Download - HERITAGE RIDER - Ulysses 141 – [email protected] Secretary: Ray Seddon - 08 93981986 Mob 0408098351 – [email protected]

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Dec 2013 Issue 457 Armadale Heritage Branch $1.00 On-Line Subscription, $2.00 Pre Booked B/W Hard Copy


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ULYSSES CLUB Armadale Heritage Branch Committee

President: Alan Warner - 089 490 3299 or 0407 886 141 – [email protected]

Secretary: Ray Seddon - 08 93981986 Mob 0408098351 – [email protected]

Treasurer: Dave Carroll - 0400238394 [email protected]

Quartermaster: Alby Feldbauer – 0416260572 [email protected]

Ride Coordinator: Tony Fareso - 089 490 1437 or 0419 830 062 [email protected]

Welfare Officer: Josef Gabriel 08 9397 5837 Mob 0432941624

General duties: Ray Seddon, Alby Feldbouer, Dav Sundstrom Robyn Johnston, Barry Larson, Social Co-ordinators:

Editor: Dav Sundstrom Mob 0408899901 [email protected] Postal address for all correspondence:

Ulysses Armadale Heritage Branch PO Box 1103 Kelmscott DC 6997 Website : Disclaimer: All expressions of opinion are published on the basis that they are not regarded as expressing the official opinion of the Ulysses Club but are included as general interest only. The Armadale Heritage Branch accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any of the opinions or information contained in this newsletter and reader should rely on their own inquires in making any decisions touching their own interests.

Advertising rates These rates apply for one year in the Heritage Rider Business Card Size $20.00 Quarter Page $30.00 Half Page $50.00

Branch Emblems Sewn directly onto clothing, caps, towels,T Shirts, Work Wear, Uniforms, Manchester & Jackets are available at: Stitchcraft Embroidery contact Amanda 13 EichelMews ,Waikiki WA.6169

Mobile.0419856261 Phone /Fax [08]95931600

[email protected]

Armadale Ulysses Club Gear For Armadale Heritage Branch / WA gear contact: Alby Feldbauer Mob 0416260572 Email: [email protected]

Ulysses Club Shop Head Office Phone 1300 134123

Monthly General Meetings 1st Thursday of every Month Upstairs at YE OLDE NARROGIN INNE, 2 South West Hwy Armadale, 7:30pm for 8:00pm start

Monthly Committee Meeting First Thursday after Monthly General Meeting, upstairs at the YE OLDE NARROGIN INNE, 2 South West Hwy Armadale, 7:30pm sharp.

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Minutes: General Meeting Thurs 7th November, 2013. President Alan opened the meeting at 8:02pm. 34 members present, no apologies received. No new members or visitors. Secretary: Secretary had contacted Natcom, and also a private law firm, with a query as to members’ personal liability if we take pillions on rides, who have paid a charity for the privilege. Members receive nothing from the enterprise but donate time, bikes and fuel. Advice received from both sources is that there is no liability on the members, as this is covered by Third Party Insurance as long as the bike is currently registered. Treasurer: total of $2,643 plus raffle money yet to be banked. Quartermaster: Alby has almost $900 in stock so there are plenty of Club goodies there, if he hasn’t got it he will get it. Orders need to go in now for Christmas Teddies. Welfare Officer; Josef reported that Trevor is recovering slowly from cracked ribs and a lung infection, results of a mishap at Greenbushes several weeks ago. Trev appreciated all the jokes. President Alan welcomed Mike and Julie Clode, back for a brief stay during their travels. Rides: Arno: This Sunday is Glenn Sargeson’s ride to Lake Brockman, details on the website. Slower Rides: discussion again on this subject; feeling of the meeting was that to hold two separate rides on Sundays will only fraction the Branch. Ride leaders go to considerable trouble to organise the ride with organising morning tea and lunch stops, so it is not fair to split up the group. Arno suggested that as there are some gaps in the calendar, perhaps these could be used to slot in some slower rides where beginners will feel more comfortable. It was mentioned there was some confusion last Sunday when some members said they were going on a short ride rather than Christine’s ride to Wongan Hills, but in the end all went on the organised ride, which Christine re-routed to York because of the windy conditions. There were some long corner-marks but the general rule is that a corner-marker waits for fifteen minutes anyway. Also suggested that those who want a shorter ride, go only to the morning tea stop, which solves the problem and doesn’t result in separate groups. Result of discussion:

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• separate Sunday rides will split the Branch.

• shorter, slower rides will be slotted into blanks on the calendar.

• Shorter rides can still be done with a run to morning tea only.

Laurie and Martin’s ride to Cape Bouvard 1/12, numbers are needed for lunch catering. Let Laurie know. Social: Dogs; a good night was had by all, especially Robyn who had a good win. Christmas Function: should have numbers in and paid by now; 55 registered which is 5 down on last year; $15 Secret Santa; Dav is organising three kegs. New Years Eve: BBQ at Alan’s place 31/12 – anytime after 6pm. BYO. General Business: The Lynwood Arms has closed. Saturday Arvo Coffee for November: Calamunda Camel Farm. 2014 Odyssey: Busselton, but John B reported some confusion regarding booking accommodation and the possibility of the venue being changed. Keep an eye on the Odyssey website. Christine: Lunch Orders: perhaps when ordering meals at a venue, such as at Beaches on the Bike Show Run, keep orders per number down to 4-5, as putting them all on one number only results in confusion (may as well not have a number). Yamaha Ride Day; 5-star Yamaha are putting on a sausage sizzle and test rides this Saturday 9th November. Tony: Charity Ride: this Saturday 9th, it is a Movember Prostate Cancer and Black Dog charity run, from Midvale to Dwellingup. Michael and Julie’s trip: Michael gave an informative talk on his and Julie’s latest round of travels through Scotland, Wales, Nova Scotia, Toronto, then on through the USA from Ohio to St Lois. They will be going back again next April, back into Canada. Their travels so far have notched up 80,000km. Michael mentioned in most countries they have been to all they have to have is current third-party insurance so they have not bothered with health insurance, also haven’t insured the bike as the cost is prohibitive – almost the value of the bike in most cases. Di and Laurie and Martin had organised the raffle, and Di presented a huge and delicious cake. Birthdays this month: Sally, Bully, Cameron had to suffer the birthday dirge. Meeting declared closed at 9:10pm. Ray Seddon (Sec.)

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Presidents Report 2014 ODYSSEY The question was asked at last month’s meeting whether the venue for the 2014 Odyssey had been changed. I can inform you that it has and is now going to be held at The Kookaburra Caravan Park in Busselton. I have no more details but I am sure if you check the Warnboro website all will be revealed. CHRISTMAS FUNCTION What a great night, I have never seen so many of us in one place at the same time. I must get out more often did I hear someone say. Back to the night, it was very well organised and in a great venue so thanks must go to Laurie and Martin for their efforts. The secret Santa also went well again except for Pamela pinching my bottle of Irish Whiskey that I had stolen from Jerry. It was all good fun and I do hope that everyone enjoyed themselves, there was one small hiccup though we forgot to get the cakes out of the fridge until after the Santa fun had finished and unfortunately some had already left so those still there had to eat more cake than was wise. Apologies to those who missed out. SOUTH WEST CHARITY RIDE This is happening next weekend on the 14th/15th December and those that are going will no doubt congregate at the usual departure point and leave for Augusta at 9.00am. It will be a leisurely ride down stopping for lunch at Balingup as usual and hopefully to be entertained by the friendly bar staff while there. We have a few going but anyone wishing to take their chances finding accommodation are more than welcome to join us even if you just want to ride part of the way down on Saturday or maybe meet up with us in Busselton on Sunday for the ride back. It’s a terrific event and one not to be missed. AFTERNOON TEA At the last Committee meeting it was decided to make the December afternoon tea at the Byford Bakery I would suggest we think about getting there a little earlier as they do close at 4.00 so if like me you enjoy sometimes two coffees it would pay to be a little early. For those who like to have a ride to the venue could I suggest that it is always possible to go on a bit of a round robin and end in Byford instead of going straight there. SOCIALLY Not a lot to add with Christmas just around the corner but I will be having an open house at my place this Friday 6th December. For those that haven’t been before we don’t do much, talk a bit, play pool, eat, drink and this time Tony and I are going to teach ourselves to play Crib or Cribbage to use its correct name. All are welcome and it is BYO, although if the demand is there we can organise take away food of some sort. Hope to see some of you there or I will have to put up with Tony by myself.

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NEW YEARS EVE As there wasn’t much on offer I will have an open house at my house for New Years Eve. Again this will be predominantly BYO but I will supply a bunch of sausages and some bread rolls so we can at least have a sausage sizzle, if anyone wants to bring some salad feel free to do so and you could always bring a little for me, just joking I can afford a lettuce. Time will be open, just come when you want, go when you want, if you are a serious drinker I have plenty of floor to sleep on or if you are female I have two spare bedrooms that can be used but I would like prior warning for that so I am not rushing around fixing up beds on the night. Again I hope a few of you can make it. In finishing I would like to thank everyone for their support during the year and I wish you all a very happy Christmas and a safe and enjoyable New Year. Take care Alan

Birthdays in December are:

Trish Bensley, Michael Code, John Davies, Colin Reid, Greg Weare

Newsletter Subscription Reminder With the first year of online delivery of the Newsletter coming to a close you are reminded that your subscription for the 2014 newsletters will be due in January. Cash payments can be made to the Treasurer at the January and February meetings or by making an online bank transfer. Subscription for 2014 will be the same as 2013. $10 for online delivery for the year or $20 for a hardcopy. Bank BSB – 306097 Account No. – 0255263 Account name – Ulysses Armadale Heritage Group Please include your name in the payment details.

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Annual Club Christmas Function Report 2013

The annual club Christmas function was again held at Laurie and Martin's place. It was a great night with some fifty people attending and all enjoying the food as well as each others company. The highlight of the night was the Secret Santa program which got quite a few laughs as we progressed through the group with some "stealing" thrown in to keep things interesting. Who ever brought the maids uniform, well done!

Thanks again to Laurie and Martin for being such great hosts and the club for supporting the evening. Photo's below.

Sunday Ride Report 1/12/2013 - Laurie and Martin's

Summer Ride to Cape Bouvard Winery December 01, 2013

The first day of summer produced a great crowd for the ride to Cape Bouvard Winery with 30 members making the start. After the ceremonial ride review by Laurie and Martin, Martin lead us south east working our way through some lovely back roads until we arrived at a park in Ravenwood facing the Murray River for morning tea. Ray and Lisa in the Goldwing sidecar had set up a lovely morning tea for us in the park with cakes, biscuits, tea and coffee on tap. This was a pleasant change from our normal cafe morning breaks and we all enjoyed the effort by the catering crew. We continued our journey down south including a very scenic run along the shore line of the Harvey Estuary before arriving at our lunch venue at the Cape Bouvard Winery. We had an undercover area reserved for us adjacent to the cellar door and in no time at all we were enjoying our lunch and the odd refreshment while being entertained by Rocking Ronnie! After lunch we headed down the road to Gae and Jeff's place for coffee and cake to finish off a perfect day. Well done Martin on the organisation and great lead, also Lisa, Ray and Laurie for the morning tea.

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Sunday Ride Report 24/11/2013 - Ride to Tranquility! November 24, 2013

Ride Report:

Today was a day of firsts, First Tranquility ride

First pre ride meditation using incense

First ride incorporating hand holding and group hugs

First ride where no-one overtook ride leader First ride where the speed limit dropped to 90 and we had to accelerate to get to 90 First ride Glenn was not able to get out of second gear First ride where 5 riders actually fell asleep First time I found a cure for insomnia First ride some said was too slow and went home First ride where reversing a bike into a parking bay was faster than getting to the bay First ride where cars actually overtook us First ride a cyclist overtook us up a hill First ride Arno and myself hired bodyguards for protection The First Tranquility ride might be the last! Other than that, a very enjoyable day and I feel sooooo relaxed.

Sunday Ride Report 17/11/2013 - Barry's Ride to

Yerecoin November 17, 2013

Another perfect day for a Sunday ride. Fifteen riders took in Barry's briefing for our ride to Yerecoin including a couple of old campaigner's we hadn't seen for a while. We headed off to Roleystone on through to the Bickley Valley, then Mundaring Weir Road towards Sawyers Valley. At the beginning of the day the catch cry had been "where the flip is Yerecoin", however at morning tea time it was "where the flip is the cafe at Sawyers Valley"? Anyway, nothing a loop and a U-Turn couldn't fix and we were there!

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After morning tea we headed off on Bunning Road coming out on the Toodyay Road at Gidgeganup and onto Toodyay. We lost a couple here who succumed to the aroma's of the bakery but gained a couple in Dave and Trish. Trish was taking her new Suzuki "Bertha Busa" scooter out for a decent shakedown trial and had decided with Dave to join us in Toodyay for the ride.

Weather was still fabulous as we motored our way through Bolgart, Calingiri and onto our destination of Yerecoin. We parked in the shade of the big gums out the front of the pub and made our way in. Alan F showed us a new way of reading a menu when you have forgotten your glasses and your arms aren't long enough, check out the photo's. Food was great and prices very reasonable, $10.00 for a steak sandwich with the lot! Sorry Josef you missed out!

After lunch and some quick Beemer repairs to Barry's Boxer we headed west until we hit the Great Northern Highway just north of New Norcia. We then headed south to our final stop for coffee at Bindoon, again the weather was pleasant as we enjoyed the coffee in the outside area. From there the group headed home. 390 kms in all and thanks again to Barry for organising a great day out. PS if anyone finds an IPod Shuffle on Bunning Road, it's mine! Photo's below.

Sunday Ride Report 10/11/2013

- Glenn's Ride to Lake

Brockman November 10, 2013 Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on email Share on print More Sharing Services

It was definitely a case of out with the jacket liner's as almost thirty riders assembled to hear Glenn's briefing before we headed off on the Sunday ride. With an estimated temperature of 37 degrees for the day a cool easterly was keeping things just nice as we worked our way out of Armadale and onto Roleystone. We turned off along the

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Heritage Way and worked our way through the hills exiting on the Albany Highway, taking the Jarrahdale turn off and waving to Bruce as we went past the cafe in the main street. Next we crossed over the South West Highway on to the Mundijong Road arriving at Golden Ponds for morning tea. We took up occupation inside and outside the facility and the staff did a great job of looking after us.

Things seemed a little warmer as we left the "Ponds" and worked our way south staying on the western side of the highway. We finally got back on the highway just north of Yarloop and continued south before taking the Lake Brockman turnoff.

We all ordered lunch and congregated on the back verandah of the cafe with a view of the lake in the background. Additional to the general banter, a lot of interest took place in regard to the design of the door opener with someone almost loosing $10.00 in the process! Again it was warm as we assembled in the car park but once under way through the forest the temperature was reasonable. Some riders took the Nanga Road turnoff at Warroona while some of the team decided to head home. Nanga Road was at its best with very little traffic and again cool through the forest considering the temperature. Dwellingup was the afternoon coffee brake and we enjoyed ourselves under the shade of a Bottlebrush tree before packing up and heading home. Thanks to Glenn for a great ride, well organised day and managing to find most of the cool spots! Photo's below.

OLDER MEN SCAMS. Women often receive warnings about protecting themselves at the mall, parking lots, etc. But this is the first warning I have seen for men and I wanted to pass it on in case you haven't heard about it. A 'heads up' for those men who may be regular customers at Bunnings, Gateway, or even Centro. Last month, I became a victim of a clever scam while shopping. Simply going to get supplies turned out to be quite traumatic. Don't be naive enough to think it couldn't happen to you or your friends. Here's how the scam works: Two nice-looking, Uni-aged girls will come up to your car as you are putting away your purchases. They both start wiping your windshield with a rag and Windex with their boobs almost falling out of their skimpy T-shirts. (It's impossible not to look). When you thank them and offer them a tip, they

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say "No" but instead ask for a ride to McDonald's. You agree and they climb in the vehicle. On the way, they start undressing. Then one of them starts crawling all over you, while the other one steals your wallet. I had my wallet stolen Sept 4th, 9th, 10th, twice on the 15th, 17th, 20th, 24th & 29th. Also Oct 1st & 4th, twice on the 8th, 16th, 18th & 20th and very likely again this upcoming weekend. K-Mart has wallets on sale for $2.99 each. I found even cheaper ones for $0.99 at the Reject Shop and bought them out in both of their stores. Also, you never get to eat at McDonald's. I've already lost 11 kilos just running back and forth from Coles, Bunnings, K-Mart, Target etc. So please, send this on to all the older men that you know and warn them to be on the lookout for this scam. (The best times are just before lunch and around 4:30 in the afternoon.)


By The Blue Fairy

November 2013

I have recently completed a round-Australia adventure with my best friend, husband Dave; both of us riding our own motorbikes. Mine was a red Italian bambino, the Moto Guzzi 750Breva, and Dave’s steed was a Honda ST1300, towing a Classic Industries mini tourer trailer with our big walk in tent, folding table and chairs, sleeping gear, laptop and other basic necessities. We took 13 months in two stages to ride 44 thousand kilometres, going around the continent and also down through the middle of the red centre. An awesome adventure; each location having its own special beauty. The only problem on our journey was when I began to notice my arthritis pains gradually getting worse and worse, even doing stretchies every morning outside our tent wasn’t making much difference any more. I gritted my teeth on long riding stretches and just put up with it, as medications were not really helping much. The scenery was worth it! Then when we finally got back to home, I parked the bike in the shed. A short ride from Kelmscott to Dwellingup a few weeks later with Dave had me almost in tears because of the pain in my hips and legs. I limped off the bike and told Dave “That’s it! I can’t keep on riding!” I don’t know which was more upsetting at this point, the pain, or the feeling of not being able to ride any more. Dave tried to help by setting up highway pegs on my Guzzi, but the hips were not going to be in the right position, so we scrapped that idea. And it was horrible just trying to throw my leg over a normal motorbike anyway.

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Never mind: Faint heart never fazed Fair Lady. I went to my doctor, who is also a motorcyclist and he understood my misery at the pain on both fronts. Off for x-rays and then it was confirmed I have advanced arthritis in both hips and knees, and the doctor said “I don’t know how you’ve put up with it, you are such a brave lady.” Never give up your dream. I wondered if a different kind of bike would suit me. Scooters? Let’s try. A quick Googling showed me that seating positions on a step through scooter are different to a normal motorcycle. So I phoned motorcycle dealers and took some scooters for test runs. What a difference I felt on any scooter! No pain! Even when riding for 2 hours, as a kind Yamaha dealer let me do on a demo model. The hips are in a position where there is no painful bone on bone grating. I ended up deciding eventually on buying a Suzuki 650cc Burgman, as it has a good sized petrol tank for long distance touring, it has ABS brakes, and it has great visibility on the road, being white, with good big headlights and indicators. And she is nice and low to the ground when pulling up to a stop and parking, even though she is a heavy big bike at 275kg. I call her Big Bertha Burgman, my Suzuki Hyabertha. Now what else does one do when confronted with the miseries of advancing arthritis? Curl up and do nothing, and wait for an early coffin? Nope; if you don’t use it you lose it, is my motto. Sometimes it bugs me to think others my age, in their early 60s are doing fine with their fitness levels, but that’s no excuse for me to give up and feel sorry for myself. The best thing I invested in on our big ride around Australia was 2 European hiking sticks, from a good camping shop in Adelaide. With these extendable sticks I can go walking and hiking over all sorts of terrain, from footpaths to dirt rocky tracks, and so I can keep walking every day. You use your arm and shoulder muscles which take the stress off the hips and knees. At first I said to Dave: “I feel like I’m cheating!” because walking was so quick and easy. I could have sold a store full of these hiking sticks in my travels, due to other senior citizens seeing me use them and asking me about them. These sticks also come in handy when travelling on crowded trains or buses….a sad looking little old lady with a hiking/walking stick in front of a sitting passenger’s face in a priority seat always gives the message to offer a seat…and I haven’t even had to remove the rubber base to reveal the tungsten metal tip! (The sticks are set up for footpath and dirt walking!) The hiking sticks are also sadly useful for tripping up selfish people at Perth train station who rush to use the “Disabled” lift in peak hour. These morons are too lazy to go on an escalator, when I’m travelling to go to PMH for therapies with my now 4 year old granddaughter in her wheel chair, and her Mum. If they go to push the child in a wheelchair out of the way, a hiking stick suddenly lands across their legs! You would be amazed at how many creeps are out there not caring about the needs of people in wheelchairs. Nobody argues with me…those sticks might look scary, or is it the look in my granny eyes?! Grrr!

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By the way, when I was riding my motorbike, I okky-strapped the hiking sticks onto the bike frame. They conveniently collapse down to a small size for this. My other strategy for keeping arthritis at bay has been joining hydrotherapy classes at Thornlie heated pool centre. This was suggested by my doctor, and I found out that these classes are covered by my private health insurance, which is even better. So, for my first go at the twice a week early morning session, I saw that the class consisted of 8 grandmothers, most of them heavier than me and older than me. This will be a doddle, I thought. Not! Our instructor is a young fit lady called Carla and next thing I was bouncing up and down in the warm swimming pool, doing all sorts of energetic moves that totally took the puff out of me. When we got to the part where we were using noodles, I did noodling in ways I never thought I could, and it was all hard work. Those other grannies were paddling and splashing and punching water faster than a whirlpool washing machine, while I was doing my best trying to keep up with them. I won’t take a group of cute little old ladies for granted again! This is just what an arthritis sufferer needs… a good workout in water where you find you can do things with stiff sore limbs that suddenly don’t hurt underwater. And it’s great fun, like playing in a pod of dolphins and making the water churn. What has splashing in water got to do with the art of scootering? And using nifty extendable hiking sticks? It is the Zen art of being fit enough to keep up the fun of riding. That’s all folks! Keep your knees to the breeze! Trish Bensley, aka Blue Fairy ☺

RIDE CALENDAR December 2013

If you would like to lead a ride please contact our Ride Coordinator, TonyFareso - 089 490 1437 or 0419 830 062 [email protected] we meet 8:30am for 9:00am departure on Sundays for an organized ride somewhere. All riders are welcome to join us, be it learner or experienced Please

ensure your tank is full. 2nd rider (the one behind the leader) marks the corner until Tail End Charlie arrives. The starting point for our rides is in the Tourist Info Centre Car park in Jull St Armadale (opposite McDonald’s).

All Rides and Social Events are listed on our website or use this link to jump directly in.

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August 2014 Ride a Harley through the National Parks of the US to the

famous Sturgis Motorcycle Rally and visit Bonneville Salt Flats for the annual Speed Week.

Packages including Airfares, Accommodation, Harley-Davidson hire and more available.

ROUTE 66 Take on the iconic Route 66 from Chicago to Los Angeles, go it solo or take part in a tour with other riders, the choice

is yours.

11/205 Jull Street, Armadale 9399 4477 [email protected]

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For Sale

2008 Hyosung Aquilla, 10,000Kms $3,500.00 O.N.O.

Contact Alby on : Mob 0416260572

Email: [email protected]

Club Shop Gear

Order through Quartermaster Alby

Ulysses Club Armadale Heritage Branch Cloth Patch


Ulysses Club Armadale Heritage

Branch Cap


Ulysses Club Armadale Heritage Branch Number

Plate Trim


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It is with great pleasure and pride, to the ceNTral Deserts Branch, that we were given the honour to host the National Annual General Meeting and Event of the Ulysses Club, in Alice Springs - 12th to 18th May 2014. CeNTral Australia engenders in the mind of most Australians, an image of the "Real Outback". It is vast, remote and spectacularly beautiful. Red is the predominant colour in its palette, but mauves, pinks, the many shades of blue, soft greys and subdued greens soften the harsh beauty of the landscape. Situated in the heart of Australia’s Red ceNTre is its core, the legendary town of Alice Springs. "The Alice" is nestled at the foot of the majestic MacDonnell Ranges that traverse east and west through the heart of Australia, and is home to some 28,000 Territorians. First class major highways, modern transport, rail services three times a week and daily air and coach services to and from capital cities and major regional centres removes the sense of isolation. A “must go” destination for all Australians.

Alice Springs is proving to be a big draw card for domestic and international audiences, ensuring high motivation amongst delegates to attend, as Australians and non-Australians start to look for a different kind of experience.

Alice Springs is home to the world famous Tattersall’s Finke Desert Race. For 3 days approximately 12,000 people are catered for by the town facilities and some camp beside the racetrack, sleeping under the stars, all having a great time. Another major event catered for is the Masters Games held every two years which has in excess of 4,500 people which the majority are catered for in a hard bed format. The town also hosts all sorts of conferences and events of different sizes every year. Alice Springs has been a traditional meeting place for tens of thousands of years for people of common interests to get together. The CeNTral Deserts Branch feel that in keeping with tradition, it is also a fantastic place to have our mates get together for the 2014 AGM, and as an interesting note 2014 will be the 20th anniversary of when our mates got together last time for an AGM in the heart of Australia.

Traveling to the Red ceNTre is an opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery, to discard the everyday hassles, reawaken your senses, warm the heart and enrich the spirit, to get ceNTred. ‘The Branch Closest to Every Beach in Australia’

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EVENT DATES: 12th to18th May 2014

The Main Event site will be at Blatherskite Park which is located only about 6.5km

south of Alice Springs CBD. The park is 55 Hectares, however we won't be using all

of the area as it has a dedicated equestrian area at the southern end. Check in will

be at the Alice Springs Convention Centre.

Adventure Bikes! 2014 AGM Event Alice Springs There are many dirt tracks/roads that lead to the centre, making the Alice Springs

AGM Event an ideal destination for adventure bikes.

From the east there is the Donohue/Plenty H/Way. Starting at Boulia through to the

Stuart H/Way, 70km north of Alice Springs.

For the more adventurous there is the Simpson Desert track from Birdsville to

Dalhousie Springs [permit required].There are several ways to get from Dalhousie to

Alice Springs on dirt or via the Stuart H/Way.

From the South: The Oodnadatta Track from Marree, through to Marla on the Stuart


From the West: The Great Central Road starts from Laverton and goes to Yulara

[permits required]. Bitumen from Yulara to Kings Canyon then The Red Centre

Way is dirt to Hermannsburg. From here it is 126 km on bitumen to Alice Springs.

From the North: The Tanami road from Halls Creek. Note Rabbit Flats Roadhouse is

no longer in operation.

All these tracks/roads can be corrugated and rough. A support vehicle would be


Get your maps out and start planning a trip of a life time!

The AGM Event Alice Springs will be held from the 12th - 18th May 2014.

The Main Event site will be at Blatherskite Park which is located only about 6.5km

south of Alice Springs CBD. Registrations open mid August 2013.

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Ulysses Club WA Branch Contacts

BROOM WEST KIMBERLY BRANCH p: 08 9192 8249 m: 0412 46 0442 e: [email protected] w: Broome West Kimberley Branch

BUNBURY BRANCH m: 0419 86 7827 e: [email protected] w: Bunbury Branch

ESPERANCE BRANCH p: 08 9078 2060 m: 0427 78 2060 e: [email protected] w: Esperance Branch

FREMANTLE BRANCH m: 0413 73 7544 e: [email protected] w: Fremantle Branch

GERALDTON BRANCH p: 08 9964 2392 m: 0427 64 2392 e: [email protected] w: Geraldton Branch

GREAT SOUTHERN BRANCH p: 08 9842 9293 m: 0417 86 6903 e: [email protected] w: Great Southern Branch

JOONDALUP BRANCH m: 0409 30 4477 e: [email protected] w: Joondalup Branch

KALGOORLIE BRANCH m: 0428 95 9330 e: [email protected] w: Kalgoorlie Branch

MANDURAH MURRAY BRANCH p: 08 9581 3129 e: [email protected] w: Mandurah Murray Branch

PERTH BRANCH p: 08 9242 3462 m: 0450 90 6310 e: [email protected] w: Perth Branch

PILBARA BRANCH m: 0407 59 3549 e: [email protected] w: Pilbara Branch

WARNBRO SOUND WANDERERS m: 0419 91 9275 e: [email protected] w: Warnbro Sound Wanderers Branch

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WA Companies who support The Ulysses Club American Motorcycles, 211 Albany Highway Victoria Park WA 6100 Tel: (08)9361 4884 10% Discount on most after market parts and workshop

Five Star Yamaha, 54 Rockingham Rd Hamilton Hill WA 6163 Tel: 08 9430 4090 Up to 20% Discount on parts and accessories

Honda Country, 59 Dixon Road Rockingham WA 6168 Tel: (08) 9527 5093 Special Ulysses price on Application

Hoon's Workshop, U5/4 Malcolm St, Maddington WA 6109 Tel: Vince 0417 956 523 Trailer, Towbars, Bike Modifications & Custom Parts painted or chromed & more..... By a Ulyssian for Ulyssians

In City Used Motorcycles Pty Ltd, 614 Albany Highway Victoria Park WA 6100 Tel: 08 9470 4446 Special Ulysses discount

Kim Britton Kawasaki, 2/91 Dickson Road Rockingham, WA 6168 Tel: 08 9592 1113 Special Ulysses price on Application

Mack 1 Motorcycles, 237 Great Eastern Highway Midland WA 6056 Tel: (08) 9250 2522 15% Discount on access 5% Disc plus free tyre fitting

Motorcycles Plus, 126 Kewdale Road, Kewdale WA 6105 Tel: (08) 9353 4567 10% discount on parts, labour and repairs and tyres

Southern Cross Caravan Park, Great Eastern Highway Southern Cross W.A. Tel: (08) 9049 1212 Discount to Ulysses members

Total Motorcycle Accessories, 1028 Albany Highway East Victoria Park WA Tel: (08) 9427 3030 Special Ulysses price on Application

Tyres for Bikes, 621 Albany Highway, Victoria Park, WA 6100 Tel: 08 93626262 10 % Discount

Witch Cycles Suzuki, 109 Day Rd Rockingham, WA 6168 Tel: (08) 9527 2398 10% Discount