Download - Heroes

  • Joseph CampbellThe Hero with a Thousand FacesChristopher VoglerThe Writers Journey
  • Heroes are introduced in the

    1Ordinary World

    where they receive the

    2Call to Adventure.

    They are reluctant at first


    3Refuse the Call,

    but are encouraged by a



    5Cross the First Threshold

    and enter the Special World

    where they encounter

    6Tests, Allies, and Enemies.

  • They

    7Approach the Inmost Cave,

    where they endure the

    8Supreme Ordeal.

    Death and Rebirthface death, greatest fears;

    heroes return changed, transformed; heroes cheat death

    with the help the of the Mentors gifts;

    there is a movement from Self to Group

    hero risks individual life for the sake of the larger

    collective life and wins the right to be called hero


    10The Road Back

    (rededicate to the adventure; can

    be another crisis that sets the hero

    on a new and final road of trials)


    (climaxlast and most dangerous meeting with death)

    and are transformed by the experienceheroes must be

    cleansed of the smell of death, but must retain

    the lessons of the Ordeal).

    12Return with the Elixir,

    a boon or treasure to benefit the Ordinary World

    or something with the power to heal a wounded land

  • ARCHETYPES are recurring patterns of human behavior, symbolized by standard types of characters in movies and stories.


    Central figures in stories. Everyone is the hero of his or her own myth.


    Villains and enemies, perhaps the enemy within. The dark side of the Force, the repressed possibilities of the hero, his or her potential for evil. Can be other kinds of repression, such as repressed grief, anger, frustration or creativity that is dangerous if it doesnt have an outlet.


    The heros guide or guiding principles. Yoda, Merlin, a great coach, or teacher.


    One who brings the Call to Adventure. Could be a person or an event.


    The forces that stand in the way at important turning points, including jealous enemies, professional gatekeepers, or your own fears and doubts.


    In stories, creatures like vampires or werewolves who change shape. In life, the shapeshifter represents change. The way other people (or our perceptions of them) keep changing. The opposite sex, the way people can be two-faced.


    Clowns and mischief-makers, Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy. Our own mischievous subconscious, urging us to change.


    Characters who help the hero through the change. Sidekicks, buddies, girlfriends who advise the hero through the transitions of life.


    Characters who include both the villains or antagonists and who can perform functions of Shadow, Trickster, Threshold Guardian, and sometimes Herald. An enemy is more like a rival who is usually not out to kill the hero, but who is trying to defeat him in a competition.

  • For in effect this is a study of a simple ordinary man, neither artistic nor noble and heroic (but not without the undeveloped sense of these things) against a high settingin fact (as a critic has perceived ) the tone and style change with the Hobbits development, passing from fairy-tale to the noble and high and relapsing with the return. J. R. R. Tolkien, Letter 131, to Milton Waldman of Collins(c. 1951)

  • This ain't no place for no hero

    This ain't no place for no better man

    This ain't no place for no hero

    To call "home"

    This ain't no place for no hero

    This ain't no place for no better man

    This ain't no place for no hero

    To call "home

  • What if Im becoming bad?