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HEBREWS I:I-I4 September 8-9, 2021 1. This semester we are reading and studying the New Testament Book of Hebrews. Share what

comes to mind when you think about the Book of Hebrews.

2. Although the author of Hebrews is unknown, his audience appears to be Jewish Christians.

Begin reading Hebrews 1:1-2. How did God speak to their Jewish ancestors long ago?

How has God spoken to them (and us) now?

3. The author makes a case for Jesus, God the Son, being a greater messenger than the prophets. List the facts revealed about the Son in verses 2-3. Which amazing fact stands out to you? As you contemplate this, what is your response to Jesus?

4. Next, using seven Old Testament Scriptures, the author says Jesus Christ is superior to angels. Read Hebrews 1:4-6. What name does God the Father call Jesus in verse 5? What is one role of angels according to verse 6?

5. Read Hebrews 1:7,14 and contrast this role of angels with the role of Jesus in 1:8-9. Also read Psalm 45:6-7.

6. Read Hebrews 1:10-12 which is a quote from Psalm 102:25-27. Record the phrases in these verses which speak of the Lord Jesus as eternal and unchanging.

7. Ponder for a moment these truths about Jesus found in Hebrews chapter 1. How will these truths influence your walk with the Lord this week?

8. What does the author’s use of Old Testament verses tell you about the Old Testament?

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HEBREWS 2 September 15-16, 2021 1. Consider the phrase “drift away” and write down some descriptions or definitions. What do

you visualize when you think of this phrase?

2. Begin by looking back at Hebrews 1:2-4 and 8 and list the characteristics of Jesus. Considering these characteristics, what is the warning expressed in Hebrews 2:1?

3. Read Hebrews 2:1-4, which describes the validity of the earlier message of the Law and the validity of the present message, the gospel of salvation. From verses 3 and 4, list the things that give credibility to the gospel of salvation.

Read 1 Timothy 2:5-6 and summarize the message of salvation. In your opinion, what dangerous outcomes occur when we drift from this message?

4. Read Hebrews 2:5-9. Verses 6-8 are describing Jesus the Messiah. How is Jesus described in relation to angels in verse 7a? Refer to Philippians 2:5-8 and record how Jesus was made lower. The author of Hebrews now makes a case for the humanity of Jesus. Read Hebrews 2:9 and note the purpose of Jesus becoming human and experiencing death. What additional thoughts are found in Galatians 4:4-5 and Colossians 2:13-14?

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5. Jesus’ humiliation occurred in the past. From Hebrews 2:7-9, list the ways Jesus is presently elevated.

6. Hebrews 2:10 shows that God brought us glory and salvation through the suffering of Jesus. Read 2 Corinthians 5:21 and explain how this is true.

7. What thoughts and emotions come to mind when you think of a healthy family? Read Hebrews 2:11-13 for a description of the sanctified family of God. Jesus is not ashamed to come alongside us in this family. What examples does Jesus give us as members of God’s family in verses 12 and 13? What has it meant in your life to be surrounded by others who walk closely with God?

8. Take some time to prayerfully consider the greatness of Jesus and our wonderful new

connection to Him. In what ways have you drifted away, or failed to take full advantage of your relationship to Him? What steps can you take to live more fully in this reality?

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9. Read Hebrews 2:14-18. According to verse 14, what did Jesus accomplish by taking on flesh and blood? What did He accomplish in Hebrews 2:15? Also read Colossians 1:13. What role does He now have in our lives, according to Hebrews 2:17? What words describe our High Priest? How does this encourage you?

10. Reflect on Jesus’ life and death on earth, and record some of the temptations, trials and humiliations He suffered. Have there been trials and temptations in your past that you did not take to Jesus in prayer? How does Jesus’ life in flesh and blood, as your brother, affect your willingness to take all things to Him?

11. Jesus’ life on earth perfectly equipped Him to be our High Priest today. Read the following verses and note all that is available to us through His present priestly role. Hebrews 4:14-16 Hebrews 7:25

12. If you drifted away from all the truths about Jesus’ past atoning work, Jesus’ present High Priestly ministry to us, and Jesus’ future reign, what would be the impact on your life?

What will you do to hold fast to so great a message of salvation?

13. Write out a personal prayer request in one or two sentences to share with your small group.

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HEBREWS 3:I – 4:I3 September 22-23, 2021 1. Hebrews 3:1 instructs us to “Therefore … consider Jesus …”. Look back at Hebrews 2:14-18

and record the truths about our Savior we are to give careful attention to.

2. Read Hebrews 3:1-6. In Hebrews chapters 1 and 2, we learn that Jesus is greater than angels. To whom is Jesus now compared? Keeping in mind that Hebrews was originally written to Jewish Christians, why do you think it was important to establish Jesus’ superiority over Moses? See Deuteronomy 34:10-12. List and carefully consider the ways Jesus is described in Hebrews 3:1-6.

3. Read Hebrews 3:6 again along with 3:14. According to these verses, how do we demonstrate that we are members of God’s household? How do you think the habit of thoughtfully considering Jesus makes it possible to hold on to our faith, even in times of suffering or doubt?

4. Read Hebrews 3:7-11, which paraphrases part of Psalm 95 and looks back at a tragic time of rebellion in Israel’s history. According to Hebrews 3:8 and 10, what was Israel’s sin? How did God respond to their sin in Hebrews 3:10-11?

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5. Read Hebrews 3:12-15. What warning is given in verse 12? According to verse 13, what is an action we can take to prevent disbelieving or doubting God’s Word? How often are we to participate in this work? Why do you think such frequency is necessary? Has there been a time recently when someone has encouraged your faith? What impact did that have on your heart? Spend a few minutes talking with the Lord about who might need this kind of encouragement from you this week. Please share how you plan to be a spiritual encouragement to a brother or sister in Christ in upcoming days.

6. Read Hebrews 3:16-19. One definition of rest is relaxation without fear in the presence of God. According to verse 19, why did Israel miss out on God’s blessing of rest? Look again at Hebrews 3:16-19 along with Exodus 15:1-13. Summarize the attributes and acts of God witnessed by Israel as He overcame the pursuing Egyptians, which should have fortified their faith in future hardships.

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7. Read Hebrews 4:1-6. According to verse 3, what is required of us in order to experience God’s rest? Like Israel, we are prone to quickly forget God’s great work in our lives. What do the following verses teach us about remembering God’s work and holding on to our faith? Deuteronomy 4:9 Psalm 119:11 John 14:26 What is one way you plan to remember the Lord in the days to come?

8. Read Hebrews 4:7-11. What is the warning given in verse 7? The opposite of a hardened heart is responding to God in faith and obedience. Share a time you responded to God in faith and obedience which led to God’s blessing of rest.

9. Read Hebrews 4:12-13 carefully. In your own words, how are the Scriptures the most powerful tool we can use as we strive to faithfully trust and obey the Lord?

10. Which verse from this study will be alive and active in your spirit this week? Why?

11. Write out a personal prayer request in one or two sentences to share with your small group.

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HEBREWS 4:I4 – 5:I4 September 29-30, 2021 1. Think of a few situations in your life that can lead to discouragement or stress. How has God

met with you in these trying times?

2. Read Hebrews 4:14-16. Remember a high priest’s role was to be a representative for the Israelites in matters related to God. What are the reasons Jesus is our great High Priest according to these verses? What should be our response to these realities? What is awaiting us as we approach the presence of our Lord? Even though we are offered these incredible gifts in our times of need, we often do not approach Jesus to receive them. Jot down the reasons this may sometimes be true in your life. What encouragement can we glean from the following passages? Proverbs 18:10 Isaiah 41:10 Philippians 4:6-7 1 Peter 5:7

3. In Hebrews 5:1-4, we read more about the role of a high priest. List the qualifications Jesus meets and also the qualifications which do not apply to Jesus. Hebrews 5:4 tells us all high priests received their calling from God. Jesus, our High Priest, received a calling greater than Israel’s high priests. Read 1 John 3:5 and record His calling.

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4. Continue to read about Jesus’ calling in Hebrews 5:5-6. Melchizedek was a high priest in the time of Abraham. He was both a priest and a king, and this is true of Jesus as well. Put on your thinking cap and consider the different roles of a priest and a king. List some specific provisions you can expect in your life as Jesus fulfills both of these roles for you forever. PRIEST KING

5. Read Hebrews 5:7-10 to look closely at our holy High Priest. What did Jesus offer to God? The cost of these gifts was high. Write down the words from these verses that expose the pain involved with Jesus’ offerings. We all learn the depth of our obedience by how we respond to suffering. Jesus experienced the true meaning of obedience in terms of the suffering He obediently endured, and was made perfect for the role He would play as our High Priest. In verses 7-8 are some helpful truths about suffering which we can apply to our lives to endure trials well. Record your observations.

6. In Hebrews 5:9-10, we can see the good which resulted from the suffering of Jesus. What is the great gift He has given to those who believe in Him? Read Romans 8:26-28 and jot down some of the good that has resulted from dark trials you have experienced in your life. Read 1 Peter 1:3-5 and list the words that describe our eternal salvation that can never end.

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7. In the next few verses, the author of Hebrews criticizes the Jews’ spiritual immaturity. Read Hebrews 5:11-14. Record both the problems and the solution found in this passage. What keeps them from understanding deeper teachings? What prevents them from becoming teachers? What is the result of living only on the milk of basic spiritual principals? What does it look like to be spiritually mature?

8. Think about your journey into spiritual maturity. Share an area in your life where you realized you were eating solid food and had set down your glass of milk.

9. What are the responsibilities of every believer according to the following verses? Colossians 3:16 1 Timothy 4:7-8 2 Timothy 2:15 2 Timothy 4:1-2 1 Peter 3:15

10. Envision the Olympic Games. If you were entering the Mature Christian Competition, how would you prepare to compete and take home the gold?

11. Write out a personal prayer request in one or two sentences to share with your small group.

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HEBREWS 6:I-20 October 6-7, 2021 1. Look back at Hebrews 5:11-14. What issue is the author addressing in these verses?

Share your thoughts about what can impede our journey to a more mature faith.

2. Read Hebrews 6:1-3. What challenge is given to readers in verse 1? According to verse 2, what are some elementary principles the Jewish Christians should move forward from? Foundational truths of the Christian faith should always serve to move us forward to a more mature faith life. Write down some foundational truths of your faith you know and believe and now serve as a springboard to spiritual maturity. Read John 3:16; Romans 3:23-24 and Ephesians 2:8-10.

3. According to Hebrews 6:3, Who will partner with them as they leave behind their Jewish rituals or dead works and walk the road to maturity in Christ? How does knowing our road to maturity in Christ is not traveled alone encourage you?

4. Read Hebrews 6:4-6. What phrases in verses 4-5 provide insight that these words are spoken to believers in Christ? Although as believers we are unable to ever lose our salvation, we can lose our opportunity for future blessings if we choose to remain as infants in our faith. What phrase in verse 6a depicts leaving the path of spiritual maturity in the lives of believers?

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5. Reread Hebrews 6:4-6. How does falling away from the path of maturity reflect on the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross? Falling away is not an accident, but a deliberate choice on the part of believers. List some ways we can guard ourselves from the poor choice of falling away.

6. Describe the two outcomes from the rain upon the land in Hebrews 6:7-8. What insight does this illustration give you about a productive mature faith versus a faith that remains immature? When an unproductive field is burned, the land can become more fertile in the process. Share a time you experienced spiritual growth following God’s discipline for your poor choices. Read Proverbs 3:11-12 and Hebrews 12:6.

7. Read Hebrews 6:9-12. Despite his admonitions and warnings, how does the author reveal his true feelings for his readers in verse 9? What actions on the part of his readers give him confidence in their progress towards maturity? In your own words, explain the author’s heartfelt desire for these Jewish believers in verses 11-12.

8. Read Hebrews 6:13-15. As the author continues, he holds up the Jewish patriarch Abraham as a model to imitate. Describe what has transpired between God and Abraham according to these verses. Read Genesis 12:2; 21:1-2 and 22:15-18 for insight. Jewish patriarch Abraham was 75 years old when he received God’s promise of future offspring, 100 years old when his son Isaac was born, and older still when God tested his obedience. As Jewish believers journey from immaturity to maturity, what should they understand and imitate from the example of their patriarch Abraham?

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9. Read Hebrews 6:16-18. According to our author, how did God guarantee the promise He had made to Abraham according to verse 17? Now read Genesis 15:12-14, 17-18. God’s presence is represented by the fire pot and torch. Who alone is guaranteeing the oath that is made with Abraham? Look back at Hebrews 6:18. Why can God’s promises be trusted? How does examining God’s steadfast and unchanging promises to Abraham encourage the Jewish believers to move forward in their new life with Christ? How does it encourage you?

10. Read Hebrews 6:19-20. Describe the role and function of an anchor on a boat. In what way does an anchor remind you of the role and function of Lord Jesus in your life?

11. The author of Hebrews understands that moving towards a mature faith in the Christian life does not happen by accident. It requires intention and effort. After praying, write down one or two goals you would like to achieve in your faith walk during the next year that will help you move down the road to spiritual maturity.

12. Write out a personal prayer request in one or two sentences to share with your small group.

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HEBREWS 7:I – 8:I3 October 13-14, 2021 1. In Hebrews 7, the author restates the truth that Jesus is our High Priest. Before you begin

reading in Hebrews chapter 7, look back at Hebrews 5:5-6 and 6:19-20. Record all that you learn about Jesus as your High Priest in these verses. Melchizedek was a mysterious high priest of whom very little is recorded in the Scriptures. Read Hebrews 7:1-3. The event recorded in verse 1 is also recorded in Genesis 14:13-20. In your own words, describe what occurs in Genesis 14:17-20. List the descriptions of Melchizedek found in Hebrews 7:1-3. How have you seen righteousness and peace work together in your life? Read Isaiah 32:17.

2. Continue by reading Hebrews 7:4-10. The Levitical priesthood comes from the tribe of Levi, great-grandson of Abraham. What is one role of the Levitical priesthood according to verse 5? What makes Melchizedek superior to Abraham? See verses 2, 6 and 7.

3. The small amount recorded about Melchizedek reveals similarities to the person and ministry of Christ. Read Hebrews 7:11-14. We learn Jesus, the new priest, arose not from the Levitical priesthood, but rather from the order of Melchizedek. According to verse 11, what was lacking in the Levitical priesthood that necessitates a new priest coming from a different line of priesthood?

Since the Levitical priesthood was designated by the Law, what must accompany a change in priesthood according to verse 12?

4. Read Hebrews 7:15-17. Since Jesus was from the tribe of Judah, not the tribe of Levi, what qualifies Him to be our High Priest? Look also at Psalm 110:4.

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5. Read through Hebrews 7:18-21. What was accomplished by Christ our High Priest which the former Levitical priesthood was unable to accomplish? In your own words, how would you describe to an unbeliever what it means to be able to draw near to God?

6. Read Hebrews 7:21-22. God the Father has appointed Jesus to be our Priest forever. What additional information do we learn about Jesus our High Priest from the following portions of Scripture?

Hebrews 2:17-18 Hebrews 4:15 Hebrews 9:24 Hebrews 10:12

7. Read Hebrews 7:23-28 and record the differences between the former priests and Jesus our High Priest. Former priests: Jesus our High Priest: Of the characteristics of Jesus recorded in verses 23-28, which one gives you the most confidence as you trust Jesus to be your High Priest? Hebrews 7:25 says Jesus lives to make intercession for us before our Heavenly Father. What does this mean to you as you face difficult situations in your life?

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8. Read Hebrews 8:1-2. The author of Hebrews calls Jesus the High Priest of a new and better covenant. What truths about Jesus our Priest are recorded in these verses? Who set up the “true tent” mentioned in verse 2? How is this different from the tent of meeting (tabernacle) of the Old Testament? Read Exodus 25:1-2, 8-9.

9. Continue by reading Hebrews 8:3-7. Jesus is described as a mediator. Look up the definition of the word “mediator.” Explain why we need a mediator and how Jesus fulfills that need. Look also at Colossians 1:19-22.

10. Finish by reading Hebrews 8:7-13. In verses 8-12, the author of Hebrews is quoting directly from Jeremiah 31:31-34. The Lord announces His plan to make a new covenant with Israel and Judah. What reasons are given in Hebrews 8:7-9 for the new covenant? The old covenant was unable to accomplish the once-and-for-all forgiveness of sin, nor was it able to ensure eternal salvation. According to Romans 7:7-8, what did the law under the old covenant accomplish?

11. Hebrews 8:6 speaks of a better covenant with better promises. Carefully read through Hebrews 8:10-12 and record the better promises included in the new covenant. As a follower of Christ, you are assured of these amazing promises. Write out a prayer of gratitude to your Heavenly Father for the great promises He has given you through His Son Jesus Christ.

12. Write out a personal prayer request in one or two sentences to share with your small group.