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History Of Music Videos

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The most viewed music video currently on YouTube is PSY - GANGNAM STYLE. This music video currently has 2,642,475,134 views. This shows a lot about the modern standings on the music industry. This is because the song was made as a comedic sketch and not as a proper song. This shows that the consumer is looking for a catchy tune with a good dance routine. The dance that came with this song was also a hit and was very popular which brought a lot of attention towards the music video. This shows for us as a group that we need to make sure that the video is upbeat like Gangnam style in order to maximise views and gain the audiences attention.


Page 3: History of music video

The first music video ever brought out was video killed the radio star by the Buggles. This track was released in 1979 on MTV. This video gave people something they had never seen before and it created a need from the consumers which would change the music industry forever as the artists would now have to meet the requirements of a good music video in order to gain attention from the public.

The First Music Video

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One reason why artists make music videos is to actualize the lyrics. This would give a proper visual on the lyrics and bring the words to life. This then would get the point of the music across to the consumer therefore making the song more powerful. Another reason why artists would make an music video because it would promote their brand image. This can be seen through Britney Speers as she wanted to changed her young Disney look into a sex icon and completed this change by using the mis en scene in her recent videos. Lastly artists would use a music video because it gives the supporters something to watch which involves their favourite performer. This is good on behalf of the artist as it means more consumer loyalty which would mean more money spent on the goods the artist is selling therefore maximising profits.

Why Do Artists Use Music Videos