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Personal Health History

My name is Danielle Rose Kuehler

I am named after my dad, Daniel Kuehler

My dad’s name comes from the bible

My middle name comes from my mom’s grandma

I was born on April 17, 1999 here in San Diego

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Family Health History

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Family Health History

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Family Health History

Interview with my Grandma Gloria

1. What hobbies did you have growing up?Life was much more simple, I loved walking to the candy store and spending time with my friends.

2. What jobs did you have?I was a book keeper.

3. Where did you live?Brooklyn, New York

4. How has life changed?There is a lot more technology. We didn’t even have television back then, crazy to think about now.

5. What did your parents do as a job?My parents owned a deli.

6. What was school like?Everybody went to the same school: Thomas Jefferson High School.

7. How far did you take your education?I graduated high school.

8. What type of health history does our family have?Mostly coronary.

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Family Health History

Interview Continued

8. How has this disease affected our family?We have all learned to eat well and exercise.

9. What did your parents die from?My mom died from brain cancer, and my dad died from heart failure.

10. What health problems have you faced?I have had a rare cancer, olfactory neuroblastoma cancer.

11. Do you like living in La Jolla?Yes!

12. Where did your side of the family emigrate from?Poland, both of my parents.

13. What was life like for your parents?They were very very very poor and religious. Orthodox Jews.

14. What is something you miss that you had growing up?Nothing. Maybe New York.

15. What’s something you like about getting older?Being surrounded by family and playing mah jong

16. What sibling were you closest with?My brother, Carl.

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Family Health History

Interview Continued

17. Have you ever moved?Yes I moved to Denver, Colorado, but we went back to New York.

18. Why did you come to California?To be with my kids, your mom.

19. What are you most proud of with your kids?They all went to college as first generation students, and all also went to graduate school.

20. Do you have any pets?No. I hate dogs. I like yours though.

21. Do you have a special diet?No, I am naturally slim which is very lucky.

22. Did you ever smoke cigarettes?Yup, even through all my pregnancies. It was trendy.

23. When did you quit?When your mom was in high school. 1970 something

24. What motivated you to quit?When all the research came out showing how terrible it was.

25. Do you eat at home?I love going out to eat.

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Family Health History

How my family came to America(Mom)Our family on my moms side left Poland because of the anti-Semitism. My mom’s grandpa then walked from Eastern Poland to Belgium, which took years because he had no money and had to work. He then had to find the underground way to get through borders with fake papers. In Belgium, get took a ship where he arrived on Ellis Island. Everyone else in his family was killed in the concentration camps.

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Family Health History

How my family came to America(Dad)Nobody on my dad’s side of the family knows a detailed history on how we came to America. All we know, is that my grandma’s great grandma came to America on a boat during the Irish potatoe famine. The relatives knowing this never documented and have passed away.

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Family Health History

Inherited TraitsOn my moms side, we have heart problems. Almost everyone on that side until my mother’s father all died in their 50’s. Therefore, my grandpa became super health conscious. On dad’s side, there are neurological health problems. My great grandma had epilepsy, my grandpa had Parkinson's, my other great grandma had dementia. There are lots of brain problems. However, that side of the family is known for being brilliant.

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Fitness Data and Nutrition

State Fitness Test Age 14

Mile: 7:15

Curl Up: 32

Trunk Lift: 12

Push ups: 15

Sit and reach L: 10

Sit and reach R: 10

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Fitness Data and Nutrition

Average time spent studying over 5 nights: 2.88 hours(Monday: 4.4, Tuesday: 2.1, Wednesday: 4.9, Thursday: 3, Friday: 0)I think this is a good amount of time to spend on homework. I get distracted by my phone and computer, and it takes closer to 4 and a half hours. This amount of time reflects my high understanding of my AP classes like calculus and physics

Average time spent sleeping over 5 nights: 5.2 hours(Monday: 5.6, Tuesday: 4.1, Wednesday: 4.7, Thursday: 5.4, Friday: 6.2)I am very far under the amount of sleep needed per night. To get more sleep, I should start my homework earlier and force myself not to get distracted.

Average time spent on electronics over 5 nights: 2.24 hours(Monday: 3.4, Tuesday: 2.1, Wednesday: 2.5, Thursday: 1.3, Friday: 1.9)The amount of time I spend on my electronics is definitely unacceptable. It is a waste of time I could be resting or getting ahead. If I didn’t have these distractions I would probably be reading or working ahead on school work.

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Social and Emotional Health

Hobbies/talents/sportsI am a competitive dancer and I have been training in dance since I was 3 years old. I am now on the dance team at my high school and one of the captains.

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Social and Emotional Health

PetsI have the cutest dog in the entire world. Her name is Coco, she is 9, and is a multi-poo.

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Social and Emotional Health

TravelI’ve been to: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France, Mexico, Canada, and Peru

I went to all the European countries in the summer of 2012 with my family and my best friend Marin and her family, my favorite trip!

I went to South America last summer with my family and we spent 10 days on a boat going down the Amazon river

I went to Canada in 2007 with my family

I went to Mexico in 2005 with my family

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Social and Emotional Health

FriendsMy best friends are Riley Robertshaw and Marin LitrentaMy other close friends are Zoe Hubbard, Kendall Still, Mykenzie Clements, JujiApplestein

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Social and Emotional Health

Oak Knoll Montessori

Westwood Elementary

Stone Ranch Elementary

Oak Valley Middle School

Del Norte High School

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Social and Emotional Health

Clubs I’m in:

National Honors Society

San Diego Rescue and Relief Mission

Philosophy Club

Peer Leaders Uniting Students


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Health Triangle

I am a very outgoing and social person. From the second I wake up until the second I fall asleep I am talking to other people. Between my family and friends, I am always surrounded by others. I go out every night on weekends, and I like meeting new people. Physically, I am healthy. I could be more active and get in even better shape, but I am fit and on-weight. As a dancer, I am very aware of my body and what it needs. I go to the gym a couple times a month. I also do small exercises in my room at night. Mentally and emotionally rank as an 80 because I am pretty strong but there is room for improvement. I have learned how to manage my time and stress, however I am always exhausted from a lack of sleep. I also get anxiety, but have learned to manage it. I am typically happy. Having an unbalanced triangle means that there is less room for the other two sides if one over-powers the others. Therefore, my life wouldn’t be balanced and it would be too hard to manage.

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Picture Timeline

Age 1December 2000Mammoth Mountain

Age 2July 2001My old house, San Diego

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Picture Timeline

Age 3October 2002My room in my house

Age 4August 2003My old living room before school

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Picture Timeline

Age 5May 2004Cousin’s Bat Mitzvah

Age 6June 2005Soccer in San Diego

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Picture Timeline

Age 7April 2006San Diego

Age 8November 2007San Diego

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Picture Timeline

Age 9January 2008San Diego, living room

Age 10February 2009Mammoth

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Picture Timeline

Age 11November 2010Biztown

Age 12March 2011Dance competition, San Diego

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Picture Timeline

Age 13May 2012My Bat Mitzvah

Age 14December 2013White Stallion Dude Ranch

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Picture Timeline

Age 15December 2014Mammoth

Age 16May 2015Brunch, Del Mar

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Picture Timeline

Age 17August 2016Living room on the last first day of school, San Diego

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Personal Crest

Greatest Personal Achievement: My academics! I am in the top 10% of my class at Del Norte, a challenging school

Happiest Moment: When my dance team won nationals last year!

Family’s Greatest Achievement: Surviving the 2007 fires when we lost house and bouncing back from it

What I can do better: I can learn to better balance my social life with school and family. I focus too much on my friends

One year with guaranteed success: I would want to be a newscaster on a national news channel. Megyn Kelly is my inspiration

3 words: Outgoing, fun, loud

Full name: Danielle Rose Kuehler

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Unique Self

Song to represent me: Dani California, by the Red Hot Chili Peppers


Why it represents me:This song is named Dani California, and clearly my name is Dani and I live in California! The song is happy and a classic, and I like to think of myself in the same way. People have always called me Dani California after this song. “She’s a lover and a fighter”, I believe I fit this description.

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Unique Self

Although it may be a basic drawing, this captures the main things I see in myself: happiness, femininity, simplicity, as well as dance, school, friends, and family. This may be a stick figure, but the picture shows me as a happy girl and it’s the best I can draw.

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Future Aspirations

Someone who is important to me: My APUSH teacher Tom SwansonThis teacher triggered my love for politics. I learned so much about the world in his class because he went much further than the required curriculum. He made me so interested in current events and now I look to peruse a career that involves politics.

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Future Aspirations

3 YearsIn 3 years I want to be in college at the University of Southern California studying Industrial Engineering, and I hope to still be seeing my family often!

5 YearsIn 5 years I want to be working in the engineering field but still living here in California. Maybe I will be in a relationship, maybe not. It depends if I meet anyone. I will still be seeing my family often.

10 YearsIn 10 years I want to have gone back and gotten a graduate degree in law. Therefore, I hope to be a patent attorney. Hopefully I will have someone in my life that I love, and I will STILL and forever be in touch with my family.

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Future Aspirations

One thing to accomplishI want to be happy. No matter what I chose to study or where I live or who I meet, I want whatever I do to make me happy. If I am not happy, then there is no reason to live. In order to do this I will have to value my own happiness over materialism because making myself happy will not necessarily bring money and success.

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Media Awareness

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Media Awareness

I think the media has a negative impact on my life. It creates expectations that are unrealistic and make me feel self-conscious. The media promotes an expensive lifestyle and expensive brands for youth. It makes it hard to fit in when everyone is expected to spend ridiculous amounts of money on what they wear. The media also sexualizes women and promotes wearing small amounts of clothing. The media pushes for activity for youth to be going out and partying. I do not think this is how I should be spending my time. For music, the media promotes rappers that see women as objects. They do not value music that is beneficial to the listeners.

I think the media threatens my generation. My generation focuses all their attention on what the media promotes and says, and it takes away our ability to think for ourselves. We have to decide what is important to us, and not what the media tells us is important.