Download - Healing Wisdom From the - Dolphin Energy Healing · chakras. Obviously not all the Rays of Christ Consciousness are represented in these ten ... Such people move towards the ultimate

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Healing Wisdom From the

Dolphins and Whales

A Blue Dolphin Handbook for Peace

Ten Inspiring Messages ~ Ten Healing Activations

by Kathryn B Jensen

First Edition 2013

Second Edition 2019

Copyright 2019 Kathryn B Jensen

Published by Dolphin Quill

Hawaii/ Colorado

You have permission to copy this book and share it with other extensively. I

request - Copyright Kathryn Jensen 2019 - -

appear at the bottom of each page.

Dear readers,

The transmissions and activations presented in this book are write-ups of ten healing circles I facilitated

on the Big Island of Hawaii, with community members and visitors from all over the world. Each healing

circle write-up includes a message from a dolphin or whale and a healing activation. These healing

activations are part of a process I facilitate called Dolphin Energy Healing. Dolphin Energy Healing

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emphasizes chakra balancing and clearing with twenty healing frequencies called The Twenty Rays of

Christ Consciousness

This is meant to be a companion book for the book Ashram of the Sea but it stands on its own as a very

inspiring intro to the dolphins and whales of Planet Earth who are here to assist us in our evolution. This

Blue Dolphin Handbook for Peace is the first in a series. There are several waiting to be published. All the

handbooks take you very deeply into the heart-minds of cetacean avatars who are here to help you

evolve into compassionate, heart-centered , loving, kind people, who know and live your purpose.

For those of you who have read Ashram of the Sea, received and translated by Kathryn Jensen - or have the book in your hands, page

references are given before each of the five activations in this handbook. Reading the pages in Ashram

of the Sea will deepen your understanding of the cetaceans and their part in activating your hearts with

the Twenty Rays of Christ Consciousness. Reading the related pages will enhance your experiences with

the activations in this handbook.

If you’re meeting these cetacean avatars for the first time, as you read the transmissions and

experience the activations in this book, fill up with their presence. Invite them into your hearts. The

dolphins and whales intend to hold you within their hearts as you read and experience this heart-

centered guide to loving yourself as you love another.

You can create your personal experience with these materials by reading the transmission and guiding

yourself through the five activations. You are encouraged to enjoy this experience with a group and

create your own Cetacean Healing Circle. Group energy amplifies the cause and effect in a very special



Kathryn Jensen

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Table of Contents Each one of the twenty healing Rays of Christ Consciousness is housed in one of the seven chakras. Obviously not all the Rays of Christ Consciousness are represented in these ten healing activations. Nor are all seven chakras represented. These were offered to the community according to the needs of the individuals attending these group experiences during spring of 2013.

First Chakra Courage……4 Child…..7 Second Chakra Vivation….12 Service….15 Third Chakra Grace….18 Change….20 Receiving….22 Fifth Chakra Blessing….25 Sixth Chakra Giving….28 Seventh Chakra Polarity….30

Courage – First Chakra

Courage is a ray that helps people become grounded as they realize their own

strength. Courage is the ray that helps people confidently defend themselves

against the effects of frightening events and threatening behaviors of others.

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Refer to page 74-77 of the paperback: Ashram of the Sea received and translated by Kathryn Jensen, for more on the

frequency of Courage. Kindle and other digital editions: Read the section: “Blega Speaks About the Indigo Blue, First Chakra Ray of

Courage” as well asthe following pages on Courage.

Blega, a Humpback Whale, Speaks on Being Courageous as you Discover and

Live Your Purpose

I am Blega. I give you my heart as you give me your heart. I am a guest in your Hawaii waters during the

winter months. I am conscious of each and every one of you sitting in this healing circle today. I do

believe I’ve met four of you personally.

I’d like to give you a tour within yourself so you may discover where you’ve blocked yourself from

receiving the Great Creator’s healing frequency.

So give me your full attention as I take you within your blocked areas. As you tour those areas make sure

you fill up with the emotional state you were in when you experienced the problematic situation that

made you reflexively keep those parts of you protected from any interference.

The emotions tell you what you need to know about your broken heart. You may view yourself in the

problematic situation. You may hear words that were spoken. You may fill up with tension in some

specific part of your body.

I’m giving you my attention today because I give the frequency of Courage to people who have enough

courage to always speak their truth. Such people move towards the ultimate reward of discovering what

the Great Creator took into consideration when they were pulsed into beingness.

You do not just exist here on the Earth plane for no reason. You can’t possibly be alive at this time for no


Each and every one of you who felt the impulse to be here today is a God Being of great importance. If

you were not of great importance your heart couldn’t possibly have been drawn to this healing circle.

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Blega’s Activation on Courage

To listen to the MP3 recording of the activation click on this link:

Blega Speaks

So beam me into your heart center. Let’s begin:

The symbol for Courage is the Indigo Blue Vesica Pisces

If you have the Essences for the Home Temple apply a drop of the Essence of the Home Temple

called Courage to your heart.

Surround yourself with the indigo blue ray of Courage. Imagine and intend that this process is taking


Place your hand on your heart.

With your other hand pull your own frequency of Courage from the frequency generator you call the

Soul Star (ninth chakra about 14 inches above your crown), into the hand that you are holding on

your heart.

Hold one hand on your heart as you intend, imagine and experience the frequency of Courage being

pulsed through your hand into your heart. This is called pulse healing.

Now as you sit within your circle for the next 25 minutes you’ll view images of problematic

situations from your past that triggered you to fiercely protect yourself from interference.

Place a symbolic image of that situation in front of you. Imagine and intend that the symbolic image

is a few feet in front of your body.

Notice the sights, sounds, emotions and physical sensations associated with that situation.

From your heart send a big, beautiful wave of the indigo blue ray of Courage to the symbol of the

problematic situation.

Notice what happens to the situation as you give it all of your love in the form of Blega’s frequency

of Courage.

One problematic situation or many may surface. Proceed to give every problem the frequency of

love called Courage. I am Blega. I am going to hold you within my heart every time you do this

beautiful healing ritual. Begin to lift yourself into my heart on a daily basis.

I give you my heart-felt thanks for making your presence known in this healing circle today.

I am yours in service


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Child – First Chakra

Child is a ray of tenderly loving the child within. If your inner child feels anchored

and secure in the body then you have a far bigger appreciation of living in a body

on planet Earth.

Refer to page 77-82 of the paperback: Ashram of the Sea received and translated by Kathryn Jensen, for more on the

frequency of Child. Kindle and other digital editions: Read the section: “Blega Speaks About the Indigo Blue, First Chakra Ray of

Child” as well as the following pages on Child.

Lana, A Blue Whale Speaks On the Ray of Christ Consciousness Called Child

The complexity of the heart of the human species is represented by the symbol called the Mandelbrot


The symbol does not communicate consciousness with words. It communicates consciousness in a way that you will become more sensitive to after you have experienced the Holy Spirit’s calming, grounding healing process I am about to provide for you. I am Lana. I live off the coast of Venezuela. I hold the heart centers of all people within my Temple of the Child. The combined frequencies of the heart create the sacred geometric symbol of the Mandelbrot.

The frequency of the Ray of Christ Consciousness you call Child is pulsed into the Earth grid by my

species. To comprehend the role of the blue whale in serving the human child review my transmission in

the book Ashram of the Sea.

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The Holy Spirit comes into my presence every time a human embryo is conceived. The Blue Dolphins of

the Planet of Oceanea, that orbits Sirius B, create a template for every human embryo. The template

directs the soul to provide the embryo with guidance about which concepts to master during the current


The guidance is provided by the angelic kingdom. The angelic kingdom on Earth includes the blue whales

and all other species of cetaceans.

I am the Cetacean Nation’s member who contacts the Sirians concerning the frequency called Child that

you are about to apply to your hearts. Child interprets the template of the human embryo and takes the

interpretation into the consciousness of the embryo’s mother and father. The two are merged and the

formal composition of the child’s DNA is created.

I am able to create conditions within the Temple of Child that sensitize the personality bodies of the

newly conceived child to the heart of the Great Creator. But I do this only if the child’s parents are

helpful to me. They are not helpful if they have addictions to drugs and alcohol. I must have access to

their heart centers and if they have severe addictive complications our hearts cannot merge.

Throughout a person’s life there are compressions that take place that seriously undermine the person’s

capacity to make inroads into the exploration of the consciousness contained within the person’s

template that’s merged with the parental consciousness and the resulting DNA. The following activation

is a tool for healing those compressions.

The activation is created for you as a useful healing tool for you to take with you wherever you go. You

can make use of this process throughout your life.

If your parents were addicted and your parents’ hearts did not merge with mine when you were newly

created you may use this process to unify with my heart beat. The developmental steps that may have

been undermined can be recreated, experienced and the benefits can be realized.

Lana’s Activation With the Light Pink Ray of Child

The symbol for Child is a light pink dodecahedron

To listen to the MP3 recording of the activation click on this link:

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Mandelbrot Symbol

Sit very quietly. Breathe very deeply.

View the Mandelbrot symbol.

If you have the Essence of Child (one of the Essences for the Home Temple) apply a drop to your

4th chakra which is also called the heart chakra and your 5th chakra which is also called the

throat chakra.

Place your hand first on your 5th chakra. Pull the frequency of Child from the Soul Star or the

ninth chakra which is about 14 inches above your head.

Visualize a light pink stream of love-light flowing from the Soul Star through your hand into your

5th chakra.

Surround your entire body with the pink frequency of Child. Flood every cell with the pink

frequency of Child.

Notice your physical body’s response.

Notice how you feel emotionally.

Notice your thoughts.

Intend that you are reminded of a time between the time you were conceived and the time you

were five years old when somebody hurt your feelings or destroyed your feeling of being safe

and secure.

Who were you with? Where were you?

Now place your hand on your 4th chakra and go through the same steps with the Ray of Child

but keep in your mind’s eye the situation you were reminded of when you pulsed Child into your

5th chakra.

Pulse Child into your 5th chakra through your left hand.

Pulse Child into your 4th chakra through your right hand.

Have the intention that you are placing the situation you were reminded of, on your body

between your 4th and 5th chakras.

Lift the frequency of that situation you have placed between the 4th and 5th chakras with the

frequency of Child.

Notice what takes place physically, emotionally and mentally.

Now pulse the core of your body with the Ray of Child. This is the 3rd chakra or the solar plexus

chakra. Go through the same steps as you went through with the 4th and 5th chakras but this

time place the situation you were reminded of between the third chakra and the core of Mother

Earth. Have the intention that the energy or the symbol or the image of the situation covers the

area from the third chakra to the core of Earth.

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Flow Child from the 3rd chakra down through your body to the core of Earth. Feel the frequency

run from your solar plexus to the place below your belly, to your groin into your thighs, into

your calves and into your feet. Pulse the frequency of Child, accompanied by the situation you

were reminded of, through your feet into the core of Mother Earth.

From the core of Earth the blue whales will transmute the frequency into divine inspiration. You

will receive this inspiration through your dreams, through synchronicity, through sudden

insights, or just by asking that the divine inspiration flow through your hand and your pen onto

paper in the form of words. You may be inspired to paint or draw, sing or move in a way that

expresses the inspiration you have received.

This divine inspiration will provide you with concepts that take the place of fear based pattern

you pulsed through your feet, into the core of Earth for the blue whales to transmute.

Care for yourself in this way forever and ever


Blega, A Humpback Whale Speaks…

Helios ( a humpback whale) and I striate the Earth grid with a third frequency. We collaborate with our

friends, the blue whales in this process. The frequency represents the concept of the child. The light pink

frequency of Christ Consciousness is called Child. The ray creates an immediate connection with every

human child at conception. This is the single most important ray of Christ Consciousness. The constant

inflow of the ray of Child, into the body-mind-spirit of the newly conceived child, conducts the codes of

the Heart-Mind of God into the child’s DNA. This transmutes the child’s DNA into the Great Creator’s

designated configuration for that individual child.

The conception of a child is a deeply sacred event, and even though miscarriages or abortions terminate

pregnancies, the imprint left within the frequency of the embryo is carried into another newly conceived


Embryos receive the inflow of Child which alters the code of the child’s DNA. The inflow provides the

sacred concepts the child has the potential to receive from his or her parents.

The constancy, with which the ray of Child is pulsed into the newly conceived child, is regulated by the

blue whales. I would like to introduce you to my delightful friend Lana. Lana is my delegate for her

species. She resides off the coast of Venezuela and will communicate with you about the consciousness

of Child. Her constant attention to this frequency sensitizes her to the delicate balance of the human

being’s body-mind-spirit.

She sees how very complex the lives of human’s are. She reveres you all and notices how delicately you

must create balance in your lives. This is the balance that makes it possible to survive the trials and

tribulations experienced, as you live your lives and participate in the Great Creator’s plan.

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Lana, A Blue Whale Speaks

Helios, Blega and I comprehensively help you understand the positive concepts of bright, helpful, loving,

spiritually mature approaches to beingness. We help you lift the barriers within your heart to receiving

the Great Creator’s love.

The focal point of my complex service, involves correcting imbalances within the DNA of every human

embryo. Sometimes imbalances occur that do not receive intervention. These imbalances remain

because the child learns a great deal from coping with imbalance. The child learns to resolve personal or

spiritual complications and the skills for helping others resolve such complications.

I am the embryonic consultant on behalf of our Great Creator. I give my creator my physical form, for

the purpose of bridging the consciousness of those who conceived the embryo and Great Creator’s plan

for the DNA of the golden, newly conceived life.

At this time the DNA of every tender newborn is far more developed than the DNA of his or her parents.

There are those who choose to destroy the evolutionary potential of these children. The impact of

grievous acts can be corrected in babies conceived by loving people, who represent your level of


You may have lifted your own first chakras into the frequency of our creator’s blessed fifth dimension as

you’ve strived to deliver yourself from darkness. As you become more balanced so does the Earth’s grid.

This helps the cetaceans work with the grid with more depth and effectiveness. Human beings benefit

from this balance by becoming more sensitive to the heart of the Creator.

I prompt my blue whales about their roles in the Divine Creator’s plan for the evolution of the human

species. There are human species throughout the Great Creator’s star systems. Some will be served by

those who’ve survived the involutioni and evolution that’s unique to this planet.

I am the catalyst for altering the base of the spine and the consciousness that gives the Great Creator

the opportunity to become unified with the golden embryo of the human. The soma of the body tends

to become stronger and more a part of the brow center’s functioning, if the Creator pulls the soul of the

human through the star gate, my blue whales temper with our light pink frequency called Child.

Our star gate’s location is off the coast of Venezuela. All of my family members pulse the star gate with

the light pink ray of Child. When a soul or a spark of the divine is chosen to enter the frequency of the

Golden Ground, which you call Earth, our temple of healing becomes the soul’s container for

approximately four months. The blue whales take care of the Great Creator’s loving contract with the

individual soul.

All of you have been served within our temple. You grieve the darkness. You forget that your soul was

given a review of the resources available to the new body. You forget that you agreed to take part in

refueling with the energy of the Golden Ground. But your souls remember. And as you live your lives,

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your souls take your personalities through life lessons. The lessons were prescribed when you visited our

Temple of Child.

You of course have free will. That means you can distort your lessons with the counter balancing lessons

of the blacker concepts. The blacker concepts provide temporary sensations of being more in control,

more powerful and more appreciated by the communities of those who counter the Great Creator’s


I am yours in service,


Vivation – Second Chakra

Vivation is the ray of bringing love to the force of creation expressed by your

commitment to life changing goals.

Refer to page 94 of the paperback: Ashram of the Sea received and translated by Kathryn Jensen, for

more on the frequency of Vivation. Kindle and other digital editions: Read the pages about Vivation in

the second chakra section of Part Two.

Dege, A Harbor Porpoise Speaks on the Ray of

Christ Consciousness Called Vivation

A Note from Kathryn Jensen: This passage, like all passages presented to you by the cetaceans is light

language that I receive and translate. Some of words or names in this transmission are unusual. I’ve

clarified some of the more unusual terms or names below:

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• Governors – Those who provide leadership

• Perturbate - agitate

• Sirian Avatar Bim – Bim is the most advanced member of the Sirian Council of Nine. This is a council of

great beings from all over the universe who gather to develop ways to assist sentient beings in learning

about loving themselves as they love others.

• Sirian Blue Dolphins – These beings, if represented in the physical reality, appear to be bottlenose

dolphins. They reside on a planet called Oceanea that orbits Sirius B. They exist simultaneously in the

5th - 10th dimensions. They are deeply involved in assisting Earth’s humans in their spiritual evolution.

They serve sentient beings all over the known universe.

Dege Speaks

Your hour has come to become compassionate.

You will now grow together as a unified body of helpful communicators about the life force of my

cetacean nation. You will now talk about our life force from the perspective of what it feels like to

release resistance to receiving healing assistance from cetaceans in healing scars, resulting from learning

brutally difficult life - lessons.

You surround yourself with protection that some of you have refused to let our governors help you

interpret differently. Other cetacean governors are gathered with me today. They have arranged to be

at this meeting to become helpful to you as you let go of the protection that gives you a false sense of


The governor Savina, a spinner dolphin, is with me along with the governors Puja, a bottlenose dolphin

and Lana, a blue whale. We have all come together to lift your hearts into the frequency you are now

being told to call Vivation.

Our beveling of the edges of protection has already begun with those of you who have attended some

or all of the three previous meetings. If you haven’t attended the previous meetings please spend time

with those materials so you form a deeper bond with the governors Lana, Puja and Savina. (Previous


I am the governor who perturbates the corrosion of fear (helps fear dissolve) of becoming as proud of

your accomplishments as you should be. You are governors yourselves or you wouldn’t be sitting in this

circle today. You didn’t just come today because you felt like taking time to see what our governor

Kathryn has been doing with her life force. You came today to find out how your heart would feel in the

Sirian frequency you call Vivation. You came today because your heart’s favorite governor, your

guardian angel, started a conversation with you and advised you to place yourself in this sacred space


The Holy Presence of the Sirian Avatar Bim is the guiding force of today’s session. You will receive help

in lifting brokenness out of your body into the sepulcher that the Sirian Blue Dolphins give you for

transmutation of your problems.

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Avatar Bim is the one with whom you made a contract about your golden service while living here

where Gaia contracted to serve you with her Twenty Rays of Christ Consciousness. You all did this. You

all moved through the Sirian Portal to receive your contract.

You’ve all contracted to pursue giving and receiving love. But your contracts have very specific codons

that envelop your permanent atom and put your through complicated re-arrangements of your codon

every time you enter a different life time. Every life you live completes one phase of codon re-evolution.

Dege’s Activation

The symbol for Vivation is the spring leaf green heart.

You may listen to Dege’s activation:


Now I am guiding you through an activation that is going to lead you into your divine heart center

where we will help you talk to your special angelic servant. You will become competent conversing in

this way as you take care of your body’s functions. All of your body’s functions can become antennas

that take you into deeply perceiving your very specific service that you are here to provide.

• Sit very quietly and breathe very deeply.

• If you have the Essences for the Home Temple apply a drop of my essence called Vivation to your brow


• Surround yourself in Vivation’s bright green color.

• Maybe you perceive a contraction of the brow chakra right now. A contraction may be perceived as

trouble being able to feel frequencies that contact the brow chakra. If you perceive this, take a very

deep breath as you pulse Vivation into your brow chakra. Do so by flowing Vivation from your soul star

or your ninth chakra which is 14 inches above your head, through your hand into your brow chakra.

Even if you do not feel a contraction still pulse Vivation into your brow and notice the shifts in


• The process will help you build a greater sensitivity to this frequency.

• Stay very still for about 15 minutes as you absorb the frequency of Vivation. I am taking each and

every one of you very through a process you will all share after the activation is complete.

• I now ask that you awaken from this process I have been guiding you through.

• Please write down your experience.

• If you feel comfortable, share this experience with others who are participating.


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Homeplay suggested by Dege I advise you to pulse Vivation throughout your chakra system.

• Always begin with the brow chakra.

• Next pulse your heart chakra.

• Next, use your intuition, muscle testing or a pendulum to choose the next chakra to activate. It may

not be appropriate to activate another chakra.

• If it is appropriate, pulse the chosen chakra.

• It’s possible that it’s appropriate for you to activate most or all of the seven major chakras in one


You may facilitate yourself in this process once a day or many times a day. This will amplify the

receptivity of those antennas within your bodily functions. You will begin to know yourself very, very


I am the avatar who thoroughly serves you with the wisdom of the Sirian healers my translator calls the

Sirian Council of Nine.

I care for you as you care for yourself.


Service – Third Chakra

The ray of loving yourself as the first step towards being of service to God

People who love themselves have far more to give in service to others.

Refer to page 90 of the paperback: Ashram of the Sea received and translated by Kathryn B Jensen, for

more on the frequency of Service. Kindle and other digital editions: Read the pages about Service in the

second chakra section.”

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Puja, A Bottlenose Dolphin, Speaks on the Ray of Service

Sometimes the life of a bottlenose dolphin isn’t contemplative due to the fact that we’re very active in

the pursuit of food. But when we do go into a deep contemplative state our conscious choice is to flood

the Earth with the heart’s frequency you’re being told to call Service.

The frequency of Service titrates the Earth grid with a concept that’s critical to survival of any life form.

The concept envelops life forms with intention to thrive. I’m going to talk about Service from the

perspective of the human race.

The concept of self-care is something you must take very seriously. The consciousness of self-care does

not infer selfishness. It infers taking care of one’s self as an act of Service to others.

Those of you gathered today are very gracious servants to your fellow man but there is a struggle within

several of you about taking care of yourself when so many suffer. You must take care of yourself and

thrive so you have the mana to help those who tend to lack enough contact with their own defenses to

make the right decisions.

I do not, of course, infer that all cataclysmic events or difficult circumstances can be avoided. I simply

mean that some people make disturbing choices that create traumatic circumstances. And so many of

you devote your lives to helping those unfortunate ones who don’t titrate their own internal defenses

with the frequency of Service. They make choices that can perhaps perpetrate their own demise.

The stoic ones who deny themselves the basic essentials of food, water, shelter and appropriate

clothing and give those essentials to others who have made the decision to throw themselves into

despair cannot light up the frequency of those who suffer. They cannot serve those troubled ones with

the healing frequencies you are about to give to each member of this group.

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Puja’s Activation With the Ray of Service

The Symbol for Service is a blood red circle.

If you have the Essences for the Home Temple on hand use the Essence of Service in this activation. The

essences amplify the effect of the activations. However, with focused intent, you can activate these

Rays of Christ Consciousness without using the essences.

The Rays of Christ Consciousness are held within our body-mind-spirits. They’re activated completely,

over time, as we evolve spiritually and develop the qualities of compassion.

To listen to Puja’s activation enjoy this recording:


The Activation

My goal for you today is to lift your own frequency so you can help your own body heal very deeply.

• Be still.

• If you have the essence called Service, apply Service to your temples.

• Feel the blood red frequency of Service enter your body through your temples. The inflow of Service

is coming from the God Presence within you.

• If you do not have the essence, place your left hand on your left temple and your right hand on your

right temple. Feel the blood red frequency of Service enter your body through your hands into your

temples. The inflow of Service is coming from the God Presence within you.

• Apply a drop of Service to your heart chakra. Feel the blood red frequency of Service enter your body

through your hand into your heart. The inflow of Service is coming from the God Presence within you.

• If you do not have the essence, place your hand on your heart. Feel the blood red frequency of

Service enter your body through your hand into your heart. The inflow of Service is coming from the

God Presence within you.

• Pulse your heart with Service. Hold your hand on your heart. Flow Service through your hand into

your heart. Imagine and intend that a flow of the blood red frequency of Service is flowing from your

Soul Star or your ninth chakra, which is about 14 inches above your head, through your hand into your


• Surround yourself with the blood-red ray of Service.

• Counterbalance your desire to serve others with the absolute commitment to serve yourself. Be with

this consciousness for 15 minutes. Talk to your body. Ask your body what you must heal to optimize

your mana or life force.

• Now you shall awaken from your contemplative state. One by one give your fellow participants

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Service. Give them Service not only from your heart chakra but your brow chakra. Give each participant

this type of Service for a few seconds only. Continue working with the frequency of Service in your daily


• You may make the choice to lift your frequency with Service several times a day.

• If your mana has not been depleted, make the conscious choice to serve individuals, with whom you

spend time with Service.

Yours in Service


Grace – Third Chakra

The ray of support for staying in a state of grace through every breakdown, every

locked in fear moment, every happy occasion and every very ordinary life event

Refer to page 44-46 and 106 and 109 of the paperback: Ashram of the Sea received and translated by Kathryn

Jensen, for more on the frequency of Grace. Kindle and other digital editions: Read in Section One: The Heart Mind of God Speaks/Grace Filled People.

Read in Part Two: The Third Chakra-The Third Chakra Ray of Grace.

Hawaii Spinner Dolphin Savina Speaks on Claiming Our Personal Power

I am a Hawaii spinner dolphin named Savina. I am an avatar in service to cetaceans throughout the

South Pacific region.

I am a guide for my transcriptionist Kathryn Jensen. With my help she’s broken down complicated

barriers to receiving heart to heart assistance from healing comrades who swim with me throughout the

Hawaiian Island chain.

Today I give you my love. I give your sensitive power base within the 3rd chakra a deep, loving boost in


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We are deeply sorrowful about the heart breaking event that took place without any warning on April

15th in Boston Massachusetts. Those who performed that act of violence did so out of cowardice. The

struggles within that individual cause that person to strike back at anybody who appears to be

successful. The person deeply resents people who spring out of bed in the morning with determination

to help themselves and others become more compassionate.

I’m very deeply impressed by each and every one of you who decided to gather in this healing circle

today. You impress me dear ones because you’re so heart-centered. You are devoted to developing

your God-Selves. Our God and your God are the one and only Creator Force.

I am the divinator of peaceful Source Energy that I directly pulse through the Gaia Force’s grid system.

Savina’s Activation on the Ray of Grace

To listen to the MP3 recording of the activation click on this link:

The Symbol for Grace is a metallic gold pentagon

Savina Speaks

My God-Self and your God-Self will now merge.

Dearly beloved ones please stay very still and breathe very deeply while we reconnect each and

every one of you to the brokenness within the forcefield of the solar plexus chakra or the third


If you have the Essences for the Home Temple, apply a drop of the Gaia Force’s golden

frequency of Grace to your heart center and your third chakra or the solar plexus chakra.

Bathe yourself in the metallic gold frequency of Grace. Imagine and intend that this process is

taking place.

Place one hand on your heart and hold the other hand 14 inches above your head.

The soul star or the ninth chakra resides at this level.

The soul star’s production of Grace will now begin.

Bring the flow of Grace from your soul star down through your hand that’s on your heart.

Pulse your heart with the golden frequency of Grace.

Now prepare yourself for 25 minutes of silence. During this time you will be shown problems

you’ve experienced with claiming your personal power.

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Place an imaginary symbol that represents these problems about two feet in front of you. If a

symbol does not come to mind follow your intuition. Perhaps you need to listen to words you or

another said that diminished your feeling of being a powerful individual. Maybe you will fill up

with a flood of emotion. So you may see, feel or hear some kind of discord.

Pulse that discord with the frequency of Grace.

If you did create a symbol of the discord send the symbol a beautiful flow of Grace from your


Do the same procedure from your solar plexus chakra/third chakra.

If you hear words, pulse those words with Grace.

If you fill up with a flood of emotion follow your physical response to those emotions. There

may be tension, pain or other physical symptoms within your physical body that represent the


Flood those areas of your physical body with Grace.

Follow your own lead as you move through this process of lifting the frequency of those difficult

times when you felt the heartbreak of feeling powerless.

Do this process for yourself frequently beloveds.

I respect you deeply.

You serve me as I serve you.


Change – Third Chakra The ray of holding self-actualization as your reason for living and holding life

change as a highly conscious, life enhancing choice

Refer to page 109 of the paperback: Ashram of the Sea received and translated by Kathryn Jensen, for more on the

frequency of Change. Kindle and other digital editions: Read “Heso, a Pygmy Right Whale, Speaks on the Purple, Third Chakra Ray of


Heso, A Pygmy Right Whale, Speaks on the Ray of Change

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I am a change agent and I comprehend the concept of Change. I impact the human population with the

Christ Consciousness Ray of Change and there’s nothing formulated for you to use, other than the

Essence for the Home Temple called Change to connect to my pod of pygmy right whales.

You are change agents for your world. I can’t emphasize enough how progressive you have become in

your active pursuit of changing the quality of your community life just by attending this afternoon’s

change agent forum.

Today you will heal your own hearts with an activity that’s very different than any activity you’ve

experienced within the boundaries of this special community gathering.

Heso’s Activation

To listen to the MP3 recording of the activation click on this link:

Heso Speaks

You can’t do cartwheels in this circle but you can do some brain gym-

The symbol for Change is a purple heptagon.

Please do the brain gym called Space Buttons. Place two fingers on the upper lip. Place the

other hand on the tailbone. Look up. Breathe.

See my symbol-the purple heptagon. Imagine that a large purple heptagon covers the whole

ceiling of this room. If you are outside, imagine that a fifty foot wide heptagon hovers about 50

feet above your heads. Experience Space buttons for about 15 seconds as you imagine the

purple heptagon above you.

Please do the brain gym called Earth Buttons. Place two fingers on lower lip. Place the other

hand above the pubic bone. Look down. Breathe. As you cast your eyes down imagine that you

are standing on the purple heptagon. Imagine that the heptagon covers the whole floor.

Immerse yourself in the frequency of Earth Buttons and the purple heptagon on the floor for 15


Please sit down. Hold your hands in the prayer position. Imagine that you are holding a very

flat purple heptagon between your hands.

Fill up with the frequency of Change as you hold your hands in the prayer position for about four


Now, if you own the Essences for the Home Temple apply a drop of the Home Temple Essence

called Change to your brow chakra. Pull the frequency of Change from the field of Change

you’ve created above you.

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Talk to me for about 15 minutes about how a change in your behavior might benefit your

appreciation of being alive. Of course you do not need to speak in words. You may escort me

into your heart and just feel what it’s like to have the most advanced change agent on Earth

within your own heart. Let me take you through the portal of change. I will help you make

some decisions about your body-mind-spirit and what to do differently so you can become

better and better at helping yourself and others become more loving, kind and compassionate.

Home is where the heart is. May you create a very peaceful, healing community of beautiful

healers who take care of you at a moment’s notice. Place this loving community within an

imaginary purple heptagon. Place this heptagon within your heart.

Pulse the 4th chakra or the heart with the purple Ray of Change. Before you pulse the chakra,

flood your body-mind-spirit with change. Pull change from the purple heptagon above you.

Then pull change from the purple heptagon below you. Pull the flow from above and the flow

from below through your hand into your heart.

There now. You’ve saturated your body-mind-spirit with the frequency of Change. Experience

what that feels like for about one minute.

Now write down your experiences and insights.

Beginning now you are going to help yourself to Heso’s barrier breaking frequency of Change

every time you encounter resistance to change.

I embrace you all with a big purple hug.


Receiving – Third Chakra

The ray of healing resistance to receiving love

Refer to page 103 of the paperback: Ashram of the Sea received and translated by Kathryn Jensen, for

more on the frequency of Receiving and the third chakra. Kindle and other digital editions: Read the

pages in Section Two on the third chakra and the ray of Receiving.

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Butu, a Long Finned Pilot Whale, Speaks on the Ray of Receiving

Those of you who don’t have very good self-esteem are at times perplexed about the concept of

receiving help from other people. The Golden Rule “Be kind to others as you would have them be kind

to you” is very easy for you to follow but the counter balance of receiving kindness from others can

bring up feelings of low self-worth.

I am Butu. I am a long finned pilot whale who resides in the waters off the Big Island of Hawaii. I know

your friends the spinner dolphins. I know your friends the humpback whales. I know many of you are

very loving and kind. I hear of your devotion to my cetacean family. I of course include all species of

cetaceans as my family.

I am a governor (leader). I use this term because a member of my extended family named Dege, a

harbor porpoise, introduced some of you to the term last week. If you attended last week, I thoroughly

appreciate your response to my brother Dege.

All of you here today are sacred light workers who were asked to come to breathe very deeply together.

I thought you’d all benefit from contracting and expanding your core muscles so you may become

healed of resistance to receiving help from Butu and other long finned pilot whales.

Life hasn’t ever been trouble free for anybody living here on Earth. All of us, including the cetaceans,

came here to participate in a very interesting experiment. Our Golden Ground which you call Earth

leads us all through participating in developing our light bodies in a way that only cetaceans and

humans, who chose Earth as their residence, have the opportunity to experience.

Our light bodies express the qualities of the frequencies of Christ Consciousness. There are no others in

the universe who receive this kind of counter balancing. The cetaceans of course are the forerunners to

humans in this counter balancing effect. We developed our light bodies first so we could help you in

developing yours.

Many of the cetacean species came here from Sirius B’s Oceanea. We became acquainted with the

Earth as healers of the body of Gaia. We gave Gaia her frequencies of Christ Consciousness. Then we

began living here, evolving according to the plan created for the cetaceans and the human race.

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Butu doesn’t recall any previous time when people could steep in cetacean consciousness at the level

that you are now capable of absorbing. I took charge of prompting those of you who are gathered here

today because I felt you were ready to steep in my healing frequency called Receiving. Many read the

notice of this meeting but you were the ones I took into my heart and asked to assemble here today.

My beloved friend Puja, a bottlenose dolphin would like to be heard by you before the two of us lead

you in a healing experience.

Puja, a Bottlenose Dolphin Speaks on the Ray of Receiving

I am completing this communication on the Ray of Receiving. A few days ago I kept Kathryn Jensen

company while she sat down by my favorite stretch of coast line meditating with a group of heart

centered, deeply special conduits for the concepts you’re learning about this evening. I prompted

Kathryn, at that time, to enliven your group experience with my communication.

I spent time with this group of meditators. They were surrounded by many angelic Hawaiians. These

ancient ones uphold the concept of helping the Gods of the Earth assume their role of complementing

the healing work that people do for themselves and their planet.

This was a generous group of people, who differ very little from those of you who have gathered this

afternoon. Most of you care very deeply for your friends and family. But most of you have your

moments when you don’t feel your worthy of receiving healing from others. As you’ve learned from

Butu, becoming a receptacle for the healing offered to you by others can sometimes be sabotaged by

your belief that you’re not good enough.

I’m contributing to this evenings heart center re-conditioning because I feel the frequency of Service

some of you learned about from me, a few weeks ago, which is about being of service to yourself,

merges perfectly with the helpful frequency of Receiving. So review my transmission (previous

activation). Become familiar with how one frequency merges with another and enhances the other

frequency’s capacity to balance your will to become a part of the unified heart of the community of man

and cetacean.

Butu’s and Puja’s Activation

If you have the Essences for the Home Temple on hand use the Essence of Receiving in this activation.

The essences amplify the effect of the activations. However, with focused intent, you can activate these

Rays of Christ Consciousness without using the essences.

The Rays of Christ Consciousness are held within our body-mind-spirits. They’re activated completely,

over time, as we evolve spiritually and develop the qualities of compassion.

To listen to Butu’s activation, enjoy this recording:


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The Activation

The Symbol for Service is a jade green, right triangle

• Apply the essence of receiving to your 5th chakras or your throat chakras.

• Stand up and hold hands.

• Breathe the jade green ray of Receiving into your 5th chakra. I now give you specific

instructions for breathing.

• Breathe in through your nose. Fill the abdomen up with the breath. As you breathe in envision

the jade green color of Receiving pouring down into your mouth and your throat chakra from

the ninth chakra or the soul star about 14 inches above your head. Follow the path of the

breath into the abdomen. Envision the jade green color flowing from your mouth and 5th

chakra into your abdomen. Fill your abdomen up with the jade green Ray of Receiving. Take

fourteen breaths in this manner.

• As you breathe, flow Receiving through your hands.

• You are giving one another a gift.

• After you have completed the breathing please sit down.

• Puja and I are going to flood you with our consciousness as you continue to breathe the

frequency of receiving very deeply into your abdomens.

• Breathe deeply for about 10 minutes. Notice.

• Now please record your experience on a piece of paper.

• Please share your experiences if you feel comfortable doing so.

• Help yourself to my assistance anytime you feel the need to know you are worthy of receiving

help from others.

We are Butu and Puja

We are your friends forever and ever.

Blessing – Fifth Chakra

The ray of loving yourself as you love another As you love yourself out of fear you bless others with the feeling of being loved.

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Refer to page 121-124 of the paperback: Ashram of the Sea received and translated by Kathryn Jensen, for more on

the frequency of Blessing. Kindle and other digital editions: Read the section: “The Fifth Chakra.”

Saa, a Beluga Whale, Speaks on Telling the Truth Even

When you are Afraid to Do So

I am Saa. I am a beluga whale. I live near the Arctic Circle just above the country you call Newfoundland.

I am the blessing giver for my family of beluga whales.

I have compassion for you and your heart-centered family members, friends and acquaintances. So

often when you tell your truth you’re told to do away with your beliefs because you don’t follow the

rules that those who set the standards for behavior in your culture created. For example many of you

feel deeply compromised by the rules and regulations you must follow to meet with the approval of

your spiritual guides you call ministers, priests or rabbis.

So many of you have felt completely at odds with the disturbing declaration that you are only capable of

filling up with the Great Creator’s healing frequencies if you are within the confines of a spiritual center

such as a church, a synagogue or a mosque under the authoritative, watchful eye of the spiritual

director of the center.

Your Soul Star or your ninth chakra pulses your body-mind-spirit with the frequency called the Blessing

when you tell the truth. The Blessing provides the throat chakra with marvelous assistance capturing

just enough energy to state your truth. And the more you sever your ties with fear of putting your truth

into words the more vibrantly you become held in the forest green frequency of the Blessing.

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Saa’s Activation on The Blessing

The symbol for Blessing is a forest green Mandelbrot

To listen to the MP3 recording of the activation click on this link:

Saa Speaks

My heart will now pulse your 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th chakras with the Blessing as you proceed with the

following activation and meditation.

If you have the Essences for the Home Temple apply a drop of the Essence of Blessing to your 5th

chakra or throat chakra.

As you sit in silence with your eyes closed bathe yourself in the forest green ray of Christ

Consciousness called the Blessing.

Pulse your fourth chakra or your heart center with the Blessing.

The Steps:

*Hold your hand about fourteen inches above your head. That’s the location of the ninth chakra

or the Soul Star.

*Now place your hand on your heart.

* Imagine and intend that an impressive flow of beautiful, forest green light flows from your

Soul Star through your body, through your hand into your heart. That’s called pulse healing.

Sit in silence for about 25 minutes. As you sit in silence you’ll remember problematic

communications from your past. When you remember an incident, hold a visual symbol of that

memory in front of you as if it were separate from your body.

Notice any problematic aches and pains or other forms of discomfort that make their presence

known as you hold that memory in front of you. Notice how you feel emotionally.

From your heart center send that memory the flow of the blessing from your heart center.

Visualize and intend that a vibrant forest green flow of the Blessing is flowing from your heart

and bathing that memory in the Blessing.

Notice how the memory fades from view or transforms itself into a different image or memory.

The new image or memory may be a positive image or another memory of a problematic


Notice how you feel emotionally and physically.

Throughout this 25 minutes of time breathe very deeply and keep bathing every memory of

challenging communications in the forest green ray of the Blessing.

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The Blessing will infiltrate the memory of the troublesome communication with all of my love

and the love you have for yourself.

Now open your eyes take 5 minutes to write down the brilliant, heart-centered message you

intend to say to someone in your life whom you have felt uncomfortable being truthful with.

Do this activation often. Every time you do so, I, Saa, will pulse your 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th chakras

with all of my love and the problems you’ve experienced with truthful communication will

become a distant memory.

Yours in service,


Giving – Sixth Chakra The ray of loving those who cannot love themselves Refer to pages 125-130 of the paperback: Ashram of the Sea received and translated by Kathryn Jensen, for more on

the frequency of Giving. Kindle and other digital editions: Read in Section Two: The Sixth Chakra.

Transmission and Activation from Soga, an Amazon River Dolphin

Giving Love to Those Who Don’t Have Good, Heart-centered, Loving, Kind Personalities

I am Soga. My gift to you today is the grey-purple healing frequency you call Giving. I am an Amazon river dolphin. I am the Avatar of the entire Amazon Basin. I keep all of my community’s residents competently serving other residents with the Sirian heart center’s constant flow of Giving.

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The Amazon River, which is saturated with the frequency of Giving, floods at times. The humans who live on the banks of the Amazon are activated by Giving when the Amazon River’s waters flood the land where they live. This impacts their temperament. Typically these residents of the Amazon Basin speak with no malice towards unfriendly people. They deeply respect the concept of peaceful co-existence. Most of the violence amongst Amazon Basin tribal cultures results from outsiders who try to take their land for commercial purposes. My contactee, Kathryn Jensen, is well within my heart right now. I am within her heart. This makes it possible for me to conduct a ceremonial act with you.

Soga’s Activation With the Ray of Christ Consciousness Called Giving

The symbol for Giving is a mauve square

To listen to the MP3 recording of the activation click on this link:

Soga Speaks

If you have the Essences for the Home Temple, apply the Essence for the Home Temple called Giving to your brow chakra and your heart chakra.

Surround yourself in the grey-purple (mauve) color of the ray of Giving. Imagine and intend that this process is taking place.

Give yourself the ray of Giving that lives in that place about 14 inches above your head (ninth chakra or soul star) that holds your record of all that you have been. This center holds all of the templates that represent your mission and all the contents of your God Self’s record books. These books record guessing games you’ve played throughout various lives concerning that mission that sits right there asking for you to figure out the dharma (one’s own nature.)

Hold one hand on your heart. Hold your other hand about 14 inches above your head. With that hand spill the frequency of Giving out of the cradle of the ninth chakra and bring it into your hand on your heart.

Pulse the heart with Giving.

Now give yourself a minute or two to feel, see or hear something you recognize from your past between you and an unloved personality. Of course I’m talking about an unloved human being who did not get very much help from people and as a result did not give help to people. You may remember several people who filled you with fear and who may have damaged you physically, emotionally or mentally.

From your heart give that person or people the ray of Giving.

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You may form a visual symbol of one or all of these unloved people. Keep the symbol a few feet away from your heart center.

Send a flow of a beautiful river of Giving to that symbol. Send it from your heart.

Notice what happens to the symbol of those unloved people as you give them this formulation of the helpful frequency of love you call Giving.

Now repeat this activation process with the brow chakra. Remember to pulse the brow chakra with Giving with the contents of that cradle that represents your God Self that’s 14 inches above your head.

This is just the beginning of your contractual agreement with Soga and her family of Amazon river dolphins. You’ve come to gather in this living room to formulate an agreement with Soga. You are agreeing to strip your barriers away. These are the barriers that prevent you from helping those who do not give help to others. I complete my transmission by splashing you with more Giving . Go ahead and apply another drop to your heart. As you talk about your experience with me this afternoon, pass the bottle of Giving around your circle. Put the bottle on your heart and say to Soga; “I commit to loving those who do not love themselves.” I give you my heart. You give me your heart. Soga

Polarity – Seventh Chakra

Polarity is the ray of facing your dark side and asking love to take its place

Refer to page 52 of the paperback: Ashram of the Sea received and translated by Kathryn Jensen, for

more on the frequency of Polarity and the seventh chakra. Kindle and other digital editions: Read the

pages in Section One: “The Seventh Chakra of the Gaia Force.

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Savina, a Hawaii Spinner Dolphin, Speaks on the Ray of Polarity

I am Avatar Savina. I am the spinner dolphin who serves the human beings with help in soothing

themselves of their fear of cruel treatment, serious traumatic events and other emergencies that

become overwhelming. I have Holy Communion with the Heart-Mind of God and I commune with a

hearts of people who have totally lost all hope. I bring the Heart-Mind of God into the human heart for

the purpose of helping the human calm down and become serene in the midst of extreme stress.

The spinner dolphins hold the frequency of Christ Consciousness we now call Polarity. We have always

pursued calming the human population with the Ray of Polarity. Spinners all over Earth pulse the Earth

grid with Polarity and they do so every time they take a deep breath and then flow the outbreath into

the Earth. The flow of polarity weaves its course into the seventh chakra of Earth at Mt. Kailas, Tibet.

The contract you have with the Great Creator determines the conditions you attract into your physical

reality. Some incarnations are more difficult than others. There are of course accidents that take place

that do not reflect an individual’s contractual agreement with the Great Creator. Over-all, the

arrangements we make for our lives create our physical experience. So the stark, cold flagrant

disturbances that induce fear are created by human beings so they may love themselves out of fear. To

triumph over fear is one of the most distinguishing characteristics of Earth’s human race.

You are here today to create community and I am attending your meeting of advanced souls for the

purpose of teaching you to inflow the frequency of Polarity into your body-mind-spirits and bring solace

to your fear. This is the fear that surfaces every time you complete a stage of evolution. You tend to

steep yourself in a feeling of needing to remain stationary so you don’t have to face any more difficult


Earthly life takes people through crises so they may discover the concept of compassion.

Compassionate service to self and others defines the community that chose to become a part of the

Compassion Planet’s population.

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Savina’s Activation with the Ray of Polarity

The Symbol for Polarity is a deep aqua blue circle

If you have the Essences for the Home Temple on hand use the Essence of Polarity in this activation.

The essences amplify the effect of the activations. However, with focused intent, you can activate these

Rays of Christ Consciousness without using the essences.

The Rays of Christ Consciousness are held within our body-mind-spirits. They’re activated completely

over time as we evolve spiritually and develop the qualities of compassion.

To listen to Savina’s activation enjoy this recording:


The Activation

I am present with you now as I lead you on a heart centered exploration of the Golden Rule that takes

your dark side and thoroughly leads you to the hearts and souls of your spinner dolphins. The rule

simply says “Face your dark side and allow love to take its place.”

• Sit very quietly

• Breathe very deeply.

• If you have the essence of Polarity, apply a drop of the essence of Polarity to your heart.

• Surround yourself in the deep aqua-blue ray of Polarity.

• Keep track of the shifts and changes that take place in the physical, emotional and mental processes

of your personality body.

• If you recall a time in childhood when you felt fear immerse yourself in that memory.

• If you do not recall a time, fill up with the memory of a fearful event in your adulthood.

• Sit contemplatively for 15 minutes while you bathe that memory in the dark aqua-blue Ray of Polarity.

• Keep yourself within my field of influence. I will take care of each one of you.

• Now, face your dark side and allow love to take its place.

• Flood your heart with Polarity. Hold your hand on your heart and intend that the dark aqua-blue

frequency of Polarity will purify your body-mind-spirit of the fear that’s conditioned you to avoid your

own course of evolution.

• To flood your heart with Polarity, pour the frequency from your Soul Star 14 inches above your head

through your hand, into your heart.

Be still for five minutes as you experience the diffusion of fear.

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Holy you are dearly beloved friends.

I serve you as you serve yourself.


Kathryn B Jensen’s purpose is to serve as a bridge between humanity and the dolphins and whales of our planet, who are here to assist us in our evolution. For more of Kathryn ’s inspiring books and articles : Kathryn’s Amazon Author Page

Join Kathryn’s email list to receive more life changing communications from the cetaceans.