Download - Hello today we will talk about the interview


Hello today we will talk about the interview skills .

This’s our appearance before any interview :D

But After the session you will be like el7ag 3sabالله شاء ^_^ إن

Okay let’s start now

Before the interview

During the interview

After the interview

What I should do before go to the interview ?

Before the interview

Research the company ( history , product , branches … )

what’s the center of the company in the marker position ?? prepare Extra copy from your cvRehearse your answers multiple times until you

feel your answers are flowing.


For men

For Women

Types of the interview

Behavioral interview One to one interview Group interviews Panel interview Video interview Phone interview Technical interview

One to one interview .

Group interview .

Panel interview .

Video conferencing

phone interview .

technical interview .

Behavioral interview

– Behavioral interview questions are a big part of most job interviews. Employers and hiring managers use these types of questions in order to get an idea if you have the skills and competencies needed for the job.

– The rationale is that if they know how you performed in the past it will help give a sense of how you might do in the future.

– ) teamwork _ solve problem _ leadership _ handling clients )

Prepare the interview

– Be on time! This means don't be late, but don't be too early arrive with 10 minutes early is


Rehearsing for the interview Re-read your resume .

rehearse your answers out loud again before the interview .

Check yourself in a full-length mirror before the interview.

During the interview

The start * very important notes

Do not set before the interviewer . shake hands formally .Keep eye contact and follow your body language .Don’t’ slouch . LISTEN carefully to the interviewer's question .Don’t move your hands or legs much . Smile. Look as if you are enjoying the conversation . Switch off your mobile .

Most questions that the interviewer asking to the candidate

Introduce yourself

Why do you want to work here ?

What do you know about the organization ?

What’s Ur strength and weakness ?

Reason behind leaving Ur last job ?

Most questions that the interviewer asking to the candidate

How do you see yourself after 5 years ?

Evaluate yourself and me during the interview?

Do you have any questions ?

How do you work under stress ?

Are U a team player ? How ?

The End ASK FOR FEEDBACK .Ask (if you haven't been told) what the process will be after the

interview has been completed, or when they would be prepared to make a decision.

Leave the interviewer with a good impression — smile and a firm handshake .


Understand the interview process Assemble and consider previous interview experienceResearch the companyDress professionally and look the partTypes of the interview Arrive on TimeRehearse your answers before the interviewDescribe the the tasks, the actions taken and the Result achievedMaintain good eye contact , smile and your body language Listen carefully to the interviewers questionsKeep all your answers positiveAsk the interviewer questionsDeliver a firm Handshake and smile at the end of the interview


We are finishing

Now Do you have any question for me ??

And now do you think yourself like el7ag 3asb

Thank you

Mohamed Nasser