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Monaye Turner Dr. Iber

Essay 1: Progressive Era

The Progressive era caused America to change due to the social and economic stress that

the U.S was enduring. The progressive era shows how America changed as a whole

causing the country to truly become the United States.

The Progressive Era was a period of reform between 1880’s-1920, in response to the

economic and social conditions of the late19th century the Progressives had a great

impact on the United States during this time. Progressives sought out for the purification

of politics by trying to expose the rise of political machines (Boss Tweed). Progressives

also tried to exclude certain groups from being apart of the political voting. Those groups

included African Americans, illiterates, and any others that potentially increase

immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe. Progressive gained support form the

middle class which included lawyers, teachers, and “white collar” workers. The

movement was successful at a local level and later progressed to a national level. During

the progressive era changes occurred that impacted America then and continues to affect

the county today. Prohibition was supported by the Progressives in order to destroy the

political power based in saloons allover the country. The progressives were committed to

change and constantly moving forward, which caused them to be a major force in the

political realm. With the 16th Amendment which called for the direct election of senators,

the 17th which said the senate of the United States shall be composed of two senators

from each state, elected by the people there of, six years, and each senator shall have one

vote, and the 18th Amendment which prohibited the manufacture, sale, transportation, and

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distribution of alcohol (prohibition). Along with the Amendments progressives helped

pass they also bring about new ideas like income tax.

During the 1900’s most people lived out in the rural areas and farming was the main

source of income. Farming still remained a great source of income in the late 1920’s but

more people moved out of the rural areas and into the city like New York. In the 1900’s

the U.S is just becoming an industrial power and goes through a series of economic

downfalls. The 1900’s was a period of mass production and mass consumption. During

the 1920’s the big business will rise, companies like Standard Oil and Carnegie Steel will

take over the small companies and employ more people than ever seen before this time.

During the 1920s Progressives will push for women suffrage, social reforms, and laborers


The Progressive Era looked to change America socially and economically. Through the

many reforms the progressives were able to help change America to what we know now.

The introduction of income tax, the additions to the constitution, and social justices like

women suffrage caused America to move out of what they knew and into what we would

now consider America. The change between they 1900’s and the 1920’s is brought out by

the out right migration of people from the rural areas in America to the big cities. When

the people moved so did the issues. The progressives noticed these issues and sought out

to expose as many as they could.