Download - Healthy Options

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Healthy Options

Choosing a Healthy Diet and Eliminating Stress

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Healthy Options

R.G.N Qualified in Holistic Massage and

Reflexology Nutrition, Promoting Health in the Community, Member Tutors panel Co. Wex. V.E.C. Anvil House Wellness Centre

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Healthy Options

7 main stressors that effect us insidiously It is now being acknowledged that 70% of

cancers have an environmental origin 86% of deaths in Europe are preventable

chronic diseases – WHO press release 11th Sept 06

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Clutter and disorder


Chemical Pollution

Environmental Stress

Geopathic Stress

Lifestyle Stress

Unhealthy Diet

7 Stressors

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Healthy Options Create awareness The more processed the food we

consume- 1. The more energy the body has

to expend to use it 2. The more waste the body has to

throw out 3. The more we smell !!!!!!!!!

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Food Stressors Additives Refined/added sugar Stimulants Hypoallergenic

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4 in every 5 deaths were from either diseases of the

Circulatory system 37% Cancer 27% Respiratory system 15% These are PREVENTABLE

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Food Supporters

EFA’s - Omega 3

Fruit and vegetables Filtered water

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Healthy Options We need to become owners

of our HEALTH ME

Sun Air Water Earths Energy Nutrition

Health is Wealth

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Cancer started 300 years ago Air & Water pollution 150 – 200yrs ago Electromagnetic Fields 75 years ago These all effect our immune system 85% Adult Cancers preventable WHO figures 96% who have treatment for cancer will die in

10 years without changing diet and lifestyle

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How do we protect ourselves?

Sleep deprivation – quality of sleep important

Dehydration – clean water

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Food – anything that animals or people eat or drink that makes them grow,

general word for anything that nourishes people, animals or plants

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Healthy Options We need whole unadulterated food

Organic where possible, use you local butcher, farmers market and corner shop

Chew our food – digestion starts in the mouth

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Food – it is how fast the body will do 3 important things ;

1 – Digest it 2 – Extract the goodness 3 – Get rid of the waste Average person consumes over 75

tonnes of food in lifetime

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We are physically addicted to food Sugar addiction – cross circuits the

brain and scrambles it Fats – when we take lots of fat we

reduce the oxygen levels in body, heating fat makes it carciogenic


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Important rules when eating- Eat less Chew longer – digestion starts in

the mouth Drink water ½ hr before or hour

after meal – dilutes digestive juices with meal

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Get rid of JUNK FOOD – check the labels

Shop in the right frame of mind- Change your snack mindset- Make good use of fridge and

freezer – buy in bulk and store

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Good kitchen equipment Glass Stainless Steel NO TEFLON NO MICROWAVE

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Healthy Options Foods that stress us Caffeine Alcohol Sweets & carbonated drinks Salt & salty foods Fatty foods Dairy products Red meat Refined and processed foods

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Breakfast – most important Mid-day – main meal Tea/ Supper – light meal Never eat processed food 2-3 hrs

before you sleep

Have glass water before bed

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Cambridge University found eating 1 apple/day cuts risk premature death from heart attack by 20% add 1 orange + 1 banana it goes up to 50%

Imagine what juicing would do for you

Eat your fruit and Juice your vegetables

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Juicing – fast food

Make up your own – fruit in the am, mix with vegetables e.g. apple and celery, apple and carrot, cucumber,celery,apple and ginger to give it kick!

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Blending – meal in a glass- e.g.

Breakfast in a glass

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Eat your greens – Cabbage – reduces cancer risk Brocolli – loads minerals and vitamins Spinach – great source of iorn

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Healthy Options

Berries- fresh, frozen or dried Grains - cous-cous, Quinoa-protein,calcium and amino

acids Millett – good for digestion Barley, Oats, Rye Rice- basmati & brown Spelt, Corn

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Healthy Options

Seeds Flax – omega 3 and 6 Pumpkin – iorn, vit e, zinc Sesame - calcium Sunflower- energy, efa’s,

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Spices Cinnamon – good for desserts & juices Nutmeg – sweet or savoury dishes Ginger – veg juices, tea Tumeric – grains e.g. couc-cous Vanilla – pod or essence use instead of sugar

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Healthy Options

Nuts – reduce risk of disease Almonds – vit E, protein Walnuts – omega 3, fibre and

protein Hazelnuts - Pine nuts Eat in moderation, add to dishes

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Herbs – fresh and dried – natural flavouring

Parsley – high in vit c Herbal teas

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It’s as easy as ABC

Be Aware Be Brave Be Creative

Thank you for listening

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Healthy Options

Siobhan Wall, R.G.N.,