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A monthly devotional with inspiring words for daily living

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Believers Are God's People

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eavenly bread‘s mission is to provide inspirational devotional reading for all believers in our efforts to uplift

the name of Jesus while spreading the gospel message of Christ throughout the world. Our meditation scriptures are designed to encourage more Bible reading, study and meditation as it is our sword used in our spiritual warfare with Satan.


It is our goal to obey Christ’s command as recorded in Matthew 28:19-20 by going into the entire world beginning in our Jerusalem, proceeding onto Judea, Samaria, and continuing until every man, woman and child have been taught Christ.

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HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 4 Issue 1 2012 Sun Jan 1

Jesus Believers' Redeemer Isaiah 44:21-26

Remember these, O Jacob and Israel; for thou are my servant: I have formed thee; thou art my servant; O Israel, thou shalt not be forgotten of me. I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and, as a cloud, thy sins; return unto me; for I have redeemed thee.

hat we see in our scripture text is the Lord speaking to Jacob and Israel concerning their sins and transgressions

informing them of what He had done in redeeming them back to Himself. God removed their transgressions and sins into the sea of forgetfulness simply because He alone has redeemed all who believe, which is to pardon or to buy back. However, for redemption to occur one must turn back to God the Father and admit that they are sinners saved by His grace. The implied redeemer in this scenario is Jesus Christ who would give His life as a ransom for many-all believers.


Also, God is promising His people that they would never be forgotten and God has proven Himself to be faithful to His promises. Scripture records the many promises kept by God; a Savior promised Jesus came a promise kept. Therefore, we are encouraged to sing praises with a loud shout for the goodness of the Lord and what He has done in the lives of all believers-the Israel's and Jacobs.

Man's redemption is the work of God through the Holy Spirit that convicts the hearts of all who hears the word of God and believes. Man is God's creation; therefore we are His servants created to be in fellowship with Him and to worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4:24). Verses 24-26 confirms why we should sing praises to a holy God as He is the only God who can "turn wise men backward, make their knowledge foolish" and He knew each of us before we were born. He makes rivers in dry places and vice versa, valleys become mountains and He broadens narrow pathways. Trees bow to His holiness and the stars show forth the brightness of His glory. What a redeemer!

Jesus is our redeemer because He was found worthy to restore

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the broken fellowship that is the result of sin. Sin entered through Adam and exited through Jesus. With that being said, to the unsaved, Jesus paid the price for your sins accept His gift of salvation and be saved and to the saved, rejoice in the Lord daily for the greatest gift every given-salvation. What a gift and giver of the gift!

Let's close this dialogue by joining the prophet Isaiah in singing praises to God for His love. God the Father gave His Son, the Son Jesus gave His life and God the Holy Spirit keeps all believers

Believe O Israel-believers Jesus is our redeemer.

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HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 4 Issue 1 2012 Mon Jan 2

A Chosen People Isaiah 44:1-2

Yet now hear, O Jacob my servant; and Israel, whom I have chosen; Thus saith the Lord that made thee, and formed thee from the womb, which will help thee; Fear not O Jacob, my servant; and thou, Jeshurun, whom I have chosen.

srael is known as God's chosen people and throughout the nation's biblical history God's love has been on display in

spite of their many transgressions. If the question was raised, Who are God's chosen people? It is safe to say that all believers are God's chosen people, but we know that salvation came to the Jews first and then to the Gentiles-non Jews as the whole world was pronounced guilty by God. With that being said, salvation is available to all who believe in Jesus Christ our Lord as He died for all and all have been made free in Jesus Christ and are servants of the Most High God.


There are bountiful blessings in being God's chosen people; some are believers become adopted sons of God, co-heirs with Christ-God's Son, assured of spending eternity with our Savior and being filled with God's Spirit the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God in the third person who resides in each believer. He guides, teaches us all truths and protects us from hurt, harm and danger. Other blessing of being God's chosen people is that when this earthly life is over we are dressed in immortality where there is no more pain and suffering, all tears have been wiped away as tomorrow never comes and today never ends. Lastly, God's chosen people get to live in a sin-free world where perfect peace/shalom is restored to its origin state.

What a privilege to be chosen by God as His people?

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HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 4 Issue 1 2012 Tue Jan 3

Hope Of All Believers Psalm 34:18-19

The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all.

f we were to define hope the definitions would be different; hope in the natural is wishful thinking or desire for something

to happen in the future while believers' hope is a firm confidence from God about the future. All believers hope is based on God's promises and He has proven Himself to be faithful. This is because God is truth and cannot lie as He knows the future. Also, believers hope is based on ones faith and confidence in God (Romans 15:13; Hebrews 11:1; Psalm 33:21-22).


Believer's hope has three basic foundations, which are: (a) God's nature which is revealed by God Himself in the past

on behalf of His people (Psalm 22:4), which states that the fore fathers trusted God and He delivered them (partial paraphrasing). It is noteworthy to say that all who are living out of the ark of salvation is without real hope (Ephesians 2:12; 1 Thessalonians 4:13).

(b) Jesus Christ is the second basic of our hope in that the new covenant was established by and in Jesus Christ provides a greater hope for believers. 1 Peter 1:3 states "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to His abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead."

(c) God's Word is the third basic for the believers' hope in that the Bible is the Word of God written by inspired men directed by the Holy Spirit.

Believers hope is based on God, His Son and His Word.

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HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 4 Issue 1 2012 Wed Jan 4

"My Redeemer Liveth" Job 19:25-27

For I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth. And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God. Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another, though my reins be consumed within me.

hat is Job saying? The setting is that Job was in the midst of intense suffering and despair, but his faith in

God never waivered because he knew God would deliver him in the end. Job viewed God as his Redeemer just as all believers are to have the same view of God. The term Redeemer in a common sense of the word is deliverer; however the defined definition of redeemer is someone who redeems.


Job makes a profound statement by first declaring who God is and expressed his strong faith in God his and our Redeemer. The message that is applicable for us today is in spite of our troubles the God in us is bigger than the god in this world. Another perspective is to focus on God instead of our problem. We must never waiver in our faith in God, regardless to what happens to the body the soul remains intact and in the last days all believers will see God face-to-face.

The second part of Job's profound statement and message is that he was more concern for his soul than his body because he knew that God never fails nor forsakes His children; this apply to you and I today.

Trust God as He is our Redeemer.

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Thu Jan 5

The Redeemed Are Adopted Sons Of God Galatians 4:4-5

But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth His Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.

n Paul's writing to the Galatians believers he uses the illustration of children being under the law of their parents

for guidance and instructions. This illustration illustrates the condition of believers in the Old Testament which provided godly instructions, but could not save as salvation come through faith. It is noteworthy to say scriptures record many of the Old Testament patriarchs whose faith was counted as righteous; Moses, Job, Abraham and Enoch to name a few.


Our lesson text is a continuation of Paul's discourse to the Galatians believers by saying that in God's own time He sent forth His Son to redeem all that were under the law and to usher in the faith era as He brought salvation to all who believed on Him and through our faith in Jesus Christ we have become adopted sons of God. It is noteworthy to say that when Christ came He did not come to destroy the law but to fulfill the law. Jesus being born of a woman was under the law as well, but He was fully God.

Verse 6 solidifies all believers rights as adopted sons of God in that we have a blood bought right to call God Father as we have been adopted into His family. As adopted sons of God we are loved, cared for and have been dressed in the royal holiness of God by the works of His Son Jesus Christ.

The redeemed are blessed and highly favored.

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HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 4 Issue 1 2012 Fri Jan 6

Believe God And Be Saved Exodus 14:31

And Israel saw that great work which the Lord did upon the Egyptians, and the people feared the Lord, and believed the Lord, and His servant Moses.

hat actions did Israel witness that caused them to fear the Lord? The young nation of Israel witness

plague after plague that came upon the Egyptians in their deliverance and how all who had the blood of the lamb on their door posts was spared death from the death angel. The most climatic judgment witness by the Israelites was when the Egyptian army was drown in the Red Sea after it had opened for them to pass through on dry land. They knew that it was by the power of God who performs such miraculous act of deliverance while pronouncing His judgment on sin.


The message to be learned from this passage is that all believers are spared God's wrath and judgment while all unbelievers will suffer His judgment which will be harsh and swift. The other lesson to be learned is that it is better to trust God than to put our faith in princes/man and be lost. Only God has the power to destroy both body and soul. Reflect on Job and his situation when the devil had to get God's permission to test Job. Satan was allowed to afflict Job's body but not his soul; that belongs to God as do all.

Why believe God and be saved? Because He is our all and all; He is our creator, sustainer, protector, redeemer and deliverer. He knows all, sees all and is in all as He is everywhere.

God is the God of my salvation; just believe!

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HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 4 Issue 1 2012 Sat Jan 7

God Provides Exodus 16:4

Then said the Lord unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or no.

he scene of today's lesson study is that the Israelites were in the desert during their journey to the Promise Land and

their food supply was scare at best. They made their plea to Moses their earthly leader and he went to God and God answered by supplying bread (manna) form heaven. The amount provided was adequate to accommodate their daily needs. They were given specific instructions on gathering for that day's supply of food and the daily gathering was to teach the young nation of Israel that their existence depended on God; just as we are today. God promised to supply all our needs (Philippians 4:19) and He does.


God raining down manna (bread) from heaven was a foreshadowing of the coming Christ who is our bread of life as He was bread from heaven (John 6:32). Just as God provided bread and water for the nation of Israel to satisfy their physical hunger and thirst His Son Jesus Christ came providing spiritual bread and water that is essential to spiritual life as it is for physical life. What a provider!

Let's close today's discussion by saying God made provisions for all our needs from the beginning to the end of time. He is our true provider.

Whatever you need God has it and will provide all you need.

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HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 4 Issue 1 2012 Sun Jan 8

God The Righteous Savior Isaiah 45:18-45

For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens; God Himself that formed the earth and made it; He hath established it, He created it not in vain, He formed it to be inhabited; I am the Lord; and there is none else…Look unto me, and be saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is none else.

f today's discussion was sub-titled it would be "An Invitation To Salvation" simply because verse 22 extends the invitation

to all mankind to repent and be saved as God Himself is the only one capable of saving all who accepts Him as Savior. What makes God the Savior; simply because He created and formed everything that is in existence both seen and unseen. Our beginning verse explains why God did what He did, which is to be inhabited by all His creations. All God's creations were done for a specific purpose and mankind was to have dominion over all of God's creations and we were created in His likeness and image to be in fellowship with our creator. With that being said, only a holy God, who created, sustains, love, and protects His creations. This gives Him the right to be our righteous Savior as He is righteous and holy.


If the question were raised, If man was created in the likeness and image of God and to be in fellowship with Him what broke the fellowship? The disobedience of one man Adam caused sin to enter into the human race; therefore, breaking the harmonious fellowship with God our creator. The forgiveness of sin is necessary, but first there has to be repentance and turning from our sinful ways and back to our Holy Father and creator. It is God's desire that all be saved and share the good news with others; however there are many who will refuse to repent, but one day "every knee shall bow and every tongue shall (swear) confess" (v 23) that Jesus is Lord; whether this is done voluntarily in ones lifetime or involuntarily, but rests assure it will be done. Why? Because the "shall" in this verse is a guarantee from the Lord and He does not fail or lie.

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God is our righteous Savior because His Son Jesus who is God came to earth to bear the sins of humanity all done in love as mankind was found unworthy to pay his own sin debt. Also, it is God-Jesus Christ who could be both God and man for the sole purpose of restoring the broken fellowship between God and man. In the words of an old lady whom I heard say once regarding God as our righteous Savior is that "man has perfected the art of unsaving himself, but it took the perfect works of God through His Son Jesus Christ to save us and restore our right standing with God."

This question comes to mind, Have you accepted the atoning works of Jesus Christ our Savior who is God's Son? It is by God's grace that we are saved. God is our righteous Savior whether He is accepted as such or not.

God is the only one who can save anybody accept Him and be caved.

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HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 4 Issue 1 2012 Mon Jan 9

Believers' Faithful Prayers James 5:15-18

And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

n yesterday's discussion we discussed God as the righteous Savior, but today's focus discussion on the prayers of faithful

believers who intercede for others and the results for those prayers. It is God as the righteous Savior and judge who saves, heal and forgives all sin when true repentance is made. When God's faithful, elders, pastors and prayer warriors go in sincere prayer to God He hears and answers as we all have experience some form of illness and in need of intercessory prayer.


What make the faithful believer's prayers so effective? It is not the nature of the condition, but the condition of the heart because God looks at the heart and responds to sincerity and repentant hearts. Another point on the effectiveness' of the believer's prayers is that the person is in close fellowship with God in that the person has drawn close to God, and this closeness opens the way for a Spirit-filled life which brings the believer power to minister to others in prayer as well as other called ministries. It builds up the believer spiritually and gives the person clarification of God's will for his or her life. It also bring the righteous believer into the wisdom, revelation and knowledge of Christ. Lastly, as the faithful believer who has an effective prayer life manifest Christ in his or her life the lost will see the manifestation of Christ and come to Him for salvation.

When God's faithful believers go in prayer wonders are witnessed. Pray.

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HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 4 Issue 1 2012 Tue Jan 10

A God Of Compassion II Chronicles 36:14-15

…All the chief of the priests, and the people, transgressed very much after all the abominations of the heathen; and polluted the house of the Lord which He had hallowed in Jerusalem. And the Lord God of their fathers sent to them by His messengers, rising up betimes, and sending; because He had compassion on His people, and His dwelling place:

in has been in the world since it first entered through Adam and has gotten progressively worse and man's

transgressions have been his failure throughout the redemptive period. Why these constant transgressions occur is because man has failed to resolve to live separate holy lives from this sinful world while in this world. Many of the unsaved fail to believe that there is a God and they are worthy of His salvation. Society's moral values help to perpetuate this common idea. Society and this world's systems are contrary to that of God's value system and what we see is a sad cadre of consequences as a result of disobeying God's morals and values, but thanks be to God who has compassion and is willing to forgive and save anybody who repent of their sins.


How does the saved and unsaved hear from God? Both the saved and unsaved hear from God through His messengers and His Word and by allowing the Holy Spirit to have His way in convicting us of our sins. God's compassion is displayed in the redemptive work of His Son Jesus Christ who came into this world to die for the sins of the world. What a compassionated God!

Let me close by saying, God's compassion is on constant display as He forgives us for all of our transgressions-just ask and repent.

A God of compassion like no other god.

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HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 4 Issue 1 2012 Wed Jan 11

God's Messengers Mocked II Chronicles 36:16

But they mocked the messengers of God, and despised His words, and misused His prophets until the wrath of the Lord arose against His people, till there was no remedy.

rom our study text we see just how sin had blinded the people to the point they didn't want to hear anything that

God or His messengers had to say neither have their sins pointed out. Sin will cause the sinner to turn his back on God and His words to the point they will attempt to do harm to God's messengers. What was missed is God saying "do my prophets no harm." This is because God's messengers are carrying out God's orders and He will protect His prophets as they are saying "what thus saith the Lord."


It is noteworthy to say that when God's messengers are despised and mocked the mocker is despising and mocking God's Word and is rejecting God Himself. Reflect what happened to Paul/Saul while on the Road to Damascus when Christ had to get his attention in dramatic fashion (Acts 9:4).

Why is it an error to mock God's messengers? Because God's messengers have a close relationship with God (Amos 3:7) and is in sympathy with God over the people's sins and the messenger like God desires the best for His people. This includes seeing things from God's view point as oppose to human point of view. Also, God's messengers like God Himself want total heartfelt dedication to God and His Word from His people.

Hear the word of God's messengers as they are speaking for God. Do not reject God through His messengers.

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God Stirres The Spirit Of His People

Thu Jan 12

II Chronicles 36:22-23

Now in the first year of Cyrus King of Persia, the word of the Lord spoken by the mouth of Jeremiah might be accomplished, the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus King of Persia, that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and put it also in writing, saying, Thus saith Cyrus King of Persia, All the kingdom of the earth hath the Lord God of heaven given me; and He hath charged me to build Him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah.

esterday we discussed how God's messengers were mocked by the people, but today we will focus on how

God always has some faithful believers who will stand in the face of adversity and say "What thus saith the Lord."

Y The scene in today's lesson is that despite the spiritual apostasy

in Judah during this time God was at work fulfilling His promise to His faithful servants that remained in the midst of such wickedness that He moved on the heart of the mightiest ruler of that day to accomplish His purposes so that His word would be fulfilled (Ezra 1:1-3; Jeremiah 25:11-14; 27:22; 29:10; 33:7-10). This applies today as God is still at work through His messengers and He is moving on the hearts of men in high places as His Word will be heard as it spread to every nation. We are witnessing more men and women in high places giving reverence to God. Why? Because one day every "knee will bow before the Lord and tongue confess that He is Lord" (Isaiah 45:23).

Sin will never become larger than God's Spirit.

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HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 4 Issue 1 2012 Fri Jan 13

God Protects His Servants I Kings 19:3-8

And as he lay and slept under a juniper tree, behold then, and angel touched him, and said unto him, Arise and eat. And he looked, and behold, there was a cake baken on the coals, and a cruse of water at his head. And he did eat and drink, and laid him down again.

oday's setting is a continuation of what happened in chapter 18 where Elijah expressed his unwavering faith to

God and the supernatural victories over the god Baal and this resulted in Elijah fleeing to safety in fear of his life. His destiny was not to remain in Jezebel but in Mount Horeb (Mount Sinai). See, Elijah was one of God's devoted servants who stood for God in the face of insurmountable odds, but his reward was God's protection when he needed it most. God provided for his safe passage to where he could rest comfortable in a cave and sleep, and then God provided food and water for his nourishment. Isn't that just like God?


Scripture provides many such incidents where God's messengers have had to leave their comfort zones and many wandered in caves, deserts, mountains, and etc. Many prophets, preachers, professors, and lay people have had to move out of their present places to another for standing firm on the Word of God, but they are never out of God's presence and protection. When we get hungry He feeds us, when we are discouraged He provides hope and encouragement, and when we need a friend He is always there.

When God says He will never leave nor forsake you take Him at His word.

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HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 4 Issue 1 2012 Sat Jan 14

Being Visited By God I Kings 19:11-13

And He said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord, And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake; And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice, And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in the mantle, and went out, and stood in the entering in of the cave. And behold, there came a voice unto him, and said, What doest thou here, Elijah?

n working for the Lord, sometime we may become tired and weary, but the Lord is always close by. He is near to provide

comfort, encouragement, protection and instructions. This is evidenced by what happened to Elijah when he needed food God provided it as well as protection and comfort, but his work was not finished.


God visited His servant Elijah in a "still small voice", but before God spoke to Elijah in His small voice He got Elijah's attention with the strong winds, earthquake and fire. See, God know how to get our attention and when He speaks our hearts are in-tune with God to receive His instructions as there is no mistake as to what and where our next assignment is. Being a servant of God we cannot rest on our past works, simply because God's work of sharing His Word with lost souls isn't finished until all nations hear the word. Just as Elijah learned this valuable lesson it is worthwhile for all God's servants.

Let's close this discussion by posing these questions, What was your reaction upon being visited by God? Did you follow His instructions and proceed in obedience and with a willing heart or were you reluctant?

A visitation by God means that we have been in His presence.

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HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 4 Issue 1 2012 Sun Jan 15

A Forgiving God I King 8:33-39

When thy people Israel be smitten down before the enemy, because they have sinned against thee, and shall turn again to thee, and make supplication unto thee in this house; Then hear thou in heaven, and forgive the sin of thy people Israel, and bring them again unto the land which thou gavest unto their fathers.

hen we reflect on the history of the nation of Israel we see a cycle of sinning and being forgiven by God and

may wonder why? The answer is simple; God is a forgiving God as He is merciful to His people and has expressed His love time and again. Israel is held out as God's people to be an example of His love, grace and mercy. Just as He loved Israel and all His faithful He does punish and this too is recorded in biblical history. God will use an unrighteous nation to punish His people as described in our lesson study. It is also noteworthy to point out the harshness of God's punishment so much so that people will confess the name of the Lord, pray and turn to Him. God's forgiving promise is made very profound in II Chronicles 7:14 and God's word is sure.


God's desire is that His people to turn back to Him and as promised He would forgive them of their sins. This principle applies for all today. It is God's desire that all be saved, but many will refuse to accept His spiritual invitation (Isaiah 55:1) and be lost. Which segment will you be in accepting or rejecting His invitation?

Many in today's society feel that was then and today is different; God is the same today as He was yesterday and He will remain the same because He is unchangeable. It is noteworthy to mention that even though God is forgiving He will and does punish unrepentant sin and to the unrepentant sinner will live an eternity separated from God. Let's be reminded that even though God is merciful and forgiving He is just as well as longsuffering. His longsuffering is giving mankind opportunity to repent and be saved. Man deserved to be eternally separated from God, but in God's

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forgiveness He provided the plan of salvation through His Son Jesus only if we believe. What a forgiving God!

The Bible is filled with promises made and promises kept as there are many personal testimonies of God keeping His promises. Each believer has a personal testimony of God's forgiveness as all of us both saved and unsaved need forgiveness for something whether acknowledged or unacknowledged.

God's forgiveness and love is on display daily as He is love and His agape love brought forgiveness as His love and forgiveness remains today.

God forgives and love as no other god can.

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HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 4 Issue 1 2012 Mon Jan 16

God Our Deliverer Jeremiah 15:19-21

Therefore, thus saith the Lord, If thou return, and then will I bring thee again, and thou shalt stand before me; and if thou take forth the precious from the vile, thou shalt be as my mouth; let then return unto thee; but return not thou unto them. And I will make unto thee this people a fenced brazen wall; and they shall fight against thee, but they shall not prevail against thee; for I am with thee to save thee and to deliver thee, saith the Lord.

ur scripture text give assurances of God promised deliverance for His people. What God requires is that the

people obey Him and return to Him in true repentance. In God's promise to His people He promises to be a fence around them and all who come against them would fail because God never abandon His people and always keeps His promises.


Even God's messengers sometimes feels abandon and isolated for standing for God, but He is near. In Jeremiah's darkest hour of loneliness and isolation he felt that God's faithfulness to him had diminished (v. 18), but this was hardly the case. Just as Job wanted and audience with God during his darkest hour He had not left Jeremiah neither will He leave us. God told Jeremiah, I want to you repent of your words after which God proceeded to tell Jeremiah, "I am with thee to save thee and to deliver thee".

What does this say for us today? It says that God is still calling for repentance as the world is riddled with sin and is moving in high places where we thought it never would. What believers are to do is to stand firm on God's Word because He is near to deliver.

God as our deliverer has never failed and never will as He is sure in His promises.

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HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 4 Issue 1 2012 Tue Jan 17

When God Speaks Acts 9:3-6

And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus; and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven; And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecuted thou me? And he said, Who art thou. Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecuted; it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

uch has been written about Saul/Paul and his Damascus Road encounter with Jesus as the risen Lord. Saul/Paul

felt that it was his sworn duty to persecute the church and stop the spread of the gospel. If I could speculate here, Saul/Paul never figured in his plan of church persecution on meeting Jesus Himself or if he could be changed from a persecutor of the church to a servant of the Lord. When God speaks miraculous things happen.


Reflect on Paul's life and the changes that were brought about from his encounter with Jesus and hearing the spoken word from God Himself. He traveled far and near preaching Christ and suffered mightily for doing so, but Paul never waivered in his faith and dedication to his calling. Now reflect on your own life and the changes that have occurred since God spoke to your heart.

When God speaks dead men will rise and live again. When God speaks the wind and the waves obey His voice "peace be still." God is still speaking today and He is calling men unto salvation saying, "come unto me and be saved."

God is speaking hear Him and say "yes Lord."

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HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 4 Issue 1 2012 Wed Jan 18

Jesus God's Greatest Servants Isaiah 49:1

Listen, O Isles, unto me, and hearken, ye people, form afar, The Lord hath called me from the womb; from the bowels of my mother hath He made mention of my name.

f the question were raised, Why is Jesus God's greatest servant? First, Jesus existed before His virgin birth as He

was present with God in the beginning and He is the incarnated Word of God. Second, He was in the beginning with God and is in the end and all believers will see Him when we get to heaven. Third, Jesus is the sacrificial Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world to be man's propitiator as God the Father knew that upon man's creation he would sin and need a Savior. Jesus was the only one who met all requirements to fulfill what God required to bridge the divide between God and man. Fourth, Jesus as servant is the only one who have the power to give life and give more it abundantly (John 10:10). Fifth, it is Jesus who is the Good Shepherd as He came to give His life for His sheep-believers (John 10:11). Sixth, Jesus is the one that was prophesied many years before His birth as the promised Messiah who would save the world of its sins. In Isaiah 7:14 we find the details of Jesus' birth to His mane and the status of His birth mother. Seventh, it is Jesus who came from heaven and completed His mission, returned to heaven and is now seated at the right of the Father making intercession for us.


Jesus is the greatest servant because while here on earth He was both God and man.

He is God's Son.

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HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 4 Issue 1 2012 Thu Jan 19

God Called Servants Isaiah 49:5-6

And now, saith the Lord that formed me from the womb to be His servant, to bring Jacob again to Him, Though Israel be not gathered, yet shall I be glorious in the eyes of the Lord, and my God shall be my strength. And He said, it is alight thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel; I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth.

esterday we discussed Jesus as the greatest servant of all and today's focus is a continuation by looking at Isaiah's

prophecy that outlines two important aspects of Christ's earthly mission, which was to (a) bring Israel back to God. This group includes the Jewish converts of the New Testament church, the present age believers and the remnant that will be restored in the last stage. (b) The second aspect of Christ's mission was to bring salvation to all nations (vv. 5-6).


"My salvation unto the end of the earth," solidifies Christ's mission in that it is God's desire that all nations hear the gospel and be saved; the opportunity is there and the choice is theirs. Isaiah's prophecy will not be fulfilled until all nations have heard the Word of God preached as supported in Matthew 24:14 as to when the end comes. Also, Matthew 28:18-20 talks about teaching and preaching the gospel of Christ to all nations.

It is noteworthy to say that before and after Christ's earthly mission God called special people as His servants to say "what thus saith the Lord" in getting the people to turn to Him and be saved. Ephesians 4:11 describes Christ's five-fold ministerial leadership of the church to continue His mission, but all believers are servants of God in that each has a personal message to share with unbelievers.

Serve God through witnessing.

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Parable Of Faithful And Unfaithful Servants

Fri Jan 20

Matthew 24: 43-51

But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up, Therefore, be ye also ready for in such an hour as you think not the Son of man cometh.

hat is this parable saying? This parable is saying that no man knows the day or hour of Christ's return, but

what we do know for sure is that He is coming back again and it is in our best interest to be ready whenever Christ returns. Verse 36 tells who know the exact time when Christ will return for His bride-the church; only God the Father knows. Also, in verse 44, Christ warns of His unexpected and unknown time of His return for His faithful followers. With that being said, then it behooves all believers and unbelievers to live as though today is the day of Christ's return. Get your house in order.


There are passages in scripture which states that Christ's return is as a thief and a robber at night. These passages of scripture agree with our lesson study by saying that the owner of his house would not leave home if he knows that a thief is coming by tonight or anytime the break-in occurs. What homeowners/mankind must do is to secure his house/salvation for such unexpected events. This applies to all and the return of Christ is sure.

Let's close by saying that faithful servants have and keep their house in order whereas the unfaithful servant is taking a chance of being ready when Christ returns.

Serve God faithfully unto the end as He is coming again.

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HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 4 Issue 1 2012 Sat Jan 21

Serve God By Serving Others I Corinthians 9:19-23

For though I be free of all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more, And unto the Jews I became a Jew, that I might gain the Jews, to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law; To them that are without law, as without law,(being not without law of God, but under the law to Chris,) that I might gain them that are without law.

rom our lesson study we see the Apostle Paul's commitment to serving God by giving of himself to serving

others. In order to gain both the Jews and non-Jews Paul took on the culture and laws of the people he was trying to win over to Christ; for the Jews he became Jewish and for the non-Jews/Gentiles he became non-Jewish. Paul continued his preaching Christ to the different cultures as he traveled throughout Asia Minor establishing churches in Jesus name. Wherever Paul traveled he loved all the same as he was truly imitating the life of Christ through service.


If the question were raised, How can I serve God through others? First, Paul's life is a perfect example of how one must serve God through service to others, and second, scripture tells us that what we do for the least of these we do unto God or what we fail for do to the least we fail to do unto God. The needs in our respective communities are great as many in our communities are in need of food, shelter and clothing. Also, there are numerous community agencies that specializes in such ministry that we can donate time, money, goods, and well as a testimony of what God has done in your life.

Our service record is being kept in heaven, how will it read?

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HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 4 Issue 1 2012 Sun Jan 22

The Christian Race I Corinthian 9:24-27

Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain, And every man that striveth for the mastery of temperate in all things, Now they do if to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.

aul continues his encouragement to his audience of self-denial in Christian service to God and race to obtain the

reward of an incorruptible crown of life and spend eternity with God. P In this Christian life/race isn't about what the world sees or say

who we are, but what God says as well as where we place our priorities in life. If we value things of society most then our reward is a corruptible life of eternal separation from our creator. Another important point in living the Christian life is how we treat and view others; it is as they are God's creation just as we are, while recognizing that we are all the same in the eyes of God and He doesn't make any junk; simply because all mankind was created in the likeness and image of God. How de we as Christians treat our fellowman? Do we look down on the less fortunate of our society? Do we realize that we are blessed to bless others, meaning that we are to share our goods, time and talents with the less fortunate? Are we so heavenly bound that we are no earthly good? God is watching how we serve Him through others.

Yes, the ultimate prize for every Christian on this journey is to get to heaven, while in route we are commission to witness to lost souls the world over. In our witness and service many lost souls will come to Christ thus adding to the kingdom of God. Jesus Christ is our greatest example of servanthood as He met the needs of people regardless of condition, nationality, location or pedigree. If the person was hungry He fed them, if the person required a physical healing He did that too so that He could meet their spiritual need.

Also, while in this Christian race on our heavenly journey we must maintain our focus on who our heavenly Father is and the prize

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itself. To accomplish our mission we must separate ourselves from society's morals as they are contrary to those of God. We do this by remaining connected to the true vine-Jesus Christ through daily Bible reading, meditating on the Word and yielding to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. As we remain connected to the true vine we are in Christ and Christ is in us. His brightness and glory will shine through us for the entire world to see as we travel the narrow road on our Christian journey. Remember Christians, we are lights in a sin-darkened world.

The Christian race isn't given to the swift, but to the ones who endure to the end. Christians, march on we have a crown of life waiting for us.

Thank God for the prize.

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HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 4 Issue 1 2012 Mon Jan 23

Christians In A Perverse Generation Philippians 2:15

That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world.

n yesterday's discussion we focused on the Christian Race and the importance of maintaining our focus while in this

race, but today's focus discussion is Christians living in a perverse generation as the world we live in today is marred with all manner of sin and wickedness as it was during the Bible days.


Satan and his followers have set out to deceive Christians if we succumb to his lies and deceitfulness as he is a masterful strategist in his deceptive schemes. The world has a distorted view of morals, standards and beliefs which is contrary to those of God. Many in our society today feel that there is no God and mankind is the highest order of control and what satisfies man the most is right, but we know better.

What must Christians do in this perverse generation? II Corinthians 6:17-18 calls for spiritual separation for all believers as we cannot serve two masters. Spiritual separation is necessary to remain loyal and faithful to God so that we might persevere in faith, purity and godly love and continue being lights in a sin darkened world. With our loyalty to God we draw closer to Him through an intimate fellowship, worship, His word and loving service to Him. With that being said, Christians must speak against sin and corruption whenever and wherever it exists.

Christians, we are in a spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:11-18) sin and corruption is our enemy. Fight on!

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HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 4 Issue 1 2012 Tue Jan 24

Reconciled Back To God II Corinthians 5:18

And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to Himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;

he barrier of sin that caused the riff between God and mankind, but through the atoning work of Jesus Christ we

have been reconciled back to God the Father. Our reconciliation becomes effective the moment we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior.


Before being reconciled back to God we were in a state of rebellion and alienation from God our creator and our rebellion was sure to elicit the wrath and judgment of God (Ephesians 5:6; Romans 1:18-24; 1 Corinthians 15:25-26). We see God's love at work in the reconciliation process is in that He wrapped Himself in humanity (God-Jesus Christ) to atone man's sins.

Regarding the reconciliation ministry each believer is a minister in his or her own right as each has been reconciled back to God. We are members of Christ's church with the responsibility of calling lost souls unto repentance. The church is the beckoning light that is set on a hill (held to God's standards) as it is the spiritual hospital for sin-sick souls. Christ is the head of the church and the church is the temple of God both collectively (congregation) and individually-each believer; therefore, believers are in the reconciling business making new converts for Christ.

Thank God for Jesus and His atoning work, believers are now in harmony with God our Father and creator.

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HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 4 Issue 1 2012 Wed Jan 25

New Creatures In Christ II Corinthians 5:17

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are past away, behold, all things are become new.

hat this verse is saying is that once we accept Jesus Christ through faith as our personal Savior we then have

a different view of things, which is from God's perspective. We are no longer enemies of God, but are sons of God as all believers have been adopted into His holy nation of royalty and have become co-heirs with Christ.


Another point of being new creatures in Christ is that believers do not do the things that the old man did, but instead live to please God in obedience to His ways. Also, being new creatures in Christ, the believer is renewed in the image of God (II Corinthian 4:16; 1 Corinthians 15:49; Ephesians 4:24; Colossians 1:21). As a new creature in Christ believers share in God's glory, gain a better understanding of Him through daily scripture reading and meditation while yielding to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Being a new creature in Christ is living a life of holiness. Being new creatures in Christ believers fulfill the reconciliation ministry as believers are representatives of God and His righteousness for the world to see (vv 18-20).

Glory to God that Jesus Christ "became sin so that all believers can be made the righteous of God in Him" (v. 21).

What a Savior to have and a God to glorify making all believers new creatures in Him?

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HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 4 Issue 1 2012 Thu Jan 26

Christ's Work Of Atonement II Corinthians 5:21

For He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteous of God in Him.

oday's lesson study packs a powerful punch of enlightenment to the meaning of what Christ's death on the

cross means to all believers. T Let's analyze the verse by saying that God's love for mankind

that He gave His only beloved Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins (John 3:16). This was part of God's reconciliation process (v. 18) so that all who believe in Jesus as our Savior we become new creatures in Christ (v. 17); therefore, when God the Father looks on humanity He sees the righteousness of His Son Jesus simply because our sins have been hid behind the atoning work of Christ. With Christ taking on the stains of our sins we then become righteous in Christ because we have been found not guilty in the eyesight of God.

Another point of Christ's atoning work is that He was made the object of God's judgment and instead of mankind taking God's punishment of eternal separation we now have eternal salvation. In Christ's atonement God forgave us of our sins where justice was in order but mercy prevailed. What a merciful God!

Regarding the righteousness of God is that the believer is to remain in Christ through fellowship with Him and being controlled by His love (v.14).

Believers was crucified with Christ and was raised with Him and live with Him in a resurrected life (Galatians 2:20); therefore, we are righteous because of Christ's atonement.

What a mighty work by Christ!

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HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 4 Issue 1 2012 Fri Jan 27

Believers Temples Of God II Corinthians 6:15-16

And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath he that believeth with and infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For ye were the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God and they shall be my people.

n Paul's writings to the Galatians believers he make a profound argument that believers are the true dwelling place

of God in that we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit who is God in the third person. It is well documented that the temple represents the dwelling place of God where His Spirit resides and in the Old Testament when idols were erected in the temple it then would become desecrated and God no longer resided there. Just as God cannot reside in a desecrated temple (place of worship) He cannot dwell in the sinful believer.


It is noteworthy to say that in both the Old and New Testament idols were oftentimes considered to be demons, but an idol in a broader definition is anything that is placed before God. With that being said, we can erect idols in our bodies (hearts) by giving other things priority whether it is materialist or spiritual in nature. This brings us back to our scripture questions, What agreement has the temple of God with idols? What concord hath Christ with Belial? Nothing because an evil spirit cannot live alongside the Holy Spirit; therefore, we must never desecrate our bodies by allowing demons or evil spirits access (v. 15).

Believers are temples of God because we are justified and sanctified.

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HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 4 Issue 1 2012 Sat Jan 28

Spiritual Separation II Corinthians 6:17-18

Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean things; and I will receive you. And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

n yesterday's discussion we looked at believers as temples of God because we have been redeemed, justified and

sanctified by the blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but today's focus discussion is on spiritual separation for believers simply because of our relationship with Christ.


It was learned yesterday that an evil spirit and the Holy Spirit cannot live in the same house/body so then it behooves the believer to choose which god they will serve, Belial or God Almighty? In determining who am I going to serve, consider these facts, Belial did not come to earth to give life so that we can have it more abundantly, neither did he shed his blood on the cross taking on the sins of the world and neither is Belial the Son of the living God. Lastly, idol gods does not forgive sin instead idols gods cause sin; therefore, for me my decision is easy I will separate myself from the world and live for God while thanking Him for His grace and mercy.

Let's conclude by saying that spiritual separation is fundamental for all believers in our relationship with God because of His holiness and for all believers who fail to separate themselves will loose his or her fellowship with God (II Corinthians 6:16).

Separate yourselves because you represent holiness.

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Believers Are Lights In A Sinful World

Sun Jan 29

Matthew 5:14-16

Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid, Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify Your Father which is in heaven.

he opening phrase tells who believers are with the analogy of a city being high upon a hill cannot be hid from all who

seeks it. This phrase means that if you say that I am a believer then live so that the world will see Christ in you and in doings so the heavenly Father will be glorified.


Another point of view of believers being the light of the world is that saying I am a believer and continues to live in sin or following after worldly pleasure is the same as trying to serve two masters-God and Satan. This is impossible to do because God the Holy Spirit and Satan cannot dwell in the same house-body.

What's the point of accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and continues to be controlled by Satan? This question speaks to the phrases of building a city on a hill with the intent of no one seeing it or lighting a candle and then covering the flame. When a city is built on a hill it is there for everyone to see it and come to visit the new city; the same is true when you light a candle is to dispel the darkness in the room. Therefore, when believers quench the flame of the Holy Spirit He cannot guide the believer's way as believers navigate this Christian journey. With that being said, believers must remember whose we are and why we are who we are and how we become who we are.

Another point on believers being the lighted candlestick in the room is the world is darkened with sin and the light of believers are the candlesticks. Light draws things to it; this principle applies to lost souls being drawn to believers through the believer's witnessing power by words and lifestyle. What we do for others we do for Christ.

Being the candlestick in the room, How often do we tell others

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that Christ died for your sins and mine? How often do we lend a helping hand to those in need whether its visiting the sick, feeding the hungry, giving words of encouragement, providing a warm bed for the night or even making intercessory prayer for worldly conditions?

Believers we are the light of the world, so let's hold our lights high dispelling all darkness as we are residents of the new Jerusalem that is set high on the hill-heaven and the power source is God Himself and God's light will never be snuffed out or dimmed.

"This little light of mine and I am going to let it shine. All in my home, I am going to let it shine. God gave it to me and I am going to let it shine." (Harry Dixon Loes 1895-1965).

Believers you are that light.

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HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 4 Issue 1 2012 Mon Jan 30

Sanctified Through Christ Hebrews 10:10

By the which we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once and for all.

he background of this scripture, Paul is talking to the Hebrew believers regarding Christ as the better sacrifice as

oppose to the ones made by priests each year (vv 1-9). The differences between the two sacrifices is that the priests could not forgive sin, while the priests had to have their sins forgiven and were required to use unblemished goats and bullocks. Jesus used His body as He was the perfect sacrificial lamb slain from the foundation of the world to become the human sacrifice to atone man's sins. The other difference in Jesus' sacrifice is that He has the power to forgive sin as Jesus met all God's requirements in that it required another human free of sin to take the punishment for sin (Hebrews 2:14-18; 4:15). In doing so God's holiness remained in tact and His justice system implemented (Romans 3:25-26). With that being said, this proves that Christ's voluntary sacrifice is far better than the involuntary sacrifices made yearly by priests.


It is noteworthy to say that in Christ's atonement all believers are sanctified through Him to live in holy relationship with God the Father. Being sanctified through Christ we as believers are set apart for God's purpose. Believers we are a royal priesthood, a holy nation all in the body of Christ. Therefore, being sanctified through Christ we glorify God through our holy living.

Believers, we have been set apart as God's people; live holy.

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HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 4 Issue 1 2012 Tue Jan 31

Made Perfect In Christ Hebrews 10:14

For by one offering He hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.

f the question were raise, What does being made perfect in Christ mean to you? Does it mean that the believer have

been redeemed by the blood of Jesus? Does it mean that our sins have been forgiven? Does it mean that all believers have been sanctified by Christ's blood and are now new creatures in Christ? To grasp a deeper meaning of the posed question, we can reflect on yesterday's discussion of the believer being sanctified through the blood of Jesus Christ, and then we can answer our posed question and focus discussion by saying that all believers have been made perfect in Jesus Christ's as His one-time sin offering perfected that of the yearly sin atonement made by priests. Also, it is the perfect work of Christ that all believers are redeemed, sanctified, and regenerated and now are new creatures in Christ. What a difference?


With that being said, believers died one time to sin with Christ and rose once with Him to a life of righteousness as our sins has been forgiven and washed away in the blood of Jesus.

The benefit of believers being made perfect in Christ is that we have salvation and being sanctified in Christ we draw close to God through Christ (v. 22; 7:25). Believers being made perfect in Christ have a future hope of spending eternity with God. Believers being made perfect in Christ are no longer enemies of and being alienated from God, but instead are His adopted sons. Also, being made perfect in Christ all our imperfection has been made right-justified (Romans 3:25).

Perfection mean nothing else required.

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Thank you for allowing me to share God’s Word with you.


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Bio Dr. WILLIE B. WHITE holds two Masters of Arts degree in Adult education (MA Ed, MA SED and an Honorary Doctorate). Ms. White is a certified Dean and instructor in Christian Education, a college professor and special education teacher K-12. She frequently publishes articles in The Informer magazine of the SSPB. First book, “The Lord is My Shepherd”, (2007) PublishAmerica. “An Expose Of The Holy Spirit”, released June 2009, “Heavenly Bread”, released July 2009, a monthly devotional. Ms. White publishes a weekly blog discussion Uplifting Insight- Works in progress, DVD Who is God? An inspirational video, next books, God’s Moral laws: The Ten Commandments, and My Faith Journey with Jesus. All material is available through, or by writing to 21514 Green Hill Rd. Ste 141, Farmington Hills, MI 48335

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