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1. Introduction

2. Garlic

3. Fennel

4. Cinnamon

5. Flax Seeds

6. Red Pepper

7. Turmeric

8. Ginger

9. Black Pepper

10. Fenugreek

11. Parsley

12. Green tea

13. Aloe Vera

14. Basil

15. Lemon Grass

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Aromatic food substances which enhance flavor are spices and herbs. Spices

are usually dried roots or seeds used whole, crushed or powdered. Herbs are

usually the fresh leaves, stems or flowers or herbaceous plants. Spices are

stronger than herbs.

General functions of spices:

l Spices add flavor and color to food make them more palatable and hence

add variety in the diet.

l Spices stimulate salivation, acid secretion and digestive enzymes

l Some have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant properties.

l Help in improving the impaired glucose levels in the body and help


l Spices reduce cholesterol levels and may be useful in preventing heart


l Some spices are considered antimutagenous or anticarcinogenous.

Consider using herbs as part of a well-rounded weight loss program. Herbs are

food. We cook with them to add distinct flavors to food. They contain vitamins

and minerals. Many herbs are helpful to people trying to lose weight. Since

herbs aren't medicine and they're not drugs, you can take herbs whenever you

want to. Herbs that are used to depress appetite and those that are used to

balance sugar are best taken in between meals.

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There are four major areas in which herbs can help with weight loss:


changing the mood of the consumer, or satisfying taste so that hunger is


l Cathartics cause bowel movements or cut calorie consumption by

interrupting the full digestion of food.

l Diuretics cause the body to get rid of water through excess urine.

Stimulants cause the body to burn more calories


Garlic contains an antibiotic principle “allicin”. The downside of garlic is the

odour which it leaves on your breath, but chewing some parsley after eating will

soon sort out that problem. Garlic stimulate the immune system, and to help in

fighting cancer. Health benefits include lowering cholesterol, fighting infections,

and reducing blood pressure. Garlic may interact with anticoagulant drugs, so

do be sure to check with your doctor if in any doubt. Rare cases of allergic

reactions are known, and some people might possibly experience heartburn or

even flatulence. 5g of garlic taken helps a lot in weight reduction.

Appetite suppressants cut hunger by expanding once in the stomach,

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Fennel, or Foeniculum vulgare, is an herb commonly used in cooking and as an

alternative medicine remedy. Consumers typically use the seeds, leaves and

bulbs of fennel. It promotes weight loss by boosting metabolism. Use fennel in

several preparations to increase weight loss. Can grill or steam fennel stems and

add fennel leaves to salads to boost intake of this herb. Brewing fennel seeds

alone or with nettle leaves makes an herbal tea that promotes weight loss.

Consider adding an orange rind or lemon zest for additional flavour to make your

tea more palatable.

Fennel also acts as a diuretic, increasing frequency of urination. This decreases

water retention in your body, reducing bloating and reducing weight. It helps to

throw out all the environmental toxins from your digestive system, relieves

gastrointestinal distress, and improves overall health. Fennel tea also alleviates

premenstrual symptoms, soothes sore throats, and increases milk production.

Fennel is potentially toxic in high doses, so consult your doctor before taking a

fennel supplement or drinking fennel tea. Take fennel as a supplement rather

than the core part of your weight loss effort.

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Studies have shown that including a scoop of cinnamon into your daily diet can

help you lose weight. A teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of cinnamon

powder added to a cup of boiling water can also help to lose weight and lower

your risk of heart disease. Cinnamon has a regulatory effect on blood sugar

levels and simultaneously increases insulin levels in the body. Cinnamon helps

to reduce stored fat and helps to lose weight. Prevents transformation of

metabolized sugar into fat.

Cinnamon also delays the passing of food from the stomach into the intestine.

Hence, you feel satisfied for a longer time and eat less. This helps you lose

weight. Helps the body to process carbohydrates more efficiently and this

assists you in losing weight. Abdominal fat is more sensitive to the effects of

cinnamon than fat from other parts of the body.

You should ensure that the cinnamon you use is fresh. Incorporating a

teaspoonful of cinnamon in your daily diet can definitely reduce your appetite

and help you lose weight and even layers of fat around your abdomen.

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It is a bulk laxative that helps to allay hunger. It is a great source of protein and

fiber. Flax expands up to five times once you eat it. If you take flax a half hour

before meals it will help you eat less.

Flax seeds are very high in fibre, the use of fibre for weight loss, and with good

reason. Fibre makes you feel full because it absorbs fluid, then expands, which

creates a satisfied feeling. Reduces blood sugar levels,

they have an anti-inflammatory and anticancer abilities.

Flax seed oil is not recommended because it can go rancid easily. It's very fragile

oil, and must be kept away from any light and refrigerated at all times, or it will go


So it's best to eat flax seed in its whole seed form, or grind it just before you're

going to use it.

You can add flax seeds to just about anything. It's best to eat them raw.

The connection between flax seeds and weight loss is strong, and research

shows the importance of fiber for weight loss. Use flaxseed in a variety of ways,

including shakes/smoothes and in your baking recipes. It will keep you full, and

away from eating foods that promote weight gain.

Red pepper: Contains a compound capsaicin, this is responsible for the "heat" in

hot peppers, may help with appetite control and increase rate at which the body

burns calories. It also stimulates your need for water. By adding it to appropriate

dishes, you will increase your water intake and keep fully hydrated.

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Commonly used in Indian food preparations, turmeric has been shown to help

reduce inflammation, high levels of which may be a significant cause of obesity

and difficulty losing weight. The active principle of turmeric, Curcumin is known

for its inhibitory action on bacteria. Turmeric and Curcumin have been reported

to reduce the levels of cholesterol.


Fresh or powdered ginger may be able to help reduce your appetite and cut

cravings. It is known to possess antioxidant properties. Helps in detoxification of

carcinogens, neutralize digestive acid and inhibit vomiting center in the brain. It

is good for motion sickness.

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Black pepper:

The substance in black pepper that gives it that peppery flavor, called piperine,

has been shown to help the body burn more calories through the process of

thermo genesis. Piperine can also help your body use nutrients more efficiently.


It is a hard lentil. Seeds contain soluble and insoluble fiber which helps in

maintain the blood glucose levels in non-insulin dependent diabetics.

Fenugreek helps to reduce cholesterol level, especially that of the low density

lipoprotein (LDL). Fenugreek intake helps in weight loss, this can be included in

your diet by chewing soaked Methi seeds (10 g) in the morning on an empty

stomach. The natural soluble fiber in the fenugreek can swell and fill the stomach

thereby suppressing your appetite. Even the same quantity i.e., 10 g of soaked

methi can be taken before dinner.

Parsley: is the world's most popular herb. Parsley is a diuretic. Parsley taken in

whole or juice can lessen your appetite and cut food cravings. Parsley juice can

also oxidize the blood and keep your blood sugar normal even though you are on

a weight loss program. It is an excellent source of two vital nutrients that are also

important for the prevention of many diseases: vitamin C and vitamin A (notably

through its concentration of the pro-vitamin A carotenoid, beta-carotene.

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Green Tea:

Green tea Helps in weight loss because of improving Body Metabolism. The

main ingredients reasonable for green tea slimming effects are caffeine and

EGCG (EpigallocatechinGallate). There are 5 proven ways that helps you to

lose weight: Mainly it increases metabolism, burn fat, block conversion of energy

into fat, help your body absorb less dietary fat and regulate your blood sugar

levels and reduce food cravings. More green tea will help you lose more weight,

but only up to a certain amount. So far scientists have not found evidence that

consuming a lot more green tea will help you lose a lot more weight. However,

there is emerging evidence that the amount of time during which you drink green

tea is important. The longer you drink it the more fat it burns

Aloe Vera: helps with weight loss is that it stimulate the metabolic rate in the liver

cells, which aids the body to burn fat as energy. By drinking its juice will increase

activity of every cell, which generates a lot of heat thus using stored fat and

carbohydrates to facilitate the burning. So employing in diet will permit greater

energy usage as the protein is assimilated. This is a beneficial thing since we

know that proteins are hard to break down.

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Basil is an herb that is very low in calories and fat. Two tablespoons of chopped,

fresh basil has only one calorie and less than 1 g of fat. Incorporating basil into

your meals allows you to add flavor to low-calorie dishes. The only way to lose

weight is to burn more calories than you consume. This can be done easily by

eating low-calorie foods and getting plenty of exercise each day. Fresh basil is

available at the supermarket and can also be found dried in the spice aisle.

Lemon grass:

Lemon grass is an herb that is prepared in a wide variety of ways including teas,

curry and many specialties of Indian cooking. Lemon grass also has been found

to have many health benefits. It has diuretic properties and can help with

digestion. Lemon grass can also help you lose weight, especially when

combined with a healthy diet and regular physical activity

Lemongrass is used for treating digestive tract spasms, stomachache,

hypertension, convulsions, pain, vomiting, cough, achy joints (rheumatism),

fever and exhaustion. In food and beverages, lemongrass is used as a flavoring;

its leaves are commonly used as “lemon” flavoring in herbal teas.

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