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There are several attractions around Puerto Princesa that you can easily visit in a day orless, including Honda Bay and the Underground River . All the hotels in the area sellessentially the same tours taking in the nearest sights for around P600 per person in aminivan, or P500–700 per tricycle !onda "ay and the #nderground $iver are moree%pensive&. 'ost tours take in Butterfly Garden, a small (ut (lossom)filled tropical gardenlaced *ith hundreds of (rightly hued (utterflies, and Baker’s Hill, a manicured park andsnack stop *ith a couple of aviaries thro*n in. The Crocodile Farm & Nature Park  (reedsendangered crocodiles, *hile the Ia!ig Prison & Penal Farm is an odd though intriguing+Prison ithout "ars- esta(lished in /0. Tourists are *elcome to *ander around thevillage and take snaps of the surrounding paddies and flocks of egrets, though the mainfocus is the shop selling handicrafts made (y the inmates.

Pictures1ue Honda Bay, 0km north of Puerto Princesa, is a shallo*, lagoon)like e%panseof *ater, (acked (y the spectacular range of mountains on the main island. The (aycontains seven lo*)lying islands, most little more than sand (ars fringed (y mangroves*amp and small (eds of coral, (ut is perfect for a day of island)hopping, lounging,snorkelling or a longer stay at Dos Palmas resort – if you have the money.

The areas of 2u3on around 'anila encompass some of the country4s most popular touristdestinations – as *ell as a num(er of undeveloped provinces that fe* visitors take the timeto see. The island of Corregidor" out in 'anila "ay, is easily accessed (y ferry from thecapital. 2ittered *ith thought)provoking museums and monuments to orld ar , its invitinghotel makes for a tran1uil overnight (reak from the city.

outh of 'anila the real highlight is stunning #ake $aal and its volcano, (est approachedfrom the heights, restaurants and refreshing (ree3es of Tagaytay. Along the coast %nilao offers outstanding scu(a diving, *hile south of 2aguna de "ay, the nation4s largest lake, 2os"aos is (est kno*n for its delicious buko pie, hot springs and mountain pools. 8urtheraround the lake are the churning *aters of the Pagsanan Falls, *here you can take athrilling and *et& canoe ride do*nriver across a series of rapids.

9orth of 'anila you can enter northern 2u3on on fast roads via historic 'alolos, *here the$evolutionary :ongress *as convened in ;/;, and the to*n of <(ando, scene of theintriguing festival kno*n as the <(ando 8ertility $ites. 8or a little more adventure andscintillating vie*s, clim( the lush slopes of 'ount Pinatu(o or 'ount Arayat. Bataan province, the peninsula north*est of 'anila, is far more isolated and *as the site of fiercefighting during orld ar , commemorated (y the (!rine of )alor  atop 'ount amat.:ome this *ay and it4s a straight shot north to (u*ic Bay, once a ma=or # navy (ase and

no* (eing developed into a series of rela%ed (eaches and adventure parks.

an Austin :hurch, 'anila

2ocated in 'anila, a visit to the an Agustin :hurch is a must see. "uiltin 5;/, this (eautiful church has survived seven earth1uakes and t*ofires over the centuries and no* remains as the oldest stone church inthe Philippines. At the main entrance, there are e%1uisite carvings on the*ooden doors. nside the lovely, 'e%ican)influenced interior is designedin the shape of a 2atin cross. The gorgeous ceiling *as painted in the

;00s (y talian artists, >iovanni ?i(ella and :esare Al(eroni.

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Puerto >alera

@ust south of 'anila is the charming coastal to*n of Puerto >alera, *ell)favored for its gorgeous (eaches, e%cellent diving spots and *idediversity of marine species. The most popular (eaches are hite "each

and a(ang "each, *hich also offer near(y shopping, dining, nightlifeand hotel accommodation. Another popular attraction is the naturalhar(or of 'uelle "ay *ith its ro*s of shops, restaurants and (ars.isitors can also go snorkeling to see some of Asia4s (est coral reefs ordive among old ship*recks and hundreds of fish species.

"anaue $ice Terraces

9o trip to the Philippines could (e complete *ithout seeing thespectacular "anaue $ice Terraces. :arved from the mountain rangesa(out B,000 years ago *ithout modern tools (y the fugao tri(es, thesemagnificent farm terraces resem(le giant steps reaching up to the sky.2ocals to this day still plant rice and vegeta(les on the terraces, althoughmore and more younger fugaos do not find farming appealing andemigrate to the cities.

The areas of 2u3on around 'anila encompass some of the country4s most popular touristdestinations – as *ell as a num(er of undeveloped provinces that fe* visitors take the time

to see. The island of Corregidor" out in 'anila "ay, is easily accessed (y ferry from thecapital. 2ittered *ith thought)provoking museums and monuments to orld ar , its invitinghotel makes for a tran1uil overnight (reak from the city.

outh of 'anila the real highlight is stunning #ake $aal and its volcano, (est approachedfrom the heights, restaurants and refreshing (ree3es of Tagaytay. Along the coast %nilao offers outstanding scu(a diving, *hile south of 2aguna de "ay, the nation4s largest lake, 2os"aos is (est kno*n for its delicious buko pie, hot springs and mountain pools. 8urtheraround the lake are the churning *aters of the Pagsanan Falls, *here you can take athrilling and *et& canoe ride do*nriver across a series of rapids.

9orth of 'anila you can enter northern 2u3on on fast roads via historic 'alolos, *here the

$evolutionary :ongress *as convened in ;/;, and the to*n of <(ando, scene of theintriguing festival kno*n as the <(ando 8ertility $ites. 8or a little more adventure andscintillating vie*s, clim( the lush slopes of 'ount Pinatu(o or 'ount Arayat. Bataan province, the peninsula north*est of 'anila, is far more isolated and *as the site of fiercefighting during orld ar , commemorated (y the (!rine of )alor  atop 'ount amat.:ome this *ay and it4s a straight shot north to (u*ic Bay, once a ma=or # navy (ase andno* (eing developed into a series of rela%ed (eaches and adventure parks.