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Document No.: HMT/QW-824-56 Version No.: A Edit State: 1 Date: Aug 1, 2007



Qingdao Headway Marine Technology Co., Ltd. Tel: (+86)-532-88702807/88702808 Fax: (+86)-532-87107816 24 Hours Service Phone: (+86)13954217693 E-mail: [email protected] Add: F4, 5#Building Area A Huite Industrial City, 177#, Zhuzhou Road, Qingdao, China

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Headway VDR/S-VDR Operation Manual

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Content 1 Introduction of Playback Software ···················································································································- 2 - 1.1 Required hardware & Software environment ································································································· - 2 - 1.2 Installation of software··································································································································· - 2 - 1.3 Introduction of playback software·················································································································· - 5 - 1.3.1 The head page ············································································································································· - 5 - 1.3.2 Sub menu ···················································································································································· - 6 - 1.3.3 Menu shipInfo············································································································································· - 6 - 1.3.4 Help menu··················································································································································· - 7 - 1.4 Tools introduction ·········································································································································· - 7 - 1.5 Instruction for playback content····················································································································· - 7 - 1.5.1 Conning instruction····································································································································· - 7 - 1.5.2 AIS instruction ·········································································································································· - 12 - 1.5.3 Alarm/Status ············································································································································· - 16 - 1.5.4 Transducer ················································································································································ - 16 - 1.5.5 Hull Stress················································································································································· - 16 - 1.5.6 Play Audio ················································································································································ - 17 - 1.5.7 Radar ························································································································································ - 18 - 1.5.8 System Event ············································································································································ - 18 - 1.5.9 Ship Info ··················································································································································· - 19 - 1.5.10 NMEA Source········································································································································· - 19 - 2 Operation of the Software································································································································- 20 - 2.1 Download data from the PDC ······················································································································ - 20 - 2.2 Download data from Backup Disk ··············································································································· - 22 - 2.3 Replay the data ············································································································································ - 25 - 2.3.1 RealTime player········································································································································ - 25 - 2.3.2 Replay the data after downloading ············································································································ - 25 - 3 Equipment Maintenance and Failure Removal ·····························································································- 27 - 3.1 “SHIPDC”&”VDRDC” ······························································································································· - 27 - 3.2 CH1 AIS ERROR ········································································································································ - 27 - 3.3 “CH3 GPS ERROR”&“ZDA SENTENCE LOSE” ······················································································ - 27 - 3.4 CH5 GYPO COMPASS ERROR················································································································· - 27 - 3.5 CH6 SPEED LOG ERROR ························································································································· - 27 - 3.6 “MAIN RADAR ERROR”&“AIDED RADAR ERROR” ··········································································· - 28 - 3.7 PDC CONNECT ERROR···························································································································· - 28 - 3.8 NOT RECEIVED INF ································································································································· - 28 - 3.9 Serial-Port Data Gathering··························································································································· - 28 -

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1 Introduction of Playback Software 1.1 Required hardware & Software environment ⑴ 600MHz & above CPU. ⑵ 128MB & above memory. ⑶ 20GB & above Hard Disk. ⑷ Operating system: Win 9X/Win NT/2000/XP/Vista. ⑸ Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 & above. ⑹ 100Mb Network card. ⑺ 1024*768 Resolution Rate & above.

1.2 Installation of software Please put the installation disk in the drive and click to open it, find “playback software” and double click it to install, and you’ll find three different shortcuts of VDR software on the desktop of your computer. As following:

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Please input username and company name, and the S/N is 053283107818.

Continue to click “next” till the installation is finished. Finally close the installation page.

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And you’ll find three different shortcuts of VDR software on the desktop of your computer


1.3 Introduction of playback software There’re four menu items in the main menu, they’re Play, Screen, ShipInfo, Help. 1.3.1 The head page Double click the “VDRPlayer”, you will see the following:

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There’re “Replay from file …”, “Download From PDC”, “Extract Audio”, “Exit”, four functions in the “Play” menu. 1. “Playback from file”, is to select the file for playback. After the selection a frame appears. Select the program path of playback and open “config.dat”. 2. “Download From PDC” is to download the data directly from PDC. 3. Function “Extract Audio” is to save the “.wav” file of audio and “.bmp” file of image gained from playback process in order to check the middle data. If “Extract Audio” is selected, save “.wav” file and “.bmp” file, otherwise not. There’re two methods. I: A recommended easy method. After you have selected “ Extract Audio”, the system will save the decoding of the data playbacked from the file next to the one under play to the one till you cancel” Extract Audio”. That is, “.wav” file of audio and “.bmp” file of image will be saved to file “C:\HeadWay” that automatically established. User needn’t to have any other operation. II: After you have selected “Extract Audio”, a dialogue frame appears. This way is used only when putting the data under “C:\data” in advance, meanwhile establishing a file “tempdata”, which consists of three empty files “other”, “audio”, “picture”. Then the “.wav” file of audio and “.bmp” file of image that decoded in playback process are separately put in these files. Usually we don’t use this function. 4. “Exit” is exit the playback system. 1.3.2 Sub menu Submenu can be directly selected and be put on the current page. For example, “sound” is selected, then put “sound” on current page. If you want to put other page on current page to show the content, the same method will be selected. 1.3.3 Menu shipInfo Function of Reload, Upload, Save. Function of Reload is to reload the content of ShipInfo,

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Function of Upload is to upload ShipInfo, Function of Save is to save content of ShipInfo. This part will be detailed when adding shipinfo. 1.3.4 Help menu The menu contains help content of the playback software.

1.4 Tools introduction The toolbar mainly has “play”, “stop”, “pause”, “open file” and “slide bar” five tools as follows:

“Open file” is to open one file, will appear a dialogue box as follows, open “config.dat” under “data” folder which are downloaded from PDC.

“Stop” is to stop the file under play. “Pause” is to pause the file under play. If continue to play, click “play” to play the file from the break point. After the file to open selected, “play” becomes operable, “stop” and “pause” turn gray, which indicates dis-operable. “Play” turns gray when playing, “stop” and “pause” are both operable. Slip rail can be dragged to change the content under play. When the system is busy, that’s to pre-deal with the file to play, the tool bar is gray.

1.5 Instruction for playback content 1.5.1 Conning instruction This page is mainly the basic information of ship shipping and navigation. The data mainly comes from GPS,Speed Log,Anemometer,Echo Sounder,Engine Telegraph etc. When put Mouse cursor on displayed data, it will appear VDR Channel, Equipment, NMEA info consistent with displayed data. Pls refer to the following Channel, Equipment, NMEA info.

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Ⅰ Time & Position(GPS) It mainly shows UTC, Local time and Longitude, Latitude, Satellites and Quality. The default data is N/A.

Ⅱ Speed(KN) When speed data collected is consisted by landscape orientation and portrait speed corresponding to water and to earth separately, it shows the format as 3-2. If only a relatively speed is gained, turn “Transverse” to “Relative”, and show the value of relatively speed measured under “ Water” on third line.

Ⅲ Wind It shows information of wind speed and wind direction. The second line of the form is relatively wind speed and wind direction measured. The third line is theory value. Default value is N/A.

Ⅳ Depth It shows the depth below keel during navigation. For example in the following figure, “0m” is the current depth, “0m” inside bracket is set over value. The green line is the gridding shows the changing depth curve along with time. As following:

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Ⅴ Engine Telegraph It shows the current status of Engine Telegraph. Abbreviation is defined as follows. Engine Telegraph is as following: ST: Stop engine AD: Dead slow ahead AS: Slow ahead AH: Half ahead AF: Full ahead BD: Dead slow astern BS: Slow astern BH: Half astern BF: Full astern CA:(CRASH ASTERN) NF:(NAV.FULL)

Ⅵ Engines/Shafts revs It shows revs of the Engine or Shafts. If the data is blank, it shows N/A.

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Ⅶ Digital & Analog It shows the digital and analog of VDR

Ⅷ Heading It shows the heading of ship navigation in 2 different ways. Way I: Heading is always right above the figure(black dot). Display way I: according to acquired heading angle, turn Gyro Pointer to enable it to point to vessel’s headway. Display way II: always enable the direction “N” to point to the right above, according to acquired vessel’s heading data, the pointer’s direction indicates the vessel’s heading. Through “Gyro” & “North Up”, change display ways is possible. Way I and Way II is as following:

Ⅸ Heading value display It displays the value of True Heading and Magnetic Heading. Blank is N/A.

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Ⅹ Header/Track Control Show Steering Mode & Stand alone.

Ⅺ Rudder Order & Response Default value is N/A, if the value is invalid, will display “invalid”.

Ⅻ Power Supply This to display the Power-Supply working status. When a certain power supply indicator color is red, means that this power is supplying for VDR. (when AC Power is working, it will be green color, otherwise, it is grey color) If DC indicator color is red, shows that DC power from the vessel is working; If BT indicator color is red, shows that VDR spare Power Supply is working.

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1.5.2 AIS instruction The whole interface is as follows:

Ⅰ Show Info & Hide Info “Show Info” & “Hide Info” are 2 groups of tools, they respectively show the info & hide the info, They respectively have 2 tools “Guard Zone” & “Selected All” with the function of controlling operative scope. “Guard Zone” means the operation towards the vessels within the selected scope (within the circle), mainly indicates Shows AIS Info & Hide AIS Info. “Selected All” means show & hide all vessel’s info recorded in AIS. Operation towards “Show Info & Hide Info” can be through clicking the mouse.

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Ⅱ Zoom & Guard Zone The first slip rail means changing the value of Zoom, the second slip rail is changing the size of Guard Zone(circle). Value of Zoom is from 01NM to 99NM, means that it can display the vessel at 99NM distance from this current vessel. Guard Zone means the selected scope, change scope is also from 01NM to 99NM. Through these 2 buttons’ operation, may select the vessels in different scope.

Ⅲ Back Color The “Backlight” slip rail is for changing the brightness & darkness of background color. You’re free to adjust the color of blue background according to your own comfortable degree.

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Ⅳ Position Move The four removable buttons including “Up”, “Down”, “Left” & “Right” enable displayed “Guard Zone” center to move in parallel towards above four directions. Default status is that make this current vessel be the center of “Guard Zone”, i.e. position of middle little circle. After move, all the displayed vessels moved in parallel the same distance, by this way, we could check vessel’s info in bigger scope. If click “center”, all the vessels will move in parallel to original position, enable this current vessel to be the center of “Guard Zone”. All the vessels move in parallel to the position where center is this current vessel.

Ⅴ AIS Information Display

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① Inside “Display Information”. Select some vessel then right-click the mouse , will show the AIS info as the following figure. These info include MMSI No., Position, Navigational Status, Heading, Speed, Course over ground, Rate of turn, Distance. Distance means space between selected vessel and this current vessel. As follwing:

② Refer to “Info” tools in 1.4.2. I, for example, in case: Show the vessel info of “Guard Zone”, just select “Guard Zone” of “Show Info”; Show all the vessel’s info, just select “Selected All” of “Show Info”; Select “Guard Zone” of “Hide Info”, hide the vessel info of “Guard Zone”; Select “Selected All” of “Hide Info”, hide all the vessel’s info. ③ At the bottom of this page there is one line characters “AIS Pointing At :”. This is the geographic position of mark’s location. Distance is the space from this current vessel.

④In all displayed vessels, sign means this vessel has Heading value, sign means this vessel has not Heading value.

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1.5.3 Alarm/Status This page mainly is playback of various alarm info, including Acknowledged, Time, Source, Description, Condition. If alarm info is confirmed, “Acknowledged” will show “ACK”; if not, will only show “-”. Alarm info will be in turn shown in below form, if alarm info does not send out alarm signals, it will show black words; if “Condition” shows “alarm” red words, it has sent out alarm.

1.5.4 Transducer This page shows the data measured by transducer. “type” is category of measurement value, “unit” is the unit of measurement value.

1.5.5 Hull Stress Show hull stress, playback contents include measured stress point & stress value.

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1.5.6 Play Audio In one set of VDR system, four microphone channels & two VHF are installed, they are respectively Bridge Microphone channel 1, Bridge Microphone channel 2, Bridge Microphone channel 3,Outdoor Microphone channel, & VHF1, VHF2. 1. Equalizer is used to adjust audio effect, may move the slip rail to change. 2. The slip rail of each audio track is used to adjust audio volume, when the slip rails moves to furthest left, means close this audio track. 3. When audio track has not sound or close, screen will show “VDR Sound Meter”.

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1.5.7 Radar This is to record the radar data and it will show the Radar image when replaying.

1.5.8 System Event This is to record all the working circumstances of system and all connected equipments. When carry out Playback, can observe the equipment ID, status, date, time. Through reply, the running status of each equipment before accidents can be understood. It will show the system log information during the current time period. Attn:refer to Appendix for explanations of equipment ID.

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1.5.9 Ship Info In “Ship Info” page, we may check vessel’s basic info, as well as add and change vessel’s info. When install system, may use this function to record vessel’s info into VDR, when carry on playback, it cannot randomly change vessel’s info. Ⅰ Positioning vessel info method: ① Select “Play”---“Play from file ”---“open”, select the file “config.dat” under “data” folder, at this time, positioning is ok. ② Directly select “open file”---“open”, position file “config.dat”. Ⅱ When playback data, ship info will be shown in following page:

1.5.10 NMEA Source The following page mainly shows the received NMEA sentences which are for user’s reference and comparison. “NMEA” shows for NMEA sentence, “Source” shows sourcing equipment, “Channel” shows sourcing channel.

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2 Operation of the Software Please set the IP address as firstly. And then connect the MCU and the computer with Ethernet Cable. Please refer to the installation manual to finish it.

2.1 Download data from the PDC Please double click the VDRPlayer shortcut, choose “Play→Download From PDC”

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Please input: Addr: User: HMT Password: HMTPDC Port: 21 Then click “Connect”

The left window is the local disk, and we can set the address to save the data in it. Find data in the “Server” and right click on the key to select “Download”. And the data will be saved in the computer.

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2.2 Download data from Backup Disk Please double click the VDRPlayer shortcut, choose “Play→Download From PDC”

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Please input: Addr: User: target Password: target Port: 21 Then click “Connect” Please input “//”in the Server and click “enter” button. And the Server direction will be changed “c:/”

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Please input “d:/” in the Server and enter

Backup data are all recorded under the folders whose filenames are 9 digits, and the recorded data under “data” folder are the same as those recorded in PDC.

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2.3 Replay the data There are two methods to replay the data. One is realtime player, the other is replay the data after downloading. 2.3.1 RealTime player Please double click the shortcut” VDRRealTimePlayer” on the desktop. And the replaying will be started automatically after 20 seconds. If it is not start automatically, please click “start”.

2.3.2 Replay the data after downloading Please double click the shortcut “VDRPlayer”, then click “open file” or “Play→Replay from file”

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Please choose the “Config.dat” and open it. The “play” is changed from disable to enable.

Click it and the replaying starts.

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3 Equipment Maintenance and Failure Removal We shall detect the cause of the equipment failure through observing the message show on the screen of Remote Alarm Panel. Now let me introduce how to check failures when the Remote Alarm Unit indicates relevant alarm information. First is to check the probable cause of the failure through the Remote Alarm Panel. When the system works normally, “system ok” appears on the screen. If it is necessary we can build backups by pressing both “ACK Flash” and “Test” for emergency save.

3.1 “SHIPDC”&”VDRDC” When “SHIPDC” appears and indicates that the 110/220V power has been cut off, and the VDR system is powered by the battery in the power supply box, VDR system will record only Bridge audio. If VDR can’t get powered by DC24 or the main power supply within 2 hours, it will automatically stop recording any data. When “SHIPDC” appears here, it indicates that the 110/220V power has been cut off, and the VDR system is powered by the emergency power of the vessel. We can press “ACK FLASH” to stop flashing, press “Mute” to stop buzzing and search for the causes. First, check if the power supply is still charged with electricity, and the connection is good or not. If the connection is good, after plugging in the main power supply, the Remote Alarm Panel will indicate AC power supply. In case of emergency, in order to save PDC data, it is necessary to press both “ACK FLASH and TEST buttons at the same time until “backup 01” appears on the screen, and the data of latest 12 hours will be saved in the big Backup Disk forever. After successful backup, “BACKUP 01” will appear on the screen. “SYSTEM OK” indicates that the system is working normally.

3.2 CH1 AIS ERROR When “CH1 AIS ERROR” appears, the first step is to press the “Mute” & “ACK FLASH” to stop alarm sound. Then check whether AIS equipment is on, whether the plug of AIS input is loose and whether the connection is good. If the connection is good, we should check whether the AIS equipment can send signals to VDR. After the failure is eliminated, the displayed information of Remote Alarm Panel screen will disappear automatically.

3.3 “CH3 GPS ERROR”&“ZDA SENTENCE LOSE” When “CH3 GPS ERROR” appears, as there is no GPS input, ZDA sentence alarm also appears at the same time. The first step is to press “Mute” & “ACK FLASH” to stop alarm sound, then check whether GPS equipment is on, whether the plug of GPS input is loose and whether the connection is good. If the connection is good, we should check whether GPS equipment can send signals to VDR. If only ZDA sentence alarm appears, please check whether GPS has sent out ZDA sentence. After the failure is eliminated, the displayed information from Remote Alarm Panel screen will disappear automatically.

3.4 CH5 GYPO COMPASS ERROR When “CH5 GYPO COMPASS ERROR” appears, the first step is to press the “Mute” & “ACK FLASH” to stop alarm sound. Then check whether GYPO equipment is on, whether the plug of GYPO is loose and whether the connection is good. If the connection is good, we should check whether GYPO can send signals to VDR. If there is an interface converter, please check whether the converter works well. After the failure is eliminated, the displayed information of Remote Alarm Panel screen will disappear automatically.

3.5 CH6 SPEED LOG ERROR Next, let’s come to see when “CH6 SPEED LOG ERR” appears. The first step is to press the “Mute” & “ACK FLASH” to stop alarm sound. Then check whether LOG equipment is on, whether the plug of the LOG input is

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loose and whether the connection is good. If the connection is good, we should check whether LOG equipment can send signals to VDR. If there is an interface converter, please check whether the converter works well. After the failure is eliminated, the displayed information of Remote Alarm Panel screen will disappear automatically.

3.6 “MAIN RADAR ERROR”&“AIDED RADAR ERROR” When the main radar alarm appears, please check whether the main radar is on and whether the connection line is loose. When the aided radar alarm appears, please check whether it is on and whether the connection line is loose. It is beneath the main radar connection line.

3.7 PDC CONNECT ERROR Next, let’s come to see when “PDC CONNECT ERROR” appears. The first step is to press the “Mute” & “ACK FLASH” to stop alarm sound, then please check whether the plug of PDC connection is loose and here I mean 8 core plug. If the connection is loose, please fasten it. Check whether the plug of the PDC terminal is loose. PDC is on the roof of the Bridge. If the connection cable is not loose, please connect the cable to the computer and check whether the PDC can get connected. Both of the cable interface are RJ45. Start the computer, click “start ”, and then click “run”, enter “ping –t” and see whether can get connected. If not, please check whether there is any voltage between the foot 6 and foot 7 of the plug in the PDC terminal. If there is, please check whether the voltage is 24V. If there is no voltage, please whether there is any voltage between the foot 11 and foot 12 of A9 terminal in Main Cabinet Unit. If there is, please check whether the voltage is 24v. If there is no voltage, please confirm whether the Power Supply Unit works normally. If the terminal of this side has electricity, please check the PDC connection line. If you can’t remove the failure, please check the state of the N1, N2, N3, N4, N5 lamp in the Main Cabinet Unit and contact us.

3.8 NOT RECEIVED INF When “NOT RECEIVED INF” appears. The first step is to press the “Mute” & “ACK FLASH” to stop alarm sound, then it is to check whether the connection line of Remote Alarm Panel is loose, and it is right here. Check whether the connection lines within Main Cabinet Unit are loose, such as the Backup Disk connection & CF card connection lines. Check whether the CF card is tightly inserted. If all these connections are good, the system can’t work properly, please take out the CF card from Main Cabinet Unit, through the card reader, insert it into the laptop, and check whether the system files are correct in the laptop. Please check the filename “VXWORKS” is correct? Then check whether “BOOTROM.SYS” filename is correct. Is there a “data” folder? Under “data” folder, are there “audio”, “other”, “picture” folders and “radar.cfg”, “uart.cfg”, “audio.cfg” and “vdr_config.exe”. Check the state of the running lamp in the Main Cabinet Unit and contact us. The lamp should flash once every 15 seconds. You can find it by referring the Installation Manual. Note: “SYS”, “cfg”, “exe” are the extended filename.

3.9 Serial-Port Data Gathering Sometimes we need the serial-port data to judge the reasons of the fault. Please get the data according to the following steps: 1. Open the Main Cabinet Unit, turn off the power (there is one black button inside). You will find the Cables Connection Drawing inside Main Cabinet Unit, please ensure that “①RAP” has been connected well. Please find one cable from the second officer, one end is 2-core, the other end is 9-pin, insert the 2-core end into “③PC Monitor”, insert the 9-pin end into “COM” of laptop.

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This is the PC Monitor cable

2. Please double-click “VDRConfig” to open it, show the following page (Of course you must first setup the playback software):

In the right corner, please input: Port No.: COM1 BaudRate: 9600 CheckBit: NONE DataBit: 8 StopBit: 1

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3. Turn on the Main Cabinet Unit (there is one black button inside), after a few minutes, it will display some message in above page, if message doesn’t display, please check the cables connection to ensure the cables are connected well, let the VDR system run for 5minutes, then click “Manual save” button to save the displayed message. Of course you can choose the “RealTime Save”. The default directory is “C:\Program Files\Headway\Headway VDR player\VdrConfig\Serial”. The serial-port data will be saved in the document automatically. Please send the data to us by email. Also please let me know the LCD Indicators status on the Remote Alarm Panel. Then we can analyze the causes of such faults and tell you the solutions.