Download - His Masiei,'s Voice Records - British · himself who speaks to us when Pachmann's fingers touch the [Continued

Page 1: His Masiei,'s Voice Records - British · himself who speaks to us when Pachmann's fingers touch the [Continued
Page 2: His Masiei,'s Voice Records - British · himself who speaks to us when Pachmann's fingers touch the [Continued


" His Master's Voice "Double-Sided Records


10 in. Double-sided, 5/6.


12 in. Double-sided 5/6.

NURSERY Records-ORANGE Label (Serial Letters AS), 7-inch 1/6. (Each series of 6 records in album, 12/6. Decorated Album-with linen pockets -separate, 3/6.)

PHYSICAL CULTURE Records.-Set complete in album, 12/-. Album and chart separate, 3/-.

Colour of Label. 10-inch L Serial

etter 12-inch LSerialetter

PLUM... ... ... 3/- B 4/6 C

BLACK ... ...

4/6 E 6/6 D RED ... ... 6/- DA 8/6 DB BUFF ... ...


... ... ... 11/6 DM PALE BLUE... ... ... ... 13/6 DO WHITE

... ... ... ... 16/- DQ

Unless otherwise stated "His Masters Voice" Records should be tlayed at a speed of 78.

His Master's Voice" Instantaneous Steed Tester. shows instantly whether your motor is running correctly

Page 3: His Masiei,'s Voice Records - British · himself who speaks to us when Pachmann's fingers touch the [Continued

"His Masiei,'s Voice" Records............ .............


(conducted by SIR LANDON RONALD) 12-inch double-sided Black Label

Symphony No. 4 in F Minor, Op. 36 ... ... Tchaikovsky

1st Movement-Andante sostenuto- D. 1037

- � Moderato con anima

Moderato con anima (contd.)

D. 1038 Moderato con anima (contd ) Parts 3 and 4

D. 1039 12nd Movement-Andantino in modo di canzona Parts 1 and 2

D. 1040 3rd Movement-Scherzo-Parts 1 and 2

D. 1041 { 4th Movement-Finale-Allegro con fuoco Parts 1 and 2

(n handsome and durable Album is presented free with each complete set of above records). T HE 4th Symphony of Tchaikovsky contains some of the

most charming music the composer ever wrote. The first

and last movements are of fiery energy and glittering splendour, whilst the second and third movements show Tchai- kovsky in an unusual light : that of a " national " composer. There is a strong flavour of the Russian folksong in these two movements and with the more cosmopolitan aspect of the other movements they are an extremely effective contrast. For all its lightness and gaiety, there is little to show that Tchaii ovsky was passing through a very dark period, domestically, but perhaps the motto theme-the theme upon which the introduc- tion is founded and which appears throughout the wort; at various climaxes-may be taken to represent something of the tragedy of the composer's life and its occurrence in his thoughts.

The symphony bears the dedication " to my best friend ": a reference to Madame Filaretovna von Meck, a wealthy widow who for some years acted as a kind of invisible fairy godmother to Tchaikovsky, enabling him by her gifts to devote his whole time to composition.

A full analysis is given in the artistic album which is presented free with each complete set of these records.

VLADIMIR DE PACHMANN (Pianoforte) 12-inch double-sided Red Label

1(b) Nocturne in D Flat Major, Op. 27, No. 2 Chopin D.B. 860 (aEtude in F Minor, Op. 25, No. 3 Chopin

Valse in C Sharp Minor, Op.64, No. 2 Chopin H ERE we have a further addition to the remarkable series

of Pachmann records. Pachmann has so completely identified himself with Chopin's music that it is Chopin

himself who speaks to us when Pachmann's fingers touch the [Continued on page 2"

For prices see page 2 of cover.

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His Masier's Voice" Records


with FLONZALEY QUARTET 12-inch double-sided Red Label.

(Quintet in E Flat Major, Op. 44 Schumann D.B. 780 Ist Movement-Allegro brillante

2nd Movement-In Modo d'una Marcia

D.B. 781 3rd Movement-Scherzo moto vivace

1 Finale-Allegro ma non troppo IT has been said of Schumann with some justice that his

work in the domain of chamber music was most successful when his favourite instrument, the piano, was included

in the scheme. Certainly in this quintet the piano has been entrusted with a most important role-a rile which, we may say has been most admirably filled by Gabrilowitsch

-but the strings are no less essential, and the parts written for them have provided the Flonzaley Quartet with material worthy of their prowess. A notable feature of the work as a whole is the happy way in which the tone-qualities of strings and piano have been blended.

An analysis is not really necessary, for the quintet is so trans- parent that no one is likely to lose his way. The recording too, gives the listener every assistance : no movement is broken up, the first side containing the opening Allegro, the second the slow movement with the wonderful solemn march, the third the brilliant Scherzo, and the fourth the magnificent Finale. We should mention, that three of the movements contain " cuts," although none of these is very extensive and they have been most judiciously and ingeniously made; they do not interfere with the balance and form of the work. They have been necessi- tated by our desire to record the quintet in as convenient a form as possible, and we make no apology for them. One movement, the Scherzo, with the exception of some omitted " repeats " is given complete.VLADIMIR DE PACHMANN (Pianoforte)-Continued. keys. This entire absorption of the executant in the composer is curiously shown in the record : during the course of the Nocturne Pachmann plays an arpeggio or two for which we search in vain in the score ; but so subtly has the very essence of the style been caught that the change, instead of seeming an impertinent interpolation, goes quite unnoticed. Just thus, we feel, might the whim of the composer have altered the written text at one of those wonderful soirdes when the best minds in Europe 'sat entranced by the gentle yet compelling eloquence of the greatest of all masters of the piano.

For prices see page 2 of cover.

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`GreatestArtisfs -Finest Recording !"


(with orchestral accompaniment) 10-inch double-sided Red I,abel.

Ah ! to so, piü non m'avanza ... ... ?Mozart (Pamina's Aria) (" 11 Flauto Magico ")

D.A. 723 (Sung in Italian) Gil angui d'inferno (Queen of the Night Aria)Mozart

(" Il Flauto Magico ") (Sung in Italian)

MADAME MELIUS has chosen two extremely brilliant arias for her recording debut, arias which are indeed beyond the scope of many coloratura singers. The second aria

of the Queen of the Night is of great difficulty and requires a voice of great range, for the "high C" occurs no less than 28 times and there are further passages which include the incredible note of F in alt. no less than four times. Madame Melius sings these difficulties in a way that makes one forget they exist and with subtle nuances which make the aria one of the most delightful pieces of singing ever recorded. The aria occupying the reverse side of the disc is of a poignant simplicity, very different from the brilliant expression of anger in the Queen of the Night's aria ; it is none the less attractive and the beautiful sad little phrases are of deeply moving quality.

A vocal display that is truly dazzling !

ENGLISH SINGERS (Unaccompanied)

10-inch double-sided Black Label

Now is the month of Maying ... ... .. Ilorley

E. 405 { A Farmer's Son ... ... arr. Vaughan Williams

THE FARMER'S SON is a folk-song, adapted for concerted voices by that most brilliant and sympathetic of arrangers, Dr. Vaughan Williams. Now is the month of playing

is a ballet (pronounced with a hard " t "), a piece in the style of the lighter madrigals (with a " fa-la " refrain), composed by Thomas Morley (1558-1603). It is very appropriate that it should be The English Singers who give us these examples of two representative types of British music, for their sensational success at their recent appearances in London and their work on this disc prove that they are the finest organisation of their kind to be found in the country.

For prices see page 2 of cover.

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........... . ........... ....... . .............


(with orchestral accompaniment)

12-inch double-sided Red babel

Nor sleep nor rest for my tortured spirit Borodine -Aria ('" Prince Igor ") (Sung in

D.B. 799 Russian) How goes it Prince? (-Prince Igor ") Borodine

(Sung in Russian)

T HIS record has a special interest, as one of the arias upon it was included in the programme of the great Russian Bass at his London Concert of November 3rd at the Royal

Albert Hall, and also in his Broadcast on November 5th. Chaliapine is unapproachable in Russian opera. In the colourful

music and settings of such an opera as the " Prince Igor " of Borodine his magnificent voice and wonderful acting find their true environment.

These two arias are among the finest in Chaliapine's repertoire and a brief description of their context will not be out of place.

The excerpts so splendidly sung by Chaliapine are taken from Act 2. In Nor sleep nor rest we hear Prince Igor, a captive in the camp of his enemy, Konchak Khan, bewailing his defeat and his lost liberty. In How goes it Prince Kontchak comes upon his disgruntled prisoner and does his best to console him, offering him anything the camp contains to alleviate his misery. It may interest some readers to know that these two songs lead up to the Ballet Music (D.795, recorded by the Symphony Orchestra

and chorus under Albert Coates) the most celebrated portion of the whole opera.

As the songs are sung in Russian it may be useful to have the English translation before the listener, so that a definite idea of the import of each phrase can be obtained.

For prices see page 2 of cover.

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`GreafesrtArfisfs -]PinestRecor

.... ............... .......................... ý. I ................ -------------- ------ - --------------- - ------ ---------- . . ............. .......

TH. I. CHALIAPINE (Bass)-Conlinued.

" How goes it Prince ? "

We give the following translation of the words of the Konchak Kahn's and Prince Igor's arias :

(Translations Cop; right).

Konchak : " How goes it, Prince ? Why are you so sad and thoughtful, my guest Have the nets broken, or are the falcons not eager t And failed to bring down a bird ? Take mine ? "

T rrnce Igor The nets are strong, and the falcons are keen, But even a hawk cannot live in captivity."

Konchah : " Do you still regard yourself as a captive here ? " Do you not live more like a guest than a captive ?

You were wounded in the battle at Kayala, And being taken prisoner with your band, You have been given to me as a hostage. You are my guest. You are respected here like a Kahn, All I have is at your service. Your son and your troop are with you You live like a chieftain, even as I do Tell me, do prisoners live like that ? Oh no, Prince, you are not my prisoner here, You are my dear guest.

Believe me, Prince, I admired your courage in fight 1 esteem you, Prince, And have always felt a friendship for you,

" Yes, I am not your foe, but your host, And you are my guest.

"So tell me what ails you. " If you wish it, take any horse, any tent,

For prices see page 2 of cover.

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His Mastees Voice' Records

TH. I. CHALIAPINE (Bass)-Continued.

(Translations-coat inued).

" Take even the sword of my fathers. " I have spilled not a little enemy bloodwith this sword. " Here all are obedient to me, and tremble at my nod. " I am bold and fearless, all yield to me, " But you hasa shewn no fear and asked no mercy, Prince. " I would not wish to be your enemy, but your faithful " Ally and brother, believe me "'Gould you have a fair captive from the distant sea, "From beyond the Caspian, say but a word " And I will give her to you. " I have wonderful beauties with long plaited tresses " With black and languishing eyes that glance tenderly " Front beneath their dark brows "Why are you so silent ? Choose whichever you will of them !

Nor sleep nor rest for my tortured spirit "--Aria of Prince Igor.

"Nor sleep nor rest for my tortured spirit, Night brings me no forgetfulness. Again I live through all that has passed ; The threat to God's glory, the merry din of warlike activity, My victory over the enemy, and the sad end of martial glory, Defeat, my wound and my captivity, and the loss of all my forces, Slain for the fatherland. Gone are my glory and my honour, Henceforward I must live out my life in shameful captivity, And in the thought that all must blame me ! o give me back my liberty, I will redeem my disgrace, And recover my honour and renown, And save Russia from her foes ! "


(with orchestral accompaniment) 12-inch double-sided Black Label

D. 1042 Orpheus with his lute ... ::: .. .Sullivan Let me wander not unseen .. Handel

MISS FLORENCE AUSTRAL delights in the bold, broad sweep of Handel's mighty phrases, and exhibits an under- standing of his style (whether in oratorio, opera or mis-

cellaneous work) and a power to embody her ideas in a steady [Continued on page 9.

For prices see page 2 of cover.

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`GreafestArfists-Finest Recording!"



AND CHOIR (eonductad by Lieut. R. G. EVANS)

12-inch double-sided Plum babel

WEMBLEY MILITARY TATTOO-Part 1. Retreat (Grenadier Guards' Buglers), Retreat (Drums and Fifes), " Jolly good luck to the girl who loves a soldier," " Ship ahoy ! " " Tommy

C.1226 Atkins," " The Soldiers of the King," " I'll make a man of you." Part 2-March Past of the Brigade of Guards, Entry of the Pipe Band "Atholl and Breadalbane," Slow Troop, "Les Huguenots ; " Quick Troop, "El Abanico."

Part 3- " Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag," "It's a long, long way to Tipperary," " Onward Christian Soldiers," "Abide with

C.1227 Me," "God save the King." Part 4-" Colonel Bogey," " Till the boys come home," Drums and Fifes " Ridgewood," Pipes and Drums " The Highland Laddie," Lights Out," 10 o'clock Bells."

THE Wembley Tattoo was one of the most impressive spectacles England has had for many years. The thrilling evolutions, the wonderful massed bands and the jolly

choruses, as well as the hymns taken up by the " crowd of civilians," made it a soul-stirring event in the lives of all who were present. On these records will be found a reproduction of the most thrilling moments : the whole atmosphere of the enter- tainment has been perfectly caught and rendered by the splendid band of the Coldstream Guards assisted by the Ist Battalion Grenadier Guards' Drummers and the Ist Battalion Scots Guards' Pipers. These records will be equally acceptable to that million or so people who were present at the performances at Wembley and to the many, who, by force of circumstances were unable to attend this mighty entertainment. The realism of the reproduction is amazing and an unusual effect is attained in the last side when the bands and troops are marching off, each group fading in its turn into the distance until " Lights Out " is sounded and the striking of ten o'clock announces the end of the entertainment.

For prices see page 2 of cover.

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"His Mastees Voice' Reeords . ......................... ..........


(conducted by ALBERT COATES)

12-inch double-sided Black Label

D. 1036 Blessing, Glory and Wisdom ... ... ...Bach Parts 1 and 2

BACH was a past master of the art of writing for the choir, and in this wonderful example an exceptionally clear proof of his skill is given. Mr. Albert Coates gets a really beautiful

performance of this great but difficult work. There is some pianis- simo singing which will rejoice the hearts of all members of choral societies and all lovers of choral music.



10-inch double-sided Plum label



B. 2160 Hark ! the Herald Angels O come, all ye faithful

B. 2159 Hail, smiling Morn ...

k While shepherds watched

B. 2161 I Good King Wenceslas Christians, awake !

W ITH Christmas here again, it behoves us to think of the music which is a tradition in the British Christmas merry-making. Here are some records which you should

play on Christmas Eve, as you all sit by the fire. Who could imagine a Christmas without" Good King Wenceslas " for instance ? or "Whilst shepherds watched their flocks by night." The very sound of these old tunes brings the real Christmas feeling again ! St. Swithin's Choir sing the old carols and hymns with wonderful spirit and clear tone, and all three records are absolutely indis- pensable to the Christmas Eve preparations.

For prices see page 2 of cover.

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`GreatestArfists-Finest Recording!"



10-inch double-sided Plum Label

B. 21681Indian Love Call (-Rose Marie "; .. R. Fri,nl (Until ... ... ... ... ... ... TV. Sanderscn

D R GROOT has two particularly charming pieces for this new record, and he plays them with inimitable grace. There is a something about the way he plays them which is

quite irresistible and the millions of admirers which his records and his broadcasting have acquired for him will give this splendid record a great welcome ; for it is certain that in these pieces he has surpassed himself.



10-iucb double-sided Plum babel

B. 2169 t Nola

... ... ... ... ... ... F. Arndt The Glow Worm Idyll ... ... ... P. Lincke

T HE two little pieces which the Salon Orchestra have played for- this record are of bright and tuneful music. They are played with splendid finish and include some extremely

clever effects.

FLORENCE AUSTRAL (Soprano)-Continued from page 6.

flow of pure vocal tone that put her in a place apart. The Sullivan song on the reverse of the record is an old favourite and shows that popular composer at his Lest. Austral's rendering is distinguished near the end by a sheer miracle of vocalisation, a long soaring phrase with a wonderful mezza voce high note as its apex. It is one of those things that make one catch one's breath in wonder and delight.

For prices see page 2 of cover.

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"His Master's Voice" Records


(With pianoforte accompaniment played by GERALD MOORE)

10-incli double-sided Pluni Label

B. 2154 { A 001 Magic ... ... ... Martin Shaw

House of Mine D. Stewart

SURELY it would be impossible to find the equal of Mr. Peter Dawson ! The possessor of a fine robust voice and amazing versatility, he has built for himself a huge reputation-a repu-

tation admirably upheld by this record. It would not be an exaggeration to state that Mr. Dawson's records have gained him millions of enthusiastic admirers, and none of them will be disappointed by this splendid record.

In House of Mine, a straightforward song that is never- theless most successful in avoiding the obvious, his direct manly interpretation is entirely satisfying. Wood Magic, an exciting and amazingly original piece of writing from the pen of that gifted songwriter Martin Shaw, requires another method, and the singer's treatment of it reveals a subtle insight and a dramatic power that will readily be appreciated by his many friends.


10-inch double-sided Plum Label

(Where is that girl who tllelcliffe, Herbert 6. Vincent B. 2156- was stolen from me?

Chick, Chick, Chicken ... McGhee, Holt & King CYRIL NEWTON had an egg with his tea! We're quite sure

lie (lid because there are signs at the end caf " Chick, Chick, Chicken " that his request was granted, and that the chicken

resumed its activities after a rest lasting since ",aster ! But that gives you no idea of how snappily the songs are sung nor how clever the accompaniments are ! Cyril Newton is well-known as the incidental singer with the Savoy Bands at the Savoy Hotel and this record is sure to prove very popular.

A CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTION. Complete Gilbert and Sullivan Operas in Albums.

Iolanthe- Pinafore- Princess Ida -Ruddigore- Patience

- The Mikado - Gondoliers - Pirates of Penzance- Yeomen of the Guard.

For prices see page 2 of cover.

Page 13: His Masiei,'s Voice Records - British · himself who speaks to us when Pachmann's fingers touch the [Continued

`GreafestArf isfs -Finest Recording!"


LIAM WALSH (Irish Pipes)

10-inch double-sided Plum Label

{ (a) The Mountain Lark-Reel ... ... Traditional

B. 2157 (b) Dan McCarthy's Fancy-Reel (a) The Cliffs of Moher ... ... ... Traditional (b) Saddle the pony

WHAT is it about the pipes that cause our pulses to quicken at the sound of them ? No doubt the intense irresistible rhythm that animates the music they play has something

to do with the mystery, but that is not all. Perhaps Liam Walsh could tell us more, but if he started talking he would have to stop playing and we might miss a reel. Better have things as they are, for Liam Walsh is the finest exponent of the " Irish pipes " living to-day. He plays with a fire and abandon which will stir the blood of many more than the Irish themselves.


12-inch double-sided Plum Label

C. 1225{Scheihallion Reel (Eightsome)- ... Traditional Parts 1 and 2


(conducted by J. MICHAEL DIACK)

IC-incl: double-sided Plum Label

B. 2166 ( Triumph ... ... ... ... ...

Traditional The Haymakers

... ... ... ... Traditional

T HE charm of the country dance will never die and its lively measures are equally agreeable to the " wall flower " as to the participant. These records are sure of a warm welcome

by the many who are not averse to dancing a reel l

For prices, see page 2 of cover.

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His Master's Voice' Records.... ......... - ........... -.- ............. - ....... . .. -.1 .................. ... . .............. -.- ----

JOHN HENRY (Humorous)

10-inch double-sided Plum Label

My Wireless Set-Part 1 John Henry and Guy Reeve B. 2155 JOHN HENRY AND "BLOSSOM"

My Wireless Set-Part 2 John Henry and Guy Reeve

AFTER John Henry's startling revelations about wireless we might have thought him an expert. The demonstration which " Blossom " demands does not however, seem quite

to conform to the theories Anyway, the record is extremely funny and John Henry's " valuable hints " on wireless are excruciating !


" The Red Headed Music Maker "

(with Ukulele accompaniment)

10-inch double-sided Plum babel

JSunshine (Ain't the sunshine grand) Wendell Hall B. 2176 (with Violin, Guitar and Ukulele accompaniment)

Little Lindy Lou ... ... ... Leland Johnson

WENDELL HALL is, you remember, the man who wrote " It ain't goin' to rain no nio' " and here you have an oppor- tunity to hear him confirm that statement and sing about

the " Sunshine I " His style and mannerisms are those of the southern states of North America and he sings with infectious jollity.


(with Pianoforte and Ukulele accompaniment)

10-inch double-sided Plum Label

B.2170 JI married the boot-legger's daughter ... F. Crumit (Sonya (Yup, Alay, Yup !)

... ... ... B. Schafer

T HERE'S a very catchy tune in Sonya. Do you remember that splendid record of Paul `Vhiteman's of " Sonya " ? the vocal version is equally attractive. Frank Crumit sings

with wonderful rhythm and verve.

For prices see page 2 of cover.

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« 90

GreafestAriisfs-]FinestReear ding!

10-inch double-sided Plum Label

B.2172 Normany-Fox-Trot ... ... ... Savoy { Charleston baby of mine-Fox-Trot Orpheans

B.2173 rAraby-Fox-Trot ... ... Savoy Echoes of Ireland-Fox-Trot ...


B.2171 I Moonlight and Roses-Fox-Trot Savoy Orpheans (Always-Waltz ... ... Savoy Havana Band

Stomp off, let's go-Fox-Trot ... Savoy Orpheans

B.2174- I've got a real Daddy now-Fox-TrotSavoy Havana Band

A cup of coffee, a sandwich, and you-Fox-Trot B.2162

IMolly-Fox-Trot (" Chariot's. Revue ") ... ... Jack Hylton's

.. Orchestra

(When the bloom is on the heather-Fox-Trot B.2163tPaddlin' Madelin' home-Fox-TrotJack

Hylton's Orchestra

B.2164 As the days go by-Fox-Trot Jack Hylton's { Every Sunday afternoon-Fox -Trot Orchestra

B.2167fRiverboat Shuffle-Fox-Trot ... ... Kit Cat

It's one of those things-Fox-Trot Band

B.2175 f Manhattan-Fox-Trot ... Paul Whiteman and

Rhythm Rag-Fox-Trot his Orchestra

B.2158 f Funny-Waltz ... Jack Shilkret's Orchestra

Sometime-Waltz... Jack Shilkret's Orchestra

Dreaming of to-morrow-Fox-Trot B.2165ý Coon Sanders' Original Night Hawk Orchestra

Summer Nights-Fox-TrotDon Bestor and his Orchestra

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"His Master's Voice" Records.......... -.- . ................ ........................................ - .................. .............................................. ............ -




7-inch double-sided orange babel

A.S. 37 The Cuckoo Clock, Parts 1 and 2

A.S. 38 (Miss Priscilla Prim At the Blue Moon Fair

A.S. 39 Bubble Land Bubble Town Frolics

A.S. 40 { The Pixie Fiddler Stars and Moonbeams


General Jack-Part 1 A.S. 41 UNCLE CHARLIE

General Jack-Part 2

A.S. 42 (Jack in the Box or Fun in a Toy Shop I The Brown Family

W HAT child wouldn't love these little records ? They are small admittedly, but they are not toys, and the little pieces they bear'upon them are recorded by a very clever

(and funny) entertainer who can be relied on to keep the children amused for hours on end I Miss Agnes Croxton sings her little songs in a most dainty and unsophisticated manner.

For prices see page 2 of cover.

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`Greaie&tArfiStS-f'inestRecordiinö i"--.- . .......... ý I ................... - - 11 ...............


This is a List of specially recommended Records.

12-inch double-sided Black Label.

D.931 J Lohengrin (Wagner) The Love Duet l AUSTRAL and TUDOR DAVIES

(with Orch. cond. Albert Coates)

D.853 to Petrouchka (Stravinsky) Ballet Music D.856 ROYAL ALBERT HALL ORCHESTRA

(Cond. E. Goossens) This work is undoubtedly one of the finest examples of

modern Ballet music and in it Stravinsky reaches a very high level of inspiration. The Ballet has recently had an enormous success at the London ColiFcum.

D.665 to Symphony No. 5 (in C Minor) (Beethoven) D.668 ROYAL ALBERT HALL ORCHESTRA

l (Cond. Sir Landon Ronald) The most famous and most popular of all symphonies.

A magnificent work.

D.1006 to f Quartet in D (Cesar Franck) D.1011 l THE VIRTUOSO STRING QUARTET

A quartet in the music of which is infused the deepest and most powerful emotion which ever came from a com- poser's pen. It is the sort of music which grows " on one to a most extraordinary extent.

12-inch double-sided Red Label. D.B.785 toj Sonata in A for Violin and Piano (Cesar Franck) D.B.788 l JACQUES THIBAUD and ALFRED CORTOT

Two of the foremost virtuosi in their respective instru- ments have here collaborated to render this exquisite work. For sheer lyric beauty this sonata is almost unequalled. The recording is very clear and faithful.


Fos prices see page 2 of cover.

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"His Masier's Voice" Records


D.A. 730 J Sentinella (The Sentinel) :..

:.: ... l Sto penzanno 'a Maria

D.A. 675 f Voi ehe sapete (" Le Nozze di Figaro " ) 1 Hark ! the Vesper Hymn is stealing ...

Bcniamiao Gigli ( Tenor)

Frieda Hempel (Soprano)

E. 401 J Oh, voice of magic melody (" The Magic Flute ") ... Tudor Davies Oh, loveliness beyond compare (" The Magic Flute ")... (Tenor) Cavatina-(" Deb, non varcar quell'onda ")

.. Evelyn Scotney D. 1035 " To sorrow now my days are fated (Queen of the Night's Aria) (" The Magic

Flute ") ... ... ... ... , ... ... Evelyn Scotney (Soprano)

E. 402 5(a) Wild Goose Shanty (b) Blow tho man down De Reszke Singers l (a) Johnny comes down to Hilo (b) Let the Bullgine run (Male Quartet)

E. 403 5Pistyll y Man (The Village Spring) ' ... ... ... Leila Megane

l Cymru Annwyl (Dear Wales) ... ... ... ... (Contralto)

E. 404 1Four by the Clock ...

Anne Thursfield l (a) The Early Morning (b) I will nuke you Brooches (Mezzo-Soprano)

B. 2142 JFunny little tune (" The Co-Optimists ") ..: . Melville Gideon

The longest day (" The Co-Optimists ") ... (accomp. by himself)B. 2151 f Sunny Havana Cyril Newton

Babette (with Piano and Saxophone accouip.) (wiih Syncopated Quartet) B. 2153 f Soldiers' Chorus (" Faust'')

... ... ..: Apollo Male Chorus l On the Campus March Goldman's Band

B. 2152 J We're gonna have weather ... ... ... ... Wendell Hall It struck my funny bone .. (Humorous)

D.A.731 f Apres un rave .. ... ... ... ... I. Chanson Villageoise

C. 1223 [Round the World Medley, Parts I and 2 Savoy Orphezns, At theSavoy Hotel, London

B. 2146 f Sally's come back-Fox-Trot ..: .: .. Jack Hylton and l Sunny Havana-Fox-Trot his Orchestra

B. 2147 JI'm tired of everything-Fox-Trot .. ... .. Jack Hylton and

Honest and Truly-Fox-Trot his Orchestra

For prices see page 2 of cover.

Page 19: His Masiei,'s Voice Records - British · himself who speaks to us when Pachmann's fingers touch the [Continued


"His Master's Voice" Instrument

F OR over 25 years " His Master's Voice " has been the accepted standard of gramophone excellence. Indeed the standard obtained had become so high that further

advance seemed impossible until certain problems bad been overcome.THESE

PROBLEMS HAVE NOW BEEN SOLVED, AND THE NEW " HIS MASTER'S VOICE " INSTRUMENT EMBODIES ENTIRELY NEW DISCOVERIES RELATING TO SOUND AMPLIFICATION. Hitherto the reproduction of treble notes (high frequency vibrations) has been almost too prominent, while the bass register (low frequency vibrations) has been correspondingly weak, the result being lack of balance. To adjust this balance and give a reproduction in which both bass and treble have their true relation, as in the actual perform- ances, is the problem that has been dealt with so successfully by our Research Department. Externally, and in manipulation, the New Gramophone is similar to the standard " His Master's Voice " Instrument. The secret of the amazing realism of its reproduction is the design of the special tone chamber, taper arm and a new type of soundbox. The New Gramophone not only gives equal prominence to all sec- tions of the scale from the low bass to the high treble, but it also reproduces details of orchestration that were formerly unheard. The tone is richer, rounder, and more true to the original than has ever before been heard from a Gramophone. Surface noise is practically eliminated. -In quality and workmanship the New Gramophone upholds the high tradition of all products bearing " His Master's Voice " Trade Mark. It is " all-British," the entire work in connection with it being carried out at The Gramophone Company's factories at Hayes, Middlesex. You should take the earliest opportunity of hearing the New Gramophone, when you will agree that this great invention has to-day achieved the ideal of what a gramophone should be.

Listen for the Bass f Twelve different models are available n Oak and Mahogany Ask your dealer for demonstration and jSrece list.

Page 20: His Masiei,'s Voice Records - British · himself who speaks to us when Pachmann's fingers touch the [Continued

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF RECORDS issued since January 1st, 1925.

All Records in this list are doicble-sided. For prices see page 2 of cover.

A tanto amor l- ee " LA FA- VORITA " Abendlied (Schumann-Joachim)Isolde

Menges Abide with me De Groot's Orch. Adios Trigueiia (Goodbye, my

darling) Fleta Adjutant, The H. Dearth AFRICANA (Meyerbeer) 0 Paradiso Gigli After Thoughts E. Hastings Ah I del Tebro al giogo indegno -see " NORMA "

Ah, je suis seule--see "THAIS" Ahavas Olom WoolfT AIDA (Verdi) Fula sorte dell'armi Poli-Randach),and

M. Offers Pieta ti prenda Poli-Randacio,and

M. Offers P_Labamy Bound A. Stanley All alone De Groot's Orch. All alone Salon Orch. Allegro (J. H. Fiocco) I. Menges Alleluia (A joyous Easter Hymn) (arr. G. 0' Conor-:Morris)-Hemnr! Amapola (in Spanish) Fleta Amore o grillo-see "MADAMA BUTTERFLY"Amour

viens alder-see "SAMSON & DAI,ILAII" And when I die (Army Marching Song) J. Goss ANSSEAU, Fernand and fielen

SADOVEN Cent toi ! rest moi ! ("Carmen") Mais moi, Carmen je t'ahne encore ("Carmen")APOLLO

CHOIR As Torrents in Summer A-Roving (Shanty) J. Goss As Torrents in SummerApollo

Choir At the end of the road C. Newton


1962 61931E




AUSTRAL, Florence (Soprano) From mighty kings he took the spoil (" Judas .11accabaus ") Hear ye, Israel (" Elijah ") Autumn Serenade, An

De Groot's Orch. Ave Maria-see "OTELLO" Aye Waukin' o J. Goss Back in Hackensack New Jersey

C. Newton BACKHAUS, Wilhelm (Piano) Bohemian Dance Caprice Espagnole Variations on a Theme,Bk. l (Brahms) Variations on a Theme,Bk.2(Brahms)



D1019 D1020

LABELS-AS (Orange B and C (Plum) DJ and DK (Buff) DM (Pale Green)

Bajadere-Selection, Pts. 1 & 2 Le Grcot and Orch.

BAKER, George (Bar lone) -see also " PARSIFAL " (a) Damask Roses; (b) My life's delightFill

a glass with golden wine In Summertime on Bredon Sigh no more, ladies Spanish Gold I cp of the Hill, The Ballade In G Minor, Op. 23 (Clwpin) A. Cortot

Banks of Suir, The L. Walsh Bantry Bay E. Thornton BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA, B (Rossini) Largo al factotum Granforte Una voce porn no Dal Monte


BATTISTINI, Mattia (Baritone) A tanto amor ! (" LaFavorila ") DB736 12 Non pitt andrai (" Figaro DB736 12 Before my window (Rachmaninoff) McCormack DA644 10 Believe me,if all thoseendearing

young charms ('Cello) Sharpe E383 10 Benson Orchestra of Chicago- see DANCE RECORDS Bessie fun Adess M. Goldstein B2094 10 Billy Boy (Shanty) J. Goss B1999 10 Bimba, non t'avvicinar (in Italian) Fleta DA714 10 Birdling, why sing in the forest

wild? F. Hempel DB814 12 Birthday, A W. Widdop E398 10 Blackbird, The Liam Walsh B1947 10 Bohemian Dance Backhaus D995 12 BORDONI, Irene (Comedienne) I won't sav I will B2011 10 So this is love B2011 10 BORIS GODOUNOV (bMonssorgsky)Duet

of Pimen ant Gregory, Act I., Pts. I and 2 Smirnoff & Kaidanoff DB765 12

Oh, Tsarevitch, I implore thee Smiruoff and Davidofl DB753 12

BOURNE, Una (Piano) Finnish Rhythms (Palmgren)

No. 1-Karelian Dance B1911. 10 No. 2-Minuet B1911 10 No. 4-Minuet-Waltz B1911 10 Humoresque, Op. 10, No. 2 (Tchaikovsky) B2042 10Lyrische Stückchen, Op. 12 (Grieg)

No. 2 Walzer ; No. 6 Norwegisch ; No. 5 Volksweise ; No.4 Elfentanz C1200

November ($n Troika) (Tchaskoosky)Old English Dances (arr. Moffat)

(Countess of Westmoreland'sDelight) (Two Bourrees) 1 B2107110

D and E (Black) DA and DB (Red) DO (Pale Blue) DQ (White)

Page 21: His Masiei,'s Voice Records - British · himself who speaks to us when Pachmann's fingers touch the [Continued

No. ICIiNo. I. BOURNE, Una-contd.C'est 1'histoire amoureuse-see Waltz, Op. 40, No. 9"MANON LESCAUT (Tchaikovsky)B204210C'est tot I c'est of ! - see Wedding Day, Op. 65 (Grieg)0120012" CARMEN " "Boutique Fantasque, La" Set.,CHALIAPINE, Th. I. (Bass)

Pts. 1 and 2Crazy-Headed John (In Russian)DB69112 R.A.H. Orch. (Cond. E. Goossens)D101812Last Voyage, The (In Russian)DB75712

BRITISH NATIONAL OPERAMoon is high in the sky, The CO., CHOIR FROM CHORUS("Aleko") (In Russian)DB69112 OF (Cond. Albert Coates)Nightingale (Ira Russivi)DB75712 God is a SpiritE39710Susanin's Aria-Recitative (" A Life O Gladsome LightE39710for the Tsar ")DB75812 Broadway Medley, Pts. 1 and 2They guess the truth (" A Life for (Chariot's Revue) I,illie & LawrenceC120612the Tzar")DB75812

Chansonnette KreislerDA73710 BROWN, Lawrence-see P.Church of England Service-see ROBESON and L. BROWNMORNING PRAYER BUCHANAN, Jack and JUNECider Peter DawsonB191410 Garden of LiesB200510Cielo e mar I -see " LA GIO This year, next yearB200510COLADA" BURR, Henry (Tenor) Heaven is my HomeB206210CLARK, Helen & Lewis JAMES Bushes and Briers (Essex FolkI want to be happyB197110

Song) De Reszke SingersE37610Tea for TwoB197110 By the Light of the StarsCODOLBAN, Nitza (Zimbalon)

Miller and FarrellB211610Dizzy FingersB210910 Bye and bye (Negro Spiritual)" I,a Cc Leschena "B210910

P. Robeson and L. BrownB212610Rumanian Gipsy AirB205010 Caliph of Bagdad" (Overture)Russian Gipsy AirB205010

Coldstream Guards BandC117612 Cancibn del Olvido A. CrabbeDA69410COLDSTREAM GUARDS BAND CanclOn Montanes A. CrabbeDA69410(Cond. Lt. R. G. Evans) Can't you dance the Polka ?"Caliph of Bagdad," OvertureC117612 (Shanty) T. GossB201810" Carnival "-Suite (Ring)C119512 Can't your friend find a friend for" Damnation of Faust "electionsC120112

me ? A. StanleyB208710King's Guards' MarchB196610 Caprice Espagnole BackhausD99512La Voix des ClochesC119912 Capriccio Valse Op. 7Lustspiel Overture (Kiler Bila)C119912 (Wieniavsky) E. 3loriniDB37212Marche irtilitaireC117612 Cargoes Peter DawsonB193010Martial Moments, Parts I and 2C121712 CARMEN (Bizet)Suite -William Byrd " C'est toil c'est moi !No. 1. The Earle of Oxford's Marche

Ansseau and SadovenDB78412No. 5. Wolsey's Wilde Mais moi, Carmen je t'aimeNo. 6. The BellsC121512

Ansseau and SadovenDB78412Third Battalion MarchB196610 Pr@s des remparts de SevilleCOLTHAM, Sydney (Tenor)

Jeanne GordonDA73310DevotionB191210 Voyons que j'essaie (Card Song)Faithful Heart, TheB204310

Jeanne GordonDA73310Little green balconyB203410 Carnevale de Venezia, Pts. I andLoughareemaB196810

2 (Benedict) Dal MonteDB82112My Lady SleepsB196810 CARNIVAL-Suite (Ring)My LuteB204310

Coldstream Guards BandC119512Rose MarieC119812 Carry me back to Old VirginnySong of Quietness, AB195810

Savoy Havana BandB205710Summer Afternoon, AB195810 Caro nome-see "RIGOLETTO"What a wonderful world it would beB191210 CATTERALL QUARTETWhen I'm home againB203410 Quartet in F major, Op. 18, No. 1D947Come d'aurato sogno-see "IL (Beethoven)toTROVATORE"(Recorded

in complete form on 4D95012Come, let us join the Roundelay 12-inch records)Gresham SingersE37110 Quartet in F major-ScherzoCome, Thou Almighty King (Tchaikovsky)D95012Trinity ChoirB204910 Quartet in G Major, Op. 18, No. 2Come when the world is sleeping (Beethoven)D997De Groot's Orch.B191010 (Recorded in complete form on 3toComing of a Dream, The P. LettE3&710 12-inch records)D99912Concerto No. 1 in G Minor, Op. Cautious Lover, The E. HastingsC12111225 (.1fendelssohn)D969 CAVALLERIA RUSTICANAMoiseivitch & R.A.H. (Mascagni)Recorded in complete form on 3D971,12 Vni In cants. n mamma Teri tzaDA5651012-in. recordsi

For prices see page 2 of cover.


Page 22: His Masiei,'s Voice Records - British · himself who speaks to us when Pachmann's fingers touch the [Continued

Concerto No. 4 in D (Mozart)0B815Cuddle up Brooke Johns8192910 Kreisler & Orch.toCertain Lecture, A

(Recorded in complete form on 4DB81812J. Henry and " Blossom "B212010 12-in. records)DAL MONTE, Toti (Soprano)-see Concerto in A minor, Op. 54also "IL BARBIERE DI SIVI- (Schumann)G1,IA " and "RIGOLETTO" (Recorded in complel,, form on 4DB722Carnevale de Venezia, Pts. 1 and 2 12-inch Records)to(Benedict)DB82112Cortot

and R.A.H. Orch.DB72512Deli 1 vieni, non tardar Concerto in D Minor Op. 22(" Le Nozze di Figaro")DB83112 (Wicnriavsky) E. MoriniDB37212Selva opaca (" Gaglietrno Tell ")DB83112 Concerto in E Major (Bach)DB789Damask Roses G. BakerB196710 (Recorded in complete form on 3to"DAMNATION OF FAUST, 12-inch records) ThibaudDB79112The " (Berlioz) COON-SANDERS ORIGINALSerenade of Mephistopheles RadfordE38810

NIGHT HAWK ORCHESTRA"Damnation of Faust"-Selections -see DAN(. ; RECORDSColdstream Guards BandC120112

CO-OPTIMISTSDance of the Hours I've fallen in love with a voice("La Giocon:!a ")

1. GideonB211910R.A.H. Orch. (Cond. Sir Landon Love them all a little L.t GideonB213210Ronald)D99612 Roundabouts and Swings HollowayB213310DANCE RECORDS-FOX- Texas Love M. GideonB213210TROTS Till the wheel comes off-S. HollowayB213310Adoruigyou Whiteman's 0.8193810

You forgot to remember M. GideonB211910Ah-Ha ! Whiteman's Orch.B205510 CORTOT, Aired (Piano)-seeAlabamy Bound Savoy OrpheansB197010 also SONATA (Cesar Franck)All aboard for Heaven-M. Davis' B.B203910 Ballade in G Minor, Op. 23 (Chopin)DB85312All alone with you-Savoy OrpheansB193410 Cradle Song, Op. 49, No. 4 (Brahms)DA69110All-of-a-twist B. MayerlB213010 Etude in A Flat 'Major (Chopin)DA69110Alone at last Hylton's Kit Cat BandB210010

Impromptu in F Sharp Major, Op. 36At the end of the road-Savoy or.B203610 ( Chopin)DB85312Back to Colorado Savoy HavanaB194410

Bagdad Savoy OrpheansB193210 CORTOT and R.A.H. ORCH.Because of you Benson Orch.B207410 Concerto in A minor, Op. 54DB722Big Tune Hylton's Orch.B201010 (Schumann)toBlue Evening Blues Savoy Or.B203510 (Recorded in complete Jorm on 4DB72512Bouquet Hylton's OrchestraB203010 12-inch Records)By the rake Savov Orphean<6193310 Countess of Westmoreland's De-Eye Bye Baby Savoy Orphean:B195510

light (Old English Dance)Bygone Days-Savoy Havana BandB199710 U. BourneB210710Can't your friend find a friend for me

H}itou's Kit Cat BandB210010 CRABBE, Armand (Baritone)Cecilia Hamp's Kentucky Seren.B212710 Cancidn MontafiesntanDA69410Charleston Savoy OrpheansB207610

n del Olvido ; (a) LaChick, Chicken Hylton's O. ChickB212110 (b) Junto al puente de la PenaDA69410,Collegiate Savoy OrpheansB209010

Cradle Song, Op. 49, No. 4Come a little closer-Hylton's Or.B200310 (Brahms) A. CortotDA69110Come on over Savoy OrpheanszB198710 CRAWFORD, Jesse (Pipe Organ)Copenhagen Savoy OrpheanuB195410 Dreamer of DreamsB199210Couldn't we keep on dancing Dreams that never come trueB200810Hvlton's Orch.B200310 My wild Irish RoseB207510Desert Isle McEnelly s Orch.B206110 Old PalB199210Did Tosti raise his bowler Hat ? Rose Marie (" Rose Marie ")B200810Savoy Havana BandB206510 Serenade (Schubert)B194910Does my Sweetie do ? Somewhere a voice is callingB194910ýPariog's PennsylvaniansB206010 When you and I were young, MaggieB207510Don't bring Lulu Garber's Orch.B204810 Crazy-Headed JollaDoo Wacka Doo-Whiteman's Oren.B193710 (Sung in Russian) ChaliapineDB69112Dream Maker of Japan Credo in un Dies Crude!-seeSavoy OrpheansB193410 " OTELLO "Dreary Weather Savoy OrpheansB193210 CROOKS, Richard (Tenor)DubIinola Hylton's Orch.B200910 Green Hills of Ireland, TheE39310Eat more Fruit Hylton's Or.B195910 In the wee little home I loveE39210Eliza Whiteman's Orch.B193710 Sacrament (Love Song)E39310Eskimo Shivers B.3IaycrlB213010 Cruiskeen Lawn, The D. OldhamE39510Everybody loves my baby CRUMIT, Frank (Humorous)Hylton's Orch.B199010 Get yourself a broomB202110Feelin' kind o' blue-Hylton's Orch.B207210 Knock at the doorB202110Florida Savoy OrpheansB205210 Ukulele Lady .n..,.. e r ____ sB21151201 f c10,nFollow

the Swallow-Hylton's Orch. m-,,,+ T,,,-,zP U'hifrman s flub.B1940R21121010

LABELS-AS (Orange) B and C (Plum) D and E (Black) DA and DB (Red) DJ and DK (Buff) DM (Pale Green) DO (Pale Blue) DQ (White)

Page 23: His Masiei,'s Voice Records - British · himself who speaks to us when Pachmann's fingers touch the [Continued


From now on-Hylton's Kit-Cat Bd. B2051 i 10 Garden of Lies Hylton's Orch. B2010 10 Give me just a little hit of love

Hylton's Orch. B2024 10 Got no time Whiteman's Orch. B2111 10 Gotta getta girl Whiteman's Or. B1985 10 Hard hearted Hannah Savoy Or. B1955 10 Hay ! Hay 1 Farmer Gray

Hylton's Orch. B2063 10 Heart Broken Rose Hylton's Or. B1956 10 Hello ! 'Tucky Savoy Orpheans B2090 10 Honey, I'm in love with you

Whiteman's Orch. B2099 10 Hong Kong Dream Girl Savoy Or. B2134 10 Hoodoo Alan Whiteman's Orch. B1938 10 Hylton Medley Hylton's Orch. B2143 10 I can't realise Savoy Orpheans B2124 10 I can't stop hahving you-Hylton's O. 81980 10 If you knew Susie Slrilkret's Orch. B2048 10 If you loved only me

Whitemau's Orch. B2111 10 I know that someone loves me

Hylton's Orch. B2024 10 I like you best of all-Savoy Havana B2032 10 I miss my Swiss Whiteman's Orch. B2117 10 I love dancing with you-Miami Syn. B1950 10 I loved, I lost Savoy Havana B1944 10 I want to he happy-Garber's Orch B1978 10 I want to see my TennesseeSavoy

Orpheans B2125 10 I'll see you in my dreamsWhiteman's

Orch. B1982 10 IT take her hack Hylton's Or. B1974 10 I'm a little bit fonder of you

Savoy Orpheaus B2144 10 I'm gonna CharlestonCoon-Sanders

Orch. B2122 10 I'm thinking of you-Savoy or. B2144 10 In between the showers-Hylton's O. 111939 IS In Carolina Jack Hilton's Or. B1943 10 In love with Love-Whiteman'sOr. B2007 10 In the garden of to-morrowHylton's

Orch. B21 10 10 In the town where I was born

Hylton's Orch. B1980 10 Indian Dawn Savoy Orpheans B1963 10 Indian Love Call Whiteman's Or. B1991 10 Isn't she the sweetest thing ?

Hylton's Orch. B2064 10 I've got a feeling for-J. Hylton's Or. B1943 10 Jazz Master B. Mayerl B2t31 10 Jazz Mistress B. Mayen B2131 10 Just a little drink-Wbiteman's or. B2055 10 Kashmiri Savoy Orpheaus B2019 10 Keep smiling at trouble

Waring's Pennsylvanians B1984 1C Kongo Kate Hylton's Or. B1969 10 Lady of the Nile Howard Lanin's Or. B20381 10 Leander Hylton's Orch. 132009 10 Let it rain International Novelty Or. B2037 10 Let it rain, let it pour

Meyer Davis' Band 82039 10 Let me be the first Savoy Or. 81941 10 Let me linger longer Whiteman's Or. B2104 10 Little old clock Savoy Orpheanm 131942 10 Lonely little Melody-Whitemau's O. B1953'10 Look at those eyes

`Paring's Pennsylvanians B2060 10


Love's Lottery Savoy Havana Band Lucky Kentucky Whiteman's Or. Madeira Savoy Orpheans Mamie Garber's Orch. Mamma's gone Boston Orch. Mandy make up your mind

Whiteman's Orch. Maybe you willHylton's Kit-Cat Band Me and the boy friend-Savoy Orp. Me Neenyah Savoy Orpheans Mercenary Mary Hylton's Orch. Milenburg joys Hylton's K. C. Band Montmartre Rose Garber's Or. My best girl Savoy Orpheans My Fair Lady Savoy Havana Band My Kid Savoy Orpheans My sugar Hylton's Kit-Cat Band Naila Savoy Havana Band No, No, Nanette-Savoy Orpheans Nobody knows what a Red Head

Mamma can do-Savoy Orpheans Nobody loves me but me-R omaia c O. Nola Boston Orch. No one knows what it's all about

Shlkret's Orch. No one to love Hylton's Orch. No wonder (that I love you)

Hyltcn's Orch. Oh, Darling, do say Yes!

Savoy Havana Band Oh, Flo ! Hylton's Orch. Oh! how I love my darling-Savoy H. Oh! how I miss you to-nightBenson

Orch. Oh, Katherina ! Inter. Novelty Or. Oh, Mabel ! Waring's Pennsylvans. Oh that Sweet in Suite 16-Savoy Or. Ogo Pogo Savoy Orpheau- Only, only one for me-Savoy Orph. Oriental Moon Savoy Orpheaus Out of a million Savov Orch. Panama Savoy Orpheans Pango Pango Maid Hylton's Orch. Peter Pan Savoy Orpheans Please Savoy Orphean- Poor little Rich Girl Savoy Or. Pozzo Whiteman s Orch. Promenade Walk Hamp's Seren. Red-hot Mamma H vllou's Oe ch. Remember Goldkette's Orch. Rose-Marie Savoy Orpbeans Rose Marie Whiteman's Orch. Rose of the Moonlight-Hylton's Or. Row, Row, Rosie Savoy Orphcans Sally Lou Savoy Orphean San Francisco-Savoy Havana Band Save your sorrow Olsen's Orch. Seminola Savoy Orpheans Shanghai Savoy Orpheans She loves me Hviton's Orch. She's driving me wild-Hytton's Or. Show me the way to go home

Savoy Havana Band Siberia Ted Weems & Orch. Slowin' down Blues-Naylor's Or. Some bod v like you dear-Miami Syn. Some other day Hylton's Orch.






1933 B 1981 B1996B1935B2134B2063B1963B2036B2035B2054B2127B1969B2037B2077B1991B1959B2124B

1942 B2014B2108B2052B1981B1940B2088





B1997110B2122 10

B2079 10 B1950110B2123


For prices see page 2 of cover.


Page 24: His Masiei,'s Voice Records - British · himself who speaks to us when Pachmann's fingers touch the [Continued


Southern Rose Whiteman's Orch. Sonya 'Whiteman's Orchestra Stamboul Hvlton's Orch. Steppin' in Society-Whiteman's Or. Sun-Kist Cottaec-Savov Orpueaus Swanee Butterfly Savoy Orpheans Sweet Georgia Brown-Naylor's Or. Sweet little you Hylton's Orch. Take a little One-Step

International Novelty Orch. Tea for two Benson Orch. Tell all the world-Hylton's Orch. Tell me dreamy eyes-Whiteman's O. Tell me more Savoy Orpheans Tell me, pretty Maiden Savoy Or. Temple Bells Hyl ton's Orch. That'swhat I'll do-Savov Orpheans Tie a string around your finger

Hylton's Orchestra Too tired Savoy Orpncans Totem Tom Tom Savoy Ornüraus Toy Drum Major Savoy Orpheans Two Eyes Savoy Orpheans Ukulele Lady Whiteman's Or. Unfortunate Blues Boston Orch. Waitin' for the Moon---Savoy Orph. Wait'll its moonlight--Savoy or. Way down in my heart

Dornherger's Orchestra We're back together again

fly;ton's Orch. What a funny little tune 1

Savoy Havana Band What a life Hylton's Orch. When I think of you-Savoy Or. When my sugar walks down the street Savoy Havana Band When she's in Red Hylton's Or. When you and I were seventeen

Savoy Orpheans Where has my hubby gone Blues?

Savoy Orpleans Where is that girl-Savoy Havana Where's my sweetie Siding-Savoy u. Who ? Hylton's Orch. Who takes care of the Caretaker's Daughter ? Kaufman's Serenaders Who told you ? Hylton's Orch. Whoa ! Nellie ! Whiteman's Orch. Why couldn't it be poor little me

Savoy Orpheans Why do I love you Savoy Orpheans \\'id you remember ore?- Hylton's O. Yearning Hyhon's Orch. Yes, sir, that's my babyHylton's

Orch. You can dance with any girl at all

Savoy Orpheausl You're just a flower from an old bouquet Donilierger's Orch. You're so near Hylton 's Orch. ,


Medley of Medley- -Savoy Orpheans Sea Songs Medley-Savoy Orpheans Southern Melodies-Savoy Orpheans Stars anri Strin-u Medlev -Savov O.

No. I N No. l y DANCE RECORDS-Tango El Panuelito Varaldi Band B2136 10 Hasta In vuclta Varaldi Band B2136 10

B2089 10 Julian Varaldi Band B2135.10 B2112 10 Madre Varaldi Band B2137 10 B2121 10 Pajaros de fueza Varaldi Band B2137 10 B2104 10 Sentixniento gaucho Varaldi Band' B2135 10 81941 10 WAL'ZES- B2102 10 Babette Hylton's Orch. B2088 10 B2078 10 Buenos Aires B1974 10 International Novelty Orch. B2047 10

Dollar Princess Savoy Havana B1965 10 B2001 10 Golden Wcst Hylton's Orch. B1939 10 B1978 10 Haunting lflelod7- avoy Orpheans B1954 10 B2067 10 1 love the moon Savoy Havana B1936 10 B1953 10 In Shadow;and Savoy Havana B1935 10 B2053 10 Kiss I can't forget-Inter. Nov. Or. B2108 to B2028 10 Land of dreams come true B2030 10 Hylton's Orch. B2123 10 B1972 10 Listening Savoy Orpheans B2012 10

Love's Dream Savoy Orpheans B2012 10 B2143 10 Melody that made you mine B1996 10 Savoy Orpheans B2085 10 B2002 10 Midnight Savoy Havana Band B2066 10 B2031 10 Moana Chimes-H4o Hawaiian Or. B1928 10 B2028 10 Pal of my cradle days B2089 10 Whiteman's Orch. B2099 10 B 1977 10 Poem Savoy Havana B1970 10 B2076 10 Rosenkavalier B2125 10 Neues Tonkünstler Orchester C1202 12

Rosenkavalier-Savoy Havana Band B2066 10 B2046 10 Serenade Savov Havana B1936 10

Sometime Savoy Havana B1965 10 B2067 10 Somewhere a voice is calling

Savoy Havana Ban! 111986 10 B2069 10 Eumurhn Savoy Havana Band B1986 10 B2023 10 Valse Vanite Ruby Wiedoeft B2117 10 B2031 10 \t Len the one you love Loves you

Whiteman's_ Orch. B1982 10 B2013 10 When you and I were seventeen B1956 10 Savoy Havana B2145 10

You forgot toremember-Hylton'sOr. B2118 10 B2002 10 Das Lied im Grünen

(Schubert) Gerhardt DA706 10 B1979 10 DAVIES, Ben (Tenor) B2145 10 Go to bed, Sweet Muse E364 10 B1973 10 When Laura smiles E364 10 B2056 10 DAVIES, Tudor (Tenor)-see also

under " LOHENGRIN," "TOSCA" B2061 10 Hour, The (P. Kahn) E389 10 132072 10 Lord, vouchsafe Thy loving kindness B2054 10 (" Slabal Mater ") D972 12

On her contentment t" Don Gio- B2103 10 vanni ") D957 12 B2053 10 Sound an alarm B1990 10 (" Judas Maccabaus ") D972 12 B2056 10 To her I love (" Don Giovanni") D957 12

DAWSON, Peter (Bass-Baritone) B2110 10 -see also tinder RADFORD and

DAWSON B1979 10 Cargoes B1930 10

Cider B1914 10 B2046 10 Here's to the rood old days B1946 10 B2059 10 Kerry Dance, The C1212 12

Mounties, The B2004 10 Some crimson rose B1946 10 Spirit Flower, A B1988 10

C1188 12 Summer Love Tale, A B1988 10 B2103 10 Tramp, The B1914 10 C1188 12 Traveller, The C1212112 R1972 10 Wander Thirst (Landon RonaLll B1930110

LABELS-AS (Orange) B and C (Plum) D and E (Black) DA and DB (Red) DJ and DK (Buff) DM (Pale Green) DO. (Pale Blue) DQ (White)

Page 25: His Masiei,'s Voice Records - British · himself who speaks to us when Pachmann's fingers touch the [Continued


Abide with me All alone Autumn Serenade, An "Bajadere"-Selection, Pts. 1 & 2 Come when the world is sleeping Farewell my love, farewell

Frasquita " Selection, Pts. 1 and 2 (Lehar) I know of two bright eyes I love the Moon, Waltz In Shadowland "La Gran Via," Sel., Pts. I and 2 Lost Chord, The MadrigalePassionePetite

Suite de Concert-Nos. I and 2 Precious wee one-Luilabv StorylandThing

of Dreams. A

DE RESZKE SINGERS Bushes and Briers

Studies in Imitation (Hughes) Little Jack Homer Little Tommy Tucker There was a crooked man Winter is gone, The " Dear Little Billie," Selection

Savoy Orpheans Dear Old Southland Savoy Hav. B Dearest Name-see "RIGO-

LETTO " DEARTH, Harry (Bass) Adjutant, The Little Miss Over-the-Wav Meggie's Wedding Skipper of the " Marv Jane " Death and the Maiden (Schubert) L. Meganc Deh I vieni, non tardar-see "LL NOZZE DI FIGARO " Delaney's Drummers L. Walsh DELYSIA, ALICE (Soprano) See " ON WITH THE DANCE " Devotion (Haydn 11 ood) S. Conuam Devotion McCormack Die Greene Yente M. Goldstein Die Lotosblume (Sclnunann)E.

Marshal: Die Mainacht ( Bra-, tots) McCormack Die Roumanlscher ChasenaM.

Goldstein Die di giustizia-see "FEDORA' Dizzy Fingers N. Codolban Do you remember the Love Nest

C. Newton Dollar Princess-Sel. Mayfair Or. DON GIOVANNI (:Voaarl) On her contentment Tudor Davies To her I love Tudor Davie.:

DON SEBASTIANO (Dor,i:dui) O Lisbona Granforte DORNBERGER, Charles and his ORCIIESTRA-seeDANCE R$CS. Dovunque at mondo-see "TMADAMA BUTTERFLY" Dream in the Twilight





Dreamer of Dreams J. Crawford Dreams (Wagner) E. Marshall Dreams that never come true

J. Crawford Du bist wie eine Blume (Schumann) L. Marshall




Liedele M. Goldstein I B2094 Easter Flowers (Sanderson)Walter

Glvnre ßl927 El Perjuro (de Tejada) Ratio IDA347



B1912 DA692B2095E380DA628B2098B2109B2000C1189D957D957


Co to bed, sweet Muse-Ben Davies When Laura smiles Ben Davies Enchanted Forest Salon Orch. Entr'acte Kreisler Etude in A Flat Major, Op. 25,

No. 1 (Chopin) A. Cortot Evening Cresham Singers Everybody loves my baby

Aileen Stanley Everything is Hotsy Totsy now

B. Johns Exits. Parts I and 2 Lasses Fair House of Joy D. Oldham Faithful Heart, The Coltham Farewell my love, farewell

Dc Groot's Orch.Farfalletta, La T. Scliipa Farrell, Charlie-see MILLER &


FAVORITA, La (Donizetti) A tanto smot! Battistini Non sai tu die d'un giusto Pinza

FEDORA (Giordano) Dio di giustizia M. Jeritza Sou gente risoluta M. jeritza

Feldeinsamkeit(Brahms) McCormack

FELDMAN, Joe (Tenor)-see also HOFFMAN & FELDMAN

Shmendrik's Kalle (Shmendrik's Bride) Fites (Debussy) Pts. I and 2 R.A.H. Orch. (Cond. Sir Laudon Ronald) Fill a glass with golden wine

G. Baker FINNISH RHYTHMS (Palingren) No. 1-Karelian Dance No. 2-Minuet No.4-Miuuet-Waltz-Una Bourne Fire Bird, The (Stravinsky) Symphony O+_h. (Albert Coates) (Recorded in compete form ao lao

(IL S(ans) I. Megan' E396'10 1 12-is. rc<ords)

For prices see page 2 of cover.


61983 DA737



Page 26: His Masiei,'s Voice Records - British · himself who speaks to us when Pachmann's fingers touch the [Continued

No. 0I 7_ 11N

FLETA, Miguel (Tenor)GILBERT & SULLIVAN Adios Triguena (Sung in Spanish)DA57310OPERAS Amapola (in Spanish)DA71410Princess Ida (Recorded under the Bimba, non t'avvicinarDA1I 1410direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte)D977 Mi Tierra (Sung in Spanish)DA57a10(Complete in album of 10 12-inchto

recoras)D98612 Fleurissait une rose (Pts. 1 & 2)GILLY, Dinh (Baritone)-see also

Le Jongleur de Notre Dams ")under IIISI,OP and GILLY, and GillyDB69312" PAGLIACCI "

FLONZALEY QUARTETFleurissait une rose (Pts. I & 2) ( Instrumental)(" Le Jongleur de Notre Dame ")DB69312 Quartet in G Major, Op. 77, No. 1Scorridume,"Il Tabarro")DA5i910 (Haydn) Ist and 3rd MovementsDB83712Vecchia zimarra k" La Bohlms")DA55910

Foire de SorotchidtsniGIOCONDA, La (Ponchiellt) (Moussorgsky)Cielo e mar! GigliDA22010 Pourquoi mon triste ceeur Smiruo0DB753120 Monumento ! Regia e Bolgia

Dogale ! GranforteDB83512 Folk Songs from SomersetGipsy Laughing Chorus (March) R.A.F. BandB194510Rhondda Welsh Glee SingersB205810

Gfrometta, La T. SchipaDA72910 Four by the Clock (Mallinson)Give me just a little

Carmen HillE37010A. StanleyB208710 Four jolly sailormen (E. German)GLYNNE, Walter (Tenor)

RadfordE37910Easter Flowers (Sanderson)8192710 Fowls Alfred LesterC117712Love Lily, TheB198910 Fragment, A " From the NewOh, let no star compareB191310

World " (Sym. No. tin E minor)RosebudB191310 (Dvorak) Savoy Symphonic Orch.C118612Slighted Swain, TheB 92710 Francesca da Rimini (Tchaikovsky)So gently speaks my lady fairB 198910 Fts. I and 2D95112Go to bed, sweet Muse Pts. 3 and 4 Symphony Orch.Ben DaviesE36410

(Cond. by Albert Coates)D952l kGod is a Spirit Choir from B.N.O.C.E39710 "Frasquita" Selection, Pt. 1 andGolden Days Carmen HillE39010

2 (Franz Lchar)-De Groot's OrC118512 From mighty KingsGOLDSTEIN, Morris (" Judas ilfaccaba<us ") F. Austral

'D103212Bessie fun Odessa

Die Greene Yente (Green-HornB209410 Fu la some dellarmi--seeWife)B209510 " AIDA "Die Roumanischer Chasena GALLI-CURCI (Soprano)(Roumanian Wedding)B209810 Come d'aurato sogno ("IIDus Schneiderel Singt Sich a Liedele Trovatore ")DB81312(Song of the Tailor)B209410 Pretty Mocking Bird (Bishop)DB79nI.Ich ob moire far mein weib (I'm Si Carina (Slumber Son,) (Meyerbeer)DR79812afraid of my wife)B209810 Timor di me? (" 11 Trovalore ")DB81312GORDON,

Jeanne (Contralto) GARBER, Jan and his ORCH.PrIs des remparts de Seville

-see DANCE RECORDS(" Carmen ")DA73310 Garden of Daisies, The L. WalshB207310Voyons que j'essaie (Card Song) Garden of Lies(" Carmen ")DA73310

J. Buchanan and JuneB200510GOSS, John (Baritone) GERHARDT, Elena (:Mezzo-Sop.)Songs from the Week-end Book. Das Lied im Grünen (Schubert)DA70610And when I die Wohin, Op. 25, No. 2 (.Schubert)DA70610(Army Marching Song)B201810 Get yourself a broom and sweepA-Roving (Shanty)B201810

your troubles away CrumitB202110Ave Waukin' oh (Scottish Song)B201610 Billy Boy (Shanty)B1999i0

GIDEON, Melville (Humorous)Can't you dance the Polka (Shanty)B201810 I've fallen in love with a voiceHey Ho to the Greenwood (Byrd)B201610 (" Co-Optimists ")B211910Last Long Mile, The hove them all a little bit(Army Marching Song)B201810 (" Co-Optimists ")B213210Lillihurlero (Old English Song)B201610 Texas Love (" Co- Optirr,ists ")B2132100 good ale, thou art my darling You forgot to remember(Old English Song)B201710 (" Co-Optimists ")B2119100 sweet fa's the eve GIGLI, Beniamino (Tenor)(Norwegian Folk Song)B201710 Cielo a mar ! (" La Gioconda ")DA22010Rio Grande (Shanty)B199910 11I'appari tutt'amor (" Martha ")DB10912Shenandoah (Shanty)B199910 O Paradiso (" L' Africana ")DB 109; 12Sinner, please doan' let dis hartes' Vesti in oiubha I" Paeliacci",DA220! 10-- (?Werra Sniritual)B201710

LABELS-AS (Orange) B and C (Plum) D and E (Black) DA and DB (Red) DJ and DK (Buff) DM (Pale Green) DO (Pale Blue) DQ (White)

Page 27: His Masiei,'s Voice Records - British · himself who speaks to us when Pachmann's fingers touch the [Continued

No. j.No.

GRANFORTE, Apollo (Baritone)Hen wlad Fy Nhadau (Land of my Credo in un Dio Crudel ("Otello ")DB83512Fathers) Largo al factotumRhondda Welsh Glee Singe sB204510 (" If Barbiere di Siviglia ")DB83412Hence, away, begone ! W. WiddopE39810 O Lisbona (" Don Sebastiano ")DB83412HENRY, John (Humorous) O Monumento ! Regia e BolgiaJoe Murgatroyd saysB212010 Dogale I (" La Gioconda "!DB83512HENRY, John and " Blossom " Green Hills of Ireland, TheCurtain Lecture, AB212010

R. CrooksE39310Here's to the good old-Dawson6194610 GRESHAM SINGERS (Male Quartet)HERSHMAN, Mordechay (Tenor) Come, let us join the RoundelayE37110Havdolo (Sabbath Prayer)C121612 EveningE37110R'zei Adonoi Elohanji (Grant us, HeartacheD100412God, our prayers)C12t612 Lassie o' mineE39910Hey ho to the Greenwood London TownD100412(Byrd) J. GossB201610 O Peaceful NightE38210HILL, Carmen (Ilezso-Sop ) Piccaninny LullabyE 39910(a) Four by the Clock (Mallinson) What Ho ! What Ho !E38210(b) To an isle in the waterE37010 "GUGLIELMO TELL"-seeGolden DaysE39010 "GUILLAUME TELL "0 that it were so (F. Bridge)E37010 GUILLAUME TELL (Rossini)She dwelt among the untrodden waysE37510 Selva opaca. Act 2 Dal MonteDBS3112WaitE37510 Habanera (Spanish Dance) HeifetzDB83812When I think of the happy daysE39010 HAMBOURG, Mark (Piano)HILLIARD, Kathlyn (Soprano) Sonatine, Pts. I and 2 (Ravel)D100112Indian Love CallC119812 HAMLET (A. Thomas)Totem Tom TomB200410 Pray you listen (Ophelia's Ballad)HILO HAWAIIAN ORCH -see

E. ScotnecD96812DANCE RECORDS HAPPINESS BOYS (Jones andHindoo Song E. MarshallD102212

Hare)HISLOP, Joseph & DINH G1LL1 How's your folks and my folksB212810Amore o grillo ("Madams Butterfly")DB74312 I miss my SwissB212810Dovunque al mondo ("Madams Happy married man, A HastingsC119012Butterfly ")DB74312 Hark, Hark my Soul Trinity ChoirB204110HOFFMAN, Anna and

J. FELDMAN HASTINGS, Ernest (Humorous)Tateniu Mameniu (Mother and After ThoughtsC121112Father)B209610 (a) Cautious Lover, The (h) My old Dress SuitC121112HOLLOWAY, Stanley (Baritone) Happy married nian, AC1190[2Roundabouts and Swings Lord luv 'imC119012(" Co-Optimists ")B213310 My FamilyC120912Till the Wheel comes off WirelessC120912(" Co-Optimists ")B213310 Havdolo HershmanC121612Hornpipe (Handel- Harty) Hay, Hay, Farmer GrayIsolde MengesD102312

Miller & FarrellB211610Hour, The (P. Kahn) T. DaviesE38910 HAYWARD, Marjorie (Violin) Romance (Love Song) (Frtml)4192610How fair this spot, Op. 21, No. 7 Tambourin in DB202610(Rachmaniroff) McCormackDA68010 Valse (d'AmbrosiolB192oIt)How's your folks and my folks Viennese MelodyB202610Happiness BoysB212810 Hear ye, IsraelHumoresque, Op. 10, No. 2 (" Elijah ") F. AustralD103212(Tchaikovsky)B204210 Heartache Gresham SingersD100412Hungarian Dance (Brahms) Heaven is my Home H. BurrB206210Magyari and Tzigane Orch.B208110 Hebrew Dance J. HeitetzDB83812Hungarian Folk Music HEIFETZ, Jascha (Violin)Magyari and Tziganc Orch.B208210 Habanera (Spanish Dance)DB83812Hungarian Song (Bela) Hebrew DanceDB83812ilfagyari and Tzigane Orclr.B208210 Stimmung, Op. 32, No. IDA65910HYLTON. Jack and his OR - Waltz in D Major (Godowsky)DA65910see also under DANCE RECORDS Heming Percy-see" Mercenary Marv" SelectionC122112 " PARSIFAL "Hylton's Kit-Cat Band, Jack-see HEMPEL, Frieda (Soprano)DANCE RECORDS Alleluia (A joyous Easter Hymn)DA676101 ain't got nobody to love-StanleyB200610 Birdling, why sing in the forest wild ?DBS14121 know of two bright eyes Night Wind, TheDA63410De Groot's Orch.B202510 Oh, had I Jubal's Lyre (" Joshua")DA676l0I look into your garden McCormackDA69310 Should he upbraidDB814121 love the Moon, Waltz m..t.:.. tc4A�h,snnA6:t410De Grout's Orch.B202510

For prices see page 2 of cover. 25

Page 28: His Masiei,'s Voice Records - British · himself who speaks to us when Pachmann's fingers touch the [Continued

No.No. I m

I miss my Swiss Happiness BoysB212810KAIDANOFF-see SIIIIRNOFF I saw from the beach McCormackDA63610and KAIDANOFF I want a girl like Peggy O'NeilKatja the Dancer-Selections

C. NewtonB207110Mavfnir OrchestraC119312 I want to be happy-sce " NO,KAUFMAN'S ORIGINAL PENN. NO, NANETTC"SYLVANIA SERENADERS, I won't say I will I. Bordoni,B201110Whitey-see DANCE RECORDS Ich hub for dir a Chusin J. JacobsB209710Keep smiling at trouble NewtonB204410 Ich ob moire far mein weibKerry Dance DawsonC121212

M. GoldsteinB209810Kesergo (Radics) If you hadn't gone away A. StanleyB210610Magyari and Tzigane Orch.B208110 I'll see you in my dreams C. NewtonB207110King's Guards' Marco "Impresario" Overture (biozart)Coldstream Guards' Ban,'B196610 Symphony Orch. (Albert Coates)D94512Knock at the door F. CrumitB202110 Impromptu in B Flat Major,Komm bald, Op. 97, No. 5

Op. 142, Pts. 1 and 2(Brahn;s) McCormackDA63510 (Schubert) PaderewskiDB83312 Impromptu in F Sharp Minor,KREISLER, Fritz (Violin)

Op. 36 (Chopin) A. CortotDB85312ChansonnetteDA73710 Impromptu in F Sharp Major,Concerto No. 4 in D (Mozart)DB815

Op. 36, No. 2( Chopin)-Paehmann ,DB85912(Recorded to complete form on 4to In Shadowland De Groot's Orch.B196210records'DBR1S12 In Sheltered Vale R. RadfordE38810Entr'acteDA73710 In Summertime onBredon-BaketB195710KURZ, Selma (Soprano) In the Pirate days of old LaweeC120412Marien Wiegenlied (Reger)DA63210 In the wee little home I loveStändchen (Strauss)DA63210

R. CrooksE39210 In Waldeseinsamkeit (Brahms)KWARTIN, Obercantor Sawel

McCormackDA62810(Tenor) Indian Love Call Salon Orch.B199310Joschew BesiserB209310 Indian Love Call K. HilliardC119812Uwnucho JomarB209310 Insuring hislife-A.I,ester&F.RomeC117712W'schomruB209110Zadik

KatomorB209110 INTERNATIONAL NOVELTY" La Ce Leschena " (Caucasian

ORCH.--see DANCE RECORDSSong) N. CodolbauB210910 Oh Katharina !B204710-'La Gran Via" Selection, Pts. 1. Intrada (G. A. Desplanes) ThibaudDB79112and 2 De Groot's Orch.C120812 Invocation to the Sun God (inLa Paloma Salon OrchB2033IO Native Dialect) Os-ke-non-tonB208310 Ist ein Traum, kann nicht wirk-LAMOND, Frederic (Piano)

lich sein, Act 3 ("Der Rosenhava-Sonata in E Flat, op. 31-Scherzo her ") Eva von der Osten & M. NastD100212(Beethoven)D96212 It ain't gonna rain no mo'-Waldstein Sonata in C, Op. 53

Fantasie Savoy OrpheansB199410(Beethoven)D960 It takes a good man to do that(Recorded in complete form onJ

Brooke JohnsB192910records)D96212 It was only a dream A. StanleyB202210Largo at factotum-see " IT_, I've fallen in love with a voice-BARBIERE DI SIVIGI,IA"

-see " CO-OPTIMISTS "Lass with the delicate air Jackson's Morning Brush WalshB2027IIE. Suddal.yE381I0

Lassie o' mine Gresham SingersE39910 JACOBS, Jacob (Humorous)Last Long Mile, The J. GossB201810 Ich hub for dir a Chusin (I have aLast Voyage, The sweetheart for you)B209710(Sung in Russian) ChaliapineDB75712 Mein Veib is busyB209510LAWES, Ben (Humorous) Nit bei Motien (The Clever Motia)B209610Exits, Parts I and 2C118712 Japanese Sunset Salon Orcu.B198310In the Pirate days of oldC120412 JERITZA, Maria (Soprano) -seeOur Musical Drama-Pts. 1 and :C118412 " FEDORA "When the Romans conquered BritainC120412 Vissi d'arte, vissid'amore Tosca ")DA56510Lawn Tennis S. LenglenU206810 Voi lo sapete, o mammaLENGLEN, Suzanne (" Cavalleria Ruslicana ")DA565i0Lawn Tennis, Pts. 1 and 2B206810 Joe Murgatroyd says J. HenryB212010LESTER, Alfred tHumorous)

FowlsC117712 JOHNS, Brooke (Ilumcrous)LolitaC120312 Cuddle up6192910Stop me if you've heard itC120312 Everything is Hotsy Totsy nowB211410LESTER, Alfred and Fred ROME lt takes a good mau to do LuntB192910Insuring his lifeC117712 Love 'em and leave 'em, JoeB211410LETT, Phyllis (Contralto) Joschew Besiser KwartinB209310Coming of a Dream, TheE38710 -funtn a1 n,untn dein Pena-C'enhh4'tl Af,O4IaPr,,,rr fn nor Tndv A94 557in

LABELS-AS (Orange) B and C (Plum) D and E (Black) DA and DB (Red) DJ and DK (Buff) DM (Pale Green) DO (Pale Blue) DQ (White)

Page 29: His Masiei,'s Voice Records - British · himself who speaks to us when Pachmann's fingers touch the [Continued


LEWIS, Mary (Soprano)Malaguena (Spanish Dance) Ah, je Buis settle ("Thais")13B81012New bight Symphony Orch.C121012 Tesouvien'-il ("Thais") (Massenet)DB81012MANON LESCAUF (Auber)

C'est 1'histoire amoureuse-ScotneyD96812 LIFE FOR THE TZAR, A (Glinka)M'appari tutt'amor-see Recitative and Finale of Susanin's" MARTHA " Aria ChaliapineDB75812March of the Men of Harlech They guess the truth ChaliapineDB75312Rhondda Welsh Glee SingersB204510 Light of Life, The (Meditation),Marche Militaire

Op. 29 (Eigar) R.A.H. Orch.Coldstream Guards Banc'C117612 (Cond. Sir E. Eigar, O.M.)D101712Marten Wiegenlied (Max Reger)

Selma KurzDA63210 LIGHT OPERA COMPANYMARSHALL, Eric (Baritone) "No, No, Nanette," Gems fromC120512Die Lotosblume (SchumannlE38010 "Rose-Marie," Gems fromC120512Dreams (Wagner)E38610

Du bist wie eine Blume (Schumann;E38010 LILLIE, Beatrice & GertrudeHindoo SongD102212 LAWRENCENur wer die Sehnsucht kenntE38610 Broadway Medley, Pts. I and 2Wanderer, TheD102212 (Chariot's Revue)C120612MARTHA (Elolow) Lilliburlero J. GossB201610M'appari tutt'amor GigliD1310912 Little green balcony, The-ColthamB203410Martial Moments Little Miss Over-the-WayColdstream Guards BandC121712

H. DearthE37710Massa's in de cold, cold ground Ljungberg, Gota (Soprano)-seeSavoy Havana BandB205710

PARSIFAI,"MAYERL, Billy (Solo pianist to

LOHENGRIN (Wagner)Savoy Havana Band) Intro : Act 3 Symphony OrchAll-of-a-twistB213010

(Cond. A. Coates)D93712Eskimo ShiversB213010 Love Duet (Pts. I and 2), Act 3Jazz MasterB213110

Austral, Davies and Orch.D93112Jazz MistressB213110 Wedding Procession, Act 2 Symphony Orch. (Cond. A. Coates)D93712MAYFAIR ORCHESTRA Lolita A. LesterC120312" Dollar Princess," SelectionC118912 London Town Gresham SingersD100412" Katja the Dancer"-SelectionsC119312 Lord is a Man of War, The"No, No, Nanette," Sel., Pts. 1 & 2C119112 (" Israel in Egypt ") (Handel)" Patricia " SelectionC118912

Radford and DawsonD96712"Rose Marie " SelectionsC119712 Lord luv 'lm E. HastingsC119012'Sumurun "-Sei., Pts. 1 & 2Cl 19212 Lord, vouchsafe Thy loving" Tell me more," Sel., Pts. 1 and 2C121412

Kindness (" Stabat Mater ")Mazurka in A Flat, Op. 59, No. (Rossini) T. DaviesD97212(Chopin) PaderewskiDA63310 Lost Chord, The De Groot's Or.C119412Mazurka in A Flat Major, Op. 50, Loughareema CoithamB196810No. 2 (Chopin) FachmannDB86112 Love 'em and leave 'em, JoeMazurka in B Flat Minor, Op. 24,

B. JohnsB211410No. 4 (Chopin) PachmannDB86112 Love Lily. The W. GiynnrB198910Mazurka in F Sharp Minor, Op. Love them all a little bit-see59, No. 3 (Chopin) PaderewskiDA63310 "CO-OPTI:,l'STS"McCORMACK (Tenor) Love's Old Sweet Song ThorntonD100312Before my window, Op. 26, No. 10 Lustspiel Overture (Ke/er Bela)(RaclunaninofI)DA64410

Coldstream Guards BandC119912DevotionDA69210 Lyrische Stückchen (Grieg)Die Kainacht (Brahms)DA62810 No. 2 Walzer; No. 6 Norwegisch;Feldeinsamkeit (Brahms)DA63510 No. 5 Volksweise ; No. 4 ElfentanzHow fair this spot, Op. 21, No. 7

Una BourneC120012(Rachmaninoff)DA680II) MADAMABUTTERFLY(Puccini;I look into your gardenDA69310 Amore o grille, Hislop, Gilly an-'I saw frone tue beachDA63610

Wm. ParniDB74312In A'aldese"susamkeit i Brahms)DA62810 Dovunque at mondo Hislop & GilbDB74312Komm bald, Op. 97, No. 5 (Brahms)DA63510 Madrigale Be Groot's Orch.B199810Padraic the FiddilerDA63610

Sweetest Call, TheDA69210 MAGYARI, Imre, and hisTo the children(Rac:"weirotaDA680to

TZIGANE ORCHESTRATo-morrow ! (Morgen!) (R. Strauss)DA64410 Hungarian Dance (Brahms)B208110When you and I were seventeenDA69310 Hungarian Folk MusicB208210MCENELLY'S ORCHESTRA, Hungarian SongB208210Edwin, J.-see DANCE RECS.' KesergoB208110MEFISTOFELE (Saito) Maismoi,Carmen-see"CARMEPrologo-Symphony Or. and Chorus Make Hav. Hav A. StanleyR21061n(Cnad A. Coates1n9iR1"

For prices see page 2 of corer.


Page 30: His Masiei,'s Voice Records - British · himself who speaks to us when Pachmann's fingers touch the [Continued

MEGANE, Leila (Contralto) Amour viens aider 1, 'Samson and Dalila ") Death and the Maiden Dream in the Twilight Songs of Egypt (G. Bantock) (a) No. I-Invocation to the Nile (b) No. 5-Lament of Isis Meggie's Wedding H. Dearth Mein Veib is busy J. Jacobs Meloch Woolff Memo,y Lana Salon Occn. MENGES, Isolde (Violin) Abendlied (Sclnunarrs Joachim) Allegro (J. H. Fiocco) (a) Hornpipe; (b) Rigaudon Passacaglia"

Mercenary Mary " Selection, Pts. I and 2 Hylton's Ordn.


I wasas a t inybov-Radford Midsummer Night's Dream

R.A.H. Orch. (Cond. Sir Landon Ronald)


By the light of the Stars Hay, Hay, Farmer Gray Minuet and Trio "Divertimento" (Mozart) R.A.H. Orch.

(Cond. Sir I,andon Ronald) Mi Tierra (My Native Land) Fleta Mit ihren Augen voll Tränen,

Act 2 (" Der Rosenkavalier ") Eva von der Osten & M. Nast


Concerto No. 1 in G Minor, Op. 25 (Mendelssohn)(Recorded

in complete form on 12-in. records) Moon is high in the Sky, The ("Aleko") (In Russian) Chaliapine

MORINI, Erika (Violin)









Capriccio Valse, Op. 7 (Wieniavsky) IDB372 12 Concerto in D Minor (Second) (Wieniavsky) DB372 12Morning Prayer (Church of Eng-

land Service) and Evening Canticles

(Recorded on four 12-in. records. Complete in album) A Choir from St. George's Chapel, D963 Windsor Castle and the Rev. Dr. to E. H. Fellowes D966 Mounties, The P. Dawson B2004 MURPHY, Lambert (Tenor) One little dream of love E392 My best Girl 'A. Stanley B2015 My Family E. Hastings C1209 My Lady Sleeps Coltliani B19o8 My life's Delight G. Raker B1967 My Lute Coltham B2043 My old Dress Suit T

. Hastings) C1211

My old Kentucky Home


Savoy Havana Band', B2057110 My wild Irish Rose J. Crawford' B2075 10

NAST, Minnie-see JON DER OSTEN, Eva & MINNIE NAST NAYLOR'S ORCH., Oliver- see DANCE RECORDS NERONE (Bodo) The Chariot Race-Symphony Orch.

and Chorus (Cond. A. Coales)

NEUES TONKUNSTLER OR. " Der Rosenkavalier "-Waltz, Pts. I and 2 (Strauss)

NEW LIGHT SYMPHONY OR. lllalaguena (Spanish Dance) Rustic Wedding Symphony ("Bridal Song")NEWTON,

Cyril (Baritone) with SYNCOPATED QUARTET

At the end of the road Back in Hackensack New Jersey Do you remember the Love Nest? I want a girl like Peggy O'Neil I'll see you in my dreams Keep smiling at trouble Oh ! Darling, do say Yes ! Only, only one for me, The ShanghaiShow

me the way to go home Night Wind, The Hempel Nightingale (Tchaihovsky) (Stine in Russian) Chaliapine Nit bei Motten J. Jacobs

"NO, NO, NANETTE " I want to be happy Clark & James Selections, Pts. 1 and 2 Mayfair Or. Tea for Two-H. Clark & L. James " No, No, Nanette," Gems from

Light Opera Company Nocturne In B Major, Op. 32, No.

1 (Chopin) Pachmann Non pin andrai-see "LE NOZZE DI FIGARO " Non sat tu the d'un giusto-see "LA FAVORITA"

NORMA (Bellsni) Ah ! del Tebro al giogo indegno

Pinza and L'Alessio November (En Troika) (Tehaskovsky) Una Bourne

NOZZE DI FIGARO, Le (Mozart) Deh ! vieni, non tardar-Dal Monte Non pih andrat Battistini "Nozze di Figaro" (Overture) (Mozart) R.A.H. Orch.

(Cond. Sir Landon Ronald) Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt (Tchaikovsky) E. Marshall O Gladsome LightChoir

from B.N.O.C. O good ale, thou art my darlingI.

Goss O Lisbon-see " DON SEBAS-

TIANO " O Mistress mine D. Oldham O Monumento i Regia e Bolgia

Dogale i-see "LA GIOCONDA" O Paradiso, dall'onde uscito- see "L'AFRICANA"


1995 B1995B2040






LABELS-AS (Orange) B and C (Plum) D and E (Black) DA and DB (Red) DJ and DK (Buff) DM (Pale Green) DO (Pale Blue) DQ (White)

Page 31: His Masiei,'s Voice Records - British · himself who speaks to us when Pachmann's fingers touch the [Continued

O Peaceful Night Gresham SingersE382I10PADEREWSKI, Ignace Jan O sole min Tito SchipaDA72910(Pianol O sweet la's the eve J. GossB201710Impromptu in B Oat Major (Schubert!DB83312 O that it were so (F. Bridge)Mazurka in A Flat, Op. 59, No. 2

Carmen HillE37010(Chopin)DA63310 OFFERS, Maartje (Contralto)-Mazurka in F Sharp Minor, Op. 59, see " AIDA," " RIENZI "No. 3 (Chopin)DA63310 Oh I Darling, do say Yes I NewtonB204410Padraic the Fiddiler McCormackDA63610 Oh. had I .lubal's LyrePAGLIACCI (Leoncavallo) (° J shwa "I (Handel) HempelDA67610Song of tender memories-Prologue. Oh Katharina IPt. 2 GillyDB84912

International Novelty Orch.B204710Vesti In giubba GigliDA22010 Oh, let no star compare withWord allow me, A-Prologue, Pt. 1

thee W. GlynneB191310Gill_vDB84912 Old Pal Jesse CrawfordB199210PARSIFAL (Wagner)

(An album is presented with each set OLDHAM, Derek (Tenor)of records) Cruiskeen Lawn, TheE39510Amfortas' Lament Fair House of JoyE38510P. Heming and ChonisD102812

O Mistress mineF38510Good Friday Music Symph. Or. Who is Sylvia ?E39510(Cond. A. Coates)D103112

Grail Scene, Pt. 1-G. Baker & ChorusD102812 OLSEN, George, and his musicGrail Scene, Pt. 2 Symph. Or. & Ch.D102912

-see DANCE RECORDSGrail Scene, Pt. 3 R. Radford & Ch.D1029112 On her contentment--see "DONGurnemauz reproaches Parsifal GIOVANNI "Radford & WiddopD102612 On this lute I sing a SerenadeGurnenuutz leads Parsifal to Mon- (" The Damnation of Faust ")salvat Radford & WiddopD102712 (Berlioz) R. RadfordE38810Herzeleide G. LjungbergDB86212

Knights assemble Symph. Orch.D102712 ON WITH THE DANCE (C. B.Kundry describes the curse Cochran's Revue)G. LjungbergDB86212 Poor little Rich Girl A. DelysiaB207010Magic Garden and Flower Maidens'l That means nothing to me-DelysiaB207010Scene Symphony OrchestraD103012 One little dream of love MurphyE39210Prelude, Pis. 1 and 2 Symph. Orch.D102512 Only, only one for me, ThePrelude, Pt. 3 Svmph. Orch.D102512

C. Newton and Syncopated Quart.B199510Passacaglia (Handel- Harty) Isolde MengesD102312

ORCHESTRE SYMPHONIQUEPassion (1'. Ransafo) De Groot's O.B194810 DES CONCERTS PASDE-Patricia-Sel. Mayfair OrchestraC118912 LOUP (Cond. Rhene Baton)PEERLESS QUARTET (Male

Symphonie Fantastique (Berlioz)D987Quartet) (Recorded in complete form on 6toWhen my golden hair has turned to 12-inch records)D99212silver greyi B2062110

Petite Suite de Concert OS-RE-NON-TON(C. Taylor) De Groot & Orch.C121812 (Canadian Chief)Peyote Drinking Song (in Native Invocation to the Sun God (NativeDialect) Os-ke-non-tonB208310

Dialect)B208310 Peyote Drinking Song (NativePIANO SOLOS-see BACKHAUS,


OTELLO (Verdi)P_ADEREWSKI Ave Maria E. ScotneyD102412Piccaninny Lullaby Credo in un Dio Crudel-GrantorteDB835lieGresham SingersE 39910 Our Musical Drama, Pts. I and 2Pieta ti prenda-see "AIDA"

Ben LawesC118412PINZA, Ezio (Bass) Over the mountains E. ThorntonE36510Non sai tu the d'uu giusto (" Is Overture-"Le Nozze di Figaro"Favorita ")DA56610

R.A.H. Orch.PINZA & L'ALESSIO (Cond. Sir Landon Ronald)D100512Ah ! del Tebro al giogo indegno

PACHMANN, Vladimir De(" Norma")DA56610 (Piano)PIQUE DAME (Tchaihovshv) Impromptu in F Sharp Major, Op. 36Forgive me SmirnoftDA56910 No. 2 (Chopin)DB85912What is our life SmirnofDA56910 Mazurka in A Flat Major, Op. 50,

No. 2 (Chopin)DB86112POLI-RANDACIO, Tina and Mazurka in B Flat Minor, Op. 24,MAARTJE OFFERS-see No. 4 (Chopin)DB86112" AIDA " Nocturne in B Major, Op. 32, No. I'Poor little Rich Girl ("On with (ChaeinlDBS59,12the Dance "1 A. DelysiaB207010

For prices see page 2 of cover.


Page 32: His Masiei,'s Voice Records - British · himself who speaks to us when Pachmann's fingers touch the [Continued

I No.ImI1N o.IF"'n

Potpourri-English as she is not IRIGOLETTO

(Verdi) spoken Stanton Bros.B211310Caro nome, Act I. Dal MonteDB83012

Pray you listen-see "HAMLET"Dearest Name (Caro Nome) ScotneyD102412 Prayer of ThanksgivingRio Grande (Shanty) J. GossB199910

Trinity ChoirB204110 Prayer to Our Lady, A P LettE38710ROBESON, Paul (Bass) Precious wee one-LullabyWere you there ? (When they cruci-

De Groot's Orch.B191010fied my Lord)B212610 Prhs des remparts de SiviBe- see " CARMEN "ROBESON, Paul and Lawrence Pretty Mocking Bird (Bishop)BROWNGalli-CurciDB79812Bye

and bye (I'm goin' to lay down PRIMROSE, William (Violin)dis weary load)B212610 Sonata in A, No. 2 (Bach)D939Romance (Love Song) (Recorded in complete form on 2to(R. Friml) M. Hayward8192610 12-inch Records)D94012Rose Marie ("Rose Marie ") PRINCESS IDA-see GILBERTJ. CrawfordB200810 & SULLIVAN OPERASRose Marie S. ColthamC119812 PURITANI, I. (Bellini)"Rose Marie" Sei., Pts. I and 2 Sound, sound the TrumpetMayfair Orch.C119712

Radford & DawsonD96712"Rose Marie," Gems from Put away a little ray of goldenLight Opera CompanyC120512

sunshine Aileen StanleyB197610Rosebud Walter GlynneB1913IU Quartet in D (Cesar Franck)D1006Rosemary (That's for Remem-

Virtuoso String Quartettobrance ?) C. SharpeE38310 (Recorded in complete form on 6D101112

12-inch records)ROSENKAVALIER, Der (Strauss) Quartet in E minor, Op. 59,D953Ist ein Traum, kann nicht wirklich

No. 2 (Beethoven)tosein (Act 3) Virtuoso String QuartetD95612Eva von der Osten & M. NastD100212

(Recorded in complete form on 4Mit ihren Augen voll Tränen (Act 2) 12-inch records)Eva von der Osten & M. NastD100212 Quartet in F major, Op. 18,Rosenkavalier Waltz, Pts. 1 and 2 No. I (Beethoven) Catterall QuartetD947(Strauss) Neues Tonkunstler Orch.C120212 (Recorded in complete form on 4toRoundabouts and Swings-see 12-inch Records)D95012" CO-OPTIMISTS " Quartet In F major, Op.. 22,

No. 1-ScherzoD95012ROYAL AIR FORCE BAND (Tchaikovsky) Catterall Quartet(Cond. Flight-Lt. Amers) Quartet in G Major, Op. 77, No. ISanctuary of the HeartC118312 (Haydn) Ist and 3rd movementsSerenadeC118312

Flonzaley QuartetDB83712Spanish DancesB210510 Quartet in G Major, Op. 18, No. 2D997Suite-Folk Songs (R. Vaughan) (Beethoven)toNo. I Seventeen come Sunday Catterall QuartetD99912No. 3 Folk Songs from SomersetB194510 RADFORD, Robert (Bass)"The Valkyrie" Selection, Pts. I & 2C120712 -see also under " PARSIFAL "ROYAL ALBERT MALL ORCH. Four jolly sailormen (E. German)E37910(Cond. Sir Edward Elgar, O.M.) In sheltered valeE38810"The Light of Life," Meditation, Op. On this Lute, I sing a Serenade29 (Eigar)D101712 (" TheDamnation of Faust ")(Berlioz)E38810Symphony No. 2 in E Flat, Op. 63D1012 When that I was as a tiny boy(Elgae) (Recorded in complete formto

(" Merry Wives of Windsor ")E37910on 6 12-inch records)D101712 RADFORD, Robert and PeterROYAL ALBERT HALL ORCH.

DAWSON(Cond. Eugene Goossens) Lord is a Man of War, The (Handel)D96712"La Boutique Fantasque," Selec- Sound, sound the Trumpettion, Pts. I and 2D101812 " I Puritan " (Bellini)D96712ROYAL ALBERT HALL ORCH. Rambling Pitchfork, The WalshB202710(Cond. Sir Landon Ronald) RHONDDA WELSH GLEEDance of the Hours, Pts. 1 and 2

SINGERS("La Gioconda ")D99612 Gipsy Laughing ChorusB205810Fites, No. 2 of Three Nocturnes Hen wind Fy Nhadau (Land of my(Debussy) Pts. I and 2D100012 Fathers)B204510" Midsummer Night's Dream," March of the Men of HarlechB204510Nocturne, Parts 1 and 2D103412 Y Delyn AuxB205810Minuet and Trio "Divertimento" RIENZI (Wagner)(Mozart)D100512 Gerechter Gott Maartje OffersDB75612Nozze di Figaro, Le-OvertureD100512 In seiner Blüthe Maartje OffersDB75612RUFFO, Titta (Baritone) Rigaudon (Handel- Harty)EI PerjuroDA34710

Isolde MengesD102312Sei morta ne In vita minDA34710

DJ and DK (Buff) DM (Pale Green) DO (Pale Blue) DQ (White)

Page 33: His Masiei,'s Voice Records - British · himself who speaks to us when Pachmann's fingers touch the [Continued


Rumanian Gipsy AirShe dwelt among the untrodden N. Codolban (Cymbalist)B205010ways Carmen HillE37510

Russian Gipsy AirShenandoah (Shanty) J. GossB199910 N. Codolban (Cymbalist)B205010Shepherd, thy demeanour vary

Rustic Wedding SymphonyE. SuddabyE36610 Bridal Song")Shilkret's, Jack, Orchestra-see

New Light Symphony Orch.C121012DANCE RECORDS R'zet Adonoi Elohanji HershmanC121612Shmendrik's Kalle J. FeldmanB209710 Sacrament (Love Song) R. CrooksE39310Should he upbraid F. HempelDB81412 SADOVEN, Helen-see ANSSEAUShow me the way to go home and SADOVENC. NewtonB204010 "Salamanca" Irish Reel-WalshB194710Si carina (Slumber Song) SALON ORCHESTRA("Dinorah") Galli CurciDB79812 All aloneB193110 Enchanted ForestB198310Sigh no more, Ladies G. BakerB212910 Indian Love CallB199310Sinner, please doan' let dis Japanese SunsetB198310harves' pass J. GossB2017l0 La PalomaB203310Skipper of the " MaryJane," The Memory Lane8193110H. DearthE38410 SerenadeB203310Slighted Swain W.GlynneB192710 World is waiting for the Sunrise, TheB199310SMIRNOFF,Dmitri (Tenor)- SAMSON & DALILA(Satnt-Saens)see " FOIRE DE SOROTCH- Amour viers aider Leila MeganeD97312INTSNI," " PIQUE DAME " Sanctuary ofthe Heart-R.A.F. Bd.C118312"BORIS GODOUNOV " Sarabande et Allemande SharpeE37410 SAVOY HAVANA BAND (at theSMIRNOFF, Dmitri and M.

Savoy Hotel, London)KAIDANOFF (a) My Old Kentucky Home"Boris Godounov " Act I., Scene (b) Carry me back to Old Virginnyin the Monastery CellDB76512 (c) Dear Old SouthlandB205710So gently speaks my lady fair (a) Swanee RiverW. GlynneB198910 (b) Massa's in de cold, cold groundB205710So this is love I. BordoniB201110

Some crimson rose P. DawsonB194610 SAVOY ORPREANS and SAVOYSomewhere a voice is calling

HAVANA BAND-J. CrawfordB194910 see DANCE RECORDSSon gente risoluta-see " Dear Little Bille," SelectionC122212" FEDORA " It ain't gonna rain no mo'-FantasieSonata in A, No. 2 (Bach)

Pts. I and 2B199410William PrimroseD939 SAVOY ORPHEANS SYM-(Recorded in complete form on 2to

PHONIC ORCH.12-inch Records)D94012 Fragment, A "From the NewSonata in A Major (Cisar Franck) World," Symph. No. 5 in E minor(Violin and Piano)DB785 tParts I and 2) (Dvordk)C118612Thibaud and Cortotto SCHIPA, Tito (Tenor)(Recorded in complete form on 4DB78812 (a) Farfalletta, La12-inch records) (b) Girometta, LaDA72910Sonata (Waldslein) in C Major,D960 0 sole mioDA72910Op. 53 (Beethoven)to Scorri flume ("11 Tabarro") GillyDA559tULamondD96212 SCOTNEY, Evelyn (Soprano)Sonata in E Flat, Op. 31- Ave Maria (" Othello ")D102412Scherzo (Beethoven) LamondD96212 C'est 1'hisloire amoureuseSonata in E Minor (Veracini) ("Mahon Leseaut ")D96812ThibaudDB80112 Dearest Name (" Rigoletto ")D102412Sonatine, Pts. 1 and 2 (Ravel) Prav you listen (" Hamlet")D96812HambourgD100112 Sei morta ne Is vita mia RolloDA34710Song of Quietness, A--Coltham8195810 Selva opaca-see "GUILLAUMESong of tender memories, A- TELL "Prologue-see "PAGLIACCI" Serenade R.A.F. Band0118312Songs 01 Egypt (G. Baruocs) Serenade (Schubert) J CrawfordB194910(a) No. 1-Invocation to the Nile Serenade Salon Orch.B203310(h) No.S-Lament of Isis-L.3feganeD973l2 Seventeen come Sunday (March)Sound an alarm (" Judas Macca-

R.A.F. Band8194510taus ") (Handel) T. DaviesD97212 Shanghai C. Newton andSound, sound the Trumpet-see

Syncopated QuartetB199510" I PURITANI " Shanties-see JOHN GOSSSpanish Dances, Op. 12, Nos. 2 SHARPE, Cedric ('Cello)and 5 (Moszkowski) R.A.F. BandB210510 Believe me, if all those endearingSpanish Gold G. BakerB212910 young charmsE38310Spillane the Fiddler L. WalshB202710 Rosemary (That's for Remembrance)E38310Spirit Flower, A P. DawsonB198810 Sarabande et AllemandeE37410Snrin2 E. SuddabiE381110

For prices see page -2 of cover. 31

Page 34: His Masiei,'s Voice Records - British · himself who speaks to us when Pachmann's fingers touch the [Continued

Ständchen, Op. 17, No. 2 (Strauss) Selma Burr STANLEY, Alleen Alabamy Bound Can't your friend find a friend for me 1 verybody loves my bales Give me just a little bit of your love I ain't Got nobody to love If you hadn't gone away It was only a dream Make Hay, Hay My best girl Put away a little ray of golden

sunshine When my sugar walks down the streetYou're

in wrone with the right babe STANTON BROTHERS (Val

and Ernie) Potpourri, Nos. 1 and 2-English as she is not spoken Stimmung, Op. 32, No. 1 (,1. Achron) Heifetz Stop me if you've heard it Lester Storyland ( lVallz) De Groot's Or. Strange Harmony of contrast- see " TOSCA " STUDIES IN IMITATION (H. Hughes) Little Jack Homer Little Tommy Tucker There was a crooked man

De Reszke Singers SUDDABY, Elsie (Soprano) Lass with the delicate air Shepherd, thy nenrcanour vary SpringVirgin's

Lullaby ("Bethlehem") SUGGIA, Guiihermina ('Cello) Suite for 'Cello in C Major (Bach) Suite for 'Cello in C (Bach)Suggia

Suite of Serenades, A I Spanish ; 2 Chinese ; 3 Cuban 4 Oriental. Whiteman's Orch. Suite "William Byrd" (Arr. Gordon Jacob) Coldstream Guards Bd. Summer Afternoon, A Summer Love Tale, A Dawson Sumurun, Selections (Pts. I & 2)

Mayfair Orchestra Susanin's Aria-see " LIFE FOR THE TZAR " Swanee River Savoy Havana Band Sweetest Call, The McCormack SYMPHONIE FANTASTIQUE (Berlioe)Orchestre

Symphonique des Concerts Pasdeloup

(Recorded in complete form on 6 12-inch records)

Symphony in C, No. 41 (Jupiter) (Mozart) Symphony Orch. (Albert Coates) I Recorded in complete form on 4 12-inch Records) Symphony No. 2 In E Flat, Op. 63 Eigar)Recorded

on complete form on 6 12-inch records) R.A.H. Orch.

(Cond. Sir F. Elgar, O.M.)





LABELS-AS (Orange) B and C (Plum) DJ and DK (Buff) DM (Pale Green)

SYMPHONY OR.(Cond.A.Coates) -see also under "LOHENGRIN,"

PIUFTSTOFEI,E," " NERONE " PARSIFAI, " Fire Bird, The (Stravinsky) Francesca da Rimini (Tcnaikovsky` (Recorded in complets or?n on 2 12-inch records) "Impresario" Overture (Mozart)Symph. in C, No. 41 (Jupiter) I DIozart) (Complete on 4 12-inch Records)

Tambourin in D (Leclaire)M. Haywan

Tateniu MamenluHoffman and Feldman

Te souvient"li du lumineux voyage-see "THAIS

Tea for two--see "No, No, NANETTE "

" Tell me more," Sel., Pte. 1 & 2 Mayfair Orch.

Texas Love-see " Co- OPTIMISTS"

THAIS (Massene ) Ah, je suis seule Mary Lewi! Te souvient-il (Midilalion)Marv

Lewi- That means nothing to me (" On

with the Dance ") A. Delysia They guess the truth-see " A I,IFE FOR THE TZAR " THIBAUD. Jacques rViolin)Concerto

in E Major (Bach) (Recorded in complete form on :, 12-inch records) [utrada (G. A. Desplanes) sonata in A Major )Franch)

Sonata in $ Minor (Veraine)

Thing of Dreams, A ("The First Kiss ") -De Groot's Or. Third Battalion March

Coldstream Guards' Band This year, next year

J. Buchanan and June

THORNTON, Edna (Contralto) Bantry Bay Love's Old Sweet Song over the Mountains When singine birds were mni- Till the Wheel comes off-see " CO-OPTIMISTS " Timor di me-see " II, TROY .- TORE " To an isle in the water (Mallinson) Carmen Hill To her I love-see "DON

GIOVANNI " To the Children (Rachmaninoff)McCormack

To-morrow ! (Morgen 1) (R. Strauss) McCormack Top of the Hill, The G. Baker




D1003D 1003


D and E (Black) DA and DB (Red) DO (Pale Blue) DQ (White)

Page 35: His Masiei,'s Voice Records - British · himself who speaks to us when Pachmann's fingers touch the [Continued

TOSCA (Puccini) Chi e quella donna bionda lassa

Ljungberg & Mummery Ora stammir a sentir

Ljungberg & Mummery Strange harmony of contrast (Recondila annonia) T. Davies Cissi Warte, vissi d'amore Jeritza Totem Tom Tom K. Hilliard

and Chorus Tramp, The P. Da-on Traveller, The Dawson

TRINITY CHOIR (Mixed Voices) Come, Thou Almighty King Hark, Hark my Soul Prayer of Thanksgiving TROVATORE, Il ( Verdi) Come d'auralo soguo Galli-Curci Timor di me? Galli-Curci


Hagan summons the Vassals (Pts. I and 21 Radford, Ch. and Orch.

Two Bourrees (Old English Dances) U. Bourne

Ukulele Lady F. Crumit Una voce poco la-see " IL BARBIRRF DI SIVIGI.IA

ý Uwnucho Jomar Kn.lrtin


VALKYRIE (Wagner) Wotan overtakes Brünliilde (Act 3) Miranda, Walker, Radford, Ch. & O. Wotan's sentence (Act 3) Ancrum,

Walkur, Radford, Ch. and Orch Valkyrie-Sel., Pts. I and 2

RA.P. Band Valse, Op. 37, No. 3 (d; A aibrosio)

M. Hayward Varaldi Tango Band-see

DANCE RECORDS Variations on a Theme, Bk. 1 (Brahms) Backhaus Variations on a Theme, Bk. 2 (Brahms) BackhausVecchia zimarra ("La 6obenm")Gil,

Vesti la giubba - see " PAGLIACCI " Viennese Melody M. Hayward VIOLIN SOLOS-seeHAV\V All I), HEII5ETZ, I%IENGES, 11IORINI, PR111I1 OSE VIOLONCELLO SOLOS-Wee SHARPEVirgin's

Lullaby ("Bethlehem")E. Suddaby

VIRTUOSO STRING QUARTET Quartet in D (Cesar Franck) (Recorded in complete farm on 6

12-inch Records) Quartet in E Minor. Op. 59, No. 2 (Beethoven)(Recorded

in complete Lorin on 4 12-inch records) Vissi d'arte, vissi d'amore-see "TOSCA " Vol 1o sapete, o mamma-see" CAVALLRRIA RUSTICANA"

E3891 10 DA5651 10



Voix des Cloches, La Coldstream Guards Band

VON DER OSTEN, Eva Plaschke and Minnie NAST Ist ein Traum, kann nicht wirklich sein-Act 3 ("Der Rosenhavalier lit ihren Augen voll Tränen, Act 2 NI("

Der Rosenkavalier ") Voyons que j'essaie-see " CARMEN " Wait Carmen Hi11

WALSH, Liam (Irish Bagpipes) Banks of Suir, The Blackbird, Ilse (a) Jackson's Morning Blush ; (b) Delaney's Drummers ; (c) The Garden of Daisies, The Rambling Pitchfork "Saiamauca'-lrisll Reel Spillane the Fiddler

Waltz, Op. 40, No. 9 (Tchaikovsky) U. Bourne

Waltz in D Major (Godo..uhy) HeifeLz Wander Thirst (No. 4- "Song

Fancies ") (Landon Ronald)Dawson

Wanderer, The (Schuberl)E. Marshall



Wedding Day, Op, 65 (Grieg) Una Bourne C1200 l!

Week-End Book, Songs from- see JOHN GOSS

Weems, Ted and his Orchestra

-see DANCE RECORDS Were you there ? P. Robeson B2126 10 What a wonderful world it would

be S. roltham ß1912 I`) What do I care ? F. Crumit B2115 10 What Ho I what Ho I

..Gresliani Sinners E382 IU When I think of the happy days

Caruieu Hill E390 10 When I'm home again S. Coltham B2034 10 When Laura smiles D,oies E364 10 When my golden hair has turned

to silver grey Peerless Quartet B2062 10 When my sugar walks down the

street A. Stanley B2006 10 When singing birds were mute

E. Thornton E365 10 When that I was as a tiny boy- -see " MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR " When the Romans conquered

Britain B. I,a wes C1204 12 When you and I were seventeen

McCormack DA693 10 When you and I were young,

Maggie J. Crawford B2075 10 WHITEMAN'S CONCERT OR.

Suite of Serenades, A I Spanish ; 2 Chinese. 3 Cuban 4 Oriental

; C1196 12

For prices see page 2 of cover.

Page 36: His Masiei,'s Voice Records - British · himself who speaks to us when Pachmann's fingers touch the [Continued

WHITEMIAN'S ORCH. - see DANCE RECORDS Who is Sylvia ? D. Oldham WIDDOP, Walter (Tenor) -see also " PARSIFAL " Birthday, A (No. 2 of " Three Songs of Love and Youth ") Hence, away, begone' (No. 3 of "Three Songs of Love and Youth") WIEDOEFT, Ruby (Saxophone) Passe Vanite Winter is gone, The (English

Folk Song) He Reszke Singers Wireless E. Hastings Wohin, Op. 25, No. 2 (.Schubert)Gerhardt

Wohin (Schubert) Hempel




WOOLFF, Cantor Bernard (Tenor)Ahavas

Olom (With everlasting love) Meloch (The Ruler) Word allow me, A-Proiogue- see " PAGI,IACCI " World is waiting for the sunrise

Salon Orchestra W'schomru Kwartin Y Delvn Aur

Rhondda Welsh Glee Singers

You forgot to remember-see " CO-OPTIMISTS " You're in wrong with the right

baby A. Stanley Zadik Katomor Kwartin

WARNING.-As under the Copyright Act 1911 copyright subsists in Gramophone Records proceedings under such Act may be taken against anyone infringing the Company's copyright therein.


Printed November, 1925.