Download - hindistan vize formu

  • 8/3/2019 hindistan vize formu


    PART-Affo be fitred by applicants for \tsa)

    - MriBayiFirst name/ilk Ad/\liddle name ikinci -\dr

    n lvfrs./Bayan/ ;fdiss/Evli Oknayan Bayan/


    Affix 2 passpori sizephotographs2 adet vesikalftfotogafimz ekleyiniz

    Date of BirthlDoSum TarihiPlace of Bir-th,4Doium Yeri/State-province/Eyalet-ill

    Present nationality I gu andaki mi]xtyetiniz/Any other nationality /oiger miiliy etiniz/

    Father,&Iusband' s name

    Surname,lSoradrPrerious narne (if anli Daba once herhaagi bagka bir adt varsa/Baba ve Koca Ad/

    Date of Issue/VeriliValid upto/Geeerlilik bitis tarihi/Place of Issue/Verilen yerlIssued bylVeren makam/

  • 8/3/2019 hindistan vize formu


    --:2of4-of iournsy/Se AmaalTransit/ Tourist/TurisV Business/is/

    Journalist//G azeteci Student/Oerenci/ Conferenc eA(onferans/

    other/DiPlaces proposed to be visited in India/ttindistan'da ayarettndiigtniildiiliiyerler/

    No. of entries/Girig Sayrs/ f-lnglelteV i--louble/ikilii flriple-multiple/u9lu'9okluPeriod for which visa is requiredAstenilen vize

    Whether Visa has been refused previously? Ifyes, give detailsDaha once vize reddedilmig mi? Oyleyse aynntrlanm yaztilz

    Place from where entrv into Indiawill be made/Aprox. date of enky into India/Port of entrv into India/Hindistana a LimamApprox. date of deparhre from Ifidial

    Port ofdeparture from India/Hindistandan grkrg yaprlacak $ehir/I{ava Limam

    Telephone No.lTelefon No./Children included in applicant's passport (to be filled only when children accompanying applicant)/Bagvuran kiqinin pasaportuna dahil olan Eocuklar( Sadece gocuklar bagvuran kigiyle seyahat edecefi zaman doldurulrnahdr)/

    Name-Ad Place & Date ofBirth-Doium yeri ve tarihiSex -Cinsiyet Relationship-Yakrnirk derecesiDetails of previous visits to India, if anylE$er varsa Onceki Hindistan ziyaretlertnun detaylartl

    Whether holding valid "no objection to return to India" endorsement? Ifyes, give detailsElet''Hindistan'a ddniig[ salancah de[ildir" geklinde gegerli bir lasdik mevcut ise, aynntrlanru belirtiniz

    Profession fDetails of present emplolmrent)/Ir{esleli($u andaki iginiz haklancia

    Hindistan'a nereden

  • 8/3/2019 hindistan vize formu


    -:3 of 4 :-I hereby undertake that I shall utilise my visit to India for the purpose for which Visa has been applied andshall not on arrival in India, try to obtain employment or set up business or extend my stcy for sny otherpurpose. I -f"ny understand that if arry of the particulars furnished obove are found to be incorrect or tf arryof the information is found to be withheld, the Visa is liable to be cancelled at any time.isbu belges'-le,ben.hangi amaglavize verilmisse Hindistan'a yapacafim ziyareti o gekilde de{erlendirecepmeve Hindistan'a vordzban sonra ig aramo veya ig kurma giriqiminde bulunmayaca{rma vqta Imlryrmtherhongi baqko bir amagla uzatmcyacafimt taahhiit ederim.E{er yukanda belirtilen ayrtntilmda yonlrytespit edilirse re\:a bu bilgilerden herhangi birihi vermekten kngmildt{t tespit edilirse,buvizenin herhangibir ,amanda iptal edilmete tabi tutulabilece{ini tamamen knbul ediyorum.

    Signature ofapplicantBaqvuranrn imzasr

    (For office use only)(Sadece yetkili makam tarafindan doldurulacak/No.,lDateltype of visa issued:Verilen vizenin numarasl tarihi ve tipi/Amount ofvisa fee received:Ahnan vize iicreti/Date when passport returned to applicant:Ba$vuran ki$iye pasaportun iade edilis tarihi/

    PART-B(5ot to be filled by applicants for Tourist Visa)B Iitsltr{Turist'l-izesi iqin bas-r-uranlar tarafindan doldurulrnal,acaktu)iName & address of 2 references rl-ho rr-ill fumish information about applicant and also furnish financialguarantes for maintenance and repatriation, if referred to :Baryuran hakkrnda bilgi verecek ve a),.nca gerektilinde bagrruranrn geri ddniiqiine ve bakrmrna finansalgaranti v_srecek iki referansrn adlan ve adresleri:In country ofapplicanVBulundu!"u iilkedeIn India/Hindistan'da

    Declaration to be made by applicants seekine to stav in India for more than one )'eax:"I hereby undertake that I shall subject myself to a medical test including AIDS within one month of mrival in India, in case, Iarn found p ositive for AID S, I w ill leave India. "Hindistan'da bir ]rrldm daha fazla kalr,nak icin baqrmran kisiler tarafindan onaylanacak acrklama:"iSbu ifadeyle Hindistan'a giris yaptrfuan sonra bir ay igerisinde I-IDS testini de iqeren fibbi bir muayeneden geEece{imi taahhiitedertm-4-IDS testinin pozitif olmast duntmundaHindistan't terk edecefrm ".

    Signature of applicantBagvuramn imzast

  • 8/3/2019 hindistan vize formu


    -:4of4:-Instructions for filling up this application form and related visa conditions:

    r Form to be filled in English block letters only. A1l columns ofthe form must be completer Form to be signed by the applicant himself in ink. 2 identieal recent passport size photographs to be atLached with the Formr Form to be accompanied by valid original international passport and photocopy thereof.. Any supporting documents to your visa request as required by the Visa Officer must be provided at

    the time of submission of the applicationr Requisite fee in US Dollars to be paid at the time of applying. It is the prerogative of this office to grant or refuse Visa without providing any explanation.o No porson other than the Yisa Ofticer ofthis Consulate is authorised to receive application formslvisafee or to issue visas. This office will not take any responsibilify for damage/loss of passport in case it is not collected onthe date of delivery as notified b1'the Visa section.

    c IMPORTANT: Fee will not be refunded, whether visa is granted or refusedVize forrnunu vevize ile iiiqkili evraklan doldunnak igin talimatname

    o Fortn bti)'iik harflerle ve ingilizce olarak doldurulacaktro Tiim satrlar doldurulmak zorundadrr Form bagruran kiginin kendisi tarafindan tiikenmez kalemle imzalanacaktn: 2 adetvesikalft foto$raf forma ekienecektir. Formla birlikte pasaporlun orijinali ve gerekli krsrmlann fotokopileri de verilecektiro V,tze gd'revlisi tarafindan istenen fdm dttkiimanlar baqvuru srasrnda hazr bulundurulacaktrrr Ba$vuru srasrnda,gerekli iicret Amerikan dolan oiarak ddenecektir. Konsolosluk higbir agrklama yapmaksrzrn vueye red yada onay verme hakkma sahiptir. Konsoloslukta Vize gorevlisinden bagka higkimse baql'uru formlanm/bail'uru iicretini almayaya da

    vize vermeye yetkili degildirr Vize bdliimii tarafindan verilen vize alma-twihinde ahnmal'an pasaportlann zarara u$amasr.vadakaybolrnasrnda konsolo sluk hi gbir sorum-luluk sahibi delildir. ONElttli: Vize onaylanmry yo da reddedilmiq olsun, iidenen ikret ltiqbir gekilde geri altnomaz