Download - Hip, Hip, Hooray! - goodsamdayton.org1].pdf · right hip within the month, ... Hip, Hip, Hooray! ... to her new hip. H E A LT H TA L K| O RTHOPEDICS 6. Title: SHTK602-Sum06REVfin

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3 S U M M E R 2 0 0 6 | G O O D S A M A R I T A N H O S P I T A L

Jane Grant Tougas and her husband, Lee, take PembrokeWelsh Corgis Chance (left) and Zoe out for a late afternoon jaunt in the park.

Page 2: Hip, Hip, Hooray! - goodsamdayton.org1].pdf · right hip within the month, ... Hip, Hip, Hooray! ... to her new hip. H E A LT H TA L K| O RTHOPEDICS 6. Title: SHTK602-Sum06REVfin

The Joint Replacement Center at Good Samaritan Hospital gives new meaning

to “total” hip replacement.

H E A L T H T A L K | O R T H O P E D I C S 4

As a HealthTalk writer, I usually tellsomeone else’s story. This time the storyis about me—and The Joint ReplacementCenter at Good Samaritan Hospital.

When I could no longer walk mydogs or climb stairs without significantbone-on-bone hip pain, I knew I couldn’tdeny the obvious any longer: I needed ahip replacement. In fact, I needed bothhips replaced.

X-rays showed my shallow hip sock-ets were no longer holding the ball of myhip in place. I scheduled surgery on myright hip within the month, and threemonths later, on my left.

Experience and ExpertiseAs I learned firsthand, joint replacementat Good Samaritan is more than a dateand time on the surgery calendar. It’s ajourney with every step focused on thepatient’s total experience and ultimatewell-being.

“We’ve emphasized continuity ofcare for 15 years,” explains Center direc-tor Dennis Brown, MD. “Today, GoodSamaritan has the city’s most technicallyadvanced program in total joint replace-ment, including computer-assisted andminimally invasive, muscle-sparing surgery, as well as nerve-monitoring for difficult cases.”

“Joint Replacement Center surgeonshave done virtually all the professionalpublishing on nerve monitoring,” notes

Shelli Powell, MD, chair of Surgery.“We have a dedicated center director,

as well as the area’s only two fellowship-trained joint reconstruction surgeonsdoing complex replacements and revi-sions,” adds orthopedic surgeon AbdolaliElmi, MD. “With this expertise, it is notsurprising that HealthGrades gave fivestars to Good Sam’s orthopedic program.”

Two nurse practitioners oversee care from pre-admission to discharge. A clinical development coordinatorensures nurses are aware of advances in technology, equipment, best practicesand evidence-based care.

“Doctors, nurses and therapists workclosely as a team in the Center. Becausewe communicate regularly, we can antici-pate and address each patient’s needs andassure care is fully coordinated,” saysorthopedic surgeon Timothy Peters, DO.

“Five years ago, we committed to creating a coordinated unit,” says Dr. Brown. So the orthopedic and neuro-science units are relocating to either sideof physical therapy for patients’ easyaccess to rehabilitation. The center hasfully equipped, dedicated operating rooms and private patient rooms.”

“Unlike a free-standing orthopedichospital, the Good Samaritan JointReplacement Center is like a hospitalwithin a hospital,” Dr. Brown notes. “Anycomplications that may occur can be han-

Zoe gets some extra attention.

Hip, Hip, Hooray!B Y J A N E G R A N T T O U G A S

Page 3: Hip, Hip, Hooray! - goodsamdayton.org1].pdf · right hip within the month, ... Hip, Hip, Hooray! ... to her new hip. H E A LT H TA L K| O RTHOPEDICS 6. Title: SHTK602-Sum06REVfin

dled right here. We don’t have to movethe patient. It’s the best of both worlds.”

Steps on the JourneyThe Center’s total approach begins with avisit from a Fidelity Health Care repre-sentative who assesses home safety,suggests changes such as removing throw

rugs a patient might trip on, and deliversa binder full of useful materials. Topicsinclude pre- and post-surgery nutrition,physical therapy and medical equipment.

“The process is very interactive,”says orthopedic nurse practitioner MiriahBoocher, MS, APRN, BC. “Patients

attend pre-surgery group education. RoseBelt, a long-time volunteer who is a vet-eran of one knee and four hipreplacements, and I give patients and theircaregivers a realistic overview of what toexpect on the day of surgery. We alsoexplain what equipment will be used in

Above: Key Joint Replacement Center teammembers include (left to right) SharonNewman, RN, orthopedic resource nurse; director Dennis Brown, MD; and JuneBrunck, RN, OR nurse.

Right: Before surgery, Miriah Boocher, MS,APRN, BC (left) and volunteer Rose Belt(center) help Jane Tougas know what toexpect.

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Page 4: Hip, Hip, Hooray! - goodsamdayton.org1].pdf · right hip within the month, ... Hip, Hip, Hooray! ... to her new hip. H E A LT H TA L K| O RTHOPEDICS 6. Title: SHTK602-Sum06REVfin

Twenty years ago, futurists warned that the computerized,

high-tech revolution would create a growing need for high-

touch experiences. Who knew that the computer itself would

meet this need?

Certified healing touch practitioner and energy therapist

Sally Clements, RN, is a member of Good Samaritan’s pain

management team. She uses a computer-based biofeedback

program called The Journey to Wild Divine to help joint

replacement patients relieve surgical pain.

“The software uses a master guide to take the patient on

a beautiful three-dimensional journey. Sensors measure pulse

and skin temperature as a master guide teaches the patient to

breathe deeply, visualize peace, and increase or decrease energy

flow,” explains Clements. “We measure pain indicators before

and after patients use biofeedback and have seen excellent

results for pain and stress management.”

The program reduces stress and helps patients manage pain

by diverting their attention. For more information, visit

The Journey to Wild DivineBiofeedback software helps manage pain.

Sally Clements, RN, (left) introduces a patient to biofeedback for pain control.

the hospital after surgery—for example,foot pumps to stimulate circulation.”

Patients also learn about pain control,physical therapy and nutrition. And post-discharge care—at home or a reha-bilitation facility—is arranged before thepatient is admitted.

The day after surgery, physical andoccupational therapists assess the patient

and explain the twice daily program. A nurse practitioner visits daily to checkthe incision, lab work and pain control.Two to three days later, on average, thepatient is discharged.

The Happy EndingIn my case, within six months, I was trulya new woman—pain free and able to do

virtually everything I had given up overthe past 10 years. My only regret is that Ididn’t have the surgery sooner!

Below: After surgery, physical therapy assistant Anna Neff helps Jane adjust to her new hip.

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