Download - Health - Paterson Public Schools (Grade K...Health Grade 2: 2 | P a g e Course ... Consumer and Community Health May 2.1 ABCDE 2.2 ABCDE 2.4 ABC ... Students will create a pamphlet

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Grade 2:

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Course Description

The unit on Nutrition will provide the students with the knowledge and skills and necessary to select a healthy diet, control

weight; and keep their digestive and excretory systems healthy. Each group of nutrients will be examined, and the four food

groups explained. Students will discuss how to maintain a healthy body by following modified caloric intake and a

recommended level of physical activity. Students will also gain an understanding of nutrition and be able to make healthier

decisions regarding nutrition by properly interpreting food labels.

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Pacing Chart

Activities Timelines (In conjunction with 150 minute

mandate, timelines are flexible

based on scheduling, facilities,

testing and weather)

New Jersey Learning

Standards &

Cumulative Progress


Cross Discipline

Family, Mental and Social Health September 2.1 ABCDE 2.2 ABCDE Language Arts

Violence and Injury Prevention October 2.1 ABCDE 2.2 ABCDE Language Arts & Social studies

Individual Growth & Human


November 2.1 ABCDE 2.2 ABCDE Language Arts/Science/ Art

Nutrition December 2.1 ABCDE 2.2 ABCDE Science/Math

Personal Health January 2.1 ABCDEF 2.2 ABCDEF Language Arts and Social Studies

Physical Fitness February 2.1 ABCDE 2.2 ABCDE 2.6 ABC Science/P.E./Math

Alcohol, Drugs &

Tobacco/Substance Abuse

March 2.2 ABCDE 2.3 ABCDE Math/Language Arts/Science/Art

Communicable and chronic Diseases April 2.1 D 2.2ABCDE Science and Language Arts

Consumer and Community Health May 2.1 ABCDE 2.2 ABCDE 2.4 ABC Language Arts

Environmental Health June 2.1 ABCDE 2.2 ABCDE Science and Language Arts

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Review and Final Exam

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Educational Technology

Standards Note: Insert additional educational technology standards that align with the specific CTE standards for this course

8.1.2.A.7, 8.1.2.B.1, 8.1.2.D.1, 8.1.2.E.1

Technology Operations and Concepts

Create professional documents (e.g., newsletter, personalized learning plan, business letter or flyer) using advanced features of a word

processing program

Example: Students will create a pamphlet to compare and contrast over–the-counter drugs and prescription drugs.

Creativity and Innovation

Synthesize and publish information about a local or global issue or event on a collaborative, web-based service.

Example: Students will compare obesity rates of different ethnic groups with in their community and create a chart of the data.

Digital Citizenship

Model appropriate online behaviors related to cyber safety, cyber bullying, cyber security, and cyber ethics.

Example: Students will create posters that display appropriate responses to social media requests in reference to cyber bullying.

Research and Information Literacy

Gather and analyze findings using data collection technology to produce a possible solution for a content-related or real-world


Example: students will collect data on hygiene behavior using a survey and then explain how it affects their peers.

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21st Century Life & Career Skills

Career Ready Practices describe the career-ready skills that all educators in all content areas should seek to develop in their students. They are the practices that

have been linked to increase college, career and life success. Career Ready Practices should be taught and reinforced in all career exploration and preparation with

increasingly higher levels of complexity and expectation as a student advances through a program of study.

Standards: CRP2.,CRP4,CRP8,CRP12.

CRP2. Apply appropriate academic and technical skills.

Career-ready individuals readily access and use the knowledge and skills acquired through experience and education to be more productive.

They make connections between abstract concepts with real-world applications, and they make correct insights about when it is appropriate to

apply the use of academic skill in a workplace situation.

Example: Career-ready individuals will be able to use their health education to be more productive in the workplace and with using real-world


CRP4. Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason.

Career-ready individuals communicate thoughts, ideas and action plans with clarity, whether using written, verbal, and/or visual methods.

They communicate in the workplace with clarity and purpose to make maximum use of their own and other’s time. They are excellent

writers; they master conventions, word choice, and organization, and use effective tone and presentation skills to articulate idea. They are

skilled at interacting with others; they are active listeners and speak clearly and with purpose. Career-ready individuals think about the

audience for their communication and prepare accordingly to ensure the desired outcome.

Example: Career-ready individuals will be able to effectively communicate in written and non-written forms by applying techniques acquired

throughout the health curriculum.

CRP8. Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and preserve in solving them.

Career-ready individuals readily recognize problems in the workplace; understand the nature of the problem. And devise effective plans to

solve the problem. They are aware of problems when they occur and take action quickly to address the problem; they thoughtfully investigate

the root cause of the problem. Once a solution is agreed upon, they follow through to ensure the problem is solved, whether through their own

actions or the actions of others.

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Example: Career-ready individuals will be able to take action quickly to solve workplace problems based on the strategies they learned through their

health education.

CRP12. Work productively in teams while using cultural global competence.

Career-ready individuals positively contribute to every team, whether formal or informal. They apply an awareness of cultural differences to

avoid barriers to productive and positive interaction. They find ways to increase the engagement and contribution of all team members. They

plan facilitate effective team meetings.

Example: Career-ready individuals will utilize the diversity of their surroundings to productively achieve goals set forth by society. Therefore

increasing our health student’s involvement in society on a global level.

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Differentiated Instruction

Accommodate Based on Students Individual Needs: Strategies


Extra time for assigned tasks

Adjust length of assignment

Timeline with due dates for

reports and projects

Communication system

between home and school

Provide lecture notes/outline


Extra Response time

Have students verbalize steps

Repeat, clarify or reword


Mini-breaks between tasks

Provide a warning for


Reading partners


Precise step-by-step directions

Short manageable tasks

Brief and concrete directions

Provide immediate feedback

Small group instruction

Emphasize multi-sensory



Teacher-made checklist

Use visual graphic organizers

Reference resources to

promote independence

Visual and verbal reminders

Graphic organizers

Assistive Technology


Tape recorder


Audio-taped books


Extended time

Study guides

Shortened tests

Read directions aloud


Consistent daily structured


Simple and clear classroom


Frequent feedback


Individual daily planner

Display a written agenda

Note-taking assistance

Color code materials

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Differentiated Instruction

Accommodate Based on Students Individual Needs: Strategies

Anchor charts to model concepts/skills/life progressions

Chart academic vocabulary with visual representations

Conceptual word wall that contains definitions, translations, pictures and/or examples.

Translation dictionary

Teacher modeling

Students can utilize health journals to write notes, translate terms and key vocabulary.

Utilize technological programs which provide verbal and visual instruction in native and/or second language ( site specific)

Use interactive technology to improve health fact fluency and accuracy.

Utilize different colors when interpreting data from graphs or to indicate differences/similarities.

Display chart to differentiate between the following: sign/symptoms, cause/effect, and nutritional facts.

Create graphic organizers for different health topics( examples include: decision making, body systems, nutrition)

Display The Health Curriculum for students to reference and assess risk.

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Interdisciplinary Connections Model interdisciplinary thinking to expose students to other disciplines.

ELA Connection:

Various Tasks ( RL. 6.1 & R I. 6.1)

Student will be able to read, analyze, and cite informational text to potentially diagnose diseases, drug dependencies or determine potential

health related issues, and explain their reasoning of how the task was solved.

Science Connection:

Heredity (1-LS3)

Students will be able to explain the variation of different genetic genes and their inheritance.

Social Studies Connection:

Various Tasks (6.1.4.A.15)

Students will look at data about obesity globally and within the 50 states.

Math Connection:

Various Tasks (1.OA.C.5)

Students will use counting to figure out their pulse after doing minimal physical activity in a classroom setting.

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Accommodate Based on Students individual Needs: Strategies

Adaption of Material and Requirements

Evaluate Vocabulary

Elevated Text Complexity

Additional Projects

Independent Student Options

Projects completed individual or with Partners

Self-Selection of Research

Tiered/Multilevel Activities

Learning Centers

Individual Response Board

Independent Book Studies

Open-ended activities

Community/Subject expert mentorships

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Suggested Formative/Summative Classroom Assessments

Timelines, Maps, Charts, Graphic Organizers

Unit Assessments, Chapter Assessments, Quizzes

DBQ, Essays, Short Answer

Accountable Talk, Debate, Oral Report, Role Playing, Think Pair, and Share

Projects, Portfolio, Presentations, Prezi, Gallery Walks


Concept Mapping

Primary and Secondary Source analysis

Photo, Video, Political Cartoon, Radio, Song Analysis

Create an Original Song, Film, or Poem

Glogster to make Electronic Posters

Tumblr to create a Blog

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Grade: 2

Unit: A-E Topic: Health & Wellness

New Jersey Learning Standards (NJLS): 2.1ABCDE

NJDOE Student Learning


Essential Question Sample Activities Resources Interdisciplinary


A. Describe and demonstrate self-care practices that support wellness, such as brushing/flossing teeth, washing hands, and wearing appropriate attire for weather or sports.

What are some techniques of

good personal hygiene and care

to prevent the obtaining and

spreading of disease?

With a partner, construct a list of communicable and non-communicable diseases and how to care for and prevent them. Have students discuss their care and resolution. Observation, questioning and self-examination.

Texts Art, Language Arts,

Physical Education, and

Social Studies

B. Describe how children are alike and how they are different.

What are some personal traits that all humans possess? How do these characteristics vary from person to person?

Role-play the differences that are apparent from person to person. An example would be height. (small groups)Using a computer program, draw the various characteristics that make a person unique--eye color, hair shade, body type, etc. Demonstrations, observations, art displays

Books Art, Language Arts,

Physical Education, and

Social Studies

C. Explain what information can be found on product labels.

What is the food pyramid and

what are the different

categories of food mean? (i.e.

meat, breads, vegetables. etc.)

List the foods each student in your group consumes over a two-day period and place them into appropriate food pyramid category. (Small group) Chart, observation, self-assessment, group assessment

Charts, Paper

and Writing


Art, Language Arts, Music,

Physical Education, and

Social Studies

D. Discuss common symptoms of disease conditions.

In what way does the

transmission of diseases occur? Construct a pathway web reflecting how a communicable disease could travel from person to person. Group interaction, small group work, guided questioning.


E. Distinguish between “good/safe touch,” “bad/unsafe touch,” and “confusing touch”.

What is an “unsafe” touch?

What would you do and who

would you tell?

Guest speaker on Child Abuse/DYFS. Guided questions, explanations.

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Grade: 2

Unit: A-E Topic: Integrated Skills

New Jersey Learning Standards (NJLS): 2.2ABCDE

NJDOE Student

Learning Objectives

Essential Question Sample Activities Resources Interdisciplinary


A. Explain when and how to use refusal skills in health and safety situations.

What are healthy activities, which may provide enjoyment, challenge, self- expression, and/or stress reduction?

Participate in a variety of activities and describe how they help advance the body, mind, and spirit. Oral questioning, observation, active representation.

Texts Art, Language Arts, Physical Education, and Social Studies

B. Discuss how parents, peers, and the media influence health decisions.

How are choices made via information, both conscious and subconscious, from sources that are influential in one’s life?

Role-play different situations where persuasive personalities or attractive marketing can sway the way a person makes personal decisions. /Media display, oral explanation and observation

Books Art, Language Arts, Physical Education, and Social Studies

C. Consider a wellness goal and determine if it is truly a reachable or unreasonable goal.

Why do some people choose unrealistic goals and what happens when they fail to reach them?

Class discussion on how personal wellness looks and feels and doable ways to reach and maintain such a state. Individual or group participation, guided questioning.

Tape Recorder Art, Language Arts, Physical Education, and Social Studies

D. Define character, values, and integrity. Express the respect young people can attain when displaying them.

What difficulties do people encounter when, in some people’s minds, doing the right thing is not “cool”?

Role play various scenes depicting doing the honest, noble thing and how not acting in this way will only cause more harm. Student performance, peer review, and teacher observation.

Materials Art, Language Arts, Physical Education, and Social Studies

E. Motivate group members to work together and provide constructive feedback.

How does communication, cooperation, and compromise compare and contrast when seeking resolution for a group difficulty?

Create situations where the group dynamics leads to either an equitable, agreeable solution or none resolution and chaos. Self-assessment, peer assessment and teacher evaluation.

Art, Language Arts, Physical Education, and Social Studies

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Grade: 2

Unit: A-E Topic: Drugs and Medicine

New Jersey Learning Standards (NJLS): 2.3ABC

NJDOE Student

Learning Objectives

Essential Question Sample Activities Resources Interdisciplinary


A. Explain medicines can be helpful or harmful and that when used correctly, medicines can help keep one healthy.

How does medicine effect the body and the mind, how are they obtained and properly used?

Formulate a list of commonly-used drugs and discuss how each is obtained – either over the counter or by doctor’s prescription. Small group work, peer review teacher observation.

Textbooks, Handouts and Charts

Art, Language Arts, Physical Education, and Social Studies

B. Explain how tobacco use contributes to lung diseases and fires.

How does avoiding the use of tobacco products contribute to good life practices?

Prepare a chart of good and bad reasons why people smoke. Decide if this is really a worthwhile habit. Pros and cons of smoking. Small group work, charts to share with all members of class, teacher observation.

Guest Speakers and Tape Recorder

Art, Language Arts, Physical Education, and Social Studies

C. Explain that people who abuse alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs can get help.

Which individuals and agencies that are health advocates – especially in the area of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco?

Observe and listen to guest speakers who are experts in the field or persons who have had adverse experiences with these destructive products. Oral questioning, participation, observation.

Computer- Internet Art, Language Arts, Physical Education, and Social Studies

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Grade: 2

Unit: A-E Topic: Human Relationships + Sexuality

New Jersey Learning Standards (NJLS): 2.4ABC

NJDOE Student

Learning Objectives

Essential Question Sample Activities Resources Interdisciplinary


A. Explain how families experiencing a change or crisis can get help if needed.

Which family members are in your family? Describe the roles and responsibilities of each.

Role-play the stereotypical actions of various family members around the dinner table. Presentations, observations, self-assessment

Textbook Art, Language Arts, Physical

Education, and Social Studies

B. Explain the physical differences of the genders as they begin to go through puberty.

What is puberty? At what age does it occur and the physical and emotional changes one experiences?

Using an outline model of the human body, begin to draw in the physical changes that begin to take place during puberty. Begin a discussion about the emotional response that could possibly happen when this change of life takes place. Oral presentation, visual representations, oral questioning.

Materials- Paper, Pencils,

Arts and Craft Supplies

Art, Language Arts, Physical

Education, and Social Studies

C. Explain that the formative years, birth through seven, are a time of enormous physical, mental, and psychological growth.

What are the different reconstruction phases and what are some of the changes?

Think about the human body and mind and how it is shaped. Relate personal experiences to illustrate this point. Oral presentations, illustrations, guided questioning.

Computer-Internet Art, Language Arts, Physical

Education, and Social Studies

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Grade: 2

Unit: A-E Topic: Motor Skill Development

New Jersey Learning Standards (NJLS): 2.5ABC

NJDOE Student

Learning Objectives

Essential Question Sample Activities Resources Interdisciplinary


A. Demonstrate control in

traveling, weight bearing, and

balance activities on a variety of

body parts.

What are the different movement


Perform correct foot patterns when combining two or three of the following skills; hopping, jumping, skipping, leaping, galloping and sliding. Teacher observation, checklist

Gymnasium or large space

conducive to movement

Art, Language Arts, Physical

Education, and Social Studies

B. Explain how changes in

rhythm, tempo, beat, and musical

style can alter movement.

What elements of shapes, pathways, and levels are needed to perform movement sequences? Can you demonstrate?

Perform physical activities, and demonstrate awareness of personal and general space while moving in a variety of levels and directions .Teacher observation, student participation

Equipment – balls, jump

ropes, cones, etc.

Art, Language Arts, Physical

Education, and Social Studies

C. Recognize that player

placement and prearranged

movement patterns can lead to

efficient and effective team play.

Which various formations can

you utilize players’ abilities and

field space to maximize unit


Diagram sets of player locations and then place on playing field for visual reference and reinforcement. Group discussion, questions and answers, student participation.

Video recorder and television Art, Language Arts, Physical

Education, and Social Studies

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Grade: 2

Unit: A-E Topic: Fitness

New Jersey Learning Standards (NJLS): 2.6A

NJDOE Student

Learning Objectives

Essential Question Sample Activities Resources Interdisciplinary


A. A. Identify body responses associated with moderate to vigorous physical activity including sweating, a fast heart rate, and heavy breathing.

What are some body defense

mechanisms that protect the

body during strenuous


Monitor and chart heart rates during sessions of moderate and heavy physical activity. Recording of results and discussion as to what they mean.

I. Gymnasium or space for activity

II. PE equipment – ropes, balls, scooters, cones, etc.

III. Video recorder IV. Fitness Gram V. Heart Monitors

Art, Language Arts, Physical Education, and Social Studies

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age food ad nerves alcohol food group noise bad touch food label nutrients blood vessels friends ozone bones gang poison brain germs pollution bully good character product label cavity good health recycle checkup groom reduce chore grow resources communicate habit respect conflict head lice reuse cool-down health fact safety rule cooperate health helper seat belt cross walk health product secondhand smoke diet hearing aid self-concept divorce heart serving drug heart fitness side effect drug-free inhalant snack earthquake injury stomach emergency landfill stress environment lungs stretch family marijuana tobacco feelings medicine vision first-aid mistake volunteer fitness mussels warm-up floss


wise decision

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DBQ (Required)

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Unit Project (Choose 1)

Unit Project (Suggested) Unit Project (Suggested)

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Insert rubric(s) referenced in course guide.

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Field Trip Ideas: