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System Plus College Foundation

McArthur Highway, Balibago, Angeles City

College of Nursing

In Partial Fullfilment

of the Requirements in


“Herbal Plants” 

Submitted by:Mercado, Colleen P.

Submitted to:

Ms. Jessica Sanchez RN,MAN

Clinical Instructor

January 21, 2014

Date of Submission

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Aloe Vera Daya Daya

Lagundi Oregano  Lemon

Grass Tsaang Gubat

Bayabas Malunggay Tawa

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Tawa Pancit Pancitan

Gumamela Guyabano

Pandan Acacia Bawang

Common NameScientific Name

Herbal Medicine Use

and Preparation


Side Effects

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Aloe Vera

Scientific Name: Aloe barbadensis, Aloe Vera


  Aloe Vera is used to treat skin burns, scalds, scrapes, sunburn and wounds.

  Aloe Vera juice or the fleshy leaves is applied to the skin, believed to improve healing

  Aloe Vera used for treatment of dandruff, falling hair and baldness. Aloe Vera juice or sap

are massage to the scalp

  Aloe Vera is used in conjunctivitis, Aloe leaf juice is applied to the outer eyelid.

  In small doses, Aloe Vera is considered stomachic tonic; in large doses, as purgative.

  For hemorrhoids, Aloe Vera cuticle from its leaves is used as suppository for hemorrhoids

  In the Arabian peninsula, aloe vera is used for diabetes.

Aloe Vera Herbal Medicine Use and Preparation

  Aloe vera leaves contain a clear gel that is often used as a topical ointment.

  The green part of the Aloe leaf that surrounds the gel can be used to produce a juice or a

dried substance (called latex) that is taken by mouth.

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Daya Daya

Scientific name: Coeus blumei Benth

Common Name: Mayana

Indication: headache, Bruises and sprains, Mild bleeding of wounds, sinusitis, dyspepsia 

Medicinal uses and Preparation: 

Bruises and sprains: Crush or pound 10-12 leaves and apply over the ankles, wrists or affected

areas for 30 minutes, three times daily. Use a bandage to hold the poultice in place.

Carminative: Take decoctions of leaves.

Headache: Pound leaves and apply over temples and nape.

Mild bleeding of wounds: Wash the young leaves; crush and extract the juice. Drop a few drops

of the juice directly on the wound. Apply the crushed leaves as poultice.

Sinusitis: Heat 10-12 fresh leaves over a fire; apply while still hot over the forehead for the

frontal sinuses or over the cheeks for the maxillary sinuses, twice daily.

Decoction, taken internally for dyspepsia; also used as eyedrops for eye inflammation.

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Scientific Name : Vitex Negundo 

Common Name: Lagundi (Ibn., Tag., Bik., P. Bis.) Liñgei (Bon.) Limo-limo (Ilk.) Turagay (Bis.)

Five-leaved chaste tree (Engl.) Huang Ching (Chin.) Agno-casto (Spanish)

Indication:  Lagundi is generally used for the treatment of coughs, asthma symptoms, and other

respiratory problems. Lagundi is also known for its analgesic effect that helps alleviate pain and

discomfort. Other traditional benefits that are derived from the use of Lagundi are as follows:

  Relief of asthma & pharyngitis

  Recommended relief of rheumatism, dyspepsia, boils, diarrhea

  Treatment of cough, colds, fever and flu and other bronchopulmonary disorders

  Alleviate symptoms of Chicken Pox

  Removal of worms, and boils


Lagundi leaves, root, flowers, and seeds are believed to have medicinal value. Lagundi

concoction is prepared by boiling, steeping, and then straining various parts such as lagundi

leaves, roots, flowers and seeds.

  wash fresh or dried

Lagundi leaves

  chop then add in 4 cups

of water for every 1 cup

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Scientific Name: Origanum vulgare 

Common Name: Oregano (Spanish.), Suganda(Tagalog.), Torongil de Limon(Spanish.), Zuo shou


Indication and Health Benefits:

  Oregano leaves and flowers are used as antiseptic for cuts and burns. Oregano contains

thymol, a crystalline substance that has antiseptic and fungicide properties.

  Oregano is also used as herbal medicine to cure respiratory and stomach ailments.

  Oregano oil extracts help treat cold, mild fever, and indigestion.

  Oregano tea is believed to have a soothing effect and helps in getting restful sleep.

  Tea made with oregano is also used to relieve flatulence [gas problems] and menstrual


  Oil derived from oregano leaves offers relief from toothaches. Rub a few drops of

oregano oil on the teeth and gums after every meal and at bed time to reduce bad


  The oregano herb is also a good source of fiber. A diet high in fiber helps manage

weight, reduces risk of colon cancer and increases breakdown of cholesterol in the


  Oregano is a relatively good source of calcium, iron, manganese, Vitamin A, C and K.

[However, because the quantity consumed is very less, one cannot depend on oregano

as a wholesome source of vitamins and minerals].

  Used as a steam inhalant, oregano helps clear sinuses.

Oregano oil helps in controlling acne and pimples. Add two drops of oregano oil to any

face wash when cleaning your face [recommended: twice daily].

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  Externally crushed oregano leaves are mixed with oats and hot water and pounded into

a paste. When applied over swelling, itching and aching muscles, eases pain. It also

provides relief when rubbed on affected joints [twice daily] in case of arthritis.

  A few drops of oregano oil rubbed on the scalp at night help control dandruff. You may

experience a mild warming sensation, which is normal. Wash off with a shampoo next


  Oregano oil helps remove lice from hair.

  Oregano oil helps cure infections of fingernails.

  Oregano oil when rubbed on the chest and inhaled as vapors directly from the bottle

several times in a day, helps clear the passage in cases of asthma.


Oregano Oil Preparation

  Oregano essential oil is the concentrated essence, or essential oil, of wild oregano. It

takes approximately 100 pounds of oregano leaves to make a single pound of the

volatile oregano oil.

  Oregano essential oil, can be taken internally and used topically in a variety of herbal

medicine preparations.Oregano Oil, Internal Use:

  Adults, dilute 2 drops of oregano oil 120 ml of water, and take 1-2 times daily.

  Children, dilute one drop in 120 ml of water, and take 1-2 times daily.

  Juice or any other natural liquid may be used in place of water, if desired.

  Oregano oil can also be found in capsules at your local health food store, and should be

taken according to the manufacturer's directions.

  While naturally extracted oregano oil is harmless. Be careful of artificial oregano oils

because these are toxic and are for external use only.

Oregano OIl, External Use:

  One part oregano oil can be diluted with to two parts of olive oil and may be applied

directly to the affected area.

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  If irritation of skin may occur, dilute the oregano with more olive oil. If symptoms

persist, stop usage and consult a medical practitioner.

Oregano, Herbal Tea Preparation

  wash fresh or dried oregano leaves

  chop then add in 4 cups of water for every 1 cup of oregano leaves.

  let it boil for 10 to 15 minutes

  Let it steep then strain the leaves.

  Drink half cup of Oregano three times a day.

  Oregano concoction can be stored in suitable glass container for later consumption

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Lemon Grass

Scientific Name: Cymbopogon citratus

Common Name: English : Lemon Grass, Camel’s Hay, Citronella, Geranium Grass, Cochin Grass 

French: herbe de citron, German: Zitronengras,Italian: erba di limone,Spanish: hierba de limon

Indian: bhustrina, sera, Indonesian: sere, sereh ,Lao: bai mak nao Malay : serai, Sinhalese: seraThai : takrai, Philippines: tanglad

Indication and Health Benefits:

  Lemon grass as herbal medicine for gastrointestinal problems stomachaches, diarrhea,

gas, bowel spasms, vomiting, fever, the flu, and headaches Taken as tea, 1 cup every 8

hours. The tea is prepared by boiling about 10 leaves in 2 cups of water, adding sugar to

taste and a slice of ginger.

  Lemon grass oil mixed with other essential oils such as coconut oil is used as a liniment

for back pains, rheumatism, neuralgia, sprains and other body pains.

  Lemongrass oil mixed with other essential oils such as lavender or jasmine oil used in

baths or vapor scents can revitalize the body and relieve the symptoms of jet lag,

headaches, anxiety and stress related exhaustion.

  Lemon grass is used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine to treat fevers and infectious illnesses.

Lemon grass is also used in Chinese medicine to treat colds and rheumatism.

  To treat circulatory disorders, some authorities recommend rubbing a few drops of

lemongrass oil on the skin of affected areas; it is believed to work by improving blood


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  Lemongrass has natural anti-microbial properties, is an antiseptic, suitable for use on

various types of skin infections, usually as a wash or compress, and is especially effective

on ringworm, infected sores. Acne and athlete's foot

  Lemongrass is effective in killing cancer cells.

  It is useful with respiratory infections such as sore throats, laryngitis and fever and helps

prevent spreading of infectious diseases.

  Lemon grass is also used as an insect repellant. It helps to keep pets clean of fleas, ticks

and lice.

Lemon Grass, Herbal Medicine Preparation And Application

Lemon Grass Tea Preparation 

  Pound or cut about 10 leaves of lemon grass then add in 2 cups of boiling water for 10

to 15 minutes, strain, add sugar and a slice of ginger to taste. Let it cool and drink a cup

three to four times a day. Make new lemon grass herbal tea as needed. When

symptoms persist or irritation occurs stop the use and consult your doctor.

  Lemon grass oil (food grade) can also be used to make tea by diluting 2 teaspoon of

lemon grass oil to a cup of boiling water.

Lemon grass Liniment Preparation 

  Boil equal amounts of chopped leaves and roots with freshly made coconut oil

  You can also mix 2 drops of Lemon grass oil to an ounce of your usual oil used such as

coconut oil, olive oil, etc.

Lemongrass Baths and Compress 

  Chop about a cup of lemon grass leaves to a liter of water. Let it boil and strain. You can

add it to your bath or you can use it as herbal compress for skin infections.

  Lemon grass oil can also be added to a bath or warm water for hot compress. a

tablespoon of oil for every 500ml for compress is suggested.

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Tsaang Gubat

Scientific Names: Carmona retusa ,Carmona heterophylla Cav ,Ehretia buxifolia Boxb. ,Ehretia

heterophylla Spreng. ,Ehretia microphylla Lam.

Common Name: Alangit (Bisaya) Kalamoga (Tagalog),Alangitngit (Tag., Bis.) Kalimomog (Tag.)

Balingsaa (C. Bis.) Kalimumog (Tag.) (Ilk.) Fukien tea tree (Engl.) Itsa (Ilk.) Scorpionbush (Engl.)

Wild tea (Engl.)


Tsaang Gubat , Herbal Medicine For Allergy And Skin Disinfectant

Tsaang gubat is used as herbal medicine for the treatment of mild allergy attacks and skin



  scabies and


  wounds in child birth

Preparation and application of tsaang gubat herbal medicine

Pound tsaang leaves, boil in water and let it seep. when still warm to touch wash to the

affected area. If symptoms persist or worsen stop use and consult your doctor.

It may also be taken as tea. See below how to prepare tsaang gubat tea.

TSAANG GUBAT , Herbal Medicine For Stomach Problems

Tsaang Gubat is used as herbal medicine for the following stomach problems

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  Stomach pains


  Intestinal motility


  Diarrhea or Loose Bowel Movement (LBM)

Preparation and application of tsaang gubat herbal medicine for treatment of stomach


Pound or cut a cup of tsaang gubat leaves into manageable sizes then let it seep in boiling water

for 10 to 15 minutes to create a tsaang gubat herbal tea. Let it cool and drink a cup three times

a day. The potency of tsaang gubat herbal tea is good to last for one day. Make new tsaang

gubat herbal tea as needed. When symptoms persist or irritation occurs stop the use and

consult your doctor.

Tsaang Gubat , Herbal Medicine For Mouth Problems

Tsaang gubat is used as herbal medicine for the following mouth problems:

  mouthwash in stomatitis,

 teeth strengthener

Preparation and application of Tsaang Gubat herbal medicine for mouth problems

For the treatment of mouth infections such as stomatitis, gargle the tsaang gubat herbal tea

three times a day until symptoms improve. If symptoms persist and irritation occurs, stop the

use and consult your doctor.

Tsaang gubat also contains fluoride and can help strengthen the teeth.

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Scientific Name: Psidium guajava 

Common Name:

Guava (Engl.), Guyabas(Ilk., Tag.),.), Psidium pomiferum Linn. Bayauas (Bik., Pang.),Tayabas


Indication:Bayabas or guava is used in herbal medicine as antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-

spasmodic, antioxidant hepatoprotective, anti-allergy, antimicrobial, anti-plasmodial, anti-

cough, antidiabetic, and antigenotoxic.


Bayabas, Herbal Medicine For Skin Disease

How to use Bayabas as an antiseptic and astringent

  Gather fresh bayabas leaves and wash with water.

  Boil one cup of Bayabas leaves in three cups of water for 8 to 10 minutes.

  Strain and let cool.

  To use as mouthwash, gargle

  To use as wound disinfectant, wash affected areas 2 to 3 times a day.

  Use as vaginal wash especially after child birth.

  Fresh Bayabas leaves can also be chewed for the treatment of toothache and gum


  To hasten wound healing, fresh Bayabas leaf poultice may be applied to the wound.

Bayabas, Herbal Medicine For Stomach Problems

  For diarrhea and control stomach parasites

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  Gather fresh Bayabas leaves,

  Boil chopped pieces of about 4 to 6 tablespoon for every 18 ounces of water.

  Strain and let cool.

 Drink ¼ cup of decoction every 3-4 hours until symptoms improve.

Bayabas Side Effects

  Eating too much of Bayabas fruit can cause constipation.

  If there is no improvement to diarrhea symptoms in two days, consult your doctor

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Scientific Name: Moringa Oleifera

Common Name: Malunggáy" in Philippines, "Sajina" in India, "Shojne" in Bengal,

"Munagakaya" in Telugu, "Shenano" in Rajasthani, "Shevaga" in Marathi, "Nuggekai" in

Kannada, "Drumstick Tree,Horse Radish Tree, Ben Oil Tree" in English, "La mu" in Chinese.

Indication:   Malunggay, combat malnutrition, used to combat malnutrition, especially among

infants and nursing mothers vitamins A, B and C, calcium, iron and protein

  Malunggay - Anti infectious: Antibacterial; Anti Fungal, . In late 1940's,

The Department of Biochemistry at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore (PLN

Rao) have found that malunggay or Moringa Oleifera leaves contain a

compound"pterygospermin" that is known in medical science as having antimicrobial,

antibacterial, anti fungal properties.

  Malunggay - Anti Cancer Malunggay or Moringa has been shown in studies to have an

anti-tumor capacity. Moringa contains benzyl isothiocyanate. There are many studies

that have shown this chemical and compounds derived thereof to have anti-cancer and

chemoprotective capabilities. This chemoprotective aspect is critical for those who are

battling cancer; this helps strengthen cells so that they can tolerate chemotherapy.

Malunggay is also considered in the treatment of prostate cancer and skin cancer.

  Malunggay - anti-inflamatory: Malunggay has been found to inhibit inflammation in a

controlled scientific study conducted by Philippine DOST Scientists (Amelia P. Guevara,

Carolyn Vargas and Milagros Uy). When an aquous seed extract of malunggay has been

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administered to a carrageenan induced inflammation, its was noted that the aquous

seed extract of the Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) inhibited the development of edema

in ratpaw. The Malunggay is traditionally used to prevent and treat inflammations

associated with rheumatism, arthritis and joint pains.

  Malunggay - Reproductive health. Fuglie LJ (1999) The Miracle Tree: Moringa oleifera:

Natural Nutrition for the Tropics has reported that Malunggay or Moringa Oleifera is

widely believed to have an aphrodisiac action that enhances the sexual activity.

Malunggay or moringa oleifera young leaves is also widely used to increase the flow of

milk for lactating mothers.

Herbal Medicine Preparation:Malunggay as food.

  Malunggay pods may be eaten raw or may also be fried with peanut similar taste.

Malunggay leaves and flower may also be cooked together with other vegetables and

meat to form soups or viands.

Malunggay decoction for washing sores and wounds

  Boil malunggay roots and let it cool to tolerable warm temperature and use it to wash

wounds and sores. By gargling the Malunggay decoction, it may also be used to wash

mouth sores and sore throats.

Malunggay poultice.

  Grounded Malunggay seeds, leaves and bark may be applied topically as poultice onto

swollen flesh to relieve inflammation.

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Tawa Tawa

Scientific Name: Euphorbia hirta

Common Name: also known as gatas-gatas

Indication: TAWA-TAWA IS good for Dengue. Its uses is not only for treating dengue fever. It can

also be used to relieve a variety of illnesses.

 Antibacterial/Antimicrobial. Its plant ethanol extracts are found to inhibit bacterialgrowth. Also effective against amoeba and fungal infection. Prepare 25 grams plant per

two cups water. Boil for three minutes. Take three to five cups a day.

  Antiasthmatic. The herb is good for asthmatic persons. It breaks up mucus and relaxes

spasm. It is combined with bronchial sedatives in inhaler preparation. Keep one

teaspoon of leaves per cup of water for ten minutes. Take three to four glasses a day.

  Antidiuretic. Gatas-gatas has antidiuretic effect. It contains active extracts of

phytochemical tannins and flavonoids that promote water adsorption and electrolyte

re-absorption. Preparation is similar to antibacterial.

  Anthelmintic effect. Tawa-tawa is an effective worm killer and dewormer. Preparation

is same as antibacterial.

  Antihypertensive. It counteracts high blood pressure by inhibiting the activity of

angiotensin converting enzyme and increasing urine output and electrolytes. Keep one

to three teaspoons of leaves in one cup water for five minutes. Drink two glasses as


  Sedative. Helps in treating anxiety. Mode of application is the same as antibacterial.

  Antidysentery. Dysentery is an infection of the intestines marked by severe diarrhea.

Taking in small quantities calm the digestive system but large doses has purgative effect.

Keep one teaspoon leaves in one cup water for ten minutes. Take four glasses a day.

  Antispasmodic. It contains shikinic acid and choline that are responsible for stopping

early and late stage allergy. Preparation is similar to antibacterial.

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  Treatment of skin diseases. Good for treatment of sores, boils, warts, fungi and open

wounds. Treating open wounds will turn skin to bluish black. Apply fresh latex to sores,

boils, warts, fungi and open wounds. Sprinkle dried or fresh powdered leaves as wound


   Galactagogue. A breast milk stimulant. Massage fresh latex to breast to increase milk

flow. Root decoction maybe taken. Preparation is same as antibacterial.

PRECAUTIONS: Tawa-tawa is indeed effective, but should be taken with caution. Large doses

may cause gastrointestinal reaction, nausea and vomiting. Prolonged intake may interfere with

iron adsorption. Not recommended for pregnant women.

Preparation making Tawa-tawa tea for Dengue treatment: 

  Take 5 to 6 full whole Tawa-Tawa plant

  Cut of the roots

 Wash thoroughly

  Fill a boiling pot with 1 liiter of clear water

  Boil the Tawa-Tawa for 1 (one) minute in slow rolling boil


  Let the Dengue victim drink only the Tawa-Tawa water for 24 hours

  Slip 1 to 1.5 glasses of Tawa-Tawa water for every hour

Tip: to lessen the bitter taste of Tawa-tawa , add a little brown sugar

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Scientific Name: Peperomia pellucida Linn. 

Common Name:Pansit-pansitan, Ulasimang bato, Clear weed, Shiny bush, Silver bush, Cao hu


Indication: Pansit-pansitan is used as an herbal medicine for the treatment of:

  Eye inflammation,

  Sore throat,


  Prostate problems

  High blood pressure



  Skin boils,



  Skin inflammation,





  Abdominal pains

  Renal problems

  Mental excitement disorder.


Pepperomia Pellucida or pansit-pansitan grows wild in nooks and corners in damp lightlyshaded areas. The whole plant can be harvested fresh, eaten raw as in salad ingredient or

cooked with other vegetables and meat

Pansit-pansitan juice can be prepared by collecting stems and leaves mixed with boiled water or

formed into poultice to be applied topically over skin wounds and inflammation.

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Scientific Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn

Common Name: Gumamela is also known as: Hibiscus, China Rose and Shoeflower.

Indication: As herbal medicine, gumamela flower, leaves and roots are used. Gumamela has the

following medicinal characteristics: expectorant, diuretic, emollient, anti-infectious, anti-

inflammatory, antipyretic, anodyne and refrigerant.

Preparation & Use of Gumamela:

There are two ways to utilize gumamela as herbal medicine. One is dried and the other is fresh.

For Dried gumamela, collect the flower, leaves and/or roots. Wash, then cut into small pieces

and sundry. To use as decoction, boil the dried gumamela parts (1/4 cup dried gumamela in 1

glass of water) 

To make a decoction from fresh gumamela, Wash gumamela flower and/or leaves, cut into

small pieces and boil (1/3 cup in 1 glass of water), let cool and drink. 

Use Gumamela as Poultice:

Poultice is the use or fresh or dried herbs that is mashed, crushed or pounded - often heated

(boiled in water to soften and heat the herb) and applied directly to the skin. A clean cloth or

gauze can be used to help the poultice stay in place.

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Scientific Name: Anona Muricata Linn.

Common Names:guanábana (Spanish),graviola (Portuguese), Brazilian

pawpaw,guyabano, corossolier,guanavana, toge-banreisi, durian benggala, nangkablanda,sirsak, and nangka londa, mullaatha, shul-ram-fal and hanuman fal


Use as a natural remedy for diabetes, hypertension, dysmenorrhoea, stomach ache and other

medical conditions


1.Wash 15 pieces of leaves.

2. Cut

Cut the leaves into strips about in 1 inch width and put in a small or medium-sized pot.

3. Boil

Pour in about 1.5 liters of water, and bring to a boil for 15 minutes.

4. Steep

Turn off heat and let the boiled concoction steep for 15 minutes.

The color of the liquid is initially dark orange, but it turns to a deep wine red after sometime.

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Scientific Name: Pandanus odoratissimus L

Common Name: English: Fragrant screwpine, Tagalog: Pandan 

Indication:  Relieves headache and arthritis.

  Eases chest pains.

  Reduces fever.

  Treats leprosy, wounds and smallpox.

  Solve several skin problems.

  Strengthen gums and reduces stomach spasms.

  Helps in speeding in the recuperation of women who have just given birth and are still


  prevents spontaneous abortion

Preparation and Medicinal Uses:

Diuretic: Take decoction of fresh or dried prop root as tea.

Headache, arthritis, stomach spasms: Decoction of leaves. Poultice of fresh leaves mixed with

oil also used for headaches.

Wound healing: Pulverized dried leaves used to facilitate wound healing.

Poultice of mash of cabbage of plant, mixed with salt and juice of Citrus microcarpa, for



Decoction of roots believed to have aphrodisiac and cardiotonic properties.

Also used for arthritis and to prevent spontaneous abortion.

Chewing the roots strengthens the gums.

Decoction of roots combined with sap of banana plant for urethral injections for variety of

urinary complaints.

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Scientific Name: Samanea saman 

Common Name: acacia, thorntree, whistling thorn, or wattle, 

Indication: useful in treating ulcers or a part of the gastrointestinal tract and for excessive

mucus, diarrhea, dysentery, gum infection and also hemorrhage. Though rarely used for

parasitic infestation

Materials  1-ounce of plant (you could use the stem, leaves and pods)

  475 ml. – plain water (tap water)

  Mortar and pestle, food blender could also be used.


  Cheese cloth

  Pre-boiled glass container

Instructions to Prepare Acacia

  Wash thoroughly the tree material with running water.

  Grind the tree material in a consistency of a pulp.

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  On a non-reacting pot ( ceramic pot are best use), boil 475 ml of water.

  When the water starts to boil drop the pulp into the water

  Boil the mixture for 15-30 minutes

  Let it stand overnight

  Strain the mixture with a cheese cloth leaving the solid pulp behind

  Put the strained decoction in a pre-boiled totally dry container (jar or bottle)


Drink 3-12 cups a day for malaria, dysentery or diarrhea. The tea is both anti-inflammatory and

anti-microbial in nature. The tea could also be used as a wash for recent of infected wounds.

Additional info:  The leaves, stems and bark could be grind and applied directly to wounds and fungal

infection to stop the bleeding and prevent further infection.

  Acacia pods could be used in eyes as remedy for conjunctivitis by adding 5-6 slightly

crushed pod on 1 pint of boiling water and cooled to be washed on the infected eyes.

  If you have any problems with any of these steps please post in the comments section


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Scientific Name: Allium sativum L.

Common Name: Bawang (Tag.),Bauang (Tag.), Common garlic (Engl.),Garlic (Engl.),Nectar of the

Gods (Engl.), Poor Man's Treacle (Engl.) ,Hsiao Suan (Chin.) and Stinking Rose (Engl.) 

Indication and Preparation Of Bawang Herbal Medicine

Antiinfectious: Antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic. Bawang juice is applied to the afflicted

area. Scientifically ajoene 0.4% cream when applied topically, has been found 70% effective in

certain dermatologic fungal infections. A 0.6% gel was effective in tinea corporis and tinea


Bawang - Antiinflammatory and antioxidantactivity when included in diet.


Bawang when eaten or chewed raw. Studies suggest ingestion of Bawang has beneficial

antihypertensive effect but blood-lowering effects probably not dramatic. Other studies show a

vascular benefit through improvement of aortic elasticity and possible slowing of the rate of

atherosclerosis progression


Bawang eaten or chewed raw is found to lower blood cholesterol. Though still controversial,

but probably has beneficial effect on serum cholesterol and LDL levels. Some studies have

shown a 4% to 12% lowering of total cholesterol. Bawang seems to have no effect on high

density lipoprotein (HDL).


Bawang is studied to have possible anticarcinogenic properties, specifically for colon, stomach

and prostate cancers. In stomach cancers, probably through its inhibitory effect on H. pylori. In

epidemiologic studies on stomach and colorectal cancer prevention, the garlic use was 3.5grams to 30 grams of fresh or cooked garlic per week.

Arthritis, rheumatism, toothaches:

Crush several Bawang cloves and rub on affected areas.

Headaches: Crush one Bawang clove and apply to both temples as poultice.

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Insect bites: Crush Bawang or cut clove crosswise and rub directly to affected area.

Athlete's foot: Crush Bawang or cut clove crosswise and rub directly to affected area.

Fever: Decoction of boiled Bawang leaves and bulbs set to luke warm and applied to the head

and body.

Colds, cough, sore throat, hoarseness, asthma and bronchitis; Nasal congestion:Steam inhalation of chopped Bawang and a teaspoon of vinegar in boiling water.

Fresh Bawang has been used as a complement herbal medicine to INH therapy for tuberculosis.

Digestive problems and gastrointestinal spasms. drink an infusion of a peeled bawang clove or

can also be used as suppository.