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Page 1: HIGH-ORDER FINITE ELEMENT METHOD FOR PLASMA …...Finite element (FE) methods offer high-order spatial accu-racy in an unsplit approach that tightly couples the flux and source terms


U. Shumlak, R. Lilly, S. Miller, N. Reddell, E. SousaAerospace and Energetics Research Program

University of Washington, Seattle, USA, 98195-2250Email: [email protected]

Abstract—High-order accurate finite element methods provideunique benefits for problems that have strong anisotropies andcomplicated geometries and for stiff equation systems that arecoupled through large source terms, e.g. Lorentz force, collisions,or atomic reactions. Magnetized plasma simulations of realisticdevices using the kinetic or the multi-fluid plasma models areexamples that benefit from high-order accuracy. The multi-fluidplasma model only assumes local thermodynamic equilibriumwithin each fluid, e.g. ion and electron fluids for the two-fluid plasma model. The algorithm implements a discontinu-ous Galerkin method with an approximate Riemann solver tocompute the fluxes of the fluids and electromagnetic fields atthe computational cell interfaces. The multi-fluid plasma modelhas time scales on the order of the electron and ion cyclotronfrequencies, the electron and ion plasma frequencies, the electronand ion sound speeds, and the speed of light. A general modelfor atomic reactions has been developed and is incorporated inthe multi-fluid plasma model. The multi-fluid plasma algorithmis implemented in a flexible code framework (WARPX) thatallows easy extension of the physical model to include multiplefluids and additional physics. The code runs on multi-processormachines and is being adapted with OpenCL to many-coresystems, characteristic of the next generation of high performancecomputers. The algorithm is applicable to study advanced physicscalculations of plasma dynamics including magnetic plasma con-finement and astrophysical plasmas. The discontinuous Galerkinmethod has also been applied to solve the Vlasov-Poisson kineticmodel. Recently, a blended finite element algorithm has beendeveloped and implemented which exploits the expected physicalbehavior to apply either a discontinuous or continuous finiteelement representation, which improves computational efficiencywithout sacrificing accuracy.


Owing to the complexity of plasma phenomena, a thoroughunderstanding requires validated physical models, verifiedcomputational simulations, and well-diagnosed experiments.This paper focuses on developing computational methods forplasma models with sufficient physical and numerical fidelityto generate insight and predictability.


Discrete models that account for each constituent particleare not particularly useful for the numerical treatment of realis-tic plasmas where the number of particles (N ) and the numberof interactions (> N2) are not computationally tractable.Instead an ensemble average is performed to give a statistical

*This work is supported by a grant from the U.S. Air Force Office ofScientific Research.

description. Plasmas may be most accurately modeled usingkinetic theory, where distribution functions, fs(x,v, t), aregoverned by a Boltzmann equation


+v · ∂fs∂x


(E + v ×B) · ∂fs∂v




for each species s, e.g. ions, electrons, neutrals. Combinedwith Maxwell’s equations, the system leads to the continuumkinetic plasma model, as well as the particle kinetic plasmamodel. Kinetic models, in their most general form, are six-dimensional, but reduced models with limited dimensionalitycan also be meaningful, e.g. gyrokinetic. Further reducedplasma models result by taking moments over velocity spaceof Eq. (1) and of fs, which gives the multi-fluid plasma model.[1]

The principal variables for each species of the multi-fluid plasma model are derived by computing moments of thedistribution functions.

ρs =ms

∫fs(v)dv (2)

ρsus =ms

∫vfs(v)dv (3)

Ps =ms

∫wwfs(v)dv (4)

Hs =ms

∫wwwfs(v)dv (5)

The 5M model directly evolves the variables given byEqs. (2,3) and the tensor contraction of Eq. (4),

ps = ρsTs =1


∫w2fs(v)dv, (6)

where Ts is the temperature. The 13M model [2] directlyevolves the variables given by Eqs. (2,3,4), and the tensorcontraction of Eq. (5),

hs =1


∫w2wfs(v)dv (7)

The system of moment equations is truncated, retaining onlyvariables with a physical meaning. Higher moment variablesthat appear in the evolution equation are related to lowermoment variables.

The multiple fluids are coupled to each other and to theelectromagnetic fields through Maxwell’s equations and inter-action source terms, such as the Lorentz force. Including elasticscattering and reacting collisions (e.g. ionization, recombina-tion, charge exchange) introduces additional source terms that

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Laboratory FRC Ionosphere F Region1/ωpe 5× 10−14 6× 10−8

L/c 3× 10−9 7× 10−2

1/ωci 10−8 4× 10−3

L/vA 10−5 3× 101

L/vTi 4× 10−5 104

τeq 10−3 105

couple the fluids. For example, the governing equations for theelectron fluid for an interacting three-fluid model (electron, ion,neutral) is given by


+∇ · (ρeue) = meΓioni −meΓ

recn (8)


+∇ · (ρeueue + peI + Πe) = −Riei + Ren


− ρee

me(E + ue ×B) +meunΓion

i −meueΓrecn



+∇ · (((εe + pe) I + Πe) · ue + he) = Qiee +Qene

−Qrece +


mnQionn − ue ·


meE + Rie

i −Rene




n +



2n − φion



where the source and sink rates are computed by the appro-priate convolution integrals, such as the ion source rate fromelectron impact ionization with neutrals

Γioni =


∫fe(v)σion (|v − v′|) |v − v′| dvdv′.

(11)See Ref. [3] for the details of the 5M multi-fluid plasma model.Additional moment models can be found in Refs. [4]–[7].

The governing equations for the 5M or 13M model can beexpressed in balance law form as

∂tq +∇ · F = S, (12)

where q is the vector of conserved variables, F is the fluxtensor, and S is vector of source terms. Combining the fluideigenvalues computed from the flux Jacobian (∂F/∂Q) withthe characteristics of Maxwell’s equations and of the sourceterms provides the characteristic speeds and frequencies, andthereby the time scales given by the plasma model. Table Ishows typical values for a laboratory FRC plasma and anionospheric plasma in the F region. The large separation of thephysical time scales makes the equation system mathematicallystiff, which can complicate an accurate numerical solution.


Finite element (FE) methods offer high-order spatial accu-racy in an unsplit approach that tightly couples the flux andsource terms in Eq. (12). High-order accurate FE methods areappropriate for problems that have strong anisotropies, com-plicated geometries, or stiff governing equations. Magnetizedplasma simulations of realistic devices using the continuumkinetic or the multi-fluid plasma models are examples that

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of a discontinuous, high-order solutionwithin each element Ω having continuous fluxes.

benefit from high-order accuracy. The general approach ofFE methods expands the solution vector using a set of basisfunctions, vk(r).

q(r) =∑k

qkvk(r) (13)

The governing equation is then projected onto test functionsusing a Galerkin method as∫



∂tdV +


vk∇ · FdV =


vkSdV (14)

where an integral equation is generated for each basis (test)function. Integrating by parts and applying the divergencetheorem gives∫







F·∇vkdV =


vkSdV (15)

This equation is valid in general but is inconvenient for realisticdomains with complicated geometries. Instead, the domain isdivided into finite elements, and the integral equation is appliedto each element with some assumption of continuity at theelement boundaries.

If the solution is assumed to be continuous (C0), the fluxesare automatically continuous, and the result is the usual finiteelement method. During assembly of the global system for thesimultaneous solution for all qΩ

k , the surface integral term inEq. (15) cancels everywhere except at the domain boundaries.Volume integrals are evaluated by quadrature. The continuousFE method works well for many elliptic and parabolic systemson complicated geometries; however, spurious oscillations canoccur at discontinuities (shocks) for hyperbolic systems, whichmeans the method is not suitable for many plasma simulations.

If the solution is allowed to be discontinuous, but withcontinuous fluxes, which is the only feature required by theconservation law, the resulting finite element system is thediscontinuous Galerkin (DG) method. [8], [9] See Fig. 1 fora schematic representation of the DG method. Fluxes in thesurface integral term in Eq. (15) are evaluated using an upwindmethod such as an approximate Riemann solver [4], [10] withsolution values on either side of the interface.

F∂Ω =1


(F+ + F−

)− 1



lk(q+ − q−

)|λk| rk (16)

Limiting is accomplished by locally reducing the expansionorder. Time is advanced using a Runge-Kutta method, forexample the third-order, TVD method. [11]

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Fig. 2. Evolved solutions for the electrostatic ion cyclotron waves withdifferent orders of accuracy with approximately equivalent effective resolution:2nd order finite volume method with 100 cells, 3rd order DG method with 33elements, 16th order DG method with 6 elements, and the analytical solution.The inset shows the details around the highest peak.

The DG method has been implemented in a flexiblecode framework, WARPX (Washington Approximate RiemannPlasma code), that simplifies extension of the physical model.[1] Exercising the DG method within WARPX has beensuccessful for modeling plasma phenomena using the two-fluid and MHD plasma models. [9], [12]–[15] The code runson multi-processor machines using MPI and on many-coreand GPU systems using OpenCL. The algorithm is applicableto study advanced physics calculations of plasma dynamicsincluding HEDP, magnetic plasma confinement, and astrophys-ical plasmas.


A motivation for high-order accuracy is the unsplit cou-pling of the hyperbolic fluxes and the source terms representedin Eq. (12). The benefits are demonstrated by the propagationof electrostatic ion cyclotron waves and by equilibrium calcu-lations. [14] The electrostatic ion cyclotron waves are highlydispersive with an analytical solution given by

ux(x, t) = −∞∑n=0


2n+ 1sin (knx+ ωnt) (17)

where ω2n = k2

nc2s + ω2

c and u0 is the initial wave amplitude.The solution is computed using the DG method in WARPXwith different orders of basis functions but maintaining ap-proximately equivalent effective resolution, i.e. the number ofunknowns is constant, 2nd order finite volume method with100 cells, 3rd order DG method with 33 elements, and 16th

order DG method with 6 elements. The results are shown inFig. 2. Higher order solutions better match the analytical resultwith the 16th order solution closely following the analyticalsolution even with only 6 elements. The discrepancies in thesolutions are clearly seen in the inset of Fig. 2.

High-order accuracy is also important for preservinganisotropies, which often occur in plasmas. Plasmas are of-ten strongly magnetized which produces strongly anisotropictransport properties. One example is thermal conductivitycan have a ratio of parallel to perpendicular conductivities

of 106. The effect has been investigated using a high-orderfinite element method to solve the anisotropic heat conductionequation.


∂t+∇ · (−D · ∇T ) = 0 (18)

where D = D||(x, y, z) + D⊥(x, y, z). The problem is ini-tialized in 3D with a Gaussian temperature profile alignedwith a toroidal magnetic field. The diffusivities are set withD|| = 1 and D⊥ = 0. Numerical solutions are foundfor varying number of elements and for varying order ofthe basis functions. The numerical solutions are analyzed todetermine an effective D⊥. Results show the expected behaviorof decreasing D⊥ as spatial resolution is increased with eithersmaller elements or higher order basis functions. Even forequivalent effective resolutions, higher order is better able topreserve anisotropy. Details of this investigation are describedin Ref. [16].

The DG method has been applied to solve the Vlasov-Poisson kinetic model (collisionless Boltzmann) to demon-strate accurate, validated results. The solution of the continuumkinetic model has been benchmarked to weak and strongLandau damping and to the two-stream instability of Chengand Knorr. [17] Figure 3 shows the simulation results at anormalized time of ωpt = 60. The simulation uses a grid of20×80 elements using 7th order polynomials in (x, vx). Notethe high-order representation accurately captures the striationsthe occur in phase space as the solution develops.

Since the advanced plasma models solved in the approachdescribed above are coupled to Maxwell’s equations, fastwaves may propagate to domain boundaries and cause unphys-ical reflections. The fast waves are also indicated in Table I.Several techniques have been developed to address wave inter-actions with the boundary. The Calderon projection techniqueexhibits high accuracy without increasing the domain size.[18] This method is particularly useful when external magneticfields are applied that vary slowly compared to the plasmadynamics.

To treat open boundaries without generating non-physicalreflections, non-local boundary conditions must be employed.Simpler methods work for normal incidence waves, but waveswith oblique incidence can be problematic. Lacuna-basedmethods append an auxiliary domain and replace the openboundary with an interface matching condition. For the math-ematical details and a thorough review of the method, seeRef. [19]. The solutions between the interior domain and theauxiliary domain are smoothed with a transition function. SeeFig. 4 for an illustration of the domains. Waves propagate outof the interior domain without reflecting or returning.

The governing equation in the interior domain is expressedas given by Eq. (12), while in the auxiliary domain thegoverning equation is defined as


∂t+∇ · F(w) = S(w) + Ω(q) (19)

where w = µq and µ = µ(x) is the transition function,again see Fig. 4. The “transition region” source term Ω(q)is determined to guarantee that the interior solution matchesthe exterior solution at the interface. Namely,

Ω(q) = ∇ · F(µq)− S(µq)− µ∇ · F(q) + µS(q) (20)

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Fig. 3. Evolution of the strong Landau damping using 7th order discontinuousFE representation which accurately captures the fine-scale striations thatdevelop in phase space.

Fig. 4. Illustration for the lacuna-based boundary conditions. The original(interior) domain is appended with an overlapping auxiliary domain thattransmits waves without reflections.

The boundary condition for the interior solution q is set suchthat

q|−interface = w|+interface (21)

The auxiliary solution is periodically re-integrated to damp thesolution before it reflects and contaminates the solution at theinterface.

Lacuna-based methods work for oblique incidence wavesin either purely hyperbolic or mixed hyperbolic/parabolic sys-tems. [20] The method even works in 2D where no true lacunaeexist. (Huygens’ principle states true lacunae only exist in odddimensional space.) The performance is demonstrated in thenumerical results shown in Fig. 5. The cylindrical propagationof an electromagnetic wave intersects open boundaries on thelower and left edges of the domain. The figure shows thecombined interior and exterior domains on the left and onlythe interior domain on the right. The wave smoothly exitsthe interior domain and decays before interacting with theboundary of the exterior domain. No artificial reflections aregenerated even from the wave that is incident oblique to theboundary.


Plasmas are accurately described with continuum models:from detailed kinetic models to 5M and 13M moment models.This paper highlights developments in high-order techniquesfor solving these systems of equations so as to create high-fidelity methods that are better able to capture complexplasma physics phenomena. Coupling these models to high-order spatial representations leads to numerical algorithms thatcapture appropriate physical phenomena. High-order accuracyis important to capture the delicate balance of fluxes andsources in advanced plasma models and the large anisotropiccharacter in magnetized plasmas. The discontinuous GalerkinFE method has been implemented into the WARPX code andhas been validated to analytical results and benchmarked topublished computational results.


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