discrimination against persons living with HIV (PLHIVs) complicate the situation

3. Both behaviors (1 & 2) stem from a low knowledge of HIV and AIDS

1. Continuing risky behavior among the most-at-risk populations (MARPs)


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Philippine National AIDS Council 29

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Philippine National AIDS Council

1. Lack of political support from the national and local levels


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Philippine National AIDS Council

Investment coverage Total Investments


Est. funding gap (2011-2016)

Annual average funding gap

Nationwide 18,899,888,952 16,286,288,952 2,714,381,492

Category A, B & C 7,960,103,333 5,346,503,333 891,083,889

Category A & B 7,018,804,751 4,405,204,751 734,200,792

Category A only 5,902,690,007 3,289,090,007 548,181,668

In Philippine Pesos


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Philippine National AIDS Council 32

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Link of STI and HIV ( Relationship)

Sexual Mode of Transmission Sexual Mode of Transmission the samethe same

Preventive Measures Preventive Measures the samethe same

People with People with STI easily getSTI easily get HIVHIV and pass the virus from one and pass the virus from one

person to anotherperson to another

Clinical Services entry point Clinical Services entry point HIV education HIV education

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Philippine National AIDS Council

Source of graphic:


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Philippine National AIDS Council

Pain passing urine Severe itchiness Pain

Yellowish/abnormal discharge

Ulcerations Abdominal pain


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Philippine National AIDS Council

♠ Caused by bacteria called neisseria gonorrheae♠ Usual incubation period is 3 to 7 days♠ Can be spread through sexual contact♠ Can affect genitals, throat and anus

Symptoms♠ Yellowish/ Purulent discharge (tulo)♠ Pelvic inflammation in women♠ Scrotal swelling in men


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Philippine National AIDS Council

♠ Caused by chlamydia trachomatis♠ Can infect the cervix, urethra, rectum, throat and eyes♠ Also known as the silent STI

Symptoms♠ Pelvic inflammation♠ Discharge♠ Scrotal swelling in men


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Philippine National AIDS Council

♠ Caused by spirochete treponema pallidum♠ Chronic systemic disease (9-90 days)♠ The organism moves through skin or mucus membrane and into the bloodstream♠ Can be transmitted through mother to child, blood transfusion, sexual contact

Source: Robert Taylor MD at

Symptom♠ Lesions


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Philippine National AIDS Council

♠ Caused by human papilloma virus (HPV)

♠ Transmitted directly from skin to skin during sexual contact

Symptoms♠ Lesions♠ Warty growths


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Philippine National AIDS Council

♠ Caused by herpes simplex virus 2♠ Incubation period is 2-12 days

Symptoms♠ Multiple, painful shallow ulcers♠ Painful urination


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the only effective the only effective prevention isprevention is

NOTNOT to to allow the virus to allow the virus to

enter the bodyenter the body

Until a cure is found…

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