Download - Hitler'srise

  • 1. Starter :-Here is a picture of Hitler and list as many things about him that you know (youve been given two already..) He led Germany He killed millions of Jews

2. TOV essays H/W 3. Holiday reports 4.

  • Some people writing a paragraph?
  • In 25-30 minutes
  • Examples of good work [Ridhwan, Zafreen]

5. Lesson 3 How on earth did Hitler rise to power? 6. Lesson 3 & 4 How on earth did Hitler rise to power?[Cycle 3] Objective :- By the end of the lesson you will be able to. Describe some of the reasons why Hitler rose to power 7. 8. Germany in the 1920 / 30s reason #1 9. Germany in the 1920 / 30s Task 1 Q1 What are the Big Four making Germany swallow? (hint its called peace terms) 10. Level 5 - Explains they were satisfied OR they were not satisfied. Increasing depth of factual knowledge shown in the essay. May refer to sources or HK. Level 6 Explains how they were satisfied AND they were NOT satisfied. Examines events and reasons for results of change. MUST refer to sources otherwise L5. Level 7 Explains some of the satisfaction and some of the disatisfaction and a SUPPORTED CONCLUSION. Increasing depth of factual knowledge and HK. Must refer to sources, if not L5. Level 8 Coherent and succinct work as per Level 7 with no spelling mistakes/incorrect factual knowledge and MUST include a discussion using HK of the view of historians over the TOV. NB If do not finish the essay L5 max L5 max if incorrect facts/dates/ spelling / structure poor. If do not refer to all sources max L5 L4 If do not mention the background to TOV, date of it, 3 leaders involved etc 11. Essays

  • People who scored L7/L8 looked at the mark scheme
  • L8 essay write like in GCSE exam = A
  • Conclusion: Re-write what youve written / prioritise sources, offer an opinion, add a new quote.
  • HistoriansLearn their quotes whack em in an essay!

12. STARTER How accurate is the cartoon in explaining what happened at the Treaty of Versailles? [7] SWAP with the person next to you 13. STARTER How accurate is the cartoon in explaining what happened at the Treaty of Versailles? [7] Level 5 Simple answer describes what is happening i.e. Big 4 shoving peace terms down GERs throat Level 6 More detailed ATQ. It is accurate because of subtle detail in the cartoon i.e. Wilson at the back, Peace Terms to large to swallow etc Level 7 Balanced answer. It is accurate to an extent as per L6, BUT also does not show disagreements and compromise between Big 3 leaders. Doesnt show anything in detail i.e. 10% land lost, smaller army, colonies etc Level 8 As per L7 with A conclusion that supports/poses question/reviews content 14. Germany in the 1920s reason #2 1929 1932 30 20 10 BritainGermany USA BritainGermanyUSA Unemployment 15. Germany in the 1920 / 30s Task 2 Answer these questions in full sentences:- Q 1 At what level was unemployment in Germany in 1929? Q 2 Was this more or less than UK? Q 3 What happened to unemployment in the three main countries by 1932? Q 4 Who had the most unemployment in 1932? Q 5 How would a normal family person in Germany have felt in 1932 as opposed to 1929? Q 6 In 1932 the Nazis were not in government. How could the fact there was a lot of unemployment help them? 16. Starter if you were writingyourlife story what detail would it contain / political views? 17. Germany in the 1920 / 30s reason #3 18. Germany in the 1920 / 30s reason #3

  • Whilst in prison in 1923 Hitler wrote a really influential book
  • It was calledMein Kampf
  • It contained all of his political ideas
  • When he was released from prison in 1924 he began rebuilding the Nazi Party
  • He was a great public speaker
  • However it was only by 1929 that people began to join the party and make it important in German politics
  • Task 3
  • Q 1 Despite the fact Hitler was rebuilding the Nazi party why was it not until 1929 that people began to join? (hint think back to the graph)

19. Germany in the 1920 / 30s reason #3 Mein Kampf video 20. Germany in the 1920 / 30s reason #3 Page 120-123 Complete a Heads n tails for life in Germany under the Nazis 21. Germany in the 1920 / 30s reason #3 Life was good Life was bad 22. Starter : How would you classify life in Nazi Germany. Good/Bad or a bit of both? Life was definitely bad Depending on your views life could be good or bad Life was good 23. Germany in the 1920 / 30s reason #3 Page 124-129 How did Hitler prepare for War ? Was it part of a master-plan or a series of ad hoc measures? 24. Germany in the 1920 / 30s reason #3 1933 1939 Domestic action Foreign action 25. Germany in the 1920 / 30s reason #3 Q How did Hitler prepare for War ? Was it part of a master-plan or a series of ad hoc measures? Must include:- Expansion of Navy Rhineland Sudentenland Czech crisis Spanish Civil War Nazi/Soviet Pact Invasion of Poland 26. Hitler: The debate amongst Historians: Finish off the speech bubbles..... I am Hugh Trevor Roper and I believe that Hitler was an ideologue.....This means that he systematically planned his actions such as......... I am Alan Bullock and I initially believed that Hitler was an opportunist. This means that........ 27. Essay for 9-HI-1: Date due in MONDAY 7 THAPRIL Hitler was a mere opportunist. He just responded to a series of incidents in an ad-hoc manner.How far do you agree with the statement? Level 5 Simple answer. AGREES or DISAGREES. Brief statements re- Hitler He didnt like the Jews. He build motorways to please people. He set up VW.Level 6 More developed argument either AGREE/DISAGREE. Better narrative The fact thatMein Kampfdemonstrates his long term vision/aim supports...... Must discuss his Foreign Policy Aims / Conquests i.e. support for Franco,Anschluss , Rhineland, Sudentenland etc. Level 7 Detail from L6 but aBalancedanswer. AGREES and DISAGREES discusses Hitlers time in GERMANY, throughout the 1920s through to gaining power and then in the build up to 1939 and the outbreak of War. Level 8 As per L7, with SUPPORTED CONCLUSION. BUT to get a L8 pupil must talk about the historical debate showing evidence of HK BACKGROUND READING/RESEARCH. NBIf nothing written about pre-1933 = L5. If nothing written 1933-39 then max = L5. If does not mentionMein Kampf= then L4. Incoherent sentences , poor grammar, key words spelt incorrectly = L5 If copied fromWikipedia= FAIL. To achieve over a L7 you must show evidence of research into the historical debate Trevor Roper/Bullock etc. 28. These two were the inspiration for.... 29. 30. Learning outcome

  • By the end of the lesson we will have.....
  • Completed our timeline or piece of writing
  • Reviewed Hitlers role in the outbreak of War via a confidential report

31. Learning outcome

  • By the end of the lesson we will have.....
  • Completed our timeline or piece of writing
  • 8 minutes

32. Germany in the 1920 / 30s 33. Confidential MI5 Report

  • The date is January 1939
  • You are a secret agent for Britain currently stationed in Munich , Germany
  • Your bosses require that you update them as to the political situation developing in Germany at the time

Task 4 They want your report to focus on one man: How much of a danger to British security is....Adolf Hitler? 34. Confidential M.I.5. Report Agent name:- Date:-

  • Sir,
  • I write to you this confidential report as I am agent , currently stationed in.., Germany. I am focussing this report on a man I consider to be a huge danger to the people of Germany, Britain and the World his name is
  • He has grown in enormous popularity recently because of the following reasons:-
  • These three factors have contributed to the Nazis nearly becoming the biggest political party in the Reichstag.
  • In terms of the League of Nations German people felt angry
  • Secondly Germany was suffering from high. This means the Nazis have been able to.
  • Lastly, ever since Hitler got released from prison he has been modernizing
  • I would make the following recommendations to the British Government
  • Yours sincerely,
  • Agent ..

Try to include detail re-the historical debate 35. Confidential M.I.5. Report Agent name:- Date:-

  • Sir,
  • I write to you this confidential report as I am agent , currently stationed in.., Germany. I am focussing this report on a man I consider to be a huge danger to the people of Germany, Britain and the World his name is
  • He has grown in enormous popularity recently because of the following reasons:-
  • These three factors have contributed to the Nazis nearly becoming the biggest political party in the Reichstag.
  • In terms of the League of Nations German people felt angry
  • Secondly Germany was suffering from high. This means the Nazis have been able to.
  • Lastly, ever since Hitler got released from prison he has been modernizing
  • I would make the following recommendations to the British Government
  • Yours sincerely,
  • Agent ..

36. 37.

  • What is the message of this poem?
  • Where do you think the person who wrote it lived?
  • What does s/he wished they had done?

38. List what type of things Jewish people had to do under Nazi rule? 39. What are the benefits/negatives to leaving your family behind and trying to live like Wladyslaw Sznilman secretly? 40. Completed watching the Film The Pianist in order to improve our understanding of how Hitler treated the Jews.. 41. HOW has your understanding of how Hitler treated the Jews improved since youve watched the Pianist film? 42. Topic: Hitler & The Jews At the start of the lesson......I KNEW After 15 minutes....I KNEW......... After 30 minutes of the video I KNEW How has your understanding of the topic improved in this lesson?