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12 Healthiest Foods For Women

And Why You Need Them

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Women’s health depends

upon a lot of different factors.

Between hormones, our busy lifestyles,

and the stressful demands placed upon

us by society, it is easy to fall into

unhealthy habits.

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Luckily, the road to a healthy and

balanced life has a simple beginning…


The following are 12 of the healthiest foods for

women with a brief explanation of just why we

need them.

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Filled with tons of nutrients and vitamins,

egg yolks are one of the best foods for women.

Eggs contain choline that has been linked to low rates of

breast cancer, and antioxidants that slow aging and may

prevent cataracts and macular degeneration.

Despite claims that eggs can lead to heart disease, they’re

actually incredibly healthy and should be added to your

diet at least twice a week.

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Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt can be a healthy and delicious addition to breakfast,

eaten as a snack, or saved for dessert. This food is great source

of calcium and also contains a large amount of immunity boosting


Women need these nutrients to help keep them regular

and to promote strong bones and healthy teeth.

In comparison to regular yogurt, Greek yogurt has twice the

protein, which most women don’t have enough of in their diets.

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A great source of Omega-3 fatty

acids and vitamin D.

The fatty acids present in salmon offer a

variety of health benefits, such as, prevention

of heart disease, smoothing and softening

skin, aiding weight loss, and even boosting

your mood.

Enjoy salmon at least twice per week.

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Lean Beef

This alternative to fatty red meat is one of the

easiest ways to get a good source of iron in your


Many women suffer from anemia, which is

a condition brought on by low iron levels.

Especially heavy menstrual cycles can contribute

to anemia and general low iron levels, but, at

least 1 ounce of beef a day can help the body

absorb iron from different sources.

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Reduce risk of heart disease and diabetes by adding

1½ ounces of tree nuts to your everyday diet.

Various nuts contain different nutrients and vitamins

that are vital to maintaining a healthy body.

For example, hazelnuts include arginine, which, is an essential

amino acid that may be able to help lower blood pressure.

Almonds contain a good amount of heart-healthy polyphenols,

similar to the amount present in a half cup of green tea.

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Edamame and TofuThese soy protein rich foods are full of vitamins and nutrients.

When you add edamame, tofu, soy milk, and

other foods can help fight heart disease.

When eaten in place of fatty cheeses, meats, and similar

foods, soy foods can help cut your saturated fat intake in half.

Soy foods also contain heart-healthy

polyunsaturated fats, lots of fiber, and essential vitamins.

The isoflavones, or plant estrogens, present in

edamame and tofu may also help prevent breast cancer.

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Avocados contain healthy

monounsaturated fats, and

lots of other nutrients and vitamins.

Some studies have shown that adding these fruits to salads

and salsa actually improved the absorption of plant

compounds known as carotenoids that have been linked to a

lower risk of heart disease and other chronic conditions.

These delicious fruits are also a great source

of good fats, heart-protecting compounds,

soluble fibers, vitamin E, potassium, and much more.

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Olive Oil

Olive oil contains high levels of monounsaturated

fats (MUFAS) which promote heart health by lowering

the bad

cholesterol in the body and raising the good HDL


High antioxidant content helps slow aging and

reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic conditions.

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This super vegetable contains high amounts of lutein,

vitamins A, C, and B, iron, fiber and more.

Guards against age-related macular degeneration, prevents or

reduces the risk of heart attacks, and high cholesterol.

Add spinach to your salads, sandwiches, and a

bevy of other breakfast, lunch and dinner dishes.

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Tomatoes contain an antioxidant known as lycopene

which may protect against heart disease and breast cancer.

When eaten fresh, tomatoes retain the vitamins and

nutrients needed to maintain healthy systems.

Add olive oil to these veggies for an even tastier meal.

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Sweet Potatoes

Filled with the essential nutrient Vitamin A,

sweet potatoes help protect eyes, skin, and the linings

of the body’s intestinal, urinary, and respiratory tracts.

They also contain beta-carotene, which, is a nutrient that the body converts into vitamin A.

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This is one of the few fruits that contains extremely

high levels of heart healthy polyphenols.

Helps prevent degenerative diseases,

such as, cancer and other chronic conditions.

This fruit can be added to all kinds of

dishes for a delectable grape flavor.