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  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    Hirschmann. Simply a good Connection.

    Industrial Connectors

    Ausgabe 2

  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    There can b e no do ubt that m ankind is

    capable of great inventions. Som e of these

    inventions have m ade a m ajor contribution

    to the fields of production, process and

    traffic m anagem ent technolog y. H ow ever,

    even very m inor faults can affect operatio-

    nalreliability, dependability and availability,

    and they can prove to be very expensive.

    Fault-free autom ation system s significantly

    enhance productivity and com petitiveness,

    and they preserve jobs over the long term .

    O ur extrem ely versatile intelligent connectors

    set technical standards and provide

    individual and absolutely reliable solutions

    in state-of-the-art autom ation system s.

    As data rates continue to increase, our

    connectors m inim ize possible sources of

    system failure and guarantee high availabilityright from the start. C ustom ers get pow erful,

    reliab le cabling solutions w hich can handle

    extrem e vibration and are resistant to

    contam ination and m oisture. The solutions

    continue to provide a reliable connection

    even und er the harshest operating

    conditions. H irschm ann A utom ation and

    C ontrol delivers open, high-availability,

    future-proof industrial so lutions for the

    construction, heavy vehicle, shipbuilding

    and offshore industries, and they are

    backed up by com prehensive service and

    support. O ur specialists are alw ays availab le

    to answ er your questions, and our w orld-

    w ide distribution netw ork guarantees

    optim al delivery to ensure that tim e as w ell

    as the latest technology is on your side.

    Some faults can be very expensive.

    What good are the greatest inventions if there are problems with the small details later on?

  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    This partnership takes B elden a m ajor step

    forw ard in the industrial connection m arket,

    as the com pany evolves from its cable-

    m anufacturing base into a full-capability

    sp ecialist for signal transm ission. The

    product portfolios and m arket positions of

    H irschm ann /Lum berg Autom ation and

    B elden are nearly an ideal m atch. B elden

    benefits from H irschm anns position as

    the Industrial ETH ER N ET m arket lead er,

    and H irschm ann w ill be able to enhance

    its m arket presence in N orth A m erica and

    Asia under the B elden um brella. Together,

    Lum berg A utom ation, H irschm ann and

    B elden m ay m ake the strongest connec-

    tion since connectors w ere invented.

    N othing is m ore constant than change,

    and the w orld of technology is no exception.

    H irschm ann A utom ation and C ontrol G m bH

    is part of B elden Inc. The U S -based

    corporation is one of the lead ing suppliers

    of data transm ission products. The

    connector experts at Lum berg Autom ation

    and H irschm ann now w ork together to

    ad dress the Industrial C onnecting Solutions

    m arket as p art of the B elden Autom ation

    business. These tw o brands w ith a long

    history can now leverage enorm ous synergy

    effects. O ver the course of the past 70

    years, Lum berg Autom ation has developed

    into a w ell-respected supplier of standard

    and tailored solutions, and sim ilar to

    H irschm ann, it has a reputation for driving

    innovation. The industry focus, expertise

    and product portfolios of the tw o com panies

    com plem ent each other very w ell. A s a

    custom er, you have one point of contact

    for tw o brands. Is there any better proof

    that one plus one m akes three?

    With us, when you add one and one you get

    more than two.

    Lumberg Automation and Hirschmann Automation and Control:

    Two powerful brands under a strong umbrella.

  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    O ur Electronic C onsultant at com es

    up w ith a recom m endation after only four

    fast, sim ple step s no m atter w hat product

    you are looking for including co nnectors,

    Industrial ETH ER N ET com po nents or

    FiberIN TE R FAC ES . You select the

    application, product category, criteria

    and requirem ents, and you receive o ur

    ind ividual product recom m endation

    right aw ay.

    The product you need is just a few mouse clicks away.

    The Electronic Consultant helps you find what you are looking for.

    The Electronic Consult ant is also

    available on the cat alog CD.

    Som etim es standard solutions are sim ply

    no t enoug h. That is w hy w e o ffer highly

    flexible connector solutions, som e of w hich

    are not included in our catalog. W e

    can deliver standard connectors from the

    catalog, m od ular O penC onnector

    variations and highly custom ized versions

    to m eet specific custom er requirem ents.

    C onnectors U nlim ited provides a m axi-

    m um of individuality. W e deliver the m ost

    cost-effective solution for any application

    as an added service.

    A whole new world of individuality.

    Versatile plug-in connectivity from Hirschmann.

    No mat te r w hat your spec i f ic

    needs are fo r an ex-ca ta log

    connec to r , our OpenConnec to r

    and Connec to rs Un l imi ted

    of fe r max imum f lex ib i l i ty.




    Specialcustom ized solutions

    High levelofcom petence from the leaderin quality

    Extension ofthe standard program and the


    Maximum flexibility and rapid response times

    Econom icalsolutionsbased on mass production items









    P rod uct overview

    Industrial Connectors

  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    Industrial ETHERNET

    H irschm ann w as one of the pioneers of

    Industrial ETH ER N ET. W e offer extrem ely

    reliable, high-quality p roducts and solutions

    w hich keep the w orld of autom ation m oving

    and guarantee excellent transm ission secu-

    rity. W e w ould be pleased to send you m ore

    inform ation about Ind ustrial ETH ER N ET and

    suitable bus connectors.


    If you are looking for optical transm ission

    equipm ent and fiber optics, H irschm ann

    offers a broad range of FiberIN TE R FA C ES

    for the process, transportation and factory

    autom ation industries w hich deliver

    high data rates and ab solute im m unity to

    interference. W hy not req uest m ore

    inform ation on our FiberIN TER FA C EStoday?

    The best connection across the board.

    Hirschmann the right solution for any application.

    H irschm ann can provide m ore than top -

    quality connectors and netw ork

    com ponents. O ur C om petence C enter

    has the consulting, service, support

    and training expertise to help you d esign

    your total solution w ithout supplier

    depend encies. C ontact us to discuss

    your specific requirem ents.

    Top quality products for cutting-edge solutions.

    The Hirschmann Competence Center gives you the help you need.

    You can access our ex tens ive

    range of serv ices and suppor t a t

    ww w.h icomcen te r. com. We o f fe r

    every th ing f rom p re-sa les adv ice

    to a f te r -sa les suppor t .

    G eneral catalog

    Industrial ETHERNET

    G eneral catalog


    Prod uct overview



    P rod uct overview

    Industrial Networking














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  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    Circular connectors: E-series M8

    The pico professional sensor page 14

    H irschm ann M 8 sensor connectors can be supplied

    in m olded or custom ized version s. Inn ovative

    design and a w ide rang e of cab les ensure m axi-

    m um flexibility and variety in any application.

    IEC 60947-5-2 compliant layout

    Snap-lock or threaded lock M8x1

    number of poles: 3, 4

    60V operating voltage (Uc) and 4A

    operating current

    environmental pollution level 3

    gold-plated contacts

    IP67/68/69 K (as defined in DIN 40050)

    ambient temperature 25C up to +90C

    Circular connectors:E-series M12

    The large professional sensor page 62

    To be a real sensor expert, you have to keep a

    co uple of key issues in m ind. C learly identifiable

    gripping surfaces ensure that users can quickly

    connect the H irschm ann E-series M 12 round

    connectors to p roxim ity sw itches, light barriers,

    flow sensors and fieldb us com ponents. These

    connectors m eet all of the req uirem ents for

    sensors and actuators in autom ation system s.

    IEC 947-5-2 layout/ M12x1 threaded


    number of poles: 3, 4, 5, 8

    UC 250V operating voltage (Uc) and 4A

    operating current

    environmental pollution level 3

    gold/tin plated contacts

    IP67/68/69K (as defined in DIN40050)

    ambient temperature 25C up to +90C M12 push-pull version available

    Our communication experts.

    Size no longer determines whether you can move worlds.

    It is simply enough to have higher intelligence.

    In order to ensure the operating reliability and

    accessibility of your m achines, the b est is just

    enou gh and this is exactly w here tiny item s can

    m ake a b ig d ifference. Yo ur H irschm ann installation

    consu ltant recom m ends: intelligent plug for sensor

    devices and actuator devices connectors in various

    designs, passive plug connectors and cond uctors

    for netw ork an d co ntrol voltag es, co ntrol line

    conn ection s in hydraulic system s, pneum atic

    system s and for special m achines, and installation -

    friendly universal rectangular conn ectors.

    Yo u cant find the connector you are looking for

    in our catalog ? N o p rob lem . W ith the H irschm ann

    O penC onnector kit and o ur tailored cu stom er-

    specific C onnectors U nlim ited solutions, you have

    the right connection for any job.

  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    Rectangular connectors: GDM-series

    The valve professional for pneumatic and hydraulic systems page 164

    The G D M -series rugged rectangular connectors are

    designed to w ithstand high loads. The m olded

    versions no w offer even g reater variety. They are

    dust-proo f and hose-proof, and the tailored

    versatile industrial co nnectors are ideal for nearly

    any ap plication w here hydraulic, pneum atic

    and electro-m agnetic actuators have to deliver

    dependable service.

    global permits from VDE, GL, CSA and UL

    model design A, B and C as per

    DIN EN 175301-803 and industrial standard

    for model design B and C

    number of poles: 3, 4 (including PE)

    operating voltage UC 250V and operating

    current 16A

    pollution severity 3

    protection type up to IP67

    ambient temperature 40C up to +125C

    Bus connectors

    The digital model, when speed counts page 142

    Ind ustrial ETH ER N ET as an uniform standard in all

    levels of autom ation H irschm ann has been w orking

    on this idea m uch before the others. That is w hy

    w e are tod ay one of the m ost highly experienced

    m anufacturers in industrial netw ork solutions

    based on E TH ER N ET, and as system s suppliers,

    w e not only have M 12 ET H ER N ET connectors in

    our prod uct range b ut also an IP 67 sw itch and

    M 12-RJ 45 con trol cab inet lead -throughs. A nd

    since w e have already been thinking m uch longer

    about ETH ER N ET than m ost peop le, w e also tend

    to think m uch further than o thers: A s 4-pole

    D -coded ETH ER N ET com ponents have been

    uniform ly recom m end ed b y the im portant stand ards

    organizations in the field, H irschm ann offers a

    co m preh ensive installation co ncep t for field

    ETH ER N ET com ponents. The H irschm ann

    microFXM 12 range features innovative op tical

    transm ission techno logy.

    Connecting cables and junction boxes

    Transmission made easy page 160

    Truly versatile connector technology has to offer

    go od variety. C abling is needed everyw here, and

    H irschm ann O penC onn ector offers a w hole range

    of options. In addition to cable p lug s and sockets,

    H irschm ann can supply M 8 junction bo x solutions

    w ith 4, 6, 8 or 10 ports as w ell as 4 and 8 p ort

    M 12 junction bo xes. You get everything you need

    from a single source. W hat can w e do for you


    IEC 947-5-2 compliant circular connector,

    M8 Snap-on, M8/M12 with threaded locking

    DIN 43650 compliant rectangular connectors,

    A, B, C versions and industry standard for B, C

    number of poles: 2, 2+PE, 3, 4, 5

    250V operating voltage (Uc) and

    4A operating current, max. 10A

    environmental pollution level 3

    gold/tin plated contacts

    IP67/68/69 K (as defined in DIN 40050)

    ambient temperature 25C up to +110C

    (GDM-series) or 90C (E-series)

    other variations on request

  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    Circular connectors: CA-/CM-series

    The universal series for the toughest environments page 320

    The general-purpose C A /C M series circular

    connectors easily hand le tough everyday use. D ust,

    sub m ersion and vibration d o no t adversely affect

    the perform ance of these connectors in hyd raulic,

    pneum atic and special m achinery ap plications.

    They also m eet the need for m etal-free housing s in

    the chem ical industry.

    operating voltage UC 50V/250V or AC 400

    and operating current 16A/10A

    CM-series plug-compatible with metal plug

    connectors as per MIL-C-5015 or VG 95342

    pollution severity 3

    contact surface silver-coated

    protection type up to IP67

    ambient temperature 30C up to +90C

    CM-series available in sizes 14S and20 shell; number of poles: 3 to 17

    CA-series available in 3 pole plus ground

    and 6 pole plus ground

    Rectangular connectors: ST-series

    The powerful one for industrial applications page 298

    W hen the pow er is alw ays on, you need co m po-

    nents that can hand le the load. H irschm anns

    com pact S T-series rectangu lar connectors are a

    very good solution for interior and exterior building

    autom ation, pow er distribution, signal transm ission

    and m achine m anufacturing ap plications. The

    S T-series is also suitab le for very d em anding

    pow er distribution ap plication s such as m ed ical

    equipm ent and instrum entation .

    global permits from VDE, SEV and UL

    number of poles: 3, 4, 5 and 6

    (including PE)

    operating voltage UC 250V or AC 40V/DC

    25V and operating current 16A/10A

    pollution severity 2/3 contact surface tin-coated/silver-coated

    protection type up to IP54

    ambient temperature 30C up to +90C

    Rectangular connectors: G-series

    The compact version with multiple keying options page 276

    C om pact versions are a goo d choice w hen space

    is at a prem ium . H irschm anns rectangular G -series

    co nnectors fit into tight sp aces in hydraulic an d

    pneum atic controls and electrical pow er system s.

    The versatile G -series is even designed to w ithstand

    the harsh conditions in m ines and any other

    confined spaces.

    number of poles: 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 (including PE)

    with leading earth contact if so desired

    operating voltage up to UC 250V

    pollution severity 3

    protection type up to IP65

  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    Circular connectors: NR-series

    The robust, if you require metal page 344

    The H irschm ann rugged N R series of circular

    co nnectors is built to w ithstand tough operating

    environm ents. They operate reliab ly in extrem e

    co nd itions, for exam ple in the presence of very

    heavy vibration. The com pact design saves space,

    and the connectors are suitab le for continuous

    operation in pow er distribution and control cabling ,

    and they can also b e used w ith shielded cables.

    model design as per DIN 43650,

    ICE standardization in process

    number of poles: 7 (including PE),

    12 (including PE)

    operating voltage UC 250V, UC 60V

    pollution severity 3

    contact surface tin-coated/silver-coated

    protection type up to IP65


    The perfect connection advantage page 380

    A special ad vantage in term s of com fort functionality

    and safety m akes your connections solution com plete:

    A ccessories from H irschm ann offer you sensible,

    practical solutions, are p erfectly adjusted to the

    product series in question and elim inate the need

    for exp ensive self-m ad e d esigns. There are therefore

    several reasons w hy there is on ly one optim um

    supplem ent to H irschm ann plug connectors: nam ely

    our high-class accessories such as our crim p tool.

    W hen contact is to b e restored as so on as possible,

    the job can be d one at lightning speed. In this

    connection, a corrosion-free crim p connection w ith

    B O crim ping m ay be m ade on b oth devices and

    m achines that have heavy vibrations.

    PV connector system: SunCon

    It doesnt get easier than this page 368

    C onnectors for solar system s (rooftop and solar

    parks) have to be d esigned for fast, reliab le and

    uncom plicated installation, and they have to be

    built to w ithstand the elem ents. There should be

    no need for special tools or com plex installation

    instructions. H irschm ann has develop ed the

    SunC on connector system w hich is the perfect

    solution for solar applications.

    the new solar power connector system

    fast, uncomplicated installation

    withstands any weather conditions

    excellent transmission line characteristics

    tested to RoHS and IP68 requirements

    operating voltage 1000V DC rated current 30A

  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog
















    C ircular connectors

    Overview OpenConnector M8/ M12

    E-series M8

    E-series M12

    B us connectors

    C onnecting cab les

    R ectangular connectors

    Overview OpenConnector GDM




    C ircular connectors



    Solar connector system



    In addition to our depend able standard connectors,

    the m odular H irschm ann O penC onnector range

    can b e con figu red on line, and custom izab le

    C onnectors U nlim ited alw ays provide the m ost

    cost-effective solution.

    A service to you:

    standard products and more.





  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    H irschm ann offers m ore flexibility for your sensor

    cabling ap plications, an d this m eans that the p art

    num ber has to reflect a greater variety of features.

    You can now use the O penC onnector online too l at to configure

    your cables.

    O f co urse o ur fam iliar standard-length products are

    still available, and yo u w ill find them on the follow ing

    pag es. The follow ing sum m ary is intended to help

    you take ad vantag e of the greater variety.

    More variations give you greater choice.The new cable combination for the M8/M12 series.

    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

    17 18


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    17 stripping of cable outer sheath

    for molded leads

    00 0 m m / 0 in c h

    05 5mm / 0.2inch

    10 10mm / 0.4 inch

    15 15mm / 0.6 inch

    20 20mm / 0.8 inch

    25 25mm /1.0inch

    30 30mm /1.2inch

    35 35mm /1.4inch

    40 40mm /1.6inch

    45 45mm /1.8inch

    50 50mm / 2.0 inch

    55 55mm / 2.2 inch

    60 60mm / 2.4 inch

    65 65mm / 2.6 inch

    70 70mm / 2.8 inch

    75 75mm / 3.0 inch

    99 special type, detai ls necessary

    18 stripping of wire

    for molded leads

    0 0 m m / 0 in c h

    1 1mm / 0.04inch

    2 2mm / 0.08inch

    3 3mm / 0.12inch

    4 4mm / 0.16inch

    5 5mm / 0.20inch

    6 6mm / 0.24inch

    7 7mm / 0.28inch

    8 8mm / 0.32inch

    9 9mm / 0.36inch

    A 10mm / 0.40inch

    Y special type, detai ls necessary

    01 series

    E08 M8-lead s Hirschma nn

    E12 M12-lead s Hirschmann

    XYZ customer s pecific series

    08 cable length

    02003000 20 c m 3 0 m

    00081180 8.0 inch 1180.0 inch

    15 packaging

    A Hirschmann

    B neutral

    C N.N.

    E N.N.

    Y special type, detai ls necessary

    16 packaging unit

    A 5, collect packaging

    B 10, collect pa ckaging

    C 25, collect pa ckaging

    D 50, collect pa ckaging

    E 100, collect pa ckag ing

    F 5, with s ingle unit pa ckag ing

    G 10, with single unit packaging

    H 25, with single unit packaging

    K 50, with single unit packaging

    L 100, with single unit packaging

    Y special type, detai ls necessary

    09 system of measurement

    for length of cable

    C length in cm

    I length in inch

    10 cable text

    0 without printing

    1 Hirschmann product code

    2 spe cific printing 1 line

    3 specific printing 2 lines

    11 connector style right side

    AA M12 female straight, PUR without shielding

    AB M12 male straight, PUR without shielding

    AC M12 female angled, PUR without shielding

    AD M12 male angled, PUR without shielding

    CA M8 female straight, PUR without shielding

    CB M8 male straight, PUR without shielding

    CC M8 female a ngled, P UR without shielding

    CD M8 ma le angled, P UR without shielding

    XA wire unmachined

    XB wire stripped and tinned

    XC wire stripped, cable sleeve

    YY special type, details necessary

    12 number of pins/LED right side

    3 3 pole

    4 4 pole

    5 5 pole

    8 8 pole

    A 3 pole LED P SA

    B 4 pole LED P SF

    C 4 pole , PI N 2+ 4 connected

    Y special type, detai ls necessary

    13 interlock/ material right side

    1 sc rew locking AlZn/Ni, c oupling nut

    2 screw locking V2A, coupling nut

    3 screw locking V4A, hexa gona l4 S NAP

    6 sc rew loc king AlZn/Ni, safe ty c lutch

    9 special type, detai ls necessary

    02 connector style left side

    AA M12 female straight, PUR without shielding

    AB M12 male straight, PUR without shielding

    AC M12 female angled, PUR without shielding

    AD M12 male angled, PUR without shielding

    CA M8 female straight, PUR without shielding

    CB M8 male straight, PUR without shielding

    CC M8 female a ngled, P UR without shielding

    CD M8 ma le angled, P UR without shielding

    YY special type, details neces sary

    03 number of pins/LED left side

    3 3 pole

    4 4 pole

    5 5 pole

    8 8 pole

    A 3 pole LED PS A

    B 4 pole LED PS F

    C 4 pole , PI N 2+ 4 connected

    Y special type, detai ls necessary

    04 mechanical coding both sides

    A s tandard cod ing

    B B-coding (reverse-key)

    D D-coding (ETHERNET)

    Y special type, detai ls necessary

    05 interlock/material left side

    1 sc rew locking AlZn/Ni, co upling nut2 screw locking V2A, coupling nut

    3 screw locking V4A, hexag onal

    4 SNAP

    6 sc rew locking AlZn/Ni, sa fety c lutch

    9 special type, detai ls necessary

    06 connector housing color left side

    A black

    B orange

    X transparent

    Y special type, detai ls necessary

    07 cable materialPVC cables

    AC PVC 3x 0.34 black (without UL)

    AD PVC 4x 0.34 black (without UL)

    AE PVC 5x 0.34 black (without UL)

    BA PVC 3x 0.34 grey (without UL)

    BB PVC 4x 0.34 grey (without UL)

    CA PVC 3x 0.34 orange (without UL)

    CB PVC 4x 0.34 orange (without UL)

    CC PVC 5x 0.34 orange (without UL)

    DA PVC 3x 0.34 black (with UL)

    DB PVC 4x 0.34 black (with UL)

    DC PVC 5x 0.34 black (with UL)

    DD PVC 3x 0.14 black (with UL)

    DE PVC 4x 0.14 blac k (with UL)

    DF PVC 3x 0.25 black (with UL)

    DG PVC 4x 0.25 black (with UL)

    DH PVC 3x 0.75 black (with UL)

    DK PVC 4x 0.75 black (with UL)

    DL PVC 5x 0.75 black (with UL)

    EA PVC 3x 0.34 orange (with UL)

    EB PVC 4x 0.34 orange (with UL)

    EC PVC 5x 0.34 orange (with UL)

    EF PVC 3x 0.25 orange (with UL)

    EG PVC 4x 0.25 orange (with UL)

    YY special type, detai ls necessary

    PUR cables

    FA PUR 3 x 0.34 black (with UL)

    FB PUR 4 x 0.34 black (with UL)

    FC PUR 5 x 0.34 black (with UL)

    FH PUR 3 x 0.14 black (with UL)

    FK PUR 4 x 0.14 black (with UL)

    FL PUR 3 x 0.25 black (with UL)

    FM PUR 4 x 0.25 black (with UL)

    FN PUR 3 x 0.75 black (with UL)

    FO PUR 4 x 0.75 black (with UL)

    FP PUR 5 x 0.75 black (with UL)

    HA PUR 3 x 0.34 orange (with UL)

    HB PUR 4 x 0.34 orange (with UL)

    HC PUR 5x 0.34 orange (with UL)

    HH PUR 3 x 0.14 orange (with UL)

    HK PUR 4 x 0.14 orange (with UL)

    HL PUR 3 x 0.25 orange (with UL)

    HM PUR 4x 0.25 orange (with UL)

    KA P U R 2 x 2 x 0 . 25 b la c k (with UL)

    YY special type, detai ls necessary

    cross-linked PUR cables

    XA HiPe r 3 x 0.34 orange

    XB HiPe r 4 x 0.34 orange

    XC HiPe r 4x 0.34 yellow

    YY special type, detai ls necessary

    14 connector housing color right side

    A black

    B orange

    X transparent

    Y special type, detai ls necessary


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    From tim e to tim e new connectors are

    introduced w hich are better suited for the

    intended purpose than the previous

    generation and alw ays perform flaw lessly

    even in extrem e cond itions. The new

    H irschm ann M 8 series sensor connectors

    are one exam ple. Featuring an innovative

    design and greater ease of installation,

    they offer the sam e outstanding features

    as the fam iliar M 12 version. Engineering

    excellence and flexible production enab le

    H irschm ann to offer ind ividual O pen-

    C onnector versatility in the M 8 class.

    W hat else w ould you expect from the

    quality leader?

    The new M 8 sensor connectors featuring

    a com pact, contam ination-resistant design

    offer im proved grip at junction boxes, and

    the expand ed cab le rang e adds additional

    flexibility and variety. There are nine

    versions w ith threaded or snap-on locking,

    various cable grades, U L approval and

    halog en-free d esign. The new design and

    outstanding perform ance characteristics

    ensure that you get a reliab le co nnection

    and fault-free operation in every sensor

    and actuator application.

    The new E 08 ser ies w i th snap-on

    or th readed lock ing and a var ie t y

    of cable var ia t ion s gives you even

    more op t ions .

    E 08 ser ies connec to r s w i th an

    IEC60947-5 -2 com p l ian t layou t

    de l i v e r exac t l y wha t the nam e

    H i r s chmann prom ises, fo r

    example excel lent res is tance to

    bend ing s t ress in cable car r iers

    o r ex t reme ly h igh res i s tance to

    v ibrat ion.

    Circular connectors: E-series M8.

    Success is no big deal: the E-series M8.


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    Program overview E-series M8.

    Circular connector M8.

    Cable socket

    integrally m olded lead self-assem bly

    snap locking screw locking screw locking

    straight angled straight angled straight angled

    w ithout LED w ithout LED w ithout LED w ithout LED w ithout LED w ithout LED

    3-pole from page 18 3-pole from page 22 3-pole from page 28 3-pole from page 32 3-pole from page 38 3-pole from page 39

    4-pole from page 20 4-pole from page 24 4-pole from page 30 4-pole from page 34 4-pole from page 38 4-pole from page 39

    w ith LED w ith LED

    3-pole from page 26 3-pole from page 36


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    Cable plug Appl. socket Appliance connector

    integrally m olded lead self-assem bly front-panel m ounting front-panel m ounting press-in fit/

    sensor tube

    snap and screw locking screw locking screw locking screw locking snap and

    screw locking screw locking

    straight straight angled straight angled

    3-pole from page 40 3-pole from page 44 3-pole from page 48 3-pole from page 52 3-pole from page 53 3-pole from page 54 3-pole from page 55 3-pole from page 56

    4-pole from page 42 4-pole from page 46 4-pole from page 50 4-pole from page 52 4-pole from page 53 4-pole from page 54 4-pole from page 55 4-pole from page 57


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog



    with snap locking > Cable socket with integrally molded lead

    Type E08-CA3A4A-DF0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 559-001

    Straight cable socket, with integrally molded lead, snap locking, cable length 2 m

    Product description

    Other standard types cable length 5 m, order no. 934 559-002;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 559-003

    Type of c onta c t fema le

    Number of conta c ts 3

    Cab le ma terial P VC

    Cab le color black

    Ca ble leng th 2 m

    Conductor size 0.25 mm2

    Ca ble s pecifica tion flexib le lea d

    Cab le type LiFYY

    S ta nda rd IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)

    Housing Color black

    Description of WiringCircuit

    LED color


    (1) brown

    (4) bla ck

    (3) blue






    Technical dataWire s tra nding 32 x 0.1

    Ra ted volta g e AC /DC 60 V

    Ra ted c urrent 4 A, notice UL a nd dera ting


    Conta c t ma teria l Cu S n

    Conta c t surfa c e ma teria l AuConta c t bea rer ma teria l P UR

    Housing ma teria l P UR

    Environmental conditionsP rotec tion c la s s (IEC 60529) IP 65, IP 67, IP 68, IP 69K

    P ollution s everity 3

    Tempera ture ra ng e -25 C to + 90 C , notic e dera ting

    Inflammability classHousing HB

    Ca ble UL FT1

    Conta c t bea rer HB

    ApprovalsUL UL

    Packing unitP a cka ging unit 25 pieces


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    Cable socket with integrally molded lead > Versions

    Type E08-CA3A4B-EF0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 559-013

    Straight cable socket, with integrally molded

    lead, snap locking, cable length 2 m

    Product descriptionOther standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 559-014;

    ca ble length 10 m: order no. 934 559-015

    Ca ble material P VC

    Ca ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiFYY

    Housing Color orange

    E08-CA3A4A-FL0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 559-007

    Straight cable socket, with integrally molded

    lead, snap locking, cable length 2 m

    ca ble length 5 m, o rder no. 934 559-008;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 559-009

    P UR




    Type E08-CA3A4B-HL0200C1-XA500-AC

    Order No. 934 559-019

    Straight cable socket, with integrally molded

    lead, snap locking, cable length 2 m

    Product descriptionOther standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 559-020;

    ca ble length 10 m: order no. 934 559-021

    Ca ble material P UR

    Ca ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiF9Y11YHousing Color orange


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog



    with snap locking > Cable socket with integrally molded lead

    Type E08-CA4A4A-DG0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 559-004

    Straight cable socket, with integrally molded lead, snap locking, cable length 2 m

    Product descriptionOther standard types cable length 5 m, order no. 934 559-005;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 559-006

    Type of c onta c t fema le

    Number of conta c ts 4

    Cab le ma terial P VC

    Cab le color black

    Ca ble leng th 2 m

    Conductor size 0.25 mm2

    Ca ble s pecifica tion flexib le lea d

    Cab le type LiFYY

    S ta nda rd IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)

    Housing Color black

    Description of WiringCircuit

    LED color


    (1) brow n

    (2) wh ite

    (3) blue

    (4) bla ck






    Technical dataWire s tra nding 32 x 0.1

    Ra ted volta g e AC /DC 30 V

    Ra ted c urrent 4 A, notice UL a nd dera ting


    Conta c t ma teria l Cu S n

    Conta c t surfa c e ma teria l AuConta c t bea rer ma teria l P UR

    Housing ma teria l P UR

    Environmental conditionsP rotec tion c la s s (IEC 60529) IP 65, IP 67, IP 68, IP 69K

    P ollution s everity 3

    Tempera ture ra ng e -25 C to + 90 C , notic e dera ting

    Inflammability classHousing HB

    Ca ble UL FT1

    Conta c t bea rer HB

    ApprovalsUL UL

    Packing unitP a cka ging unit 25 pieces


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    Cable socket with integrally molded lead > Versions

    Type E08-CA4A4B-EG0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 559-016

    Straight cable socket, with integrally molded

    lead, snap locking, cable length 2 m

    Product descriptionOther standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 559-017;

    ca ble length 10 m: order no. 934 559-018

    Ca ble material P VC

    Ca ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiFYY

    Housing Color orange

    E08-CA4A4A-FM0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 559-010

    Straight cable socket, with integrally molded

    lead, snap locking, cable length 2 m

    ca ble length 5 m, o rder no. 934 559-011;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 559-012

    P UR




    Type E08-CA4A4B-HM0200C1-XA500-AC

    Order No. 934 559-022

    Straight cable socket, with integrally molded

    lead, snap locking, cable length 2 m

    Product descriptionOther standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 559-023;

    ca ble length 10 m: order no. 934 559-024

    Ca ble material P UR

    Ca ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiF9Y11YHousing Color orange


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog



    with snap locking > Cable socket with integrally molded lead

    Type E08-CC3A4A-DF0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 560-001

    Angled cable socket, with integrally molded lead, snap locking, cable length 2 m

    Product description

    Other standard types cable length 5 m, order no. 934 560-002;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 560-003

    Type of c onta c t fema le

    Number of conta c ts 3

    Cab le ma terial P VC

    Cab le color black

    Ca ble leng th 2 m

    Conductor size 0.25 mm2

    Ca ble s pecifica tion flexib le lea d

    Cab le type LiFYY

    S ta nda rd IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)

    Housing Color black

    Description of WiringCircuit

    LED color






    25 L

    (1) brau n

    (4) schwarz

    (3) bla u

    Technical dataWire s tra nding 32 x 0.1

    Ra ted volta g e AC /DC 60 V

    Ra ted c urrent 4 A, notice UL a nd dera ting

    MaterialConta c t ma teria l Cu S n

    Conta c t surfa c e ma teria l AuConta c t bea rer ma teria l P UR

    Housing ma teria l P UR

    Environmental conditionsP rotec tion c la s s (IEC 60529) IP 65, IP 67, IP 68, IP 69K

    P ollution s everity 3

    Tempera ture ra ng e -25 C to + 90 C , notic e dera ting

    Inflammability class

    Housing HB

    Ca ble UL FT1

    Conta c t bea rer HB


    UL UL

    Packing unitP a cka ging unit 25 pieces


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    Cable socket with integrally molded lead > Versions

    Type E08-CC3A4B-EF0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 560-020

    Angled c ab le socket, w ith integrally molded

    lead, snap locking, cable length 2 m

    Product description

    Other standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 560-021;

    ca ble length 10 m: order no. 934 560-022

    Ca ble material P VC

    Ca ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiFYY

    Housing Color orange

    E08-CC3A4A-FL0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 560-010

    Angled c ab le s ocket, w ith integra lly molded

    lead, snap locking, cable length 2 m

    ca ble length 5 m, o rder no. 934 560-012;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 559-013

    P UR




    Type E08-CC3A4B-HL0200C1-XA500-AC

    Order No. 934 560-029

    Angled c ab le socket, w ith integrally molded

    lead, snap locking, cable length 2 m

    Product description

    Other standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 560-030;

    ca ble length 10 m: order no. 934 560-031

    Ca ble material P UR

    Ca ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiF9Y11YHousing Color orange


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog



    with snap locking > Cable socket with integrally molded lead

    Type E08-CC4A4A-DG0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 560-007

    Angled cable socket, with integrally molded lead, snap locking, cable length 2 m

    Product descriptionOther standard types cable length 5 m, order no. 934 560-008;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 560-009

    Type of c onta c t fema le

    Number of conta c ts 4

    Cab le ma terial P VC

    Cab le color black

    Ca ble leng th 2 m

    Conductor size 0.25 mm2

    Ca ble s pecifica tion flexib le lea d

    Cab le type LiFYY

    S ta nda rd IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)

    Housing Color black

    Description of WiringCircuit

    LED color


    (1) brow n

    (4) bla ck

    (3) blue

    (2) wh ite





    25 L

    Technical dataWire s tra nding 32 x 0.1

    Ra ted volta g e AC /DC 30 V

    Ra ted c urrent 4 A, notice UL a nd dera ting


    Conta c t ma teria l Cu S n

    Conta c t surfa c e ma teria l AuConta c t bea rer ma teria l P UR

    Housing ma teria l P UR

    Environmental conditionsP rotec tion c la s s (IEC 60529) IP 65, IP 67, IP 68, IP 69K

    P ollution s everity 3

    Tempera ture ra ng e -25 C to + 90 C , notic e dera ting

    Inflammability class

    Housing HB

    Ca ble UL FT1

    Conta c t bea rer HB

    ApprovalsUL UL

    Packing unit

    P a cka ging unit 25 pieces


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    Cable socket with integrally molded lead > Versions

    Type E08-CC4A4B-EG0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 560-026

    Angled c ab le socket, w ith integrally molded

    lead, snap locking, cable length 2 m

    Product description

    Other standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 560-027;

    ca ble length 10 m: order no. 934 560-028

    Ca ble material P VC

    Ca ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiFYY

    Housing Color orange

    E08-CC4A4A-FM0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 560-017

    Angled c ab le s ocket, w ith integra lly molded

    lead, snap locking, cable length 2 m

    ca ble length 5 m, o rder no. 934 560-018;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 560-019

    P UR




    Type E08-CC4A4B-HM0200C1-XA500-AC

    Order No. 934 560-035

    Angled c ab le socket, w ith integrally molded

    lead, snap locking, cable length 2 m

    Product descriptionOther standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 560-036;

    ca ble length 10 m: order no. 934 560-037

    Ca ble material P UR

    Ca ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiF9Y11YHousing Color orange


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog



    with snap locking > Cable socket with integrally molded lead

    Type E08-CCAA4X-DF0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 560-004

    Angled c ab le socket, w ith integrally molded lead, s nap locking, LED display, cab le length 2 m

    Product description

    Other standard types cable length 5 m, order no. 934 560-005;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 560-006

    Type of c onta c t fema le

    Number of conta c ts 3

    Cab le ma terial P VC

    Cab le color black

    Ca ble leng th 2 m

    Conductor size 0.25 mm2

    Ca ble s pecifica tion flexib le lea d

    Cab le type LiFYY

    S ta nda rd IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)

    Housing C olor tra ns pa rent

    Description of WiringCirc uit P NP /norma lly open

    LED color LED green = powe r,

    LED yellow = sw itch sta te,





    25 L

    (1) brow n

    (4) bla ck

    (3) blue


    1 + br

    4 bk

    3 - b l


    Technical data

    Wire s tra nding 32 x 0.1

    Ra ted volta g e DC 10 V to 30 V

    Ra ted c urrent 4 A, notice UL a nd dera ting


    Conta c t ma teria l Cu S nConta c t surfa c e ma teria l Au

    Conta c t bea rer ma teria l PA

    Housing ma teria l P UR

    Environmental conditionsP rotec tion c la s s (IEC 60529) IP 65, IP 67, IP 68, IP 69K

    P ollution s everity 3

    Tempera ture ra ng e -25 C to + 90 C , notic e dera ting

    Inflammability classHousing HB

    Ca ble UL FT1

    Conta c t bea rer HB


    UL UL

    Packing unitP a cka ging unit 25 pieces


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    Cable socket with integrally molded lead > Versions

    Type E08-CCAA4X-EF0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 560-023

    Angled cable socket,

    with integra lly molded lead, sna p locking,

    LED display, ca ble length 2 m

    Product description

    Other standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 560-024;

    ca ble length 10 m: order no. 934 560-025

    Ca ble material P VC

    Ca ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiFYY

    Description of WiringLED color LED green = powe r,

    LED yellow = sw itch state,

    E08-CCAA4X-FL0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 560-014

    Angled cable socket,

    with integrally molded lead, s nap locking,

    LED display, ca ble length 2 m

    ca ble length 5 m, o rder no. 934 560-015;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 560-016

    P UR



    LED green = powe r,

    LED yellow = sw itch sta te

    Type E08-CCAA4X-HL0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 560-032

    Angled cable socket,

    with integra lly molded lead, sna p locking,

    LED display, ca ble length 2 m

    Product description

    Other standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 560-033Ca ble material P UR

    Ca ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiF9Y11Y

    Description of Wiring

    LED color LED green = powe r,

    LED yellow = sw itch state


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog



    with screw locking > Cable socket with integrally molded lead

    Type E08-CA3A1A-DF0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 555-001

    Straight c ab le socket, w ith integrally molded lead, s elf-sec uring lock nut, ca ble length 2 m

    Product description

    Other standard types cable length 5 m, order no. 934 555-002;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 555-003

    Type of c onta c t fema le

    Number of conta c ts 3

    Cab le ma terial P VC

    Cab le color black

    Ca ble leng th 2 m

    Conductor size 0.25 mm2

    Ca ble s pecifica tion flexib le lea d

    Cab le type LiFYY

    S ta nda rd IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)

    Housing Color black

    Description of WiringCircuit

    LED color


    (1) brow n

    (4) bla ck

    (3) blue




    Technical dataWire s tra nding 32 x 0.1

    Ra ted volta g e AC /DC 60 V

    Ra ted c urrent 4 A, notice UL a nd dera ting


    Conta c t ma teria l Cu S n

    Conta c t surfa c e ma teria l AuConta c t bea rer ma teria l PA

    Housing ma teria l P UR

    Coupling nut ma teria l Zn Al/Ni

    O-Ring Viton

    Environmental conditionsP rotec tion c la s s (IEC 60529) IP 65, IP 67, IP 68, IP 69K

    P ollution s everity 3

    Tempera ture ra ng e -25 C to + 90 C , notic e dera ting

    Inflammability class

    Housing HB

    Ca ble UL FT1

    Conta c t bea rer V0

    ApprovalsUL UL

    Packing unit

    P a cka ging unit 25 pieces


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    Cable socket with integrally molded lead > Versions

    Type E08-CA3A1B-EF0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 555-013

    Straight cable socket, with integrally molded

    lead, s elf-sec uring lock nut, ca ble length 2 m

    Product description

    Other standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 555-014;

    ca ble length 10 m: order no. 934 555-015

    Ca ble material P VC

    Ca ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiFYY

    Housing Color orange

    E08-CA3A1A-FL0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 555-007

    Straight cable socket, with integrally molded

    lead, s elf-sec uring lock nut, ca ble length 2 m

    ca ble length 5 m, order no. 9934 555-008;

    cable length 10 m, order no. 9934 555-009

    P UR




    Type E08-CA3A1B-HL0200C1-XA500-AC

    Order No. 934 555-019

    Straight cable socket, with integrally molded

    lead, s elf-sec uring lock nut, ca ble length 2 m

    Product descriptionOther standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 555-020;

    ca ble length 10 m: order no. 934 555-021

    Ca ble material P UR

    Ca ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiF9Y11YHousing Color orange


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog



    with screw locking > Cable socket with integrally molded lead

    Type E08-CA4A1A-DG0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 555-004

    Straight c ab le socket, w ith integrally molded lead, s elf-sec uring lock nut, ca ble length 2 m

    Product descriptionOther standard types cable length 5 m, order no. 934 555-005;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 555-006

    Type of c onta c t fema le

    Number of conta c ts 4

    Cab le ma terial P VC

    Cab le color black

    Ca ble leng th 2 m

    Conductor size 0.25 mm2

    Ca ble s pecifica tion flexib le lea d

    Cab le type LiFYY

    S ta nda rd IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)

    Housing Color black

    Description of WiringCircuit

    LED color


    (1) brow n

    (2) wh ite

    (3) blue

    (4) bla ck




    Technical dataWire s tra nding 32 x 0.1

    Ra ted volta g e AC /DC 60 V

    Ra ted c urrent 4 A, notice UL a nd dera ting

    MaterialConta c t ma teria l Cu S n

    Conta c t surfa c e ma teria l AuConta c t bea rer ma teria l PA

    Housing ma teria l P UR

    Coupling nut ma teria l Zn Al/Ni

    O-Ring Viton

    Environmental conditionsP rotec tion c la s s (IEC 60529) IP 65, IP 67, IP 68, IP 69K

    P ollution s everity 3

    Tempera ture ra ng e -25 C to + 90 C , notic e dera ting

    Inflammability classHousing HB

    Ca ble UL FT1

    Conta c t bea rer V0

    ApprovalsUL UL

    Packing unit

    P a cka ging unit 25 pieces


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    Cable socket with integrally molded lead > Versions

    Type E08-CA4A1B-EG0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 555-016

    Straight cable socket, with integrally molded

    lead, s elf-sec uring lock nut, ca ble length 2 m

    Product descriptionOther standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 555-017;

    ca ble length 10 m: order no. 934 555-018

    Ca ble material P VC

    Ca ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiFYY

    Housing Color orange

    E08-CA4A1A-FM0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 555-010

    Straight cable socket, with integrally molded

    lead, s elf-sec uring lock nut, ca ble length 2 m

    ca ble length 5 m, o rder no. 934 555-011;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 555-012

    P UR




    Type E08-CA4A1B-HM0200C1-XA500-AC

    Order No. 934 555-022

    Straight cable socket, with integrally molded

    lead, s elf-sec uring lock nut, ca ble length 2 m

    Product description

    Other standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 555-023;

    ca ble length 10 m: order no. 934 555-024

    Ca ble material P UR

    Ca ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiF9Y11YHousing Color orange


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog



    with screw locking > Cable socket with integrally molded lead

    Type E08-CC3A1A-DF0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 556-001

    Angled c ab le socket, w ith integrally molded lead, s elfsecuring lock nut, ca ble length 2 m

    Product description

    Other standard types cable length 5 m, order no. 934 556-002;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 556-003

    Type of c onta c t fema le

    Number of conta c ts 3

    Cab le ma terial P VC

    Cab le color black

    Ca ble leng th 2 m

    Conductor size 0.25 mm2

    Ca ble s pecifica tion flexib le lea d

    Cab le type LiFYY

    S ta nda rd IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)

    Housing Color black

    Description of WiringCircuit

    LED color





    27 L

    (1) brow n

    (4) bla ck

    (3) blu e

    Technical dataWire s tra nding 32 x 0.1

    Ra ted volta g e AC /DC 60 V

    Ra ted c urrent 4 A, notice UL a nd dera ting


    Conta c t ma teria l Cu S n

    Conta c t surfa c e ma teria l AuConta c t bea rer ma teria l PA

    Housing ma teria l P UR

    Coupling nut ma terial Zn AL/Ni

    O-Ring Viton

    Environmental conditions

    P rotec tion c la s s (IEC 60529) IP 65, IP 67, IP 68, IP 69K

    P ollution s everity 3

    Tempera ture ra ng e -25 C to + 90 C , notic e dera ting

    Inflammability classHousing HB

    Ca ble UL FT1

    Conta c t bea rer V0

    ApprovalsUL UL

    Packing unit

    P a cka ging unit 25 pieces


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    Cable socket with integrally molded lead > Versions

    Type E08-CC3A1B-EF0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 556-019

    Angled c ab le socket, w ith integrally molded

    lead, s elfsecuring lock nut, ca ble length 2 m

    Product description

    Other standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 556-020;

    ca ble length 10 m: order no. 934 556-021

    Ca ble material P VC

    Ca ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiFYY

    Housing Color orange

    MaterialCoupling nut m aterial Zn AL/Ni

    E08-CC3A1A-FL0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 556-010

    Angled c ab le s ocket, w ith integra lly molded

    lead, s elfsecuring lock nut, ca ble length 2 m

    ca ble length 5 m, o rder no. 934 556-011;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 556-012

    P UR




    Zn Al/Ni

    Type E08-CC3A1B-HL0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 556-028

    Angled c ab le socket, w ith integrally molded

    lead, s elfsecuring lock nut, ca ble length 2 m

    Product description

    Other standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 556-029;

    ca ble length 10 m: order no. 934 556-030

    Ca ble material P URCa ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiF9Y11Y

    Housing Color orange

    MaterialCoupling nut m aterial Zn Al/Ni


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog



    with screw locking > Cable socket with integrally molded lead

    Type E08-CC4A1A-DG0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 556-007

    Angled c ab le socket, w ith integrally molded lead, s elfsecuring lock nut, ca ble length 2 m

    Product description

    Other standard types cable length 5 m, order no. 934 556-008;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 556-009

    Type of c onta c t fema le

    Number of conta c ts 4

    Cab le ma terial P VC

    Cab le color black

    Ca ble leng th 2 m

    Conductor size 0.25 mm2

    Ca ble s pecifica tion flexib le lea d

    Cab le type LiFYY

    S ta nda rd IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)

    Housing Color black

    Description of Wiring


    LED color


    (1) brow n

    (2) wh ite

    (3) blue

    (4) bla ck




    27 L

    Technical dataWire s tra nding 32 x 0.1

    Ra ted volta g e AC /DC 60 V

    Ra ted c urrent 4 A, notice UL a nd dera ting

    MaterialConta c t ma teria l Cu S n

    Conta c t surfa c e ma teria l AuConta c t bea rer ma teria l PA

    Housing ma teria l P UR

    Coupling nut ma teria l Zn Al/Ni

    O-Ring Viton

    Environmental conditions

    P rotec tion c la s s (IEC 60529) IP 65, IP 67, IP 68, IP 69K

    P ollution s everity 3

    Tempera ture ra ng e -25 C to + 90 C , notic e dera ting

    Inflammability class

    Housing HB

    Ca ble UL FT1

    Conta c t bea rer V0

    ApprovalsUL UL

    Packing unitP a cka ging unit 25 pieces


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    Cable socket with integrally molded lead > Versions

    Type E08-CC4A1B-EG0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 556-025

    Angled c ab le socket, w ith integrally molded

    lead, s elfsecuring lock nut, ca ble length 2 m

    Product descriptionOther standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 556-026

    ca ble length 10 m: order no. 934 556-027

    Ca ble material P VC

    Ca ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiFYY

    Housing Color orange

    E08-CC4A1A-FM0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 556-016

    Angled c ab le s ocket, w ith integra lly molded

    lead, s elfsecuring lock nut, ca ble length 2 m

    ca ble length 5 m, order no. 934 556-017;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 556-018

    P UR




    Type E08-CC4A1B-HM0200C1-XA500-AC

    Order No. 934 556-034

    Angled c ab le socket, w ith integrally molded

    lead, s elfsecuring lock nut, ca ble length 2 m

    Product descriptionOther standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 556-035

    ca ble length 10 m: order no. 934 556-036

    Ca ble material P UR

    Ca ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiF9Y11YHousing Color orange


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog



    with screw locking > Cable socket with integrally molded lead

    Type E08-CCAA1X-DF0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 556-004

    Angled c ab le socket, w ith integrally molded lead, s elfsecuring s crew locking, LED display, cab le

    length 2 m

    Product descriptionOther standard types ca ble leng th 5 m, order no. 934 556-005;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 556-006

    Type of c onta c t fema le

    Number of conta c ts 3

    Cab le ma terial P VC

    Cab le color black

    Ca ble leng th 2 m

    Conductor size 0.25 mm2

    Cable specification flexible lead

    Cab le type LiFYY

    Standard IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)Housing C olor tra ns pa rent

    Description of Wiring

    Circ uit P NP /norma lly open

    LED color LED green = powe r,

    LED yellow = sw itch sta te,


    (1) brow n

    (4) bla ck

    (3) blue


    25 L





    1 + br

    4 bk

    3 - b l


    Technical data

    Wire s tra nding 32 x 0.1

    Ra ted volta g e DC 10 V to 30 V

    Rated current 4 A, notice UL a nd d erating

    MaterialContact material Cu SnConta c t surfa c e ma teria l Au

    Conta c t bea rer ma teria l PA

    Housing ma teria l P UR

    Coupling nut ma teria l Zn Al/Ni

    O-Ring Viton

    Environmental conditionsProtection class (IEC 60529) IP 65, IP 67, IP 68, IP 69K

    P ollution s everity 3

    Tempe rature rang e -25 C to + 90 C, notice derating

    Inflammability class

    Housing HB

    Cable UL FT1

    Contact bearer V0

    ApprovalsUL UL

    Packing unitPa ckaging unit 25 pieces


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    Cable socket with integrally molded lead > Versions

    Type E08-CCAA1X-EF0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 556-022

    Angled c ab le socket, w ith integrally molded

    lead, selfsecuring s crew locking, LED display,

    cable length 2 m

    Product descriptionOther standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 556-023

    Ca ble material P VC

    Ca ble color orange

    Cable specification flexible lead

    Ca ble type LiFYY

    Standard IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)

    Description of WiringLED color LED green = powe r,

    LED yellow = sw itch state

    Technical dataRated current 4 A, notice UL a nd d erating


    Contact ma terial Cu Sn

    Environmental conditions

    Protec tion class (IEC 60529) IP 65, IP 67, IP 68, IP 69K

    Tempe rature ran ge -25 C to + 90 C, notice derating

    Inflammability class

    Housing HB

    Cable UL FT1

    Contact bearer V0

    Packing unitPa ckaging unit 25 pieces

    E08-CCAA1X-FL0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 556-013

    Angled c ab le s ocket, w ith integra lly molded

    lead, selfsecuring screw locking, LED display,

    cable length 2 m

    ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 556-014

    P UR


    high flexible lead


    IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)/IEC 60947-5-2

    LED green = powe r,

    LED yellow = sw itch sta te,

    3 A

    Cu Sn 6

    IP 68

    -25 C to + 90 C

    94 V-2

    VDE 0472 pa rt 804

    94 V-2

    50 piece s

    Type E08-CCAA1X-HL0200C1-XA500-AC

    Order No. 934 556-031

    Angled c ab le socket, w ith integrally molded

    lead, selfsecuring s crew locking, LED display

    Product descriptionOther standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 556-032

    Ca ble material P UR

    Ca ble color orange

    Cable specification high flexible lead

    Ca ble type LiY11Y

    Standard IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)/IEC 60947-5-2

    Description of WiringLED color LED green = powe r,

    LED yellow = sw itch state,

    Technical dataRated current 3 A

    MaterialContact ma terial Cu Sn 6

    Environmental conditions

    Protec tion class (IEC 60529) IP 68

    Tempe rature ran ge -25 C to + 90 C

    Inflammability class

    Housing 94 V-2

    Cable VDE 0472 pa rt 804

    Contact bearer 94 V-2

    Packing unitPa ckaging unit 50 pieces


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog



    with screw locking > MiniQuick, fast connection, cable socket self-assembled

    Order No.

    Product descriptionType of c ontac t

    Number of contacts

    Cab le gland


    Housing Color


    Technical dataRated voltag e

    Rated current

    Type of termination

    Suitable cables

    Core isulation of connecting leads

    MaterialContact material

    Contact surface material

    Contact bearer material

    Housing material

    Coupling nut ma terial


    Environmental conditionsProtection class (IEC 60529)

    Pollution severity

    Tempe rature rang e

    Inflammability classHousing

    Contact bearer

    Packing unit

    Pa ckaging unit

    Type ELKA 3008 V ELKA 4008 V933 366-100

    Straight cable socket, unassemb led,

    strain relief by means of clamping cage



    M 9.5 x 1

    IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)/IEC 60947-5-2







    Nut size 10

    AC/DC 60 V

    3 A (2 A at 0.14 m m2)

    pin penetration

    diameter 4 mm to 5 mm /

    0.14 mm2 to 0.34 mm2

    P VC, P ETP,

    diameter 1.0 mm to 1.55 mm

    Cu Sn




    Zn Al/Ni

    Viton / NBR

    IP 67


    -25 C to + 70 C

    94 V-2

    94 V-2

    100 pieces

    933 367-100

    Straight cable soc ket, unassemb led,

    strain relief by means of clamping cage



    M 9.5 x 1

    IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)/IEC 60947-5-2







    Nut size 10


    AC/DC 30 V

    3 A (2 A at 0.14 mm 2)

    pin penetration

    diameter 4 mm to 5 mm /

    0.14 mm2 to 0.34 mm2

    P VC , PETP,

    diameter 1.0 mm to 1.55 mm

    Cu Sn




    Zn Al/Ni

    Viton /NBR

    IP 67


    -25 C to + 70 C

    94 V-2

    94 V-2

    100 piece s

  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    ELWIKA 3008 V ELWIKA 4008 V933 368-100

    Angled ca ble socket, unass embled,

    strain relief by means of clamping cage



    M 9.5 x 1

    IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)/IEC 60947-5-2




    Nut size 10


    M8x1 (3)



    AC/DC 60 V

    3 A (2 A at 0.14 m m2)

    pin penetration

    diameter 4 mm to 5 mm /

    0.14 mm2 to 0.34 mm2

    P VC, P ETP,

    diameter 1.0 mm to 1.55 mm

    Cu Sn




    Zn Al/Ni

    Viton / NBR

    IP 67


    -25 C to + 70 C

    94 V-2

    94 V-2

    100 pieces

    933 369-100

    Angled cable socket, unassembled,

    strain relief by means of clamping cage



    M 9.5 x 1

    IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)/IEC 60947-5-2




    Nut size 10


    M8x1 (3)




    AC/DC 30 V

    3 A (2 A at 0.14 mm 2)

    pin penetration

    diameter 4 mm to 5 mm /

    0.14 mm2 to 0.34 mm2

    P VC , PETP,

    diameter 1.0 mm to 1.55 mm

    Cu Sn




    Zn Al/Ni

    Viton /NBR

    IP 67


    -25 C to + 70 C

    94 V-2

    94 V-2

    100 piece s

  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog



    with snap locking > Cable plug with integrally molded lead

    Type E08-CB3A4A-DF0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 561-001

    Straight cable plug, with integrally molded lead, snap locking, cable length 2 m

    Product description

    Other standard types cable length 5 m, order no. 934 561-002;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 561-003

    Type of c onta c t ma le

    Number of conta c ts 3

    Cab le ma terial P VC

    Cab le color black

    Ca ble leng th 2 m

    Conductor size 0.25 mm2

    Ca ble s pecifica tion flexib le lea d

    Cab le type LiFYY

    S ta nda rd IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)

    Housing Color black

    Technical dataP in dimens ions 1 mm

    Wire s tra nding 32 x 0.1

    Ra ted volta g e AC /DC 60 V

    Ra ted c urrent 4 A, notice UL a nd dera ting







    (1) brow n

    (4) bla ck

    (3) blue

    MaterialConta c t ma teria l Cu S n

    Conta c t surfa c e ma teria l Au

    Conta c t bea rer ma teria l PA

    Housing ma teria l P UR

    Environmental conditions

    P rotec tion c la s s (IEC 60529) IP 65, IP 67, IP 68, IP 69K

    P ollution s everity 3

    Tempera ture ra ng e -25 C bis + 90 C , notice dera ting

    Inflammability classHousing HB

    Ca ble UL FT1

    Conta c t bea rer V0

    ApprovalsUL UL

    Packing unit

    P a cka ging unit 25 pieces


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    Cable plug with integrally molded lead > Versions

    Type E08-CB3A4B-EF0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 561-014

    Straight cable plug, with integrally molded lead,

    snap locking, cable length 2 m

    Product descriptionOther standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 561-015;

    ca ble length 10 m: order no. 934 561-016

    Ca ble material P VC

    Ca ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiFYY

    Housing Color orange

    E08-CB3A4A-FL0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 561-007

    Straight cable plug, with integrally molded lead,

    snap locking, cable length 2 m

    ca ble length 5 m, o rder no. 934 561-008;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 561-009

    P UR




    Type E08-CB3A4B-HL0200C1-XA500-AC

    Order No. 934 561-020

    Straight cable plug, with integrally molded lead,

    snap locking, cable length 2 m

    Product descriptionOther standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 561-021;

    ca ble length 10 m: order no. 934 561-022

    Ca ble material P UR

    Ca ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiF9Y11YHousing Color orange


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog



    with snap locking > Cable plug with integrally molded lead

    Type E08-CB4A4A-DG0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 561-004

    Straight cable plug, with integrally molded lead, snap locking, cable length 2 m

    Product descriptionOther standard types cable length 5 m, order no. 934 561-005;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 561-006

    Type of c onta c t ma le

    Number of conta c ts 4

    Cab le ma terial P VC

    Cab le color black

    Ca ble leng th 2 m

    Conductor size 0.25 mm2

    Ca ble s pecifica tion flexib le lea d

    Cab le type LiFYY

    S ta nda rd IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)

    Housing Color black

    Technical data

    P in dimens ions 1 mm

    Wire s tra nding 32 x 0.1

    Ra ted volta g e AC /DC 60 V

    Ra ted c urrent 4 A, notice UL a nd dera ting


    (1) brow n

    (4) bla ck

    (3) blue

    (2) wh ite






    MaterialConta c t ma teria l Cu S n

    Conta c t surfa c e ma teria l Au

    Conta c t bea rer ma teria l PA

    Housing ma teria l P UREnvironmental conditions

    P rotec tion c la s s (IEC 60529) IP 65, IP 67, IP 68, IP 69K

    P ollution s everity 3

    Tempera ture ra ng e -25 C bis + 90 C , notice dera ting

    Inflammability classHousing HB

    Ca ble UL FT1

    Conta c t bea rer V0

    ApprovalsUL UL

    Packing unitP a cka ging unit 25 pieces


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    Cable plug with integrally molded lead > Versions

    Type E08-CB4A4B-EG0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 561-017

    Straight cable plug, with integrally molded lead,

    snap locking, cable length 2 m

    Product descriptionOther standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 561-018;

    ca ble length 10 m: order no. 934 561-019

    Ca ble material P VC

    Ca ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiFYY

    Housing Color orange

    E08-CB4A4A-FM0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 561-010

    Straight cable plug, with integrally molded lead,

    snap locking, cable length 2 m

    ca ble length 5 m, o rder no. 934 561-012;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 561-013

    P UR




    Type E08-CB4A4B-HM0200C1-XA500-AC

    Order No. 934 561-023

    Straight cable plug, with integrally molded lead,

    snap locking, cable length 2 m

    Product descriptionOther standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 561-024;

    ca ble length 10 m: order no. 934 561-025

    Ca ble material P UR

    Ca ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiF9Y11YHousing Color orange


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog



    with screw locking > Cable plug with integrally molded lead

    Type E08-CB3A1A-DF0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 557-001

    Straight c ab le plug, w ith integrally molded lead, s elf-securing s crew locking, c ab le length 2 m

    Product description

    Other standard types cable length 5 m, order no. 934 557-002;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 557-003

    Type of c onta c t ma le

    Number of conta c ts 3

    Cab le ma terial P VC

    Cab le color black

    Ca ble leng th 2 m

    Conductor size 0.25 mm2

    Ca ble s pecifica tion flexib le lea d

    Cab le type LiFYY

    S ta nda rd IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)

    Housing Color black

    Technical dataP in dimens ions 1 mm

    Wire s tra nding 32 x 0.1

    Ra ted volta g e AC /DC 60 V

    Ra ted c urrent 4 A, UL a nd notic e dera ting





    (1) brow n

    (4) bla ck

    (3) blue



    MaterialConta c t ma teria l Cu S n

    Conta c t surfa c e ma teria l Au

    Conta c t bea rer ma teria l PA

    Housing ma teria l P UR

    Coupling nut ma teria l Zn Al/Ni

    Environmental conditionsP rotec tion c la s s (IEC 60529) IP 65, IP 67, IP 68, IP 69K

    P ollution s everity 3

    Tempera ture ra ng e -25 C to + 90 C , notic e dera ting

    Inflammability classHousing HB

    Ca ble UL FT1

    Conta c t bea rer V0

    ApprovalsUL UL

    Packing unitP a cka ging unit 25 pieces


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    Cable plug with integrally molded lead > Versions

    Type E08-CB3A1B-EF0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 557-013

    Straight cable plug, with integrally molded lead,

    self-securing s crew locking, c ab le length 2 m

    Product descriptionOther standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 557-014;

    ca ble length 10 m: order no. 934 557-015

    Ca ble material P VC

    Ca ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiFYY

    Housing Color orange

    E08-CB3A1A-FL0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 557-007

    Straight cable plug, with integrally molded lead,

    self-sec uring s crew locking, c ab le length 2 m

    ca ble length 5 m, o rder no. 934 557-008;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 557-009

    P UR




    Type E08-CB3A1B-HL0200C1-XA500-AC

    Order No. 934 557-019

    Straight cable plug, with integrally molded lead,

    self-securing s crew locking, c ab le length 2 m

    Product description

    Other standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 557-020;

    ca ble length 10 m: order no. 934 557-021

    Ca ble material P UR

    Ca ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiF9Y11YHousing Color orange


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog



    with screw locking > Cable plug with integrally molded lead

    Type E08-CB4A1A-DG0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 557-004

    Straight c ab le plug, w ith integrally molded lead, s elf-securing s crew locking, c ab le length 2 m

    Product description

    Other standard types cable length 5 m, order no. 934 557-005;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 557-006

    Type of c onta c t ma le

    Number of conta c ts 4

    Cab le ma terial P VC

    Cab le color black

    Ca ble leng th 2 m

    Conductor size 0.25 mm2

    Ca ble s pecifica tion flexib le lea d

    Cab le type LiFYY

    S ta nda rd IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)

    Housing Color black

    Technical dataP in dimens ions 1 mm

    Wire s tra nding 32 x 0.1

    Ra ted volta g e AC /DC 60 V

    Ra ted c urrent 4 A, UL a nd notic e dera ting


    (1) brow n

    (4) bla ck

    (3) blue

    (2) wh ite






    MaterialConta c t ma teria l Cu S n

    Conta c t surfa c e ma teria l Au

    Conta c t bea rer ma teria l PA

    Housing ma teria l P UR

    Coupling nut ma teria l Zn Al/Ni

    Environmental conditionsP rotec tion c la s s (IEC 60529) IP 65, IP 67, IP 68, IP 69K

    P ollution s everity 3

    Tempera ture ra ng e -25 C to + 90 C , notic e dera ting

    Inflammability classHousing HB

    Ca ble UL FT1

    Conta c t bea rer V0


    UL UL

    Packing unitP a cka ging unit 25 pieces


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    Cable plug with integrally molded lead > Versions

    Type E08-CB4A1B-EG0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 557-016

    Straight cable plug, with integrally molded lead,

    self-securing s crew locking, c ab le length 2 m

    Product descriptionOther standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 557-017;

    ca ble length 10 m: order no. 934 557-018

    Ca ble material P VC

    Ca ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiFYY

    Housing Color orange

    E08-CB4A1A-FM0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 557-010

    Straight cable plug, with integrally molded lead,

    self-sec uring s crew locking, c ab le length 2 m

    ca ble length 5 m, o rder no. 934 557-011;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 557-012

    P UR




    Type E08-CB4A1B-HM0200C1-XA500-AC

    Order No. 934 557-022

    Straight cable plug, with integrally molded lead,

    self-securing s crew locking, c ab le length 2 m

    Product description

    Other standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 557-023;

    ca ble length 10 m: order no. 934 557-024

    Ca ble material P UR

    Ca ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiF9Y11YHousing Color orange


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog



    with screw locking > Cable plug with integrally molded lead

    Type E08-CD3A1A-DF0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 558-001

    Angled c ab le plug, w ith integrally molded lead, s elf-sec uring s crew locking, c ab le length 2 m

    Product description

    Other standard types cable length 5 m order no. 934 558-002;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 558-003

    Type of c onta c t ma le

    Number of conta c ts 3

    Cab le ma terial P VC

    Cab le color black

    Ca ble leng th 2 m

    Conductor size 0.25 mm2

    Ca ble s pecifica tion flexib le lea d

    Cab le type LiFYY

    S ta nda rd IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)

    Housing Color black

    Technical dataP in dimens ions 1 mm

    Wire s tra nding 32 x 0.1

    Ra ted volta g e AC /DC 60 V

    Ra ted c urrent 4 A, UL a nd notic e dera ting



    25 L



    (1) brow n

    (4) bla ck

    (3) blue


    MaterialConta c t ma teria l Cu S n

    Conta c t surfa c e ma teria l Au

    Conta c t bea rer ma teria l PA

    Housing ma teria l P UR

    Coupling nut ma teria l Zn Al/Ni

    Environmental conditionsP rotec tion c la s s (IEC 60529) IP 65, IP 67, IP 68, IP 69K

    P ollution s everity 3

    Tempera ture ra ng e -25 C to + 90 C , notic e dera ting

    Inflammability classHousing HB

    Ca ble UL FT1

    Conta c t bea rer V0


    UL UL

    Packing unitP a cka ging unit 25 pieces


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    Cable plug with integrally molded lead > Versions

    Type E08-CD3A1B-EF0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 558-013

    Angled c ab le plug, w ith integrally molded lea d,

    self-securing s crew locking, c ab le length 2 m

    Product descriptionOther standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 558-014;

    ca ble length 10 m: order no. 934 558-015

    Ca ble material P VC

    Ca ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiFYY

    Housing Color orange

    E08-CD3A1A-FL0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 558-007

    Angled c ab le plug, w ith integra lly molded lead,

    self-sec uring s crew locking, c ab le length 2 m

    ca ble length 5 m, o rder no. 934 558-008;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 558-009

    P UR




    Type E08-CD3A1B-HL0200C1-XA500-AC

    Order No. 934 558-019

    Angled c ab le plug, w ith integrally molded lea d,

    self-securing s crew locking, c ab le length 2 m

    Product description

    Other standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 558-020;

    ca ble length 10 m: order no. 934 558-021

    Ca ble material P UR

    Ca ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiF9Y11YHousing Color orange


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog



    with screw locking > Cable plug with integrally molded lead

    Type E08-CD4A1A-DG0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 558-004

    Angled c ab le plug, w ith integrally molded lead, s elf-sec uring s crew locking, c ab le length 2 m

    Product description

    Other standard types cable length 5 m, order no. 934 558-005;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 558-006

    Type of c onta c t ma le

    Number of conta c ts 4

    Cab le ma terial P VC

    Cab le color black

    Ca ble leng th 2 m

    Conductor size 0.25 mm2

    Ca ble s pecifica tion flexib le lea d

    Cab le type LiFYY

    S ta nda rd IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)

    Housing Color black

    Technical dataP in dimens ions 1 mm

    Wire s tra nding 32 x 0.1

    Ra ted volta g e AC /DC 60 V

    Ra ted c urrent 4 A, UL a nd notic e dera ting


    (1) brow n

    (4) bla ck

    (3) blue

    (2) wh ite


    25 L




    MaterialConta c t ma teria l Cu S n

    Conta c t surfa c e ma teria l Au

    Conta c t bea rer ma teria l PA

    Housing ma teria l P UR

    Coupling nut ma teria l Zn Al/Ni

    Environmental conditionsP rotec tion c la s s (IEC 60529) IP 65, IP 67, IP 68, IP 69K

    P ollution s everity 3

    Tempera ture ra ng e -25 C to + 90 C , notic e dera ting

    Inflammability classHousing HB

    Ca ble UL FT1

    Conta c t bea rer V0


    UL UL

    Packing unitP a cka ging unit 25 pieces


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    Cable plug with integrally molded lead > Versions

    Type E08-CD4A1B-EG0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 558-016

    Angled c ab le plug, w ith integrally molded lea d,

    self-securing s crew locking, c ab le length 2 m

    Product descriptionOther standard types ca ble length 5 m, o rder no. 934 558-017;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 558-018

    Ca ble material P VC

    Ca ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiFYY

    Housing Color orange

    E08-CD4A1A-FM0200C1-XA500-ACOrder No. 934 558-010

    Angled c ab le plug, w ith integra lly molded lead,

    self-sec uring s crew locking, c ab le length 2 m

    cable length 5 m order no. 934 558-011;

    ca ble length 10 m, order no. 934 558-012

    P UR




    Type E08-CD4A1B-HM0200C1-XA500-AC

    Order No. 934 558-022

    Angled c ab le plug, w ith integrally molded lea d,

    self-securing s crew locking, c ab le length 2 m

    Product description

    Other standard types ca ble length 5 m: o rder no. 934 558-023;

    ca ble length 10 m: order no. 934 558-024

    Ca ble material P UR

    Ca ble color orange

    Ca ble type LiF9Y11YHousing Color orange


  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog



    with screw locking > MiniQuick, fast connection, cable plug self-assembled

    Order No.

    Product descriptionType of c ontac t

    Number of contacts

    Cab le gland


    Housing Color


    Technical dataPin d imensions

    Rated voltag e

    Rated current

    Type of termination

    Suitable cables

    Core isulation of connecting leads


    Contact material

    Contact surface material

    Contact bearer material

    Housing material

    Coupling nut ma terial

    O-RingEnvironmental conditionsProtection class (IEC 60529)

    Pollution severity

    Tempe rature rang e

    Inflammability classHousing

    Contact bearer

    Packing unit

    Pa ckaging unit

    Type ELST 3008 V ELST 4008 V933 406-100

    Straight cab le plug, unass embled,

    strain relief by means of clamping cage



    M 9.5 x 1

    IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)/IEC 60947-5-2




    Nut size 10


    (3) (1)


    1 m m

    AC/DC 60 V

    3 A (2 A at 0.14 m m2)

    pin penetration

    diameter 4 mm to 5 mm /0.14 mm2 to 0.34

    mm 2

    P VC, P ETP,

    diameter 1.0 mm to 1.55 mm

    Cu Zn




    Zn Al/Ni

    Viton / NBR

    IP 67


    -25 C to + 70 C

    94 V-2

    94 V-2

    100 pieces

    933 407-100

    Straight cab le plug, unassemb led,

    strain relief by means of clamping cage



    M 9.5 x 1

    IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)/IEC 60947-5-2




    Nut size 10


    (3) (1)

    (4) (2)

    1 m m

    AC/DC 20 V

    3 A (2 A at 0.14 mm 2)

    pin penetration

    diameter 4 mm to 5 mm /0.14 mm2 to 0.34

    mm 2

    P VC , PETP,

    diameter 1.0 mm to 1.55 mm

    Cu Zn




    Zn Al/Ni

    Viton /NBR

    IP 67


    -25 C to + 70 C

    94 V-2

    94 V-2

    100 piece s

  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    ELWIST 3008 V ELWIST 4008 V933 408-100

    Angled cable plug, unassembled,

    strain relief by means of clamping cage



    M 9.5 x 1

    IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)/IEC 60947-5-2







    Nut size 10



    1 m m

    AC/DC 60 V

    3A (2 A at 0.14 m m2)

    pin penetration

    diameter 4 mm to 5 mm /0.14 mm2 to 0.34

    mm 2

    P VC, P ETP,

    diameter 1.0 mm to 1.55 mm

    Cu Zn




    Zn Al/Ni

    Viton / NBR

    IP 67


    -25 C to + 70 C

    94 V-2

    94 V-2

    100 pieces

    933 409-100

    Angled cable plug, unassembled,

    strain relief by means of clamping cage



    M 9.5 x 1

    IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)/IEC 60947-5-2







    Nut size 10




    1 m m

    AC/DC 30 V

    3 A (2 A at 0.14 mm 2)

    pin penetration

    diameter 4 mm to 5 mm /0.14 mm2 to 0.34

    mm 2

    P VC , PETP,

    diameter 1.0 mm to 1.55 mm

    Cu Zn




    Zn Al/Ni

    Viton /NBR

    IP 67


    -25 C to + 70 C

    94 V-2

    94 V-2

    100 piece s

  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog



    with screw locking > Appliance socket and appliance connector for front panel mounting

    Order No.

    Product descriptionType of c ontac t

    Number of contacts

    Cab le ma terial

    Cab le length

    Conductor size


    Housing Color


    Technical dataPin d imensions

    Wire stra nding

    Rated voltag e

    Rated current

    MaterialContact material

    Contact surface material

    Contact bearer material

    Housing material

    O-RingEnvironmental conditions

    Protection class (IEC 60529)

    Pollution severity

    Tempe rature rang e

    Inflammability classContact bearer



    Packing unit

    Pa ckaging unit

    Scope of delivery and accessoriesAccessories to order separately

    Type ELKE 3308 V FM 8 05 ELKE 4408 V FM 8 05933 383-100

    Front-mounting appliance socket with stranded


    screw locking, M8 x 0.5 mounting thread , meta l


    O-ring included



    P VC

    0.5 m

    0.25 mm2

    IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)/IEC 60947-5-2


    (1) brown

    (4) blac k

    (3) blu e


    16 l


    Nut size 7

    Nut size 10


    14 x 0.15 mm

    AC/DC 60 V

    3 A

    Cu Zn


    PA blac k

    Cu Zn/Ni

    NB R

    IP 68


    -25 C to + 90 C

    94 V-2


    100 pieces

    fas tening nut ELST M M8,

    order no. 734 032-001

    933 382-100

    Front-mounting applianc e socket with strand ed


    screw locking, M8 x 0.5 mounting thread , meta l


    O-ring included



    P VC

    0.5 m

    0.25 mm2

    IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)/IEC 60947-5-2


    (1) brow n

    (2) wh ite

    (3) blue


    16 l


    Nut size 7

    Nut size 10


    (4) blac k

    14 x 0.15 mm

    AC/DC 30 V

    3 A

    Cu Zn


    PA blac k

    C u Zn/Ni

    NB R

    IP 68


    -25 C to + 90 C

    94 V-2


    100 piece s

    fas tening nut ELST M M8,

    order no. 734 032-001

  • 8/9/2019 Hirschmann Connectivitiy Catalog


    ELST 3308 RV FM 8 05 ELST 4408 RV FM 8 05933 146-001

    Front-mounting appliance connec tor with

    stranded wire,

    sna p or sc rew locking, M8 x 0.5 mounting

    thread, metal cas ing,

    O-ring included



    P VC

    0.5 m

    0.25 mm2

    IEC 61076-2-101 (Ed. 1)/IEC 60947-5-2


    (1) brow n

    (4) blac k

    (3) blu e


    16 l


    Nut size 7

    Nut size 10




    1 m m

    14 x 0.15 mm

    AC/DC 60 V

    3 A

    Cu Zn


    PA blac k