Download - Healing School Magazine October Edition[4] (3)Title Healing School Magazine October Edition[4] (3) Created Date 10/7/2011 10:22:49 AM

  • The Healing School Magazine 2The Healing School Magazine 2

    The Word of God is truth. The Word works; it always produces

    the results of what it talks about. However, a lot of times, many

    of God's people don't know how to put His Word to work and

    receive the results they desire from Him.

    It's imperative to know the character of God's Word and

    Hebrews 4:12 aptly describes it; “For the word of God is

    quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword,

    piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and

    of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts

    and intents of the heart.” The Amplified Version puts it this

    way: “For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power

    [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]...”

    God's Word is alive and full of power, making it active, operative,

    energizing and effective. Noting the potency of the Word, the

    Psalmist said, “Fools because of their transgression, and

    because of their iniquities, are afflicted. Their soul

    abhorreth all manner of meat; and they draw near unto the

    gates of death. Then they cry unto the LORD in their

    trouble, and he saveth them out of their distresses. He sent

    his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their

    destructions” (Psalm 107:17-20). It was the Word of God sent

    to them that healed and delivered them from their destruction!

    Every time you hear the Word of God and receive it into your

    spirit, it does something in you; it transforms your life, taking you

    to ever-increasing levels of glory. It changes your circumstances,

    position, state and estate in life for the best.

    It doesn't matter what you're going through; God has already

    sent forth His Word concerning whatever situation you face, or

    will ever encounter in life. He already released the Word of

    salvation and healing to you. Therefore, if you are sick, the Word

    will cause healing to be manifested in your body because it always

    produces the results of what it talks about.

    He said in Isaiah 55:11, “So shall my word be that goeth forth

    out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall

    accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the

    thing whereto I sent it.” If it's the Word of God, it will do what

    it talks about! The only reason God's Word wouldn't produce the

    desired results for a person is if he hears the Word and fails to

    believe and acknowledge it.

    Do you want a change in your life? You don't have to cry or beg

    God for it! Simply turn to the Word; it's got converting power

    and will cause that change you desire! Remember, the Word is

    living and active; it never fails and you can always depend on it.

    Receive it into your spirit, declare it in faith and see your life go

    from glory to glory!

    God bless you.

    The Healing School Magazine 3


    The Healing School Magazine is published monthly by the Healing School. All rights reserved.

    Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.

    ISSN 1597 - 0833

  • The Healing School Magazine 2The Healing School Magazine 2

    The Word of God is truth. The Word works; it always produces

    the results of what it talks about. However, a lot of times, many

    of God's people don't know how to put His Word to work and

    receive the results they desire from Him.

    It's imperative to know the character of God's Word and

    Hebrews 4:12 aptly describes it; “For the word of God is

    quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword,

    piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and

    of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts

    and intents of the heart.” The Amplified Version puts it this

    way: “For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power

    [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]...”

    God's Word is alive and full of power, making it active, operative,

    energizing and effective. Noting the potency of the Word, the

    Psalmist said, “Fools because of their transgression, and

    because of their iniquities, are afflicted. Their soul

    abhorreth all manner of meat; and they draw near unto the

    gates of death. Then they cry unto the LORD in their

    trouble, and he saveth them out of their distresses. He sent

    his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their

    destructions” (Psalm 107:17-20). It was the Word of God sent

    to them that healed and delivered them from their destruction!

    Every time you hear the Word of God and receive it into your

    spirit, it does something in you; it transforms your life, taking you

    to ever-increasing levels of glory. It changes your circumstances,

    position, state and estate in life for the best.

    It doesn't matter what you're going through; God has already

    sent forth His Word concerning whatever situation you face, or

    will ever encounter in life. He already released the Word of

    salvation and healing to you. Therefore, if you are sick, the Word

    will cause healing to be manifested in your body because it always

    produces the results of what it talks about.

    He said in Isaiah 55:11, “So shall my word be that goeth forth

    out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall

    accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the

    thing whereto I sent it.” If it's the Word of God, it will do what

    it talks about! The only reason God's Word wouldn't produce the

    desired results for a person is if he hears the Word and fails to

    believe and acknowledge it.

    Do you want a change in your life? You don't have to cry or beg

    God for it! Simply turn to the Word; it's got converting power

    and will cause that change you desire! Remember, the Word is

    living and active; it never fails and you can always depend on it.

    Receive it into your spirit, declare it in faith and see your life go

    from glory to glory!

    God bless you.

    The Healing School Magazine 3


    The Healing School Magazine is published monthly by the Healing School. All rights reserved.

    Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.

    ISSN 1597 - 0833

  • The Healing School Magazine 4

    Seeing such great and mighty miracles that had taken place at the first healing service of the session, people came with an ardent desire to partake in the second and last healing service of the July 2011 session of the Healing School.

    By early afternoon on the 31st of July, 2011, a crowd of people from different nations had packed the auditorium, as well as the grounds of the Healing School in Lagos, Nigeria.

    The service began with prayers, filling the auditorium with God's presence. Thereafter, the choir led the congregation in a special time of worship, and there was an evident readiness of the people present to receive from God.

    The testimony segment of the service put the congregation on the edge of their seats as ex-students of the Healing School, who had been previously healed and made whole, shared their testimonies. Each testimony was peculiar and unique in its own way but all had one central message: the ability of God to do the impossible and transform lives.

    The first person to share her testimony was Mayowa Olaniyi, a young lady who had lived with deafness for about 16 years until she came to the Healing School. The effect of this condition was that she couldn't hear with her left ear. She however got healed after the man of God, Pastor Chris ministered to her and now hears clearly!

    Sylvanus Okonta suffered from multiple leg ulcers for 14 years. This once agile man was incapacitated by the festering ulcers in his legs until he came to the Healing School and got healed. He was healed at a Healing School session in 2003 and has been hale and hearty for the past eight years! Praise God!

    Not to be left out was Stephen David, a 30 year old man who was subjected to walking with crutches due to a car accident he had. He came to the Healing School and received his miracle when the man of God ministered to him. Now he walks freely without any aid!

    William Johnson also testified to the awesome power of God in his life! He had suffered from kidney failure and came to the Healing School very sick, bloated and in need of a miracle. He got healed when the man of God ministered to him at the Healing School. The change in this young

    The Healing School Magazine 5

    man's appearance was, to say the least, remarkable! His once swollen body and limbs are now normal and his body, trim and taut!

    Isabella Aggrey proved that age was no barrier to the manifestation of the miraculous power of God. The 80 year old woman had been afflicted with a heart condition and rheumatoid arthritis for several years. But when she attended the Healing School, she received her miracle and got healed. Now she walks on her own, without any support. Glory to God!

    As the testimonies were concluded, the congregation burst forth with prayer, praise and thanksgiving. As they prayed, they also positioned themselves strategically to receive from God.

    The man of God, Pastor Chris came into the auditorium in the power of the Spirit and began his ministration by teaching God's Word to everyone present. Sharing on faith and healing, he read a scripture from the book of Luke 7:1-10 and exhorted those in need of healing to be inspired by the story of the Roman centurion. Teaching on this beautiful story of faith in God's Word, he said the centurion didn't need the physical presence of Jesus for his servant to be healed; all he needed was His Word. And the Lord noted that his faith was great faith!

    Then, relating this story to all those in need of healing, he stated that if they could trust and receive the Word that would be spoken to them in the course of the service, nothing would stop them from receiving their healing. He then declared that power of God would be transmitted to them through his words and touch; and promptly, began ministering. With the anointing in his hands and healing his touch, diverse conditions were healed and each person he ministered to received from the Lord!

    Gloria Umughare, a 57 year old woman from Nigeria suffered from rheumatoid arthritis and cervical spondylosis for over three years. She experienced pain in her head, all her joints, and found it very difficult to walk. Furthermore, she couldn't turn her neck from side to side. “The doctors said it is degenerative and has no cure,” she said of the debilitating condition.

  • The Healing School Magazine 4

    Seeing such great and mighty miracles that had taken place at the first healing service of the session, people came with an ardent desire to partake in the second and last healing service of the July 2011 session of the Healing School.

    By early afternoon on the 31st of July, 2011, a crowd of people from different nations had packed the auditorium, as well as the grounds of the Healing School in Lagos, Nigeria.

    The service began with prayers, filling the auditorium with God's presence. Thereafter, the choir led the congregation in a special time of worship, and there was an evident readiness of the people present to receive from God.

    The testimony segment of the service put the congregation on the edge of their seats as ex-students of the Healing School, who had been previously healed and made whole, shared their testimonies. Each testimony was peculiar and unique in its own way but all had one central message: the ability of God to do the impossible and transform lives.

    The first person to share her testimony was Mayowa Olaniyi, a young lady who had lived with deafness for about 16 years until she came to the Healing School. The effect of this condition was that she couldn't hear with her left ear. She however got healed after the man of God, Pastor Chris ministered to her and now hears clearly!

    Sylvanus Okonta suffered from multiple leg ulcers for 14 years. This once agile man was incapacitated by the festering ulcers in his legs until he came to the Healing School and got healed. He was healed at a Healing School session in 2003 and has been hale and hearty for the past eight years! Praise God!

    Not to be left out was Stephen David, a 30 year old man who was subjected to walking with crutches due to a car accident he had. He came to the Healing School and received his miracle when the man of God ministered to him. Now he walks freely without any aid!

    William Johnson also testified to the awesome power of God in his life! He had suffered from kidney failure and came to the Healing School very sick, bloated and in need of a miracle. He got healed when the man of God ministered to him at the Healing School. The change in this young

    The Healing School Magazine 5

    man's appearance was, to say the least, remarkable! His once swollen body and limbs are now normal and his body, trim and taut!

    Isabella Aggrey proved that age was no barrier to the manifestation of the miraculous power of God. The 80 year old woman had been afflicted with a heart condition and rheumatoid arthritis for several years. But when she attended the Healing School, she received her miracle and got healed. Now she walks on her own, without any support. Glory to God!

    As the testimonies were concluded, the congregation burst forth with prayer, praise and thanksgiving. As they prayed, they also positioned themselves strategically to receive from God.

    The man of God, Pastor Chris came into the auditorium in the power of the Spirit and began his ministration by teaching God's Word to everyone present. Sharing on faith and healing, he read a scripture from the book of Luke 7:1-10 and exhorted those in need of healing to be inspired by the story of the Roman centurion. Teaching on this beautiful story of faith in God's Word, he said the centurion didn't need the physical presence of Jesus for his servant to be healed; all he needed was His Word. And the Lord noted that his faith was great faith!

    Then, relating this story to all those in need of healing, he stated that if they could trust and receive the Word that would be spoken to them in the course of the service, nothing would stop them from receiving their healing. He then declared that power of God would be transmitted to them through his words and touch; and promptly, began ministering. With the anointing in his hands and healing his touch, diverse conditions were healed and each person he ministered to received from the Lord!

    Gloria Umughare, a 57 year old woman from Nigeria suffered from rheumatoid arthritis and cervical spondylosis for over three years. She experienced pain in her head, all her joints, and found it very difficult to walk. Furthermore, she couldn't turn her neck from side to side. “The doctors said it is degenerative and has no cure,” she said of the debilitating condition.

  • The Healing School MagazineThe Healing School Magazine 6 The Healing School Magazine 7

    My experience at the Healing School was awesome! I had

    the opportunity to experience firsthand, the power of God

    manifested through our man of God, Pastor Chris. I saw

    people get up from their wheelchairs and stretchers, and

    give glory to God for their healing!

    I was amazed to see how an elderly woman, who was on a

    wheelchair, jumped up and started walking after the man of

    God ministered to her. Several other miracles took place

    simultaneously, and it was really a glorious time with the

    Holy Ghost! It encouraged me to increase my partnership

    with the Healing School.

    I want to continually be one of those who bring smiles to

    many faces and salvation to many souls. If you are not yet a

    partner, please become one today because your partnership

    with the Healing School is giving other people's lives a

    meaning, and your life will never remain the same!

    Pascal Osaghale

    Christ Embassy Amsterdam

    What I experienced at the Healing School is more than

    words can express. As the man of God stepped into the

    auditorium, I felt the anointing of God all over me. Then, I

    saw the power of God in action as he ministered to

    everyone present. The miracles were so rapid; you could

    hear the demon-possessed screaming out loudly because

    they couldn't withstand the anointing!

    I am so grateful to God for the opportunity to partner with

    the Healing School. Jesus said in Mark 16:15, “…Go ye into

    all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature,” and

    we are fulfilling this scripture.

    When you partner with the Healing School, you put your

    money where it counts and has eternal value. I therefore

    encourage people who are not yet partners to join this

    chariot. Partner with the Healing School today and your life

    will be transformed from glory to glory!

    Deacon Okey Ezeh

    Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 1

    Her niece told her about the Healing School and as soon as she knew of the July session, she registered online to attend. At the service, the man of God got to her and laid his hands on her hands, blew the anointing on her and then laid hands on her again; this time on her chest. Then he declared to her, “You're free!” Swiftly she got up and rejoiced at her miracle! “I felt God's power in me when Pastor Chris ministered to me and I'm healed!” she joyfully declared.

    From Finland, Susanna Lampikoski came to the Healing School for a miracle. She suffered from insomnia, sinusitis and back pain. In the last one year, she found it so difficult to sleep at night that she could only go to sleep after taking prescribed medication. Speaking on her experience when the man of God ministered to her she said, “When Pastor Chris came to me, he shouted 'Out!' and I turned, screamed and fell to the floor. I am completely healed!”

    The man of God, after ministering to the rest of the sick, taught some more on Christ consciousness, and how healing can be obtained and retained when a person becomes aware of the power of Christ working in him or her. “The power of Christ works through consciousness. It's called ‘awareness’. When you become aware of His presence in you, the power is activated. When you are not aware of it, the power doesn't work; it is short-circuited,” he remarked.

    Then, noting that several young people suffered from arthritis, he shared some important health information with the congregation. He launched then into another sermon on the importance of eating, drinking and living healthy. He zeroed in on a seemingly insignificant but major factor in maintaining good health: drinking clean, pure water. “Water is a transporter. You need water in your body, apart from other drinks. Water is a cleanser and it purifies your body,” he stated.

    Thereafter, he prayed for everyone present and also thanked the partners specially for their efforts and participation in giving towards the healing of the sick. He made an altar call and led those that responded to receive Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord. Finally, the man of God brought the service to a close and delivered words of blessing to the congregation!

    To register for the ongoing Spring Session of the Healing School in Johannesburg, South Africa, log on to W

  • The Healing School MagazineThe Healing School Magazine 6 The Healing School Magazine 7

    My experience at the Healing School was awesome! I had

    the opportunity to experience firsthand, the power of God

    manifested through our man of God, Pastor Chris. I saw

    people get up from their wheelchairs and stretchers, and

    give glory to God for their healing!

    I was amazed to see how an elderly woman, who was on a

    wheelchair, jumped up and started walking after the man of

    God ministered to her. Several other miracles took place

    simultaneously, and it was really a glorious time with the

    Holy Ghost! It encouraged me to increase my partnership

    with the Healing School.

    I want to continually be one of those who bring smiles to

    many faces and salvation to many souls. If you are not yet a

    partner, please become one today because your partnership

    with the Healing School is giving other people's lives a

    meaning, and your life will never remain the same!

    Pascal Osaghale

    Christ Embassy Amsterdam

    What I experienced at the Healing School is more than

    words can express. As the man of God stepped into the

    auditorium, I felt the anointing of God all over me. Then, I

    saw the power of God in action as he ministered to

    everyone present. The miracles were so rapid; you could

    hear the demon-possessed screaming out loudly because

    they couldn't withstand the anointing!

    I am so grateful to God for the opportunity to partner with

    the Healing School. Jesus said in Mark 16:15, “…Go ye into

    all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature,” and

    we are fulfilling this scripture.

    When you partner with the Healing School, you put your

    money where it counts and has eternal value. I therefore

    encourage people who are not yet partners to join this

    chariot. Partner with the Healing School today and your life

    will be transformed from glory to glory!

    Deacon Okey Ezeh

    Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 1

    Her niece told her about the Healing School and as soon as she knew of the July session, she registered online to attend. At the service, the man of God got to her and laid his hands on her hands, blew the anointing on her and then laid hands on her again; this time on her chest. Then he declared to her, “You're free!” Swiftly she got up and rejoiced at her miracle! “I felt God's power in me when Pastor Chris ministered to me and I'm healed!” she joyfully declared.

    From Finland, Susanna Lampikoski came to the Healing School for a miracle. She suffered from insomnia, sinusitis and back pain. In the last one year, she found it so difficult to sleep at night that she could only go to sleep after taking prescribed medication. Speaking on her experience when the man of God ministered to her she said, “When Pastor Chris came to me, he shouted 'Out!' and I turned, screamed and fell to the floor. I am completely healed!”

    The man of God, after ministering to the rest of the sick, taught some more on Christ consciousness, and how healing can be obtained and retained when a person becomes aware of the power of Christ working in him or her. “The power of Christ works through consciousness. It's called ‘awareness’. When you become aware of His presence in you, the power is activated. When you are not aware of it, the power doesn't work; it is short-circuited,” he remarked.

    Then, noting that several young people suffered from arthritis, he shared some important health information with the congregation. He launched then into another sermon on the importance of eating, drinking and living healthy. He zeroed in on a seemingly insignificant but major factor in maintaining good health: drinking clean, pure water. “Water is a transporter. You need water in your body, apart from other drinks. Water is a cleanser and it purifies your body,” he stated.

    Thereafter, he prayed for everyone present and also thanked the partners specially for their efforts and participation in giving towards the healing of the sick. He made an altar call and led those that responded to receive Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord. Finally, the man of God brought the service to a close and delivered words of blessing to the congregation!

    To register for the ongoing Spring Session of the Healing School in Johannesburg, South Africa, log on to W

  • The Healing School Magazine 8

    Group Visit

    On Friday, 25th March 2011, led by Evangelist Alankamani Vedamonickam, 15 senior pastors and evangelists arrived South Africa on a special visit to the Healing School. Having heard so much about the man of God, Pastor Chris from television and on the internet, they came with great expectations to witness the manifestations of the Holy Spirit and to receive fresh revelations of the Word from his ministry.

    The group leader, Evangelist Alankamani, revealed his expectations as they arrived the O. R. Tambo International Airport, “I want the anointing of the Holy Spirit to be revealed through all the ministers who came with me, so we can join forces in taking India for Jesus.” Pastor Paul David Silway, the overseer of Jesus Life Church in India, who had visited the Healing School during one of its sessions, also expressed his purpose in coming; “I am here again to receive a double portion of the anointing and to take

    The Healing School Magazine 9


    it back to my church, because I want my brethren to be greatly impacted by that same anointing.”

    “I'm from a church where little importance is placed on healing , but personally, I’ve always wanted to experience the healing anointing of God and to replicate it in my ministry. That’s why I came,” narrated Pastor Jatin Shashikant Kharadi from the Church of North India.

    At the guest house, the ministers had glorious times of prayer and fellowship with the Holy Spirit during various prayer meetings, and that heightened their expectations for the programs they were scheduled to attend.

    A major highlight of their visit was the opportunity to attend one of the healing services with Pastor Chris. At the service, they watched in awe as the man of God ministered to the sick with compassion, and were filled

    with joy and thanksgiving at the diverse miracles that happened. “Right from the worship, you could feel the anointing of the Holy Spirit present. I was amazed to see how those on wheelchairs and stretchers received healing , got up and started running. My heart was filled with joy!” Pastor Rachel Sable narrated with excitement. And with much amazement, Pastor Jatin also said, “When I saw the number of people waiting on the healing line, I prayed to God that many of them would be healed. Amazingly, everyone had a dose of the healing anointing , and were totally healed! I have never seen so many people getting healed at one meeting , in the same venue and by one man of God. It was mind-blowing!”

    After ministering to the students, Pastor Chris briefly shared the Word with the congregation after which he welcomed the ministers. He particularly acknowledged the presence of Evangelist Alankamani (the group leader) who had previously visited the Healing School as an International School of Ministry (ISM) student. He expressed his gratitude to them for travelling so far to be there.

    In the days that followed, the ministers were launched into a supernatural encounter with the Word and the Spirit of God. The man of God, Pastor Chris, taught them on the responsibilities of a pastor in building and developing the brethren. He also shared insightful thoughts with them on how to relate and function in the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Paul had this to say, “The words he spoke were filled with so much revelation that can transform anybody’s life. His messages were so real that you could almost touch it; this revealed to me that the Word of God is not religion but reality.”

    The high point of the ministers’ visit was the impartation

    meeting. This special moment was simply electrifying, as the

    presence and anointing of the Lord was so strong in the hall!

    Pastor Chris ministered to those who were sick first. Thereafter,

    he laid his hands on everyone of them, imparting them with a

    special anointing for ministry. As they received, they fell under

    the overwhelming power of the Holy Spirit.

    At the close of the meeting, the guests shared their

    experiences and testimonies. “What I experienced at the Healing

    School was the 'Power of Faith.' There was increased faith in the hall

    which saturated the atmosphere, revealing God's manifested presence

    everywhere”, Pastor Paul remarked.

    “I thank the Lord for bringing me in contact with the man of God, Pastor

    Chris. Right now, I'm so filled with new revelations of the Word and the

    anointing to heal. I'm going to share this anointing with the women’s

    ministry in my church when I return to India.” Pastor Lina Joseph.

    “I have learnt from the Word of God that the Holy Spirit lives in me; He

    alone can help me bear much fruit. I'm taking this knowledge back to

    India to impact the pastors and members of my church.” Pastor Joseph

    Chacko from the New Life Ministry, India.

    The ministers had received supernatural insight and anointing

    for their lives and ministries; India will never remain the same!

  • The Healing School Magazine 8

    Group Visit

    On Friday, 25th March 2011, led by Evangelist Alankamani Vedamonickam, 15 senior pastors and evangelists arrived South Africa on a special visit to the Healing School. Having heard so much about the man of God, Pastor Chris from television and on the internet, they came with great expectations to witness the manifestations of the Holy Spirit and to receive fresh revelations of the Word from his ministry.

    The group leader, Evangelist Alankamani, revealed his expectations as they arrived the O. R. Tambo International Airport, “I want the anointing of the Holy Spirit to be revealed through all the ministers who came with me, so we can join forces in taking India for Jesus.” Pastor Paul David Silway, the overseer of Jesus Life Church in India, who had visited the Healing School during one of its sessions, also expressed his purpose in coming; “I am here again to receive a double portion of the anointing and to take

    The Healing School Magazine 9


    it back to my church, because I want my brethren to be greatly impacted by that same anointing.”

    “I'm from a church where little importance is placed on healing , but personally, I’ve always wanted to experience the healing anointing of God and to replicate it in my ministry. That’s why I came,” narrated Pastor Jatin Shashikant Kharadi from the Church of North India.

    At the guest house, the ministers had glorious times of prayer and fellowship with the Holy Spirit during various prayer meetings, and that heightened their expectations for the programs they were scheduled to attend.

    A major highlight of their visit was the opportunity to attend one of the healing services with Pastor Chris. At the service, they watched in awe as the man of God ministered to the sick with compassion, and were filled

    with joy and thanksgiving at the diverse miracles that happened. “Right from the worship, you could feel the anointing of the Holy Spirit present. I was amazed to see how those on wheelchairs and stretchers received healing , got up and started running. My heart was filled with joy!” Pastor Rachel Sable narrated with excitement. And with much amazement, Pastor Jatin also said, “When I saw the number of people waiting on the healing line, I prayed to God that many of them would be healed. Amazingly, everyone had a dose of the healing anointing , and were totally healed! I have never seen so many people getting healed at one meeting , in the same venue and by one man of God. It was mind-blowing!”

    After ministering to the students, Pastor Chris briefly shared the Word with the congregation after which he welcomed the ministers. He particularly acknowledged the presence of Evangelist Alankamani (the group leader) who had previously visited the Healing School as an International School of Ministry (ISM) student. He expressed his gratitude to them for travelling so far to be there.

    In the days that followed, the ministers were launched into a supernatural encounter with the Word and the Spirit of God. The man of God, Pastor Chris, taught them on the responsibilities of a pastor in building and developing the brethren. He also shared insightful thoughts with them on how to relate and function in the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Paul had this to say, “The words he spoke were filled with so much revelation that can transform anybody’s life. His messages were so real that you could almost touch it; this revealed to me that the Word of God is not religion but reality.”

    The high point of the ministers’ visit was the impartation

    meeting. This special moment was simply electrifying, as the

    presence and anointing of the Lord was so strong in the hall!

    Pastor Chris ministered to those who were sick first. Thereafter,

    he laid his hands on everyone of them, imparting them with a

    special anointing for ministry. As they received, they fell under

    the overwhelming power of the Holy Spirit.

    At the close of the meeting, the guests shared their

    experiences and testimonies. “What I experienced at the Healing

    School was the 'Power of Faith.' There was increased faith in the hall

    which saturated the atmosphere, revealing God's manifested presence

    everywhere”, Pastor Paul remarked.

    “I thank the Lord for bringing me in contact with the man of God, Pastor

    Chris. Right now, I'm so filled with new revelations of the Word and the

    anointing to heal. I'm going to share this anointing with the women’s

    ministry in my church when I return to India.” Pastor Lina Joseph.

    “I have learnt from the Word of God that the Holy Spirit lives in me; He

    alone can help me bear much fruit. I'm taking this knowledge back to

    India to impact the pastors and members of my church.” Pastor Joseph

    Chacko from the New Life Ministry, India.

    The ministers had received supernatural insight and anointing

    for their lives and ministries; India will never remain the same!

  • Lifestyle

    “Since I started partnering with the Healing

    School, my life has changed for the best”

    A husband, father, grandfather, consultant at an ICT

    company, a vibrant Christian and remarkably, a

    partner with the Healing School, Frank Steenhuizen

    is a Dutch man born in Belgium. Presently though, he

    resides in The Netherlands and is married with three

    kids. It's no wonder Frank has it all good as he reveals

    the secret of his all-round success: “Ever since I became

    born again and received the life of Christ into me, my life


    The ministry of the man of God, Pastor Chris has

    influenced his life in more ways than one, he recounts;

    “The ministry of Pastor Chris has improved my life seriously. I

    don't fear any situation anymore. I am very confident. My

    health is excellent now. Ever since my encounter with his

    ministry, I have never been sick, and I also know that by the

    Spirit of God who is in me, I will never be sick for the rest of my


    For Frank, partnering with the Healing School is more

    than just giving and he says, “When you partner with the

    Healing School, you really feel committed to its vision. You

    know you are taking healing to the hurting , and thereby

    contributing to the improvement of their lives.”

    The Healing School Magazine 10

    Frank Steenhuizen

    Since I started partnering with the Healing School, my life has changed for the best! Previously, I used to have serious pains in my back. Now I'm blessed with the healing of my back. Ever since I became a partner, my back doesn't hurt anymore, the pain is gone forever, praise the Lord!

    Since becoming a partner with the Healing

    School, it's been testimonies upon testimonies

    for Frank and his family; “Since I started partnering

    with the Healing School, my life has changed for the best!

    Previously, I used to have serious pains in my back. Now

    I'm blessed with the healing of my back. Ever since I

    became a partner, my back doesn't hurt anymore, the

    pain is gone forever, praise the Lord!” he testifies.

    He further attests to the blessings of his

    partnership with this testimony, “My daughter

    gave birth to a very healthy daughter after experiencing

    difficulties during pregnancy. At first, her pregnancy

    caused a lot of serious problems for her and the unborn

    baby, but since I joined the Healing School as a partner

    and prayed, all her problems vanished and her very

    healthy daughter was born, hallelujah!”

    The benefits of partnership are so evident in

    Frank's life, his job is no exception; “Recently God

    gave me the opportunity to get a specialist training inside

    the company I work for. With this training , I can grow

    and increase without limits!”

    He adds, “God has created new ways for me to improve

    and progress, so I know my future will be one full of

    miracles and increase; going forward and upward!”

    Proverbs 4:18 states that, “... The path of the

    just is as the shining light, that shineth more

    and more unto the perfect day.” Frank's life

    has been clearly transformed through his

    partnership with the Healing School.

    He's fully persuaded that he can only go from

    glory to glory as he participates in bringing

    healing to the sick and taking the gospel to the

    nations of the world!

    The Healing School Magazine 11


  • Lifestyle

    “Since I started partnering with the Healing

    School, my life has changed for the best”

    A husband, father, grandfather, consultant at an ICT

    company, a vibrant Christian and remarkably, a

    partner with the Healing School, Frank Steenhuizen

    is a Dutch man born in Belgium. Presently though, he

    resides in The Netherlands and is married with three

    kids. It's no wonder Frank has it all good as he reveals

    the secret of his all-round success: “Ever since I became

    born again and received the life of Christ into me, my life


    The ministry of the man of God, Pastor Chris has

    influenced his life in more ways than one, he recounts;

    “The ministry of Pastor Chris has improved my life seriously. I

    don't fear any situation anymore. I am very confident. My

    health is excellent now. Ever since my encounter with his

    ministry, I have never been sick, and I also know that by the

    Spirit of God who is in me, I will never be sick for the rest of my


    For Frank, partnering with the Healing School is more

    than just giving and he says, “When you partner with the

    Healing School, you really feel committed to its vision. You

    know you are taking healing to the hurting , and thereby

    contributing to the improvement of their lives.”

    The Healing School Magazine 10

    Frank Steenhuizen

    Since I started partnering with the Healing School, my life has changed for the best! Previously, I used to have serious pains in my back. Now I'm blessed with the healing of my back. Ever since I became a partner, my back doesn't hurt anymore, the pain is gone forever, praise the Lord!

    Since becoming a partner with the Healing

    School, it's been testimonies upon testimonies

    for Frank and his family; “Since I started partnering

    with the Healing School, my life has changed for the best!

    Previously, I used to have serious pains in my back. Now

    I'm blessed with the healing of my back. Ever since I

    became a partner, my back doesn't hurt anymore, the

    pain is gone forever, praise the Lord!” he testifies.

    He further attests to the blessings of his

    partnership with this testimony, “My daughter

    gave birth to a very healthy daughter after experiencing

    difficulties during pregnancy. At first, her pregnancy

    caused a lot of serious problems for her and the unborn

    baby, but since I joined the Healing School as a partner

    and prayed, all her problems vanished and her very

    healthy daughter was born, hallelujah!”

    The benefits of partnership are so evident in

    Frank's life, his job is no exception; “Recently God

    gave me the opportunity to get a specialist training inside

    the company I work for. With this training , I can grow

    and increase without limits!”

    He adds, “God has created new ways for me to improve

    and progress, so I know my future will be one full of

    miracles and increase; going forward and upward!”

    Proverbs 4:18 states that, “... The path of the

    just is as the shining light, that shineth more

    and more unto the perfect day.” Frank's life

    has been clearly transformed through his

    partnership with the Healing School.

    He's fully persuaded that he can only go from

    glory to glory as he participates in bringing

    healing to the sick and taking the gospel to the

    nations of the world!

    The Healing School Magazine 11


  • The Healing School Magazine 12

    The human bone is the connective tissue that makes up the skeleton in the body. Almost every bone in the body is made up of the same materials, with different structures and for different purposes. Since the human bone plays a vital role in the body, it's very important that we take proper care of it by taking in the right nutrients.

    Calcium is one of the key nutrients that your body needs in order to stay strong and healthy. It is an essential building block for lifelong bone health in both men and women. And because calcium has so many important roles it plays in the body, it's important to get enough of it in your diet. Your body uses it to build healthy bones and teeth, keep you strong as you age, send messages through the nervous system, help your blood clot, and regulate your heart's rhythm, among other things.

    The amount of calcium you need depends on a number of different factors, including your age. Your body gets the calcium it needs in one of two ways. The first and best way is through the foods you eat or the supplements you take.

    However, if you're not consuming enough calcium, your body will get it in a different way: pulling it from your bones where it's stored. So, making smart choices now will help you avoid serious bone loss later in life. No matter your age, you can take steps to protect your bones and put the brakes on “osteoporosis”. Osteoporosis is a “silent” disease characterized by loss of bone mass. Due to weakened bones, fractures become commonplace, which lead to serious health risks such as the inability to walk. U

    Isaiah 55:11 says, “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my

    mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that

    which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”

    I declare that the Word of God is working in me, in every fibre of my

    being, and in every bone of my body. The Word is working in my mind. As

    I hear God's Word, it travels through my spirit and my entire being;

    cleansing and refreshing me from within.

    My mind and every part of my body are functioning excellently in the

    Name of Jesus! I respond to the Word of God and not to sickness; I can't

    be diseased in any way because eternal life is in me!

    Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I have overcome, I

    am a victor, and I can do all things through Christ who energizes me. My

    body is functioning in the perfection God created it to function in,

    because that same Spirit that raised Christ up from the dead dwells in me.

    I am born of God and His Word is working in my body, in my mind and in

    my spirit! The law of the spirit of life is working in me; therefore,

    everything about me receives life! There is no death in any area of my

    mind or body.

    I am separated unto God and unto health; therefore, sickness will not

    reign in my body. I am living the good life God has planned for me to live: a

    life of divine health, success and victory!

    I declare that I reign as a king in this life. I reign over sickness, disease,

    demons and death! I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. The

    life and the nature of God are in me; I refuse to fear because my success,

    health, prosperity and long life are assured! Hallelujah!

    I am separated unto God a n d u n t o h e a l t h ; therefore, sickness will not reign in my body. I am living the good life God has planned for me to live: a life of divine health, success and victory!

    The Healing School Magazine 13


    Your body is able to absorb more calcium from

    food than it can from supplements. In fact,

    studies show that even though people who take

    calcium supplements have a higher average daily

    intake, those who get most of their calcium from

    food have stronger bones. Below are some

    examples of foods rich in calcium:

    Dairy: Dairy products are rich in calcium in a

    form that is easily digested and absorbed by the

    body. Sources include milk, yogurt, and cheese.

    Vegetables and greens: Take lots of

    vegetables, especially leafy green ones, which are

    rich sources of calcium. Sources include

    broccoli, cabbage and okra.

    Beans: These are rich in calcium. Try black

    beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, white beans,

    black-eyed peas, or baked beans.

    Herbs and spices: For a small but tasty

    calcium boost, flavour your food with basil,

    thyme, dill weed, cinnamon, peppermint leaves,

    garlic, oregano, rosemary, and parsley.

    Other foods: More good sources of calcium

    include salmon, oranges, almonds, sesame seeds,

    blackstrap molasses, and sea vegetables. And

    don't forget calcium-fortified foods such as

    cereals and orange juice.

    There are a number of other vital nutrients that

    help your body absorb and make use of the

    calcium you consume. The most important of

    these are magnesium, vitamin D and vitamin K.

    Take these steps to take care of your bones, and

    your body will in turn, treat you right.






  • The Healing School Magazine 12

    The human bone is the connective tissue that makes up the skeleton in the body. Almost every bone in the body is made up of the same materials, with different structures and for different purposes. Since the human bone plays a vital role in the body, it's very important that we take proper care of it by taking in the right nutrients.

    Calcium is one of the key nutrients that your body needs in order to stay strong and healthy. It is an essential building block for lifelong bone health in both men and women. And because calcium has so many important roles it plays in the body, it's important to get enough of it in your diet. Your body uses it to build healthy bones and teeth, keep you strong as you age, send messages through the nervous system, help your blood clot, and regulate your heart's rhythm, among other things.

    The amount of calcium you need depends on a number of different factors, including your age. Your body gets the calcium it needs in one of two ways. The first and best way is through the foods you eat or the supplements you take.

    However, if you're not consuming enough calcium, your body will get it in a different way: pulling it from your bones where it's stored. So, making smart choices now will help you avoid serious bone loss later in life. No matter your age, you can take steps to protect your bones and put the brakes on “osteoporosis”. Osteoporosis is a “silent” disease characterized by loss of bone mass. Due to weakened bones, fractures become commonplace, which lead to serious health risks such as the inability to walk. U

    Isaiah 55:11 says, “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my

    mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that

    which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”

    I declare that the Word of God is working in me, in every fibre of my

    being, and in every bone of my body. The Word is working in my mind. As

    I hear God's Word, it travels through my spirit and my entire being;

    cleansing and refreshing me from within.

    My mind and every part of my body are functioning excellently in the

    Name of Jesus! I respond to the Word of God and not to sickness; I can't

    be diseased in any way because eternal life is in me!

    Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I have overcome, I

    am a victor, and I can do all things through Christ who energizes me. My

    body is functioning in the perfection God created it to function in,

    because that same Spirit that raised Christ up from the dead dwells in me.

    I am born of God and His Word is working in my body, in my mind and in

    my spirit! The law of the spirit of life is working in me; therefore,

    everything about me receives life! There is no death in any area of my

    mind or body.

    I am separated unto God and unto health; therefore, sickness will not

    reign in my body. I am living the good life God has planned for me to live: a

    life of divine health, success and victory!

    I declare that I reign as a king in this life. I reign over sickness, disease,

    demons and death! I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. The

    life and the nature of God are in me; I refuse to fear because my success,

    health, prosperity and long life are assured! Hallelujah!

    I am separated unto God a n d u n t o h e a l t h ; therefore, sickness will not reign in my body. I am living the good life God has planned for me to live: a life of divine health, success and victory!

    The Healing School Magazine 13


    Your body is able to absorb more calcium from

    food than it can from supplements. In fact,

    studies show that even though people who take

    calcium supplements have a higher average daily

    intake, those who get most of their calcium from

    food have stronger bones. Below are some

    examples of foods rich in calcium:

    Dairy: Dairy products are rich in calcium in a

    form that is easily digested and absorbed by the

    body. Sources include milk, yogurt, and cheese.

    Vegetables and greens: Take lots of

    vegetables, especially leafy green ones, which are

    rich sources of calcium. Sources include

    broccoli, cabbage and okra.

    Beans: These are rich in calcium. Try black

    beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, white beans,

    black-eyed peas, or baked beans.

    Herbs and spices: For a small but tasty

    calcium boost, flavour your food with basil,

    thyme, dill weed, cinnamon, peppermint leaves,

    garlic, oregano, rosemary, and parsley.

    Other foods: More good sources of calcium

    include salmon, oranges, almonds, sesame seeds,

    blackstrap molasses, and sea vegetables. And

    don't forget calcium-fortified foods such as

    cereals and orange juice.

    There are a number of other vital nutrients that

    help your body absorb and make use of the

    calcium you consume. The most important of

    these are magnesium, vitamin D and vitamin K.

    Take these steps to take care of your bones, and

    your body will in turn, treat you right.






  • If you want to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, then say this prayer with all your heart and believe it:

    O Lord God, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. I believe that Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe that You raised Him from the dead and I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life from today. I receive by faith, remission of sins for my soul, and right now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I receive eternal life into my spirit. I declare with my mouth that I am born again!

    If you've just given your life to Christ, please send an email to [email protected]


    I heard about the Healing School magazine on television and have been reading it for two months now. I love the message of hope being shared and examples of people who have put their faith to work. I am particularly touched by the feature stories; it brings to light the truth that God's thoughts for us are good and not evil. The August 2009 edition really blessed me. It was about a man who had been in a lot of pain and was also in a wheelchair but received his healing after being prayed for. What touched me the most was the compassion Pastor Chris showed him before praying for him. By reading this magazine, I have learnt words of faith that delivered me from a fatal accident. I give thanks to God!

    O. OnyinyeNigeria


    I first received the Healing School magazine from a friend

    and I've been greatly inspired by the testimonies of how lives

    are changed. Everything about the magazine inspires me; the

    quality of the materials used, articles, pictures and testimonies,

    are all done professionally. The testimony of Taju in the December

    2007 edition, who was completely incapacitated and received his

    healing from stroke, touched me. The magazine has also greatly

    affected the lives of my friends and family members.

    A. Kwao Jnr.


    THE POWER OF GOD MOVES ME!I watch the television programme “Enter the Healing School with

    Pastor Chris” everyday. The power of God moves within me and I

    feel so blessed! It has changed my life and has strengthened me in my

    prayers. I was so touched while watching one of the programs where

    Pastor Chris instructed that all the people with sick children should

    lay their hands on the children and they were all healed in the hall. The

    Healing School is a place where God is and no one leaves the same way

    he came. Praise the Lord!

    E. Phoulo

    South Africa

    The Healing School Magazine 14

  • If you want to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, then say this prayer with all your heart and believe it:

    O Lord God, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. I believe that Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe that You raised Him from the dead and I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life from today. I receive by faith, remission of sins for my soul, and right now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I receive eternal life into my spirit. I declare with my mouth that I am born again!

    If you've just given your life to Christ, please send an email to [email protected]


    I heard about the Healing School magazine on television and have been reading it for two months now. I love the message of hope being shared and examples of people who have put their faith to work. I am particularly touched by the feature stories; it brings to light the truth that God's thoughts for us are good and not evil. The August 2009 edition really blessed me. It was about a man who had been in a lot of pain and was also in a wheelchair but received his healing after being prayed for. What touched me the most was the compassion Pastor Chris showed him before praying for him. By reading this magazine, I have learnt words of faith that delivered me from a fatal accident. I give thanks to God!

    O. OnyinyeNigeria


    I first received the Healing School magazine from a friend

    and I've been greatly inspired by the testimonies of how lives

    are changed. Everything about the magazine inspires me; the

    quality of the materials used, articles, pictures and testimonies,

    are all done professionally. The testimony of Taju in the December

    2007 edition, who was completely incapacitated and received his

    healing from stroke, touched me. The magazine has also greatly

    affected the lives of my friends and family members.

    A. Kwao Jnr.


    THE POWER OF GOD MOVES ME!I watch the television programme “Enter the Healing School with

    Pastor Chris” everyday. The power of God moves within me and I

    feel so blessed! It has changed my life and has strengthened me in my

    prayers. I was so touched while watching one of the programs where

    Pastor Chris instructed that all the people with sick children should

    lay their hands on the children and they were all healed in the hall. The

    Healing School is a place where God is and no one leaves the same way

    he came. Praise the Lord!

    E. Phoulo

    South Africa

    The Healing School Magazine 14




    Christ Embassy Healing SchoolP. O. Box 323,Randburg 2125Tel:

    Christ Embassy Healing SchoolP. O. Box 13563, Ikeja, LagosTel: +234 8086 844 103-4

    +27 11 326 2467, +27 11 787 2350,+27 799 675 852, +27 799 675 853

    UNITED KINGDOMChrist Embassy InternationalLoveworld Conference CenterCheriton High StreetFolkestoneKentCT19 4QJTel: +44(0)1303 270 970Fax:+44(0)1303 274 372

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    Christ Embassy International, USA200 E Arrowhead Drive, #W-3Charlotte, NC 28213Tel: +1 972-255-1787+1 704-780-4970

    CANADAChrist Embassy Toronto101 Ross Dean Drive,Toronto, ON, Canada M9L 1S6Tel: +1 416 746 5080

    Christ Embassy Int’l Office,50 Weybright Court, Unit 43BToronto, ON MIS 5A8Tel: +1 647 341 9091