Download - Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1947... · NUMBER NINE High Goals Set By Kiwanis Club I l ;. ERALD~"14-.~;;-~'=:1 Ii EVENTY-THIRDYEAR

Page 1: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1947... · NUMBER NINE High Goals Set By Kiwanis Club I l ;. ERALD~"14-.~;;-~'=:1 Ii EVENTY-THIRDYEAR


High Goals SetBy Kiwanis Club

I l ; .ERALD ~"14-.~;;-~'=:1


EVENTY-THIRD YEAR --~~---~~--~--- W YNE, NEBRASKA, THURS,DAY, JCLY 10,-1947- ~--;,- ----~---~---~-- ~ ~-

Lay CorIi;;l~ne %NIJ,oT&\~'H L:~~N - Crowd Expetted I Band t;Pre;ent- - O-~;lMan Kill:f '-H-I-GH-~-IG-~-A-R::;--'Martin L, Rmgel', B Concert at Prjrk ¢ IS GOLD MINE FORany years, reasons Of N CL h PATROLMEN FEARED At " F t" I Wayne band g,,~ fhe folio""," I " W k FORTUNATE OWNERSayn, gets around to ew lIurc Ig elva eevocnnee,n'gt aa

t, sBry,rOo',Sls""antp,"a't-gko' ;'Il'a'rdCal)~, n I IrCUS rec

icipal swimming pool, t should do INE\\ SPAPERS and rettllOs Ie- ,) , 11-

. 0 d hi' . d' th I peatedly \\C\rned against ~~ ~' K A WE USED to hear that pigs0, n ~l'oun e las In mine Dr. John Schrader, Fremont, Wayne Musicians T ke Ftal\-t Ing; mencan Tap Harmonized J.ast f)art of town, not f rfrom the Iaccidents over the Fourth 1\10- I Th' d A I t Fillmor~, J3ells Acl'OSS lhe 1\Iea~ Eight <i:ars of Beatty Tjain They :e:re(' t~~~~ortp~~;[sIIf\~~r;~ Reports of International AreasepaU park. The 5 te he pro- Gives Main Address at torlsts \\Cle urged to drive n B~ d pnua an on dow, Ketelby; My Rudd)-, ~orn('t Are IDerailed Tuesday do\\n Now that there 1rc com~ Given to Local Grouposes \....ould be eouveni nt to \vater ~~rvices Sunday. fullS and pay stnet attentIOn to an rograrn. i duet, Keefman, old songs to be •Near Hubbard. t I fnd se\ver connections and would I c traftle rules Repm ts fol1O\\ mg Dlstmguished guests, IjnUSJC di _ selected, MeXican Ha t Dance, 13en- ~~grhl\per;ce~""a~;Olg~~~ggTar~t~o ,l1u1,t_ Monday Noon.

Ie easy to r€'uch a'[oot or in cars er ~~t~~~~~e'~~ut:c~,nC'~~~~de~~~~ IIndl'PCl1dl,nCC day celebrations p1flYs, masjed sousaphon¢ musical, nett; March of the Majorettes, 0,1(' roon \\a5 kIlled and SIX men plus or needC'd Impr;~('m('nts (Peace, Patnotlsm and Oppor-.;.~ * * sho\\cd thiS state free from trombonc'Ceature and 1any othQr Simon" In a PersIan Market, 0\('1'- hUlt and damage f'stmlaled at {N t J h h~k d t~nJly' \\Cl.S the theme of the 32nd

Th 1 d b'· stl'llcllOn at 5th and Lwt'Oln, \\-as \lolcnt dcatrn. or SCIlOUS accl- Spccwi pI' scntations ar arrangfJd lure, Kctclhy W;1shmgton Post S1U()(j(){J \vas ~onc early Tud~day w~) uCn~('lr~I,:~J dr~ lO\A;~Pf',','rmJ1S~', c6mcnlJOn of KI\"'anJs InternatlOn-001 el~n',e ~\1:mreo\r'al'all pOa_,J ,ctl°TnOOs tofaar laid at services conducted Sunday I dents 0\('1' the country gen, M h S h 'f 1 lh " , 1

n\ 1\ .... afternol;:ln at 3 at the Site In the (01' the third annual 8t nton band arc, ?us<J.. mornmg V\ en Clg 1 cars 0 j e rc('('ntly grol'spd (frOllnU S i l,(j(J(J i:I m ChI( ago last week Deanrom to\\n for YoungSj~rs to walk. 'presenc~ of a number of members ~~~~I~'tohI7~~\I~~F~~:~th~~~~I~~~ festIval t be htld Surday, Ju~y ~- --~- n-car Clyde Bcatt) Circus ~ram for one shlpownf (\f pJO pl;";S Clarence McGmn, F S Berry andnd adjacent to' the dangers of f 20, at Sta ton fairgrOU~dS park. N I 1\\ (re detailed n('ar Huhhard IThe The prIce prr pound IS :22 to 24 Dave ThcophIius gave reports of

lighway trafflc were mphaslzed 0 the congregation and fnends 219 Durll1g the foul-day holI~ Dick 1\1 nel. state ommander ew nstructor Circus had shO\\n 111 SIOUX City c('nts PIgs 1l1Ultlpl) fasl and thr> me-ctIng to local club members

r~r:a~~~e~~~~~:~?I~lsl~,a~~~IJr: Sid~~~··R~'V~~~~rre~~~v;~:tt~~,$:.~: ~~~l~\S('~~~~~~~~~~l a~~~~~I~~~: ~~ctl~~~n~n ~n~~~t~~:~~nl~~l~r~:~ Wi"II J" S ff '~II~~~]~,~ ~~~~~g~n~va~nOeUI~u~~~~; :~~: ~~taon~ f~~~~p;~~~ ,~f gJI~Ol~~ ~I~rda~orman Vmeent Peale, pa~~esirable. \Vhcn sen usly tinder- del', gave the Invocation and the arc lhus thIS )CLlr conSiderably The VnlD PaCifiC railroad Will I 010 ta :o~:~n~d~;d~t:'rlt~u~;~~~lkT~h:~~ not Sl'nsltl\f' llls foclIngs nol tor of 1\('\\ YOtks hlstonc Marble

~~I~I~ct~~o~~~kb~fc~~~d~n:l~hP~~i~ ~;eg~;~~~antl~~~,gR~~h~ g~~~~~'~ ~:~~\:t ::~~'I~~t~e\l~l~~ng~lJ\I/~~~~d~: ~~"C';~:l~t \~~~.hU~ltttr~c~~tI~~Smf~~~ gag('mr'nl ;It ~rtl folk a~d o~e at ~)~r~t ~~~tTI~;' n(;;o~;~{,l(~~ ~~l}/:~:'~ll~fC:11~~c~or~~~I~~eonm~I~~;J~~~ to greatcst can enience and ~fheW~~~~~e~a~~g1Fi"I-i~el~~~~~tu~;~, ~~c~;~ ~~I~~~I~dg;~f1(~hl~hl' lJ~~~~ ~~~~~~I~a~ ~~o\;I~hrsfl~~or~sc~~~ Mi;.s~ ';e:cah ~:a~7sl~:~~:ed ~:~~~)l~'~i~~'~n~I~~lcI:lrc:~dm,~td~~~ :1~~:/l1C;,,~~~r1~~llllr~I(::t: (~r;~) \~::;2- '1~~~ltno~/:;~it~~ 1~~t~~)S~:~;' ~ln:~~:~

• 71: * *. VOice" Mrs M. L Ringer \\as or- ~~~~S~o~~\d(,~I;I~:gn:~I~en,\~~,so\~xn~ open the show and musIcal flr¢- At Wayne State. ment Iwpp, to O1dk!..' thc Lmcoln fy h'JnHn d[IPt'tll!..'s Tlw PJ' m,Il) Ol IhIS, srl.!d the speaker Iw-III Agreeable co{tr[l.,"it ganlst works re dalOn of thie natlOnal ddte for TllulSda) It \\iiS cx- JU t \ t ttl l Ji Igan b) st,ltIng that all must g/\('

Though there are to man~ mod- Dr, John 'Schrader of Fremont, JnR of 9,) pC'l sons topped death anthem \ til close the Iprogram. pected that the tracks \\ auld be do:", )~~~ dSr ~rl.~~jJ (·tcn~n ~I~r;:; tcr~ mOl (' t h::l.n IIp S('I"\'ICC and must

':~I~a~{~f1f~~;rethf';'l:s~~l~~~ ,~~~'~d t~~alP~~nCcIP~~\\ad~~el~~ce f~~ I ~~~:f-:~ c~: ~~J~e~~ol~1 :11~gl~~~~n~~~ More t an 600 will' particIpate ~~~:~Z~ ~;dTI~~~~~~('~I~h~,tl:t~~~ h{'::I;f~)ah~l!) ~;~ ~7~t r ~';l{~~l a~~tl ~:lr :~I)~t(~1 ;r;l~I~~I~r~~~~~ ~f ~~~,~;vork, less productloll~ morc pay, needed for the growmg congrega- Cldent..;' F'olloV'.lng the :~\\t~e ~ ~sed l;::nd ~~thJ V;e ~~~- farlhcr

leust Ihe Cdrs would lIkel) hy h<i\lng Ih, n' rlrdfl IJ(, IS the Indl\lClllal 11\f's lS essential ,h

orc ldleness-\\e ant convlIlced tion and that thf' Impro\em('nt 16 ~~~~~,I~,dn~lc~I/(~~~tthen:~~~~~ ~~~ mo~e~, (~a~~on o;:IiISh~rt~ N¢~ h <1"" (' rqlled do\\n a dN'IJ ra\me c('rfillnly d rnonr)-ma],r and Ihe Indl\ldl111 .s the baSIC Ulllt ofodal, and busmcss s!andal.dS are a big slep forward. He urged each 1Igh, S F Johnson, N~rfolk, Me~. John !Flshpr, 40 of Le\~lston Pa al IhlS tlmr' of stIff tnllrkel [Hl- \\oTJd <:ouet)uch hIgher than th y \\-ere say to vow to do C'\en more In the came less Pllcouraglng A tolal tOn \\'elcJ ,Plamvlew, toy Georg J <lSSlstarit boss can .... asman, \\8S ccs he contrlbules mosl genLl- 1\\u thmgs must be done 10

oyears ago. Reguiatl g laws have future to defend the Gospel, to I~~r~;~ \~~l~'~! g~~th~.. :e~~e~~-, Waketlel, Ste\ien FOWler; Way e kdlcd 9)- a nea\) doubled-\\hceJed oU~ly to hIS O\\nel s bdllk QC- m<Ikf' a !lpllpr \\orld, the sp('akll'elped Also HldlvHiual pnde In glV- de(llcate hiS entlre being to the Cit), A . AtkIn.";, Wa/vne colleg , truck Vlat rolll"'d o\'Cr hIm as he count. sta cd PC'ople must learn to thmk

i~fi, ~~~~~~~~:~~'~~~f SSI;~~t;:~~ ;~~~~~~ ~7~ ~~n;~o~l1or~~~UI'~R~~ ~~:;~: Cl~~u~n)\~~ll1g~utomObJ1e ~~~f ~~~ n~m~el~;s~~r~st6~~~~ s\{'pt 1'~Jl~~ ~l~e~~J~:~~t;:~~;, ~a~:~ ~~~lsl~hl?m~n~:\ ~~ ~~~I~~at7Irl~rartisans and farmers not only want malO loyal to lhe eternal truth' Schulz, S clnton, John f\bart.

1 ~?U~p~I~~~ ~;~~n~()~~~a~l'IJ~~~:~~ Nat."ve of Cqunty fif'l-;,udIng !hmklng Dr P(>alc S;;Jlrj

~~p~~;~e~[p~~;rb~~~,h~;:o~a~~ r~~ :~H~E:sn~~~:~o'g,;)a(q~~:~~~!; Funeral Service O/'ll;~~~ ,:~\e~"':;'~".nr,aur~,e~~~ Of I,on~ one '~hO ~d\'~ charge P I ~1;~~lrf \r~Otl~:~n~u~71~~ln%e~~~ll\~~::well satI.sfwd Ih additIOn, there "Jesus Christ lS the cornclstonE' ~bmmunl y slOg :hc tromb0rjne 0 ;~~rid~'~~Jl~~~ ('(l°rts CI~ t~;:~drllC asses in owa ~';I~)~l¥.\~. to \~~~~;~~n ~~2u~~~(~~Odn;t o~ ~~I~tl~~t:~C.lJt1 strata to Let us promise to serve the Lord Is Held Sunday t~aturc \\11: present (5~PlayerS, a d of the tldlO \\e[(' carr) 109 hag- '1\\ f I (~('(Jml \\hat \\c thInk ' ll'~

7C * _,"- With all our mmd, hedrt and soul -0(' sous p lone numb Ir \\-Ill have gagp th" Celm ciS ten! and poles Funeral Conducted Tuesday (JI\(od I hr I )O(<:implp of EddlC Rlck( n-In the old da:,>s, \\llh cornpJara. The Lord first V'.ants the heMt ;). I I Cause of th(' <!eeldC'ot lS no! knr)\\n .. ltJ;;J.ckr I dod olhrrs \\ho h,i\L'

and the closer the heart the gleat- M AI" Mel D" \\'iMSldf and Stanton mect In \hn t -Sf I f k For Mrs. Annie Conklm rhf'ul<;ht and \\orked so mtently on~~~~~I~ ':~~U~I\~1~1~17s ~~~~~t~~tl~~ er are the bleSSIngs [rom on high ~·t En::;son 'Ho:; ~fterles ba:;p(mll t:230' ~I-Jlu ,J ) cet 0 tra( \\ ere torn At Creston, Iowa. snnJ.1' lln( thit t hr y ha .... e accrm,-often dl\ lded Into groups. These In concluslOll Dr Schrader asked The ('v 'nlOg prograrp IS free arjld :\lost of t he pr'oplc \\ II h the , ~ I IpIl";]], d thllr go,ds Npgat n I'wCre formed aCCordlOg to a sort of that all prove tholr sIn('ellly and Short Illness. IS a tl'eat prOVided bYIStanton U· CllCUS V,(,l( In ,'nr! CdlS \\h'ch re- ,\Ils Annie' (onklm ;l!lrJ\l1 .- tllOlJ...:;11! I! 1;-uds But the mdI\lrtudl

I d", convictIOn to hplp the \\otld , glOn post1

r' m,uoed on Ill" 11,I(k Cl'-de Bcatl'- natI\(' of \\d)-nc ,()un(~ dlcd Jul) land the nll.on (dO "Ooque" all hyhollow professlOna Ignl y or r I t u I d .J .J ~ C t:" ~ ,

sllOddy busmess Importance. Ona church. uncI I ll(~ \\1[(' con ucc Dlstnc Judge F If Pollock 1S hlmsl'\f V,.,}s on(' of lhc [11~t out 'J at reston,I(J\\<l runer'li ser-18ll1hlOklng PO"dtl\rly "y,,'e C,1nRe\ Hennmg Pearson of \\IS- Sunday, Jul)- 6, at 1. from 1h(' gcneral ~halrman' Dennis and dlreclpd elephants m hclpmg \I(es \.\ere conduct(d at Cn'ston budd a 11('\\ \\qrld If \\e tlunk V,l'

select dress occasIOn men wore ncr. III hiS prayer askrd lor a H:,> psc I uncI ,l! homc dnd at 2 ,10, Poeschel.lm chargc of hubllClty amd clear the tl dck TUf'sday a(ternoon at 2 and hunal Lan InCI\ Idu;;J]" and nations (<ttl.. Prmce Alberts--some now ,daubt- Ifrom the :VIpl h d t h h f \ t R d 0 kItless In the SmithSOnian mstItute- spIritual house abiding m the prcs- . 0 IS C UTC In dance, Htward Hraqak, ~onces- to lnstmet In thp collfg( dUllIlg Animals v.hlCh t1a\pj \\Itn the ~e~~d: herehus;and owa, ceme elY ~alSne to 10\01" \\olch they thmk thly

4? and V'.cre crowned With high, sdk ence of the Fa~!:Jer WakefIeld foe Mrs AlIce M C~ss- slOns an eating facilitIes; C. IJ. the summ0r 3rcordmg In IJr \ IC- I Circus, kno\\n as thc \\orld s great- ~hats \\ Ith which they readily La}Jng the Cornerstone follO\\ pd Ipr, \\ ho dlSd at her homp 1Il : ..m~ Kremer, aster of cedemonies. Dr. tor P More), pn's'c!PnL (Ii \\ ,I.) ne cst \.\ Ild ammal sho\\ \\ ere In cars Annie l\IcGUlre only daughl('r of 1 'I rof' spe ,11,,1 I urged c'almnrss 1'1

h h h t \Vlth KaJl Otte superlntendmg the erpon Jul) 2 afkr a rew days 111- If S T nnant, ma)'qr, gives the Statc Teach('rs cnll('(;"(' Cit tile fore part ot the tram and the latc .i\'Ir and l\1r1s John 1k_1 phYSical ml'ntal and emotIOnal 11("~i~ite~v~~~s~~~~edo al~~~ al~ nork and Lester Keller of \\'ISnf'r, nJss, ged 80 )e,ll s, 1) months and welcome, Iand Henry $chultz leads MISS Frankllll (oll1pl, t"cl )11;..,11 dl~ not ~seap(' their cages. GUIre, form('I' \Vakcfleld reSidents 'II1\' \\or,,1 dl~ease of man IS t('n-hoop sl<lrts, and left less for the chIef mason. Lawrence Thomsen 2,) da s Re\ Robert E\ans Chns- thc smg school at BUln'i h,];1 \\!Jl('!l IS fjl(' (Inus erected dining tents and pIoneers ~outh{'a..'it of \\akl- s'on IJr Peale .ald that most r,f

took part as preSIdent oj the con- tlan burch p-Istor, offl~latcd 1\lrs ]\;ebld~ka hlgh\\-ay patrol and her 110nw dod trHJk \\ ( l k II (',11 H1 I luhl, II rI, i-l 10\\ n 01 IHn, tu pro- f1e-Id \\ as l~:.rn I~ LA's I1" pill In' I I (It 1hr IWI[' I 1tlrm0l! of adults anristrcets\\ccpr~.;< * gregatlOn, M L HIngpl' "S SPCI('- Rov VII~C';']Jn~ find Harry Adams thcChlcilvo~orth\\f'SitcrnrailroadKansas oS!dl\.' f(HllllS (llIII,_," <Ii \Hll'fur(]lCuspC'oplc July 11 1kl) Slw gl('\\ In \~(I Y(jlJn~ lolk.., IS duc to nr-nes, uml. Self-C'reatC'd codfIsh aristocracy tary, Joho Luschen In IJChdlt 01 r-;ang \\ II h :\jn'rlp Ring dl ('f)mpdn ,lfC an cllngmg traffiC control to EmpOl"ld Shl edrOl;..ft hI I !', 1\ mdohrJod In IIHI \ I( mil y Shl' hilS inl I\f'S l'1O [)f' h('ClIC'd only by on,-

was often based on an assumption ~hCKb~~~II:~S~OI~~l~~tr~~~~d()IRI~~~~~;dk ~:::I~rn~~~~~('t~,~~IO\\~e~II~~ar~~~ bandle I~e Illg cloV\d, and n. S, degJ ('('s J)H1 ll'.'; ]') H S "Off- marrIed to ( harll's C(]mklm of I{( d I ph)'i\( Ian, God The pe I(e

-usually falsc-o[ more money ':on~rogat,on The'~opp"r i,,), 'n- \\(re Ro,\ \\I"(Y;lJn~, Carroll \'on I ----~ - -- ;,\lls~ Frankllfi att('nJ(d 11 r' t ~"\;k ervlce leer Oak at Pleasanl VaHcy rhUlch In: It [F:l.ssdh ell I understandmg ISd A ~ ~ '- '- '- .-.h T.;"Ull"ral Ser"I'Ce M d h h I !\) I Leslie precinct In \{ay, 1896 (Inc I that gl\('n H:Y re1JglOn "\Ve must

~~l~~J~}~eq~~~~~gffOI~~~.~~ssl~eadlngSIde the stone contaIns a cop:- o[ \'all I\LJ.l Carlson, La\\lencp.E C :t' to~,\.:~~~nal~~ :~s ~'~m~\::I'~ltl;llt~d I W"II L P _ son, Darold \\as born to tlllS un'on Iha\p lellglon to relax physlcalJ),d S b the SCriptures, program of the ser- ,101m on Pinan Johnson and H ld U k' 1I I. eave ost l\Ir. Conklin \\ho Was a raIlroad ml'nlall;. and emotlOnalJ)' Dr.

~~~~~~\J~\eIJ~:S~Cl~~'~~~:~n~le~~e~\lce, pIctures of the bUJldln)::; pro-- Chau ICt'!> Agle r. e at.l.~08 llJlS :~de~~~~ls L~';lnmal~(;lr1:~"/(J~l\\-;Ji>,h englncer, \~as killed m a raJiroi::ld Pe lIr slatrd that all o\\e It In.;qUlrmg a comparatIve show of m~ gress, ILSt of members and copy at Ali f' iVI Barto daughter of 1\11' aCCident In the fall of 191..2 th£>lr !Jrxhes lo eF0vide ('xer"s(;t('Ulgence It was largely show_ the ' \Va)-ne Heral~d and 111" C T Ruto, was horn In Early ~esident iDf County Pnor to set \ Ing dS at1 (,fl J( CI In William A. Lerner Accepts Mrs Conklm leaves her son th It gn ('s physical)" relaxation.Murder of the English l~nguage MISS Bonnie Kugl"r sane;: the DcK'lh Ill, August 9 1867 She .~~~sUF~d~~~~;; ~1~~t~u~;(1~ ~~ll~~,~i~ I Position in Waterbury Darold daughtcr-Jn~Ja\\ andthre~ They must thInk he aut I[u 1wllS so common tiO years ago that ,offertory solo came to I\:('braska \\ i1 h her par~ Passes Away ill; Chicago and Latm m hlgh S( honl at G,Irl Schools for Fall. grandchIldren 1Il Buffalo, K' Y All thoughts to relax the mllld andnot many kne" ,t was bemg mllr- Re\' R J Bulkley m behalf of enls In a ((M,ed "agon, arnv,ng Middle of June_ Icy Kan Dunng l~W she soned attended the nfes Mrs Conklm mllst pracf,ee the ar' of afflrma,dered They became used to that \Va y n e l\lmlstenal aSSOCiatIOn, Ma) I~l, 1869, and b('Ing among the as student mS11 uctOI' CJt prepara. \Vm A Lerner, \\ ho has been IS atso sUIVI\ed by [our brother;;, t JOn to dls~~l ,fear ~nd relax thekmd of assassinatIOn brought greetIngs and congratu- flr::-t Iset t If'rs She \\ as married to :i\Ir sAnna AndersjOn \\ ldo\'i of tory Engllshl at the teachers ' 1_ II \\ a:l-ne county servIce officer smce ChaHes \V McGulre t J Frank emotlon~ \ve can t doubt and

* * -¥- lations He added that a ncv. HeOlp' A Casslpr J,lnuary 23, ~~~S I;:~~.s~d ~~.. a~n~:r~~~ ~:m~o~~ lege m EmpOria co. Dece-mber 1915, Tuesda)- tendered McGUire, Koah J l\IcGulle and P ha\e peare of soul."

•'Iore ar,d l,eUrr schools, more church makes allm the commullI 1901, l)l'f'l'aSl'cl lJ\Pcl In Bellevue, J M F kl Ihl~ reSH!Ilcl~I(ln C'ffecll\e Aucrust 15 Edward McCulle all of Pender The spedker descnbed a m"n;; t t f !h a son ILlrve), In Chicago une ss ran' In lS n Ie" t'I

and better \\ays of being enter- y s rongcr In al l\Cj until her hu:;IMods death KID It I' ,j IH~mJ(,T (JI <Inll has accfptcd thc' 'iupermten- The four brothelS also attendedl\\hO accomplishes thmgs as SIm,-tamed and wformed acc;oupt In nev \\' F Most or Omahcl, She hen C<lOW to WdkcfJPlcl whf'rc: 11 at lhe ClgC of 73 ytrars 2 mOlf'lths f appa f' a ~ Ild(llJ:1<!l ~o;oraIY deno of the WalPrhulY school for I the funeral One brother, Wilson Idr to a rydone There IS great"Ii' l<ll<!,,(" measure for a \astl)- Im~ former pastor here \\ho lelt flVC she t'slcled lffittl d f('\\ months ago and H days ~~~I~~~1~/7h~~ tr;ll~:.~J)n:d ·(h~r~~1 a jJ1ext j'C'ar .:\1{GUIrc pn.sscd Cl\\(I) In Ff'bruat:'> ptJ\\er m lh(' st?nn but at the ccn-pro~ed socml order It IS not so years ago expressed p'{asut~e m whc she hought a home 10 r... mer· L;;~n~;~'~~O~I~~('C~~~~,rCI~'dc~~¢~~~ ! r ArJ"ancln~ h\Jng" C(lsts Without 194~. ·1 It I' IS a (;:tIm ThE' man of tenSIOnuneven, not so much of a stram as the progrcss 01 the church l'rOfQ son :\1 S h -I A G' - 11ncn.,,lSNI ren1UI1CI'"IIOn for hiS I ::\Irs Ill"'nr) Kif per of \\'<1)11"" ISII dOl s hTeat things !.Jut Jus mllld andIt was SO )-ears ago Then not to ~:~e~a~~q~~~e~i ':~~./~o~~o\~!~~~ M s C IS..,]l r \\d.., d fallhful ~1~~I~II:~ o~~;':'IJ(~~'LU~'~~~a;)~~urc~~, C 00 ge roup S('f\'lCPS ar(' gl\en b) 1\11' Lerner a tllece of deceased I suul arc (11mbe spoken to by certam persons of that V.1~ICh IS) ood H~' nx- teen lwr oj the n3pl1~t chuTch In clJalg(j RUes were held \V('d- Is Slightly Larger <l~ rcw-oos for hIS resignatIOn. A - - - -- --- -- I' Thoughls budd your character.\\:as a dcvastafIng blo\\ to ambl- pressed hope that fhe lr.lprO\l'melllt D CP<lscd leaH'S 11\' hrolllr'IS neSdd) June lH at PCaCf' Relormerl Wa)-ne has 511 chDdren :2:.;7 ~~~L1ls~l~or~ea~~~nge~I~~~~I~I~b('tt~ Countp to Effter I~c1ax to thmk and l1\e beautlful~tlOUS nerve ce~te~s ""- 'wlli lead to even largel accompllsh- and IoU! SIstCI s, Le\ I .'1nd Et nest chul eh at HusklllS \\ lth Re\1 C ho} s .'1n~1 :2:51 bel\\c('n the qualtfy "'" lthm a couple of years for 8zoux CIty Event Reports on )[essagc.

And why Sh'oUld;' t mental eval- :~~I~ In the gtcater church ,of the I~~~t to~f \~~~~ft~~"n~lt 13~~~~Q ~i ;r\\('~~e~t;~l a~~ ~~:;gean~I~'GO~~~ ages of ) and flLconlln!..; to the rellr('m('nt compensatIOn under The Sioux Clly Chambe of Mr Berry r('ported on the aduatlbns and reactIOns Improve un- R· d r~ , , t ,d 11 t Pas, d~na C,ll \\'.:IJrd Barto of Co- Home' \\~C're sung by the '""omen s census t<lken by Mrs Julla Haas the Nebraska law~ Commer~e and JOUrnal-Tl"l~Un~ dr~'ss of LoUIS F. Budenz formc~del' changed conditIOns? If we thre~vch:l't~~.e~emn~~~sl~~\h('c~~- lum us, Npb, Mrs L)dICl Luschen quartct, Mrs Hemry Asmus, Mrs and reported to the school board l\1r and Mrs Lerner and son arc givInI;' fl\e $100 awards foi-Imnndgm g editor of th~ DaJiycan't ImpIovc what"s the use? gregatlOn arc lnIng flu'se aTC of rmf'rson, :\lrs Id" \\arren of Andre\\ Anderson, MIS Herman at ItS meeting :.vIonda} (>v{'nIng Will move toWatcrbury the middle out'itandmg soil c~n<.;orvatlon \\ork \\' offiCial organ for thc

+:'0* 7C ld Mrs. Wm PlE'penstock o[ \Vaync Turl ck Cal, Mrs F.the'l Thorn- Marten a~d MISS l\!arJorJc Matten, Th~ number IS sllghtl) largpr than of August. In 1947 The area eiJglble [or communist party. Mr. Budenz11(ut any 6 -year-o memory Mrs. H Goll and Wm Kugler of ton f 01,11, Cdl, rtnd Mrs Edna With Mr~ Frank Marten actom- as year. - -~ -~ ~-- a\\ards Includes northeast Ncbras/- \\ho ~xprc~~ed no apology for hIS

who thmk~ the. abo~e IS a fWl~ Caltforma Mrs PlCpe!l~tock at- Can er o[ Tlmher Lake S D [Janlst "Iteautlful Isle of S<[lme- EllIs 101dltng ~l qq7 Hl nllo\\cd New Plan Allows ka "en,cf'S to the communISt party~ ~perbole IS InVIted t come or tended the service. ,1,1 v. here ' \-\as sung <liS a solo by ~JSSIby the board £0110\\ ~ ~ SOL T .. The \Vft)ne county soli d "tndt.. and \\ ho concealed no secrets re-

WIth a reasonably rational contra- Rev Paul deFreese of Hooper, PI ts of Grains MarJone I Marten. Committal I fol~ General Control U('atlOr Kn;JI.l. peCla ralnlng \\Ill be ('('presented by thel'threc g-ardmg the mo\ement, told of thedictIOn) _A" * * offered pra)-el' anci the chOir s81ng V. 0t d M da lo\\ed 10 the Swedish cemQtery $4: 56; Mary J;ne Cool:v. $126; Thf' War Department has an- farms doing the most outsiandm~ (' 0 n c e r ted ~ffort of RUSSian

~ "Beautiful SavlOur\ Re\ P Pe<tll- lSi e on y north of lHosklns Pallbcarers lvcre Jeanette Shcr oc!<, $426, Mrc: noUnc('r! a new pI:," \\hlCh allows kAt h q communIsm to mflltrate all walksXI'r\ ('-Sore ehildr..p. son pronounced thc \)cnedH:tlOn A )ou! L() at tended drlnonst ral JOn Luther And'crso~, Ernest PuiS, E Don Pedcrsrn, ~l 11. I\f)lt h_~'est- 1he high school graduatmg youth :~r othe;~~~ ~~trf'nb~~nk~sat'~ ul Ilff' In the DOlted States and

A sehoolto s~ralghten out ema- and Harold Arp, WOW radIO snlo- plot MonrlClY vlsltmg oats \dlle~ () B('hm('~ Wm Ul.ngcnbctg flans ern Bell Teif'phOllC' (0, $HH) L -'l chOice of speCialIzed techOical y I bl t th r .. t d ut)Ui" countncs of the world.tlOnal disorders amoQg' chIldren 1st, closed the program by smgmg tlf'S al Vcrdcll Lund s, barl<'y dt IIdnsen Hfld John Drevscn ' Inst:uctlOhrtl SfrVI('; McMJll<lrl traIning In the all' traInIng com- ~~f~~: ~h~y m~Js~o~~ rJl;~ ~~;~r~ I'Jrc\\orks Featured.118S bpen ldunched With promise qf the Doxology Rud JJ)h V1Clsaks 'lnd s\\o('et(lo\('r MIS Arjma Anddrson was holrn In Co, $26:19; Scott, I'orf'sm,ln & manri of lhe army air corps. There J I :31 1947 J ;-"1. nwophilus told of the triP

asuhe11e~lns"xlnpeDr,::lna~dareandltunlSrea~sroo~_- A number of mernorlal~ ,~re at leT P Robelts farm 1) L Mora, .sw~den, i\I)nl 6, 1872. She Co, $:J.O :L~1 MeCormlck-Mdthf'l's arc 41 speci<liIzrd Jobs for which u b', '" b) (Cit' dnd thr gpneral convenllon\:l co '- ,-c '. planned 1Il the nc\\ church l\Ir Gro s of Llllco!n a::,sIsled Cuunty was bapt zcd In j1nfancy and con- Pub Co, $77 4:!, Gmn & Co, $1 09, he can apply However, the apph- Judges tor f;}rms In thIS a ;:j hIghlIghts J[eadquarters were In

ab~ parents are largely at fauq. and Mrs Bernard Me)ler gave the Age t W R Harder fJl'med 10 carly youth At the age PIOneer Pub Co $,14fJ School cant IS undet no obllgatlOn If he are Harr)- NIcholas, SIJP"r\'I~or the I\lN:imah temple. One progrdffiAl hild may sometimes he to es- lot as a tribute to those spning O-agp Cedar ;1Od Cllnton arc of 12 sh came to America Iwlth , Specialty SUpply, $761', HClmmond submits quahflcatlOns If the ap- from Stanton, Howard Glllasr.h('1 \\as In the outdoor bandshell mcap the [ooITs\1 demand of un- andsacnftcmgthclriIvesmWorld ne\\l \arJ('lles o[ O,lts that are her pare ts and brother, Andrcw, & Stephens Co, $1R10 Bnckf>r plIcant IS chosen he wdl be not1- county agent from .l-\11('n, <J.nrl! Grlnt}lark,andontheclosmge\c­thl king parents, and then havb War, Two In addlllO!l 10 mr'mor- sho vmg up wpll OS;lgC \\las dc- and resld d on a homestead north~ Typcwnler Cfl, ~171O, Omaha fJed of acceptance Hdrolcl Bryngelson, county agbnt nmg. \\pdnesday, the KIwamansne es shattered by conSCIQUSnes?, Ial wmdows In the old church, Mr vel p('d for ~outhpl n NdJrds!,;a but west of oskIns. School Sl(1pply Co. $33737, Those \\lshIng to apply may from Pierce cntf'I t,lln("d 30,000 children of theof havI~g hed In th~l school ~ and Mrs. Marcel Rmg have gIven seC' s 10 glOw f,lvprahly In lhlS Dcceas d V\as married t'o Carl Schmoller I&:: Mur'llpr PHlno Co, \\nte dlrcrtly to the commandmg - - ~ - - I ChIcago alea at SoldIers field. Thech&J is talked out of crazy andl a memortal WIndow to Mrs Gpo !'ectlOn Cltnlon hilS "xtra hra\)' WIlham nderson June :21, 1893 $R 24, A. Hpspl"' Co, $9,1:2, Wayne gf'neral, all' trainIng command, Court Fine Is Paid I )oungslf'[s arc those whom Ki-c1amagmg ImpreSSIOns. Childre~ DenkInger. Mr. and Mrs 1\1 L str' wand mdY be found sUitahle The coup e reslQed on a farm \Uerald $l1l.'1H, ~r('gg Pub Co, Barksdale' FIeld, Shre-.'eport, La" B W C ry \\,llllans ha\c helped A circus,are oneIl deeply hurt and so;mer Rmger contrlbut('d lhel communlon [or botlom lands It IS also qUlte northwes of HOSKinS until 1919 $1500; HHmmoncl & StC'phf'os Co, glv~ng full name, address, age, Y ayne reame give club dnd nudgct auto racestImes irretnevably ruined by lack rail in memory of Mrsl C ,r. Rmg- fre from dlsea:-;r' When the family moved mto Has· '$165S, Wajyne high school A.Cllv~ race. Clvllmn oceupatlon, summary Edw $e:l-mour ami W L E!1I$ fUllllslwd l'lltcrtamment. The pro-of parental \\-Isdom and unde~- er The memorial fund mcludes I I hflrlcy, \/el\on 1] dnd .r~zon kIns SIn e the death of her hus- I~ty fund, $19750, Scott, Foresman of prevIOUS military tramIng (If of Wayn¢ Creamery paId a fmc of gl3m concluded wlth a huge flrc­standing. glfts In memory of Donald Jugel app ar to be domg better In the band m 38, Mrs Andersor) had, ~ Co, $49$ any), a tranRcnpt of high school $100 andl costs of $616 In couhty works display \VhlCh featured the

by family and friends, Mrs Harm plo~ than the common Spartan made her home 4th her chl1dren 'I OperallOn of Plant' Edw Sey· grades and three letters of recom- court 11'uesday after {Jlcaqmg light of Klwanls InternatIOnal, theWeyerts by Henry !\ugler fa.rm.lly, Trepl plants \\ ('Ie found not domg Sun IVI g Mrs. nd~rson are two Tlrour, $100, Carharl Lumher Co, mondatJOn gudty tOI unknOWingly sellmg li>ut~ Canadian and AmerIcan fla&s andMrs. Fred Wrobel by Mr. and Mrs so \/.el! sons, Hen y of W nSlde, and Halr- ~429 B, City GroCf'I"}', Rlc; United if accepted for tramIng, applJ· fer whIch was not up to 'itandard. Klwam.s f'm.hlem Among theCarl Sievers, Mrs: C. J. Rmger hy wy of Ch cago, a~d six daughters, ~emlcal Co, $60, Wrstcrn Chem· ca~ts w111 rccelvc a letter which Complault \\as flIed by Inspector mUSIcal treats at regular meetmgsMrs W Vaugh,t, Otto Hlnneflchs C ~ A ~-H t Mrs. LCD uhlow iof Chlcago j Mrs I al Co, 8'JR 08 lIIllyan! Co, gu~rant('cs them phtrancc into a Walter Bredemeyer of the deparl- were the m~le chorus from Vlldll-by fncnds and Mrs tnna lIaltlg J OpS re Itt Lloyd Itu low and Mrs Dale ZlCg· $ 40, Kpjso Ch('mle::l! Co, $3900, SPrrClftC cours£> of tramlng. pro· ment of agriculture m Lmcoln. ta, {(fln, onle quartet from Chat-by family and friends. In taltrel Area lcr of E n5ton, Ill., Mrs. LeWIS orth\\estern Bell Telf'phone Co, vi cd they enlist for three years Mr Sey,rnour rcporls thelt rlate ti-lnongl, Tenn" high school chOIr

Ladles' AId served lunchpon to * Tledke O~South Gate"J Callf, Mrs. $ 605, S E Bradford, 5;2730, \\ I h the AAF, and are found to be samples h'ere satisfactory r flom CorhIn, I{y, and glee duGall and heavy rains that fell LI d" r'out of town VISitors a[t('r thf' ser- S oy Be mer of HoskillS, anCl Mrs E W Se,-mour, $14;)4 ph"slcally and othern'lse qualifle,d _~~-- from Knox\ i1le, Tenn,at rday about 7,30 la m. 10 the WSo,vice In the church parlors In m. wIl art of Emmett, Idaho. A !Mmntenance of Plant l\lelchant ApplicatIon blankS and f\.WI m· PROP RTY BOUGHT , C L. Pickett also attended thc

Lal/n'l VICInity caljIsed severe H [. d ,. bthe group were Dr and Mrs son, arr, led In mfancy. There 0 I Co, ~3 51, L. \V l\1~~att Hard- formatIOn can be obtamed from ~y FERRIS WAltNER conventIOn but was una Ie to re-S F danJ1age to corn and 1 small grain 1~ d ~ "I d" [chrader, Mrs M de reese, MISS crops In the area ohe mlle east are u gr' n children \\ re, $1500; J. Cuss Store, th~ recruitIng ofIce at 101 North Mr d Mrs. Ferris wtrrne(I" port If on ay as He was out 0

Anna Knenheder, Mrs E Walllmg SIX of M1S. ,Anderson's chIldren $ 970 L \V McNatt Hardware 4th t et Norfolk Neb town.and the L, W. deFreese famll)-1 of of Laurel to one ~Ile west of w~re WitH her at the time of her $ 515' Fullerton Lumber Co 60c' s ~_~_~' bought Mrs Flora Klipa nck's BeSides 47 members, Tom QUIckFremont, Rev. Paul deFreese faEI- DlXlon, crops were ,lmost com· death and the other two had VISited rha~t Lumber Co, $1 R8" Four Pay Fines. propert at 7th and Logan s~reets \\0 as a gUf'st of Dean McGmn. Tom

ly of Hooper.. Rev C, W. Wlb rg Pt~ea~elYth~eeestrl'~YeChdesIotflv"aaSI.:ePleolrltel~ heMl'?nly able,w days prevIOUS. ~UXIllarY Agenclcs' American Pete Jensen, LeRoy Jones, Mern sfooronS1~rsOO ~nl~pa~::~km~~'l~if t~a:~ had a:companied thc Klwamans toand family of Wakefield, nd ." ~ II ", any fl ral offehngs were a [me A soo,'at,on, for Heallh, $250, t Sh Ith '".t ' Chlcac;o.\ I d tha~ territory Wayne received 27 t btl L '- MQrdhorst and Rober u elS an aparEent at the D. Hal prop-otners ro~ a istance who t ok of ~n Inch th~ same day. ' 11 U eta lovmg mother and B Ckley-Catdy Co $291· Russell each paid $1 fme and $616 costs In erty'at th and Mam. Thel C Apart on the program 10,:a1 fne d S ortmg Goods' Co, '$12850; county court July 5 on charge of Bards oved from' the Warner ACCEPTS POSITION

New Home Ab~ent )~ Rates to Remain. -- D ight Hauff Sportmg Goods Co., drivmg Within 300 feet of a fIre propcrt~ to Mrs Grace Keyser's AT IIOWA STATE

BIIJ)'S Nielsen Land. $ 9535 tr\lck Jensen was also charged resldener Dr J. W LItherland of Lincoln,The three-cent letter rAte and At sh 'ff' 1 h Id J 1 7 b f V h I h d

B . W'" k H eq s sa e e u y at rCapltal Outlay· Band mstrU· WIth falling to pull up to the cur ormer \ ayne sc 00 ea, goes toegf,US uT: ~.e other postage rates and fees in the Court house, [Geo. Koll pur- rtients Lyons Instrument Co on the approach (of a fire truck BROTF.:I, ER OF WAYNI:" Iowa State college at Ames the

Mrs. Lon:ame Door, graduat of effect June 30, 1947, will contmue chased th~ Jim l'tlelsen 80 acres $300 ' , July 4 Complallit was flIed by J:> last of July as professor of audlo-the Umverslty of Nebraska in 1 46, thereafter on a perrmanent baSls. for $9,600. I The land is two mIles I _~__~__ _ _ CHief of Police Geo. Bornhoft for . LADY PASSES Art'"A Y Visual educatIOn ill the"departmenthas been chosen W'ayne co nty Thls )S according to jomt house west and four savth of WlIlside. To Position in East. thh ci('y. W L Laub, 66 of Gr~4 Jun4- of vocatIOnal education. He has

."--:'-'-T7__C7'_~,",-,-,-lhomedernonstration3igentandbe-resolutiOn and approved by the The sale J!; sUbjectlto conflnnatlon 'Lylc Seymour has accepted a po- lion, 10~' brother of N!r-sf E E: bought a home in Ames for luspresident. by the court. sl~ion as chemist in the Commer~ Farm Safety Urged. Fleetwo ,of Wayne dIed Ju,,:e famIly

~i 1 Solvent Inc. plant in Terre !Farm Safety week opens July 30 afte bemg III for somt bm¢'

,Arrive in Japan.. Retums fro Hospital. aute, In;d. Mr. and Mrs. Seymour 201 and everyone is urged to be Funeral rItes were held J~IY 3 ~t Home· from Hospital.Mrs. H. B, Lane an~ Tommy ar- Mrs. Roy Nelso ot Dixon r& a d daughter, who came here from especially careful to avoid aCCI- Grand unctIon. Deceas~leav~s ~launce Parenti returned last

rived in Tol<yo, Japanl, June 28 af. turned home l~st week from a es to spend the weel<-end at delots, County Ag~nt Howard Gil- hIS wif , two daughters a d son" week to the home of his son, wm,ter their ship crossed the Pacific Sioux City hOSPlta1 where she had E!:lw Seymour's, left Sunday for lafle of Allen \o'lams that most Mrs FI I?twood went to t e fun-l Parenti, after spending three

,. ~ ..,.. ,. ~. 0 ~,~,. 1'1 ' 'r- ., ,~"" ""I":;" "",••- om' - "~~~"'I ._'" ,". F>;~"'&


".\ '

Page 2: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1947... · NUMBER NINE High Goals Set By Kiwanis Club I l ;. ERALD~"14-.~;;-~'=:1 Ii EVENTY-THIRDYEAR




l'ou gel more for your money al


New Low Everyday PricesRoyal Safin ~~~~'J::n~~ .....31:~ $1 ,13Pure Lardt;';: 22c. . ;;,';. 6SCMazola ;,.';~'~IT.ap~ Can 37c .. c~ 73cPrune Juice React, Dellgbt ... 46c~~ 29cPear Juice Libby'. .''c~ IDcApricot Nectar Vall,y Bloom Ng~~ IDcGrapefruit ;;';~:~t::;tlon•.. 2~ 29cPrunes Ricbland; t"",y drl'd ~~:;';; 23cCherub Mllk ~ lieSuper Suds, Rinso 0' Oxydol 'j;"g~ 29c

Do You Need Any of TheseFlour KJt'~~b~r:.~ SI ,88 .5';;~bg S3,69Coffee tV:'g,~ 36c .. '~:g SI.05Mayonnaise NuMad••• ~ ,,;~ 430COd V" . i i-gal. 570I er Inegar Old "~l ..........Ju. ,

Popped Wheat Dw~"""" ';~ lOtTrisouif "'::~~~;w~ ••tWaf'''''':~;:' Ritz Nabisco 'f,~:: 240R of' \B· B1r.., 50 26-0'- 120o eer 1J1~oU'tl. .. BtL

(plus '6ottle d~'Posit)




-with lids;Ctn, of 12 Pts. 65c



Sunday, JUly 13

Thursday, July 10OMAHA ROCKETS


SU·PURBGranulated Soap

is back!




121/2-oz. 31~Pkg. ..,

PEASAnthem, 3·sie\·c HeI\~r). 2 Can

Sugar 2No 235Belle Ca;ls C





2·Large 33cCakes




Mason Jars

Jar Rings Reg,,'" ,'ce

Jar Rings Top S·"I, ,'g«l"

Paraffin WaxPickling Spice "'hlli'og,

Ctn.of 75~12 Qts. ..,

Jar Caps Ail~~; regular size ...... Pkf20f 27CMason Jars -;:'~i!'pl';~I';'" .. c'o,," 63c Canned - Bottled Juices

'.,Jar Caps ~e~\;,~;,~l;~~~,"";,, Fk~2 01 19c Grapefruit Juice Town Hou",46C~~ 19cJ r L"d o,If""'>i,," !'kg, .. ol II c Orange .Juice Full o·Gold ..... 4S-Oca~ 23ca I S ~r,..g1;1:;r !.lj7.~ :..

Blended Jui~e BI,nd o'Gold . "iC~ 21 cApple-Jilice Motl, B~~ 25cPineaPPle Juice Libby',.. . .~~~ 17cGrape duice K72~~r 25c... B'tI

; 49cVegetable Juice v', 4'c~~ 29cTomato Juice ~~ou~y g::~, "(:;,; IDc

Lb. 15c

Get Carol Drake'sCanning Guide

. i

DETERGENTS-what they: are, how thercan help you. In the July i~sue of. FamilrCir~le magazine. Get your cfPY thIS week.

POTAIrOES10 Lbs. sse

White Rose, New, "(J.S.iNo. 1 Grade

Pen Jel ~~~;:~r.~ _ ;;;:III c

Carol Drake's Canning Guide will !helpyou can successfully. To r\Oceive! this20.pag-e booklet, just send 1()C to farolDrake, Box 2110, Dept. J, San Fr::ll'~clscO

26, California.

MCP P t· "~ 9c• , , ec In 'P'r'

With more sugar available thisyear you prob.bly are planning to

"put ~p more of your tavorite frttits.Better get st;rrted thiil we~k. Ch;eckover your canmng supplIes rlig~tnow. Hurry to Safeway to Ill! mwhat's necded. You'll.find our, sup­plies complete, our pn""s low,

h Elberta variety, freestqne;Peac es from California, Crate ~2.10,

O from Californ.ia,; i geranges Val'mcia, for JUlce purp?,es Lb.

L LGtrge, full of juIce; i Ilcemons Serve refreshing Lemo~ade Lb,

P'ORICHOPS: .Cut from either end of the loin \.3·.9·~

•.Lb., "

S'"'' SI kServe fried or broll~d 69cIr oln ea with Fre"eb frIes .. T ......Lb..

Ch k R t Best culs of cbuck; \. . 45c'UC oas lop grades otheef.. ...\.......Lb.

ft dB f "Hamburgers" \. 39cUroun ee popular any time ...... ;,......Lb.

La tIe Bologna Top quality; , 39crD. Slleed or pleee...... ' .....Lb.

Ba"o'nNation.lly.known 73c· Olbe~ Brands, i63e.. Brands, 1·1b. Pkg. . ...•. 1-~b. Pkg. :

S S 'sg "43cummer aus eCOrvel.t.........:....Lb, ,\ \

I !,

Prices herein 'are effective:'thru July 11 in Wayne '


Is li"inpd in Court.Marvin Vase;, chargf'd with in·

toxication, paid fine of $10 andcosts of $6.16 in county court M'on~day. Complaint was filed by Chiefof Police Geo. Bornhoft.

Glidden's high quali~y paint is always

a good ,nvestment i in beauty and

d"rability.Chodse .Glidden for out­

side or interior painjting.


We are prepared to furnish you with

materials you will need for new' con~

strtle'tion and remodeling. The supply

of wante"d items is ~ improving. Ask

about,the ones you ineed. They may

have arrived now $0 that you can

'make the improvements you want.

= 'Li rary News• Atmo phere, an unforgettableII charact r; these are two of the=element in Nat~lie An-person=Scott's 'The S~ory of Mrs, M\.J.r-

phy." his, book :Is the story of=Jimmy Murphy. 'The sirniJarity: between it and I "The Lost 'feek­=end" b gins and' ehds Wlt~ the=fact tha in both a chronic dr nker

• ~ro~: e~~~l c~~~~~ter·n1.;~r:~=throu:gh ears of accelerating \dis.i integrati n to ~'s degraded dE!jath• in e.rly mlddl .ge. It is don­.. sidered n im rtant sociologkal:.' documen . ' .1:, For e tertain~ent, read "Over

• ; • at Uncl Joe's:~ Moscow and Me": ;. by Oria a Atk Ii~Ot1. ~rs. ~tkin.

i ,f'..•···.•...·a'.'.!~.,.·.'.L;...:..··a··.r...I.·.t.• ·1::.:I· ..~.:.·..;.i.I'm'.···~.'.<·~.··.···~..r.~.. i'O'I,L: .1. ~~~f.~; ;.~\:'~f."n:~}~1fn~~\J '1:::1:'1 ,I::: i',iL . ',..<:Q.~., \i, ." ., .month.s" In wart! e and post~war~I " c., ': " '? . ,- ~, ' 1' b I: MoscbW. She fO s a; remarkable

,PboIie ,114', " ,':' J" .' ..",. ,W.ayne,." e ~ ,." UQlic r lation job f,r the nus~;;;i~~~~;;;~ii'o¥iI.;,i~;:*..r.'ii.~~.aT:mii'ii~".tlli.~oI~iiiiii: fia" ' pe pIe. .h~1 ob:erves them

, . ,j" i ; :.I : ';';, :!, i I I,


F.iday, Saturday, Sunday,July 11-12-13

"Rio Grande}laiders"

\ \': ~. 'I'H'!!: WAleN!!: I "'ltALU,lA~N",. 'R,', "'~lllJ<MUA' ••",1., II•• 111-11 !1'-"" S f 0 'h-~J.~-. W· '-~d----=r-F - --D b' I,,-'Shre dly,-and~~et-~-~O~~'-h~~ fi~d~~--preve~~f-' trem~::~s--qU~~~~;~~~i~~~~~~-~~~~e,emonw,WhiC"jhome nUrSing~~s~ructo~ a~~~;e

ton 0 ma a umors ID an, rp. m n.t .f.US. '..' Ing.s w.ilh' SPil'~I.'. ca.nd,or a,. nd hu- Slith Y"•• i a1 as' will lake Place. i.n J•.' HOly.r Fami!. Sla,l.e Teachers c.ollege, W.ayne.I /Japers,for Tr~p I W \ 1"'" I - I n:t0~ "I.ltnow\ more al:lOpt"Ru~~ fertl!iz r, and petro.leum .fr~m Cathol!c church, will be ~nnounc: Neb., attended MarYCfegl college,

Boy s~o,tJ.ts of troop 174, who are L W L P t k;W' 114 t fsm, is Jier mojest clmm, than flownp abroad WIthout restriction ed later, , and is now on the nursing ~taf[ atoses to ayne ose as ee yne 'Ii 0 .~y od~ who ~as cever been on. Ih. volume of ,uch exports." he Mrs" Stuart i' a graduate of the Mercy hospital. ,,0:1 ~ selling old papers , ' the .'0 ; saId, , l!Ul one pnraf.;raph of thp Daven~9rt high sch~ol and of the Mr. Campana attended thf' Rock

: it ~~1~i~d,S'~:t'~ t E .. -t-~ ~ d Po,' "he Tin Flli te," tvvrit tcn by ~~ill, 11(> !pointed oul, would b~ used Mercy hospital nurs~ng scl1oo\. For Island s\::hools andt is employf'd byB'arrage in Fourth Inning Defeat Carroll Foriday, 10..7, rra~lC 1 C lng n ,r Gab ielle Roy, has I been translated f~r ,th~', purpose of eS1nbll~hJng two years shp \vasi a Rqd Cross the Rock Island school board.

''"', " onlEj:,mQfe mijiiey''fol~ their expen- Gives Loc~d Swatters And Lose 'to Wake'field Fleldi g Prove. Costly fro th French 'lIY Hnnnllh Jo. prlOrI1y! In productIOn and delivery I==-;:-=='====::il==~t===========--: ·es. They' a~ askit1g eve,ryone to LIT .e.. I. f for ex. Pe?l t." •••••IIIll.IlII1••••••••••Il.m .

':: ",;. f th f 11 Lead in Game. Here Sun~ay, 11-2. To oca eiam. sep sonr EssentlaJ lY tlJe story 0 " . , till ..• i I':.:,:~,',-:'I,'.!: Ist'~wetPoaBtrm3dr_th~m.mO,.Jd·l·e~rJ~- 'I a.l rge Canadlan·Jf.rench familYI . By tl: terms. of this bIll, war- = !Ni ht

' .lOn " 1..lt1' .. f;l..-' ,~ Wa ' p'oneer Le"'lluc ba11 'Va','nt"s, Junior Legion basehall Wayne's Pioneer baseball nine., l't ,'. "Sp"c,·.lly th"llove ,.·(ol·y 0 tmw. ,.rdg!mcntatlon 'methods nrc. ."'. I: .!Y. ,;' .Those ha'\l'irig paper may c~ll yne s 1 <+~ J I 'e 'h F I I' ht

... "'~. 11. F G'Il' 396 clUb handed the star Stor~ team team broke ('ven in a pairof games payIng un ler t c reman Ig ~s Flo ntim~ Lacags('~ The author rptaIne ,IJUt not to meet (lur own.

,Profj'A.',' ;,." u }ver,. of Omaha a 7·3 defeat1beforC' a dUl'ing tll(' past week to hold their Sunday ev ing, displaYC'd some <)If port ys'the problr:>.ms o~ these n.ef'ds:,-.- )~Iy ~,h('. nf'cds of \he for. ='"N~w York &edtlt dff1(les ,have ap.. capacity erowd at the Waynt' ball ~tandlng in Am('l'ic'an Legion dis- the season' poor('~t brand of play peo Ie \\.'ho. w~r.~ JiI\.Ctir:n s jof 1he' I(,l~n..?~. nl ry, Senalor But IeI' cm-: BA.. SEBALL

pl\Jve~'the trip which will be con~ parlt under the lights Thursday trkt compl'tition. to go (lown in df'feat by a lop- dep ession, Thl~\ h>ok l~ a S('lee:-, phdSJ7,( r.. ..dLlct~d acco~ng' to s.cou~ regula- evening.' sidf'cI 14 t 3 count. EVf'n in vic- tion of the Literar~r tiuild. : .tions; 'Raytn~:md Jeffers df Vtiien- The visitors took a 1-0 1('8<1 in "llynt' 10. Carroll -7. tory, the Jremont nlnC displayed I,nme from lIo'il)itaL •tip.e,.. col~ege s~uaertt, will ~e camp the opening frame, after whloh Pla).Jng.1t Carroll the l"ourth of

lonly rare mf>tanc('s of heads·Up ,A ks' Fal'r Di~al for A, }f1lBrinkman rl'turned Sat. = ' ,

dll'ect?r. H,e J.1':ls.had cOnfmlerable Wayne opened up. In the last of July tilt' Wayn(' lads oonnected bas0bnll oth teams commItteid ~ IlrdIlY:. fr.( m ;t Sic.lUX C.ity hospital • W tzyne Ball Parke~"p~rlence In thIS work. Prof. the- 4th, W~yne laid down R' bar· for SC>.;t n 1111s In thl'lr 10·7 \lctory fl\f'mlspla s durmg the evemng ebraska lProducers when' H",e Iwd had.. _m_c_u~,c_,."__earc. :G':llhver) ,scouttn(1ster, will alS~ ac- rage of four hi'ts, which'l coupled KluNHlf I gOll1g 111(' route for the Ertockso, Wayne moundsmah, :~mpany the! group of I5.boys. with 'a walk and an error, produc· Wa)ont' I1mf', \"}-!Jt~('d jen Carroll was the w akest pomt In the local Hb (I Frf'nrt Rf'union. • 8:30 p.~ m.

The troop :t'.BS hired D. L. ~eal ed six runs. Storz scored twice in mf'n L<'lge and Kuhl of Cdrroll, dC'fense P tchlng With a sore arm, Thf" Jnnual rf'union of Ihi' Fn".•of Creighton, to take·the party in the 7th. ~tJu('k ont ('I[:;ht ,mel -one rC'spec· hl' mandgt~ to whiff eq:;ht oppos- vprt fHrhily will 1)/' held at Ta-Ira. :

,a bus .~&gusti·13 t~ 27. A YMCIO~ Ehlers, Storz sl<:u;ting pilcher, t]\('1\ 109 t><t(sm n, but is;suef} mne flee Z.ouka bar:k at !':orfulk I1I'Xt Sun. :camp SIt: t~~e mtles from Co was driven to the sHd\-\'C'rs and was TI1(> box S('Or0 pass(>s anc~ hit three men He wlj.s (j,ly. 1 •rado Spru~gs"'has been rented f?r replaced by Krebbs, \....ho yielded W~vnl' (lU) II R £ rp]ll'\ I'd fo a short while m HIe !

bO~Csp\~"'n>et~ko'n Thlllee. 10rl"phetrb"a'en'~(f;Volmll one run in the rcmaindel' of the SU~d ]f 1 1 2nd mnmRlby Johnson, The lattll'r 1fo Em('rslln J\tN.ting-.

... - m Ti0t 1,1.1 () 3 0 i"sued t\\,0tpa~scs ilnd hit a bat.!';. Clatcnc(' Mann. If'cH!Pf of Stra-the mountains,'/o gaB:ikovec, Waynp pitcher, yield- Wittp :~b 2 2 0 man, pro ptll1g the recall of han Slrh'f'rs, W, F. BIerman,

1~~~~3!!!~~~~~~~ledseven hits and fanned ('jght. Ballt'r c () 0 1 Enockson. J Countyi Agent Wallpr R. Harr]f'r,,~ Bahe, Van, Auker and Balko\"ic Klut'nllt'r p () 0 0 Fremont tallied four runs in the Paul. George nnd JIerh0rt Bipr-

:NIa\)('n :.!ll 0 0 0 last of the ht on twev1lit baUers, mann ~f're in Emerson July ~ 10

'G'. a',y' Th···ea·'lr!ll'wea!ynhhe:~~(J):~o:;~e blows • ~~~~::~',.;s ~ g ~:~",f,r~;n ~~~~~dl~~~~o~~i~~ t~~. numbe~ of Neill'>:,"': mills are ~~~'~,~(!~~::,IlSI~~;~n~V;~i~~k,.;~,:~7::~ ... v nb r h po a e Shulthcis d' 0 2nd: on th ('(, walks, a hit battar, lOt rested. 111 ?P\'elnl.h;~g. expor~ ('(I information about how to jurlg0i

I Benton 2b 4 0 0 1 t2 1 "--11""'; l'r 0 singles by Haney and, Hook and a au lets (~I. theIr mJlls. as a. Inpans 1 I '

t! A~NFo ,~~" WBa.hbeerrflf 4 0 2 1 0 0 IF/(,~I\Ckson rf 0 double by ager. JOf jner~a.sJng thf' mar~ct j(~r Ih~' s 0(' <. ~----- --- I.. L 4 1 0 0 0 Thf' loca s rang the, bell twice in pr ductlOn of N.elJrusf.\U j arms, Forl1'ler Resident

'J======= =========1 Harder e . 4 0 H 0 0 t1:':lrr(JIl (7) IT R E thf" 4th n Moyer's; double ahd Se atar Butler sal.d. 'W'll B M . dl

8:30 p.~.'Moyer ef 4 1 (] 0 0 Whltn('y ss () 1 1 singles by Weber, Page and Ot~o, pposing the hdl to ('onlinu(' : I ,e arrze I NBalkovec p 1 2 1 3 n lIe. LnckCl:1:.!h 0 {\ 0 and added their last. r~nin the 5th co trois over th[~ ('xpot't 1:radt> 111(' Ann~un('pm('nl has hcC'n, mildp I Pioneer ite League GamePage 1b 4 1 0 1 Stol!('n\)('!'g :1b l

') 1 on a walk lOcI two Fremont errors. se ator charged ~hHt 11. \\~lS I ('ftlly of th('- !engag'pmrnl and approach- •Otto ss 4 1 4 2 0 I 1.. Lackns c 1 0 Fremont scored twirl' in 5tn ,on a casure to ass 1St 1n tht.' ing maIrriag(, of :vIrs. Eleanor ;\lar-1 * Wayne vs. Sch


Van Auker3b ·1 1 1 1 Lngr If 1 0 two wall{" a hit batter and a nf'nt of fOl'f'lgn l'uunlriK's gar!'t ~tunr~ 10 August CnrnpFlna. : ...- Kuhl p (J a doubl€' by Weich1", once in the 6th c eatjng shortages at h'..Jrnf' "I son of Itho lalc!:'.1r. nnd ::vIrs. Frflnk :

15 7102,1 R 3l l son: cf () Ion H doub(' by Hanevand sin~les a ree that \\o'C necd rcstncIlons to Camp,~na. Hock I Is1nnrl. Ill. The .III1I!II!1l:ll!I!iUl•••El.JIj••II••••••••••a ••• I!I•• II.I'UI••••••• II••

~~r~~~~~b2b ":lli:r: gi~:~~~~~l:>:r .. g ~ r~:~5;~1~~k;fn~~;~:r~~/~e\~:f~ ARE~YO._READYJfOR~lHE 1947 HOME CANNING SEAS~N?~~~~~h~k 3b ~ g ~ ~ g:IW~~~~~C' by ]nnl~.~(~:L~O 2- _~ 11~ E ~;~~:~ ~q a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ---~ I~~ar~~~~oe;S j ~ ~ ~ ~ Carrull llO 0;)0 0 <1 7 Van Auke 3b ;) 1 1 0 0 0

Ferryman rf 4 0 0 () () "·ayn.. :?, \\'akl'fif"ld II. Moyer cf IC ~:I 0 2 7 0 0

Brandl c I) 0 () o! . \\'akl'fil'ld'." aCt' Bill Wpber If F~ 5 56 ~ ~ gMunzitto c 1 1 () 0 iAndN<;on. 11('ld t hf' t:eam to Harder c I~ 4 1 1 1 3 1Ehlers p () () 1 0 I 1Il1':'£' ';l':J·t~(']"('d.hlts struck O\-lt ~~;~k~~nl p 1 0 l' 7 0 0

Krebs p 0 (I _ 0 r~ I~~ ~I~ l~n~\I;fOI~\~~(~~~~;>f'\,,~Zy~~ Ottu ss I" :1 () 1 ~ 1 0

::12 ~ Ii 24 1~ ~ I lights Sl.Indny ('wning, Th~ visi· Johnson If '1 ;~ ~ ~ g i, . , It)!'S found 1\:lucnt!er and 1'letgen Reifert r 0

Score by Inmngs: T:t I! I:; for <;ix hits, but coupled theseStorz. 100 000 200-~ I ~! wilh walks, five ):;lit batsmcn Totals .. i 39 3 924 4\-Vayne 000600 Oh·- ,10 3


1<1nd 'VCl y'"!1f' rrmrs 10 bl·jng Frf'PlOnti(14) ab rho a

, Strikeouts: Ehlers 2, Balkov<'(" R.IUWit'. of 11 runs. i-Ianl'Y rf i 5 ,1 2 0 ()Bases on balls: Krpbs 1. Ralko- Th,~ hox !'('O!y': Zako\'('(' '~s 2 ::I 0 3 5vee 4. \Va\'!1e (~) n. H E Sager If fj :) :1 :<! g

The Wayne Pioneer clUb plays Wa;'lWmUll(lf' rf . 0 0 1 ~~~~h~bc~'- J ~ ~ ~ 1the Omaha Rockets, tt"aveling nl'· :;I.1:I1)('n rf 0 0 1 , 4 1 0 1 1gro team, here Thursday night, Tic1g{'n l!l 1 1 1 ~i~c~~~ltt~:en cf 2 3July 10, Wittl' ~,b 0 0 2 .. 3 0 0 <:. 0

Thomas ss 0 0 3 Carlson ~b 5 0 0 L

Marriage Announcf'd. Klu('n!lpr p 0 2 0 L Chrisfqnsen p 5 0 0 1 3Miss Mildred S\\'anson and Fred Russell cf 0 0 0 - - - -- --

Dangberg have announc('d th('lr ISuml ]f 0 0 r) ITotals ..... '..... ,3614 9 2~ 13 5

~~~i~rlh.~ h~:~Pno~~a~~\;~~:~~ ~~,~~'~;~'oo If g g gw~~~~ekino~~g;10 000- ~ ~ ;

Tuesday evening last week RallC'r 2b 0 0 00

'I Fremontl

': ..... 460021 Olx--14 9 5

Are Fined Hf'~;-.--- I\Villers c 1 0 Three.lasp hit: Sager. Two~Shooting firecrackers within the \\!~akC'fi('ld (11) n II E

jbase. Moyer, sagp.r, Weiche,

~~ai~~it~~: ~:i~;~~€!Aa~~rnt~~:~ ~;;~1r~s ~ 6gl~~~I:r~n ('t:ik~. O~=~e;=n~~ks~~ll~;paid fines in court. l ~;~~~~n s~s . 1 0 0 EnocksOl 9, J ohnspn 2, Christen·

Kay rf .... ~ 6 g spn 2. H t by pitch0r: Enockson 3,

Andprson P 1 2 0 JOhngO~~.~._. _-~'e~.~~~'~"'~~~~·~'~"~'~"~"" ~~~fi~~~<S;r" "b .. ~ g gIN SU~ER EIGHT LEAGUE

F01t 1b 1 0 0 R~~mlts La~t RUn(la~ H E

Swenson (' 1 1 01 Stanton.,.i 010 200 030-6 5 4Conner If 1 1 COleridg~ 022 000 010-5 11 8

Sedl'e by innings: H R E Battc 'es: B'ruhn and Bronson;Waynp n01 001 O·~ 2 3 8 1\IuntrT nf! Brandl.

\Vakf'field 100 202 3 -11 6 1 \Vakefipjd . 001 200 OOO-~ ~ ~Carroll.I... 000100 000-1 6 5

Battptiles: D, Erickson and Cal·vert; H1'rmeier and B. Johnson.

R H EWinside, 000.001 010--,2 6 6Ponca.--f- 114 ,'311 040-15 1~ 2'

Batteries: Otto Brueckner andHanson I! walsh.,and Bostwick..

R H ELaur.L! OO~ 000 OOQ.,-. 1 . .6 ;&Emcrso~ 203 003 03O----ill 12 2

Batte .ies: IYI.' iner and Urwiler;Hender on and Grish.

~taQ(lldgs~nwagne~'1 W iL

Stanton! 5 ~"

wakefi~d 6 .. 2'Ponca _.. , _ 4 i3,Colerid e _ 4 ; 4'Emerso ._... . 3 3Carroll ...... . 3 4Laurel ',:.. .. 3 4Winsidel . 0 7

G~mef1O N;t S~da.:f.Emerfn at WinsidO.Coleri ge at C.arroll,Stant n at LlliUrel.Ponca at Wakefield,


Page 3: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1947... · NUMBER NINE High Goals Set By Kiwanis Club I l ;. ERALD~"14-.~;;-~'=:1 Ii EVENTY-THIRDYEAR


1 i•••......•..a


Lowest Market Price







. $5,106.603.13



U, S. NO, 1

Lowest Market Price


and be THRIFTY



council oak is headquart~rs for the lat-est arrivals incanning fntit. KEEP POSTED. ASk first at COUNCIL OAK.


r* RED·RIPE WATERMELONS, lb•...... 4!e* PINI: MEAT CANtALOUPE, lb•...... IOe* SWEET JUICY OR~HGES, lb•....••... t Ie*SEEDLESS WHITE GRAPES, lb•.. " .. 2ge*SANn ROSA PLqM.S, big basket ...SI.19* RED·R1PE TOMAliO£S, lb•......... 15c*SHAFTER WHITE POTATOES, 10 Ibs. 45e*tALIF. ELBERTA PEACHES, 2 Ibs..... 25e


* SWEET PEAS:i\olfs~lo-n 4, Sieve. ~o. ! Can - .._.._.* SWEET POTATOESSyrup }'lIe1l:. ~o, !!¥.. CaD* DICED CARROTSmile T~8'. No. aoo Jar

~~!~I~~~S 37e'CATSUP 'lSC'Van Camp. 14-oz. bottlp_~. It

!,~,t.~!~". ~I~.SR"" 23e

Herma,h Lundberg, Vice PresidentEverett E. Rees, Ass't Cashier -

Fred W. Nyberg, Ass't Cashier . r


Capital Stock .Surplus Fund __Undivided Profits ..Reserye ~.

Reserve for Losses BeforeTax(·;.; ..Total Dpposit;.; .

Marriage Rite;.;PerforIn~d Here



Roll~ie W,. Ley, President

358,3 7.343,0 o;op3,7.0.00




........ 35c



Large size

1i)-oz. size

15-oz. size


...........$2,316,650.00 I

.. __ ....... 462,665.04I.4.57,23q.75 ..' i

4,236,5 5.79

............. 1.....85,106,63.1I .






Corn TQastir:s


Rice KrisPies2 for....J23c

'l, 'for...

2 for




. 2~ans 33c .2 for..

........... 35c

... 2,cans 21c

8& size



' 2 cans 35c

.......... 2i cans 35c




?5..... 2 No. I cans j,J C


Henry E. Ley, CashierJ Nina Thompson, Ass't Cashier

Harold E. Hein, Ass't,Cashier


,4- for...



'l..oans and Di8eount~ , ..Banking House ..FederalRe~erveBank Stock """ .United States Securities .Municipal Bonds .Cash and Due from Banks ..Total Cash and Equivalent .





Stateme t orlCondition June 30, 1947I 0 II i

Natibna!lBank of Wayne- -----I-r-------------!' I'II




Fresh Tomatoes

.. Seedless Grapes


~;~~~~ WI-i LE KERNEL CORN .. 2 cans 35cI



; ~leED BEETSPileI Monte ..

ilp£A:S-Sweet, wrinkledYiellowstone .."



I 'I I I, .'lIfF.: IW.·U":'JE In:R~\L'D \Vl\l'!\'1l;, NEPRASI\,t\, TIU1Rlt1lJiAY, .n'I.\:' 10, lIM1 PJi.6E HREE.

-'---, -..:.-~~- -. - . - ---- " -- - - '- -- --

.~••, .~ ~..~ .m~~Dm.B••••••••••••••••~••••' ' ~;;;•••••~.~•••••~ ~ ~ ; ~•••••~••~••••g •••••••••••••••••••••••~~•••, ••••;; .

ii, ~!!:!: '::' ,II ' IIii.'li·h~'!'=:'F~='.'a"••••.:=:-••'. i••••I:=..•iI•••••••••••;.



".., .'••, .'.Ii.., ::•••••'.••II• 1:a1. 11811 IIIIBJII.mmmElElIIUUmmC=1ilHiilEilC 0 m_~ (IIID1BIlIMB EilEllllll!lmmmtltSmtlGtrn'1iJ am~...!tlI8-t1ll3l3l1l1':l iJEiIgm~ m"t:J D ~.~~mtl Cl!li!lllll'.II.I!lIlll•••••II••••••••••i•••••••••D••••••••• 118••••II•••••••••••••••••••••••' 11••all•••••••••••••••••••,.•••••11

.i'«a,"." at' Seryice Mrs. J. A. Reinemund of Omaha, will return thE" last of this v,,·('ek 10 Mal-rv at Ser\'iee Ito Omaha and leave from there! shipping directly 10 :\Iadlson from Imutu£'] \\"indo\vs, ncw paddock and Iment¢d by photo-finish:, campras,itl who also played Lohengrin's march make their home in \\fayne.. tfue.last of this w('ek for Coron~, ,th£' south and \\'I'st nrc compf'ting. 0 the r important .jmpro...eme~s plcctra.' g~te and a dally racint.:

1: ~ O·Ill'llla Cllllrcll for the processional and Mendcl- Both Mr. and Mrs. IBahe arf' I W'a . Ch h ~ Cl'J.llf., where they wJil make tht'lr A nC'\\" barn ,u'cammndallng 30 Ihave heen made thIs Y(,:11'. Bpg I form Sh~)\I."in;:; past pcrform:lnc,' (Jf

,... ssohn·s for the recessionaL graduates of \Vayn~ ltigh school 11 ) ne ure.' hCilme. . ' hpad of hOI'Ses, aqldltlOnal pari- track atm03phere WIll be aug- l all I' tHr!t'<;. '

I .:\-liss Love. given in malTiage by and have attended \V',lynf' State -----+- I.Mrs, Langenberg IS a graduate

, 'Mis~ "P~tricia ~ove Is Bride her uncll', Harold ;-.;.,... bf'rg of colle?,/:, . .l\~r. Bahewill ma~<lge ,the Miss Marsa:line Longe Bt'ide ~~:;~~~~ ~\~!~~:'~.~l ~_~~I:~':J~~l\~'f~o Allison Bahe Friday Yankton; \\'ore light blue silk crepe bottlmg ~lant whIch hiR lathpr lS Of Dale Langenberg ficl' the past four Vl'ar~.

drl'ss with black hat and s~o('s and Iconst~uetmg here. . ' •A'fternoo~ in City. long whIte mitts. She earncd 'I eO-I Besides parents 01 the' ;-...oung Sunday EV]ening. ! :!\lr: Langt'nberg 1$ a graduate of

~Ii s E3tricia I.~~ve, daughter of ~~~i~~s~OUquet of flO\v€'r~.. in pustel ~.~;~'i~h~~a~~;r~du..~y°f~I:~~'~ ~,~,1~1~ ~Iiss ~-rars~lline ~nge. daughter i rl~~I~Sta~:;~o~~::~1 i~n~n~~~~n~~1\frs. --:. R. Lo\'e\ 4nd Allison Bahe, of :\Ir. and Mrs. (.Jar{'nc~ Lpnge was employed in an Omaha hasp,l-son f 1\'11'. and :\tl"s. Alobert Bahe, l\-Iiss ;'vIarilyn Goede of Omaha, dmg w('re Mr. and .Mrs. ""rn. Bahe nf and l~aj(, Sta~.dley tal until u year ugo \\"h('n tIC

. d ~' cousl·n 0f the bl'idegroom~ sl";'YE'd Iof Davenport, Nehr., Mrs. Augu_"t 1'1 'lOt' '!both of Wayne'. \\,ICI'(, marl~l(' r n· . ~ b d W 1\1 . W . 1,•. I'-'C, son () i" r joint'd the navy. He has sinceI I 4 I 3 I l LUlheran 1\1e as br·jdesmaid. Sh£o wore paste~ ~ y £>rg an m. l' ost; oj ~lyn('. .\tr~. r.rnf'st f· _~_..ang.('n;b('rg been on the na\·al hospital s.taff~~~;:j. 11l<,~'1l;I:L'~ in fOmaha, Rev. w~ pink dress with white li('('(-'!:';sori£'s gr.andp".rents. Of. th~ YOllng, folks. of HosklllS WL'l'(> arrlt'd SundayF. M st. uncle ofl the bridegroom, and a ping corsage. and Mr. and Mrs. qarold Nyben::, .July!:, i1t'7 at St. aurs L~th~ra~ at: Cur~~ ~_~ _

at the ~ltlublc ri~lg cere- ::".11', Bahe's suit was bluE'. He Jlmnlle and Davld qf Yank"ton church in!' Wayne,11 Fii'\'. T. J, C.. mOll::> III prescrlCC of il1lmedlilte was ~ttended by Rodnt'y Lon-., IS TAK'I··N'-'-G--C-OTR'S-'~-- Schuldt officiatingl at the dO~lble~

I t" brother of the bride, \\!ho wore U II:. nng ,serVlc(' in t~(' presf>llc/;,. ofr('~a~:~;is of floters in paslel grf'Y. Each had Cl white carnation AT LOWRY FIELD 1'l'latl\T'i~lt1d frien9s, ;

"I shad s banked ,th~ altar and can- boutonniere. 1\.\'o tall baskctls of hlue ';,andd"j:'lb 'q "'ith \,~hitp tapers 011 Erwin E. HatfiplCL son of :\11''': \\"hll(' gladi~Jj a~d candC'l~bra -- Icilhe'sidC'" TomlBahl' of Wayne, A reception fd~lO\vedl i~ _~~e Hertha _Hatfield of!V'/ayne. is <11- bearing \vhile ta ers were; on Miss VerIe Grauer Is Bride'and uumic Nyl)~rg of Yankton, church parlors were t l€' )n e S tending summer eJ1campment be- ellher SIde of the ,altar. i Of Elgin Bailey at sloE the yojng folks. 'lighted ~?~~;Sca~~ie~~~~'inb~~:or~~~n~il(~~~jng held by the Sdcond air Corer' .:'I.'Irs. W. C. Swanson play('di the dhurch Thursday.tlw n{l<,r::-. 1Ir.... Ed. Bahe of refreshments. NIrs. Ed. Bahe and ~~ It~\~nu·gFU~etld~.De;}~;~~i~o,~:.~~Jni~ organ prelude and' the wed4,ing Elg;p !Jal'!"", son of Mr. an'\Yay w, aunt ofr

l the bridegroom, ed M· '-, lU m'ueh's She al - ceo tJ' d C <,l

sang "Oh Promis~ Me'" before the Mrs .. ~Iarold Nyber?" pour .. ' ISS a student at the u"li\'ersitj~' in Lin- M'iss Bl~~nie KU~J ..sro\v~o sa~~~'~~e Mrs. J. \V. Bailey of Sioux CitY.cere on\' and "II, Lov€' You Tnily " :MarIlyn Goede ass-Iste~ \\lth the coin, served in the $ignal ~nd com- and Miss Verle Grauer daughtera~ t 1(' couple k:nt'lt at the altar gifts and had charge ot the guestlmunications, ETO, as ~ign:1.1man. Lord's' Prayer·' before the cfre- of 2\1r. :~nd Mrs. Peter 'Grauer ofdUlil ~ t!1C' rites. Mrs, Bahe wore book. He is an' advancC'd aie re-Sen·" off i- :~~~~ ~~~~';~~f'~o~;r:(~u\o~~~~~~~' ~~I:~ .:\ilarcus, Iowa, \Vl'rt' marrif'd Thurs~past{l pink lineljl,suit with wh,itc Mr. and :'vIrs, Bahe If'ft by car eers' training corp~ 'student and 1·1 rld:'lT i' Ucla\' Jlliv 3 .'1t 11 ilt Graef' LU~'ClCC('. sones and 'corsage of pastel Friday for Denver and other points \...ill ~e cliglble fOt';.' comm~ssi()n rn t; 11 c :.f?rma an I' ISS " t:'r, tl1~I:an chu~ch in Wayne, Rcv~flO\-\ rs. IShe was accompanied by in Colorado and Nebraska. They the art reserve. , ) lH'. '; "nch had a white ('orsag~. Walter Brackl'nsick officiating. ,I

~,....t;'.iiii"••iiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiil Miss Lavormc Longe, sisteri

of Miss Grauer wore heigt' suit,· ,.' , the bridp. was m,lId of honor. 8er dress with pink hat and CilITi~'(fllgown ,,'was of while pussywililow pink roses. Miss Neva Bohlken of Itaffeta\ made with off the shdpl- CO.leridge. \\'ho attended her,. \vore'del' lJn;e and bustle effect. MJss a pink dress and brown hat. Mr.'Da\\:n J'pangenberg of Hoskins, ahd Bailey and hIS attendant. \Vaynel\-Jiss S~irh'y Longe, sis!~rs of t~e Benton of Oto, Iowa, were In tancouple, : were bridc,;malds. ThfY suits. I\\'1)1'(' dff'sses of aqua styled li~c The bridal party, also Mr. andth~t of the of honor. An wote Mrs, Peter Gt'auer and lv-Ir. a.ndwhIte l~ee mItts, earned coloni~l Mrs. Kendall Grauer of' l'vIarcus,b01Jquet~ of blue daIsies and wote Mrs. Pauline McCol111ick and l\-'rs.whhte d!aisies in their hair. Thejir J, V.... Bailey of Sioux City, weTerhinestdne bracelets were gifts pi dinner guests in the Ed. Echten-the bride. ! kamp home.

Linda! Lak(', who served as flat· The bride was graduated fromcr girl, ,: wore a white gown made \Vayne, State college this springlike thqse of the .bride's attendants. and Mr, Bailey will finish theShl' carried d~isles in a .white b~s- course in August, The latter hadket, and rmg was gIven to ~er been in service in the Europeanby the bnd". Gary Longe, brotftcr tlfeatre for many months. Theof the hf.l?e, wa~ rin'g bea~er!He couple will be here this summer\:"ore a sal lor ~Ult and carrIed ~e, and then gO to Hamburg, Iowa,rings on a whIte j1Oart-shaped 11- where both will teach.low. I _", -~--._---~'-"------'i'-

The bflde, given in marriag by Leaves Hospital. I~:~infa~~~r~ ~a~rf~~~:dst~~cW~:i~ .Mrs. Emil Reinhardt z:eturnedsweetbeart necklir1e f of seeided hohle Sunday from a hospItal.

~~~r~~~~,fe%~~~o~cro~:~~~~s~t~~~ Former Resident III.fingertip veil of iltusion was caught Arthur H. Parry, of Wheaton,in a tiara of orange blossoms. She IlL, formerly of Wayne, is an in-Icarried two white orc~ids on a valid.white Bible. " ------~--~

Mr. Langenberg was attended hy Is Found Not Guilty.Clarence Bronzynsld of Winside, as Jury· in county court. July 2best man, and also hy Duane Rig~ found Bud AWiszus not guilty of 'I·

gort of Hosk;ns, and Lawrence hO;tftifngicaendrs;niEurrinegcEtleradY F;eld.Sh1ith. 'Usher;; were Don Peters ofWakefield, and Melvin Meyer. The

~~~~;~0n;,~~orrt~~s 2t~e:: ~~~ By Legion PostI':~a~~~\o~~:~n~~;:~.and Whit~ fie~dt r~:~:~~ ;e~:;~;;fl~~~ '%~~~~

Mothers of the couple wore black the follOWing officers were elected:with white accessories and wh~te Commander, ,Jack Engel; vicecarnation corsages. I commander, Bill Stipp; adjutant,

A reception for 150 was held in Merlin Nimrod; treasurer, Charles~the church parlors where flowers S c h war ten; sergeant-at·anns,and candles; in the bride's colors Donald Fleetwood.of blue and white decorated the Furt.her plans were made for thetables.' The three-tier cake with celebration on August 11 and 12.,miniature bridal couple and ice Officers the past year are Wal­cream molds were in the cblors. ter Moller, commander, and Levin­Mrs. Ben Ahlvers, Mrs. Henry us Packer, adjutant.Kugler, Miss Ann 'Young, Miss

, L\>uise Bressler and Miss }ielen Jeace Meet Opens'l1tielman were in charge in the

,kiltchen. Miss Bonnie Bathke, Mrs. At Madison Track, Melvin Mey(>r, Miss Elaine' Test, The' eight-day race meeting at

Mrs. Don Pedersen, Miss EtljJel Madison Which got underway Ju­Wilson and Miss Nadine Pentico, ly 8 will run throught Thursday,who served, had aprons alike, of July 17, Sunday and Monday ex-

;'i~~~~h.t~'::~~dwa~ i~l~~arg~~~~ ge~t:\~ indic~tions are that allthe guest book and Mrs. ClareI/ce past records tioth for attendance~ronzynski had charge of' gifts~ ~nd the numbqr of horses, will be

Ftl,r travel the bride chose be~ge tlroken. New records aIle expectedsUit with beige and broWh ace So- ~efore the m~ting ends.

sOries. ,If Some of the top s,tabJes fromI"_-l---"---..-"_--~"------~-----~!""""-~~"I Mr, and Mrs_ Langenberg' w~t -4.k-S~r-Ben as wen- ~ &eVE:ral.!! .~ -~.'1' I

j. ,If:' .



/ ~f,






'}; ,!tONGfiR GROCERY;:..1...' :"'t~~,~,~~."y", .~~~,~~~~!~~~~~~~~~ay. Friday and Saturday~P ONE 5

Ii, ~In~~i ~~

Page 4: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1947... · NUMBER NINE High Goals Set By Kiwanis Club I l ;. ERALD~"14-.~;;-~'=:1 Ii EVENTY-THIRDYEAR


~••·••Group 3









OllgIncdl) 539::; to $9.95



Da J'k colof2. Good for schooL

On61nally $593 to $795 •

(' LEA I, A N C E !



These are taken from higher·priced groups. Not aU sizes.

CARROLL __'11,(' ('dl! ~,lf'llwl, II ld

dmnr'r ilt H.<Ilpl1 .:\1111' 1 0,

TheJo!lIl(Jll(""('f ,"iW'di\ d,cI_nfr gucs1'; dl I:J11d (Jtl, ~ '1


sp~~~j~n~-\\ll~,;l \~\c::,l~('~~llt;l ;~(' II If'Millers, All ,\( ~l' In Omd)H :11,d,ly

Ralph ~lill(-'IS

ncr gU('sts <\tJohn OtIc (t,' j ()I

Ill'S "·jlt'nl It;l l

CI;1\JSSlI, ...




Group 2





SeHer Dresses




1.99...'llHE MODEI, '


A Redud:ion of $5.00

Group 1


Ungll1ally :5298 to $493


Originally $12 95 and $9 95





Redudt:ions Up t:o One-half or .More





This group consists of bettersilk dresses. Npt all SIzes.


Pays in Court.Fritz Sund paid a fmc of $30 and

costs of $6 1~ In county courtTuesday after pleading gUIlty tosecond chargq of mtoXJcat lon.-

.\('lion h I·il"d,Uold VaC'ation S('huo!. .. \( 11(ln I ill d 1111\ :J In <11-,(11' t

Vdcat Ion BIb!!\, srhunl n]lr!le<! COlli t 1J~ r:H) drd V: alldCf' \ s (lIl\"Monda) <It th(' D<lptlst chUI(h \\Jlh JUdn \\.11'<\('(' ('1 nl, ."f'ck", to (j\l,' 1

41 enrolled thli' number 1S ex-, tllk to r"aJ r ... tatc,pC'cted 10 mdr~ase, Mayor L \\".1 - -.- --l\lcNatt, Boh of r\orfolk and l)C:in,('1 nct· {l", l~, of R1t>Omflt IiIEugene 1'VlIl1lgar h3.\e been spcclall d:(J\\tlrrl In 11,,' "',)11 rOlhl'!'d1 ,.speakers this w('!?k. I pO:ld np.l1" '\lilhlal,l .lUllf' _Ii

••D••m•••••••Ba.a~aR•••~~.~umm.a••m••&gi••=.m••aMI < •

, .•···•••

--- -- - -- --,,,Dolplls-Sund-ay S UTHWEST WAYNE

nsen spent a su~~iya~~n~;s~/,~~.. G~:~~J(J,).~ II 101Iowa with relg.- MrJ and Mrs. Elmf'1" n L;, 1>,1

tlves last weel~ Ill, Dab, Mabel and lfrnnk of Laurel, had :-'IIJiI" I

and MISS M,lri1lY

rMullel droH~ July 1 at Ed ( .. rnnc's

there the Fo~rt I and ('nJoyed a Mr. and Mrs Call !:ldflll k "1 IpicniC With re~at "es, some from Sheryl, Mrs FOIL'~I Allpn and 1",'1:Columbus,Ohl? The Hansens re~ of Denver 111 and .:vII'S (\ \,turned that CVJnEng Wmgett of Carroll, called::; IIIHI! ,

Mrs Wm J hde of AlbIOn, Emil evenmg at Ed Gron!."",KellS, John Ka s,1 Herman Longes 1lI1SS Alice Gror.e, HJ('hclld 1 'of Wakefield, alll Freverts, Fran- kreutz and MI dnd ;,11" r.d (, ' ' .CIS Fentons, H rIDert Gr{'cns Mrs \\iere In SIOUX CIty FJAnna Kay an ~ellnan Bakers for mJdgf't dUto ]";1(,'" Iwere ldst wce vr:'>Jtors at Rudolph Ihad suppcr at Ld GIOJl( 0" ' •

Longe 5 HarrlY !Longe of OmahaWclS a Sunday·ldll'lner gut'st at Ilu- NORTHWEST WAYNE --+dolph Longc's, I Mr. and l\lrs HD.I(]ldl'lf']II,I." •

Mr andMrs.F1f,rrest [1etels an'd of Marcus.lcn\d., \1';11111 ,11,nl j II" l-other relatives ere m MISSOUri day to Suncl::ly In th\ V, \\ 1{,"

over the week-c d attendmg furt- and Ed Freclr]{'kson 1,()1l1O ~ J,,-eral servIces ~ori an uncle and sides thp Harold I Ii 011 (~'ldl_vISitIng thl'lr fiat!1C'r who llOW lives r-unday dthcrl' 1 he Iidman Baker,,; had ~ ere l\Ir ;::~;~(~~;l i-:

tl; ;,\(jI1',1 : J J~'I: I '

the little Petclts ~(Jn (')n !t1l' Fourth sun, Ddrll tH' dltd .:\111 11'1 ,,' II ~Ithe Bakers v:<!'r~ at Bemy B1Udl- on, Ed. Fr(-'drll) ',lJn, \ltldl"1 11,1

ga~~~ ;{~;;j!crs VISited ~;~~~lrs ,],lI11l'S I~I' ~"l, I ,JIJrl J ,,1 ,]

Wednesday evelHng, Mr and Mrs.V';, C. Rmg Thut"sday evenll1g and WAKEFIELDI -

~~d ~nr~ ~rsAI~~r~ ~~I(t~;:tt;Yl(~i BIl~I\lrl,,, flflrJ(Jr' d.

Wayne, Friday C\f'nlnf-'; ,It Ceo In .h(J~lf!rl (I \)1 ""d ',I, ...' { l<t),Buskirk's J\<lr and ;,l1s \"1('101' BusklrJ.. V,1', I)' """dl t 1"\ 11l~ tr)Trook and Joy 211'1\'eO from I){on_l~ln(Oln Inll.' \\ \1." \\,Ik, [, I'lvcr Saturday by car :vIr Tlf)ok ~hllS!liin :-;111,1,\ -(I1<1011!1'"WIll bt' m Dc!'! Momes tHO \\('eks ~ 1110 (ll'l!)! I [I " ~ t"on bUSiness ~nd r,lr~ 'fronlc and 011,,1], :1"IJh JI IJn ).,,' II

Joy \\111 be at the Gll) BuskIrk ,It (1]'-,("1 !IIJ c'),!,1 i' ,hom('. honnf(r·... 1\\1) I;J:,· 1,,-;1

tllf'lr 1';( H ) ',",1' Lu' !""'~ I\Slea\C' an (11\ <It>l(' [1('1)([ "I !'l-feet al1l'nd:ln(( dl ,til "J."\ I,,,

2\11" gusklt!~ Ihl-. I,('(n I( n, J) 1)( Ifor :23 )('01rs Lend "L\t d III Ill,!t,\

offices uf til(' lillll('h, <JIP,' I" .

ilS d('{lcon IIU"l(, ll( .:,,'lll' .... ' J"

d,l) school~, (1f'~.I'J iirod (]1 IHI-'

as elder :\1:" J)<l kll K !, I" 1I":la SunddY ,;I'jol,'il t«<I' j](,1 d:'(j 0)11"

('erlOl'i:lilc:o,l"lI.J'!(I" :11.., \·jl_tOI' Tr()o~ ·il cl ()[ j,(r"r J :,:~.

and l\Irs I: '\ " s, \T, :J"d:'1,,, Gf:'() L"s,J!" \",pCI' gue:,ls :\1J drd .\110,

P..ulh'tk and J.,,:. ,,1 \\ 'J nIatl I'.

Il'•I , <.;••••'R····~···r·a •..s •••••&.~••••s ....~••••••••••


'1'\\ ill~ An~ Bonl.TWInS, a son and a daughter,

were born to l\I1'. and Mrs. Har­vey Hennmgson Sunday, July 6, 10

a SIOUX CIty hospital.

OLESLIE IJ M::-G-r-a-Ce-B-u~ski-'r-k



Mrs. J. \E. Berger on

Mr and Mrs, Ch*s, Fleet oodspent July 4 evenlT'Ig at EI erFlcC'twood's. "

Mrs. Harry nakc~ and rrywere Tuesday dmncrlguests at Er~,

Vln Kraemer's at COljcord.Hurry Bakers atte'1ded the cd~

ding of MISS Elsie :racobsen andOtto Kleensang at W*yne Jun 3D,

Carl Lundahls of ICarroll, andMartin Ekbergs of dmaha C" liedat Emil Ekberg's Sunpay eve mg,

Mr, and Mrs. IIcnnah Mulle andMI', and Mrs. Knoebel, '"the latt l' ofTexcls, helped Maxmc Muller e!e­bratc her bIrthday FrJday,

Leo Schulz and chJldl'en '(-'rrSunday dmner gtllH,ts at Virgil Ek­berg's The Hoy Holm 1a llyvisltr-d there In the evcmng

Mr, and Mrs. John Benken andMr. and Mrs Ernll RodgC'rs, thelat tel' of Allen, had picnIC up­per thc' Fourth at Paul Flsche s.

MISS I::lsle Muller left Sunda forGalesburg, Ill, to teach In theumvcrslly thIS <;ummer fterRpcndmg 8. \\'(,f'k In hcr home I ere.

1\1r# and Mrs Anders Jorgt' senlwd 1m'llJe supp('r th(' Four1 atPete JOl'g(-'nsen's MISS nItaKraemer and MelVin Domm r ofNorfoll, VISIted there,

Richard Melns of Kansas It),and EmIl \Valters \\ ere at HarryBaker's Sunday, The Henry Ba-kf'TS \\Cl'e III the Herman ahl~ Alcraft ViSI1Jng the local airportkamp, Jr, home for SundaY su per I t k 'f F

The Russell Wcnstrands at- ~I~CO~~~SIOU:i~~ty,r~~unelre~~~;~tended pIcnIC SUPP(~I' July 4 1 the I D f.Joe ErJcko:;on homf' The en- ~n~ton,e~I~~inrS' lCi, and \\"or1h-

s1rands spent the w('ck-en III ::\11'. and Mrs La\f'rnc LC\'.ls of

~~~ 1~~~~n~,~w~~I~~dt~e~' ~ ~~cr~ \Vlllslde f~~w tq Omaha Tuesday

\\(-,l'k's Vlsl1 CV~~!;~rO~a~~~ 1~~~r:o f~~~~o7romTlw Mel\ III Kraemers and An- Omaha 10 \Vayne for two local

del'S Jorg(,lls~:ns spe~t Sund~ a:~ fIrms last week'

~~:~(?~lnda\n t'I~~I~\(-'nl~l~e;:~~, 'nce Dr, VIctor M~r('y f1(-'\,,: to IIad­

lInfrls nf Allen, ,mel tl1(' I)l'n eth ~:~(~' ~l~(~·· f~~~rr ~for~:~g "t~J~\~~n,lk('l" Llrnllv \ISltf'rl III the Jor- the' II t? d I gr Ige-tlsen-Kral'~1C'r hUIlH' mn I. (-' l"e urn" )) ellr ll(-'

l\1rs I',lul Flsl'hcr cnte-rt" J!1cd samf' evening.Thursday aflC'rn()on for rLlssm t('s, It DanX'DII.}k'Ulckdtflof I'f'Olh'1' andGuests were Mrs Law l' e c e enry h( age, ew to BassettFischer and suns, Mrs. II bert Sunday. 'Eaton and KathleC'n, l\1r'S aw- -~~r-----rence [{lOg and Mary ElmoI', irs,Pt'lC' Obel~, Mrs. Jack Sode bergand 1Irs Emll Rodgers of lien

Mr. and 1\1rs, Paul Fischer andPaulette drove to SIOUX CIty un­day to SCe Gene Flscher at a hos~

pltal \\here he had undergon anoperal IOn Mond~\y the FISC ers,together \\11h FOld Rodgers, ventto N('wman Grove to atf( I a[un('tal for a {Ilcnel paUld:!' rc­malned In the LmJl Muller hl me

PICnIC dmnr'r gut'sf.., ell K(' n('thBakl'r'" Jul) 1 mclud"d Ihc aml­Il('s 01 Alex SUhr, \\'111 Tes1, WlliBaker, Clarence Baker, He bertBarelman, Ray ~lckols, Budd Luttand LoUlc Han.sen, also Ted Hoe­man In the evenmg thc KClinethBa1{CI-S dnd \VJlI Bakers Miped

~~~~~eF~~:I~ucI~~~~,,~ateher 9lrth-

Mr, and Mrs MarvJn Mulld andGerald \\cre supper guests J$ly <1at Fred I'Iluller's Sunday the ~1ar­

\ In :\lul1(-'rs \\'l-'I (' dinner guests''.Ith MIS Andr(-'w :-.Iclson at Oak­lclnd, That alternnun thl') attendedthe \\rddmg of .i\lr and Mrs Gor­don Sholll1 and \\ere supper f;uestsIn the Al\ In Nelson home Theyalso called 011 the .l\lelvIn rvon­Seggcrns.

.o\th·nd W('ddin~.

1\11'. and Mrs Man In 1Iol"tensonand @laughters, Envli1 i\Ioftenson,Mr. and 1\lrs Alden Johnsbn, l\1rand Mrs Rf'ulwn ColdhPrg' and .JaNohn, I\1r and Mrs IIpnr1 Holm­berg, Mr, and Mrs Alfl't,d N('I·,;on and Flalne lIt knrif'd til(-' ,,,(-'ri­ding of MlSS CanJly n Nfbon 01

Uakland and Gordon 511:01111 0,Omaha, at tho I<"lr!>t ~utheran

church of Oakland Sund/:ly, Jul)h A receptIon was held ,10 thechurch parlors follO\\ Hlg the cere­mony MISS Mardelle 1\1)or1enson'''as \\'altl"css ancl Mrs. Alqen John­son aSsisted WIth the gJl Us, A din­ner was served III 1he' Nelson homethat evemng to 30 relatrves m·C'ludJl1g the ahove grQup.1 Mr, andMrs Shol1n \\ III make t6('lr home111 Om<;thCl

Showf'r for Miss ::\'t'lson. I

ThIrty relatives and fnend:!> ~\(.'Ie

inVited to 1he Mannn I\1orlr.nsonhome Tuesday aftf'rnoon f(l[' ashower in honor' 01 MJ:-s C~~I olynNej<;on of (l,lldaml The IWllW wasdecoratf'tl with /-;;-(1'(I"n flo\\0fo.;, cd­so th'(' tahll', \\~ll('h had blU!' andwilli£' ('andl('s Brea]{mg h:JUoonsand readmg not('s they con~all1C'dhelped MISS ;\'elson fmd hel; giftsabout the- house, A tv.o-courscluncheon, \\'Ith mlillaturc bndl'sand umhrf'llas as favors, W,fS

sc>rved by Mrs, MarVin Mnrjl'nsen.Mrs Weldon Mortf'mon ah/i Mrs.Harry Larson of I !ector, Mllnn,

t'luh Pi('ltk.

Memhers and fUlm!J(-'s uf 'othcStudy Circle cluh cllJoyed tll('HI an­nual tHenlc cit Wdkeflcld park Sun­dar,

ENCOU AGINGTown - MeeHl g - of ~ the-Air

Thursday night compared theciv;ihzation of t 1(' presen,t cen­tury with that of the imb,ed~iately precedm century. Onespeaker, survey ng- the worldwith its dIscord and otten hale­fuiness, didn't 11 ink thd presentwas anything 0 brag I' "about,Another speak I' exprdSscd anapprcela t iOll of jmprov~d men­tal reactions i America.. HepOllltcd out tha ·peoplc<' In thiscountry no Ion cr trcat!l1umandistress Jnetlffel·~ntly. Tme was

wilen SUffCf,lng ah~oacll causedeomparatlv ty 1111 e I sympa~th(-'tlc att£' ltJOn. ow 1 horrorsof the late ~var 'lnl deer1y mtohUl11a~ consci usn'ss., Peoplearc cagel: to a f{')rd reI of Thespealu:'r lent oned tressedgrOWIng ht man _ qualiti '5. See­Ing and cn [lha lZlng th good,hl' was re resh ngly op imlstic,

spt'cial cong\CS'-;IJndl com 1ittf'C'10Investigate t(le fopt-and-n )uth dIS­ease 8J!long ~a t tl~ m 1\1C' lCO.

•• 1--

to spend the Fourth and ~a ur­day. The Harrisons and tl eirguests were SIOUX City vlkltorsSaturday. I

Mrs. W. B. Ockander nctHarold l Mrs. Hma M, oCk1n4er,Miss Edna and MISS Laura O~k­

ander, all of Bancroft, were'Mjn­day vis) tors in \ the Earl Leon rdhomC'o MISS Edna remallled oran mdefmit-e stay. ,

Mr and Mrs. John McCejlrl 1O~

dale, Mrs, Georg!' Boonstra I c ndDorothy Jetj.n, Mrp. Roy O\"1en 01EmersD:n, spent tJ1C' Fourth \ lththe V,rilton MeCorldndule f~lI~llY

at Laurel. ~hlHe camp home Jlthhis grandparents for a Visit. ,

Mr. and MI·s. Paul F:vermgh 1mand Karen came fl am Lln~lnSaturday evening and VISited 0 elSunday In the Fred Harrison ho e,Waller Carlsons, Carl Barks l el­Vin Henrys and Tl-'d Harps n'swere Sunday supper guests In thl'Harnson home ,

The Bernard Kmneys and, \~al~

tC'r Otles Jo!l1t'd le!atIVf'S at S~n­

day Sup[wr 10 1!1(' [J,lrentlll, I C.A Kmnc'y home 11['. andj MrsVernon Anderson and Jacky "nd1\11', and Mr~, J{J[> J Koencs andJohnnH' all of Sr3tlle, arnvcdi atthe Kmney home Sunuay mmn-

• SOUTHE ST ing fOI' a, V1SI!. Mr, and 1\l'"s,

l::Clyelf' .:\lllll'r of CouncJl BlyffsWAKE ~'IEL \'.cre Saturday ovcJ'~nlght \'It;JtOI'SC, \V. Long, MIs LcttH' Il</1rmon

y Iilnd MIS, SUSI(' lIoydar wf'rd Sun-

!\ rs. EIlJs ohnson' ~~l~ i~II:~rl~~~l'~~~m~~~~I~~e.g~'~,l~i~~Mrs Dan Leu lb \"as tU SlOUX Mrs, Carol Van Vallm JOl~cd

CIty VISItor Thu'sday them at RUppel' 1\lr. and Mrs,Mr. ancl l\'Il'S, 'red )-Ia.r lson and Chas Hl-'Ikes of \Vaync wero evl-'­

Mrs Carl Bark \\C1'e SI()UX City nll1g v151\ors.VISItors I\londay,

MI' and Ml's 1, 11111'1' T\'l'I~on \VereSunday ('\"('nnlg 'ISI(ors Hi- the Ar~thur Florll1(' hOllf' I

MISS ManJyn Jl,utz bf SIOUXCl1y spent the 'ourlh Clrtd '\cck­and m thc Chas Pierson homC',

Mrs 'Val!t'r t tC' and Sandyattended Paul's 1st bIrthday par­ty In the 1\1\ In Johnson home 2\10n­day, •

MIS5 1)nro! hy Sundell spent 1111'Fourth and \\('rk-('lHi In LlIwolnwith Ill'r .sIsler, .!\Irs J),lle Tlnst­mall

Mr and .\11''; L. C. ~\ll-'rnlwrgC'r

anel MISS FaIth \\et'e JUlll', ~~) sup~

pen guests in the Earl u'onardhom('

Mr. and Mrs RaJ Dllts and Mrs.Cathclln(' Dill,; Well' Sunc!:lY cve­Olng \Isltors In the IE,]] I L("ollarclhonH'.

1\1r, and 1\11 s, Ho) K. llanson,Gary and Carol \ lSI ted l\1011day at1\lelvm Larsen's and Tucsday atLaurencl' llansnn s

Rc\·. and l\1Js C \\" \Vlbclgvisltbl G Alfred J(,htlo,on Tul's~

da J 1,\ PIling. t(l congratulate hunon Ills H()th Illltllday,

Vdrn Carlson;;, \'('rdpI Lllnds,l\1J"sl Mary Lund, l\ll~ ('al!lcllll('Cultlln f'nJoyc,rt ,\ !lICnJC suppc'r .Itthe park I<'nday ('\ enmg-" '

l\k, and Mrs LuI Leonard wentto :P10UX CIty TtlC'sctay i\Ir L('o~

nard H'mamed for 1reatment, rt'-


thclr hous('guests, .:\11'. clnd l\1rsClydl' Miller (If CounCIl I3!ufls,vlslled In tl1f' BeJnard Kinneyhomc Saturday.

Thc Vcrdcl Lund and Laurl"nccladsoll fanlllics spentnJll~ In the V('rn Cdl bonlwlplng D( I1nl,; U'](']lldtf' illS ~Jtll

blrthd3y of MonddY Fourth of .July Piqllics.1\lrs Reuben Golrlbeq..;: clnd Ja l Mr and MI'5, Art Hanst'n, Ed

Nol1n attended <tn aJteInol)n pelrty Gust,'fson A.nd Miss Faith, MrsTht1rsday In tile horne nl.I\11";s l':d- JosephIne Gustafson arid RClnealna r);lhlgrcn, !J()nnrll1g ,\11SS ('l,lra Gustnfson fdrmly ('njoyqd a picnIC['etnsoll 01 Paxton, 111 dInner at the Chas 1)lci'son homc

dr~~' ;~1~1~~r:·c~/:h~rond~~oril~~ sa~J;" a~~, ~~~. lv~~\.It~1. Uj~~n~~~mCfjt, th('lr daughter, Mrs, J. P, and Paul had pIcnIC supper at theJUdr and daughter, Nancy. who Bernard Kinney home.can e from Detroit 101' a VISIt. MI· and Mrs Roy K. Hanson,

1 r. and Mrs John Barden \'.erc Gary and Carol picnicked wltham ng relatIves enldVmg . relatl'ves at the Fred Platenbergsupper at the park Tt\Ul'Sda:I~~~,~ homenmg- in hOl10r of l\Ir' and Mrs. Rol. Elmer Boeckenhaudrs, \Veldonland Johnson and HodgeI' of Free- Mortensons, Laurenc~ IIansons,port, IlL,' Joe C. Johnsons, Kerdut Johnsons

111'5. Marlow Gustafson's moth4 and Allen, MI', and IMrs. Alden

~~a~~s·T~CaS~~ly~)OI~~,b~a:~thfr~~ ifo~~I~~;g~1r.aa~~ iJr~s L:~a~t~~ we~~Ca~~;~II~U~I~/~\,daughter, \vhlle she IS recovenng Gnesch of Wayne enJoyed coopcra- The Herman Bakers werEj atfrom mjurles received In ta car tive plCnJe supper at the Marvm Geo. Babrock's near Emerson foraccident. I Mortenson home. Tuesday supper,

Mrs, Harry Larson, Bruce and Mr. and Mrs. John Bocckenhaucr The FJ;'ancIs Habrock familY ofMary Lynn of llector, Mmn., went and Sions plcnJckcd WIth the :Paul Kansas, \ ISlted at Dan Dolph'$ andto Oakland TllufsdflY for a VISit FIshers at thC'lr home as did Mr. August Kal's lelst ,,,('rk,In the Ahm Nelson home until and Mrs. Emil Rodgers, Condolences dlC cxtt'l1dt'rt toTuesday when tlwy returned to relatl\'l-'s of Mrs. Annie C'ollkllnthclr home at lIectur. Rpml'mberetl on Blrtlulajs. who dlCU In Creston, Iowa.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Holmberg Birthday club and 0 the rs Pleasant Valley Ladles' Aid hadwere Sunday dmner guests In the gathered In the John Barden home a pICnIC at Pender park \Vednes­Reuhen Goldberg horne and ae. Tuesday afternoon to help Mrs. day. Next mectmg IS In the J, P.companied the lioldbergs to Oak~ Barden observe her anmversary. Clausen home,land that aLternoon tu attend the CooperatIve lunch \vas sel'\cd Mrs. H,lrry Stolle \'.,1S \\cll re~Nclson-Sholm weddmg Out-of-town viSItors wcrc Mr. and membered Tuesday, her LllI'thday,

1',.11". and Mrs, lIprman Flek and Mrs. RoJ).{lTId Johnson and Rodger Sunday the Stollcs \\ere at CarlShll'l(-'y of Omaha, Qll1lC to tile Ted of ¥'n?eport, Ill., Mr, and MI'~. Ur- Sievers' at WlIlsldc.IlalTlson home Thursday (lV('ning ville Helgren, Donna and Normlln The L. J, Bn'sslprs \ IsllC'u Mrs

_________ ~ of FallS City, Mrs, Herman Kay PICrce Dressler and daught l' of

FIRST SIX MONTHS '-; of SIOUX City. Gordon, at Mrs Eveline WIg ains' .'Mbrris and Marion Gustafson in Wak~field Saturday. :

In January a seer preqlcted were reminded of their birthday~ A grqup spent Weqnesday eve- •

rc;~~~: °s~r~:~r~~~~~~~~ ~~~; ~~~dth~ fO~~~~~;tiv~isit~~th~~~ ning at Wendell Korth's In onor:

deaths and much property de- lunch Thursday evening in the MiI- ~!ret:~rtlJ:\r~~(~~~K~~t~~rs, ('nr


struction. He may haH-' fIgured ton Gustafson horne: Mr, and Mrs, Mrs. [Franl{ Longe, Mrs, udy:~ tenldenc~ that way. l~('oplc A. P: Borg, Mr. and Mrs, Paul Longe, Mr, and Mrs, A. W. olph.

ave wen ros[lerous an~ carc- Borg, all of DlXon, Ed, and Jose- attended funeral rites al aync,·

~~~~~·s, ~~~~ ~~~~'i~~e~i~;~;i~i~~ phme Gustafson, the Berneal Gus~ Tuesday for Mrs. C. E, G Ider-

may have lOcreased fatalItieS in ~:~~sG~;tta~~~:,e~~~r~l~r~~h:~:sle;~:'HarryWagemans were Sun-

~~~ ~~r~~~o~nh~I;:~::~.:~~~~~ Lindley Bressler and Harry Gus- day dinner guests of Mrs· attietafson families. Fischer 10 Wakefield. Mr. and

bus Bfiid unusually severe. They The Harry Oaks, Mrs. Jose~ Mrs, Art Wolters and Mrs, IV clIn~left a trail of death and proper- phinf;' Gustafson, Ed Gustafson, da Utecht were afternoon VIS tOil's.ty an4 sol! losses. Railroad Milton Gustafsons were Sunday In honor of MelVIn Wilson' 9thwreck& added to the recard of ' . lh H G b'rthday pupils of district 7 anddisaster. 1 Altogether, the first evening vls110rs 10 e arry us~

six montfis have been calaml~ ~:t:~;at:~~e7~hCl~t;t~d~~a~~YM~~~ ~::~~sn~;~~elnucess~:y~tAac~~r ~i~~

i~~: j~h:tn;a~fo~~~o~~=~' ~:d day. candles was a centerpiece andhotel fites aroused efforts for luncheon included plenty 0 ice

greater,~~feguards. Recent air~ Busy ~=~s"::~sc::~et June 'crc~~.and Mrs, Joe Wilson· wereplane wrecl<s have prompted at- d' I 'tention ~,q defects with promise 27 in the Henry Asmus home with S~nday guests at Bernar. c 1 5of remed*s. It is hoped t~e last Bonnie Lou Asmus and Dllrlene I'\~ar Concord. MelVin rem in~dhalf <!If t~'c! year wijl permit the Wagner, hostesses. The club met fair a few days, Visitors at Wll-

,I July 8 when Yvonne Behmer and S~'S recently were Mrs, nna:::~~;~c:~~~o~se~~I~'h~~~~ngth- Lyla Faye Marotz were hostesses H 1st, Elmer anti Ervin, Mr a'nd

'''----'.t-,.-------.::..--," in the ~rt Betwu~r home. M, " Leonard pOllar~· The Wlls<!lns


The atOl1\]t' l'nelgy COmmlSo,101lwants an addlt10nal :J,8UO cmplo)­et's by June, 19'1H.


Thursday, July 10, 1947


InA~oc'AT'ONn .,:.JIilUnkt...memlSeR~~


AmlY engIneers arc bC'lng as)H'dto lIl\'('sllgatc morc thOl'qughlyflood cOlHll!lOns along the .l\liksoUl'lnver It IS thought thaI riow ISa better tunc to flnls~ one f tlll'three proposed dams on th "bIgmuddy" to alleViate flood d ngersr~ther than tryIng to flnl h all1~1ree dams at one tm1C. E 'pcrU;have mformed congressnw tha tIt may reqUire from SIX to eIghtyears to complete the For Ran­dall, Garrison and Oahe stru tun's.One of these dams could b com­pleted wlthm three to fuur years,It has been repOl·tcd, 1

Speakmg of floods, the tecon~structlOn fmance corporatl n tlasl~sted Nebraska as a "d sasterarea," because of the recent heavyrainfall and tornados.

An RI<'C statement says: "OurOmaha Loan Agency will l:iccept

======c=----c---c+~-.:----=-'-=~~=-=-:==-==~Idisaster loan appllcRllons ftt per­sons

lm NebraSka who mlgh ne(-'d

finan~Ial assistance to reha 11ltate

IN,SECTICIDES ~~ei~~~oJ~~~~,y damaged by floods

P L L Y G d I New Yorkers ~ust have blinked- ro"ec" our ar en their eyes In amazement recentlywhen local newspapers advertisedthe sale of Poh!'h ham In the "blg

,c1ty." ThiS came as qUite tl sur~

p~·Ise to congressmen, too, whohive asked to send meat and olherf odshiffs to Poland to fced whatI reported to be "hungry people,"

Members of congress have beeni formed that the United Stateshas only 12 years supply of Oil forour ·own use. So serIOUS has theprohlem becdme that an embargoon oil cxperlls went into cffect In

this country June 3D, 1947. The

Ilargest 011 reserve in the world ISsaId to be located near Iran and

:\Arabia.· -• Latest figures on foreign relief=being asked of congress, include I=$~25,OOO,OOO for relief in occupied• areas; $350,000,000 direct forrign=: relief; $400.000,000 for Greece and• Turkey; $305,000,000 for UNljtRA=payments; $73,000,000 for inte:rna­• tional refugee work: $730,OOq,ooo=export~import loans; $137,000,000• for Philippine aid; $50,000,000 for=foreign liquidation surplusses ~o be• distt'ibutedyand an expected loan=to Korea b~tween $300,000,000 and': $600,000,000,

The Unit(d States IS go~ng tocontinue atomic research Irt hopesof finding pca~ful uses ~or theproduct. ThiS was brought to lightrecentlY" when bavid Lillienthal,chairman' of the atomic energycommission, 'appeared before ahouse appropriations subcommit~

tee.Many midwest universities a,rc to

be: a part of thIS "gigantIC plan. TheFesearch WIll be conducted by ourtop scientists. In fact, alreadymany 6f these scientists believea ewe for cancer can be 'developed



ance an utter fear, have enough trot blewithout nviting more.

Sovi t union bosses angle for Ameri anaid, and then turn coldly away in respo seto pleas ,for practical cooperation. T eywant do ations, but no advice. They' re­pOIse ev ry attempt to settle internatitnalproblem and give helpless nation,' asquare eal. The Russian dictator hipmaKes p enty of promises, but violates nyor all of them without compunction.

. The !lited Stat~s ,does not want ,varWIth Ru Sla, as It did not want war WIthJapan O' Germany, It. foolishly permitJtedshipmen of vital war material to J'1anand trie to palliate differences up to thehpur of 1he Pearl Harbor attack We e'recaught nt<'ftaining a futile hope, W c donot wan to do that again. Let Rus::;ia dosomethil g to justify confidence.

'J;WOt disagreeing ideologies can li"epeacefully if Russia tries to do so. It 'hasbeen of en~d every chance to cooperate.It has b Idly trampled on the toes Of srpallnatlOnsfulld brazenly defIed the voice ofAmeric , it~ able~t d~'fendcr in timel ofgreate"t penl. It IS stIll hoped the so~,iet

union \v It a waken to a sense of a reJiZ~\:i~n of_it~ 0_ "_'l_'_futu_re secuL~ity.GOVERNMENT pat"r- ' _ ~ _

nalism was ,boldly dis- Favo s THE current Saturday ICve-'credited in an, address t lltng Post charges the nat~on­by H. W. Prentis, jr., Unio s al guvernment with favoring

president of the Armstrong Cork company, l.: labor union.s during the 1<:1st• and past president of the National Associ- fifteen. ears, concluding with this adv'ce:

atiou of IV[anufactll~~rH, uefore the centcn- "Th . government can recapture th re­nial celebration of the "American Medical speet a ld confidence of 'all the pe'~Ple'association at Atlantic City, K, J., early in only by eing above petty favoritism, I theJu'ne. He attacked the threat of socialism. questiol of union membership and co lec­Multiplied government payrolls, increased tive bal gaining is really to be left to theta~es, sllhsidi-;s to groups, unemployment indidd~l'Sfree choice, government Pf/pa­benefits - the go\'ernment doing things ganda t influence his choice is wrong_ Thethat"could lJf'ttel' be d011-e by citizen gener- I, unions \ ould he far beller off if thcy hadosity! He sounded alarm over the gro,ving not SOli ht go\"ernment. favors. In the angtendency to saddle persoll"d burdens on the run, the union movement will be far str ng­government, destro~ying self-reliance and cr, far more respectable ana respect,ed,local responsibility, when it learns to stand on its own fe"t."

-The speaker mentioned that Germany --, ---o-------~ I'hied to pJacate its people with a so-called The cornerstone of the Omaha World-social security program ir 1880. We adop- H"rald' planned new building was laidted a similar system some ten years ago. Thursdl y_ Speaking in the course of, theGreat Britam recently dehvored Itself o\Or ceremOI y, Pubh'her Honry Doorly ex­to socialism, and has since had all kinds of pressed confidene'e that Ithe "tru~uretrouble_ Government h!,nd-outs ha\'e not would I e completed and l;:>'adv to oc up)'worked well where tned abr~ad. They III 194, lie oxplallled that tho n 'ws­

.. Ji!.avel enfeebled human fiber, If we could paper's growth III recent veal'S had adenot s~mJd more,_we would b" hurt more by present quarters Illadequa-te, The W rid­a, polley of helpmg thos" who would be en- Herald s a wonderful newspaper III a g;reatrIched and strengthened by helpmg them-I state, 0 maller "here a Nebraskan jour­selves. . 1 neyR, 0t where he hangs hIS hat, h1fl Hi

Plamly, the speaker \\ ould ('ut g;0\ eJ 11- thnlled as ~lC J'CIcalls the world-He1.ali' Itment costs, stimulate individual resources has bee 1 a cOll~i8tpllt leader on umfo mlyand bring the American people back to hIgh gr undself-reliance, He would agr"e WIth PreSt- ~- , ~O ,-

dent Cleveland, who once sacid people Anolher proposed income tax roduqtionshould support the government, not the bill hasl been h\Unch"d in congress inl thegovernment ~ugpo,rt th~ peol1Je. The spe~k- belief-that suffi~ient votes can be mustereder declltred - Shdll \\ ~ I~t our pnce!ess to oVP!'Uide a ii~<,ly presidential \'do. ,Theher'ttage ~o by default. Shall \\ e p,ermlt l"l'cently dcfeatQd tax hill was to ha\'o be­the ol.d hlR~OrH.:a~ cycle tn. r~peat Itself, 111 come ct'fl,cti\"c Jul,\" 1. The new on1~' ifArne.flca: I<ro.n~l (t'ttCl:S to faIth, fr01:n f<~llh }JaSSCU" \Y111 h¢come ~aw next ~anlary.~o fleedom,. f1 om frcedo.m t? foil), ,f1 ~n: TaXP<ly1'!"S wIll aPlll'eCIalL' the relIef, [('on­tally to fe;~, and from fedr back to feltors vinced, as th,'y Illt'P, that the governm 'nl'"once more. runnin IeXpPl1ReS wlll stand a lot 0 re­

ducing. IDO Russian leaders want ,- ,,-, 0 - -

war'? Or are they grab- pOIH!erin g volo of tho tax and laborbing and bluffing in tho bills, La is Bl'Omfield. colummst, concludeshope of hoggipg what the president has slr~ped farther in st~tes­

they want short of armed conflict'? Cer- manship and cllnched additional re~lsons

tainly Russian people, who live In ignor- for his r tiremenL_______~_ _J _

c EnfeeblingSoci~lislU

Page 5: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1947... · NUMBER NINE High Goals Set By Kiwanis Club I l ;. ERALD~"14-.~;;-~'=:1 Ii EVENTY-THIRDYEAR




and better


2:00 p. m.


Way~e Athletic Park


July IJ

no I Bon ES RB0U, IT


1'tus lovely "'Perma-lift"* Bra. is specially cOnS(~ueted to add allu~ fotlJ\"our yoq.thful figure. The cushion insets at the base of the bra cups9'entIy support your bust from beIO\~-ncYcrlo~eYlat support,thru everso many washings and wcarings. l\-1?ke ,)'our sej1ectlOn today. ;'--- '. I


~- ---...----:"'. . . hi, bl .--~ ..

1eaflierweight-smooth as silk and:o ! so c mIOrta e-IS your new

~ Per~a_liftlJ*Girdle. Best of all~it's made e~tireJY without annoyin~qncomfortable bones, yet :it won't wrinkle-wGm't roll ~ver•••• Yes, It~TAYS UP WITHOUT STAYS. For a real co",fort thnll, ask for a ~W;k

IPerma.lift" Girdle today. 'I

tnd Ihettcr


I Appartil for ~en and WomenIi . j J

""~Per1na-Li~t" I nd "HickO~" are trademarks' (Reg, iU, S. pa't.,off.,. '. I


Nylons· by'~~~rpROUf!

How do you know, they're,

~~l(~HOO~ '?-"~'~,.:,.r.

. , I,r . ,., I

" I. I,Of Course you want f'y!o'(JIJ ._•. but be sure they'r~ Hoi&­prooll Ask for them ,~y ~~DC4

Be. Mi". "Do" for Smap. ~1ila·

.IQr Medium end "Ml" fOr TdlL

:Flrst Baptist <'I~ur£'h,(R{~\-', R. J. 13ulklcyf pastor) ~ i

The: daily va-Gation .~ible schooiopened Monday morn< gat 9 witha fine ,group of child ,en. Specia~

speakers far the ':".cekt:\Vere MayoiL. W. ~Natt jof aync, BoVrzal of i WJA9' Norfolk, anr-:ugene t1ilIigan :of tre 19cal patllcl' forcr.' ,

The following Were baptizedSunday efening: Joy e sorense~Dean Sorepsen, Richa d SorenseRichard B~nister, jr., Merlin Bustard, Ei:ugqne Bustard Robert UIrich, Stanney Ulrich. Mrs. Ralph

:~ Austin, Margery Ba ister, Clar­ence 'je~f 'ies. Those joining t~'church~ b letter a experienc'were J{alp Austin, C ifford Pen ,~ Bob Prnn Mrs. Me lin Busta ,.Eugem:j Milligan and ,OiS Boyce·


I The Ca oll comm~ltY choir ischeduled for next S nday nigh ,rendering concert 0 sacred m ,~

sic bcfore the ,shortl

messageitJie cvcni g. ~

The: yo ng people re plannina ranch p rty for Su day eveninat the So ensen farm. Devotionwill b'e led:by Thoma~iQuick.,1 :-retur~ to t.~e c/1urch for the'evening s9rvice. !

~:"i;l~;'~-~~;~-;;ef~d; I

p"ropert deeds filed in Waynrc90A.ty ih \:Ide the (0]. lowing: 1

'Barnard A. and Helene Meydrtb B\=,rnarti A. and Helene Mey~r

as joint 1!('nants, July 7 for $t,SW l:i of MW % of 3~25~4. '~

Heinrilc~ Amcnd and wife 0

Gporlj':"c a~' ,Helen Amend, July ,3for $1),0..00, W.% of NEIA of 10-25~t.

George dam ReeA" and wife ~o

Alvin E. ecg, July :2 for $1, Wlj~

, of NW",% f 10~25~3. George AdamReeg and~fe to Emily Reeg, JulY

2 ~:~1~ \~o~~p~~~;t~f ;~d2~~~eto Ed. B4hmer, jr.. QJld Mart1"Behmer, ~1ulY 2 for $'1,000, part fSW 14 of 47~25-1. I

Alex Smith and wile to Axel a~Hilda Smi~h, JUJ~ 1, for $1, NW 4,'

. ofJ~3~2c~-~. Timlin, et/al.. to Jam sH. Friend,:. June $0 for $l,500, Io! 3and north :6 feet IQf 4, block 4, 01'1 ~

inal Shol~s, I;'. T.imlil) t.oJames H. fFrienq, June 30 for $2,­000, lots 1i and 2, bloek 4, origin~l

Sholes. j 'I I

N. P. Pirkinson, ~irector of il'suranC,e.Of .the Slatr.Of .IIIinOiS, °Franklin ife I~su~nce Co., Ju y3 for $1. % of 136· 4.

AI)!Jnrflll for Men am Wp,men Henry'. Le}l' a, Ii wife to .--...,----++1+:]__1Irene and


C. rd jird Olmste ,

[rolll thl'



cay Grocery•





. Pound 19C~;;~i'lAI"Ol(}l1r', Clo\'p'r I~()om I ~Ih.


.2 ~. 2 cans 39c per I

I0.2 cans 35c





Cracke s ]'pr

A 1aste all lhe r owhPOllfHJ

31c ('ndahy'~ PuritanLARD






* * *

A~PLE.)-Yepow transparent 25 .Swell for pies .2 lbs. C

Couple Club Picnic.The' ('ouplp Cll;h

\.Vnkefie:ld p;:trk la~;t

('vening Iflr picnicgrOllj) f,rl' 11;('Hohe[tch;lnls and

: With Mrs.: Lennart.High':-.iin'(' lllc!TIl)('r,:, ;llld .:'Ill'S:

, ~~l~·~~~~i~~~t \~~;~~r~(~~~.t~r~~' ~I~':~tess an<~ Mrs. Alfred Koplin h~ltl

lJir.:;h scnrt't'. i\Irs, J. T, GilicspiL'enlertains July"17.

=",=."...=_,.".",.,=.,.,.,,,,,..=======-',,""-'==..,~=!:I__ _" \~W<=~••n -.M~ T~n. =V,... ,I,. I I AndC'l"sons' were gucsls in the I Granquist, Howard Gaunt, ~ r'l c~~, t eaCh. Sunda~ iafternoon over jUlY 2, for $ 0,400, S¥.l of N1h ofIweek d oller guests at Allan t r- Howard Smltt of Hastmgs, were at, . t' Aj V. Teed home oyer the week- nmcc Beck, '.Sam Noyes. f, ~ WiJAG, ~orfolk, at~4:30. W% and 8 1 of SW%l of 2-26-1 due's n ar Carroll Allen Stolt 11- Harold Gildersleeve's here -from


' ,', ','.",.,",C':'. ', ,'. '1'."'.. e.' ". ".y, ('I d. and the Bryans \V.ere in th.e I Gildersleeve, LYle., GambJe, G ~ n \'A hea*y welcome awaits you at FloreTfc S hroeder to NorriS F bergs cflled I I Friday to Sunday, MISS ShIrleyD', Victor Mor('y home ft m Granquist, Cl'areQce Granq l~, G~acc L~ther~.n.__ od Zelda A Schroeder, June 3D, \ Mary Margaret and Na~CY Gilder,'.Iceve returned with them to

T mrf>day until Sunday. Ed. Granquist and Lester ut, ~ - or :$11,200, S 1,4 of 19-25-2. Campb~ll of Fremont, spent IVli n- visit two w~eks at- Richard GIl-.;.(. * -x- . also Mrs. Frank Larsen and fiS Sdlpm Luth"ran .Chllrch Wal<Mlehl day .... tth Mary Emung here TIn if derslcc\'c's.Mfs; Lutgen, Hos,tess. L('na, Nieman; Ice cream an C~l>V. qurtis W. Wiberg, pastor) ~ BIRT RECORD parcnts~ Mr and Mrs C W ea P-, Mr<; Richara ICut!cr and chi!-

'Mrs. S. A. 'Lutgen cntertaiJ ed cake- were servpd. About 2( lOS"~~1~8~'sehool,.and.,Bibl~ classes, A dl.l.ughter~ welghmg 6 pounds IbC-ll, spent ~,h£' day In Laurel. ,'dren left this Wednesday for.Chi-T' $OCIAL ORECAST will resume meetings in Sept crn- 1

1women Saturday and he neighbors spent, Monday a tet' nd 6 ounces, tas bor~ ,July 7 to Mr.. and Mrs. Ray Gild,erSIP~. .ve eago after visiting Mrs. Cutler's

. Rcbe.kahs nl et at' 'the lod~,e ber. :-i, me number Monday COll1 H- noon 'N,ith Mrs. ·pranquist a th Divine worship at 11· a.m. r. and Mrs. \ ayne Gilliland at a, of Om~ha, who spent Satur~ay mother, Mrs. Faye Strahan. The',' hall ,Friday cv ning. ,,' 7:. * ,* ' mentary to her s~ster, _Mr,s. J. B,. E~. Granquist" home Jor ,th 1{nnual Sunday scHO@'/'andcon-ocalhospital.'night in the~Henry Foltz ihome at Don Strapan ~mily of Sioux City, '

~:~ RU1'aLHome ocied, has a pie- ,H.onOl. Mt•.. Larsen. 't, • C I!'(' of Portland, Ore. rs. 'birthday occasion. gregalional picnic next Sunday, Ju~ ~A (laughter, Iveighing 7 pounds, ICarroll Vi.Sited SU. nday h'f2. re W.l'th also spent the w.eek-end here., Id rib " €' !y 13. il'l the city' park, after the 1 'b t M d r I ,. s t)cfo I '" t \1nic,' ...Julv:20 at Wakefield p.R'k. elIse to a ler 0 serva I ns ounces, .wa.~. orn 0 r, an e. a l\'e re rc urnm<p, 0 ·1,10 M". and M"". Jack Mo"gan,"\ Ml's. Fnmk Larsen's bil'thdll\' d mOl:·nin .... !':ervicc Bring J' . U' t • ... •

~ "PrqgressivC' I-lomcmOJwrs mcct was oh::;ervt'd Thursday l v('Iling W len ,;tw and her son Ih'C' in btl'sl<C'tt' 'u~d tabic service. Ig~~~~~ rs. Baldwl!1 "i lscher July ~ at. a CI y. , . ~I Douglas and Billie of' Phillipsburg,July 1~~ with M' s. Emma Hicks. when eoopL'rnti\'(' Illn('!wull \-\'dS II l: hOI1)(, of it J~p ~ardc e~ and! icc Cream witl be .furnished on ab~e hospItall' Her name IS Lm~ Mr. ahd Mrs. W. B. Canring nd N. J.,'and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bcrg~

. Goloelll'od cl ~b meets this Fri- enjoyed al. 11(', l!(llllL" I,.' tht' \\" jik llll' sC)JI1 was In c large 0 gtpJ.nds..· a mne. . J, Mr~., Helrbort Reuter w~ntlto 0 a- lund of AIl)es, came Thursday tod,IlY. with Mrs. ".,valter U,ll'ith. fLlillilics of Gknn C llil'ol'ilia ,ap gardens dur ng Bt" A son" welg~l.Ing 8 pounds, 10 ha 1uesday to b:illg MISS ,Darn hy visit in the F. S. Morgan home.

I~a:swrn Star l hus a -regular ""fLlymontl l-'IQl'jn~' and t I~c \\,;It'. Mrs. F. S. Berry hel cd r \ Totht>rhood will meet 0)1 Mon- punces wa.s borh July 6 to Mr. and ReLter here, MISS ~cute~., hadf- Mr. Berglund lcft Sunday and thc.lht.~ctih'g Jilly 1-'. at 8 in the hrill. Lar."l'n. ~!'~. LUII--':l'11 sen'C'. Mrs. Lut en St. Paul's Ltltheran Cbur h. day~ JUly 14, S p. m. ~rs. CurtIs ,Kr4ndall of Li'iurcl, at dCl'gonc an opcratlOn a~d c e others remained.

Pleasant VaJ1cy club has no 'p ans allothpt' party. in a se ies Wakefield II I '[ local hospltall home to recuperatc.rQ,cctlng in July. A picnlc is -t~ .x. .;{-- '!'-iday l'vcni~g. ~cr\-lces Sunclay at 9 a m f'lrst Presby~erlan Church, ~\---~ Mr and Mrs Burr Davis 1m Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy D. Owcnplanned in August. Eldeen Has-Picnic. I' .," .:+ -).t-' Ladles' Aid meets With Mrs\\ Cornel' of Third a.nd Lincoln Sts. LO .ALS and Sandra spent the Fo~r'l11 in and daughters, P~tty a.nd N~cy

, I'll b 1 I' " h' T Lou,s IIan"cn 'uly 10. (Rev. Oliver B. ProcH, minisl~r) h J h M' I 0 d '0 of Los Angeles \....Ill arnve FridayBaptist Mis$ionary ~.;ociety '. (('en nwm ers nn( t 1('11' Mo.ther·Daug ter t'a. <> '" .' teo h ISCO lOme at; r .t n . ', f 'I' 'd . . 0 I Sunday, July l;j' rhe Frank R kers were at Her~ 'h' ., S d th', .. d by tram to spend a few days with

meNs JUI" 17 with jVlr~ <\lbnrL aOlI lL'S 1'1 plcnlC ~UPJl(''' ~l n~ I'Th(' ll101Iwr-dau!.':htl'1' t.('a at --- j , I p , 'IF' h ell' ro UI'n un ay cy VISI l'

F~oss' ~lnct Mrs, ~\. P. L~'~vis. dHY. a1., RUSSIf.J I pre.>;!on'", 411't1~ l,j"l1l'(,i'1l1'j' Lulhl'ra'l; Aid in he TIH;ri~~h;; F~~;n~~!,("plla~~~lrho \ G.~I~~~~~n~Cs~opo~;'i~~e~rl~t. Dr, W, Je!~thee~;;':i~h~b~~~~ r'llllily ldl ~ 1\1rs, PI'udcnrp Theobald jand he ~1r. O\\'('n's mOlhE'r, Mrs. Annal~ing'~ D~ught(,I'H nwet this tl'nding, GUest,:; \\"('1'(' ::'I'll', .... lcl c!Hlt('h ]l:ll'1Ol'S lasl Thul'S lay J. 1 t' 11 M '[ruesday for DdroiL aft~r visiting M. B. ~urbers in Grand tIs1a I" ()wcn, befol'e going east to Bos-

Thursday in'!·the chut'ch at :.!.:;:;U. Mes. Qwnlln Preslon. 1\'ll's. \\ias <llt('nclPd by ;'(J moth:rs, July 13 Sunday school a 9 45 Fr('~n~i~k~;~,r~~~eetor~' m. rs, ~ A. E. GildeFS.~eeve's. Miss !Marjorie GilderSlq.cvC t.ndllon and Cape Cod.Mrs~ John Bec!mlan is leader and Lf'Vlll Johnson, 1'1rs. L('b 1(\ rlfiugJllq's and gU{'~ls. ev. a cmonlDc'a'nmde SPo~:II,c,cpawtllti)° 4

u". a m :'\Vorship, 11 a. m. The sacra~ Mr and MfS 'Clarence Kuhn ----

Mrs. Fred Bilson S~I'\'('S.· Pn'slon and childlTn ilnd 11". S:. K. Ik,Fi'('('~t' conducted dlVO~ wc,.;> .:>, \Tere'in Omaha' from SaturdaY La iand Mrs. John Luschen and S~)Jl. 1" ::\T I \Y Vath and 1\ iss I m.cnt of thc Lord's supper will be

SI.P~1.,ul Aidrn('Ns'lhisThms- In!1S, ".rs. -,.', <. Churc~h,ofChrlst, observed,. There will be special onday attendmg market JuniJ. r Legionday in the parish hallt HOSleSS('S .J(- ·if * I-lr'cda Stint! presided "t lhe Bible schOOIl at 10. niusic. The sermon by the pastor S. Sgt. and Mrs, Claren~e Cone : lj'

'\:~ill bll: ~'lll'~' dROS~l13ake;'l' ~".:II:\S' Mel~~l'~~.\'~~h~C~;lIlh'n 111,.. 1 111 ;l;ilb:~;.,t\;~~;,i:;~~ was dccorl-ltcd .:)~~ Morning wbrship at 11 includps '"is\e\~titledd:'Gllras~'''i1 II I~~~~e Caatm~afyrO~r:~;'~ ~In~x'd~\~':" BAS',IBALLiun" ;I1'at tor, ;1 l'S. H' a 1 (a 10S.~(':; rOl" arc 1 Irs. communion and sel'mon wilh: Alvin c Cor Ja y m\'1 e a to par- . 1 rs .J. I

Harms and j\,lr:'i. Ed'. W iLtig. 11\1' Chllrt'li~1 lX~;'llJ;";~I' 3nlln Si('Vi'I'~, Adolph K rn, Gilc"Sh'~,;sn".Ca·hna~~gnC'ICu,'o"a' 7 ....JO:, in this scrv~ce. toR~~Pl!~e~eUnt~~1l:~t D~';l\~~; ~!,~~~ ,VFW Auxiliary meets al,fhe '.""""',1 .'I;s, ,.'. oS l'trs. ,JilI1WS Maben and < 't" • , .. , h' L I' R d II dl\V '1 b t 1\1 .~, .. ' , Rf'dtwmf'r Luth. Church, ULC. 0 VISl IS son, es 1(' un c ,an ,"

da~m~'~~e~i~gU ~~;~ l·~r'; L:l'~~l~ ~g~fl/I'~~;ln, :\I:~~,)\l~';lJ :\Irs, \'m. V;lhlkamp, Immanuel ~;:·~'~~th. Church. (Rev. S, K. de Frees(>, pastor) ,others. . 1 Wayne Junior Legionhnd Ml·S.' Earl 'Larson ha\e l'Ult< ;\11':1. \\ (;, I ·X' -X'd'X- lVHssouri Synod Sixth Sunday after Trinity, IH.';;h~ Mar~hall Binkel'~vf~mJ1J~Ofll

: tCI'I~linmel1t. and Mrs. (';.!r!u V~sitor Honore. (Rev. T. H. Buchner, past:or) July 13:': Sunday school at 10 a. m .. 1 s lora, re., s~ent (' nes ay VS\Vl'ight and ~lroi. Doni \\·lii:;ilt CJj{,,' ! l\Ii.~,; :-Iaricn Vath ('I1I(,1'la ned Worship services SundaYlat 10 Worship scrvices at 11 a. JIh. "In at Herb:!'t Pcrrys. The women •5e1'''e, I !~t 111]"('<, labl('s of 8,1 ur~ a. m. Sunday school at 11:1$. Goel \Ve Trust." Holy communion. arc COUSIllS. I Emers",D Junior Legion

dn\" I() honor :\1I's. Mo gan Choir rehearsal every Monclay ; Tuesday, July 8, teachers' meet~ I Dr. ,and Mrs..~. R. 3~)hm:on ¥Legioll, ;';('l'\ll'l'. of·PhillipsbUrg, f'. J .. 0-1(' o1'~ , f· g at the home of Miss DO.rothy .and Janice and MI .. an~ Mrs. Rex

~~ly~nE~~llf'nknmpwdl1'l'I1ort Oil riH'l' Relt\-' lla\-\·!{ins. Other ut~ at 8:30 p. m. i~vers at 8 p. m. "IJohnson spent the 'Aee!,,;~end of the'1'[-10WI1 - were Mr. .s. ich~ C h Wedncsday, July 9, Luther jFaurth at La~e Okob?JI.

hf'l" trip. 10 Gil'ls; Stalf' :\1 Lin~' iH'(] :\-11'5, m. St. Puul's E\.". I~uth. hut<~. I'eague at 8 p. m, Leaders are' .Joe Smalskl ~eft Saturday e\'c-coin. !\ew officcJ's \\'110 SC't'\l' I' 1'1'1 "l I (Re'v. T.!J. C. Sohuldt, pastor) ~a""on and ROber'.' I'oote, Lesson, nlng for DetrOIt (0. attend. 'he:!\11·~. Cl,!I'CllCP l\llIGil]J~' )Irs. W. ~l·ntH't t () () UIlO, • rs. on Sunday school, ]0 a, m. The ill< Kugler. i naturopath conventIOn. He wlll be IA. Lerner, 1'l'1rs. IWa!<'r .'itr<lh'ln of SiO\l;'; rs. service, 11 a. m. b k th 1 t f thl k

4\ul'lllin \\'!JitmoJ"(' who is e·n~ I d m' JThursday, Jul~' i 10, choir prac~ ac e as ~ ,s wec .Mes. \V .. w, !~('ll'.I.:\l~s. ,1. T. l!oulr' ('asl. \11',:. LY]f' Seyn our Choil' tchear~al, V/e nes ay at ice at 8 p. m. : Mrs. Wm. Mllis and !"II'. and IHrs.

" ~_I~r~,~•.ieR;\.\Il:~il:~;~:1r.:t/1ildnCl' and ;~'1d :'Iil-';. Geo. Bet'glund of 7 p. m. ~'salUrday, July 12, junior choir Ray Perdue wefC! Sunday lastI Tl1('t'. Ll. :\ll"t'. n' ei\'~ Lutll('r Le3.gue \Vednesdav, July" t 130 ------,-------,---.-.--.- ----~--'~~~

9, 8 p, m. rac ICC a : p, m.SOCIETY 'I I hi;..;h t'('Ol'~-' ,. gUf't't pri" es. \Vom('n of thf> Church, Thurs- ''J Bring new or used clpthing for

'Mrs. Perrin, H~stess. J:~onors Nie:e:" day, JulY,10, 1:30 p. m. t(~~:~;ean~ rl:~~~~ F~~~~ '~7 J~~~.rchl\Jr~. C. ,1. Pcrhn ('nln!i-lil1"d 1;\11;"-; l'i('\I'(' (d ,or,,· Trinlt:'y'Lnth, ('hur('h, AI!rma. i. A conli(llwel~~~_,~' to'lal !.

~() for !'w!"!llrthclny l~lst TUl'$- jll'!\lj, \\',10.; ilt ,I If'iI lRl'v.'Waiter Brack('nsi~k, 'clay." Cunelwon [olluWI'(J ('!mls .1111(' ::.1, \l,j\I'tl IWI ;jllJlI, :\11 (' vac'lnry pastor)' I I M"thodist:('hurfrh.

and l--~dJ1lCS. -x' ~.', ':".' Pi\~:.~ :~r~r ffT~.,e. s)~;!llir L. (,::,:,',.~II~;;~;'·r,lr'(, ~~::;;!l\ l~;~~~::.rl/~ rl\l;~~ 1'1' Frirl;lY, ;~gi~lration for }jolY 1 (Dr. Vieto'r West, rlasiod, , co.mmunion, afternoon and ove- Mrs. C. N. Olson, 0tanist

;":;:Ild. :;Il!l and [\\'() ,b'lgh'".,,; !of It,un ~"ickie rvlc l'an,11 C· h I $ 30 l John R. Keith, dir ctorLos Angl'!es, ('"II" \\ 'n' h(jf~l~ )iam~(' :-\an I~url~(', falty nl~~nd~~I:r r~~~;~~p a~f'r~'ice~j ~t Sunday, July 13: "To lecta and

O'('tl ill a dinn{'J' ,.,',1"1:,.;,','1'1',.,,',,',':::;,',',",'.' l'jl<I"I,'~I.I.::-"'.I'o.~H ,.J,.',',: R:30 a~ m. with c('lebr..atiOn of~he hpr chH9ren, \vhom 110~C. in truth:by gTUUp 01 ,,.,,,, -, Lord's' supper. Voters' quart rly Grace, Mercy and Peac from God

fnrtlwl' \\·ayn,' ;-(,,,';('(] ;-I.", ladles. [1el" mrrlirllg at :z p. m. A' pastor ill tt.hhCe "s'aotnhcorr' atnhde

[F'Oam'hcJr"SUJsOchnhrtE·Slt.,\ ic(' presjdl'n1 o[ th0 tallH'S \vere S(' ycd. b U i h·

Tim(' ()il in Los Angl'!cs (l,ocl e('oratlOns Wl'l"l' [link and blue 'e ca, e( at t IS meetmg., der. 1

had atlc(lded fl Bapth;t conf('r~ . tn':trrwrs and baiJoolls. 1\11' St. Mary's Catholic chuirc'hl Graddd church SChOOlj10, K. N.en('(' CIt Gre:"'ll Lake, Wis.. ~Jrs. Irs. \\' J. PiNee alld l- atty (Rr'\". \Vm. Kearns, pastor) Parke, iuperintcndent.Haggard \s lhl' former Ina ..arne to Ill(' Buck hOI11£' Ui1Cj JUI~ 13, 171h Sun~ay after Pen~ Mornlngwor~hip,11. 'The CrossHUkh('~ li\'l'd lwre *~ <Inc! :\-1\' 1\'11 SUI tecast: IMflSS at 0, Catechil>m and 'Of Peace" will be pastdr's sermont1r:-;, I',~,I'!'" Pally nlll; benediction after mass. ~uhkct. "Send ouj Thy fLight" will

Illlll! \\, _> -"1.- ConfeSSIOns Saturday at r30 he the choir's anthem. IMrs. J. T.I July 11 the feast of St nona~ Bressler will be at the ?rgan. ,

f-~onor Mrs. Granquist. I \('ntur(' _ 1 I Youth Fellowship, 7. Barbara l

,l ->\, ~:. I :\Ils) (, 11H,U1Sl'illj'l1lllltll- July1) t!W[P,istO[St Henlry, Morey,pres.ident. ! . 'Il\r1rs. De'Fbrd, Hostess. 11\ JUt]( \1) \\liS n\)"l ned Ull~ . J~ly 16. 1hp fCHst of thefblefsef \VC'dnesday. JullY 9. ~he annual

!-\.enLurc' nwmbcl's ,,',',r t,:I,;:~,."i;:j,~.I"lll\\'\ll';:"i;, i\;;h;'I~\~ ~~t<l~~:'l(;"~ vlrgJn of Mount Carmel. .: family picnic supper ~n Bresslerof '1\11'>;_ Don DeFlll'd bsl I ... July 17, the feast of St. I('XiU~. park at, 6:30. It is c~vered dishnesday C'-vC'ning ,,·hpn .:\11''<; \\',d- II',' tWn1" in Illl' artl'nmon and Ju.l y 19, Ihe feast of St. ' mc,ent, st,vlc. The picnic is s. onsored byt

'" 1 I'" n C· I' , I""""""·' the Jall1l- [P ul('I' 1\)0, salT( ,drs. I',. ,. ·IlC'.- ']'1,,' iI'S 01'11Lll"l" (,l'anrlulst, A ton 0 a, the \Vomen's Society f Christian

i~biclii'llhiihi~ldilhi!jgl"hiCi"iOli'Cil'Si'mTml'i'("i"i'ICm"i'iiiiii.ii!i!il~iiiii~-'--.iliii·.iiiii¥ili -- Service. 1\1 rs. K. N. Ja rke, Mrs.'------ -------- The ~~~;;hI~~t~~~a~u~'~l~~;~·ljIourL. W. McNatt, Mrs. T Ol Johnson,(Re\.. \Valter Brackensick, ,pastor) Mr~. M. H. Hanawalt, Mrs. H. D.!

k S . ·Griffin. Mrs. H. E. Ley Mrs. J. w'lDELICIOUS Wednesday this wee, £tmor Sutherland, Mrs. A. L. Swan, Mrs.

Walther League Bible Hour' anp C. L. Pickett and Miss' Pearl Sew-

MEALS bU~i~~~Sy,m~~~i~:ya~C~~~I~~ached;' ell are. thE" picnic committee.

meeting at R p. m.Saturday, rpgistralion for hollY

communion, ufternoon and ev~­ning,

Sunday: Sunday school al 9:30a. m. Divine worship with ceJcbr<:\~

tiOI1 of the Lord's supper at 10:3Q.Hear the Lutheran Hour broa~~

Page 6: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1947... · NUMBER NINE High Goals Set By Kiwanis Club I l ;. ERALD~"14-.~;;-~'=:1 Ii EVENTY-THIRDYEAR



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-:_,_"''':''''''''_'''_'''___ 1 IIJ \\ "'N" liEn" n. \\ \\,Nlrr,l>!toml '''' " nnmJDA ",,_"), _ __ _ _ ___ . =f"=._j,,~ ." . . .

T!:~~:'i .~IST, :'. , .. ~~~etliC;fP:~ '~':U~~~:t:~:;;'. NORTH:EST ~---,- ~t~l;e~lnath~~:e~Or"n~rsu~~~~~.-- LOC:A S ~~ d:y The S rhers reltrned

Wedf Balkovec to Pi~ch, I:S~ek Inform.arion .;,,,:,.:':1':1 ." "'E'''T'D' we;r ag~'M E . ~EFIET n utherlSunqUist and Harne t and f Richard c;JaY~mbJ' was home rand M s Leslie ofeJdt an~ For Waynle 'l eam About Relatives..;~...,i:'t!(~.,! '~-'i '. .' ; L!, .~. ..tJ.,. :;),,,,nJ~ya~inn~·gU~S~ :rf~:'~:~~ I."' AK '+ill' 11 ~~;~ :u~~~l~'e~: :~rI~~ M~~~ r~s~~:~~ ~e\ en,:}e~:~~'spent ~a )Yj artrlved h~me hy trdln TUC's~ Balkovec of OmahJ 'w111 pitch: • A letter recel\'rd hy L. W .rvIc-jijlli,ji! ,;: l.,r '" y. "I' rence R!ng h "e. The iladies took , by James Beckens and Sand a of the week-end at ;l G. Nelson's 'f .as ;('~ <;; rom a ¥):iSi,1 in Call- for th~ Wayne Pioneer baseball-matt this \,v('ek - from Ger~anyf-'I;;'i: . '.1': •. Mrs' . Mary Ehnor t COlum~s that eve- ,tmerson, Mr and Mrs Oscar W A Lattner waj m Lmcoln ~ r~I~~ 1(' P~terseI met them team thi; Thursday w~.en the local seeks mformation about the fami-i:,jI,ii<li

l;, .1; ",. " ; I.a:~enC2 Rmg l1~ng On her re urt:t to enver after Mrs; W. C. Rin ~rown, Mr. and Mrs. eH:)crt Thursday to Vlslt! t1'le state 'Service m~ ~ ~ lU. , rf-:.. 'ar Jamef nine meets thE' Om3~a Rockets IIy of the lute. Heinrich Kril'gpr,

; "M~"F~,,~.qrace 'plfrtzcl," spent Wed-' spendi~g fiVe ee~s at home. , Mr. a.nd Mrs. Arthur Felt :we e ueders and Douglas. The, Slun- QffJcc I·....... ~ 0 aclc~m a~i~~n'tthetna~~~ltla~,el under the lights at ·the Wayne whom the relatives had not ('on-1~;1 W her 1rental Ed. San..., t ,The, Welda Morte son £amilY Friday dinner guest~ at Marv r!l uists are brothers of Mrs, Jascar 'W. A. Hiscox is imtrfilVing nice- m lined 10ng~ , ' park. tacted for about 25 years. Olive'

';'j, ~~:. and ¥r. and M .. Mart~' Holmberg Felt's. rown and are former rcsfents, ly following a.n ~.per tiorll at a lo~ vt Wm ·art'n i oh f th 0 - ---- Krieger, Mrs. Geo. Frahm, Hans, Ci~Iie Lo ge family visited were at <?akla d SundllY attending Mr. and Mrs. Ben! Lund spe t hey left for Omaha Su'nda Jv~- cal hospital. ' rai M~rtins· f W~I~'~<;(' I ~nn e h - Record l aryd Ernest KrJt.~er of Wayne arc

:':I,ii,:.~n ;~he. Fritz Lue ers home Thurs- the weddmg 0 Carolyq Nelson and Friday evening With Miss Pauli e !!ling to visit the Carl Fran ens., Mr, and Mrs, leo. Harder '1ere l'~ute 1'.b . AJ r'd ~d t among the relatl\.!es. The lette'r.i,:,:.I'da;l'.ievening. Gordon Sholl and the reception, . I Sunday afternoon, the . larry Sunday evening uests of Jilrs. \~ en nt~~ ~ ~trs ,;n l/v~ t a:~t In This Section was addrc>sed to the mayor ofi.:':,i:,-J:,~ .~Q~- J'ohrson a,J~d Mildred were ~hlCh followe . Mr. and Mrs. Al- The Ivan Nixsons joined re] • f:d Irvin Bartels families. J' and Ella Harder. . , ~1 S~n Anton~q" efe~::, ,~:s~a ':eck. T wen t y northeast Nehraska WaynE'.;i: II :.~'UP.d~.y.,.;,.,ctifiner g .ests in the Ker- bm Johnson ere guests tives at'- Pender at p~cnic stJ.pp r rs. Emil Walter, Mr. an Mrs. Mrf.>. Ismael H!ugh s 'lmd J~ync Pvt. MartinJIeft Tex<I.$ Tursday to counties hav_C' a much hettey sflfety ---._--~~-<",i:",mit.:J9hnson hom. also. t July 4 awrence Johnson, Mrs. abmi spent Monday inithe amesHatnp- go to Scoti Field, 111., for six recor4 for the first six months of Mrs. ~!~rm"aat I3RaarnndeO,sl,PhS'3. dl'Dd

':.,';~. TO~Y ,Meyer pen't a ~ew days ~rs. Lawre ce Rin~ and Mary Mrs.' Catherine Ctllton was a chtenkamp and children were ton home at Carroll. : months' radio school. this year than for the correspond- Lf-h '-~he first of the 'I; eek with Dicky Ehnor were T?,esdar afternoon Sunday dinner guest at Ther n guests in the Roy Holm hon1e.1"!r. Miss Helen R~y was here from Mrs. P. W. Schulz I of Beloit, ing period in 1946 Twelve have Sunday at ~h{' homf' of her daugh-and ,Bobby Longe luhcheon gues S In t~el Wesley Ru-, Culton's. and Mrs. Richard Mein of l~a~sas Omaha from Th~~rsday unti~ ~un- K~n., and mrs. MyrtJd \Villey and lost their lives in motor vehicle ter, Mrs. It. R. Sellon, at Ran-

~'rs. Joe JOll.ns1n wel~t to bl"'Ck home: ogethet,' with Mrs. Tht Kenneth Pack~rs spent F i- pty were out-of~town tu~sts, day with Mrs. J, -A.. R,y. ~ R0bert of l Lincoln, spent the accidents this year whereas 26 doJph, Shp had hel'n in the Sellon"..,a, s~.nda.Y to '.tf.Sit her sisters, Lorence FIscl er am~ Mrs. Jack day ~vcning at John N, Johnso 's Mrs. Mein is a sister of Mr~. Wal- Evan Hughes I is ~pending Ithis !'-<!:lUrth hcne in the home of the werc killC'd a year ago~ home 28 y'ear" and had been an in­Myrtle and HelebJ Sundell. Soderberg th Y were' entertained in Li coin : ter and they are visiting relattes \~eck at Carroll in .the hom1 of w~mcn's si~ter, 'Mrs, Otto Vlctot. , Dixon is on.e"of the countic~ hav- \'8Iid 11 YP:lrc;. Funeral rill'S wcre

'." :,.Mr.'ang Mrs. KI\V'.. Lundahl and in the Paul 'scher home Thurs- ·M. Th~ron Culton was a Tu!" _ and friends enroute home 70 I a hlS.3unt, Mrs. stdnarJOnes. Mrs. Victor and daughters left 109 no fa1ahtlC':) the --ijlrs-IZ. six conducted ~t Handolph Tu('sdav~'J' t 1 day afternoon 1\1 d M M t H ~ I Ih f 1916 d I Df'ceas('(1 ku\T'S her daughter a~d,'~' eaqme spen ast Tuesday eve~. day inner guer t of her sister M strip 10 tlw Black Hills. Th sine r. ·an rs,1 e on It' ton Sunday tojspe,nd thJS week in the mon so' an a su 194"1. throc srms. -,>" ning in the La,vlence Ring home. .Complm:ent ng Mary ~linor Otto Sahs. ' . group were together in thQ Emil viSited home fOI.h a:t Cha~ce 101', S¢hulz ano; Wllley homps. Wayne county had two m 19·16 andThe Paul Rube¢k family of Coos ~mg a W'lene roast was enjoyed Betty Jo and Bobby Wolt~ s Wolter home Four!h of July d'e- S. D., from ThthrSdjY untJi un- :Mr, and[ Mrs. Jens Chris1enscin une in 1947.

, :f'o,:t. qrc., and. ~:Irs. HenrY,lRu- In, the C.. "L. ard home Wednes- visited Marjean Culton,Wednesd y ning, : day. I and MarY,iMrs .. Alfred JugeI, Mrs. - ---~ - - Di..trkt In('orporatf"s.~eQk were dinnerrgu~stsThursday day eVenmg. n attendan~e were afternoon. .~_.~~! Mr. and Mrs, G, i.." Rogers!and I,j"nc Jugr·j and Dickie'. and ()r\'JlIe To Hold Meetings Cuming count;.- soli cunsf'ryation~J~ the Emil Lund/lhome. , Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence :Bmg and Lep Schulz and children :'Ne e ' grvulic'.-.~'sNlenllth~oJs.t('t. ,,"to'eordes hSo"m1.daaYt Anderson kft July :d hy car for a I W . F II di"trJct has [!led incorporation pa-~e E. w. Ltlro

dahlfan'IHy at- famUy.-Mr. a. d Mrs. C. A. Bard Sundlay dinner and supper gue s I,' I ., ... Q~ v\1, <..: 10-day trip to the 'vC's!. 1'hC'y, n ayne In a pers in Lmcoln. Appro\"l'd by flO

tended the ann al Hanson-Felt and Betty. M. and Mrs. Gordon at Virgil Ekberg's Ie S H 0 L E S Carroll. i .... is]. ed i!'1.pgallal<l and De.nw'r ;:lnd \\'ayne city counCl] Tuesday per Cf'nt of, thr w!1crs, Ow district~.' t B f" d S D S Bard and Ba ~-~a Lou·s S . C R b t d D' kId i.. lOc]udes ,160.4'dl ,·,cr,·c.· ,.,' nd om·roc"",nlon a eres 11 • . ., unday lnll' , I e wan- Mrs. Otto Sahs and Mrs. P I I 0 er an J1 -4nge an .t1ar- we t to Yellowstonp park. Th!:'y granted Rev. Paul Nelson of Con- ."

.\vi1~n all, m('mb•.e:~·.were preseDt. s~n and Donn Mae Shlnaut. Lessman spent Sunda)T afterno n I by I ris Heineman ofl Wakefipld, spent glj) to Millnf'Sota on thf'ir return. cord, pC'rmission to use Wayne br~ces all of IhC' counly exceptmg-Mrs. M_ F'. Eke~oth, Mrs. C. A. at Mrs Minnie'Mlller's M M l' Mads last \Vednesda y ! here with ~erry ,1\ r. and Mrs, Oscar LIedtke ar- i1uditorium for evangelistic m~et- ClIJCS and cf'njC'tpry Inlo;,

Sar•. Mrs.• Norman E~e.roth and To Celeb te th~ Fourth. Mr. 'and Mrs. C. 'A.' Lundbe g ~s. ar m! en Lu~ders.' ~ ri~'ed honjle Saturday aft('r spend> lOgS [t'om Novcmber:2 to 2,1 on pl'O-

.~"t. ~:;~ 1~;td~~~da;s~:~:rn':~~:ilIl~~·r:l;da~ sM~s~ll~a;:r~n~e:'n:~ ~~~n~~~~:~l~,w~:~~~~~:y aft r-, Id~~ :':fO~a~Oil~g l\e:eMi~~igaa:et\~ la~;~~ ~~er~e[tli~r1~;I~s an~t~~~ ;~; '\~dO"~~;,:~~~th;I~07.:;r;.;;~ ;::'I~~,:~~t iihe

:~~et:;~';;I1,;;~?~~e'~~ ;;::"~r~;,:.:~;hHI" !~~~~rftE:'. Mr. ~nd Mrs. Kermit Johnson man and famJ y were at Riverside Mr, and Mrs. Ben Lund visit d !VJSlt relatl\'es. : I and Mrs. R. 'At1. Casper at Sun- D. n. Martin, at Portl:1nd Or.. nvC'dC'd for some important local ORDERS SOLICITED

,II and .4\lan ,vere a~ Paul.Fischer·s park in Si~uX Cit)'. _ 'her ~ister, Mrs. Millie Nelson, in Howard Webers of Rpndolpn daR1r~i~~~rMrs, Ilw. ~). Hall. Nona They att'i'ndf'd the rosp play.' giv(,~ gathering- Requpst for Rcv. Nel- C" B. THORPE CO.tq .spend Sundai>'. e\"cnmg. The Larry ~mg and LaIT~ Carlson Concord Thursday evening. were, Sunday $1uesls in ~he l.eo in PorlL~nd this year for the firf-:t Ison \\·:lS hy R(,\·. E, J. Bulk- LIVE STOCK BROKERS

Ennl Muller fan~Ily were thei"e played WIth he WakefIeld band Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miller of Fredricks home , ~~)drtoKnC~.'poanntdth~.r·F~n"dl.thMarSt· pRo"nY time sinf?l~ the war. ThC'y made ,ley. I Office Phone 8,4223 107 e<chanqe Bldg.also. ~ a~ Pendcr bot a-rternoon and evc~ Oakland visited jn the Mrs. Min ie Mr. and Mrs. Jsidor l~uhl i re- " '- .- dJ - 1rtips on the Columbia ri\'C'r drive The ('(}uncil grant('d permission Yard Phone 8-4242 SIOUl Clly Slack hrds-

Mr. and Mrs. uther Milliken nmg. ~ Miller: and Emil Miller homes turm'd Thursday from a: tril.) to ca slatC' park. 10 Vant-ou\'C'r, \\'asll., Astoria, for J.-.mps :\lah~n anri AIrn'd Kop-a'Qcj f<f~i.lY and t e Don Mil1Hwn Mr. and Mr. 'Lawrence Ring and Park Hill club entertamed th ir the Black I-hIls. . ) Mr anri Mr"j Ld AlstPI('r of Of/" ami other placr~ of intC'rest 1m 10 c'r'pel prJ\atc garag('~, JJwfamily \Vere Sund y'dinner guests Mary Elinor ere dinner guests III families at PlCnl<; supper Sond y Mr and Mrs Ray HolpS' of Sloux (1113ha came tOfPend Sunday and C F Sandahl KdV Ann Ind Roh IformcI on \\("t FIrst S~l('C't and Ihein the Carl Sundc I home. BC\'LTly the J, S. Eng und home in Omaha evemng 10 the WakefIeld park CI1y came Tu('"day to \.J!';lt In the th{' first at tll wlt'ck \\ Ith the Mr an(1 Mrs Gpne S<lnd lhl and lltter on west FOUl 1h lEWIS OtJIIRIINTEED "27remained to spenq the week and enjoyed icnic supper with About 50 frIends enjoyed pIC IC Lems Kenny home' Warren Bllson f mlly ~ Charles, and Rohert Dunn \;';0rC' Allo\\-mg of hIlls compnsC'd other 1.t(JI.ID 1.t'P~/NI.~#.~ W· .....,

,Mr. and Mrs. ¢. L. Bard, Mr. frJends. , supper on the Joseph Erclks n I Gene Jenkins of Lmqoln came H ~ D f ConO\ rand daugh cr, dlnner guests 1IlC' Fourth m thC' bUSIOt.:SS • flfF!... ~~. ".,15"ana Mrs. Lawrenc~ Ring, Mr. and The Weldo Mortenson family, lawn the evening of the Fourth Weclnesd ly to sprnd some tIme In e en, ° Dalt0..,j corne Monday to Carl Salne)',hl IlOll1C' OtllC'r lurnch- - -- -------Mrs. Marten Holmberg and Mr. Mr. and lV~r. Martin Holmberg, Mrs Clarence Wolter and c Il~ the Carl Jensen home /1 VlsH In th(' hallIe of the former s eon gUf\sts \\{'rr Don S<lndahl PROGRAM IS GIVENand Mrs. LawrencelCarfson attend~ Mr. and Mr. Joe Johnson, Mr. drenl vlSltpd (r1 the Elmer Fls Or 1\-1 I 1\1 L F d k d !>Js~r, Mrs G ~ Wade of Lo\'./Ir~ Flcld \\ ho hI AT HOSKINS CHURCH'cd the Dorcas picnic ThuI'sday c\'c- and Mrs. Ald l1J Johnson, Mr. anel home 31 Carl'oll the fIrst of e r ane 1 rs co ra nc san r Hnd :'vIIs eo Armstrong of Irl\N{ July 3 ann \\ III hr hl!e on Snngs reCItatIOns and pla}letsning. . :\1rs. Kermit. ohnson and Alan at- \\('ek Orland \\-E'IP July 4 guest" In the I Onawa lei \ ISlt d from Friday un- fUI lotH!ih until 1\11) 2) '.It and ITn Ide till' ChlldJr>n s ria" pro- I

Mrs, Dick Sandahl and Joann ten?ed a PiC~ c at ~arvin Mortcn- A1·thur Felts, Man In Felts :nd ~~:ard Hart ung home neat Culc- til SUn(~ClV n t.he 1~~uI, Rogge ::v.rl s rhr1J "11d J lCOI

)';;P11 of \\ In- I gr drtl E\ CJ1l1lg at Hoskms I

Suber assisted in the Art Munson son~,and enJ ycd flrc\vorks later. L;-m/rencc ]"cltSod .ioinf'd a laIgc g. , .• ' hom~. fh: \\~]en ~re sJst(r~. SJde, 'T1cd S;lJld(lhir ,Inri I~rl .. JI"jt-lcnltVd lhUlCh Ill" I::, . Jlr and rs. C. L. Bard celc- group Sunday aJereSford, S. ., I Mr. ~nd, ::'vIrs. F"ri. FrJl;,nd of .. ~hs S, ~" Sa uelsnn and VVa~ne hold , II. Sohl, r( IU a poem and

h0!ll~eJ Saturday, 1v11's, ;"lunson is bratbd at R . Kimrod's \\.ith co- at the Felt-Hanso r..union. " 1(',()~r.octJon\tlJ(,' l<l:,. '.P0nl Satut~ ;-15,Jtod },ncta~ a~d 5alu.rd..RY wtth ::\[1', lind 7\'1rs 1\I.yrOn BI'().(').;\\"rlY. tliC' lfsson and pronoun-l\Ir, and Mrs. '. H. Gprlih~er da~ and Sunday ln~ithC' hOn-lC of th~ Ro~ert Mar\r:rs a~d I\!ISS.l'v!i'lrY G{'n,£', ~loan and Gcny (;f GI{'ll\\ood Cl'd tl1r Tho~c til king

Iand David, Mr. d Mrs. ReuJen th(Jr son, Jamps FnLtd. B( lIe Samuel~"on: ,In SIOUX City, S~prJng-R, Colo., ~rnv~d fhul'''iday to lJal'~ In thl' program were the fol·edding Gerlinger of Hastings, l\1iC'h., l~ft 1\hss lda Mac \V!llli?-m~ spent J. J. Stet le Iand Ml,<;S Grace VISIt ~rs. Bl'O~Kway S {J<Jrcnl',<;, !\olr. lowmg: Beverly, Gcrald '.(JOlt fOf 111is Sell' of 'utllill

for home Thursday morn'ing af~('r Saturday night and,! Sund.I1Y "\'llh ~tcelC' had ;:lS S~lnd~y guests. Mr. and l\1frs. A. L GJ1df'l's!C'evC'. ;Vlr, Wittler, Norma Jean WJttler, \Vjl-'8 for August a vi~i1 10 the Den Lund her parents, Mr. <l~d Mrs. A. C. dnd M~. Robtj St,cele of Allen and ~rs. Bro('kway ]('fl Sunday lis Falk, KennC'th Ultich, Mary Lou '''·hen .\'Oil replace your

Mr. and ~rs. F. A. Suber"have home. 1 ,Williams, She is C'q,ployed in the anti thelr son, .8lls\\torlh, of Oma- for ~hlcaf:!:o to atlend Cl. furnl1ure ScheUrich, Karen Jochf'ns, Karenannounce,d t1e en.gagement and Mr. and ::\1rs. Ernest Pac~er court house' in Linltoln. ha-iv' sho\,':lI!tg 'put on h.y . manu- Walker, Phillip Scheurich. Char- cooking utensils \vithapproachmg marnage of their drove to Sioux City \Vedne~1ay Murtin i'vlaclsf'ns! \\'{,f/' Julv 4 ,1 Irs. Amel181..C'~sman, the Rob· fac,lun:-rs, Th.f'Y \IStl, in .James ]~tte Klcinbach, l\lq+wyn G£'ne Ul- t' I I

~~~;~,t~~ ~i tJ:~o::;tC~;;rn::~~:~~ ~!;~~ t~~;;e:;;~: ~,~r I~~;:~'ap~~: ~~n~~,,';~jr~l;s ;~,;:;~g;,~~rc.t~h~;I:~ ~;:.t~~~~~onI:;;:~~~1Lc~~:an~;:~~ ;~'~~~~~~.~~ t~C' \~I:t I~~~~d :/,~~ ~~~:; ~i:~~~)~, J~~~e~~~ne~~JC~~~rh~r~ I :~~l:)l~:~l S~.~)~. ;~·:<~r~ a~~lof Mr. and FS. Hal P. Stines of Jnd., who came to visit for a ric; Robins r('turnf'd ~~orne \\ ith HlC'm l m;lC'r. the !'ourth with the \Vm. ~n .ttlf'lr rf'tmn to (;1('

nwoo51 ky Witt IN, Jane-l M"iC'rhenry, My- ~Fairmont, N b. 'Thf' wedding- \vill wC'rlks. : for a\v('ck. Tho t,h1'C'(, Wf're al Ed. Pa l'~t,Js., Spnn~s \\hf'l~f' 11;1\(' :1.lur~i- ron \Valker. Laureo'cr' Falk and: com('.

take place A gust 2 at 51. Mary's Mrs. Emma Lev('ne clOd spns Kulln's at ("olprif)gC' Sunday. of ~r(;I~~~):rs~~~s;SI~.n~end;m~l:r ~~~'(';:or~.,1,~C I' t thfamllY Will lone W~sl~Y.. I SEE OUR DISPLAY OFcath~dral in Lincoln. ent;rtainf'd at dinner the Fourth Clyde Ferna~des of Norfolk, we:~ for ~ ~iS[t:l~ ;h~l ~;[r2:l;s ~l~r~~~~.~ lIa~ ~rajor 0 ('ration. I

MISS Su~ r attended Wayne for Mr. and. Mrs. Joe H. W. Jotm~ Entf·rtll,!n!'l Club. in the Clarence Kuhn home Thurs- af DHroit, WllO ha\'l' [wC'n herC' . P T I, STAINLESS WAREschools and as been employed bY[SOn and theIr daughter, Mrs. Har- Pkasant Hou'r club mel \vith day and Frl'day wl'th


~ T.' C'ld '1 .. I I Mrs, Robert Ross of Norfolk:. Id '. ' H. L. JJ C'rf-: ('{'\ C'S, P Clll 0 . I

the.PlttSbur h .Plate Glass Co. thp 0 . Harby and Carolyn of Ifly- Mrs. Otto p.f'tl'.r.f; July 3. Mrs. Carl T.. he .I\" Sch\','artz family of l.eavpi for home th(' midrilC' of 1hls unrlerwen.t" m.aJo.r operatIOn !\.lon-1past five ye rs. S~1e is an. active mouth. Mass. t Jensen enterla~'ris July 17. IITowpl]", Marvinl Victor family and wed<j. ).'!embers of 1h(' Gilder- clay, .~ember or eta SIgma PhI soror- Mr. and l\-,lrs. Robert Bl~tchfrrrl ,~ ~ljl <ll,d lv1'·s. Cliifford Victor were ~lel'\ie family had a picnic at ,~-.-.-.--.-~Ity. _ \ . ang. attended. dmnell at y I) lk. W d supper ,gucsts ~h{' Fourth in the Brest'ler pat'k th(' Fourth to honor (onsldpr Disposal Plant. I

Mr. ~mes a former aerial navi~ the: MethodIst .church In l\.1~s~ell oung I! 0 s e Fr:cd Victor home. the IBrockways and Keen('y~. A sewage dIsposal plant IS be- 'gator WIth t e 13tf U. S. army air Sunday honormg the ITIlmSrer, At H ' . Of B .' I rile Rohert Johnsons were in ing conSIdered by I\"orfolk cityI~orc.e~ serve 12 months in the Rey, Dale BakC':, and Mrs. Bafer, OUle III e Omaha Tu£;sday last week when Honor Glenn Gathjf"~. council. Such a plant would cost

MIRR0 MATI CPaclflc thea reo He attended the Whb \vC'l'e marrJCd recently. : ul\-Q'll Johnson had a knC'c injun' ::\'1r. and Mrs, Glt'nm G,lthj(" WhO! :a~IX~'~1It~S3iOi'li·oio~n·iiiiiiiii.e •••Ii••••~.

• University 0 Nebraska college of Leon Poggi£' of Council Bhjffs, Miss Phyllis Isom Is Bride c!Jecker! by a doct.or. They \'isJ1C'd wrrli' married rf'centlv, \\'ere hon-

PRESSURE PAN engineering he past year. ~~~:r~:;;,e~e~~~rT;~i~oa:~v~~f;~ Of Harold Burns Sunday in ~lhr~\\i;~dG~~~i; ~,~:efamilY of :;:~;td~~ :ve~~~~y in Ihm home

Hotto at No'l'folk. ,for a visit, Saturday, Mr. pnd 'At Ctiremony Here.' Lusk, Wyo., and the Raymond El-C. C. We rer of 'Norfolk, for- Mrs. Bob Culton of Pender ,,?ere Miss PhyHis Isom, cldest daugh- lis f(imily had! dinn('r the' Fourth lIavp SkaUng Party.

merly of Wi ner, was honored Sun- dinner gue!'ts in the same home ter of Mr. q.nd Mrs. Rolry JS¢Jm of in Ow Leland Ellis 110mC'. The Ted Hocman and Bud \Vackrrday when 75 relatives observed his and Leon returned with ttlem. Sholes, and Harold Burns, ~Id('st \\"yomjng folks left Saturday. ('ntertaill('l! at a sl{ating partycompletion f 44 years with the Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Olson son of Mr. and Mrs. Evprarcl Prof. and Mrs. J. R. Keith in- Monday ('\·ening.railroad. M. Wehret<'retired June were among 40 relatives who en- Burns of i Laurel, were married vited ::\lrs~ WJnifred M~in and the -----~-~-.-._-

~~~ ~;d ;;:: r~:::::e: ;;:~u~~~~ ~~:~a~o~~~:s~~e h~~~e~n i~i~~~ ~un~I:/~e~(,~as~'o~toi ~ga~e~e;:':7. ~;f~ ~'~~ri~: ,i~ t~~~ Jh0;;; eC~~; Bdito~~to~.~~~;n~~~~. electedHe and Ms. Wehrer have four City Sunday, honoring their son, church ndrtheast of Laurel, Offici- dihnf'r the ('vening of the, Fourth. \ pre.~ident of th.e RandolIJh Lionschildren. Carles Wehrer, jr., of Lawrence Johnson, and Mrs. John- ating at: the 150m home near Mrs, A. Ft. Davis, Mrs, H. B. club. ,HollywOdd, ICal.. former Wayne son who Were married in June. Sholes. *rs. Harry Retzlaff, aunt J~nes, Mi:;;s Barbara Felb~r of ----+,--student, is son and was among Mr. and Mrs. Vorace Packer and of the ~rjde, played Lohengrin's Norfolk, Mr. a~d Mrs. Walden Miss Bonnie Nissen accompaniedthose at' No Ql)t for the occasion. dattghter drove up from Omaha march. Twin girls, Lavone and Ft'lber we.r¢ dmner guests the th~ Leonard sftrongs on a trip toThe Herbe t Wehrer family 9£ .'llJ1UTSday evening to spend the Laverne: Silhacek, cousins of the ~o~'th WIth Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Co~orado this tveek


Wayne also joined the group. Fourth with hO,me folks. The~ a~- bride, s~ng "I l,ove You Truly." eM:.r. andi Mrs. Frank Larsen p~----'--

Get liS Tax Money. :~n~~~ ~:k~~:;~i~~rk~u:~hdi~c;~~ he~~:t~~~~e~~;~e~/~o~p~~~~a~h~~ ;~~,::~~rs.f~~~n~,~n~~~~~~~t~a~~ S·LI P·ERY'.Wayne c unty's share' of' the Kennel~ an~ ~rnest Packers and and bluf suit. She carried ai' bou~ sen's birHiday. The Florines had '

June. gasoli ell tax was $4,365,57. Mrs. GillespIe. Quei' ou yellow and white roses Sunday dInner and luncheon atDixon coun y got $4,288.98. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Btown.enter- tied wi1h a satin ribbon and also Larsen's. i "II'

••·••••11. If..... iii.. · "".f'iRir"Jifif ," carried!a handkerchief which had Mrs. W~. Vail entertained out- I

~" :~II,,'kl;I··ft·~." .;O""U', ·R. • ••• ;;;;;;.................. ~~E~~~~~~:l~~~:~~~~l1~::~~1~"~51[!110101, ·R·'S~

tl ' A bride~JOOl11' was best fI;lan, The dy~,n~ JYl·~e ~:~~¢y ~~~r~:~ect~~ .r~i . ~\: II .. 0 ,', nnounce men ore grey suits and white visit her father, ~y Jeffrey, and. i .:

}. 5): 'IJ. ..:.-: R· "'1."<D\,.II:. '0' ca~~: ~~sb~fu;~~n~~~~~~ had \vhite i~e i~eft O~~~~ga~ ~~~or~ I ",#'~III .I..,' • • . , the arrival.of Mr. Ft OyI)· FAItWELL, WI,ho d lh f th ~I ~

• .. 'j Ii"" t" caena on corsages an e a ers, leaving t is Thur~ay for the east. ! ~.• - . . ,. " . w II operate our complete RAnfO SERVIc1E. white boutonnieres. IH B d' It.• ~.i' I," -.. A edding dinner J~r 50 guests Mr, an Mrs. N • rugger an ~, ~ \. ' J /• -. • Farwell has a background of twenty yell-rs Mr and rs Ear Larson were in" .~ ~• ',.. • h d" :d I • "'. I·d' d ffl' was ~,epared by Mr ,. Lynn Isom the' Frej:l J~t~e home in Des I, I ~r?#7\_~II' • t 'e r.a 10 an eectl'onlC ne an 0 ers f I d M ~ d S k '-=-"II • ,- 0 ea rol an rs. re wan e Moines fjrom Friday until Sunday. L -.-- cI=.. " qialified, fully guaratlteed service on y~ur of Pi rce. 'Waitresse ,vere Lyn- Mrs. J~Zke, {iaty and Tim re- ras lone

~.'... ",!; .... ,'. E.,X-E.1.,r,.',LY.' r dio, P;&. system or reoord reprodooer. I ~~:aI f~:~~,~:~~~~t~~~~;Ei£~~ ~~'::~k/,h themlto visit a couple ..'-,- ~,~ -II "LET FLC!)!'fD F-IX IT" three tier cake ba~d by Mrs. Mr. a~d Mrs, W. D. Hall spentj ': • RE~~r'R'EDC Harr Retzlaff, auntlof the bride. Sunday !last, week 1.1 Blair withl

f,;,i;::i;~i':i.," The r om was decoralted in yellow g'i~~a~;~~~l~~re~~h:r~l:~dc~~'

I'i ~"=, :'1 W~ sped lists in radio' -"! nnd white stre~mers~ and baskets on Miss Harriet Fortner and foundl

, • W-eha h .. . New· R«dios " of gatden flowers. J here nicely· located at Crowell me-""r'lil';.':~; il'." yet enlewestP.r~cts1(;ml~stru. Mrs. Burns was raduated in- ;. ,/. -J' mer~ts to test all makes!and'mO'~els 1946 from Sholes hj h school and moriaI home.

:. :,: -i:olocateth~causeof.tro'Ublb-l-to C.,ROSL"EY a.nd· P'H·ILCO' attended Wayne college for two Cpl. Kenneth Richardson, who is,'" '.,W. track downw:;eak or wOJ:n parts-to semesters. She .haft taught in s1ationed at Anchorage, Alaska, I,; I','.'. tr r. l~ n ,L B - il<' h S E S I;k.?li:i.-:<..'.,', ace, J'lI.U ,~1 0 nectlO~. t1D~j 10 'Cedar county, distri t 12, for one stopped at t. e . , amue son; ~~"""-I,-.

:'~, ;=-'~' "yo~r ~al~j; t or phone for pur ... lead~rs in the field semester. ~~:: ~~n~~d~:~~ ;~~~~~ ~~e~i~,!';:J;~=,~~ ,<5etvice 1ah ~ call a.t ~o~ ;hQ~ Mr, ,Burns was gr.rduated fromjtl'I~;:".'''' --I AlllbOrized D.",•• ::. Laurel hi~h school al'd ,erved two ~f4;~~a~a~~:~~::;, He is a (riend

.;2:'.!~W:i:'~~1·:i~ '. I ,,' :ye~~e i~o~:lea~~. fflr a wedding Miss Genevieve Rbberts, Mrs:.,it;. ColumfJia, ll'i'cto'r, Decca Records trip to Denver and other points Julia Haas. Mrs. Ed. Wittig and

',~:,. in Colorado and wi] be at home Miss Faye Brittain were jn Oma-

i';li:'!:: (lome in amI listen t. our I in Laurel ,after July 14, ~~nd~~n~~~ Ht~as a;::td asmf~r:~~

'. TOP TEN RADIO !COMEDY ALBU~S PENDER FAR1R Fremont and visited Kathy Sieck.· 5~C,.::;. • IN FAT L MISHAP man in the Dallas Sieckman home. o.1y '7 PT..= FibbeR McGee t,. Amos 'n' Andy I Jacob Nilge:;;, 50, a near Pender, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sparg.o and. • J.ack Benny .. " Oha1"li~ .Mc€arthy I was fatally injured ~aturdaYwhen Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Spargo of': the car he was dri ing went off O'Fallon, Ill.. arrived Monday from

They're new! Th~Y're ,differe~t! :~i~~gl~~~sa~~~;;~~~ i~io;e~~~~ ~:m~rd~~ ~~iSa :~~v g~~sA~ig~iHiS son, LeRoy, 9, was cut. De- Lewis families. Mrs. Frank' &par­ceased leaves his wi e and several go is a sister of Mrs. Alden i.ew~children. is.

Mr, and Mrs. Ben Meyer an~

WinS Two C ntests. LOrraine. Mr. and NJrs~ Ray Sur.L' I Dr: N, J. Pickett on two pri~es ber and HaroIa went Ito Lake Ok",

Telephl>~e 368 :.In Nprfpl.k Country. lub golf com·Ihoji Frlday_ The Meyers returne~, i • • , ~pet1tion th~ Fou1:'th'i He had the Sunday and enroute home stoppe

1Ir~.~••••1•••••••• [close"" rhots on tWi greens, in Spencer, la,,' intire Henry OPfell"',<o+-__",

Page 7: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1947... · NUMBER NINE High Goals Set By Kiwanis Club I l ;. ERALD~"14-.~;;-~'=:1 Ii EVENTY-THIRDYEAR


Approved by FHAfor financing

• Sidewall $ettling• Condensation• Permane~tly Fire ana• Vermin Resistant

Get Our Free Estimate and Save•

Gambles, aomeguar'

Reduce Your Home Temperature10 to 15 Degrees


Have our bonded trained crew install­Homeguard insulation in your side­walls and attic, We also warrant a com­plete fill in all sidewalls. Don't pay anexorbitant price for this job,

, -

2- or 3J8edroom


The Answert Your HousingPr blem

160 ACRES, improved, located south o· Sholes. Areal bargain in this farm at $100.00 per cre,

160 ACRES, unimproved, one for an in, estor. Thisfarm is practically all in grass, mostly:brome, and

t has been for several years, and it is re dy to he agrand producer for a long term of year. Just one~

.half mile from Carroll. The fences are oocl. Land'has been terraced, Price is $100.00 per- ere,

FORSAL~Wayne County Fatms

160 AC~'E improved farm located east~:of Altona.This f.arm is a fine laying quarter and is c" ~an. There

rare .some good improvements consisting f a 7-roomhouse, good ba.'pl and double crib ... Goo' well andthe farm has RI"A, Excellent neighborhtd and canbe had for $170 per acre. There is vel' ""little landoffered for sale in this locality and this 'hould turn.<Iuickly. .' ,

160 ACRES known as the Rebecca Thom son estate,",," which is located 5 ~~ miles south and 1 ile w~st of

Wayne. While the improvements are noli large, they, . are complete, and is ,on REA. Excelle t pasture.

Good \~'ell. An-all-around good farm in a ood neigh­borhood at a price of $170.00 per acre,

i j--"I TilE WAy~,'I:; In~R\L}, \\',\\":,1'., ,H~nn,\~;h ". 'dll:I:~,1l \ I~ .p.\nr. ::;E,~~~J'

guests in t1 e D, A. Clevelllndlhome Dick] ~astE'des: rWIn Rastedes. Dorothy and JImmy -;.~and Mrs Iand conf Plamhff.s~ue ih the ,- blocky Shorthorn bulls, seJ~ dtink~rs as ~ group in Wa-ke--at Hornick Ia. They also caned on Erhest IEchtenka ps, Mrs Care- Don Meyer Don an J"rry Don South Hal (S%) of the orthwest able age 11 miles south on Hlgh- fIeld and Pender. Stnctly hu...Mrs. Ncal Rollison and infant son line Fleke, Frankl Fleges, Elray Kanzler, France~ albralth of Quarter ( WIi) of Sect on Seven- way 1'5 and 1 and 3-4 wes~. of n'lamtanan No money a SIOUX City hospital. Hanks, Geo Aev rmanns, Mrs Beemer and MISS Emma VIC.'lor teen (l~)I' TownshIp enty-bve Wayne 'Phone 3546, Pilger Hen write P. O. Bo)" 5, Wakefield.

Mr. and Mrs. Glcnn Paul, David Kale Rewmkle a d famIly, GUY -~-- '----,.--1--- 125}, Ra ~e Four (4). E st df the ry Stutl1man j26tf Nebr. f7eo.."?,:b~a.fJN~lS9rtS called at ~mili son·.s' were the Geo.' Marguson ~nd Hart, and Elmel' Wilmarth at- sanfrrds, Ed Luth Herman RI~ths Grain !\fnrkets, July 8. 6th P ,In Wayne CfntYI Ne-

o,n..$ \.iV'ednes.d.ay. Albm Peterson fa ,·I,·'s and Mor- tended the horse races in <Dmaha and ack Erwms (Prices subJect t change) braska ~ agamst you nd all of FARMS FOR SALE Nice J"ymg SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS A<: the Fourtl. T'hey were guests in cott, No 2 • .'.94 the d~fe~dants. Pla,nt, f, 'n hiS 160 one mIle south of Shohfs on representatIve 1h Wayne everyi'nes,t: -Petersons of '~~'Va:rne, r~s Johnson, '>'-" I d t b ld n M d fInd f

at C.. J. ,p;eterson's :Satur-! M:I". and Mrs. Gu Sanford M the Paul Hart home. Jud~' Hart Ent('rs \Vayn Hospital. Oat 86c pctltJon'1 lso prays for Iconstruc- grave, a equa e UI mgs, .&;\'EA, on ay or sa es a service 0

y~ ',. . Lyons. visited..ML"s. Kate Rewinkle returned" ith Iwr grandparents, D, MIS Adelme N Ison entered a~Bcy~ ._ ~ ~ ~__ $140 tlOn of t~ will of Richart H Han. g~od producer iit $100 Als6 279 sewing machmes .and vacuumThe .Geo. Vollers family were[ Saturday. They 'ere at Carl A. Pauls. ~ Wayne hOspItal S nday for treat- . ,en de ased and fa general acres Improved t .... o south of cleaners Wl'Ite Smger SewmgI I Mrs. Del ar Carlson and Jolene, ment -0_l~] q', bl I 'f Obert at $65 320 acres Imprm- MachlOe Co, 419 Norfolk Ave,~tt l?oescner) for.supper on the ,Doescher's Sunday. , - - - U1 a e re Ie . 1 f h f C h N f 1k N b 8tf:urth. , The Verne Carls ns and Wallace Mrs. AI. Rubeck, Mrs. 'Gerc'le ON TH, (' l "You alf! each of you re reqUlr- ec our nqr,:\- east a relg ton or 0, e I' m~e ~mifSwanson fainll"y calledl, Anderson had lune eon at Frank Kavanaug1' and Mary Lynn and Concordia E\'an. Luth. Church. cd to a wer s~lId petl IOn on or I·at $50, 160 acJ;"CS unimproved, MEN WOMEN _ Big Earmngs'tl,hday at Oscar Bjorklund's in, Carlson's Saturd~l in honor of Carol Ka,anaugh called u't MrS'; tRe\ John E Sut erland, pastor) I gitJM4£ ~J~ before t e 18th day f August mostly bottom one \,\est of Sell KKK products to regularakefieJd~ Miss Opal's birthd' y. Kate Rew nlde's 11011dHY· Wayne Thursday, July 10, the Woman's I ..., 1947 ot trWlse, the all gahons of \Vareham at $135 customers on money-back guar-~arol~ Gunnarsons:were at Reu- The Paul Rube k family of Jewell andi Ed. Luth Wf're' then' in :\11sslonary ~OCH't meets at the I~ARK ET plamtIff petitIOn Will e taken as Geo W Den) ~~JI0t2 antce GI!\f' free goods and

b C 'J' \" I d' C BOd '1 G thp evcniri~. churel, at -' p m ~ Hos'n,ses are tl true and a decree made nd enter- F(JR SALE Unl,nlchod r prn~lums Stank and Poultryn ~,S~~~~yn,s near. 'vayne or m- I{~~:na~~h ar~d llght~~' sp(~~~ Gust C~hlson and 11('lcn were Mrl; E i FlS er, Ntrs G. _~ ed for ~~e plamtlff as prayed In drawers; Cooler~'to'-r" c:~:;tr~c Rf'c~~edies, Fp;d Supplement,

... among ~ur'sts at a picnic supp('r Ka,a"augh and M¥ D Paul ~-"'--"tter~ra'=dnSlce'f',S=,,ear'llngS h"M:~:&. llobert Erwin aQd Lola Tuesday at AI. Ru eck's. in the H..I B, Micheal:; home at Th~' chOir reh;a ~s at 8 30pm",~, l~~~~~ ~~IY 9 1947 rsa'Undg"o; ~oiau~oh;" Culontrhl'ne'I'Shho"dmPbeOISOk; ~~~~r~,pri~~d~~in' a;,oa~~e~~~~enSg'~f::.e- ~il~~~~y~n Wymore VI'allin m~~eC;~I~~~nc~a~;/i~~une:j~~e~Cl~ Laurel TU~sday ('\"{'ning lNnoring FrIday July 11 the senIor con- an heifers \\ere act I" t t RICHARD WALLACE. shelves;'"' Youngstown '- kitchen famous KKK Sab...;-making Lini-Alden Johnson and Donald Er- wiener roast at l\1l~' Kate'Rcwin- Rc\'. and IlVII's. F:dward Pptcrson firmation class wil~ meet at the 251cents hIgher on lhr('S~~~n~lt~ I Plaintiff smk; 3-piece common bedroom ment. Cosmetics, other articles.

\ in. Lincoln students, ,vere home kle's \Vedncsday Q\ening. and childlTtl \vl1o ar(' moving from church at 8 p.m. I The class will mlrket Mondu\ Plieuner kmds By H. D. Addison, set; beds; springs and inner- We dcliVf'r right to your door.f r ~be week~end. TIl(' V€'rdel Hoi orf family of Brainerd. ~tit1n, to Eun'k;~, Calif h.. confllmed July *01h ... SI1\V unc\en but about steady jl0t4 His Attorney spring mattresses. any size; P:w only for what you self.

Mrs. Glcnl1 Paul and Nancy, and Denver, and Jack Exv.-ins wcre ,1\11' dnq i'll'S JulIUS I~ll(hnCI SatUlday July 12 the JUnlor Steers r,mgrd from $~O 00 to $:l8 _ m' pl nd tablcs' Crib b' b h d·1 Writp immediatelv tot.'. and Mrs. Wm. Haskell were dinner and supper gu('sts in the \\idltcr .:vlbl'l sr :\11 s l.l'rtrune (hOll ,1t ~ pm 50. helfels from "1850 to S2b 50 WANTS t\\am ~:ds With g~Od bo/sg~in~s"1 KKK I\IEDICi:--IE CO.,

i Sioux City Monday. Max Holdorf home on th(' Fourth. :'\lp).l'l ,lnd Jl~l1l(lI :\Ils<o; (lc1ra Sund 1\ Jul:', 13 ISunday school, cb\\ s about stt'1("1\ s{l1cs rangmg II I WAYNE l\IATTRESS SHOP. Kf'okuk, Ia. .. j10tlp.Miss Alma Vollers returned to 1'...Tr. and 111"$. J'~hn Schroeder \\Ischhot ttnd (,ul l\lauot \\nyne 10dm DI\lllC\\orrshlp l1am qor;n $10)(j to ~i~()() Bulls 2) I j10tleo__ Vollers' ThurSday after a and the 1-1aS'nard ~chrocder fami- Rudolph IROel)(,lS Larl orcuttSI ThUlSdd). July 17 the Ladles' cI:-n'ts \m\rr <1t ~17 2) du\\n Stock- ~

\i~~l:t\~S~'~i~~~~s~ar;;i'IYof W,flke ~I~~~~:t~e~;l~a~'ll ~~d~t~~~(~~~;.~- ~:I~~;~C aSnl~~)~~~lIalt'J~~~;~1 f~:;J~;~I~'l~~: J::~n~~~t::n~t ;lii: n}d~~t~~~rl~~~ ~~:~;c;~d f~~~l~;l~~ ~~:~ ('I~~)O~~~~~~~ F(~~m~~';~Ml1l~~oPbe:t)~:;I~~-C ~~~ 1£,t:1U1b 1J~1iIA1I1i/II'eld, \isi't;d in the James l\1a1tsu~ Supper gues~s \.;,.IFrank Carl~ on the FOjJI th IS hostp..,ses lower, salc:; rangmg frdm $1) 50 t~ iJ! with right to reject all bids. 80-i home here June 28, son's on the Fourtl \\"('1'(\ :'Ifl'. and At a Cl.a.rk fblmdy ~J'CnIC dinner e Thmk not that I (dme to des- $2275 chOice quotabl0 around ~21- 3J,~~.:JJ,..';.r.;~.~.ilii.,',~,/·.. iI··:F~ acre farm 3 miles west and 3 Card of Thanh,s.Mrs. Kate Rt'winklc, and Mrs. Mrs. Bilger Pcars( nand Ih(' Art dnd SUPP~l' at tlw (,l'(,lld Cfark tlOY Ithl' la'" or th\:, prophets I qo fqedmg" hl'l(crs sold up to $20 _ -----=;i:'EM~f~f!~ north of Wlilside. Close to I ~inc{'rely exprf'SS my thanks to

: erdel}[oldorf and children visited Anderson and \'('1' e Carlson fami- I~om(' on ~hc FOUlth \\{ I (' Mrs came not to r!estro) but to fulfill" 1~ IHog trllchng \\as un¢'ven. mQst~ ~ school. Fair improvements. all who .spnt cards, flQ\Vf'rs and, : t .Paul Lessman's Tuusday. lies. F 100f'n((' l ltHk tIl(' 1\ In C1arl\ \l<ltthC'\\") 17 ~I). stea 1 t ');'j t h ri b t h FOR SAf.-E: New 1947 Dodg~ club Small acreage III northeast Igift" during my r~ent stay in thett 'i ' ·:Mrs. James-Matsuk~s and Zoe Mr. and Mrs. E nf'st Pet{'rson COC'lI CI!!lr~ and E J HU~h ..s Fa~ll' -- - rrs ra~:In~ fro%n$~8~~1~~,$~5,~O- ~hone 414.W. ; JI0tlp part of WmSI(]f': 8-l"Oom house, ho:;pitaL ~rs. Emil Reinhardt.1,'l t,' '"'tad M',ss "ary Thompson a't and ilWal'd of \\,,, yne,. and the lIe'S clnd l\~r and l\lrs \\ m \\ all ( on('on:l, F'rt.. \~ ('hurch. ~ows from $1600 to "'19 Jo stag;' 4 good barn and garage. jlOtlp

.~ '-' i'd and Ro1et and Mrs Gf'rald Mar , ) ,., FOR S '-'!LE: Good white-f ce bull, h hIt'I' :\l"~yne colleo-e last 'week \Vednes- 'Waldo Johnsom; If DIxon, were • rRc\ P:1\ll \\' Nolsj:m, pas or rom $1100 to ~1600 Fr('ckr jjllgs .~ Four-room ousc \\It two 0 S: ay <:t luncheon' guests al Roy Juhnson's tl~\~<~IOan~d:\7~~d ;)f 6)\I;~t~tll~~('r?~~ 'Th(IO h( Ill,lny 111<1.t say, \Vho f 2000 to ~~300, thm 'fo('dlOg S~\\S s('n' jel:f'<-1b1c' age. Levi Gi~se. in north part of Wmside, no\\ CaM or Thanks..

til~ 'G'erle Kavanaughs of Wayne, Sunday. .'1. R,'cth at- MISS Martlle F'mrblollwl of Ha- \\lll :;he\\ us an). good Lord,l1ft around ~2~ 00 Felt lambs <lc1/\c Ii jl0np OC~~~I~~f2~~~~1~0~~~~~~g10- to I a\~;is:.~~ e;:~;~~:i;e~rr~l:h:~~~'ere Sun'dilY dinner g:uests at AI. Mr. and :D.~rs. ..y \\arden Iii, and J\1r and Mrs 11l- thou up th~ lIght of thy counte- Istrong chOlrf' n~atl\e sprlOg Idmbs FOR S4LE: Studio coucr, like cation of property inqUIre at cards, flowf'rs and \'ISlls while I

, ubedk's. Merle R4bcQ'ks \vcre cal- tended.a family mnrr a.t 'Blair 10 \\4l.tJI~nl\ of \kron la 1\11 nnnll'" upon us Iquoted to ~21)0 01' bettor Old new. ~1. J. Nicolay, phone 401. Slflte Bank. WinSide. WAS In the hospitak :\lrs. Arnold'e,-.. ' . ' Jeffreys at Wayne Sunday III hon· d '[ J' ,'[ PI f ~ U A ~p('{JaI ~er\l('e \\111 he con- Icrop IHmbs good and ChOlOP 'lold. "J'10tlp R 'IU 1

'" dn ., rSl ..' P cr~cn 0 "- ,IT ro " I R' \.: Sond Scaled bids to \\Tm. War- ('eg. J lThe Lut.her SUnqUi~'s. and H. a1'- °tard~f,. i\N1}.SSy,J.ane Jl'tf 'rcy ol ':::chrnec· \llwrt qdetson 01 \\ il ('fIeld and Iduct('d .s p 111 h Ida). elf t 1e R). - IUP to $.2.2 SO <;;Iaughtf'r ('\\('S ste$.dy ~ ~ 1 e~ d 5t J "\1' b X I

.J A th ! \1 d "t mond Bolton home, oight miles at $5 00 to $800 F(>odlllg- lambs FOR Sit.'LE: 1929 Fordor edan; n24

e1mun e, . ames,. IOn")'190t4 Card of Thanks.

SunqUipt of 1\10 rIS, 1\11011., I lllol 1 erson \\('1(> gues S In northeast of Concord Dr Carl t d SIR -0 $.) 10 H}34 If-R coach. bale Le man,':: aIled in ~he Frank Carlson home Verdel Hold?rf a rived Thur~d<lY tIll' D A Paul home tne Fourth I th F IS en y to ~ ) to _t l ,('hOIlI' phone',: 4~F14. j10t1' I Wish t.o express thanks for theII aturoav. , from Dl'nver for <i. few days' \lsit. Carl Doeschers Mrs Caroline StrplllPrg tf'aChel m e ree ehglble around $20;10 I ~ many \"lsltS. card.." Il'tter~ and

. ..' ~rs Holdorf and. hildI'en who had FI " ~ F II Fl dHlllh lllstltute and sC')TllOary at Among shipment from tlll':; \d~lO~ -- --~~1 f '.' rR"::U~A/A"'.I?i!It?iJI!ilIlU speCial !l'ltcrs and pack-Sund~y \'Isitors .bee~ dhch1'e for sC'l,ehr~1 \\S'eekds, re- ate~:ni~~ H:~ ~ 1701' :~~~e~\e~~ \\ ill ;~a~;C'~u(,,,~ SP~~d~:~ Ity "'ere the Herman FC;;;'. SGf'l~lEd39N~;\n~~it;/:ttt~m~ A"r~Tft!B~1zi1i!f:@IF ahges. I I B\\'~ilek I was in

10't hl e

turne orne WIt 1 1m un ay. the Fo~rtJh. Albert Steuhes were Kon, heIfers at $24 Harry Hansen, ers El!e\'ator. }1011 osplta. A. H. I'm man. J ptrio from school, \\'ill ~ing. steNs and heifers at S25.85; Ted I"'- WANTED: Waitresses. Inquire _. . _

Miss Ruby FrldriCkson came there in the c\"l"ning. James Hanks. Sunday sen'lce wlll be donducted N d hl t t ~'J- FOR S!.LE: Apartment hotts~ at at Herald office. jlOtl Card of Thanks.from Chicago ThUl day and visited Elray a?ks, Willard Holdorf and at 11 'l.~-n. Sunday school will y a . s ('ers a ,,_.J. $ I wish to take this means tou.ntH Sunday, \vith er parents, Mr. Jimmy Ktclmer had pirnic. dinner . I 408 Pfarl St., R..ental value, f. 10 nxpress m'. s·ln"Crn thanks lor the'oprn at HYR..m. CommunIOn SCI'· VI qth P ~6500 WA~TED: Killer horses for fox C J '"' <:

and lVII's. Axel F edrickson. 'Miss at Crysta Lake. Sunday In honor :'1(.'(' \\111 folio\\" the morning mC'et-1 %\~rD~.OO-. ~:~A.NAL'~~e v"'T'· 'l0n feed. Colson HatchC'ry. j26t6 lo\'ely cards and flowers and forFamy FredricksOI returned with of \Villar 's birthday. mg". I ~~"V'f-'~ '., ayne. J the letters I recei\'ed during myher. , Callers lat Eric NE'lson's last' Sunday ovC'ning setvice will bel -XOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL \VANTED: SecretarYI petmanent, WANTED: Sleeping room c1o~e in reCl'nt stay in the hospital. Mrs.

Albert J\lartin a R,?seburg, Ore., Iweek were J\Trs. B.. M. Koch find held 8 p.m. at the Concord band·1 ,,", I typing- required. Write No. 10, by young man. inquire !yt'.ald. Roy ~ebon. jl0tlMrs. 'Gra~e Buse JIm and Mrs. daughter~ and Merlm Greve on stand. This is a ~nion meeting, C The, State of :,\, hraska, \\ a~ ne care of Wayne Herald. jl0t2 HonpLuey Raper of C erokC'o, Ia., the Monda)1: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Erv.'inj

, There will be speclal music, song °Aun y,Css . t., C 'lid t 'h --.-----------~-- Ca~ dt Thanks.Paul Hanson fami y and Y1rs. Earl Tuesda·t IPvening; l\trs. Hl'nry Er- d' 1 a ,oun your, 1(' a e FOR S[1I.LE; McCormick-Deering WA~TED: Sewing machine, Sing- '\'e want to express our sinc'ereDirks were dinne guests at John win an Marcia Hnd ;\[1'<;. l\I~lr- a\l'i;\~.~~,~g~raY(,l- meeting 8 p.m. C~~nty Court R?om, in and for H)-ft. ': power 'binder and ~ractor or White. Private party. Write thanks to all who re>membered us

H~~O~'~dW.l,;s~aI~ Clevcland and ~::~a~c t~:d~~s~,7,~ ~~Il:;~'nia~;~~~ \\cdncsdny. ~:,{l ~o~:i~, °lr9~~a\tw on the 3rd disc. l roest Muhs, wayn.".J10tlP

box 70, Wayne Herald. j10n ~~lthtl~;rd~~;~~~:tndJ~~'e~o:~~Gary Don were Sunday dinner Herma~ K:raeowrs ann G('o. \'(}l~ LOCALS fn the matter of the estate of WANTED: To buy a few hogs, fat Lubberstedt and infant daughter,

.I~.ilii.ii'•••ii'iiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiii~llors wl'rf"tllere Sunrtay. ' Frtlnzi E. Moses. deceased, FOR SALE: 8-foot I\1cC0rmic~ hogs, feeder pigs, thin sows, or Patsy Jo. j10tIp

th~ ~ap~~~'t~egl~~~ti~~~n~~a~I~:'J;~\~~ Sll~~I~'S~l~~cl~tlr~L~~~llnIIarrlOgto~ tlo~no~ea:ini~\~~: ;~]~~:s t1;ra~~~~ ~~~~j~'l ~~?~s ;:~; ~~~~~e~1:~I~~~s.C~~rnu:;;o~; Card of Thanks.


nlng nn th(' FOlnt!l Pr.('sfrr1 \\(1'(' ::vIr and :\I's A L Sv;an w('r~ that the mstrument ~lod on the J10t1 son, Quality Markct, phone 222. We wa~t to express our ~incere

the C' l :\1agntNln C,!f'lHl :\I<lg-- In Omaha t l ,ltlend marl{ct Sun- 3rt! day of July 1941 and pur~ FOR SALE Good used boys' hlkel 'I' )m29tf ~~~~~:~~:.~t~: a:~nf~ra~:S~;g~~n~fnuson rl'O Magnuson Osc~r John- clay clnd Mond 1). portlOg to be the duly authentl- Coaster brake recently overl W~N~D: ~o .rent. State veter- sympathy received at the time ofson, Alt Johnson An-lei I eh'rson The Flnwr lIarnsons and Law- caled COpy of thp last Wdi Ej.nd hauled ~1650 GAMBLES I marian, wI~e and daughter no our hNC'awment. Charles E. Gil-Evon (1terson Laurence Back- renee F~lts \\ere among those ljTI Testament of said decC'nsC'd, ma:l" Jlod yean:) deSIre house or apart- dersleeve and family. jl0npIstrom, Hans Jnhnson and Gun~ar BcrG'sford S D Sunday to attend be prO\C'd Hnd allo\\f'd as the last I ment. Permanent. Write Dr.I -'--__-'-----=Johnson families :mel I mil ;,\('1-


th(> Wansor'! and Felt reumon Vvll! and Testament of said Franzl FOR SALE Used electriC washer J. D. Hugins, 4,60 So. 47th St.,son ~ Dr L L Hancy IS 110me from E !lIoses, dC!i'CasN! nnd that thc Dt:luxe wrmger In good! work- Omaha, Neb. j19tf Dr. Roy Eaton, former Wisner

Cdlh'lS at Axel Fll'd~ICksons a local hospItal \'\here he had re-Iexecutlon of <:ald Instlurnent ma)- lng Qnkr, $2750 GAMBLES ------c------c-Ischool head and author of theJast .... q\pk \\( rp MIS H :; Lund, cC'lve>d medical care after a car ac~ be 'comml1tC'd to F Irvmg Moses I JlQt] WAr-..'"TED: Gjrl to go to Lake Eaton speller, died, June 27 inEd. Fredrickson a~d MIldred, Re\'. cident He is improving ,nicelYI' as: Executor. . j I Okoboji to help care for chil- Lincoln.~. Pearson <-l.nd MISS' May, ::vir. and 1\lrs: A. D" Lewis \vent to Ne\.\'. ORDERED, That July 25, 19:t7, F~R fALE: ~as range, p atfor~ dren about four days starting ~ _::\Irs. Hanson, ~rs. Youngberg castle last Wednesday to attend at 10 o'clock a. m., is assigned for IOc~e~. dress109 table an~ benetti

lSunday, July 13. 7\Iust be at Eugene Hurley, 56, of Creigh-

Iand chl1c]rcn of ChIcago, Mr. Hnd h f If' Mrs Gelo heanng said pel ition Whe.n .all andl dIshes. 301 West 1st. Can least 15 years old. Apply in per-I ton. died Tuesday last week fromMrs. Won. Wall of Portland. l\la:- ~l~enUter~h~r:t~~~:~nThUr~day.· persons intcrested ma~ appear' at 205-fW. JIOtI l son at 909 Logan. jlOt1 a heart attack suffered While

land ,Schro('dl'r family, :\'1(11'\"10 1\lI's. Clarence ::vIcGinn is teach- the County Court Room in Wa:r1ne, FOR SALE' 8-1'0001 dweI1ing at AVERAGE $45 wC'ekly for man or workin~~----,:~ffald~._~ 'v~~~~l~~k~~~nson. Mr. a~(~\1~~~~ ing at CLimp Merrill this. week. and sh~\~ cau:::e why the prayer; -of 803;Nebr.· St. All moderp, good woman to supply famous 'V\'nt~ Emerson \"oters \vill cast ballots

. Dawn Bulkley. Nancy. McGlIln and the petltJOner should not be gr~nt. contlition, large lot. k' roduct<;: to custo rs inand Bilgpr Pealson. Ruth Bocks went from here to at· e(}; and tha~ notic: of the p~n- CA"ANAUGH, Wayne. .lnS p - . me . July 29 on a proposal to issue

tend dency of said petition ancl ~he!" jlOtl. cIty of \Vayne. EstablIshed bUSI- $133.000 in bonds to enlarge and

Iparty For Birthday. :\I~. a1',j Mrs. Alden Le\\.'is, Prof hearing ·'thereof'. h~ gi\'~n to :all F0~ r SAL~:. Deering bi~der in ~~~ten~. i~~'e~~~tk~~'s S~~~t b~7~: impro\'e the city school.

Bud Fisher entertainl'd young and :\Irs. I:aymond Schreiner and p"rsons interested In saId mat!ter goqd condItIOn. Noah J. Bolton, Winona. Minn. jIOtlp --- -~-peopJe lolf1 Tuesday night of last ~lrs. 1\1. C. Bloss were in Lincoln hy publishing a copy of this or(ler 4 miles east l;f: north of Altona. Mrs. W. S. Livers. 39. and son,

week, lC honor of his' birthdny. Af- Saturday the men attending a in The \-Vayne Herald, a weel<ly Ph~ne 488-4 Wisner. jl0t1p liji;a, ..~.__' WIII'. ~iil~~:~~I~'lo~nDaesc~~_~i;ueCsk;:~~tel' s('~:!ni3". a ~hlO\v <It tnck nl('~t newspaper printed In said County, -~-"..----~F ·l·--d-- .

1~\'aYll(I' hit> S('r\f'( 111('111 R" d'\V F 'lo~ Elizab(J'th three stlccessh'e weeks prior to F0:t.SALE: ]935 ore. ~oo con· dent near Fremont. Mrs. Livers'

lCO cr:'am anr~, ~<~1~~ at hiS Il(~mo. and( ~:a~~ An~ o'f ·Om.~ha, visited said day of hearing. g~:o~~ ~:~~~n~~~~'ic~rlce. jl~ItC; ALCOHOUCS ANONYMODS-A ~~s;:I~~ ~:~c;,i~:~'nS;;:~l~~~~Ob ,tlltb I in the Albert and Edwm Bahe and (Seal) J. :i\I. CHERn..Y, i g I . . 1944 t


M 1L i".f'r;~f': 11"11 (ay. h d C.has Sieckman homes [rom Hri· jl01.3 County Judlge FOri SALE: 9-room dwelling at national or~aniz.ationof prob em 109 m .on' h:

sbl;tnhad<lyn~U~c!<-J.~~'~~h{'~nl::~l~ll tIdY to Monday. -~- ---- - 31.5 West 2nd. All modern, good

IHagel nj; and Roy N"elsons \\"('re ::'Ill". and Mrs. Aldan Sederberg :SOTICE OF SETTLEMEST condition. excellent location.dinne ~uests. f~I'" C. J. :I\lag- lC'ft l\londay for ~('rgus F~ll~, OF ACCOUST CAVANAUGH, Wayne. JIOtl

i nu<;nn. ::';l/"s, Alhf'l" Lchnwn and l\~inn. ~t:) ~~end t.hlS wef'edkl~t~: In thC' County CaUl t of \Vayne l' OR SALE Vacant lot adJoll1lng INSC·..•.,.LATEt ;\11". ~l'l'd Johns(JI1 \H')"f' thcre in d,lUghtll (<trol, IPmflln T" Count:'r', ~('bla<;ka I

lllll' Cl llrrn.oCJn.. al d John Curl- Aill'O.1l Scderberg home at KlI;."on, The State of N(bl.l:-;ka, \Va)nc Wayne park House and 10It onsons.~ hlas Okhlo s and Eric Lar- Iowa. .; County, ss. "l cst 1st street Formor samson Ill' tho enning. 1'111'. and Mrs.' LOUIe GC'rts flnp. To all persons interested in the ~~~pertJ InqUire at HeraI~~~3f~ :0:'

, - -+-. family of C~lhoun, Fred Roslter- estate of Hennan Bro~cheit, de- N W: For \'l'rdl'~ ,Holdorf. mundt and hiS mother from Oma- ceased: ' Fan SALE: 1942 motorcycle, 45 . i

MAR' ..TI,:,N L','it RI. ,'0,",R A s~rprise cooperative dinner ha, and Carl.Thomsen .were $~n- You are hereby notified that on ~arley Davidson, good condi-& was hel<ft. in the M~x Holdorf home day guests In the TIm Copms the 8th day of July, 1947, HE"rman tion , good rubber, $350. At Jphn

'~ Saturda~' p-wning1liin honor of Ver- home. . _ Iv' Lundberg men his final account Horstman's, Carroll, Pl10nli 6

~_=-!!!!!!II'!=!I!=!=II=====2~~~Cl~~H~6.'~ld~o~rf~.S~~l~ir~th~d~a~y.~~T~h,~,s~e I l\I~. a~(l. Mr.s. J. Fmn and ~ISS and petition f,or, distribution of th.e bn 7. jlOtlppresent were I cnry Stailings, BesslC FInn ot Omaha, lV!rs. residue 'Of said estate, a deterr~lI- -i-'------c-:--::--=-=-II

Doughorty of Belden, MISS WlnI- nation of the heirs and ,for a d!is- FbR SALE: 28·inch Red Riverfred Collms of Laurel, wete Sun- charge. Hearing will be had ion !Special threshing machine: Jcj)hnday guests in the Tim C91lins said account and petition at the Deere tractor; complete thresh-home her... Miss Winifred re- County Court Room in Wayne, i ing outfit. Call 382·W. Wm.maln('(l un!ll .:\10nday. .J. Nebraska. on the 26th day of July, ; Wagner. j1EJt!p

P('tpr Peterson of Hudson, v.:yo., 1947, at ~ o'clock a.m., when all -i!-...:::..----------'-~IIAnd 1\11'. and Mrs. Wallace iBru-, persons interested may appea~ to !tOR SALE: Used 4-foot duplexhakC'l' ?f Norfolk, spent Sun.da~ sho\v cause why the prayer of tIle i rotary scraper. Good condition.h~'re With 1\11'. and .-1\11'5. <tna:., petitioner be hot granted. l $60. Wayne County Soil Conser~RIese. Mr. Peterson IS a brother, Dated this ~\. 8th day of July, i vation District, 309 Pearl St.of Mrs. Riese and Mrs. Bru~aker 1947 Phone 72. J"10tl

is a daughter of the Rieses. (Sea'!) J. 1\[, CHERRY, iFOR SALE: 9% acres with ).m.

1'.1;:;.1'T~n~. ~~~d~:~·,~~r~:::r1s~~~i j10t3 c County Judge provements, knowh as the Sewellla Chichester were dinner anc acreage. Located in west part ot

lunchf'on guests the Fourt~ihbthe To O\%~~:~~~~I:~~~atreinJ ~;~~eN:~~~,$~~:e. Han

~l:t(';:~' a~~nd~~~ni~~~~. ~'rte~;, Wallace and Glenn H, vtkl!acel FOR SALE: 120 acres, I mileLutt alld Karen Head of Winside, wife amI husband, Leila Cloyd 'an~ north, 4 miles east of Wayne.wcre also luncheon guests. Floyd Cloyd, wife and husban~, In NE part of Sec. 10, Twp. 26,

Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Lueders enJ Myrtle Ha,ss Goettsch and Ra)/'- Rg. 4. Good improvements. Pricetertained out of towh guestsl Sun~ mond Goettsch, wife and husban~, $21,000. Iday. They were Mt. and Mrs. Effie Hass Scherner and Claren1e CAVANAUGH, Wayne. j10tlKenneth Eng and fa;mlly and Mis~ Schemer, wife and .husband, ~l-'I ·IIEllen an~ August )jarson,III o~. fred Hass a.nd Mane Hass, h4s- FOR SALE: Chaice Duroe bredNewman Grove. Mr. Eng is a: band and WIfe. Mary Ellen Fdal gilts due to farrow first twotwh1 brother of Mr!}. Luede ,and and Kenneth Feal, wife and hps- weeks in September. Fann 10-

~~~le~arsons are tpeir auof and ~:~' t~~r~~ly~~~S:r":~g:.~~%~~ ~~t~~g~e;:yn;~~~~~;~~:u~~:Mrs. Caroline Flege, Mrs. F'rankt Ransen, a minor more than j14 Wisner. j26t3

fin Flege .jlnd daughters w¥e at years of age, and all ~ersons hftV- FOR SALE: McConnick-DeeringJames Hanks at Cqncord WedJies~ ing or claiming any i~~erest in the 8-ft. binder with Carlson powerday. They rere 'among Ithose South Half (S 1/2) of, the Norrh• drive for 4-F20 tractor; and 6-helping Mtrs.' Fre~ Lessma'n_ obl west Quarter (N'W% l.of Sect.~ ft, John Deere mower with trac~serve her birthday, Tuesday eve.. Seventeen (7), TownsplP TweTltlty- tor hitch. Ed. Gathje. 3% milesning and they andi Mrs. ~rnest five (25), Range Fourj(4), Eas~ of south of Wayne. j3t2pEchtenkamp had IUl,lcheon that af:.' the 6th P. M., in Warme Cou~;y, I-==~---=--:c:---:--;---;-~ IIternoon at Max Holdorf's at Lau- Nebraska, real names,1 unknown~. FOR SALE. 160 acres located 2reI Mrs Carolm~ Flege, the You and each of YOlJ are herebY mIles east and 3 miles north ofFrankhn Fleges, ~ and Mrs. hotlfled that on the 5th day of Carroll. Neb. NEtA., ~ec. 13,Chas. Doescher and Wlllanil Hol~ July, 1947, Rlchard J Wallace, ~s Twp. 27 Rg 2. Good house.d~rf were at James Hank's for a plaintiff, flIed hIS petition 1~ t~e other improvements fall'. PrIce,

wiener rOllst the Fo rth~' Distriet Court of Wayne Count, $20,006. Convenient termsM,'. and Mrs, Ca 1 Mey l' en,' Nebraska, and commenced an a - CAVANAUGH, Wayne, j10tl

tectam at dinner Su day, uestf tion against you and each of YO~ . can be arrangedinclutled Mr. and Mrs. De Gra~~ as defendants, impleaded wit FOR SALE: Registered Durocll"lll•••••••••••~•••••~.I!I••rquist, Judy and Caro , Re~. other I defendants, the object an Fall gilts, bred for September

~!i!I!~""~.....IIlIIi• ..,.__~_.....""'__....,"land Mrs. Walter racttnslclli prayer of said petition is to quiet farrow, vaccinated. Also some

! 1- \

Page 8: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1947... · NUMBER NINE High Goals Set By Kiwanis Club I l ;. ERALD~"14-.~;;-~'=:1 Ii EVENTY-THIRDYEAR

,G~~ " ,



____~_II -

,CREST DeLuxe Tiresare Call1Lll>.~!finest FlR~T Llj";'E

til·CS. CREST~ are famolls for"Peak Performance" and theyoutlast prei-war tires! .'\skabout CHEST'S WRITTENDOUBLE GUARANTEE.


I~ Lo,,! weeo:lYi poymentsl

.I F"ee installations!i' \~ ~oubleguaranteel

11 l!ig c.ash savings I

A complete set 01 4CREST Tires lor only

I $1.2S per weeki

AMAZING PRICE REDUCT~ONDown.:.. d.own ..• -do\,.:n to ~~roek boLtom~' ~o lhe

prices on First I"'ne CREST Deluxe Tires! fNorvyou cali get all I ese CREST EXTRAS at !NEWamazingly low p~iees! I

8 E~tra Road Rubber i1& E1tra Traction and SaletyIII Elltra Heat Resistarce1111 E tra Toughness'ID E tra Trade-in Allowance

We're the WOR D'S WILDEST TRADERS' .• -.we'll give you surpris\ngly BIG TRADE.INALLOWANCE r' your old,' unsafe tires ..• justBubtraet this BIA,LI"OWANCE from the NEWAMAZINGLY OW PRICE of CREST Tires.:.and you'll see wh t a big CASH SAVINGS is yourswhen you buy G EST Deluxe Tires!

TUBE PRI ES ARE SLASHED TOO"Enjoy additiona savings and. safety by IgettingCREST First L e Tubes .•• 6,00 x 16 silzenowonly $2.15 plus ~llX.





Von'itS o;()('it,ty nf ]'(';H'I' n_\,~

lOn1H'd f'1\Ul'f'h J~1!'J \\'illl \11'"Lloyd HI'hm0r wllell MrsHerlH'I" Bl'htw'l' pf Ill.. and:\fl'S J()hn hud('l'il \\('n' gUP:ltsHt·\', (' 11. IUl·d('sel lId l;l ','Ull011S

Sllarcd\"ll Sw' B('hnWIpjann 'solI!. ,wd shr'Lou Asmus pl;tYf·d it duel, Tv\-'o­course lunl'il!'(ln was :;l.'l'\'l'd. '\l!rsE. 0, BeLlml')' will cn!(:rtaJil .I~U­

guts I.

\:.. lfNk~ ~e ~/'O~Q~$ -7.-""" \\ (fa ''tJ:tlf N/?\. «,;' ~~.~ .r. _, ':s:-'f'P.----- ••~ OIA:J_---~j-:~--~; ··P....;ibI -:/ - //:,1) ( I

f! I ,r I,L

W!?'1!,- .;f ~

~;::;. ;~±..,.- 'i=:-:c-::-l-- --.-:.:;';:_, 1 '

R;~,~~d;t"fJ;;~oo~a~a~M'YOU BET YOU c:~ AFFO~D IT!, , . Just remembertills, . , ,~o matter,'what eo~dition your old radi6 setis.. in, it'.S orth a C sh alIOW¥Ce when traded in on anew CO ONADO.,., Com on in , .. let us prove toyou how much bettIr CORO ADO radios are!

Take Advantage I this Radio Trade.;n Oller NoV'(!• We'r l?ve to pr' ve how w~nderful CORONADO$are, . ~' • Phone f9r ree demon~trations.

• Wh~ther you ant n radib fdr $19.95 or a radiG<-,

phonograph for $ 39.50••• •~iwe have it!

• Wonder what our old ra iots worth? Call Us••• ~We'd be glad to ve you a ee estimate. i,

j • It's 'easy to get a radio fa every room at Gambles.'on out easy paym 'nt plan, I

• And., know wha ?., We'~ also be glad to test youif'radio tubes • •• fre of charge. I

II', ,lrRADIO;' tim 01 Gomble~ and tho' mean' ii's time I

for yOUIoI<od••'n yuu, old 'or on 0 n.w CORONADO',

J(; ~e4"T le Friend y Store


':,••.'1;," ~"""." '7'8:,".',·... 0','·,:·.S:,:,:'\U,'",',',"."i,·,I',,'.N.. ':S,': N,.'E.',l,aI1S' Mrs. Many Weible and the Wen- Wm/:ildc, Rcube MIller of South melsltet Mr.,and MIS Herman! L 1 I.JamesotOmoha,c~mJFriday.a~nd LOCALS" ~~ 'W" dell ~rcs, 1\,pdl'ew Mann and Mrs.' SIOUX CIty, Ern 8t Knebel and Mrs' Bauermcist.'et 01 Nprf~lk, Mrs I B R E N N A were guests at j1Vfi Schnoor's., • i , I, ' Art ann f:Rt$i1ies. Sophia Knebel of NOifolk" Albert Mlnme Brtleclmcr, lj.'lu.enc(' 1I11- The two families en to Norf(j)lk Harry Shcrbahn has gqne to

\;" : ;:! ,"'::::i,:il~~:i i.'; , i :~; ~~'~~l!1 ,I' Ulrl~ M~~rM:~'~e~;:s~~rl~:r,l\~~~~t ~j~~' ~e~~~:t~r~n~d ~vJ~ l\1~~~a;~e~d ~~~ ~~ne~~1 ~:fri~, a~~u~J~ a~l~d ri~~: t by ~~~P~~ui~t~hf~r~oj~~~l'l~~~~ ~~c;~c Ke~~~e~n~ ~~~.~. ad~:' ~~~~~f and

~~~S~t~ro.~':;.ss call~d at Erntjst ~:g 'is~~~~~n\~~ ~i~~~, ~~~ek ~~~ ~i:rl~~o~~hr~eeil~~:;'fr~en~~lS~~~ ~1~iS:n~tr~tr~, "~~~;~ ~~~a~·tl~r~ 1wo '1o~rs l~n~~~n ~as sened I tr'he M C :~::;ll~o:er~:~~::~ ~~~Ul~~~ha folks ret rned home ~~nur~%~: t~s~::~ th~O#~~~L;~v~t~~1,,' :,·.N..· om,.'!a."n•.•.... ,Gehrke ,lspen". Sunday ho e. relatives in INorfolk Saturday, man and. Laure,.ce 1..!i!.llen qr .Leigh. 11('3,("(1 Rptlllnwll ('hUff·1t I s('IJ Llnds,l~ s TuesddY e\enlng last l\le <!Il{i ;'\11S Will pst Mana Mrs. Sheaff's parents. Th~y rc-

~:--t· '\ r d M u l..b B h Mrs RohrkE' pisite-d Mrs Brauer -r r (ReV elF! J:H'dC'1('1 pastor) ~ IW~.hil~.~m..r ~:~~~~~r vis.ited Sunda,y P~I ," I~~; at;:~~e~f ae~~jn~lyrg rt~~ wh~~ is in a hOfPitul there: ,- , Hooof('(,l ~rA-;I~lJ\,prsur,y, DIVIno servJ( l' 9 <1 \\ l cf~ll L Igl til! C,lrl P[('l([crs and ~1:(EI'k I "\~r~~~r ;~~~ts l\-~ t~ll~ln>J~l:~ tu~n;,d a~~id:r~s~\~~ir~;. Schulz and

. I er1 g at Ta~Ha-Z uka park un- MI'.. and Ml'~, I-Ians Asmus cn- 1\'I,'ss -r ila Ml:'\.p. N£",:1r\,' sul'!)l'is....d Sunday school,](J ) f' 'C' I lh B k 'f " d M J' \" d I f IatA"t.".., ' . 11 J,-. .. F·rl·d. "1'".'1""" t""')1 "'u,,' .1.1' .amll('shu(\pllnlcsupper C j (,S h(' l'lan", \nrUdlgams mL all 1 rs. 01n .ar ('t ast" da Thoy '"'ere at Er t La tertaincd at n"-h08t picnic supper 1 e ,Is I' ""d "I" I" y '- ,.- ~ U.; , 1 '.' 'fh d b f','V PI . h t S d t . .. '¥ , 'nes n en- Y leI' pal"I" n~ -'. I.lly I.eolllq's ,'I"agIIO 11",""1 $' ,'It 11"" l'lc'r~ raUl th \\ Ith the Mar lin Lages ,d.nd l\lel\ III Wet ts \\('-1 (' at Bakel s ~!rs ay y car or I' 'lg!E' lAkeer~le', ric spen u1l ay a be g's Thursday. I the Fourth~for!the families of Ed. Ne.ary, \V.I.,en f1e el.'.. I'.'l'.tclin.. C'.C.1 qt '" '- I I d d Ca~ada, 10 spend 10 d;~s or t\~,~Albert ",!M,~ierhenry's. i 1 WI P Mao.s, Willard 1\,'[aas, Harry Strate, 1 '1'1 J man Mrtrtcn... jr:, hOf1C, Thr> Frrd HUlds \\~re 10 Pcndt'l Ul'" a~ I vOJllng an thr Ra~ ,.

'M.iSS'~'A:rlene Asmus was at Har-- le a tel' et~rson famil' of the Neary, lOn lUirS( fly In hOll- __ i Sunday last week for the tunelall,r-.;lcka]S fam.J1y \lSlt(d ,hCIC Wed- weeKS,. Dor~s \Vard remaineu wi,thry Stra e's Thursday. ~; ~~,:s~~~~a;er ~~ ~~~~'s~o ~~~ i:.~r~~n~~f~;n~n~~,l"~~~~ie~il:= ~~'l:~~ t~~l;s~,,-Ot lc~~C~~~llfa~~~I~~~('~I J~\'lt~. IJnlted' ()rl'1l~f:rn Cillirch : of .Mrs. Hurd's uncle, Herman ncsday even mg. i ht',.r grandparents ~t Taylor, Ncb!". •

...-\ '-I'M,'ls"o'n', Thd ' UG"redeany'aVfatSemao'on,CIYde tur ed that ev.en~ng, Others rc- henry and Mrs.: Mattie Voss, Erwin UIl'lch, 'am UlrIch, (;corgl' (Ref\-'. E1ra H. Sohl, pastor) ~ Kal. ." , I ;"11'. ,md Mrs, Artliu~ OdC';.;aard _ lYhs. J. S., LeWIS who had beenlW rna ned for several days, IVI)'. and 1\1rs.i Fred Markel't and WIttler, Ed\vin Ulrich, Donald Po- Bib~e school, 1U a.111. I: ,ThC,.LOUl~ Tests \~'ere at ca.rtrOJI I. and .\Iaxlne were In th~l Fred ,1nd, \ J~ S,:O,tSbIU[[, a.~d MISS. Mary Lf,'W-

. , . Roy Meierhenry ,spent' ,ahiweek Ed' M,'. "lal'I'"l'('S ,,''0(1,(','. ,'III (,,' [')un~ Divine v.: rSh1IJ" 11 a.m. IKavunaugh s last \\- pdnesdnY e\'C'- Floyd Johni>(JIl home nC'~r Pender, II."> \\ ho leaches In Yaklma, \,.['S, ' lth Lun eck and gn nd- l' '- doll and lIara d UIi'H:h ?nd Mrs. ' I b' dat. the Ernest Strate, sr" home, da ghters, Sandra IWilkie of,O 1a~ lap, la .. and 1\-~rs. Minnie Brown Ern('st PIlls aId 1\11:, ;lnd MI's. The' atle qan('(' at bO,th til(' com~r.' tning f,,", K,a\-anaUgh'g hlFth- Tuesd<-tY f'vening la::;t \ '('('1<. ;'IIr. a~nw at Ihe~r home he,!,e last

The Ed. KnUnth family were ha, and Bonn"" St'a"h"r of (', un- of Omaha: ~llTi\i,'ed Fl'ida,v to b(' in munio'n s(' vicf' and ('hddn'n's davl jday. \ and Mrs. Clarence 1\('ls n, \11'. ;md \\ Nlnl'"uny, ;'IIlss Maude Curley of:,""y , "'- ..... Oaklf'Y1 HpCd'IA tV\'o-lil'l' wed~ - I d F 'k M' , ,

Sunday visitprs at Art Behmer s. ci! Bluffs, arrived ',JUlY t\ 'to s ('nd the Ml's. MarLha Hohrke -JjonH'. cling cake dl'('O 'aled wil II J bridal (:xercis('s -,,' :\Vas , gmt irying. The! I TIll' ~OUIS i\1J1lers an ['.an . t'S. C'.lrl Johnson and IVI-lync of I camp a~ far as Estos parkRoy Neary arid Erwin Ulrich ten days at E, E, Po(t",,'s. Supper guests Fl'dday W('l'e I\lr;, and I' missiona;y fc'Of[('l'lllg was :,)!).j.,lR. WL': i.l\!l'llil'kP• \\'(.'1'(' SUIl.".ay las."l \\l~(:k RanC'rolt., l\lr. a..nd Mr's. lLl\\Tl'nn' and. lake' a monlh's special <'trt',".e,- ,'n Elg,'n Thursday on busi· couple ccntel'('l till' ~a) c. Luncll- id hIt C 1 l\-I II llc I J t D D I I \\ol'l" lof f

'. <:' irs, Erwin Braach and da~;gh- 1\11'S, Frank _M Hel' and the Paul (' was seI'Vl..f- . Ttl(' Nl':\ry~ l>e~ always wei unw you und especial-i ' ,llltH'r to ues s a ,al' . e ](' 5', 0 Inson, ennIS, uane am Cur- . J Ole comlllg lere.ness. rei' Mrs, Dallas \Vetzel of or- Rohrk(' family. , cC'lvcd many gi Is. ly those who h<l\'(' no church [lome'l [I h(' Jol~n Otles ot CarroJl, \\·tre Iroll of Pender, were also th('n~, - . c_ ---

The Uoyd PuIs family called foJ -, and Mrs. Qeorgc Corn ltO!'! r...11'. and Mrs. A. Bruggeman ac- l ! - 'I ~lso Ihe,'e IOf' luncheon. - -- i !Spraying of Cornat Manley \Vilson's Sunday after- f A. I . II d companied by Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ';'r1nll,)! Lutll1'ran ('hllrd~ II' Mr. a",d Mrs. Manta Bomer wcre ArI' ImlJro\,jng 1I0'1lf'. [ P E .n.oon:, ~o h~~S'·l~~\~~'£'HIC~VeednC'~a .I-':d K~ngston of A111'n, and 1Hl', a'nd Uonondloll Birthda,v, (fi(>\·. \\' F Spl'C'ngete'l', ,paslor) : Sumluy l'p-st week dinnel' gueSlS at The Hl.'nry Rccgs ar(' !r'llii1rhin~: I roves ffectlve

Mrs. Minnie Marotz visited Sat- ~ose in the H~ns Asmus h m~' Mrs, Roy Kingston of South Sioux ::\lrs. LU.llisc lstral(~ \\-as honOlTd July D, Divine wurshlp at lU, f{ussell ~indsa~"s. Th(' I and rernode\l~g thC'lr .~'(,Sldcnce, i of :!A-D in corn, fieldsuruay in tl)e Mrs. Minnie Krause las week \Vednesdlay evening \ 'ere City kft last week Tuesday for on her Im1 hd/1 Y Suhday c\'en!ng HOlY. communilln. Chamhers. famJi~' .of Wakcfwld, I Thc work 1$ III prog[cs'l. nu'>\'. 1'10 and bitldv.:crd ishome, I ~ th Louis Bendinl Harry :Ol'tVl'- Fresno, Calif. They will visit when guests ~n her hOIl1l' W(Tl: I Sunday s,chool at 11. Illad lunc!~e{)/l a( I:Jndsay's, I ,-: Igetting results, tQ Dlx-

Merlyn Bruggeman spent the so, .Ed. Maas, Mrs. Harry St ate friends and ['clatin's ,mc[ plan to the famJlll'," o~ .Edwlll Eo Puis 01 Choir rch!'arsal Tuc'sday at H:30, Mrs. _N;, P. Andersen und l\-1rs, ('Iut~ To 'tl'E'! Today. Ion Cuunty Ag('nt Gil!l'_~-pa-st week t' the W~yne Thomas an, Mrs. Herman

lOpfel' fami ie/so attend a Shetland pony sale, I3lrmi~gharn, ~'lICI1., \\';tltCt· ['('lcr- YPS WJlli nw('l Friday" July II ILt'o \\'lCk~rt of Norfolk, wpre ~rogresslve IIomr'rnilktrs rtWl'I ~ pH'. Implcmr'nls an' ,It·

home. \ll~'Ryder of Orrlaha visited 'e\l~ Mr. and Mrs. lIl'riJert Behmer of son 01 ?rand !.Slan.d' :~(,ul~('tl, I\lil- ro...r reg~laI".• 1l.wn.thIY sattal C'VC'- Tuesday [ W('I'I., guests of ::\lrs. thIs. Thursday ~ith ~lt•. :~, .Ja~ll'''.I' t;H'hed. tr,wl'Jrs and lhl' Spr'l).-Larry Jo tin of Carroll, ~pent cr I days in the WeslC'y ohl Polo, Ill., wE're supper guests at l('r of Soulh $JOUX (1Iy, 1"nnntnlIlh' Sunday Juiy 13,1h£' group l\!elvlIl Schnoor. Mr. !lnc! ).lrs_IJOhnson . .\lrs.HC'nryKuthasslsts. l~ uswdlydor.1' the laSt

·last' week 1!t1 the Henry Asmus ho c. He islMrs. Sotd's fatH'r. }-!pnry Asmus' t!lPFourth. E\'t'nlng UIl'ich ilnd Salill:Il'lc!l and )'11' .. and noll I ha\'(' a,plcnlC a1 Ta~Ha-Zollka \\'m. Schnoor Hnd PclUl :\'l<lgrlan-L I --- '. - I IIIjhome. I Th' SohIs todk Mr. Ryder to callC'I's \\,e1'(' t 11(' families of Al- Mrs, Chal'll's I~ryant, ~1r. !lnd Mrs. par.k. All young.people' of I Ill' l'On~, \','PI'l' in l,h::'. Mel\'1ll SChnO()l' horne I . :\11'. ;:lnd Mrs. \\'11:_ F\;,chl'r 01 i \\'(,11 whr're ,Ire

Mr. and ¥~. Howard M.orris and 0 aha Sunday and returned I\ on- bert Bpllnwr, Lloyd Bchnit'l'. V('r- El'tH'sl Puis, ::\It,. ami :!\ll's. lli'l'man gl'('L;;oflon arC' mvltE'r! to both i thaI ('\'C'nmg_ Pcnd0r obscr\Td thell' g(~ld0n \\,('d-l and the cost is prohilJi- jfamily were ~t Ras NieJsen's Sat~ da non EchmCl', Lf'U ,JOl'dan of ('al'- Puis. ~11'. andllrlrs. }fa1'old r:aw'l'- C'}:enls. " 1\L·. and ~ll's. Ed j Timpe'rl)' and dlllg July G, 11\e_ ~ ~urday,! ;ji!1 'n, S d t ,. I roll, Clar('rtl'~' Carlson ami ::'Ill'. <lnd

The Augmh Koll family called Kl I, n('r gut's s un ay a I-' I 'or 2\1r::>. Fred Fn'\'nt of \\'aynt" ,:lud I." _~._-l!, "in the Erneh Strate, sr., home g s were, the fumilies of Vrn. 1\11'. and Mrs. E. ()~ lkhllWr. I I

'ThJ".~~;:;-andll Jill 1;nn PuIs were ~ ::~~~r~:~al~~:~:r~~~:,~of ~~'i'b~~~d ~~1~~. r~~~:i\l~)il~~:~:"~,~ D mGEST NE- a JS IN\ THE Pi J\ PEn T~DAv~:~~~I~·o\'er-night gu;sts at Er- ga~1: and Mrs. Frands Broderick 1"~I~;~,Jnl";":Y~:~;'I:;IC~;lIl~i:,:~~,:~CI,~~ ~ ~ . WI "j. M ..' . N j.,J.'., I

Mrs. Frank Kock :of Norfolk, and daughters and Mrs Ro C'l t Robert Sprl'ngeler who had b('cn I 'were at Gus ~Chmldt s last \\eek Halrper and Alland of BC'!den :lnd thcl'l' vlsilillh' and TUbs HUlh IWednesday thq I·Lim; Asmus f ImJ1v Vi ("l:~< at Sprl.'ngl'll'l' \\'!lo \\·<lS

Wayne and Bob Thomas \'lslted lIe~lllan Opfcl s lcl:::it \\-ccl. 11~(s- thr')'('. TIll"' :\li!lIH'sutaSunday after oon In the b nest da tumed \\'('1.').(

Strate h~me II! 'lhC Althur Splcngelcr V;i;:;ilors Ihe L ().Mrs Fred IBrumels and Lola Stt Paul Mlnn spent the- home Sunday \~'('t'l' :\-Ir and \'II·S.

May called a~1 ErWin Ulpch s Sdt- l,nfl of the FOUl'tll In the 1 [f'l'hcrl FkhnJ('r IJl" Poll), ll]" ;\Ii",s


eH\'enln~ "'1 ( t ,F Sprengelel home I ,\.1,'1','. "'1""'1""""',','",,', '"Ill,.,.',,", "I "1'"1.",,.,'1',',',.'_111'fS erm~n1Varen sr,\\<lsa 11 ndd)la\lsltleldtl\lSlll 'Sunday over-l~lght guest of l'vhs \'11 P 1<1 IlIr<.; of BL'lmll· ... \'('I'IlU_ll Bl'll-Martha Rohrl;.e ICllll dmnet "Ul><.;ls III lilt I dnd :\Slll:IS. :\11"s ndl-

Mr and Mrts Charles WmlC'1 of Ih

171!lS l\Ialtll~ Rohlk!' lllt'I'\\"lllll::Il! h(,le lhn'f' days,

Lincoln, wcrr,n the Ed vvmter \\ rc MI and l\lrs Frf'd t!! (Jrnill)(\ 11FI\ -home the Fa Irth MIS Mmnw BM'\1l l\lts with Illinois flilh

Mr. and Mr Max Drews of Nol-1 b " " 'I 1 I' II .folk, were at UIS Bloglen s \\ ed- ~~;Il-('~~~~aa~~Ck~~~IY JLdn dnd rum lI'rl' ~\ om ay or 1('11'

nesday of las \\-'eek I the He A f J II Hoill .-\nnllal Pir'lIlc.The famlll s of Glen FJln\{ and my ~mus ami) l r A-Tecn ('luLl Jlll'mhe]'s and l!Jell'

P 1 M'll ~ . th H· A' bert Behmers of Po~o, Ill., <In.l 1'".au I £'1' eredIn e ans s-I O ' Behmcrs, were at AlbC'r1 13('11- held tlwir pICOU:

~us' home TE urs ay, mfr.s last week \Vcdnesc1av for (It GJlmclI1 III PicnT.~~ .a~~ I\I~S'nl~re~i~~~mh:~J Jiu per. The IIJino'is folks - ~.\'('l'C at !l'nl!r'd,

ea e In tea y -I'th re Thursday also.last ,week \Vednesday, 'he Herbert Klu<" farllil\' and Oh"n\'(' Birthda,y,

MISS Ruth Sprengeler went to I '. '" -'. ,.' ,.E~ktondd~' D"f Sa/,!rd~y to attend ~;I l~:;,Il~u~;~~' sGu~~<~~~~I~II~O\\~:~~ I()n:\I~~',~,- Ld_ .lui) \~~~:(,:,H,~n~:~~(;(~t ~1we ~g 0 r: ncn . I to Jansf'n home in I'\:or[nlk, The I in Ihl' IHlIlH' lor pidlicd 1 ary. h c~ -ann ~p('nt SCV~t oc'asian h.onorcd 1.110 Jansen's 47111 dlfllwr \\('I!' :'Ill'S, j;rlH'ck-a~sMwll her -trran parents, r. w dding anniversary, • !In, .'Ill'. und .\lrs. Wilson,


r~ Jo ns'~n~ttsrftSu d )Supper guests:ln tl1l' Art Fillklwrn, I1rLwc]\I]('r. :'IlL Ddlf 1'5" ~o~~e. c r;1 . e th ~ ay home Sun~lav \\'et'£' Mr. and ,Mrs. Tottcnhnfl. H.u-""l'll H('!lmlls. LllJvd

r~r';~ie~e:gl~~~l~~)~ I-lhman l\'la;t~n. jr., 1\-lrS .. J-1C'I\man Wilsilli atld .\lL,~lnrl .\11'''. ,\\ \Vt~r-Mrs. Erwin UIl'ich and Dwight M~t'ten. Sl'., I\Ir., and ;\11 s. dJl~hl": :IIHI ] )1111,lId

and Mrs. Saq1 Ulrich alld children M~rt:Il, .]\[1'. Hnd ~\ll·S. Reuhenwere in Wayhe last week Tuesday. aJ1d famll~' a:ld ~.IUS ;\l:lrtpn. i

The Waltelir Rosacker family of ell'S. l\'Irn~lf' h.. l'ausc [Inri ,\lissNorfolk, we~ie guests at Clarence II\,'1r rg a_ret I,\c/,e., dlnnel' gUt.'sliS dt

Sch1'"oedel"s ~ast week Wedn'esday,/ F lfed Bru.t"cknel S Sunday. Nlr;l\andMr. and jlMrs. Et'\\.·int Ulrich Mft'S' Enul l\Ioldcnhaurr and u'I1SS

Galled in t~E" Harold Ulrich and D .lore.s Brueckner called thePeter Ulric, homes Surday after- afl~es\~oon and all \\'cn:noon,' g

Miss Ern~ and Mi~s Beverly Mr, and 1\11'5. Albert zau.izt~('rKrause arfd Randall [~,;rause a ..~ daughters of _SUllJ,\'an,. \\.':5,"at Herbert 11Peters' SUinday aftcr- ~ Ie at Herman Opfer s dln-nOOD, ~' n r Thursday. Mrs. IS

Robert I uss of Wakefield, a ousin of Mrs. ;\httil' Vossvisited Satu day and $unday in the h d not seen each OthCl'Ralph Fairlllanks and Herman Buss yqars. I-home. JThosr having Ipicnic dinnpr: SUI1- TIll' ,~ll'dl(' \V;I';

, The Reuben Miller fumily of I." y at Ta-Ha-ZolLlka park ill;. !\Ol'- JlItV :.!~I ;11 pilrkSouth Sioux City, came Sunday to t ll.;: \\'C'n~ l\lr. and Mrs. Juhn \tIann, lin',',,, I"", 'I jj{l~;(' <llll'ndill:"-: \\'!~rl'

spend a few days with Mrs. Loui$a s" Mr, and Mr,. John Man'h. jr., Ib" famdi('3 of, E_ A Sf r,lI!' (If

Strate. ' -i'=====~===:'t:=====:::======:t;The Hans Asmus family and Hu- IIgo Malchow, family of Beemer,were at W~lter Vah~e's.Sundayevening.

Mrs, Myrtle Weatherholt re­turnetl home ThursdajY after spend~ing several weeks \-vith Mrs. Mar­tha Rohrke,

Carl Mann was an over-nightguest Sunday i'\t Fred _Mannis, Hewe-nt. to Wayne Monday to visitArt Manns,

Elmer Schroeder of Dailey, Colo.,:was a Wednesday over-night guestlast week in' the Clarence Schroe­

, d~r horne,Mr, and Ivlrs. Ralph Faitbanks

and family were supper guests inthe Bill Arendts home in Norfolklast week, , I

M~ss Fern Piwenitzky of Wayne!,returned to her home Sunday a(~

ter spending a week at H, C. Mit~

telstaedt's.Mardelle Fletcher ~f Fort Riley,

Kans., spent last week with hergrandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Wil­lard Fletcher.

Mr. and Mrs. Manley Wilsonwere in Omaha last week Wednes~

day when Mr. Wilson receivedmedical care., Mr, and Mrs. Paul Wetzel and Ithe' Pau~ Zufz and Paul Rhorl·wfamilies were at Mrs., MarthaRohrke',s Thursday.

The J, F: Mann family of Elec­·tr~, Texas, came the Fourth 19 be

" :in' :the John Mann, sr., home and\with ,othe:r relatives.

, '::-!,13_qpper. 'guests in the Fred Mann'l10l1l:e-_: ¥?n9.:ay evening were Mr.

rS:1 Johl1j Mann: jr., and Mr.; fS. ,John [Mann, sr,

1'.: 'j '," ,,' apli:Mts" Clyde Wilson, Mr.aPd::Z~111'.:-,ManleyWilson' anq Mrs..l\iihiJie 'Brueckner were Sunday

'_i' s' at Ed. Brummel's.

~~a'~~h~~~~~Mr;~Ci~hr~ede~i StY.l~~r, after~eks, ,in:: !She~t<;In, I!'

rie_;' Wendt !~of, Oma-'hp_~id~:y ,~e~ek-end in '

:fR~~Wil'{f8 t;:r~,:Voss,,: ~rs:, ' Glen

il~r~n nnd l\tfS, Himsehlld'r<,n:spent Snlul'­

.,AS:m~18'1"r<J at:',Hhmp.n:i;Op(el"s., -t;tet;i,ds !,


Page 9: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1947... · NUMBER NINE High Goals Set By Kiwanis Club I l ;. ERALD~"14-.~;;-~'=:1 Ii EVENTY-THIRDYEAR

The Exerciser: Another Heav;en·on­heels Gold (Red) Cross Shoe ••• &

favorite of nurses, beauticians. die:Li..tians.


Foundation No.. 1. Probably M

other shoe made has brought 30

much ble,c:sed comfort 10 60 many,


Suzanne. Takes years ofT your step.Looks 50 young. Feels so young. It'sso-o-o romfortab1e. Fit.Tested, ofcour~e, In ~oft black kid.

that's ~hat millions of women call these

ts t'int'd in Court.Leonard ~Croix \"\'as fined SlO

and costs of $6.16 in county courton charge of intoxication. He wasgiven 10 days 10 pay tlw sum,

Marry at Ritei-iIn Homer Church

Miss Patricia Tighe Is BrideOf Joe Dorcey, Wayne

Business Man.

Mis!:' Patricirl Tigl1(', dauglltcr of

~:d ~:~:~~;c~~U~/~71{~'I~~,I~7)~le(~iIVIr. and' Mrs. St'cve LJorcl'Y, w('rl'married Monday morning. June 30,at 9 at St. Cornelius chut'ch jnHomer in the preSC'llve of a num­ber of relatives and .friends.

The bride "VOIT white marqui­sette gown and w'll an.d CcllTicdwhite carnal ions. .;\'£1'. and :\11'5.Felix Dorccy 01 Wayne, hrotherand sister of the couple, were at­tendants, Mrs, Darcey wore yel­low organdy and carried yellowand white chrysanll){cJnums.

A \.....('rlding bl't'akfast for rela­tives a.nd friends "ViIS ~('l'\'('d at theFindley tl'a room in South SiouxCity,


The couple left for Chica;..:o an."returned the last of 1he weekmake their home at \Vaync whereMr. Darcey is in bus:iness with hISbrother, James, in the Gem cafe.r~ey will live in one of Ihe houseson the W. C. Shultheis farm.

Mr. Darcey servcd in the armya few years and was in the Pacifictheatre. His bride was telegrapherfor tile Union Pacific in California.

First National Bank 01 Wayn~'I! I C~ARTER NO. 3392 " ,

I ., ,

. Statement of Condition 30, 1941

L.t's W •IP, I


_ j l I

We don't like the black mar~et any more than ~o, but treY.: are desperate and we could take ad-you do. Our business is based n selling new and antage f them. The same goes for combines,re.conditioned ~oods at establ 'gKed prices, plus nd mas o~her implements-but we don't loper-giving 'year-around service a d carrying a full te our bUls~ness that way.stock of parts.

I I Some Qf you have the same temptations;. TheNow and then we are faced[ with the tempta- ~hought of imaking an easy dollar by selling your

lions of the tiJ1iles. For instan:Ce, we have many ~rnplements runs along the same pattern. Maybebuyers for every Jo!f!ln Deere we can get. !you have a comparatively new piece of "farmSome peop,e ne~d a tractor soi badly they might equipmerit that somebody, is ·trying to bU'IY for,be willing to- pay 20 ••. 40 ••• fr .even 60 per cent :more thaQ you know it. is worth. But if you .ell itmore than the regular list pric, • They don't want 'and pock~~the cash, the black market ~akes

lover. Fin*ny, some other farmer has to pay .p1"ore~ !than he ~hould. Later on; you might dis~over I

jthat you ~()uldn't get along without that iri,lple­ment, so Jtc!>u could become a victim, too. 'ri theend, everYllody loses but the black market Qper-lator. '

i Or may~e you are the farmer who nee~1& a',lcertain pieFe af equipmen~8obadly that yo!willing to Ipay almost any price to get it. our!overhead I,.high, and without proper equipl1lentyou either an't produce the crops, oil' the co,t offproductio : soars. ' :

! You arel the man we are most interested inserving, alj!l.d· production of new implements isincreasingl Wd suggest that you avoid the blackmarket operator, who will take advantage of you.

We are John Deere dealers, proud of the com­pany's llQ 'years of hone'st merchandising andfair dealing. We pledge that we will do our verybest to alliocate .fairly to our customers ... thatwe will nqt take advantage of present conditions... that we will sincerely and aggressively battlethe black ,lrnarket. We want your friendship whenit is all over •••

, . A Home from lIoSlJltlil.I' '.' VI. II. Nanglr' has returned to. Be J.. DR. NOSTETTER & SON ~1~"~c°;,::':;~dh~~~~i;~~;n(~fl':cl~:S,~::';::

PHONE 276 \ i, I WAY'NE. NEBR 116 W 1 ~ccl<s following a 'troIH', . H".is. ', • at ImprovlIlg, A man anl:l hIS WIfe ~

, ' 1 ~ " are staying with him. I ' : ' ••••••••••••••~.BRD.DgB~m~~ifDm••gmRmmmmBmrnmmD~m8mwDowccmDssDaammmcces•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~•••••••••••••••••••••~•••••••••B•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••m.~••a ••••••••••••••••

,:: I .,,.. '


'I :1 1


b~d~'j'8 Elected of 300 and .'s11C largest in disjl.rict W AJYJE RE1DENCE I UndCl'g-. o~leration.'FO.r L'e'g:OI' Polt Three, IS BO GHT BY KYL Mrs, Wm Fredr ckson under-

..... ., The.. Jumor baseball 'and ci 'eus Jo n ~(yl, wh IS a new member ~ent an operatlOn I st Wednesday·Wayn.e ,'Legion .'post meeting ~- were- discusse ~,y members. I of W y e city s hool staff bought lr a local hospital. I

~,~,~~dD~G,'W,ShUC ~.S:Ncl·onsc~dlMtw~ek,thesleoceatl~west~th~ G~~~I~ I~~~~~=~~~~ ~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~=~~~====~_c.~mmand~r. ,Wril. S. Nelsop v ce 1 the I\1I G ·fflt 1 t t- Th 1< Is 1'73 d YCOmIn,.'ander•. Lawrenc,e. Felt ad!U- ~I~t-'~·r~c: le'-,Cate-h-=-F-lre. I. 0E'ngrIher ,efs a e T k

e Yh .1. Mrs Mmme gy left last r . ea - No.9 S 2 PJ .. '" are I I rom e ama Thursday for Roch ster to consult I-;-;;--;-;:r-:::-I~:---T~---:~...:..-t-+_:",,-,:::.::,:.:::::-:..:.:.::..:.::::...:..::.:.:...:. :-__...:::e:c::.::..-=~a::g~e:S~1..:t:::O...::6

d •.n...t. H.:erm...•n. finance .OW cr.., Ne·} 01 1 t I I The To John~o~s who were n 1 h J,'~n,7~dm~~~~~e.r ~~~gP~:~~~:~~~r ~~ :~~n~Wh~t t~re.CY~ffern.~.~~ the ro e:ty moAv4d to M~s Per~y SPOClfihsts,.abNoeu,t

v~'grenht~a t . Weddi 19 Se .·~ice Su.nset Meet ng II MOVE TO MISSOURI BLUE GRASS· SEED

of the Four h, when it ca~'gh' Ress gUI,e s rcsl.ercc at 014 west .,. I H l~ fPl t to HAVE FUR 'FARM IS HARVESTED HERE~ Dqn, , Emery, Geo. Claycoml;> . n"d fire when t e driver, stoppe it 3rd s rec

it. __ 'I _, _ "I Raymond J, Steiner, was ap.- Is eld IJ~ SOltth sea '0 '

I)l;>,n. Dion comprise ~.he execu~ive th H K' d _ f II. I d t d b I .. 1'...11'. and Mrs.. M. R. -Fpust l('[t Dlue grass seed was stripped atcommittee, Officers will be- lin- nneat"h Me . ar


t In'r"hr sb'laUori on d M 1V Cell iJ?hointoed gChne-ralllPastcng,er a,geolt 0 ---~. diS(J:S~S ~.nere d~~C~~~~~I'\I~~ saunn~ Mandl for. Billings, M~., whcI1c the J. T. B,csslcr, jr., A. T. Clay-

I· ~ or am s tee, e aze was 1\'[1. an rS', ." orye went 1.1 e ma a ra war 0 rep ace ;.. ~ th I t k th' h,.' stalled August 6~ 'soon extingui ht-'d. Wayne firemen to ke Okohoji Monday to spend Edward L Pardee'who served 51 • uros rth Weds set meeting held uly 9 at 7 at cyan 0 ma e ClI~ orne. comh and D. B. Gifford fanns in

The 'post now has membcI's~ip responded, thrc week:'>. years.·' Miss ances eay at the Ed. Gathjc fann fCilur miles They re going to operate the this vicinitY.last week by repre-

--"'--o----!---+.:..:.-----t---------~::.:::f__::.:::------- 5,Out.h of Wayne. I Foust fur farm specialilzjng in sentalivcs of the Nebraska Seed~--- Ark nsa's C~urch . h' h'll d' I h' C \\ .• Several state spcc.iaJj~1s were genUlnC c mc 1 a an ira) ItS. 0, 'hen the men left they re-

M' F ti P here to diSCUSS vatletl('land dls- They nbw ha\e fl\e pall'S of chm ported the harvest about over asMr. ~~d ~ar ~e]. A~a~;a~l~ll~~~r~~ eases common to grams In thIS chllla 1 Mr Foust, a nephew of llie seed ,:,"a5 ripening too fast.Ville, Miss.. , nd Dr. Jphn W. Gros- territory Farmers \'.-eIT told of Tcd Foust, had been crnp~oycd atk:urth, son ~f Mr. and Mrs, J. w. tests made In relatlonshl to YIelds Ted s Cleaners for a )-ear and a De\~:~'~-;ds~ai?::ra;r;.;~. andGroskurth f Wayne rere married of the various typQs of o~ts Tests half Mrs. Curtis Foote, burned theSaturday, J ne ::!8, at the First were made on sa-fnple5 !fUrnlShCd - ------- thumb and forc finger on his leftpreSbytcria~ chu h f J b by Wayne county farmer I To Gne Examinations.Ark. rc p ones oro, ~__ _ :vI1S~ Marle Wrlght wbll gl\e ~:anctet;~\"hf~~u~~hw~h~~ldi~:i~~~

Mrs. Groskurth is f. gl'aduate of J F Passlck SIghted a !icer ncar tcachGfs' exammatlOns Saturd~y, ploded prematurely. The injured~~~is:~P~ol~~~usco~l~eJeh},>orb~~~~ Emc:tson last week 1 I July 19, at the court houSe. : members arc healing nicely.

employed a~ sccretaty to Dr. W.J. Edens, rrresident lof Arkansasstate collcg&.

Dr. Grosl1urth \\'''15 graduatedfrom Nebra$ka Slate Teachers col­lege at Wayne before C'nlisting inthe flrn1l'd [nn'po;. lie n'('pivcdhis doct:or's d('gl'l'(' at the South­ern College of ()lJto~n('lry, i\1r'rn­phis. He is a mcmhcir of the Ume­ga Delta fraternity.

After a short tI'ip thl' coupleplan to, make t hell' hOIl1l' ill themidwest where Dr. Groskurth w:11practice.







Capital StockSu~pl~sDividelnd Declared June 30, 1947Undivided Profits and ReserveDeposits







Resources:1.',•••••••:•.":••••..•••=••.'~'=•,.e,...... =-,'.;".;,•i,



ILdans .and' DiscofntsOverdrafts .' I .Ban.king House I. .Furniture 'and F~xtures .Federal R~serve Bank StockU. S. Gov t Bon s .Other Bonds .Cash and Due from Banks


i .' . I ' OFFICERS and DIRECTORS I·O.M. J€~freY, President . 1 L. B. McClure, Cashier

'I Adon Jeffrey, Vice President . Mable J. Hurstad, Ass't Cashier,,; Burr R. DajVis, Vic Pre ident Albert M. Kern, Ass't Cashier ," =

1Walter Benthack ,i

I I =!'r 1 I I I , =

"" JIII~I•• , I 'I I I I I I 1 ::

" ,'I.',', ",' " ,It ," 1 I, I 1\ , ' ,I •.............................. ..................•.................. ••·······•·················•..················1····1···.,••••.••••••••~..•••..•••~~•••••.•.••••••••.....•••••.•..••••••••••••••••'=".,1',.111 "1',1',',' ,III 'II' II: I)' I;': I: " I': ',I, I' """, \I, I ,I' " I ,


Page 10: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1947... · NUMBER NINE High Goals Set By Kiwanis Club I l ;. ERALD~"14-.~;;-~'=:1 Ii EVENTY-THIRDYEAR




~$1.50 DOWN

$1.25 A WEEK

Jl~::~t:w~ew 6.00_16\ on Your Car

~You'll like that Big-Carperformance!

You'll find it fun to drive a newChevrolet. There's power and pepto spare in the only Valve-in-HeadEngine that powers a popular­priced car. And Chevrolet's Quiet,comfortable. road-hugging way ofgoing is so restful-so rel~ingJ






You'll like ourservice; too!

tHIS-you'll love' 1

But your greatest thrill Willcome when you find outthat Chevrolet is,the lowest­priced line in its field .•.and the line that costs l~ss

~~evgr~~~t'~i{h:~~6~~~~:~tgives you Big-Car Qualfjtyat Lowest Cost I

StirtzOil CO.Phone 70 Wayne, Nebr.-,


AT LESS IHAN ,PREWAR PRICESAt least there is oo~ product your money willbuy that performs better and C05ts- less thanbefore the war. Ids the new B. F. GoodrichSilvertown that oUltpears -prewar -sires for lessthall pre'wid pr;r;es. •New 'technical dev¢lopments and public de­mand have combin~ to give car owners thisnew tire (1) with: improved quality. (2) atreduced prices.

e 3rd day of JuiY, 1947, Harry on the 26th day of July, 1947, atrumrnels and Ed~'ard Brununels 10 o'clock a. m., when all pel's ns~led thei~ fi~al ac aunt and peti~ interes~ed may' appear to 8h Vol

tll?n ~or dlstrlbutio of the residue cause why the prayer of the pe j ..

Sf saId estate, a drtermination of Honer be not granted.It£' ~1f'irs .and for a discharge. Dated this 3rd day of Ju y,"IC'armg wlll hf' h~d on ",aid ac~ 1947.~ount and pC'tilionl at th(' County (Seal) J M CI;IERR '.¢ourt Room in \V~yne, Nebraska, j'1O-t3 .. County Jud e

IC············r••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• PQESCRIPTIONS ,::11 ~O R:EGIST~ED PHARMACISTS •. , Your prescription !:• "Ill he ar~curately 'filled by a registered pharmacist only. =9:


i H. r~~~~~en~!!!.\!!~t~~r!stg "i~~.n ••=~.B••••••••••••~••••••••••••m••••••:




£vcrylhillf0111the/'I7Ce fqr~_BI'G-CAR QUALITY

You'll/ike that Big-Car styling! '=:~

You'll like the ron~, low lines of the ne~ Chevrolet. You'lI 'iikethe. look of ":lasslv6':!8SS and: sttlrdiness. That big', ,b~utiful

~n~~~ej~~~Ddrrc~S fi~rd~'Sher, you knOw_,the _only Body by Fishel


Wayne HospitalPhone 61

Wayne, Nebr.

,Yow'lI like these Big-Car featured

Chevrijlet's packed with features thatgi"8 yOU Big-Car comfort and safety.Positive~Acti~m Hydraulic Brakes, forexample, with exclusive design featuresfor safer, surer stops. Unitized Knee­Actiorr, for instance, that adds stabilityand ease of steering; as well as ridingeomforL -

Rei;Ll Estate and All Kinds of

Insurance Except We

Wayne, Nebraska

NenrocaJometer Service112 East 4th St.

Phone 49 Wayne, Neb.


(Est. 19141

Rf'al Estate 'and Loans'Farm ManagemetJt

Over First National' BankWayne, Nebr. tf

J. O. Wehtworth


Phone 168'

W lter Benthack,I M.D.I and

1 •C, M. Coe, M. D.Ph~.icians & Surgeons


OffIces a.

Be thack HospitalPh..nel~8 '

t '

Dr. Geo. H. Go'blir8c~DENTIST:

X-ray ,Stat", National BaI1\k Bldg.

Phone 193W WaY'1e, Nebr.

,\Vhen Jon can us, we knOW.; how


lfeel. We un~ersta~ 1

~~n1 • Cory~l1· • "to eo.t....L1c.""'dEm~ PHONE ~S2 . WAYNE. N~R. ,

I-'io-+-~"""l_-fI~I....;;;I ,...~---------""""i·ie

I -:, I



",-NOTICE TO CONTRACTORSSealed proposals will be received I ~;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;~;:;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;: I

until 7 o'clock, ,p.m. July 29, 1947, I: M L 'in the City of' Wayne, Nebraska, artin.Ringer~~: t~oen~~;~~~~~~go~f :~t;d~~~ean~~ REAL ESTATE FARM "OAN8in Paving District No. 15 of the Writes every kind of insitranceCity of Wayne, Nebraska. : except ,life. Special attenijon to

Sealed bids will be re<ieived at Farm and Automobile Ins"p,rancethe office of the City Cler~ in saidCity. Bids will be opened and pub-licly read. Bidde'rs are invited tobe present. , I

Plans and specification~ are onfile in the office o~ the Cilty Clerkand bidding blank$ may be ob·tained _from the Citiy Cler~{ or .theSpecial Engineer, J\Oseph! C. Hey· I~~;;;t;;~~3~~~;;;t: Inolds, 519 South 51 \Avemte. Oma.1 1

ha, Nebraska. Bid~ers ;desiring DR J Tplans and specificatlonEj ~or their • • •

~:~i~=:r~~~s~~~ai~.S~:ntl~~ ~~~ ~ILLESPIEon payment of $10.00. ' , :Optometrist

The Es t imate of the appJioximateconstruction quantities and the un- C MPLETE 'VISUALit costs are as follows: ANALY51S

Unit Price9252 sq. yda. 5 in. Reif'" hone 30S-J for

forced Concret~ or 6· iii. ~ AppointmentPlain concrete pavement.. $ 2.60 J11 W'est Second Str~,et

3953 Lin. Ft. 24 in. com~ ""'

bined Cone. curb'& gutter.. 1.25


<;;:;~:a~~E!~.;;:;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;N~,~e~b~r.;; I3700 Cu. yds. excavation... 1.00285 Lin. ft. concrete header.. 1.50131 sq. yds. concrete pave-

ment to remove; ..... ··79 Lin ft. 24 in. curp & gut~

ter to remove...,.._..",..... ,.... ,... 1.5094 sq. yds. concret~ cross

walks to remove...;.... ··· 1.352 concrete inlets to re.move... 15.0080 Lin. ft. of 24 ,in. curb ,&

gutter to lowe~...I


i. : I I


Baptismal RitesTo Be Conducted

In German CastleAn occasion which will be of

special importance in Americanand German families-is the christ­ening which will take place soon inthe 131h cenlury castle of Countand Countess Robin Adleman inLudwigsburg, Germany. Judith

,Ann. daughter of Capt. and Mrs.Wayne: Walters, and Count Mich·ael, scm. of Count and CountessAdleman, will be baptized at jointcex:emonies with each couple serv­ing as sponsors ,for the othercouple's baby. The infants willwear the royal robes, and the oc­casion will call for a special cell'·bration. JU&lith Ann is a grand­datl;ghtl?r of Mr. and Mrs. E. J.Fuesler of Wayne.

The 50-room castle is one ofthe historic landmarks in Ludwigs­burg. The Walters family havebecome gOQd friends of the Adle~

inans since Capt. Walters has hadoharge of the prison camp in thatcity.

Mrs. Walters has sent homemany articles which have, been giv­en, to them ':for kindnesses shown.One is a pewter plate of the 13thcentury bearing the House of Adle·ma'n crest of arms. The countalso presented them with a fancarried in Qourt by his grand­mother. Thlp fan is of grey 'satinwith hand-painted pink roses. Itis 150 years old.

Rations are so meagre thatGermans ar] most grateful forfood or sma es given them byAmericans. On one occasion Mrs.Walters gaY a Gennan womansome food {or her sick husbandand the lady! rewarded her with acut~glass dish which is a familyheirloom.

One Hollander asked the Waynefolks to save; him a half pound of~offee if possible for a lady friend.lJ'he man had escaped from a naziprison and tlle lady had allqwedhim to be sheltered in her homefor a year.

Even cigaret stubs are prizedand German peap)e either smokethem or trade them for somethingthey want.

When DaVId Walters was 2 yearsold the women who help Mrs. Wal­ters had no means of buying toysso they made some for the chHd.One was a lother rocking a babyin a cradle nd the other is twochildren on ateeter. The dOlls',imdall are mad~ from ,scraps whichthe Gennans saved.' One of theprison~rs malj1e David a three-footmodel Ship. The child speaks Ger-

m~r:s~~ert~t-~e::gl~a familyJieifloom demitasse cups. Which ap~

,~~!'~~.!Ii.lifllllll.J.'11pear to be lI~aVY brll,ss and "Uve1/',~ we:re (given t e famil~ by! a prison-.ell' whom th y befriendt!d, Chinapi.ces given fern are fFi/m a fae·to'r that e1 sed more Ihan 100

;".' -'y~al"fP ,ag:Q! ,'!'

Id....O.':u.ll.. ~.:"..',.,o.':r.a; ;.'~ ;:~..~.t%...~r~.a.I~~:a...,t~:J'9;j1:~Y'" 'in 't;J;\ . ~:"peasant ~~g'.

':C;; ..... '.' ,Ii:, '

WiringWe have aD matel'lal ADdfl\:tures tor a complete. job..



The Fineot In WerlonanshlpaDd llIaterIaJs

Lestel' ElectricJack Ii. LesterELEOTRIOAL


46W1120 -,eng", Wa:f1lO. Neb,

tf •





~:<;:irl~ :+;i~~i AM· Fj. Shorf Wavei Console d Tabl~ ModelsI If it is a new radio r servicej:n the old onei I we cat1 take care of it

I McG'uigal1 Radi Service' ,: 319 Main W~yne. lIeb.i Phone 311.....~ .

'!'::'.',:".,'.!~. i;!'B'..·.,'.'.':,',.i'lti'.':,.'•• '··."•....:".,.::.'.C,',·.···.e."I"~II': ",': 'lia 'iD,''0· I' eFe~I~I'~.bbal.:a:lge;d::IJ;;teasiF~oeUl:~,t~he~wl~l·.al:,~~a::pi{i~e' ~i';;e~~;:a~~~d.eatved and han~ 11

15 t::~h::_.~~t.~(.~ ...~~~~.~~ 7150 ~:n2~~~:b;rg~fg~~~ira~:i:ic:~~;, ~'; -" 1 l~ Tmy hand~carved doll furniture :532 Lin!. ft;, 24 lin: pipe s~w- ! f~al ~ccount and ped~ion for dis-

.' , <.':,:' 1'< A r' C ' . t tI F k H I to ;F~:O=~ ~": F~~~:i~" ~~tai~ ,41~rU~;ftJi:iF'ip~~J~~: ~:~~ tributlOn of the resi~ue of said

~en;< •. 'T'·. "k'i,,::.,,<.·<,·~tl,'~ts~ .ro~~~f::~~:1f~~~i ~Z~J!~~~~i:~tfu~:~~::~!~fh~:~~jEt~.~:::I; ~~.~~ ~tli~J1~~:~y::S,;1.J~~,~:a~~~oi....', su...•", en m. y uays ,l'n Bre na pt'eel·net. : ~Fr()m Nor hern Nebraska. Jour ends are also ea v d • ' d '4 h ·t" I. 'P"

51> ' r e an~ pamte, open -t .roat I €Its , ,15.00 a clock 3. m." when all, persons in-'o'fed' 'F'krms in. Area !The afeway company has lease~ naI, Ponca, ~or June 23, 188t: Th by hand. A scarf of fibre and, Each bId mu t be BfompaniCd Wrested may appflar to "show cause

To 'Be ·Stnalle... ''':> the D . T. B. Heckel't buildin .Ionia volean~ i~ behaving b* peo~ hand-pound.ed pewter and silver iby a ,eertifie~ C,her'k in n amount why the prayf'r of the petitioner:' "'. and wi 1 open a grocery store. pIe of that v.icinity say·ther~ is nj plates are 1Ocluded. not.less tlllan five (5) er c('nt of b¢ not granted.

'~~lY I?ays ,from the w. yne Grif ith Garwood, 67, early! telling when an eruption' Th~ Germen genius is shown in the total am~\irt.,of th ,bid, pay- D8;ted this 28th day of June,

,.,ne.i'lil.,,.....~ fQ.r.JUly.... 9.,1,9.31,. . reside ,t of Carroll, died July 5, occur .... Pros,peets for er01(8 a..I'. the bmocular~ electric sWl?eper, able to the City Treas reI', of the 1947.'''1 . W/lYN!'~1 CO~ jubilee eel • 1931. good sillee. the drouth. was: dis three electric toy trains and a toy City of Wayne; Nebra~ka.. as sur~ (Seal) J. M. CHERRY,

'tion ~'\(ed"'a gY'eat suecess 'th Mrs. H. H. Cruickshank of pelled. Plums. raspbernes and wl1 automobile which Mrs., Walters ety that the bidder to' whom the j3t3 County Judgeih.ousan,cls. attending. the thr¢e day Wake! eld sufferbd severe burns on gr~pes also promise good. Yietd '... sent. The toy car, only ~bout six contract is awarded will enter in·Observance.,,BecaUS'e' of min on the h nds when a gasoline sto.'. E.\('I'Y part of Nebraska 1S p ovm~ inches long, is equipped with foul" to a contract and give ]bond in an ',.If' NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT

Saturd,q, tb.I"cliosint.,day" the ~er-- eXP~od. Id. The- back porch of the rIC 1. enough .to p-rodt,lce goad IYield gean: or",Vard, one reverse, and OIte amount equal to the c~rltract price. OF ACCOUNT(orrnance W8$' held' Sun,day and CrUle}t hank home was burned. . .. The IllmoiS raIlroad is, bE'in runnmg hght gear. It has a brake, The City reserves t~el right to re~;::ds~~r= e~on'f."~: HnF;:;,e ~a::~·~~~~i;.!I~~rt Mack· ~~~~t~~e?s t~a~o~; :'al~~~ ~~,~\u' ge~:~~a~;~~~c~~~~~FS and two 1~e;':i':!e ~~yai~reb~~~a~~~:;V~~i~~ c~:nl~eN~~~~:Lcourt of Wayne

mon~n.t1ilonaring'. pioneers f:WS\S' P. A Theobal? is remodeHng hiS. pcrUllC:ld.~lnt of t~(' Indian a,gency children bve in the furnished home fonnalities therein. i ~Thc State of Nebraska, Wayne>unveiled. on ithe CClUrt house 1 wn .lumbe yard offIce to represent an ... ThL }< llurth \\'lll bl' an ev(>ntf~ of a German banker. The offi~ By Order of the *ayor and County. Jane vonSeggern. grandda gh- Englis bungalow. d~y ... The Covington, Sout eel' is responsible for all prisoners Members of the City iCouncil of rro al! persons in1ert'~ted in theter 'of J~I T. Bressler. one of the Ray Philibin and Miss Elhm SI?UX CIty & Dakota City ,stree .in the c.ity. His tour of duty is' the City of \Vayne, N'rbraska. es~atc of Clyde A. McMaster, (lL'-cOUI;ity's earliest settlers. Shaugl nessy were married July 4, railway sysfE-m is like a bu~ble i out nex1Hall and he may reenlist. r- Signed, L. W. MCNATT, ceused: ', Peter NiSletl. 30, of near Alt oa 1931. ,the watN. It has come and gOIl . -------- ,-, Attest: Mayor. You are hereby notified that on Idied July 3,' 1931, from inj rie~ ~ A n w census taken indicate.s Co.vington refused tb vote a fran LOCALS WALTER s. BRESSLEfR, the 30th day of June, 1947, Rul-Suffered.. ,whQP. a trnck struek his that eb..raska farms arc growing d.1ISC for the cO.l11pany to u~.c th' ..4 City Clerk. lie W. Ley filed his final accountcar near Ja'ckson. Mr. and s smalle. 'Wayne county has 714 streets, so the pt'oject has bee Jack IDale and Stanley Samuel~ Seal. j3t4 and petition for distribution lif theNjsssn,~dfQurchildrenand rs: ,that a 100 to 174 acres. gl\TI1 up. It IS said the nex son are doing construction work re$idue of said estate. a determi-Njssen's,,;reDts, Mr. and B,oy and Knox countic-s have move will be to secure a motor line near Longmont, Colo. NOTICE OF PROBATE. na~ion of lhe heirs and for u dis-John J'o~p. were taking been g anted $800 each in state aid over the pr(j)poscd roule ... It Miss Nancy Mines went to Lin- Estate of Hay Wes~ McClure, ch?rge. }-Iparing will bc' had oncattle t~:~~'iD a traUe to h.el rid the areas of grasshop~ appears that a thrr-e-fourths in.. coln Thursday to spend the Fourth deceased. said account and peti.tion ilt 1h('tached tq.:~~car~ M.r-. 'j&.. pers. terest in the 347 acres of the c(>l("- wilh Miss Patty ThOmpson. In the County Court: of Wayne County Court Room in \Vayne,sen wal\~li.ot...~ au' t~ t~ W. . R£'es of Carroll underwent brated Masst!'y land .has been sold Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wrignt went County, Nebra$ka. Nebraska, on the 18th day of july.battery ~;i.cddeDlauy;' bY ,ariop~ atian in Wayne. to Mr. DnvC'llPOl't of I:t0ck Iplanq. to Omaha Thursday and visited in State of Nebraska, to all pcr~ 1947, at 2 o'clock p. m., when alla paS!iJll~., :arl

Y\Vayne EW'ntR. Ill., for $7,5UO. This IS on.IY par~ the Jack Durrie home until Sun- sons interested i.n .~aid 4state, 'take persons interested may appear tn

The W~'Savtdg& 're.. F W of th(' Massey land holdll1gs of day. notice that a petition has been filed show cause why the prayer of thr'turned from<I)akota ~Use Of 191;~ ..~yne Herald for July 10, about 1,000 acres. The transactio~ Mrs: A. B. Carhart and Mrs. J. for the probate Of thf! last will pe~ition{'r be not gran~ed.grasshopper devastation and the rth~l;~d~was the- mecca of does not Tl''ieal any informatio~ W. Jones leave about Jul!y 15 for al,"ld testament o~ sai ,deceased ]bated this 30th day of Juneroute of the carnival wiUbe ~o e s e ra.ka July. 4, 1913, (hat uneowrs the myslery sut'- E'les Park, Colo., where they will and for the appoinlmen of Bertha 1947. L..'

ranged." t~~; ;;~'~i~~t~:~~~aJt~~~~t~~ roundi~g the lan~.. ha~~ ~.c~~~~tuo:n,a mEovnett~'tt Dal'" McClure as ,executrix, iwhich' has ~SE!'al) J. !\,r.ICHERRY,-;;G;;;;eo~.'~Fra;;;;~hm;;;;~ca~p~t~u~red~~a;;;co3~:Ia:ndb gies to attend the celelJra- SP(,(,l~t e::curSlOl1 trams wUll b~ '-- - '- '" been set for,rpearing (pn July 11, J3t3 County Judge1 lion. c. Weather was hoi ann the run to ][a,·,mg;on and Randoll,h. A Lindsay and Dirk Lueders were at 1947, at 10:00 a. m. ----- ---

temperture soared to 109 ... Hen- camp nwctmg IS l,n session at Ran~ Park Rapids, Minn., fishing from IJ. M~ CHERRY, :NOTICE OF SETTLEMEXTry Ley bought a steam launch fo dolph ... Deputy I'reasurcr Wheel~ TuC'sday last weel< until Sunday. (Seal) Co~nty Judge OF ACCOUNTuse <;It l'Ystal Lake ... Home tal~ CI', who drov(' "from \Vakpficld to Mr. and Mrs. James Brady came j26t3 Joseph G. Rqgers, Atty, In the County Court of \Vayncent p esented the play "Th Ponca. reports ·the land and !crops from Ames Thursday to spend the County, Nebraska.Witchi g Hour," at the' 0 er: to be mOlt' beautIful than arjly he week-end \\Ith the latter's parents, NOTICE OF SE'IiTLJ<J~.EST OF The State of Nebraska, \Vaynchouse .'. Cliff Penn was Ch~sen has ('\1:'1 SCPO A perambu]atlOl Mr and Mrs Frank Griffith, Jr GUARDtAN'sl A(:dOUNT County, SS.

~~s t~:i~ ar;;~~~.aio ;~a:n~:~;;~~~~ :n~s~',~ltc~,IO~'';'~d~)OI~~hS~~~~d~ N~ll'~ia;I~~~I~;,:1r~n~~~~:~i~: C~:nt~eN~~~~;L<court'of Wayne es~~ea~r;~~~~l~n~;~~~lei2course I... \Vm. Brune, 64 died t feet from the ground l}(tween th Vf>r ",ent to West Pomt ~ark the ;The StatC' of Nebrns}.w, Wayne c('ased: 'h' h nh th f • a top of the AYI('S store and th Fourth to mC'et frJends from Oak- County. sS,' Ylou arC' herC'hy no1ifird that11S19~3-'j.e sou west 0 Wayne July top of the DOlsey bank USing onl land for a plcmc To all persons interested in the -;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

, . . ,a long pole to balance hlmsel, Mrs Ameba Lessma.n and the matter of the guardian$hip of and ..e ~e~ fa~lh~move to Wayn(> the man \\alked, pranced, tumbled! Robert Johnson and Wm ParentI the estate of Ellen DtllJerud, de- G A' La h

ac 1 e~.. ey come here be- lay do\\ n and performed othe; familIes arn\ed home June 23 af~ ceased: • • m ersoneau:~ ~\IIS IS. t~e ce~ter of an eX· danng feats on the rope ]f he had teT spendmg a week 10 t1he Black You are hereby 'no1iQed that oncep 10 a y rIC agrIcultural coull- fallen he would have brok~n his H.ills. They stopped in' Sidney

neck. A crowd of at least 1,000 With Chas. Le.ssmn.n and :his chit-·watched him ... Some 20' years dren. J ' ,. CAvANAU'GHago a steamboat sank in'the Mis' Mrs. Wm. Bennett. Jin!Jmy and ' !souri near Lime kUn and just re~ Nancy arrived July 1 from Tolono, lNSURA,NCE andcently a jug was found to comfi> Il~ .. to spli!nd about seve~ weeks REAL ESTATEfrom that sunken ship and, float with her muther. Mrs. Rollie Ley, Phone 84-to shorr-. . A move is on foot and .other~. Rev. Bennett is at- '";;;;;;;;;;;;~~i;~;:::;;;;;;; Iin northeai-;t Nebraska to have a tend!ng a sf'minary at Boston uni- .; ----~.-..--non-partisan judicial ticket at the verslty during this time.n",xt election ... A new church Mrs. Jennie Johnson, Mr. andbell has 3ITived and as soon as it is Mrs. Glen Johnson, Mrs. place it \dll call Southcreck Korff, Jack and Jetry left Tues~people to services each Sabbath. day la~t. \.veek to spend iabout a

week VISItIng the Buford Johnsonsand Clarence Johns'on at BeunaVista and the Albe-rt Joh;nsons atFort Collins, Colo.

Mr. and lVIrs. E. \V. Hughes ar~rived home last Wednesday fromwestern Nebraska. Mrs. Hugheshad accompanied Mr. HUghes onhis travels fur two wC'€'ks. Theystopped in North Platte to see Mr.and Mrs. Chet ,Walters. :VirginiaHughes stayed !With her grandpar- ~~~~-,.-

ents. l\-'[r. and Mrs. D. W. Hughesat St. Edward. ' '

Page 11: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1947... · NUMBER NINE High Goals Set By Kiwanis Club I l ;. ERALD~"14-.~;;-~'=:1 Ii EVENTY-THIRDYEAR




Home from Hospital.Mrs. J. G. Bergt returned Satur­

day from an Omaha hospital whereshe had a cataract removed fromone of her C'yes. She is improvingnicely. .

Moser and daughter, Jean, of Wis­consin, came from a distance. TheRobert Rineharts and Elmer Rine­hii.rts were present from thisvicinity. ThC' Wisconsin foll(s w'ereat Robert Rinehart's in Waynefrom Friday until Monday whenthey went -to \Vest Point. I

119 E. THIRD


('lub PlaIL~ Picnic.Altona Social club memlirs and

families wiH have PicniC:. dinrernext Sunday at, Brcssler: park.Mrs. Arnold Siefkent enjertainsthe club July 17. ;,

----.- ~ i Ttw summer picnic of Nehras-c . Btl,"," Jki.1l R(.~mjdrl.. : '" Ikans will l\e held at Bixhy park inA !lumber of _r('latI\'es- we1"e, al Long Beach, Calif., July 1~. Bur­

nre-:-.slcr park in WaynQ ,Sunday ton Chase, formerly of Stantonfor the IIein ,'('union. Mr~. Sarah gives th(> welcome. '

:~~~al~~o~~e \~~'~~i~~.Har1s o~-Picnic guestr at Elmen n ne-

hart's for the Fourth we~e rs.Sarah MOser and daughter bf is-consin, Mrs. Lizzie I,.onge n:nd . d­win, 1'...11'. and Mrs. Rouert R~nehi;Irt,

and the families of Otto Td~, fkr~bert Echtehl,{amp and AlvinJ; LOIjge.

I ,


Not~ing peps you up and cools you off llikea warm tub or shower! Try i; after a llon~. hot day ... o~ after a swim. YoUj IIfeeLcool, refreshed, !full of energy.YesL authorities s~lY nothing cools like'warm water! To h"ve constant hotwat¢r-always on tap-you must hav~ anAutbmatic GAS WATER HEATER.With plenty of hot, water you , f I:can really EN]Ot SUMMER!: !

. ::

Yo:u see more in this 'postwar Studebaker: : : yap drive mor~: confidently!You hear more people wishing ~hey owned this ~tudebakerth~n any other car!You feel more comfortable:: : ; this Studebaker rides with amazing newsmoothness .•• it handles with delightful neW ease! 'You get more postwar features such as ublack light" das~ dials that don'tglare and brakes "hat automatically. adiust themselves! '



I 1

" I ' II I




~H~RCHESJ{~h~lstinn ('hu rell.

(He\". Rf'bert Evans, pastor)Bible SCc 00.1 at 10. D.. i\"ine wor­

ship at 11.ChOlr Til Ifsday at ~

En~lish Sti. Jnhn'!; Luth. Chul"('!l(Rev. Rfb(,r1 KrusE', pastor)SUl~day_ s >hoo.l ~n9..Bil.11(' clnss at

10. Sen'lc al J!),~.J

:-; 'huul pIcnIC 1Il Ihe park

atCholr TllL;d;lY at H::;lJ.





sticks to the job becouse

'it resists .pounding<-with­

stands washing effeft of

water. Ideal for ports that

carry heovy

shoqk. loads.!

Pla.y at l)pudt'r.Wakcfield_ band under thL' direc­

tion of Stephen Fowler, ,went toPender Friday.vp participate in Ju-ly 4 celebration. , ,

·.Meyer Oil (0.Louis H. Meyer

Phone 486 310 S. Main

!·.··W·.'·'·l.. '.'.' !i., :.. " ·.·.k. f'....•.,..• I"' .• ',1)' ele!I ""j, " , ' ~' , '~r " , ' . I

ent -- ~ilyne Hraid Ii ALT~,N~~BACK Staff Corrcspon cnt

roW!gFolk~W(ja, S Cl·e:t';. 1,•.:Fune,"V~'ce [traveled through Cana4a and the til Saturday. iss Ma¢y,1 Hicks vi~~dar:~~sA~~sa:ee~~~nlh~:~· '" •., 1W Ch h • .- , J e- • 'ed d H Yellowstone park. was; also a Satu day supper illest Tuesd;aY,evening last week.:. ',lii:th 3:yrie: nrc i So lal Forecast': on uc e ere Rev. and Mrs. Ervll· Gustafson there. \ . i : ' Mittie Heine and Pat Hook $pcnt

VFW Au. iEary meets Jul'. 14 at I .Func~al rites we e conducted ?-rrived home Friday atter spend~ Mr. a.nd Mrs. ~. FrcinzC' and Sund~y afternoon and evening lastM.'i~& Dorothy He.'yd,on D,r'ide the hall. Y :Wed~esday, July 3, f r Mrs. E. C. If\g about three weeks n the west jDal.e had Suni:la Cl.inntJ~ ~'t Mike week jn ~he T. A.· Straight home.

&1 \VCTU m mbers will han' a pic- :~helhngton who pass d away June coast. They attended h(! lannual Draghu's. . Frep Erxleben leaves this Thurs~. 9fLee,H~senatRites nic lunch Friday JIll . _ I 28atherhomcherc. , church conference afld visited Mr. and Mrs. Dean t''~?tlefsen day for Atlanta. Idaho, to spend

Held, Saturday. ~ark. ' u y ,.1t t 1C ~t{'la: lV:S ~1l'r:, ~ror).l. u .~lst~ncC' friends and relatives. dinner gue Is,the {lUrth at sever",-l weeks ,vith relatives and" I • "'Jolly Bid ers will entertain their ,r0l lh( lItes \Hle tv.-a. slstelS?f Mr. and Mrs. Roy, Wiggains, Aug.'s. I friend~. ~

Lee Hansen, son of ~lr. and M~S'1 families at chicken dinner at 7 deCC'HSPC~ Mrs. Jean Blulr an~ chll- Mrs. N. P. Bressler nhd Hildred, The Will Lu ts andl Marvin Mr. ~and Mrs. Fred Pannin? LInt!~,e]~ ;Hansen of SUp,erlOl', and MISS' July 10, at t c park. ' dren of Gordon a.n~ Mr~. Jessl(>.~f'- of Gordon, and Mrs. ymie Hinton DUhklaus spent Thursday evening Mr. a,nd Mrs. VictOl' Panni~g 01'.DO.'.O~hY Faye HCyd.;on, daughter of presbyt('r. an Ladies' Aid mects leI'S and son of SIOUXlt.y ; famllJ('s had Picn.iC supp~r with Mrs. at Howard Mau' Hooper, called on Mrs J. G. pcrgtMr. ~~d M~. Byro~, Heydon of Thursday, uly 10, at the church of Ih.I·C'l' brothers, .Ar ? Connell of Evelyn Wiggains the Fourth. All The Chas. Fr nzens and Ray- Sund,a~. , ~ I.

Wakefield, w~e);elnnrlle.d Saturday parlors wile M. rs Ell P_ tt Ya. nkton. GrOVCI. Connell of had dinner Sunday at iRoy Wig- mond Ottes we e at Fred Ott', MIS. Irma Kraeme-r of DIxon,at 1:30 .a.t Wesl'. chapel in W?yne Mrs. Elmer Beck~~hau~r :nde~~,~' Cu'Stcr. ~. D., ~nd anley.O·Con- gains'. for Sunday dinn r. e s, visited in the Ernest Siefken ,home~ethodlst ~h chI Dr. Victor Mary Smit will set ' " nell of SIOUX City, tl1c family of a Rev. and Mrs. Robe~t Evans re- Dr. and Mrs. . A. Tompkins of! from Wednesday until Sat~rdrry~('st,_ perfor .ng the double ring __~_v(. nephew: Fay O'Connell of Sioux turned home ThursdCJ.y f.:fter spcnd- Omaha, spent !friday e~ening atl last week. I

cerc~on~. Socit'ty C.lty~. Floyd ShelilOgton of, St. ing about. 10 days withiRev. Evans' Cliff Penn's. ~eir so$, Gifford! Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Stt~ight!he b.rld:- and her attendant, l\Jpet at lIa I. ~d~1l'.S, ~ l\1m~., brother of E. C. parent>- In Truman, lJvIinn. Miss Tompkins, retur cd witH them af~! were Sunday last week ~lnncr

~lSS Bonm~ Schroeder of Wake- DES owt .July 1 <11 th(' hall to ShclhngtQn and others from ~or- Noreen Evans, J sister, came with tel' visitjng a onth in! the Penn; ~uests at the Duane Kramer' home-fIeld, wore aark drescs. The [01'- conduct reg: lar business M" d folk, Randolph, CanoJl and Wayne lhe Wakefield folks 110 spend a and D. B. Giffo '_ homc~.' , In Conco,rd. !mer ,had a white rose and the'lat- Mrs. Ray ilts served it; hO~~;l~f also attended. ;A. son, John. of month here. Mr. and Mrs, ~lobart )Auker en-! Mrs. Ernest Bahde, Put ClI1p, Bar-'tel' ,a red rose corsage. ,Gordon their birthd :ys. Ba~on ,.Roug,e, La., who had -been Those having cooperntive supper ter.tained at a Furth of July pic-! bara of Wakefield. and ~rs. VlrgllBressler of Pender, attended My\ ."'n" hCle \\-Ith hl~ mother, left. Friday. thE!' Fourth with Miss Pauline! nic supper. Gue ts were, Mr. and! Hyd..,e and baby ~f ,HastIngs \H'reHansen. Pi<'nit' at P\I'k ,JUll.C, a rtaugh.t~r fropl Van Nuys, Hypse were Mr. and 'Mrs. T. C. Mr.,s. Art AUke~.Of Wih. side, Mt:..i. at C. J. Erxle.hens fhursday.

, The b;ldal 'party had dinner to- Past plTs'dents of the American f:11il ., IS r('mll.lIlmg hurl' llldefinite· Hypse, Mr. and Mrs. ~. W. Hypse, anti Mrs. Earl crchani, Mr. an~ Mrs; Maggiegether at Hotel Morrison after the Legion Aux liary und theil' families ). Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Hypse. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beck nhaupr, Joan and! and I·.lmpr, Mr. andservice. had picnic uppet' June 30 at the ""c"."'e Ra•.•• , Mrs. Ben Lund, Mrs. ~ophia Henry Sally, and Mr. land I\11~:i. F. I: \Vochlcr and sons \\1'11' at, Allll'r!

~ d M' A d' H Moses and Bob. '.' 1 Greenwald's TUeSday. e\'l'!llng LIstMr. and MrsJ JrIansen will make fpark. Abo t 25 attended. Rain amounting to .98 inch fell an ISS va 18 en~tf. t· Sunday dinner guests ~t Howan::l\ week. . "

their home in Wakefield. where - here Saturd,"Y morn,·ng. Mr. and Mrs. Alvlr Long and M' A ~ 1\11' and Mrs Earl Bcnn t lthe former is with the soil conser-I «'or First] i1·UHlay. sons. and Mr. and ~rs; H. C. Barel- au s were rnl"ld Mati of Grass .. ' . -'~vation service.. '" pa, ul Joh 1son. ObSerYCd. hiS.' f. irst man and An.gela wefc among a Va'lley, Calif., Mr. and ~rs. Henni vLSlted Mrs. Harry Ben:wt 1 SundElY

l d Hold Rt>r,-ular- MN"tin~ f f d d E"Mau and the HC'nry c. Mau and af.ternoon. last. week Jfl a SIOUX_.______ )il'th ay J ne 30 when guests at Lions met TUC'sd~Y even'ing to group 0 rIen s an relatives who Gilb,ert Ma'u fam~li('s. Arnqld Mau.: City ~ospltal \\~crl' she underwent

"'.in Onr Colf'rldgf'. . ~~~'~~~'-~I~n< ~~'s were M~~.~ li'v.~~ conduct regular husirlless. te;;n~;d~:~~~~i~:r\~s ~~~~w~~ arriVed Tuesday! last weel< hy cat; a maJor operatIOn.

Cowlearll«lcfele,ldea'nt,o'=,'_r~ atctatnll'cdbCalsee,abta"Jdl Johnso1l an I children, Walle

er Ko~th observe his bir,.thd.ay. and will he in t~le Henry E .. MaLi Mr. and Mrs. ft.. II. Hansen andg v WAKEFIELD LOCALS }<. home a few wec ·S. : Rachel were Wcdncsd;l.y ('\'f'nmg:'>.amc at Coleridge Jul 4 Johnson nn daughter and l\-Il-s. L St'f d ourth of July pIcniC supper Mr. and M,c'I Gco.. I3<-eknlan 0 1. ,supper guests In theeo y . _Kenneth p, (;].;:N and daughters. {'(' ..... aut VI'S an Clifford Bus- guests at Herbert (jireen's were "... ~ fh

uy:; SPCll! the l,'ourth un Sioux City. Mrs. Grover Larsen ~nd Miss Elda Indianapolis, Vil'tCd .Tuesday an~ ompson, home. Mr:_ <H2° ..Mr. and Mrs. Benton Nicholson of Sidney, Mrs. Annl)l. Kay of Los we.dnesday last week here With. ~urdctlc IJ<~ns{'n. of \\lSnc.... I', VI.SltCd

had dinner and suppcoc' Friday with Angeles, Mrs. Detlcf iKay, Mr. and th~ former's un Ie and uunt Mr" In the cvC'nlrlg.the Will Korths. Mrs. Frances Fenlon! and Mr. and and Mrs. John Beckman.' Th~ Mr. and M~s. Paul Sphttgcrbcr,

Mr. and l'vlrs. JaolC's Thompson Mrs. A. C. Bichel and sons. young folks weI" on their wedding Dorothy, ,M::uJot'lc and E\'('1yn, andof Sioux City werc guests of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Don Peters and trip and w('re nroute east after Lavern I- re,,:ert wero. Sunday sup-I\iettic EkenJth Friday. Mrs. Geo. Eickhoff \jJerc in South visiting yeilO"""ttone park an.d per guests" ~n, the l'vl:-ir::n \\ endt

Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Hugelman Sioux City last week Sunday to sec other places in the west. Mr. home at \\ Isner. All bu, Doroth)were supp('r guests in the George the latter's cousin, Waltcr Bache. Beckman at PI tte, S. D., whoWatson home in Pender July 4. They had not seen e:aeh other for st<tyed at John, Beckman's \vhJ!e

1\:lr. and 1-1rs Alvin Longe and 35 years. The Wakefield folks attending collegk- here, aAd hissons WCI'e rclatives at EI- had supper at Pete Peters'. that wife are pl'eparl~g fo.r the minis-mCI' Rinehart's dinner and sup- evening try at Butler u~lverslty and theypCI' tlw Fourth Mr. cind Mrs. Harbld Holm and ,plan to go to J~pan as missionar-

NllSS Lois Barclman who all ends Ch('rryl and MI"S. Eric Hitz re- 'les.schou] at (;ollrgc, spent the turned Tuesday of last week afte-r\\'('C'k-cnd in palTntal E. C. spending a week wdh, the laller's

Bti,1'I('lm;II'll h()m(~, f """'. M, U""", u""" "~ rNORTHEAST

,I'ro;, I'nry r J"evert () \\'aynC', family ill Denver! They also:\1i~:-'i'I~' ('o\l:I-lillll ('hlln'h Inlll1 \\'cdncsday until Sun- visited in Colorado Springs and WAY ~ E

(~('v. End CtlS!<lfSOll, PiL"'!!!!'1 with )11'1' daughtC"l', Mr_". II. C. Estrs Park.fhursda., 1n, 11lllhn'st Barelman. 'ilml family. Mr. and Mrs. VI"cd Jahde and

prayer sCl"\:i('(' ,'\ pin 1\1rs. Anna !-\.ohlnwir-!·, Miss !\-Iar- Darrol returned Jtlnc ~8 after ySunnilY. ~uly (i, :-;unl1,1) ,('/IO(>! ilt and :\1iss Clara ,lIld MI·s. "pending about fivc weeks in Cali- SltH Correspondent

]()', l\l~l'n.if'g WOL.:ihiP ;\111. .\\'llll.('1' WI'I"(' ill Thurs- fomia and \Vashington. ·They 1IJI' Geo Ho'bC'IS \\(1(' at LI'-}.\·('IlH1g TOS\W] .';('1'\-1'"(' <II ~. ;111i11'nday \\"Ith visited Mrs. JaIHlc's'brother, Clar- n~st Hrammer'siSunduy last wcek.Quartl'rl. h u S I tl (':''' n1\'('t Illg ;lllrl ;VII'S II, C. Ban'lman {'nce Thomsen, in Sektttle and other 1\11'. and Mrs. bilbL'rt Rauss wcrr

\Vpdnpsdav ,Iulv Ui <II ,'-' Iand lamll,', amon!:'; a group relatives. On thei" return, they S d .. , . ' . ~ un ay last wC'fk guests al Henry

PLAN~tA1RE ST~RTED :~~h(~.h~~~ lh}~'\~~~ll~t~fpel' I goa:;I~~tr\~~'~Ugh t~e Cambridge Noltc·s. :

FqR FIRE MEETING l'iCI11C SUp~)cr gu:sts at Gordon Mrs. W. Johnson 'and sons of The Er'nest Grone ftlmily spentVeman p. J<~ischer, sccret<lry- NUcrlll)C'IW'I'S t1l:_' I·oUJ"th. Here the Glendale, Calif., were in the J. A. ;:n~~~h~S~'enin~ last weck at' Hen~

lreas~rer 01 the Norlht'Cisl Neb.ras- fam.J1~ps of 1\101'1'1:> d.,ustalson, Vcr- Seagren home from !VIonday to' 1

ka Flremel's association, annaun- non reglcy and Walter Moeller. Thursday of last week .• Rev. Ed- Mr· and l\lrS!. Wm. KrallmanCE'S that pi ns al'e heing made for 1\lrs .. Wm., Wolter r~turned homq. win Anderson of bakdalq, was ~e~s1thhlaosf~S.wee~, Tuesday at W. L.the 21ml ahmnl r'OJl\'('J11ion tp he last "('(lk l\Ionday 11"O1l1 Battle there Monday and returned Thurs·hel? at \~€'st Poinl, ThursdaY"I~reekw~cr(' rsh(' hatt bee.n visiting day to take the California folks '~rs. ~to .H'nnerichs and MissAug.ust 11.! Dclcgatc~ f]"()ln Llbout ;~ the \\m .. KIClI1 hd.,me SlIlCC' June to Vlausa where they will visit Ruqy HmnencJtrs \verc in I\'or1olk9Q towns hlave been lIl\'Jted to at- ~(l. before returning home. last: \Vednesda)(.tend. Men~bcrs from the local ot'~ :;'vII'. and ~l\1rs. Clarence Larson Those having cooperative dinner Mr. and MtIS . Paul Lessmang'anizalirJll plan to go. iJnd f?n1lly oj Fergus Fall:,>..Minn., and supper in the Hilding iAnder- eal~ed at Rev. . H.'s last

t---,- lefl. Saturday aftcI1 spendmg a berry home the Fourth were the weqk Wednesd y.

Cndl rgo('S Operation. ,vee~ with the latte'r's sister, 1\-1rs. families of Claire Anderson, I-farold, Mr. and Mrs. S, J. Hale calledGC'ne F iseher underwent an Ervil Gustafson. Anderson, Melvin Anderson, Anton Morday cvcni1g last wcek in the

E'J;l1ergency operat ion for appendici~ Mr. and MI"s. L. C. Nu('rnhrrger AndC'rberry and J. E. Bprgerson U(1yd Powers 10me. ,lis .July;) i n Sioux City hospital. spent 1he Fourth at. Crystal lake and Mrs. George Morcy and EldOn i'lle \\t'. L; \Vi~chh(lf family

I with Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Byers. The of Sioux City, and Miss Dorothy \"ishcd at Paul KruegC'r's SundaySI} A~:p Initiated. laltt't' who had h('en there a week, Miner. Mrs. Morey is Mrs. I1ilding e\'i'rring of la~t week.

V\Tal~efll'1d Jlre!TIl"n nw1 .1l11y ,7 rl'turn('d Sunday. Andcrberry'~mother. Mrs. Rlidolp~ Roeber sperrt last

".'h.. en. six f1em. bel'S were. initiate-d, Mrs. N. P. BI'CSS1.,cr ".md J--lildrcd wqek WedncsdflY afternoon withThese arc Don NJmrod, Lee Han~ of Gordon, spent from Thursday Mr·s. \Va!ter M~'yer in Wayne.sen, HaFo Calbert, Dillon Ncu, until Monday wi1h,!Mrs. Bressler's liThe Henry Bush $.nd Aug. Claus-Merlm Nil rod and Floyd Clough. mother, Mrs, Evelyn Wlggains, and • WI L BbyU R ',' . S~1l1 families W~f'C at Melvin Sam-Committe in Charge served re- other relatives here. L u~lson's last W~dne~day evening.freshment . Mrs. Wm. Hugelman, jr., and !Mrs. W. ~. !Wis¢hhof and Leo- q

__ children and Carl iPearson were nard called In Ithe Granald Wisch-I~fants Baptized. dinner guests Junel 29 at Wm. Staff Corresl>Ondent hpf home WednesdaY of last week.

LeRaynd Gaye. dau*hter of Mr. Hugelman'~ here. The folks then Arlene Draghu was hobe the ,'Mr. and Mrsl Or-..fille .Nelson andand Mrs. A:lbert Steu15e, was bap. went lo Winner, S. D. Fourth. I ~obert Meyer

lwere Sunday last

tized Sun lay'itt St. John's Luthcr- Mrs. Grover LarEn and Miss J;:l. Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Kru~e called \fOeldeks.dinner ~UCSl$. at Otto Heit-an church with Rev. Robert KruslC' da of Sidney, and rs. Anna' Kay Sunday in the Lloyd Powerk home. Heperforrnin the ,baptismal rites. Mr. of Los Angeles, wore in the A. C. The Kenneth Dunklau . f~mily ~" ~r. :and MrS. AUgust Kruegerand lVII's. obert Johnson were Bichel home Thurs~ay and Friday. had Sunday dinner at A~a ,Har~ <j.nd famify of! Emhson were lastsponsors. They went to Willi Bakers' Satur· vey's. reek $tlnday pinnf,r guests at W.

Wm. L~ ~1jd,j'infant son of Mr. da~. I . The Roy Spahrs had a wiener . Wi$chhof's.1and .Mrs. III Wascher, was ~Iso Mrs. Anna. Kohlo1eIer, Miss Mar- roast the Fourth with the Roy ; Mrsi' Verdel Hol orf and Stanleybaptized . t the same serVlce. garet and MISS Clata arrived home Days. I ~-r Denver, andlMrs Kate Rehwinl{­Leonard ersch and Elmer Frcese July 1 from a trip to the west. Mrs. Em'ma Hicks was l. in the e! of Concord,1 weI' at Paul Less·were span ors. coast. On thei~, relurn they Roy Day ~ome from Thursday un~ ft1an 's:last we¢k T.uesday.

••••••j'•••••••~•• IIJa:llllilllmllllIJiIllIll.PJII. : Mr.; and Mrs. Shirley Spragueealled;Sunday levening and Mr. and I

• ;Mrs. Chas. Plerso!n Monday eve-a ning 1ast wee;k at Roy Pierson's.• Mr.! and Mrs. D1 B. Gifford and=. Dick pnd Gifford Tompkins of• Oma~a, were Su day last week: guest$ in the- Da~ MackJin home

: at r:;~.r~~~ M~s. ~rnest Echten-= kamp~' Mrs. Alvina Echtenkamp= \ ~ \. I L J and lV,lr. and mrs. :rlerbert Eehten-• It '\. , f~ (-- • 'Iwmp: and SOil weill from ht'l'C' to

',h~II"i!.;:l. k:::-' ;, ~.~" ~ - ~ =atlend lhe fUhera~ of Fred Smitll~ ....~:C, !~,~:l:~,~I~~;J'~o;,~~~,I~wedneSday

Ii ~rl~~'0,,:, 'J)" ..on Your B-.nder Tw-.nie ;;'~~i0;~;~~h~~Y:~~el:~~l~


"· I/o day. :The fortrper ;spel1t the after-, '" \., 0~ noon 'at Clarkson where they at-

".' .:.· .. ·.· ....,'.i: :rIIf,i- " :.~i:el~ ;:;~. ~~~ ~:sdd;~~ne~~~~~:JII )1 "'t Th<l Vi"gil Ka~dells we'e Sun-.' :"':'i' ~ day l<tst week dinttcr and luncheon

• __ ,P'redictions to la~'ge small .i.rain harvest this year. You wI'l,1 want guest$ at Cllfford Carlson's at; _ • .l:!) Conrdrd. They ~re in the Rcu-

,,:,,-._ to be sure of"your twi e ... so ]lse Plymouth Green Top or Red Top.' This' ben Carlson home at Carroll, Tues-

t· . t t' d t . . day evening last eek and helped'.= wme IS rea 13 ° Ith~tand rust and Insects ... It's full length and full =Gail Sellon opse~ his birthday at

t rrth PI th ~. '11 I I '. . • Laur~l Wednesda evening,• S renE>' Yfou WIJ1e WI~ not tang e-thus aVOIds costly delays in the =.. Mr.: and Mr.'S. artis Sorensen

,1\.':11-'1' harvest fields.L Get y ur twine todah to be sure . =were Sunday laJlt week dinner, i .;r. • :guest$ in th,e Will Krohn home.I JIll'. • I ':I. 11 I I =Sund<l.y afternoon the SorcnscnsI III llemembe' US wh n you need faltm machine ,.epai,.s- Only genuine • attenil.ed the· SilY".• e, wedding eele-

_. 1, J h D I • f'~ =,bratlon of M . and Mrs. Cad Fre-,';:1. n e,.e repaz,.s l~1 and wea,. like the o,.iginals • Vert ~! Wa sa.' Mr. Frevert is

1,:'"1' Bl j. Brand,~ea:er60 Son !lL~r;;"~;.:~~";"' j;:::;:~!r§I:, WAYNE, j t ," WI~SIDE ! hn;;~~:~t~J~c:k:ect;;t1~~';'~;

',;.1-·" 1 I" i - 1 I • 33,0 volts df e~ebt.I11clty converted•••••••••••••••• • a.. •• • ••••••••11. • ItIl••••I•••••••••••• 1 =gravef and 1

5011Imto a glasshkje

1'1 " l:;1 [ I I, '1 IlL ' l., I •••••••••••• • ••••~•••.,.~~ rock. I I~,j I ! jli!l t J l P f t~ II -J I I'


Page 12: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1947... · NUMBER NINE High Goals Set By Kiwanis Club I l ;. ERALD~"14-.~;;-~'=:1 Ii EVENTY-THIRDYEAR


' ..










Office in HospitaL 'r Rev. R. L. Pitzen was iiistalledDr. S. A. Lutgen lias his 0 ice 'as pastor of St. Peter'g Lutheran'

in the Wayne hospital. Phon 61. ",c:::h:::u=rc=h:::a:::t:::p:::l=lg::e:::r.======-




In Radi·Grip or Bar Tread

Passenger and TruckTire Recapping

K. Rubber Welders. ~, .. .1

_ Complete Tire Service~I i

1.. W.FEI..T , .

IIbDAY, JULY 10. 1947





Tires I



Phone 289:.1



,~ , , : I W" H'~ Id! Gossard 0 Wayne~ Mr. and Mr .

~p,artm, 0,t --- .' '~ne I • '~Ira. ~~:~~i:ir~a:~~i:f~/a~'iiche:1: Kay GaJato of Sioux City, spe t.. . BY MISS IRMA BACK :"; I " last week J;.'th her aunt. Mrs. We).

i 'I ' ley nUbc-ql,{' while her paren~s

l'Offict?fS Elec~ed ,''', S',·Aci....'y I''omR'".Q!9'" fo!l<s were aq FranklRees' Th'urs- iFt. KnpX, Kyj., to be in the John ;~~~ O~a.~~~~~?~~~.Hr:~~I~n~a~;~'. For Legwn P st (l) "'J U ~ ... . I 'daY.~" Gettmanl hom~ S. Sgt. Cone left bell. also Of Sioux City, came Saf·a I1Ft' I '~ .Miss Barb ra Jarres, Charles' Monday for :1 t., Sill. ,plda" and urday an~ spe.n.t the w('ck-end ~t

A... t t.he,.Le.g... iO.'n mectin.g held.. July • O.C oR orecu.. 11III _ Carey and ob Vrzal of :Norfolk,. ~~s. Cone ~~11 r.emRlnt. herco ilntil Rubeck's.' Kay returned to Sioux1:, ,the following officers ere We u meets with Mrs.. Otto Baptist 'Clmrcb. were Sunda suppet guests at hvmg qur:rt~l"B are available. C't 'h hit Sui ••••a ••••••••••••••••, IJ•••-.__••••••••elected: Comfusflder. Jay D ke~ Wagnc .Jullv 10. Robert Ge ell·s.. ,I Gue!!:t.s in t~e E'. L. Pearson home I y Wlt'l e1' I pnren s 1,1- ••. " (Bob vlrzal. pastor) day •.vice gpmmander, Levi Robert.; ad· Me M~kers meE't· at Fred i Mrs. Law'cnee Ring and Miss' the .Fou th ,ere the Don Adams Mrs. c

1\.a Hue,l·and.Miss Fr.ah- I' •

. ~';jutant: Norman Clark; linan' of- Bairil' August 8. S~rvi'ces at '.'1 1 a.m. and S p.m. Mary EI,·no· of Wakefl·old. called' famll.y ard <Charles. Harm.on of ces of R JJlands.~ ,Cal,f.. arr,v'.d Gold Nlflgget .:teed ..f'icer, Richard Tucker;, se ice Knit~ing club meets with Mrs. Following p~rrayer services Thurs· Hastmgs Elrrlo Jenk ns fa 1 d '"' ~.

, day church leeting ·th M at Wesley /Ruueck's last week ' , I mi y an Thursday to visit Mrs, Huey's S18- •

~:~.•rE)~~nc.H~Z~~r~er~~:'~;!~: E~rs. ~~~~ini~~~~:' entertains Em~a Eddie. ' WI rs. Tuesday aft1rnoon. I ",;' ~~y~~~:r~~I~~~.'~~~i~e~nU~: ter, Mrs: C. H. Morris, and other ; :Donald uorn.,. "historian,' C stet Delta ek members July 11. Mr. and Mrs. Hegstrom bert calle'd I'n~ the afternoon. relatives. They went by plane :•• S 1 1 r:' d J D M' Now is the time to start feeding oor Gold. Nugget •Havener;'" membership chal an. Legi n Auxiliary will meet July t. Pall's Lutheran. 0 W~rsa~, 21. Y., arrIve ~Iy 1 The Faorenee Nieman family of from Alb?querquf to C'S vmes, ".

I De\yey Tho,~as. 22 at h,e 'hall ·when M~. Jay (Rev. M. Reetz, pastor) to be In the l'Tank Rees home. T~e Winside Mr.:1 and Mrs. Raymond where they ViSittd Mr. and Mrs. I Laying Mash to those} hens and Gold Nugeet Grow- . ACommittee in charge of se ing Haven r wJIl serve. DsuiVnidnaeywSoCrhsohoiPI,' 1110." women are fisters. , , Reeg .of' Wayne,: Mr. and Mrs. J. George HtJey and ahy bC'fore com- . ing Mash to those chi/dkens. W.e can supply you with •

w~s .Levf!+Roberts. Lynn Ro erts, Cat aUe Guild will meet with . Marg~ret lAnn Bla~k of Ogallal~, C. Linn lo! 4 urel , called at Fred- iog to c~rOlJ. ThC'y to spend .!Tom Roberts and Leo Steph ns. Mrs. d. Kenn,Y Juiy 17. Mrs. Young people will meet Thurs· IS spendmg ten days In her parent- rick Nieman~'s Sunday. Mr. and about a onth h~re. buttermilk by the bCj,~irel for those hogs. i

, I .,,: _.__ Joe D ffy INiIl assist. day, July 10, at 8 p.m. al Otto Bla¢k home. H1r paren,ts Mrs. Deran qeltefson of Wayne, Mr. an Mrs. Gerhard Wack;1:'r j. 'I •

C~iQmOLL BOARD :flap y~WOrkers will meet July met her in Columbus., . were there l~st week Tue,sd~y. and Ron ie and Mr. and Mrs. HoJ- • :~ ,c;f\troll. Nebr. July 1st 1947 17 wit's. Marion Glass wheh Congregational Cburch. Mrs. Evet-ett Davis a$d dau~h- Hugo En~strom of Vilrginia, lis Willi ms and; Marll~ Kay had : A good pla~~ to sell your. produce. •

The, ·bpard of trus~ees of the Mrs. ave Jones will have a book (Leroy Morrow, pastor) tel' of Red fOak, Ijl., arJiivcd Sat- Minn,. spent It he week~end of ~une dinner ursday at Edwin Rich- • :village'of Carroll met in r ulaI"' 1'eport Mrs. Leonard Jones will sSeurnVdiaCyesscalt'0~0:145a't 10'.45. urday to sprnd two weeks here in 27 at J. M. Petersen's. Mrs. Hugh ardg' In Wisner. These folks and : :session on above date with t e fol· assist. the D.tJ. Dflvis home. Engstrom and son returned to Mr. and: Mrs. Warden Lyons of • DAVIS PRODU"E •low-il'lgmemberspresent:C.J Bar- .Cat oUc parish will have a pic- Ladies' Aid met 'July 9 when Mr. andjMrs. Ben Ooner and Minnesota where they will make Wisner, were at"Wacker's in the: :.".meier•. Clair TheophJlus, erry me at~eal"1y noon JUl~ 13. at Car~ Mrs. Obe):Un Morris and M~. Ir- Mrs. Charl~'s Whitney add Stanley their home. Mr. Engsfrom Js Mrs. evening. ¥r. and Mrs. Lyons stayed • :JOlJ.nso.. u.; J. r.:.. Henrickson and roll ? rk..Each famIly is asked ven Graves were hostesses. were. in Wa thilllast week Tuesday Hugh Engstrom's father-in-~aw. in the 'fJilliams h~me ThUrSd~Y: Phone 78 Carroll, Nebr. •Edw. Trautwein. to brl g ctlJcken. covered dIsh and In the Jess immerman Horne. -Picnic supper guests July 4 in evening find the ~lchards famlly 1: ; . :'

M~etil}g",called to ord~r bylEdw. sandw,ches. CARROn. LOCALS The Leo iJordan fan!'jlY spent the Mrs. W. R. French home wereIat George- Wacker s. • ••••••••••••·~_•••J!I ••••••••••••••••_•••••'-••iI.:Trautwein. chairman. I ~'--: Mrs, M. I. SWihart was in Wayne last week Tuesday even ng in 1he the families of .Raymond OUe, •••••F••••••••••••••••• Ili.-••••••~••••••'.i••••••••••••••••••••••••_••• *~ iii

~i~.\ltes of kist meeting ,~ead. "Social,'! . last week MqI1day. Henry Asnius home nea Hoskins. Clare.nce GranqUist. John IIIansen .r ,arid,Approved. II Nellie a.t Park. . Miss Dor!s BoWers had dinner Larry rem~ined until Fr'day. and Ernest Oeewe and Mr. and "J

Th~NfOll.0Wing bills wer~ re d: i Me Maker 1$.. lembers a.nd Sunday at R'lirry Evans'. Mr. and ;Mrs. John tRethwiseh Mrs. Fred O~t~ and Mrs. Marie:. ,~eneral Fund their a~ilies had, a picnic July The Helin~n Thun family were and Mr. B?d Mrs. PerrlY Johnson Hansen and Miss Ellen of 'f\'ayne. . I d P P' F

Wayntt Herald proceedings I 4 at arroll park. They went to at Herber;t Thun's Sunday. were in Sio1Jx City Sundfi-Y evening Mr. and Mt-s. Stanley Griffith Sea' e ower a·rts ora.n.".ordinance · ·


7.65 the EJ.lmer Phillips home in the The ~ssdl H~lls were at Gus to sce the \i1idget aUlo rr~es. and Sharon nod Mr. and Mrs. Earl .Va nb,o ski r k, Remington. even!nlg. pa;~~e~.:-sau~UI.lrd~~gaefst~vmelooe n


Wen- Miss Ele~nor Hansen, flisS Doro- Crecelius of; Hagtlngs roturnedLymes, annual audit ·1······ 80.00' ~I - I.H &e thy HUrlbqrt and Miss Katl!u.'yn home Sunday from a two weeks' C .. d T t

Jt:.H.1;loney, salary lO.OO llano Mr. Coo)" dell El1dic's Friday evening. Kyl were in the Frank Rccs homeItrtp to the Black Hills and Wyo- ars an rae ors'v. R Scribner. salary 2nd I To elp, Mr. Cook observe his M:r,r. and Mrs. Geo. H. Reuter had last week ';ruesday aftelinoon. mingo They! vi!!:lted the WIomen's

qUoa.r.ter , : 150.00 ~irt.hd y, .guests In .the Ar.t Cook SUpr.r2r Sunday at T. J. Lute's. Fourth M July supver guestSl~ at sister, Mrs. t..loyd Jones and;family !,'. Light Fund; home Friday for supper were Mr. 1;\1e EVan Hamer family had sup~ Gus Pauls~n'swere Mr. find Mrs. C. at Lusk, Wyd. I

H. H. 'fIoney, salary lessl tax.. 42.40 and rsjA. C. Sahs, Mr. a~d Mrs. pe... Thursday ~t M. L SwIhart's. W. Perrin.iMrs. Anna Behrend and Picnic dinrier guests the Fourth Wei are 'auJhorized dealers for Sealed Power parts inJames Hampton, salary '25.00 Gilme Sahs and family and Mrs. Mrs. George"Beale is criticaHy ill Mr. and ~rs. Ed. Trautwein. at M. S. Whlitney's were Mr. and 'w. R,Scribner, salary Garwood ll.lId ehildreo of ,.t the home of Mrs. Henry Timm. Miss M~llie Macl La~e went to Mrs. Leonard Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Wflyne and' are now ready to supply you with theCol. internal revenue, with· Perry la. The Arthur Cook family called Fremont friday for Mrs. Robert Charles Whitney and family, T

holding tax for quart~r .... ~7.80 : - at A. C. Sahs' last week Wednes~ Johnso~ \~ho had ~e~n there a few Mr. and Mrs. Mil ton Stan- rewairs you need. .Certified Electric Corp, fus-· Club Picnic.. day.· days With; Mrs. Elgin ITucker. ley, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Doner and I

'es .. : .' :.;......... 7.50' Ha py Workers members ar~ Mr. and Mrs. AI. Thomas visited Mrs. f:ct. Hokamp, Vernon and Mrs Winnie Doner of Caldwell idWigman Company, sup~Ues .. 11.55 f~n ~:d ~tcnic the Four,th ~~~n?US JohnSons Sunday after- Lois,. Mr< and Mrs. jlfred BIer- and ·Mrs. Faye Corn of Mesa, I~l. .•

S!~~~~t~~~~s~.~ ...~~~.i.~~~~.~ 4.08 ~e: Mrs'.;ri~~ae~.G1:at~ The RudY1 Vlasak family were in ~~h~~:u:~gitJyO~;S~ ~~e~rs~nori~~~~ Fourth of Ju'ly guests in theElectric Co. lamp· and om. and Mr. and Mrs. tiew.. Walthill Surnday with the Gene Those ~n the NeJsel Granqu;~st Harvey Aeverman h.ome nearct ~l... 19.95 ey J nes of Norfolk, Mrs. I.irJ.UM Utechts. home Sunday for lunFheon were Wayne, for. ~ooperat~ve supper

·Machine Shop. bolts .. 15.50 Unde Dod of Kansas City,,' Mo., Kenneth 'Qnd Cecil Nettleton the families of Lavern Hardet and were the families of Bill Jacobsename~ Hampton, worl{ 0 Mrs~ ay Havener and Ted Hbrrell. are spending the weC'k at ,Forrest Merlounq Lessman of !Wayne and and Leland Thompson, Mrp ande~gjne"pase ._......................... 9.75' Nettleton's. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Evers of L~~l. Mrs..Leslie. Phillips: John. osts, G e n era 1

G. w~ ,Wingett~ same 1 2.50 Obse e Birthday. ' I Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hall took Mr. aryd Mrs. Gus ~olmson nd Frank Brudlgams, Blll Brudlgams, _ '4, Bpb I;Iampton, same 13.50, Di er guests in the Steve ~et~ Marilyn to Sioux City Tuesday f0it Mr. and.!Mrs. Emil OUe and rs. Fred Aeve~ns, Hennan Geewes -l!.Clyde PerrilJ. same 9.00 tleto nome Sunday to hOnor Mr. treatments. John Rhbades of Wayne, calle' at and Gus Jo, nsons. I :

M.artinPeters••ame 3,5O Nettl ton on hiB birthd.Yiwere the Mr., and Mrs. Harry Clabou~ Herman'Brockman's $unday ~ve· Dinner guests July 4 in thc C. Wayne Cy e.n·de.·r Shop .Quinten Bonta. same 2.50 ,Ray' apste!n famlly. Dallas Have. stayed at the'John Rethwisch horne ning. , , H. Morris home Nelson :George Stolz, same · t 1.50 ner amity. Mnl. Elma: Havener Tuesqay ni!j:ht. ~ Mr. and Mrs. R. J: Lidmil~ of Howarth of Bartlesvl1le, Okla., a

Amusement Furtd and orr~gt Nettleton flmIHy. Mrs. The Gerhard Wac er family Norfolki were at Herlty Hallse's Mr. and Mrs. Victor Howarth of FRED HILSON :G. W. Wingett, labor: a Paps ein. sister ot Mr..'.Nettleton, went to Hartington the Fourth to Thursda:1Y afternoon. The Hernnan FulIert?n. Nebr., Mrs. Cora Huey •

park _ ~ f. 26.60 bake.. the birthday caAe. Mr. and attend the rodeo. Thun falmily was there Friday ,qve· and MISS Frances of Redlands, 115 1/ 2 So Lincoln Wayne, Neb. Telephone 33t ..W •,Library Fund Mrs. Walter Hamm ~lled in the Mr. and Mrs. Claude Stanley ning. ; II.,: Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Harry :

Fil.lnlers State Bank. ren after oon. ' were in Laurel Sunday in the C. The- 'f/pndell Eddie family c,lIed Howarth of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. •

toJ~ybt M.OO _ J.Thomash~e. atM~Ed.HOk~P'sThU~pay\Ci~l~a~~~n~~~s~w~e~n~H~n~~~d~M~r~S~.~A~.~P~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~~~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~~~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~~:Faye ~utlbert,Librariap ~ 18.75 For' Irthday. John Sahs of Lincoln, spent the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ht-pryMoved by Jvhnson andie onded M. Vermond Nelson was hon~ holiday week-end in his parental Bock y.h'rc dinner guests ~h~re 11_1"" -- -----=.~~-.-----------::::----- ---~--._- ------- [I'

by Th~philus that the!biU8 be ~~ ored On her birth~ay Thursday A. C. Sahslhome. Friday; i :

lowed as read and the clerk be In- even'ng When guespt in the Her. Arthur Jones of DE'S Moines, was Mr. and l\-1rs. Norman q~,rkstructed to draw w::trrapts f r pay- rnan rockman hOl1,1e Were Mr. and In th~ Ftahk Rees home from Sat- wer.e ith... Imperial from Thursd~. to A · F Iment 01 same. Roll call: eophl· Mrs, Clarence Nel'on, Miss Janice Urday to Monday. Sunday with Mr. and M". ItI ff· ",I '. ttentlon armers' 1\:los, Johnson, Har.meler.. H nllck- Nyb rg of Blair, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bales of m('lstf,r. The Ja1!C't' is a sisto ofson and. Trautwem votml? yea; Ve ond Nelson, 'Mr. and Mt'S. Sioux Ci.ty spen~ Thursday and Fri· Mr. C'Jar!<. : I voUng nay, the motJdn, carw Claili Swanson aod Me and Mrs. day at Ed. Kenny's. Mr~' and Mrs. Ben Doner! andned. 1 Lewi Johnson. After a social Mr. and Mrs. Ray K01ly and Lin· Mrs. Winnie Doner of Caldwell, Id., 1

There ?eing !10 further.b sine55 even g cooperative luncheon was da spent. the Fourth in Sioux City and NIl's. Faye Corn iof Mesaj Id.,, the meeting adJourned. serv with Melvin Olsons. left $aturday a.fter spendi~g a


• W. R. S ribner . _ , The Leonard Blecke family were week!at M. S. Whitnli'Y's.Villag Clerk \Vlt IUn. Thomas. Sunday supper guests in the."Hen- Mrj and Mrs. Beaich Hur~be'rt,

I ry ~ack~er, jr.. home. . . Mr, ar'nd Mrs. Jess Hqnrickson· and I'~ Those having picni¢ din e'r the L1) 31 Neighbors met with Mrs. MISS Eva Mae MorrIS and MISS Mr. and Mrs. Barton Bailey <:lnd~' Fourt1\- in Wayne park \V re the Alfr d Thomas July 3 when guests Lois 'Jenkins had .dinner Sunday Jane: had dinner anl)i supper the i I

1,;:.( :;~~ilies of Claude Stanley. elvin wereJ Mrs. Spencer Japes of Nor· in the John OWens horne. Fourth at Claude Bailey's.' IManz of Dixon, C. J. Tho as of folk, Mrs. Pete Morris, Mrs. Lem Mrs. Wm. Pritchard, Allan and Coi:merative dinner' 'and supperLaurel, Howard Porter of Cedar Jone', Miss Lila Anderson and Mrs. Tom of Nbrfolk called in the Lcw~ gUE>sfs in the P. J. ChLllrch haTTie- theFalls, la., and J6hn Winter 0 Oma.. T. P. Roberts. Prizes went to Mrs. is Johnson homE" Friday. Fou*th were Mr. and Mrs. Tomha, and Mrs. Ger~l'Ude H m::!ock, How: Moms and Mrs. Clarence Miss Donna Frink spent from Church Mr. and ::\11t'S. Harry Fcr-Mrs. Lester Young and c ildren, . Mrs. Pete Morris received, Saturday to Wednesday in the ris and Mr. and Mrs. Herb S~ufelt.Mr. and Mrs. Milto", Stanle ,Mrs. gu pri~e. The next meeting will Walter RethwlJ!lch home. The Claude Bailejfs had dinnerAnna Grier, Miss Bonnell Grier be st 7 with Miss Margaret Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morris took Sun~ay with Wm. Swansons, Mrs.and Herbert Niemann of yne. Pete n. Robert Anderson to Madison Sun- Cla:rtence Morris and [patty and the

day to sp:.end two weeks. Leal Stephens family called .n theMr. an" Mrs. Howell Roberts atte'rnoon. All wete supper guests.

and daughter of Wayne, had dinner l\itr. and Mrs. Leo, Jensen re-

sU~~~i~~Ld~~~~b:~~'MiSSWiI- ~~~tc~ ~i~~~'~:~s~j~~;p°t~t~~e :~~~rna ~ens~h of Laurel. were at I-Iar~ coa~t. They visitecllMrs. Jc.n.sen'sry Evan~lSaturday night. sister, Mrs, Wm.,Houndlree 10 Los

ASSETS ¥rs. CJ:arles Garwood and chil- An~cles.~Oa}lS and discounts irig $251.02' v-erd,~afts) $103.021.89 dren of erry, la., were at Frank C~rl Eldfricl\: of qenvcr, arrivedUnited States Government obligations, direc~ and guaran- Rees' Th~rsdaY afternoon. Jul~ 3 to be with bhis wife and

teed I •• • ...... ' ....... 122.000.00 Mrs. farry Ferris returned daught~r who have een her~ two. 1 I I . 01 home Su day after spepding a wee:;ks m the Warren WmgettObhgatlOns of States and olitleal subd vis onfl· " 710. week iI,1 t e P. J. Church home. home. They plan td kave the end

. Cash, nala~ces due from anks. cash telTlli. ~n process of Hans Ienrickson of Pierre, S. of t~e week.coll~ctl~n ..i' -." .... ..... .... 76,035.39 D· t , Was p supper guest last week M\r. and Mrs. I-Iat'ry Evans and

Bank premIses owned $ 70000, fu Iture and fixtures vve.dneSdlaY at C,. W. Perrin's. the uat.ter's motheq. Mrs. Maryr-'"$684 00 ..... . 3,384.00 ~ Mrs. vfalter,Rethwisch and chil- Pip~itt, were in the Roy' Gran·

dren call1:!d In the Henry Voss home field\ home in Shole,s Saturday af-TOTAL ASSETS .. ~ $305,151.29; i.n HOS.kips. Saturday afternoo~..J tern~on. Mrs. PiPP. itt remained

LJABlLlTI S Mrsj JPella RItz of NeWburg, for a'ifew days.Demand deTWsits _. ~ $254.06g..70 Ore.• wept to Des Moines Monday Mr\~and Mrs. J. IGus A~dersonTune deposits t~ .'3~560 after iO,days Xisit at Frank Rees'. and amie Fairbrrher, Sister ofDeposits of States and pOli ieal subdivi. i~~~ ::::: ' 13:471:88 ,B.ill.'.K~nfiY'.' Marv... 1!1....tB.,UISOn and Mrs. \ nderson, .Of. a~arden., la.,TOTAL DEPOSITS. ..0.... $270,607.18 Bot>Ha!1sonweremSI ux City the spent\the week,cn, WIth J ... M.

. , Fourth. They, returne Saturday. Petel'sFns. Mr. ~derson 'IS aTOTAL LIABT~TIES (n t ineludin subordinated obli. Picnid .uppdr gue.ts! the Fourth brotheraof Mrs. Peterson. .

. f at W~ltcr Rethwlsch s were the Lot orrIs w~o had been mI gahons sho below) -.. $270,607.18 Lynn Isbm and Ray Jenkins fami- Monta a about !thIlee weeks visit-

C ITAL ACe tr1.'Hs lies. : I ing relatives, retu~ned home Sun·

~~~~ :.. 1..:$ 2~:~:gg p::,'W~~~ ~":~:I~ ~.t;:~r~: ~:Ybe ~~~t~~~~o~r~:~~~~~:s~~~"~Undivided profits 2,544.11 Hoski~s, were 'at Leo Jordan's Fri- J:1as be~ in a hospFtal tl;lere. '

"', '- day. ' . 'Mr. atnd Mrs. ~arryl ClaboughTOTAL CAPITAL ACCO· NTS .. , $ 34,544.11 Mrs,_1 John Jones of Norf9lk.1 01 Vance/aver, Was ., Mr. andd MMrs.

i' ,,' spe.ntJ<t!, {ew daYS.,last w'eek with HarOld,$tOltenberg,. Mr. an, 1'8.

':' 'TOTAL LIABILITIES AN CAPITA ACCOUNTS $:J()515129 h.eJ} si t~r.• MfS.•.GrIff EdWl:i_ J5 a.nd Tom. ~.wer.s andl.Mr. and Mrs.'I" '.. . , . . . others" I John Re hwisch had lI. fi.h fry la.t:: , 'L'\· "This bank's capltalc. ists of: ,. ~ h'.(, _', Common stock'w th total par value br $25,000,00.. " 'The··lJohn Gettman visited in week esday at yonca park.I the t, Maggie B~u geman and Mr: aI}d'Mrs.' Wesley RUbeck

MEMOR ,DA: . John rier sr., hom s' in Laurel were in iWakefi,eld Thursday eve";'.::!>Pledged assets (book va]u ): ",' ..' Sunda,~ ;,'!" -' : :!. ning to '~ee Mr. Rubeck:s brother•

. ,',. . '(a) 11. S. Governmen. obligation ;, <lir~~t"aT\d !iUa1'l<1i1~ ..' ... Oqr .. .)'uilek went .~o wayne ~aul, of' Oregoq, land hlS mother." •.'............ . . teed Ple.dged to, . Ure deposit an.d".olher Iiabillties.,$ 17,000.00 S.UDd "to. spend a \'Ye k Wlt~ her Mrs.. He~ry Rubeck. They· were.r ;,:i:"!~~",,',, ' . - ::' ....,.~ g~~nd 'J~ts"M:r:.,~~d,,,r5.Adolph at;Morri~ 9.1s9n'r in Wakefield

.'.' !.: ' ":." 19't.'.AL '...•' : $ 1MOo.o~. ,D!lI'tlt.. Il(.': .. ' '.'. J. . Sund~y .evenIng( .l:l'Se~ufedillillJ>l'efeti'edlla IlIlieS:,.., ',i >'1 i':;,.:, '. I ; Mr ,'¥aggie E,vanS and Mr. and .The lrven qraves famIly had

:-,·<.a)....:Dept).'.its seclii'~d ..Y 'Pledged. ssets pur~uan~·to., re- ' Mrs.:.' ave Jones wer~ last wee~ dmne~Sunday Ip the Steve JelInek~: .:': 'I: qllil'ement ,of ta: :' _ ' +.........•.•,.;...· L $ 13.471.8fi.. Wedn sday supper gu~sts at Lev! home m Omahari-J0 honor t~eJbir~h-

;:' :1",; . Cd): n~posits preferre:, under p~, iSionr:Of, law but.~~.! ' " Robe s', ~ days of Mrs. 't"l1aves an ,amce$~~te.d b~,~~:e~~: ;~f asset~ ~.- , ,.: ':.;.: -,,_ J.~39.~9,. d Mr:~..i 1~.rCo~~;n:~~ t~:~e;:· w;:ee a~~1 ~~~;~~ f~~lyw~~

:/;.b.~.• ·..~.·.e.:.·.·~.'.;.·~.·.:.~.•.'1.•~.;~.·.·...',~~.':.••·~.•.~.:·.·.!.~·, ;.·i.:.Q.··.~.~.t.I·.·e.·· ..·~.~~~,..~··~~~~:$d.:t:~:: .. L.·~:t.,.r:;:t.;nfP:~i;:~~:;-;~;~~Z~~.~~ ':;;:'~l.4J:..:

·,·....b.' ···.&1$. IitiiCl.rtt. '1.'8t.· Ii t1'.·.lthil.·.. b.. e.s..t. Of.. m.Yk!lOWledge tende" thewedd.,.n..g..• b....M...IS.S. Ph.. yll!s Edwm.JO~es aqd Betty Jane of~;?y;e .' ,,:,:,~' ..... ".; . ~.'. .. .' ..' . . ,the RO.ley I om hom.e m Norfolk. MISS lb.~lore, Myer" Rob,

"',II' .."; •.. ,·.·'.. :..•. '.••.... ',:·".'.·... "'i" ....11.'1' . i w. '.~JJ3NER . . . .,.~... I. c! ..8.. 04 Chu.j~~n~~~":~.~., .•~Mr~ridn~r~~~.!~:.'ii,,),';';i; , ','" I''-': t~·: ',.' :' ,', ::'ra::;' , '~:' lt4d" 'been~l Geor&e Johnst n

, ('.... ! _ the 'k: . Sah8' S. Sgt. and rs. C1arenc~ Cone,~~~)ri.~'~:,,,j;g';)I~~'~~'".~.,~.~;.J)' ,r~ed,hOnf IM~,nd~Y, The arrived last we~~ wed~.~~da¥ from

~mij!t!Jttnti:liIj!litw~:~,~.fi1,+~!~:iJ1miW~jV:,li-J;:-'ii,:(>\(l,\,:}i:,~,L~ ;I'! t :' '::'~:;i i';'::.', ~ ~,; ,," I,", ii' ) J

Page 13: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1947... · NUMBER NINE High Goals Set By Kiwanis Club I l ;. ERALD~"14-.~;;-~'=:1 Ii EVENTY-THIRDYEAR




-'Proper pse of (eitili~your fIrm may help YOg'

reach new levels of cropproduction.. Even' on so-.called "rich land"a~babnced

diet" can produce surpris­ing results.

Yes, fertilizing pays, buCmllrely applying not enough. ,Impropc.r!application is • waste ofmoney ••• can even do more:harm than good. Experience)has shown tbat small,amounts of fecti1izer prop1crly placed produce greateJ';gains than large amOWl1spoorly p"r~ced.

Study the thset!' mech.·ods shown here. Usc aUthree {or maximum resullS... efimi8ale eicra opera.:lion. StOp in and ~ 10 usabe,!, mqdcrn equipmentfor improving youl soil aodoincreuiog your profits. ,.



!Fa8t growing pigs n('('d extra nouri£1unent.Help your sows pro.. ide q hea.. y flow ofntilk and gh'e !'tl"O",ing pi~1I -the extra Pl"O­teins., ..·itamins and mill('l"~ls rh3t Iht'y getin GOOCH'S BEST PIG MEAL

SaHsfied CustomersI .

Depend on FamQl$s Derby Gasoline andNpurse Oilsancl Greases


Now that SUIJ1mer heat threatens your car have itthoroughly protected by our expert se~ce.

Goodyear Tires and Tubes, .



I D.50IVegetabl~ ;andB~rn Spray Wettable Powderi KNOK·EM KOLDFLY s~y iN BULK, i

I, Coryell Aut;o-OifCo. i!! I Colhe and Herb ~ •• Phone 30S·W P 211 Logan'Street ::• I I •I... . ,. ,. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~~ .

I I '

10, 1947




I~Cl~t:H" Wayn~ Herald ,, J ~~\:;-~i_;-:::\:"~::~!~::~:!,~~~:., , L'----I--Staff Correspondent L',0,"'".,1 I :,,', ,,~., ',. ,L· I ----. Th~! Board of County Commissioners met in special session, in·fig'·~.'se~vice .'0";',"a a·ppe "rig f!t:H Ie ~rs. Amanda Sedlak. Mrs. Sed. panied him to Ashfand aJ;ld South The L nard Pollards were at accordapC(' with the provi.sionsl.of $('ction 23·154, Hl43 R. S., with all

'1,' .. '.' .. ,:. -'!'.. . . ....' . nl SOW~ee I a.k sp€',nt Saturday eveningJ at Berid Sunday for a week's visit Joe \Vilso 's Tuesday evening last mcmbf'rf; prC'!'cn1. 'I,. . •"'ld I Ii\o h ~ I t 'th I wo~k. ",. <,~ : n wm'a ,8 'I Social 'Foree st. i) I 4 Ie gen. s. .. WI re ative."l. '-'- The<.,folll,lwing claims were, on motion, audited and anowed, andI~" I "" , " ,- Evenmg VISItors at Gus Hbff. Arnold Bronzynski~ vis~ted Mrs. The ur Mann family spent warrantS\order£,d drawn on thd respectivl' funds as shown. WaITants

"~,,' 'o'. --. ••E stern Star eets l\.'I0nday eve· the nasement. A ecarated wed. tnan's Sunday were Wilfred Mil- Carl Masdn and Duane of Denvf'r last wee nday evening at Curtis to be ava~lahl(' July 11, 1947. 1~llma-·Q~YJ."~ .Brlde run ,July 21, a Maso Ie ha}1. ding cake baked ljY the bride-I ~ers and Claus Ruschmans. ' at Carl Troutman's ~un~ay. Mr~: Foote's. ' Go('onel'iLl Road Fund

,Of Vjct~r Koptm at inity Lut eran !Ladies' Ai.d groom's mother, MIS. Wm. Sydow, 1 Leland Lowrys of Denver~nd Mason, ,the former Miss Sophi\1 The Al Dinkels of Pierce, '. Commissionet Dist. No.1-Meyer,Rites' in City~~ me W~dnesda aftet1'noon of thIs centered the' s('fvin* table. IWm. Kants w~re dinner gu sts Bronzynski, is a cousin of Arn'old were at ohn Heinemann's last Nebra!'ka :Tractor & Equip. Co.~ New tractor and equipment ...$5942.38

I " .~, :.' . . " . :~ k With Mrs. Leo Jensen as hos~ IFriday evening at Everett wa e's. Bronzynski. ' week Su . ay. I Commi.<;.<;ioneriDist. No. 2-SwjhartThe wedding of M-iss Wilma Mae '11 ..... For $t. Paul's Aid. 1 I Mr and Mrs Fred Witt ed Miss Jean Thompson of Omaha 'the Ot a Sauls spent thf' evening Nebraska '!Tractor & EqUip. Co.~ New tractor and equipment '. 5950.38

Davis of Omaha, daughter of Mr. J ,y WorKe s 4-~ club meets St.' Paul's Luther~n Ladies' Aid I d T d "t d' the How ro spent the week-end with her par~ of the F' uMh in the Fred, Thun Nebraska Tractor & E u' C 'Sc 201772,)an~, FTe? ~avis of Grant, Ia., Th rsday after oon, .,July 10, with met \Vednesday a~~ernoon in the I~itt h~meV~~ ~a;~e Sunday ft~e- ents, R. 11. Thompsons. Jay Rosen- home at orfolk. Bailey Oill Co., Die.<;el"~~F'. .. ~J ~.aper :, . ::~ 357:20'" ,andt,V.lctor KoplIn. of ~orfolk, son N ma Jean ary m the W. L. church parlors wl~lh Mrs. Ralph " baum of Omaha accompanied her The V non Schnoor family had MotorlVehiele Fund; "Or-;~l'S.. Wr:n. ~ydow Of Winside, ea home. Andersen and Mr~, Alvin Barg- nJ~~bekah membe;;l decor*ed and. will spend two weeks at the last wee~ sun~y dinner and sup-- 'Maintenance ~iS,t. No. 2~Swihart

" too1,<: place; Thufs~ay. July 3, at 2 . ebekah~ D:nd 9ddFell.ow lodges stadt, hostesses. B¢sides 34 mem- raves of Rebekah dead at ,Pleas- Thompson home. per at Wrn. S hnoor's. NebrBaOSakhrlITard"JeO'UOrnr~dEt"qoUJjPU'JyC08'.'."ls9<4r7a.per . 2000.00

. a~ "Kountze Memorial church in wil hold JOint mstallatIOn of of~ bers, guests werr Mrs. Ed.. Barg~ g . '. ,... Mr. ahd M . Fred Jahde and ". ·Omaha. fic rs FrIday vening at the Odd stadt and Mrs., ~hlph Tesch of a:'t VIew .cemetery Tuesday ¢ve- Relatlveg at a PlCTIiC m the J. G. Derald Were at John Lutl's Tues~ C. A.

si~~~~'~f~~~lt=W~~: '~~~%~I~f Fe 1~ ~~~~s arstens ('ntertains ~~~~d~~ s~~~~f a~'~'r~aY::S~eAi~~iC~ nI~jJlie. Millers enterta!ned ~i1-~ ~~~e .~~~e~:re~~~~s~~d ~e~~:~ da~r~:td"Jr~~~~I~~e~enkecailed I--c--~---~--~-------~-_.:-__", '., Ne ghboring C rcle this Thursday. nic ~o hc hC'ld Sundla Jul 13 at frNI Millers, Alfre~ Millers and Barelmans ?f WIsner, Leonard in the f Alfred Sievers home last

,honor. She wo~e ~n ~q\1a street- M . Geo. Coul et; will hav£' charge tI W -k TI~ y, YI' t Glen Rolands at dmner Sunday Martens family of Concordia, Kan., week Sunday afternoon.:length 9ress WIth white accesso· of entertain t, d1e ayn~ Pal.. e annu? gues, noon. and \Vm. Wylie family. Mr. 'and Mrs. Richard Mei-n ofr.ies and a corsage of white carna- . r. ay m.(>etln~ WIll bl:! held In Au.g- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Petersen Mr a d M CIS' Kansa$ City, were Saturday andtions. . . .:. , d~ty. ~~~'n,,~~~~~~~f~~te~;dr::s~:D~~~ and Norman were Friday dinner tal ned ~ di:~~r a;und~~e~~~~t~~; WednElsday night guests last week

The brIde, gIven 111 marrIage by Cl b pl . Ehlclrs M "B Ft k d M ,guests at the- Rasmus Rasmussen the families of Alfred Sievers at attic Saul's.h~r father, was attired in a t\":'o~ • C me;':::ber 'and famWes en- Otto Grae~~' pr~~ra;;~ ~t.:~H. ~: 'home. . Verne Sievers, Harry Stolle and Mrs, Henry Frevert and Mrs.pIece gl:e':( street-leng~ dress WIth j ed picnic supper at Carl Hllpert and Mrs, Alvin Sl'hmodc. 1 Jud.y and Dean Wel?le a~e John Sievers, all of \\-'aync, and AI. Johnson and Paul spent Tues~!"IarmonJzutg a~cessor.les and wore T outman's S nday evening. 36 bo- The hostesses s(~rved. spendmg severall. days wIth t~elr the Ralpli. Kasper family of Nor. day afternoon of last week in thea corsage of pmk roses. in prese-r1t. • social evening was 'gra~dparentsJMr. and Mrs. Martin folk. Carl Frevert home.

Cedric- Porath of Norfolk was e joyed. ~ Pfeiffer. Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Lewis left Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Mau were• best man. The bridegroom wore a ~_ Sunday afternoon visitors in t?e by plane fro.m Omaha Monday at Lawrence Utecht's last week

'gray Sl.ilt al1d hlS attendant \vore L 1'al NeiA"hbIS Meet. ,John Asmus hom: we:-e "Gotth,!f evening for a two weeks' visit with Wednesday. Mr: and Mrs. Don Di-blue. Each had a whlte carnatIOn Loyal Nelgl bars met Th\lrsday ~ Ja('g(>r~, Harry Millers anq LeslIe Mrs. Lewis' mother, Mrs. M. C.;:da:n~ve~~~i

I boutonniere. w th Mrs. Alf d Thomas, 12 mem- Mothodist Chur,'h Allemanns. ,i~ AlIen~ at Portland, ·Ore. Mr. andMothers of the couplef-Iwore blue b rs and four uests bemg present '-" . Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gat~Je .<ind Mrs. Lewis flew from \Vayne to Magdanz called in the Melvin

dresses with black acceSSOrIes and A cards, Mrs. Howard MOTI'IS and M July ~13 Sunday !'chool at 10 Harl~n ~f. W~~ne werewFr~day Omaha by private plane. ~~h~e~~r~~~~~~~~o:e~~s;~:s~~~white gardeml,i corsageli. rs Claren~c Hamm received ~~J~~s \;:(~:h~~U::d;~ afternoon ::I~l~~n~~ltors10 the D. . Hoff- Supt. and Mrs. D. R. Warde and birthday.Fol~owmg Ule ceremony a re- P Izes The ostess served. MISS 1M . Mary Margaret who are in Lin-

ceptiop for ImmedIate r~latives argarct Pet rsen WIll entertam, ~~~ "';~(r ~;~~ \r:loi:~'rQ~I~~ou~~ Ot~~n~~~st~~Csnl~~rn~U(,~~sre~tc~hr~ coin. this .su,:,m~r. spent the week- LU~~; s~~~~e~un~~~tslas~n,~ee~o~~wa,s [held at Hotel Rome In m A~gust. hostessp:,; in thel church parlors. Niemans, Dale Carstens and Ja- end In Wmslde. They were accom~ Hartington with Mrs. Russell

, Omaha. ' . cob \Valdes paned herc by Supt. Warde's Lutt's grandparents, Mr, and Mrs.;Mr.j'.and Mrs. Koplin spent the L ~g~l\m ret tinl4'L t St. Panl's E\I. Luth. ChUTCh. Mr. and" Mrs. Adolph Rohlff, mother and sister, Mrs. \Valter J. A. r~laugh.

,vee~nd. at Grant, la.,. Omaha rlUI y U ~r ,eague me on (Rev. H. IV!. Hilpert, pastor) Lowell and Dewayne were $un~ French, the latter of California. Mrs. Alfred Adcock and Mrs." a~~ mSI~~hT~e ~ol't:le WIll make T ~~~~~y A~ve?~~~a~70nth;ro~U~~ July 13: Service in German at, day dinn£'r guests at Will KrJlo~l's Miss Myrtle L~ary of Long Frank Meyer of West Point, visited

'I~ eH,!' .~omeri. ?r 0 . isner Luth r Lea ue to attend 9:30. Sunday SChool at 10. serv-1j near Carroll. Beach. Cal., arn\re'd Saturday Monday and Tuesday Jast week,", .~::h-KO~,1m IS a graduate ~f a rally at Wi-ner SU~da ,July 13, ice in English at 10:45. Holy com- .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Janke and eveni~g to spend the sumrr.'er with here with the fDrmer's sister, Mrs,

'WlJ'lS~le hi h school and served m d S 1 Yb 'Il munion \\.-'ill Iw obs~rvE'(l in both MISS Martha Krueger wen' dinner her SIster and brother, MISS Bess Ed. Weber. Mr. Weber ,took them'~~i.~l.. 'i ,r II. !Vh~ K~p}jn has :~~n~~aL~nc v:~ S~~~d ~~sM:lr~ services. Re-gistJ'::\t'ion for com-I guests Sunday at the Werner and Irven Leary. ~is~ Leary sPE;nt fuome. 1

a e ,,:P oymen~ In, l?a a. . v n and Lor aJne Voss and 'Earl munion Sa1uJ'd,lY, July ]2. ' I Janl<e home. from .Tuesday unt~l Saturday Wl~h ,h1~nrns'ocfhNaOrrflesiINk,icahnodISM'Lars.rJryohaann~: Tq s~ flttendm~ the weddmg hies. Choir rehean;al at lhe churchl Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Wittler re- her SIster, Mrs. Chas. Roberts, m 'i..J '- d~r0J!-l his,pomm':!nJty were Mr. and Friday evening. j , turned to Lincoln Saturday m9rn- Omaha. na Lutt and Hferbert were alt Don .LMr$., ~m~SYdOW and ~~. Irene I - I ing 'after spending the Fourtlh at Fourth of July dinner guests in Lutt's last week Wednesday after- Sherr"\' ~ros.M?B~ne nd ~o.ns ~f w~nSI~~ ~r. n~~~a}~a~JlbBrOnZynSki enter- Immanuel R~foMued Church. Fred \Vittler's. 1 the .Vernon Jensen home Were noon. Leland Barleman spent the J ."

" ~. : ~'"!~ ~~&. CCG rI~ II or~t ~ ri t i"ned G. T. ~Ub'Th,ursdaY. Guests (fiev. C. H. ~ied(>scl, pastor) Mrs. Etta Perrin spent the Jacob Miller, sr., Mr. and Mrs. afternoon with the Lutt children. P d i

~ ~6ti1i~~' II· _._o_ae an son 0 ~r~~~~~~~C :da~;.ad~~;~~'D~~~: M~~;n~3,~,~r~~,1;~:cl~~~~a,1015.' ir~~~(h ;~~~she~~~tc~~s~iS~.~~r~~~~V~h~~~~~,\ir:dL~~~=h~r~7~ ~D~;h~~:~t~~~~:~a;:~ ro ~e, PA,.....~ld'IA MOSES . 1erg. At pr gressive cards, Mrs. Missionary s(j}('iety met Wcdnes-!' Schrumpf. m Wayne. ¥r. and: Mrs. .1'ames C._?ensen and and family oflCrofton, Mrs. Ellen Phone 206 ,WI:ayne, Nebr.

~ lJl' I DIES IN LINCOLN angberg hDr hj6:h score prize. dar afternoon this \veek with Mrs. Mrs. Lena Bruse spent the daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Dcw- Carlson and sGn and Mr. and Mrs. I ~ ...."' J.l . h Jd d h f rs. Broll~.Y ski served. Mrs. Fer- Otto Ulrich hastQss. Fourth and the week-end with her ey J~nsen. N'ictor Adolph$on of Rockford, III. r IPa,ricl'f' Jean, mdn~ ~o . aug - inand Kahl ill entertain in two Dennis L~(', linfant son of Mr. daught('~, Mrs. \Vm. Westphalen, Mrs. Carl Mason and Duane of Miss lana Heikes came from- - Ther.·'s FUIURE

-:tel' o,r M~. an? Mrs. Richard Moses \'''eks nnc! Mrs. Bronzynski was and famdy at Fremont. Denver, Mrs., J9hn Fleer and Lar-.o! l.lhcoljll, dH~d J~ne ~6. Funeral I lJaptizC'c1 al morning :;("Ivlce ~r. and Mrs. Al Kaunett and ry of ffooper and Mrs. Martha, Omaha Thursday to visit until

~~~f;~~~¢11d:~~·::~;:Eofe:~£~ ~:~F:c:r~:I~ ;( ~1~~',I;lPl~o;l~;' SUn(~l:~::~n~'lt~,:","Chl1r,h. r::*~~;:J~~IT~,r!~~~~!£;~:~~:~; E~~~~:~p~;~.n~~~~~rl:Z.i~:~tJ]:~~::ii;~~l~~f~ii::~a IN FiEI I ILIIIto. hYi~ n Wm~ade and Mrs: Moses ridayeven! g, the occasIon being IRC'v. II. G. Knaub, pastor) Mr. ~nd Mrs. Vernon,Ander,-sen of Mrs. John Fleer, has heen visit~ his children at Obert..~e~~~r:ohnerHelen McQUIstan of r Dlmmel' blrthday Lunch~on July 1.1: SU~day school at 10. ~n: i~h;~~r~~~~ ;t~:~~r~~~~r::~!; ihg at Hooper.

__ "\ ~s ~~r~e~ ;h~:la~~es~:~.. ~H~f Morni~lg worship at 1.1. . , moth,er, M,rs. Tom VincE;jnt. Mr. and W. N. \V~gner and Entertaiins Wednesday.On, .Trip- to California. enver, Col , Mr and l\l rs \Vm ChOir rehearsal Friday C'\'enmg James Troutmans were Monday daughtr-r.s. F.dna and Shlr]r-~, and Mrs. Ed. Weber entertained last

Mr. anClMI's. George Gabler and ant, Emll Dangbergs, E\-erett at the. ~~ur('h. " evening visitors in thcl Cad Sie- !':~n. Ker-ncth. t,he last 0: LI.ncoln, \\'cdncsday aftC'rnoon.for Mrs .. Ted\\i~m. anh John Gabler left Sun-· dt ' . Ladlcs A)(I mct \\C'dnC!'daY!vcrs homc and visited it[!. the Clint \\ere Sl1.nd8Y dmner gue~!s In th.e Carlson of Omaha, Mrs. Lawrenccday, mo!rning for Long, Beach, Vlttes an tto~ant5. aftl'rnoon 1his .\\"('('1,. . . 1 Troutman home Sunday evening. MI'R. Sophia Davis home at Nor- Johnson, MrS!. Paul Erickson, Mrs.Calif., to' spend a month with reI a..: ., ! Teachers - \\iorkers aSSoclatlO..? Mr. and Mrs. Leland Lowry of folk. Other guests were the C'lar~ har Carlson:, Mrs. Aug. Lubber-tives. They will visit·the men's 19~~:~ ~~ eJrtainel at the Otto meets TucsdaY,f'\"(>nmg, July 1~, Denver were guests frpm Thurs- enc~ .Wagne: and Clarence Davls stedt and-Mrs. Art Borg of \Vake~sisters, Mrs. Pauline Behmus and raef home Saturday evening to atBthroCt~(~rrls,oonodagt~('f'ting WIll h'" day until Sunday of Mrs. Lowry's famIlies of Norfolk. . :field.

'. Mrs., Forest Curry and brother, onor the t\ ins Judith and Janet _ 1- parents, Mr. and Mrs. \V-m. Kant. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bronzynskl'. AleX! Ga~ler. n their 6th irt'hday were: Robert hpld· ThUrs(la~, July 1 i. Fdurth of July dinrer guests visited Mrs. Ir:in TimperlE'Y at F~r Birthday. THREE METHODS" .".

" ~- --'I-kefs Juli s J-;ckf'rt~ .John Loeb- .- - al the Harold Griggs home were: the' of Mr. Timpe-rley's par- GuC'sts in the Gordon Jorgensen SAME INTERCHANGEABLE HOPPERS'! Re urns from Hospital. acks ~nd pn B('ns'tlOof!'. '['wo . .Club "f"f~ '~'OdllY. . Marvin Ehy of Randolph, Charlps ents m ,Norfolk Sunday afternoon. home last Wcpk Wednesday eve~" . Mrs., J ene .Carr returned home ('('orated bi thday cak('s centC'red WIn!"I~l.(' Community .cluh wlll I fintz and James Troulman fami~ Mrs. "rimpf'rlC'y is rpc-.,overing ning for Mrs. Jorgensen's bjrth~ 0 PLANTING _ Fertilize while you planr..•··.the."past week from a Norfolk hos- he luncheo table. Mr. and Mrs. m('el.. ~.~ls Thu:rsd~y (~\"('nJng JO the llCS. from a major operation pf'rf.ormed day were thQ John Luschen family, ~~~~~f;~r~ets:~~fa~e;m:~l~:~:':'t~

pital wh re she underwent a major ren Tapp rt and Patty of Nor- municipal auditorIUm. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tidrick sC'W'ral, weeks ago. Her condition Alvin Willers family, Mr. and Mrs. d9P~~atioi . Her condition is satis· folk, were upper guests at the t- spent from Thursday ulfitil Monday is reported satisfactory. Pete Jorgensen, Mr. and Mrs. Paul .. ~~~~~ ~~~8:r~tOW faster thaD wee s-factory: 'j: Mrs. Carr's daughter, Graef home Saturday. Undprg ,!OJ; Operation. at the Milton O'Harrow and Gor~ The 'Clarence Apking family Borg, Mr. alnd Mrs. Lester Lutt ~ PLOW".50LE-Fenilize whil"eyou plow.Ml's. G~o. Gettman of Lincoln, is' Charl8Y W ndt of Winside is a don Woolridge hOlfllC'S ih Sioux spent the Fourth with Mrs. Ap- and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Tietgen. ~ Makes plant food available to deepcaring' for her. PIcnIc Supp r. patient at nn Omaha hospital, hav- City. king'S parcn~s, Mr. and Mrs. 'Nels ~.fatsersor~'''dso.ltial cvening luncheon . 'gtowiog roots and sub--surface ffitoiSlure.

;!~' : A no-host picnic stj:pper was en- ing SUbmitter to an operation The Merrill May fam~ly of Oma- Nelson at Obprt. Mrs. Apking '- '- Produces impressive yields. Heavyap·If Ir Baptismal Rite. joyed at th John Rohlff home in June :25. His 'ondition i!' reported 11a spent Thursday evening at Ed and family spC'nt the rC'mainde-r of -------S-- PP:~~t~~~aJb:i~~~I~~hfu~lC~:ns~e:rn::

~pedtick ;+\lexander T~lbot, son Wayne the Fourth. Those pre- as good. rr-" Lindberg's, enroute ta: Randolph. the week-end at Nelsen's returning J neAL "Mr,' and 'Mrs. Fred.'Talbot of sent were: Edgar ~arotz family, 1--- Mr.<;. May is a niece of lVII'S. Lind~ Sunday, Miss Lydia Nelsen, sis-:""1':' Q51DIDRE55ING-FettiliZewhile youcUI.

• wa~h~~~~i~~~d:: ~~~. an~oM ~nca~~en~t:~: MldO~~~ TheP~~~:~JeB~n~~,C~l~d:;\hedi- b('~g~ests in the O. R. S~lders home, i~~~ft~l~;n~i~~i~:;a a~~~;~~~~~~ 1U~~~~y~;sr~~~e~:r ~~~gA~e~~rh~ ;:~~~:r~r~~~~~:h~!~~:~3;~~!:Vi:~ev. H~ G. Knaub. Rohlff faml Y, Mr ~d Mrs. Mar- recHon of A~. Korn of Norfolk, the Fourth \vere Mr. aind Mrs. AI- Mr. ·lind Mrs. Lconard Martens, CalIf., tO~I~It an aunt a few wee~s. . h d r. I· h rMr. ahd Mrs. Gus tm Pfelff , Clar nce Pfeiffer presented its first of lit: series of tic Selders of Stan~on, Wayne John and Jimmie of Concordia, Mr. and I.Mrs. Dean. Gr;anqUlst ~~rio:e~nOthi~~oif;' ylOg eavy app I'

Ra k, ~temal grandparents, and family, No rIS WeI Ie, Judy and conCt'rts at t e city par*- Wednes- Longs of Norfolk ,and Allan Kan., "reTe guests from Thursday and two darcghters of Little Rock,'.:~rvin ilkens. Dean, Carl Rohlff, Il~~~rlln Rem- day e\-enmg ~ Kochs. ' until Sunday in the J. G. VonSeg- Iowa, camci.Saturday to sqe~d th~" I '" __ hart and th Jbhn R?lff famIly -- Mr. and Mrs: WilliS Ritze and gern. ,a~d ,:\,rn., Wylie homes. The week·end WIlth Mr. Granqu~ts p~r-

n ~dneattonal Totn'. ~ Birt at \'Vaynet· son, Dickie, spent the week.end Marten~ f~mily, accompanied by en~~, Mr. da~ M~. i d.~ra~ws~Miss Edna Wagner arrived pome Entertains. odal cit1e. . Mr and M~S NorriS 'o/clble ar~ with Mrs.. Ritze's parepts, ~r. and Mrs. Martens' b~other, Dale V.on fami~' ~enl~ t~s·Lak.e Oko;}bji s~~-

recently tram a two- weeks' ~d:t1"' Mrs, Fre BrIght as hostess to the parents 0 a daughter, wClgl1- Mrs. Krist .Jensen, 1 at Oranc~ Seggern, ~nd mece, Mary Allee d Y d I f kcatieo,l tour of southern Califor- SOCIal Clrel Wedne day, when 1~ mg 7 1

2 poun< s, born FrIday, July Island Wylie lef~ Sunday for a vacation ay to spen a coup e- .,0 wee ~d other w-estern 'States. members a sweredr llcalloncur~ 4, at a Wayn hospital There are Mr.·and Mrs. Max Ash and son trip t~iMih~esota. :~ ~~~r ~;\le~~~I'liO~a;~~oma~~

.. - AI110n places visited are., rent event. Guest~ were MISS two other ChI dren In the famllY·1 Jerry of Wayne, and ryIr. and Mrs. Sunqay Jdmner guests at R. H.. niel them' ,p';I!:. Sait ~ Ci~y., BOUlder ~am, the Florine Gr f, Mrs. R. H. Morrow, Frank Lorenz of Rarldolph, were were: Mr. and Mrs. M J \V J M d M

• Grand Canyon, Los A:ngeles, and Mrs. Jenni Troutman, Mrs. Effie WINSIIDE LOCALS supper, guests ,Suhd~Y ajt H. q Howard Yp':!ngmeier, Howard a~d C. af.s·Cr~ve~, ~~~~' A. ~; a~arha~~:places lin A.rizona an.d New. Mexico. Brown and Mrs. Geo~ Gabler. Miss Fred Bradelrs were Sunday vjsi- Hansen s. , Bobby of ~lOUx F""lls, S. D., MISS Mrs. C. H. Fisher, MiSs Lenore

]:J "I': -.-' , Graef, \tho atten$ieq. Girls' State tors at Fred Wittler's. .Mr. and ~rs. Ra1llh Anderson, Jean Thompson and Jay Rosen.. Ramse arid H. B. Crave'n had dfn~. I·" ~tten~ ReU;DJoDr, , '!It Lipcoh1t reported on her trip. Laura Janq Wylie was a Sun- Migs Elna Blehle and Ralph Barbe baum 'of' Omaha, and Russell y u. th F ..tih· M

. WIllis .Reichert returne4 ·Sunaay Mrs. Ralp Prince gave several day dinner guest of Hele~ Wylie. of Omaha, were Sunday din- ThomIJi,on: family. Russell Thomp- ~er t?~e~er e au. y In rs. W 7 I I 1 ,,,'" . ~ t C .· .:' from,Ch~cago, where ile::att~n'ded newspaper articles. Mrs. Bright E. T. \Varnemundes 'spent the ner guests in the ArthUr! Wagner son.s e,htertained ~oward Yo~ng.. o~i~S I~ea~~ Gerleman of Omaha. ayne~ mp emen ...':" ... o.

:jh:. a reu~i?A July 4 of the, medic~l'served. Ms.,F. 1. Moses enter- Fourth with ~elatlVeS in Lincoln. homc at Stanton. :' meIers:and the LeslIe YOUn~meIers spent the! week,rend here at Otto Phone 150 1 Wayne" N.ebr.~';1"1"'1:, ~~tachment' ~n whlCh h~ se~edjains July 6. Roll call will be on Gilbert Sundahls of Carroll were Mr. an~ Mrs•.Robt1 Luhdak and o~ Wa¥ne~ at suppcr Sunday eve~ ~c~r~e~lm~a~n~':~':=M~iS~s;B~o;n;ne~I~1H~oe~m;a~n~~~~~~~;;,~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~~~~>~

during W-orld War II. th~ d~tach- household lints, vIsitors Sund y at P. C. Jensen's. sons of SIOUX Clty w~re week end nmg [ment was locatE~:d at Davis-Mon- - The Chestcr Wylies werc guests gue~ts of Mrs. Bu~t ILewis. Mrs. MisS' Alma Lautenbaugh and •••••••••••••••~ ~•••••••*•••••~••than FIeU:1, Tucsonl Arlz.ITwenty- l.\lrs. Boult ng, HOst~88. 'at the P. c:-·',.Jensen homc the Lewis had spent the Ipast week in Mrs. Wm. Rabe arrived hom¢ = . r

• four memhers of the de~htnept DevotIOn I divisidm of WSCS Fourth. I the Lundak home. " Tuesday evening from Roy, Utah~ •It III, who\were together at ~cson for met TueSlcl aftern~on with Mrs Mr. and Mts. Bill Podoll of Lin- Mre and Mrs. Lore~ T~pper and where they had spent two weeks

~: i,I~:1I !th~er YEia~ gathered fO~ t,he re- Robt. Bou hng, ho tess, III the co)n spent th~ Fourth at Mrs. Joy Patty of Norfolk, wfre :week-end with Mrs.'s son-in~law c."n<;l• i umon, cohnng from all sectIons of MethodIst arlors. rs. Wm. Wy~ Podoll's. ' guests q.t Robert Girae('s. Julius daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Price:,

, I the United tates. lie was dq tional l~der and Mrs. Mrs. Jame~ Trou1man, Connee Eckerts were Sunday dinner guests and daughter. Barney Rabe ac-• '1':' : :r¥ott Rhu ,progr leader A Sue and Rut1 Ann werp in Wayne at the Grat'f home.: compa;nied Mrs. Rabe and MiSf

program w S pIlesen ed as follows' Monday. Miss Janet Ramsey is, spending Lautenbaugh from Denver, Colo.',Clarinet s 10, Man1 Alice WylIe, Leonard A derspns were Sunday two weeks in the ehas. Roberts to Roti, Utah. and returned witb.:piano solI? Virginia! Jackson, pI- eSvencnhinogm~.isit~I'S <1,t lhe P. C. Jcn~ home in Omaha. Chas. Roberts them ,to Winside to visit in thl;

I ' aoo duet, orlS Mae Boulting and '- I' spent the past montll in the Ken- Rabe home.11'- I Norma J'. n Cary; and r. quiz, Miss F~n,e S(lder~ of Wayne neth -Ramsey home. ! Mr., and Mrs.. Dave Nelsen and

'~I ~: tlChildren' CaUl-ps" by Mrs. spent Saturd .y mght 10 the O. R. The John Asmus family were Larry! and Mrs. James Nelsen, ac~; '! ::~ , it~UdY. ass sted q\y C~nnee ue and Selders hom ~ I .' Sundar evening vf$itofs in the companied by Mrs. Lars Larsen of:lin" Ruth Ann Trout:tnan, Donna Jean Mr. and rs. G, A. ~ittel'stadt Henry'Asmus home nC8/l" Hoskins. CaI"rqIl, spent from Wednesday un-

l' : 'I!,~" ulting a d Wil~a and Ruth WiY" visited J. ~. ~trahans In Wayne Donald Asmus aCCOlnp31nied them til Saturday with relatives at, . Mrs. Boulting served. Mrs. Saturday ev mng. , jhome for a week's- Nisit. Fairfax: and Dallas, S. D., ani::l

q.' R. Seld rs entertains August 12. Mrs. G. C. rands vi~ited at the 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fenske and Lynch and Bristow. At Lynch,Hollis Fral) is home it) Norfolk daughters~ Mr. and :ftIrs., Fred the group visited' Mrs. Chris. Sor­over the' wee -end. Bright and Mr. and Mrs. 4F~arik enso!?, sister of Mrs. James Nel~

Mr. and rs. Wm. Lo~bsack, Bright· enjoyed a pienic"at Chace's sen ~nd Mrs. Larsen. They visitedjf.\ af Norfo were Sunday guests lake at Stanton the' Fourth. Pete' Nelse,g at Bristo.w. Leona~ ,Wm. s: . Mrs. A. A, itisser 91 Norfolk, Nelsfn, soh of the Dave Nelsens,

Miss, It IS spendmg this was a Monday v1sitor ~nhe ll. C" staY~d at ~he Rasmus RasmussenYfeek ,m arold Andersen Hansen home. Jack;ie Ann and 4l0me. c

hpme' In K City. , ' ' Dennis Hansen accompa.nied Mrs. Relatives who were dinner and~'!;'I.'''A~~'',II'ML·l':8.Jld Mrs~ .Alfred ~Pli.~.:Qf r'i"'Mr. and rs. M. ~. Weyerts of Risser to Norfolk for a. ~isit. supPer IgUests Sunday at Russell

Wayne, M.... ,and, Mrs. Otto Chrlst- Nqr~olk~ re SU,nday supper Mrs. August Bron~~is. ~ss Likes' qt Waterbury were ~. and. l'fol~,. Mr. and Mrs. Cl,lrl ~ests at 03 <r pra,f-s, Anna Bronzynsld. Cla.fen',:le Bl'On- Mrs.' Wayne Long and Douglas of

a d Mrs1 It'~ne McBane.. Jack sw~'g;ards and Mrs. Cora zynskIs and Arnold lB:rqmynski, Nontolk, Mr. and Mrs. Altle Sel­I onteSts Mrs. EmIl Dang- ~rodd were I unday e"enmg lunch- Judy ami Eugene wet'e'S day din. ders of Stanton, Miss Fannie 8eJ1.

ber~ andl ~rs. 6erhardt Eckert aOt} gl,lests f :Art Au~ers. ner guesta- at the O'ttO~i h hQme. ders of, IWayne, Mr. and Mrs. o. R.·.'A'''''t'lp,·''II'e'''W~ rIaea. The g~ea\a made Wm. Loe acks fam'ly spent the Kenneth Wagner. lin a~ em. Selders and Mr. and Mrs. Allan

a brIde s ook. Mt, lmd Mrs. Kop> Fourth wit the FreddIe Loeh- ploy1'nent with the W ate "Elec- Kocl' .nd' family Eleanor andlin were rese~ted many gifts, Ice ISaCk famll~ In Sioux City, , trio ComPllJIy at LlIle:.:!, $ t tile Marjorie r1ikes, WhQ had apent the

~ii!!i..-oo;;:illii;;;illicream an cake were served. The I' Sheriff d Mrs. llans TIetgen Fourth and tl1e k·\!ll with pa.~ ~o weeks in the Seidel-:;*ride's co ora pf pink, aqU31 and et!nd Mrs. J,.. na Tiedtke of Wayne 1,'elatives tw:re. Un. .. NJ: \Va.., home .re, accompanied the gtQ~P

"",','·",'1,+,,1;. '.. ',.' .. ,. '''''grey We used. Roses decorated ~erel Mon' $1 supper guests of ner and daugtlMr, ~~l~:'~cqom- ~o wat~rbF.

; Ij , '[1' : :" - I I \I -[ i'1:,Ii, II"~ 1:" " I 'i: "t l'I<:ll""! j:, I I'k ,'1. \ I i I

Page 14: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1947... · NUMBER NINE High Goals Set By Kiwanis Club I l ;. ERALD~"14-.~;;-~'=:1 Ii EVENTY-THIRDYEAR


Wayne, Neb.

,Griess Rexall Store

Modern Farm Fly Control

Phone 170

Farm fly control is certain with hovo .n~ Dr. Hessproducts.

I: Dr. Hess Barn Spray-a wettable owder con·taining 50% DDT. Mix with water to spray barns~

milk houses ~nd other farm buildings Flies die afterlighting on sprayed surfaces. One r;r two sprayingslast throughout the fly season,

2. Dr. Hess Stock Spray - for use on animals. Con~

tains thanite and DDT. Thanite, fastest fly killerknown, girveS quick knockdo....m and kill at milkingtime. DDT builds up residual effect for killing flieson animals in pasture. One pint Stock Spray in water'makes 2% gallons of spray.

So, her¢'s a modern fly control program. We can;supply bQth these products. Satisfa"Ction guaranteed~

or Pl10iie Order_s, Please!

Hurry Right I» for Yours!



Drastic Reductionson Matched Sets...,--

for Shirt and PantsRegular standard Brown-McDonald­Quality, taken from stock and reduced,to bring you an unheard of saving intime for harvest and hot weather needs.Plenty of suntan and some postman blue.S4irts are drill, sizes 141h to 17. Pants arejean, sizes 29 to 44.

West Point

Cleaners andLaunderers

I,BJtAiSKA, 'rmmSDA ,J[ LY 10, 047 . 1

._-- .: L . ...

spent Wednesday af'terfloon of la~t ha~a~ home. They attended the by?" Don, Dah, Robert, and Phil- Depkinger's mothe~, Mrs. J. A'I also go through the Black Hill~week,wlth Beverly AnnjMillike.! aces In Omaha. I ' hp Rhode o[ !Emerson, Mr. and LeiVis who came h~re Tuesday last and will be gone about 10 days.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold: Quinn\ nd Mr. afld Mrs. Pet(' !Badthus and Mrs. Gene Rhode of Hor:ner, ~rs. week from Genoa. :.left early Fri- 111e Denki~rs will take Mrs. J.Mary Ellen spent Sun~ay ~ve iog r. and Mrs. Kenny !Baclihus and Wm. McCabe ~f South .SIOUX CIty, 1da~ for Vale, S.Q.. to visit the A. Lewis to Gcnoa after their re-!n the H. W. Winterstein hbm . ~i1dren went to Lakr Anldes Sat· Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Giese of Allen,! Jarpes W. Lewis family. They will turn.

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ander on r~ay and rc1urned Sund4y. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Surber and . 1============and sonS sp~nt the Fourth of iu- Mr. and Mrs. Chai'lcs i Heikes, daughters of Sioux City, Lorraine ••••••••••••~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••ly at the Harold Meier home in ona Heikes of Omaha, ajnd Mr. Longwell and iMaxine Johnson of " :

Pilger. . L nd. Mrs. Kc,rrnil Ahdn."~\·s \~'l're Homer, .i\Ial'Y N.elson of .SiOUX D. A NeE ·Mardclte Baker of Concold, riday guests in the W, C, lIl'lkes Clty, C. A. Bard, Mr. and Mrs., I ' ':

sp'ent from Monday until Thu~s- orne at ObcI·t, I Ralph Livin~stnn, MI'. and Mrs. •day of last week in the Hermtn ~Mr. and Mrs. Ha1S lI(,J1l·kkson Elder Lubbe;rstcdt and Gary, and, .:'fahlkamp, Jr, home , I C Pierre, S. D.: haf! b('e~' guestl Mr. and Mr~. iGranald Wis'chhof AT :

Mr and Mrs GI.enn Slocum ~ i .thp Chris BalCr JlOl.11e ~'.JnCC las and Vona J+ou. Mrs. Livingston, _Concord and Mr and Mrs He - nday. The,. arc tlk parents 0 Mrs. Ie u b ~ e, s ted t, and Mrs. West Randolph Ballroom !!~man KI aerner spent We(lnesd rs. Baier. Wischhof ane daughters of Mr. and ..e\pnmg at John Goshorn's I Dinner and Stlpppt gupsls :J Mrs. Osburn. "Where the Good Bands Play"

Lucretia ChldlO of Chlcagejl, enry ·Wacker's last we('l1 SundaspC'nt last week in the Claren~ \ ere Mr. and Mrs. j';lnwn Munll' Nlmljle IPingt>r!ol l\1pd. FRIDAY, ,JULY 11Beck homC', arriving S\iturda. Randolph, apd MI'. aFid MrS) Nimhle lfingers 4-H club metMrs. EngPl' Granqulst'IMI'~~Be~k' ('nneth Bpye]('r n! CalTol!. July 2 Withl Louise Usburn,

~;;~~~~n~~0nt last w('ek .in tl11 De~:~it~n;~n~ll~r.V::·~(~1 ~~~:~'.nl3·(,I~l ;~':~;~~ec ~nr~~. i~~~:il~~('~l~'i/~:~ Music byMr. an.d Mrs. Hichard M('jn. 01 dilderS!e.eve \\erC.I\1UJ1daY evel1lnj members of th club now "re De- Jimmy Thomas and His Orchestra

Kansas City, sp€'nt Thursday las guests in the \V. E. Back hom anna Baier, LI da Beck, Sharolynweek in ,the Arnold Vahlkam last wcek. Mrs. Kel'nc'y is a daugh Pryor, Bevcrly ~nd Donna Carlson. /" Admission: 83c· plus taxhome. Mr. and Mrs. Mein, Arnold tel' of GlIdersleeYf's. I LoITaine Andre~·s. Mrs. Clarence

~an~'~~~~~:~~;~~~a~~~r;~~~~:I ta~~;d:~da~~~}.~~:~r~~f~~~~:~l~r~\~~ ~1::CkL~'~:et~:ofh~a:~Si~:a~~i~~~~:I A DANCE EVERY FRIDAY1'1 d M G Id ,', hh f d V ;;;;.;;;.;;;.;;;.;;.;;.;;.;;.;;.;;.;;.;;.;;.;;.;;.;;.;;.;;.;;••~••;;.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~.WI'S ay e.vening, i per. GLH'StS W('I''' Mr. and l\1r~. rs. rana v~ ISC 0 an ana,

In a {cundy group having picnicl A. N .. Austill .. Mr.. and lVII'S. Ralpr Lou, Mrs. Chri~ Baier, .'\Irs. RUS11dinner the Fourth at ~. he walff.ed Austirt <l.nd Ronnie, .:\11'. and 1\lri.. sell Pryor and J~m.mie were. guests:Carlson home were ~r. and Mrs.1 \Varrim Austm and Cnrol Ann. The club m('et~ July 16.1n theHenry Langenberg, jr.tOf ]-loskms, I Fn"ddle and Edllh l'i\n,nlIZk

t,Floyd Andrews :home. ,

Mr. and Mrs. Fred 're\'€'rt and I and Elvin Wagner and Bevcrl· --.1-- I

~~~r:~~il2:rl~~n,D.~.~. l~ll ca~ll:}~~; ~~~.r~~jl~~.~~'C l~U~ll~~Y ~~:~ltn.~~,~:CkD~.i l~ C{'nt;'~~~~~I~ir~:~~I~'~~.I;'·'rhurs.and Gilbert Danglwrg. bplllt'. All \\·('1"(' c\ l:'111ng dinn r day with :\1rs. jKeith Hced. 1\1rs.

MI'. and Mrs. IL-\V.lVintcrsl{'in gU0StS al the Frc'd L.:4+t)!)(,j hon {' Carl. Damme a~d Mrs. Warren'lspC'ot FI'iday ('Vl'nm;.:: Ill, 1Iw Harold lln Stanton. • ' Austm aI'£' IlP\\"! members. :\'IrsQuinn home al ,\Vin;"lde. ~ll·. and 'I • Mr. :ll>fl :\Ils 1'<llll.J Rick :.l}tl IIans IJl'lll"icks()~ ol Piern', S. D":\11·S. Llu)d Napll'!', 1\11<. and :'III'S, IJ dy (.)[ ()lll,l!l;l. til,' \\.t'\'~- .\'Irs. Lloyd DuntkJau, 1\11"";. Fll'(},George Napier and l\II's. l\laggie, 'If' ld 01 1he ill Ihl' \\. .: \'ahlkamp. 1\1rs.;, Roscoe Junes ojYoung, .all of Fairbury, Mr. and ack hO,I1H' 1\1r. B;ICk I"i'tum·,d CCirroll, and Mrs,. Otto Salls were1\11'5. \Vlllard NaIJH:r amI. daughter It I Lyons SUndil) dnd :\Ir~. Ba~'k gues1s. Mrs. Basil Osbum hadof Orchard,Mr. and ~Irs, :Lawrcnce ~11d .Judy ITIll;.lJnL'd to \'151t ll('~(' charge of the program. A picnicBrown and family of 'Neligh. spent \1ld m Ci;il"toll. ! supper lor famIllcs IS planned thIS I

all da,Y SL:nday last Wl'.l'k in thl' I I\lr. and 1\lrs ..];III1I'S IJU\\.I1.n g Hi'HI Thun;day cn:nmg at the WorleyH. \\J. \l\lntcrstl'1I1 home. The r n, B1111('. alll'nr!(,(j 1111' bll'lhdlY Iknshoo, home. The August (gll('sls had come to \Va~mp 10 at- 1 al 1111' 1.1 j~:·IJJl1nH'1 h(l li' Il1l'cting' of thl' club will be \\"Jth I

tend the el'lll1clt Young and Ct:- ~l J(ll' i\ll~· r\ 1'- 1\1rs. Ed. [\ijl'll1an. I

atrl('(' Preston \,,·pddmg. (n jin,~I"ll 'JI]('

1\11'. ancl.l\ll·s. Fred lIcit,!', jr., ('11- ,'roy J:\IIII1IIH.'I.'i I 'l'II('''rlf'l:,>I LOCALS 1

tcrlaim'd at a pIcnIC supper July (\}TI1J1l;:':; hlll'sl'i In ,J;llTH''' Up \- •

Fourth ln their home. yUcsl5 in- J;rg hOlll!'. M;~'~· ~7,~t;~s'B~t1~~'i:~·~,a~~i~~~cluded I\lr. and NIl'S. Henry Koell .,1 :l\lr. and :\11<:;. (hns n~(It'r Cillllr'd Thursda' 10 spf'nd a cau Ie ofand son . .:\llss Martha Heier, Mrs. 111 .111(' JU]llh :\J'.Jlkl' JHlnw '.11 cr.. . k.;. 1 C. '" C' I PAugUS! Aikman, I\Ir. and Mrs. Ar- ~.)ll l'\r'!1ltl.L'; (l! 1;(,,1 \\('(k ~~1~"~" ~olt~"t~~~('ll'. ',. :Jrlarl SUl11-noJc! valllkamp und son, f\ll'. and f rid,,\" :\11'. and :\11":<. ('h JS \1' ~ h S f '·1 Pl\~rs. Ilern1<tll \·ahl~aIlJP.and \'or- all'l,'l'all(,t! HI Ill" "\·111 :;chr(J('d('I· T(:x~:'~ ar~:>~\"('~l.I~{~I;~ ~ lO·'\)(' \~~~t(~nICO, Mr. and Mrs. Lmtl vahlkHlnp, h mc. :\1,' ,JIlt! i\lrs. (';11'1 \);lmq-rH' I :\1 I· J F I dMr'.. and. Mrs. (JUo f-r(,v~I"L NIr. and l~ T!('d III t )1(' ('hrl<:; B.lI~'r I1lJ~H' /~'I~lI~~.~nt,'il1;S·r-:;~sl~'rs u~~~r 1I-~~t".Mrs. \\m. ~I('ler and (a~lIly. .:vIr. oS: nda.y ('\('I1UI.l!; l;j,,1 \\('( I{. left Suno"y to spend ~rs..1...~wll1 V~!llk?~p ,.and t'Bi:lSiI ();hllrns \\"('1·(' ]JWrJWdJIltil'r <11 P"rk Hapids Jake Ir:f,I.I11Ilj. l\II. dnd :'IllS. r ~(d ~ <1hl- h sts lasl \\I"'k SUIHld ...... Ti,l' :'Ijinnesalcikamp and l\Ii'. and 1\1rs, Cl,lI encC' i clud('d :\i;'. <UHl ~1: ". . 1\1 . 'd:'\1 F 'd ,.I\'1ann and family. } alJln and :\11'. ;,rirl :'II!".. \'l;g:~l=n and ~~~na~~. I~~~ki~~~::

~onnll'ldt and sons, all 01 '~~~~;~~~~~~~;k;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::=.-~-;~;-;;:;~~~~~-~-~.~-~-;;;;;:~-~-===.~~~~-;:_~_~_;;:_~_:_= ..~_1l~'ld. i\Ir :lnd :\Irs. :,hl"l"IS ~~tlln of lVII'. and .:'\11'<:;I ~arrigfcldl p] (1hl-ego. .1\11". ;1 !HI :\lls. Tuc*"1i.J ld :\1<I:\ln(' Il!lrrl.~~kldl (If \\"Rlf'r-

The n~71011~1~~,u~II'~I~i~~~lilbe heldill thC' cast park in \\,,,ync July' 13.

- 1---


"No parking" signs apply to ('v~

erybody and 'everything in West­ville, N. J. When a frcight trainblocked a crossing 14 minutes, q.policeman wrote out a trafficticket and handed it to the condue­tal'.

TIlIi!!! Gerst, 3:~, of Chic'ago, wasdetC'rJrtll1ed to gC't a diploma sothat she might teach. She didhousework and servcd as a babysitter until she t'caUzed hL'r am­bition.

I\.Jrs. f\1a!'y Poh!, :-13. of Chicago,was SUI'Pl'iSN! \\'1H'n a dOCIOI' I.'un'dIhe pain in hi'1' lowl' hy removing(.I. hullet. Sht' l'l'{'ull('li lllat ll1 EltLa ehdd !lad aeeldl'nlally dischal'gl'da gun and she felt.'a slight t\\"ingein hC'I' knee but Ihe doctor thensaid tht' bullet had just grazed her.

L('OIII Nieman spent last Wcek­end at the Raymond H('{'g hOlTIe.

The Gil!)crt Danghcrg familyspent Thursday l'\'cning at RussellPryor's.

Jan~t Larsen spent the week-endin 1hel0scar Hoeman horne withMary nn,

Fred! fieegs spcnt Wednesdayev('ninl~ IRsl week in the lLayrnondHccg blOl1w.

Mr. l~nd Mrs. Harold C;dshorn ofCarrolll spent Sunday in lhc .JohnGoshorn home.

Mrs. Albert Milliken ao·d Larryspent 1"uesday of last \\'&ck wilhMrs. F,ye Strahan. "

Li::~lsn~~r:;~~J-It~~~n~;;e~~~ ~7~~

th~,~:~~. H~~m~~~'tcrsteihS sp('ntWcdne$day evening of last week inthe HaJ~olq Quinn home.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rccgcalled *t the FloreO(:, Niemanhome a~ Winside Friday. I

Mrs. I,William Vahlkamr'visitedrelativ]c· in South Dako',a fromSunday until 1~uesday las~ we('k. ly and Barbara Johnson

It wr1s a hig check Her!) HiI\=,yof Cetlltral City, rCl'(.'lvcd from

~~C~;~1i i~t ~~~~~~t~Qi~~()(:~()~o;(:~.!~~fnine milll(ln ;!Ol' hlln lor ttH' d1l'H~

should :hi.1VO i)Cl'll f()1' ~lli.7tj. Tilt'bank gladly qorl'f'('tcd tile l'1'wrmade when someone's fing('rslipped on the chC'ck-\\Titing ma,chint>.

bis s eering wh~el for a ~lace toland. Donald McCarty, ,8 Belle­V~Ile~outh' went to work withshoe boxes and corralled theswa 1.

Mot'ethan lOOVicksbUrg, Mich.,met'! ave sign(.d a "no shaving"pledg and the;y'li hflve to go tocoulrt if t11ey break H before Ju­ly Q6. They will take part in the~:J: ',Nineties'" hospital guild pa-

A a~sent-minded. motJ:1er I in 1 -Our ha called a 'policeman to help ~n Iilw8ukec a lad had !the pres-her solve her problem. She had I 'ence ,f milld to save himself bybou ht some much-needed medi- biting, an alligator. The 'alligatorcine for the baby and had poured had taken off the lower PHrt of theSOnl intO\1l spoon and the medi-· boy's left leg- and til(' hoy bit thecine ,was gone but she couldn't l'C- alligat,or under the frout ]Pg inmel ber wh('ther !::he had gi\'C'n it a tC'n¢ler spot which caused theto t 1C baby or taken it hel'sel.L animal to release his hold,

'T 1e John Fitchell family at Rap­id ity is moving out of their homebee use a hill is moving ~n. Whenthe bougftt the place the homehad a 3D-foot back yard. Now theeart from the hill covers half ofthe "itchen windows. .

Mj" and Mrs. John Rogers ofNor h, Truro, Mass., 77 and 80 re­sp'e t,iyeiy, died in cach other'sarm. Th('y had been married 54yea s.

Blcause David Spanstat of Oma­ha. 1as a Christmas birthday, hispal' nts have nanu:d Jun(' :23 ashis ubstitutc bil't~lday and 1hpyCell'lrated by invitmg children in[or trip about town and treats.

TJ e Illinois sena te voted downa bi 1 to limit the working hours

Qhi~agozoo's nelvest b by. a of al horse.ani, ~dlieved 0 lio -

~l.)est. ? bro~~ht t tl~js "A sWH.rm or bc~s kt'p.t I3arber~;y~ a'O'Jved at' th west oast ]~zr Stmson o[ BelleVIlle, -~an.,;~~~lJ.l by ~~~n~, :t j~ als be- f~:t?n going places. The bees picked

:11!1~•••i.:~*••••••'.. ••••••• .a••••••••••••••••••


're--CallingPut'SMlLfS in ~OUl'~MlLES

Let us check yo~r brak~s .. , install newsh0cks,-springs .[ .. repltce worn or brok­

I e~ parts with Grnu:nejCheVrolet parts,



A~t:o CO.

HIram n.. Gull" 10\)-~('at'-01d

command"!' of the \\'ushlogton­Alaska Grand Army of t he Repub­lic, was the only Civil War veteran


~~,n;~'~Ce':;~t~~l:~, :(:::;~:~,".(:~~'l~nOl::::'-Then Iw nommated himself. TherewerC' nlfl olher r)omlllatlOns. Hc casthis vole. and announcod hc had

: Ibeen ro-!dC'cteu ~~nanl,mo·usly.

: \Vhen a car is parked 100 long- or: j~ a .r(['';lrIctcd zone, lh(' Seattle• clIy lt1lT)ounds II <Inri Ihe driver

: 'I mUf:it dil'l 10 g('t il !Ja('k. vVlwn .~Ir·1• and M:s. G. A. Godfrey, jr.. inct • NORTHWEST: at Ih.(, 1ll..1

Pound \\'.IllUOW. Il1 I!le I·W A Y N Eel TraffIC' BLln'ClLl stared at:1 ntlw!" anri ··Wha1" YOll by-----.J• 100;·' nw Cod!rt'Js ,Ill' a l\\(). : '

: I car Llliltl J . Staff Correspondent

: An soul1t!(,d jn \1I'l) 1)onn:\. slwnt \\:t'dnC'soRY af-: in !In' , r('l- fl'rnaon In R(1Y Spahr homc.I:!I . t l 't11(' Henrv I [offma ns \\"pr(' at: ~ulted ,Il1,g~ttl~g clocks, .. John Mohr's'at Carroll the FoUrth,• .on. N~bt, i-\.lI~ol1fusccL fllf' <itaim The Oscar Haascs Icalled at the• came at 11 :b. ~1~ny 1houghl 11 Ad~n Austin's \VPdnCf,'.rlay l'VC'11ing: wa~ t1hc noon \\ hls!Je ~11r1 res('1 l1'en1 PhH'l1ltzkv sp nt last \'¥('d~• th(,I~- clocks andc mpJ1 \\cnt !lome wiLh Jcannl'tte '1\11 !Jest::Jedt at• to dll1;er ca.rly. fhe ho\'s wen' 10-112 E 2nd DI -' Hoskins .

•: ~~t~~e ~h~~7~' man. llw ea~j,~,~ :i\1r. .and l\1r,,,. BCJ"I1ard Da:llon

··""=========F===F;F·::·::·::·::·::·::·::·::·::·::·::·:::···_·· d' t 1 ,Y callJcd In the Joihn Post home $un-I,~iiiiiiiii••~, I," a JUS E.'C. dHy

Mr. and Ed. Grubb ancllJ(JJ-svisited Fncl.<lY cvol1mg at the W.C Wesl honw. ,

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Back calledin the I lenrv \Vurdcman home I

Sunday ('\"('n;ng. I.11,Ir. unci Mrs. Frl'dric'k !\ l{'lTlan

spent 1\londay in Ihe I:;d I\;it'nlannllUllW lasl \\'('('k. 1 " Are 1\0\\' GivIng Complete

af~;·~~~~)r;a~~'~~~~11~~~~~~~o~~' I Dry Cleaning andSotC'nsen hOl11e. Laundry Service

Mrs. Charles Bull flnd Mary I

sp~nt ·Wednesday afternoon in the 1 in WayneFl¢>yd Hupp home. 'IPlease put the red card in yoJr

Mrs. \Varren Au·s1 in and Carol window for pick-up service I~~~nh~~s1/~71~)~l~~dn(,Sday i.n the I or p!Jone 4,';2

Mrs. Lr!TIoync C u n II i n b ham ~f'~llhtr Pick-1I11 lIlitl 1)Plh'''~Yvi!iitl'(l ill the .Janles Millil,eH h~)Jne ! IUOIHtllY aIHI Thtlr~day iMl,lI1day last wcek. --, . :

Mr.: and Mrs. Geo. Hoffman,' .ir., HATS, ~ RUGS,;pcnt' the evening of the F.olj1rtb I LEAl'lIElt GOODS Iat Goo. Hoffman's. ;!FREEZISG FUR STOB.~~

'The Erwin Vahlka!TIp faViily' and REPAIRspent, last we('k Wednesday c\'e- tOWEL RENTAL SERVI~Enip'p: lat Carl Damme's.' ' 'i

!Iln1raine Andrews was an o:ver- -l"rco Minor R"l)airs-- I

~;;,~~~ 71~(:~~ ~c~:;~'Sd~~~.rmjt An-I ~l~!~!·!~!!~a!'~I~f~IMr. and Mrs. Ernfrid Allvin

SIlent Sunday e\'enipg last weekin the A. L. Ireland home.

Mrs. Ray Surber and Mrs. BenMeyer called at the Aden Austinhome Monday last week.

Elhardt Pospishils called in theRudolph Vlasak home at CarrollSunday evening last week.

Mr. and Mrs. James Milliken I

~allcd in the Fred Erickson home -:':')kl~ Winside Sunday last week. ~. - • ~

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spahr and .'~t..~ ..Leroy had Sllnday eve.nmg last '. ~... . ... \.\.'.week supper at J. H. spahr'S.. . .... . f\. 0.>~'

'MI'. and Mrs. E:rnlrid Allvin .: ,\\).'spent Wednesday evening in the I! '-:..."'!j,?':.Henry A. Arp home Ileal' Carroll. . .. 8

Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Buss and8eggy, of Hoskins were Sunday af- ]' .... :.: Dayst~rnoon guests in the Ernest Muhs ,1il!i'l'JI~hbme. ~

I Mr. and Mrs. Werner Janke

1l~~ ~~~~ ~~e~\;es~~~~rn ;~~~~~~~ome.

Mrs. Charles Jeffrey of Wake­f~eld is visiting in the Floyd Hupphome. Mrs. Hupp is Mrs. Jeffrey'sdaughter.! Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ramsey and

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Larson spentWedQesday evening in the KennethJitamsey hOme.iLa't week Sunday ,upper gue,t,

UGeorge Reuter's were Mr. and

rs. Adolph Claussen and Mr. andrs. Lou Baier. .

~n~~:~n:~\~C;~~~~ ~~~dwe~~=

mmmJ'~~FT~~T~1~i .