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List of Hebrew Study Resources (compiled by Dr. Nitza Krohn, Assistant Professor of Hebrew)

Learning the alphabet and basic decoding, writing, and reading skills: Any beginner-level textbook (see below) also teaches the alphabet. Textbooks:

• The two volumes of Ivrit Min Ha’hatchala (עברית מן ההתחלה), which we use in our program, are geared for levels Alef and Bet. Written in Israel, this textbook is used in many colleges and universities in the United States (as well as in language programs in Israel). The book is accompanied by CDs covering a large portion of the written text. It is available on Amazon, Israel Connection (, and Sefer Israel (

• Another book at the beginner level is The Routledge Introductory Course in Modern Hebrew: Hebrew in Israel (עברית בישראל), by Giore Etzion. This is excellent for self-study of basic first-year Hebrew, since it is accompanied by a website and everything can be read and listened to simultaneously. The grammatical explanations (in English) are excellent, and there are verb tables and solutions for the exercises. However, it is mostly dialogue-style (brief reading selections from the newspaper are found toward the end) and, in contrast to Ivrit Min Ha’hatchala, does not have anything in classical Hebrew.

• Brandeis Modern Hebrew (עברית בהקשר) borrows in its approach from Ivrit Min Ha’hatchala (with an eye toward the US student), and is another acceptable alternative for first-year Hebrew. It too is accompanied by a CD.

• HaYesod (היסוד) is old-fashioned, but it contains a review of verb and noun morphology with English explanations and tables; the texts are all vocalized (pointed), therefore the transition to unvoweled texts may pose a challenge. It has exercises of translation from Hebrew to English.

• Level Gimel textbooks: קריאת ביניים, אגדה של שפה • Level Dalet textbooks: בין השורות, דלת לדל"ד, עברית בדל"ד אמות

Internet Resources (Commercial):

• is an online study program with Hebrew University teachers that offers a sequence of six courses, each with 19 units and lasting 30 weeks (eight months). It takes 48 months to finish the sequence, but it may be possible to accelerate by meeting twice a week. Students are accepted according to a placement test. The class has about six students, who see and talk to each other (you would need a webcam, microphone, and speaker on your

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computer). Students maintain e-mail contact with the teacher during the week. Lessons are recorded and can therefore be reviewed; there is a textbook that follows the lessons and homework. For more information, contact the program directly.

• has three levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Although the material is delivered through dialogues (audio only), the vocabulary is sophisticated and the topics are not trivial, covering a wide variety of Israel and Jewish themes. You can sample some of it free to get a feel for the materials.

• Hebrew College in Boston has an online program. I am not familiar with it. Internet Resources (Free):

• Online resources for listening and viewing are available at the Stanford University and University of Texas at Austin Hebrew sites: (has videos for beginners, with grammar instruction modules) and

• Prepositions practice site:

• Exercises and additional readings supplementing Hebrew from Scratch textbooks

Easy Reading Books:

• Gesher series (check the online catalogues of Israel Connection and Sefer Israel)

• Sipur ve-Od Sipur (סיפור ועוד סיפור) is an anthology of folktales accompanied by a CD; suitable for second-semester Hebrew

Learners’ Newspapers:

see its products at—(Yanshuf [Owl]) ינשוף •• The Jerusalem Post has a monthly insert for learners of Hebrew at three levels

(with glossaries, but no audio). For information about subscriptions, contact [email protected].

• Ulpan-Or has an electronic newspaper, E-tone, on three difficulty levels. Consult its site for subscription fees and a sample:

For those wishing to develop listening skills, there are three excellent resources (all available at Israel Connection and Sefer Israel):

for beginners is a CD accompanied by a book with vocabulary שיחות של יום יום •lists, comprehension questions, and scripts of the dialogue.

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for intermediate and advanced students, is a series of books with ,שומעים עברית •CD.

is for high beginner to (Daily Life in Israel; Academon, 2012) חיי היומיום בישראל •intermediate students. You can listen to and view a collection of authentic clips grouped by location (in the market, at the gym, etc.), recorded and filmed in Israel and accompanied by pre- and post-viewing comprehension worksheets.

• A new, highly professional, intermediate-level listening comprehension program is עברית מפה לאוזן:

Grammar Books • Easing into Modern Hebrew Grammar, by Shoval and Cohen-Freedman

(Magnes, 2012), comes in two volumes, and covers in a graded manner all grammar topics for the beginner and intermediate levels. The style is readable, user-friendly, and free of linguistic jargon. The book includes exercises and solutions. Highly recommended.

• An excellent and concise grammar book (readable and user friendly) is Glinert’s Modern Hebrew: An Essential Grammar (Routledge), now in its third edition.

• Advanced learners who need to access academic Hebrew can use Krohn, Reading Academic Hebrew: An Advanced Learner’s Handbook (Brill, 2011).

The verb system is covered in all beginner textbooks in a functional manner—that is, with emphasis on verb usage rather than pointing rules and the creation of forms from roots. Some books that focus on the formal aspects of the verb system are: • A Reference Grammar of Modern Hebrew, by Coffin and Bolozky (Cambridge,

2005) • 501 Hebrew Verbs (Bolozky) לוחות פעלים • יובל and טרמון by ,(Verb Tables) לוחות פעלים • a classic and luckily still in print ,ברקלי by ,לוח הפעלים השלם •

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