Download - Highest-paid Democratic staffers in Legislature


    BRUCE RAUNER For Immediate Release Thursday, June 04, 2015 Contact Catherine Kelly [email protected]

    House Democrats engage in sexist smear campaign to deflect from own failures

    Ignore Democrat Legislative Staff Compensation topping $300k Taking a pay raise, while trying to raise taxes on hardworking Illinoisans

    Fail to explain why budget doesn't cut General Assembly SPRINGFIELD - In an effort to distract from their own pay raises, refusal to cut their own budget or that of other Democratic officeholders and passage of a phony state budget with a $4 billion hole, Illinois Democrats today sought to smear the reputation of one of Illinois' leading educators before a House committee. "It is clear that politicians controlled by Mike Madigan will stop at nothing to distract from what theyre doing in Springfield," Governor Rauner Spokeswoman Catherine Kelly said. "Instead of stopping their own pay increase, instead of cutting their own General Assembly budget and instead of passing an honest, balanced state budget, they are engaging in a sexist smear campaign to tarnish the reputation of a woman who has dedicated her life to improving education for children in this state and makes less in total compensation than the men who lead the offices of the House Speaker and Senate President." House Democrats recently passed an out of balance budget that keeps level funding for the General Assembly, the Attorney General and the Secretary of State while cutting the Governor and the Comptroller by 10 percent. Furthermore, the committee refuses to address some of the highest paid staff of the General Assembly - some topping the $300,000 mark.

    General Assembly Democrat Compensation

    Name Title Salary Pension Cost * Healthcare Total Compensation Tim Mapes Chief of Staff $200,900.16 $91,606.45 $8,022.60 $300,529.21 Dave Gross Chief of Staff $198,000.00 $90,284.04 $8,022.60 $296,306.64

  • T. Anderson Sec. of Senate $159,650.88 $72,797.61 $8,022.60 $240,471.09 W. Cousineau Director $155,000.16 $70,676.97 $8,022.60 $233,699.73 H. WierVaught Counsel $144,996.00 $66,115.28 $8,022.60 $219,133.88 K. Richards Director $144,000.00 $65,661.12 $8,022.60 $217,683.72 J. Basham Dir. Research $140,000.16 $63,837.27 $8,022.60 $211,860.03 * FY2016 SERS Certified Pension Contribution Is 45.598% Of Payroll Average Net State Cost For Employee Healthcare Is $668.55/Month
